2011 新春祈願文 7-8 文:王蓓琳 18 皈依的意義 星雲大師著 皈依是 皈 投 依 靠的意思 也含有救濟 救護之義 三皈依是指歸投 三寶 依靠佛 法 僧三寶 藉著三寶功德威力的加持 攝護 能止息無邊的生死 苦輪 以及能遠離一切怖畏 而得呵護 解脫一切憂悲苦惱 世間的人 依靠金銀財 寶 就能獲

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邁阿密佛光山國際佛光會邁阿密協會 International Buddhist Progress Society Miami Buddha's Light Internationl Association Miami Chapter 9341 NW 57th Street, Tamarac, FL 33351 Phone: 954-933-0055 FAX: 954-933-0536 Email: fl@ibps.org NON PROFIT ORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID FT.LAUD., FL PERMIT NO.5922 第十八期助印名單 Newsletter Printing Sponsors 銀湖農場 李愛莉 張天經 黃月華 林華漢 吳穎欣 任明玥 杜和明夫婦 陳嘉儀 林佳蓉 林晏渝 謝淑子 譚瑋樂 譚頌安 Dr. Denise Luu 邁阿密佛光山 2011 年 7-8 月法會活動行事曆 I.B.P.S. Miami 2011 July - August Calendar 項目 Activity 日期 Date 時間 Time 佛光會月例會 BLIA Monthly Meeting 7/3 日 (SUN) 1:30pm 佛光山西來寺供僧法會 Sangha Day 7/10 日 (SUN) 加州洛杉磯 項目 Activity 日期 Date 時間 Time 太極拳班 Tai Chi Class 日 (SUN) 9:30am 共修法會 Chanting Service 日 (SUN) 10:30am 慶生會 熱食發放 ( 台灣商會 ) WPB 讀書會 Birthday Celebration Feed the Homeless (TCCM) WPB Reading Group 7/3, 8/7 日 (SUN) 7/23, 8/27 日 (SUN) 7/30 六 (SAT) 1:30pm 11:30am 6:30pm- 9:30pm 英文佛學座談會 甘露灌頂皈依三寶典禮 心定和尚佛學講座觀音法會禮拜大悲懺孝親報恩盂蘭盆法會 Dharma Lecture by Dr. David Pon 7/17 日 (SUN) Taking Refuge Triple Gem Cermony Dharma Lecture by Ven. Hsin Ting 7/20 三 (WED) Dharma Service 7/24 日 (SUN) Filial Piety Dharma Service 8/7 日 (SUN) 1:30pm- 3:30pm 6:50pm- 9:00pm 10:30am 10:30am- 3:30pm

2011 新春祈願文 7-8 文:王蓓琳 18 皈依的意義 星雲大師著 皈依是 皈 投 依 靠的意思 也含有救濟 救護之義 三皈依是指歸投 三寶 依靠佛 法 僧三寶 藉著三寶功德威力的加持 攝護 能止息無邊的生死 苦輪 以及能遠離一切怖畏 而得呵護 解脫一切憂悲苦惱 世間的人 依靠金銀財 寶 就能獲得物質生活 若能依靠佛法僧 寶 就能 得到精神昇華的安穩 成佛之道 一書說 眾生從過去到現在 從現在到未來 在一生又一世 的時間推移過程中 流轉升沉於苦海中 亟需依靠三寶的舟航 才能到達彼岸 但 眾生愚痴 不知皈依 有的知道求皈依 卻誤信邪師外道 甚或迷戀世間的財寶 權位 眷屬 生命 等 殊不知財產為五家所共有 逢到大水 大火 遇到盜賊 惡王 或生了不肖兒女 財富隨即就轉眼成空 而崇高的權位也將落空 如 頂生 王經 記載 頂生轉輪王統一四大洲 上升忉利天 與帝釋共同治理天宮 終不 免墜落人間 憂愁而死 親愛的眷屬 一旦無常來時 也要分離 再者 有生必有 死 故生命不足恃 而國家 社會 也總在治亂之中 流轉不已 因此 這一切均 不是究竟的皈依處 故有 皈依處處求 三寶最吉祥 之謂 此之皈依 即由深切之信心 深信佛 法 僧三寶確為真正的皈依處 能因 之而得種種功德 既知三寶有此等功德 乃立願做一名佛弟子 信受奉行 懇求三 寶的威德加持攝受 將一己的身心歸屬於三寶 從此不再信奉天魔外道 大乘義 章 卷十說 歸投依伏 故曰歸依 歸投之相 如子歸父 依伏之義 如民依 王 如怯依勇 一般而言 皈依是信仰 希願領受外在的助力 從他力而得到救助 這是他 力的宗教 佛教皈依固然有此意義 而除此之外 更有不共外教的地方 因為皈依 的最深意義 最終目的 乃是皈向自己的自心 自性 即如佛陀在涅槃會上教誡弟 子的 自依止 法依止 莫異依止 的皈依真義 這明示了弟子應依仗自力 依正 法修學 依自己的佛性 自己能成佛故 因此自己身心之當體 即為正法涅槃 能 夠有這樣的認識 這才是皈依的真正意義 1

人間佛法 環保與心保 4 國際佛光會創會會長星雲大師著 三 環保與心保的關係 生存, 是一切眾生共有的權利, 但是以人為本的佛教, 認為宇宙之間, 人 最為寶貴 ; 在天地之間, 所有動物當中, 只有 人 能夠頂天立地 頭頂朝天的立足在天地之間, 不像其他動物都是背朝天, 無法雙腳直立的站起來 人是萬物之靈, 但也是問題的製造者, 世界上所有問題的產生, 都與 人 有關, 包括現在所謂的環保問題, 也是因為人類的自私無明, 破壞了自然界的和諧與循環, 以致天災地變不斷 因此, 如何解決當前的環保問題, 除了做好外在的生態環保, 尤應重視內在的心靈環保 生態環保, 諸如自然界的保育 空氣的淨化 水源的清潔 噪音的防止 垃圾的處理以及輻射的防護等 ; 從居住環境到自然生態, 乃至整個地球的保護, 都屬於生態環保的範圍 心靈環保則包括思想 觀念 語言 心意的淨化, 例如 : 拒絕垃圾知識 思想不被污染, 就是思想的環保 ; 觀念正確, 凡事正面思考, 就是觀念的環保 ; 口業清淨, 不講髒話, 不兩舌 不惡口, 就是語言的環保 ; 心中無煩惱 嫉妒 不平 憤恨等情緒, 就是心意的環保 生態環保要靠大眾的力量共同維護, 心靈環保則有賴個人淨化自己的身口意三業 平時一般的環保, 都是心外的, 心中的清淨才是最大的環保, 因此佛教認為, 環保觀念的建立, 應該從人心開始 我們的心有如工廠, 工廠的設備好, 則運作正常, 產品優良 ; 設備不好, 不但產品劣質, 連帶破壞空氣 水源, 造成環境污染 因此, 提倡 環保, 應該先從心內做起, 心內的環保做好, 心外的環保才能完成 如 維摩經 佛國品 說 : 若菩薩欲得淨土, 當淨其心 ; 隨其心淨, 則佛土淨 只是我們如何才能做好心靈的環保呢? 所謂 工欲善其事, 必先利其器, 平時我們掃地要有掃把, 洗衣服要有清潔劑, 甚至打仗也要有精良的武器 ; 同樣的, 要把心中的垢穢清理乾淨, 也要有工具和武器 例如正見 正信 慈悲 智慧 忍耐 勤勞 友愛 奉獻 犧牲 慚愧 懺悔等, 有了這些工具, 心靈就能清朗乾淨, 就能打敗心中的煩惱魔軍, 就能所向披靡, 攻無不克了 在經濟學上有一句名言, 叫做 開源節流 所謂 開源節流, 不一定只限於金錢 物資, 其實人心的貪瞋癡, 才是造成生態破壞 能源危機的主要原因 因此, 開源 應開佛法之源, 也就是開發自己的慚愧心 感恩心 歡喜心 感動心 ; 節流 應節省金錢用度, 尤其要節制自己的貪欲瞋心 所以, 重視環保 愛護地球, 必須 開源節流 為了推動環保, 佛光山在一九九二年的信徒香會中, 特別舉辦 佛光山信徒身心環保淨化法會, 讓大家共同響應身心環保淨化運動, 希望從內心的清淨, 繼而影響心外的世界, 使內外都能得到淨化 在活動中, 我提出力行身心環保的十二大德目 : ( 一 ) 口中輕聲, 不製造噪音 ( 二 ) 地上清潔, 不亂丟垃圾 ( 三 ) 手裡禁煙, 不污染空氣 ( 四 ) 身心莊嚴, 不行動粗暴 ( 五 ) 行動禮讓, 不侵犯他人 2

人間佛法 ( 六 ) 面上微笑, 不出現兇相 ( 七 ) 口中軟語, 不出現惡言 ( 八 ) 大家守法, 不要求特權 ( 九 ) 人人守紀, 不違犯綱常 ( 十 ) 開支節儉, 不任意浪費 ( 十一 ) 生活踏實, 不空蕩虛浮 ( 十二 ) 凡事善心, 不孳生歹意 環保要從自己做起, 從個人的淨化, 進而帶動國家社會, 乃至全世界的淨化 因此, 近年來佛光山更積極推動人間佛教所提倡的 四給 與 四和, 希望人人在日常生活中, 隨緣隨力 給人信心 給人歡喜 給人希望 給人方便, 從實踐佛光人的工作信條中, 不斷自我淨化 提昇, 繼而有助於 家庭和順 人我和敬 社會和諧 世界和平 的人間淨土之建立 此外, 國際佛光會多年來陸續發起 把心找回來 七誡運動 慈悲愛心列車 三好運動 等, 也都是為了淨化世道人心 改善社會風氣而辦的心靈環保活動 尤其, 有感於近年來地球暖化的問題日漸嚴重, 為了 抗暖救地球, 國際佛光會世界總會於第四屆第五次理事會議時決議, 將加強環保行動, 全面推動節能減碳 綠化造林 使用環保碗筷 資源回收 垃圾分類等行動, 共同搶救地球 惜地球 同時舉辦 全民環保搶救地球 國際論壇, 邀請經濟學家高希均教授主持, 除有環保署沈世宏署長 挪威國際部分環保顧問 Ms. Allison Eun Joo Yi 知名媒體人陳文茜小姐等人出席參加, 並有八百多位與會聽眾齊聲念誦 為自然生態祈願文, 大家共同宣誓, 將以實際行動落實 節能減碳, 搶救地球 最近, 每次為信徒們皈依三寶, 我都會帶著大家講一句 : 我是佛! 我是佛, 這是一句很了不起的話, 因為如果大家都敢承認 我是佛, 夫妻之間就不會吵架 ; 我是佛, 人我之間就不會互相責怪 怨恨 ; 我是佛, 就不會抽菸 喝酒, 更不會作奸犯科, 為非作歹 我是佛 這一句話不但救了自己, 而且因為 我是佛, 你對人 對世間萬物都懂得慈悲 珍惜, 這就是心靈的環保, 就是搶救地球 所以, 只要人人自詡 我是佛, 人人心中有佛, 眼中看到的都是佛的世界, 耳中聽到的都是佛的聲音, 口中所說的都是佛的語言, 手中所做的都是慈悲的事情 那麼, 即使是生長在污濁的娑婆世界, 我們也能做好心靈環保, 進而營建一個清淨的國土, 這就是人間淨土的實現 目前全球佛光協會已於世界各地植樹五百萬棵以上, 以 植樹救水源 的實際行動響應環保 並且先後於世界各地進行清潔河畔 沙灘 海邊, 以及整理公園等活動, 期使環境獲得潔淨與綠化 除此之外, 中華佛光協會 人間福報也以舉辦素食義賣來響應環保活動, 呼籲大眾共同愛 3

人間修行 皈依三寶的功德利益 可以說在人生中 所得利益總加起來 也不及皈 皈 依 三 寶 的 利 益 依三寶的功德之大之多 佛說希有校量功德經 說 皈依三寶所得的 功德之大 若具足四事供養 乃至建七寶塔供養舍利的功德 尚不及皈 依三寶所獲得的功德之百分之一 夫三寶者 千生難遇 萬劫難逢 皈依者 福增無量 禮念者 罪滅河沙 譬如靈丹之妙藥 療百病而蠲 除 冥冥黑夜中 三寶為燈燭 滔滔苦海內 三寶為舟航 燄燄火宅 中 三寶為雨澤 由此可知三寶的功德 沒有皈依三寶 即使拜佛燒香 也只能算是佛教的尊敬者 不能算做佛 教徒 如果是佛教徒 第一具備的條件就是皈依三寶 皈依三寶究竟有什麼功德利益呢 總結經典中的功德利益有下列十點 第一 找到了宇宙間第一偉大的聖者釋迦牟尼佛作為老師 成為 正式的佛弟子 第二 經云 皈依佛 不墮地獄 皈依法 不墮生 皈依僧 不墮餓鬼 故一旦皈依三寶以後 立可以惡道除名 人天有份 第三 如頂戴寶冠 身著華服 人身立刻莊嚴 而皈三寶 則道德 人格 信仰因而提昇 第四 佛陀指示護法龍天 一切善神 在末法時代 要保護 加被所有皈依的三寶弟子 第五 能夠獲得世間大眾的尊敬 並以為模範 第六 消災免難 平安吉祥 一切好事 都會成就 第七 能積集廣大福德 得大富貴 如為人生前途造了平坦的道路 如苦海茫茫中有了舟航 第八 減少煩惱 得遇善人為友 到處都能得方便 第九 有受戒的資格 皈依三寶的人可以受持五戒 參加八關齋戒等 第十 終有一天 必定得度 即使沒有修行 只要皈依三寶 將來彌勒 菩薩龍華三會的時候 也能得度 甘露灌頂皈依三寶典禮暨佛學講座 心定和尚親臨證明加持 跨越生命的門檻 許深心的承諾 日期: 7月20日6:50pm-9pm 4

人間法相人間行腳 四事供養 從前, 佛陀在祇園精舍教化的時候, 有一天, 毘舍怯信女前來拜見佛陀, 並祈求佛陀答應她八個希望, 就是 : 1. 希望佛陀允許她供養比丘下雨時所穿的雨衣 2. 希望佛陀允許她供養初加入僧團的比丘 3. 希望佛陀允許她供養出外旅行比丘的食物與金錢 4. 希望佛陀允許她供養生病比丘的湯藥 5. 希望佛陀允許她供養生病比丘的適當食物 6. 希望佛陀允許她供養看護病人的比丘 7. 希望佛陀允許她常常送稀粥到僧院中去供養比丘 8. 希望佛陀允許她供養比丘尼的浴衣 佛陀聽了之後, 非常歡喜, 就答應了她的八個希望 所謂 供養, 即是供給資養的意思 做一個佛教徒, 不但對於父母師長需要供養, 更應該對於佛法僧三寶恭敬供養 如供養米 供養地, 甚至香花燈果等東西都可供養 但對於正在弘法利生的僧寶, 最切要 最實用的供養莫過於上述毘舍怯信女的八種希望 這八種希望, 概括的說就是四事供養, 即飲食 衣服 臥具 湯藥等四種供養 1. 飲食 : 就是供養出家人的食物和飲料 人不吃飯便不能生活, 一個出家人, 如天天為吃飯而奔波, 就無法專心荷擔如來家業, 所以供養僧伽的飲食就落在信眾的身上 2. 衣服 : 就是供養出家人的用品及法衣 為了莊嚴與禦寒, 人必須穿衣服 雖說出家人不穿華麗的衣服, 但在現實的社會, 如衣著破爛, 也會受人輕視 佛要金裝, 人要衣裝, 所以供養僧伽的衣服就落在信眾的身上 摘錄於 - 法相 行一天, 晚上必須休息睡覺, 假使臥具缺乏, 得不到適當的睡眠, 哪有精神自覺覺人? 所以供養僧伽的臥具就落在信眾的身上 4. 湯藥 : 就是供養生病出家人的湯藥 生病是人所難免的, 所謂 看病是第一福田, 為了恢復比丘的健康, 延續佛燈光明, 所以供養僧伽的湯藥就落在信眾的身上 做一個在家信徒, 不但要效法毘舍怯信女的供養心, 更要平等供養, 而且供養時, 心生歡喜, 尊敬三寶, 不可存有驕慢的心, 更不可祈望受施者的感謝和報答, 如能這樣供養, 自己固然可得幸福的果報, 受施者同樣的可以獲得幸福的果報 佛光山供僧道糧通啟 供養僧伽大福田, 培植功德廣無邊 ; 晝夜六時恒吉祥, 常得妙樂壽綿延 各位護法信徒 : 佛光山寺開山至今, 承蒙諸位檀那長期護持, 已培育僧伽在千人之上, 是佛門未來之龍象, 所謂 身安而道隆, 是故仍需諸位檀那熱心護持 開山大師云 : 供養三寶護持僧團, 應當普遍而究竟, 要供養全年 ; 要供養多眾 ; 要供養未來 故循往例發起勸募道糧活動, 希望您的參與或鼓勵親朋好友, 廣結善緣, 則功德無量! 供僧道糧功德將於孝親報恩盂蘭盆法會時在三寶前宣讀文疏, 將供僧功德回向信眾現生父母延年益壽, 過往先靈蓮品增上, 屆時歡迎閤府蒞寺拈香, 同霑法益為禱! 3. 臥具 : 就是供養出家人的臥具棉被等 精進修 5

人間行腳 父親節爸爸烹飪比賽 邁阿密佛光山於 6 月 19 日父親節當天, 舉辦 爸爸素食烹飪比賽, 十位爸爸大顯身手, 展示廚藝, 由全體師兄姐以投票方式, 選出前三名 邁阿密道場於每年此時, 都會舉辦 爸爸素食烹飪比賽 當天共修時, 大眾在監寺妙華法師的帶領下, 以中 英文讀誦星雲大師的 為父母親友祈願文 法會結束, 大眾出班, 在進入齋堂前, 人手一張選票, 法喜充滿地排隊, 品嚐美食, 為十道佳餚評分 60 餘位信徒參加 今年參賽的菜色繁多, 菜餚各具特色, 包括有馬來西亞咖哩 木須素雞 沙茶豆腐 香拌素雞 彩虹卷 壽司船 糖醋素丁等 參賽人員的背景從餐廳大廚 退休長者, 到公務人員 除兩岸三地的華人外, 更有義大利 美國 加拿大 非洲裔人士 有的人從一週前就開始採購食材, 有的採用新鮮水果汁製成調味料, 把最拿手的飲食供養大眾 督導趙廣隆的 苜鬚素雞, 真材實料的包著香菇 木耳 素雞 香菜 ; 李偉的 彩虹卷, 為了豆皮就跑了 4 5 家東方超市 ;Adrian Anderson 的 Gumbos, 別具一格 ; 梅寒錚的 酸甜雞丁, 還特別打出食譜 原料與作法, 用百香果代替醋來調味, 味道獨特 最後票選統計, 選出三名得獎者, 第一名張治華居士的得獎作品 壽司船, 屬於花式壽司, 費工浩時, 張師兄為日本餐廳 竹壽司 老闆, 雖然擁有開業 17 年的經驗, 仍舊戰戰兢兢從事, 此次以兩小時的時間準備, 以可愛的熊貓造形, 將壽司拼放在木船上, 色香味俱全, 贏得最高票 梅寒錚居士的 酸甜雞丁 與 George Klein 的 馬來西亞咖哩 平分秋色, 獲得第二名,Jack Harrison 的 辣味青菜黃瓜 勇奪第三, 贏得獎狀與大師 巧智慧心 墨寶框乙幅, 其他所有參賽者都獲得法師頒發的結緣品 法師開示時指出, 此次活動目的在藉由廚藝與大眾結好緣, 讓大家吃得歡喜 同時勉勵落選者不要氣餒, 還有進步的空間, 也鼓勵新朋友參加, 最後與所有的參賽者及其家屬合影留念 大家相約明年見時, 再一較長短 竹壽司真好吃又環保 5/7 為了把素食文化推廣出去, 讓每個家庭都能品嘗到健康餐飲 邁阿密佛光山定時舉辦素食烹飪班, 每班為期 6-8 周 目前有 25 位愛好素食的學生報名參加, 每星期六下午 4 點到 6 點上課. 竹壽司老闆張治華居士教授四種可口壽司 並從基本的煮壽司飯開始, 共有 18 位學員參加 大家對素食的多元化, 學生們專心拿著講義, 記下每個作法與步驟 常住希望通過素食烹飪, 拋磚引玉, 把素食文化發揚光大, 也讓人人吃出福和慧 更為愛護地球素食減少污染, 以慈悲心不殺生愛護眾生素食心保 常住也藉此推動環保與心保的理念 6

人間行腳 依空法師大開法筵 邁阿密佛光山於 6 月 11 12 兩日, 特別禮請依空法師主講 << 大智度論 >> 與六度思想 法師深入淺出的演說, 每天吸引 120 人出席, 讓大家深入佛陀教意, 進而心生歡喜 依空法師目前擔任佛光山宗務委員會委員 西來 南華大學執行董事, 獲得國立高雄師範大學國文博士, 為佛光山辯才第一人, 此次是法師第一次到邁阿密佛光山講座 法師首先介紹 << 大智度論 >> 的作者及譯者, 說明人生就像擺渡一樣, 要從無明的此岸到圓滿的彼岸 六度就好像六條高速公路, 又好像六艄船, 每一樣都可以幫助我們到達目的地 法師在說法時引經據典, 列舉許多公案為例, 讓大眾了解布施就像是結緣, 持戒好比守法, 精進好似勤勞, 心的動亂要靠禪定找回來 禪如清淨水可以洗淨煩惱, 最後提到諸法實相即是般若, 五度為盲, 智慧為導 般若如大明燈, 能普照黑暗天地, 使天地光明, 走路才不至於走錯方向或跌倒碰傷 ; 同樣的理由, 前五度若無智慧牽引, 就會走入歧途, 甚至盲修瞎鍊, 不得其門而入 此次演講除以英文即席翻譯外, 現場更提供粵語翻譯服務, 讓說廣東話的聽眾覺得非常貼心, 許多聽眾是第一次藉由聽講的因緣來到邁阿密佛光山, 他們紛紛表示, 很高興能藉由聽講的機會, 讓他們認識這座具現代化多功能的道場, 是南佛州地區民眾的一座心靈加油站, 日後他們一定會多多參加道場所舉辦的各項活動 母親節青年心朵朵情 5/8 為慶祝母親節, 邁阿密青年團在共修法會後, 表演籌備已久的話劇. 主題以親子互動為主, 呈現兒女對母親偉大的頌揚. 常住則準備康乃馨花束, 由法師為近 50 位母親別上胸花, 並共享心型蛋糕, 慶祝母親節 校院師生千鶴祈願佛教禮讚 5/31 常住應 Summit- Q u e s t a Montessori school 之邀請, 至學校參加為日本災民祈福活動, 因學生發起各種賑災募款並折千隻紙鶴祈願, 校長 Ms. Judy Dempsey 介紹 IBPS 由法師帶領近 400 位學生及教職人員共同祈福, 並恭讀大師為日本東北大地震祈願文, 學生從 3 歲至 14 歲皆有, 此私立學校以特殊 Montessori 教學法為主, 該校代表 Mindy Lee 表示, 因在 Sun Sentinel 報紙看到常住對賑災發動的各種募款, 而深受感動, 故而請常住以佛教方式至學校為災民祈福, 讓學生能有對佛教及慈善更深層的認識了解 世界宗教日教界齊祝禱 5/5 常住應 City of Coral Springs 之邀參加第 23 屆的 National Day of Prayer. 大會邀請共 23 個宗教單位, 由神職人員陪同一位青年唸祈願文 今年由邁阿密青年團 Tien Tran 及法師代表出席. 恭讀大師為世界和平祈願文. 吸引了媒體的目光 全場近 300 人參加盛會 7

人間行腳人間小廚 佛誕浴佛法喜充滿 5-22 舉辦佛誕節浴佛法會, 共有 500 餘位信眾參加, 發起超過 150 位義工投入 浴佛法會從唱頌英文版的三寶頌開始, 接著獻供, 由五組人員獻上香花燈塗等物品, 大眾在法師的帶領下誦經祝禱, 並恭讀大師的 佛誕節祈願文, 法師殷切的指出, 浴佛是以香湯來沐浴佛身, 更在幫助我們洗去內心的貪嗔癡, 使心靈得到淨化 當天有泰寺法師, 及市長 市議員 僑團等 12 位貴賓與會 光明寺由覺凡法師率領五十位信徒, 乘巴士來訪, 共襄盛舉慶祝佛誕 戶外舉行園遊活動, 有令人垂涎三尺的美味素齋, 下午的節目表演在大雄寶殿進行, 由舞獅開場, 太極拳與太極扇 舞蹈 樂器演奏 變臉及國劇, 青年團街舞 愛在何處, 首由奧蘭多與邁阿密兩地青年團聯合演出, 都贏得觀眾滿堂喝彩 今年摸獎特別精彩, 抽到頭獎的薛莉師姐將液晶電視回贈給道場 此次與 Community Blood Centers Of FL 合作發起捐血活動 8

人間行腳人間小廚 寺院參訪處處佛法歡喜結緣 五月十五日六十位邁阿密佛光山信眾, 由監寺妙華法師帶領, 參訪位於奧蘭多的光明寺, 並參加該寺舉辦之佛誕節暨園遊會活動, 普天同慶釋迦牟尼佛誕生的日子 巴士於當天早上六點半從邁阿密佛光山向北出發, 一小時後再接上 West Palm Beach 的信徒 大眾在妙華法師帶領做早課, 及用早餐後, 分秒不空過, 練習梵唄 六字大明咒 及學習佛門基本禮儀 當然師兄姐也有輕鬆的一面, 自我介紹, 大部份的成員還是首次到光明寺參訪 三好兒童天天快樂 邁阿密佛光山於 6 月 10 至 12 日三天舉行兒童夏令營, 以三好運動為主軸, 傳播 做好事. 說好話. 存好心 的種子於兒童心中, 培養小朋友成為生活小達人, 同時與學生家長結下一個好因緣 夏令營由法師擔任營長, 蒲秀芳老師負責營隊策劃, 計有 27 位 6-12 歲的小朋友參加, 也有 27 位青年擔任小隊輔或義工 課程有勞作 說故事 佛學簡介 包壽司 電影製作 生命急救須知 觀賞佛典故事 DVD 團康時間等 小朋友學得充實 也玩得開心 家長更是讚嘆 小孩參加夏令營改變很多, 將會留下難忘的回憶, 實在太好了 結營典禮後小朋友都大展身手, 表演響亮的隊呼, 小隊輔更是使出渾身解數, 表演精湛的扯鈴, 博得滿堂掌聲 最後魔術師表演魔術, 為三天的活動劃下圓滿的句點 十點多巴士終於抵達目的地 -- 佛州光明寺, 受到當家覺凡法師及佛州協會會員的熱情歡迎, 接著至大殿銷假後, 參加浴佛法會, 許多邁阿密信徒對當地宏偉的建築及會員們的熱情, 都留下深刻的印象 當天浴佛法會於十時半開始, 浴佛儀式中是以香湯來沐浴佛身, 更是幫我們洗去內心的污垢, 使心靈得到淨化 法會結束後, 園遊會及文化表演緊接著開始 值得一提的是邁阿密信徒多人都抽到大獎, 而邁阿密佛光會提供的臭豆腐攤位, 臭氣沖天, 倒是吸引了許多饕餮客, 食指大動聞香下馬, 師兄姐奮力的叫賣, 雖然汗流浹背一點也不覺得辛苦 一群人於下午四點多依依不捨的踏上歸途, 在巴士上分享心得, 透過此次參訪增廣見聞, 滿載而歸, 大家都很開心, 更有多人發心立願做義工, 以期福慧圓滿 9

人間小廚 豆腐蘸蔬菜 材料 : A. 老豆腐 3 到 4 塊 ; 黃瓜切成 2 英寸的長度 ; 紅的或者綠的辣椒切成 2 英寸的長度 ; 荷蘭豆切成一半 Shiitaki 香菇切片, 放進煮沸的水里煮, 然後瀝乾 B. 醬 : 味醂 2 大湯匙 ; 糖或者紅糖 2 大湯匙 ; 味噌醬料 3 到 4 大湯匙做法 : 把豆腐放在毛巾上面, 瀝乾水 或者在微波爐里面轉 30 秒去掉水 在碗里把豆腐攪糊 ( 讓他糊的像漿糊一樣 ) 把 B 步驟里面的醬混合進碗裏 加入攪拌過的豆腐, 香菇切片, 拌至完全均勻 蔬菜可以替代為任何自己喜歡吃的蔬菜像是西蘭花 花菜 芹菜 小胡蘿蔔等 也可以把豆腐蘸醬和麵條吃 TOFU DIP WITH VEGETABLES Ingredients: Firm tofu 3 to 4 pieces; cucumber cut into 2-inch long strips; Red or green pepper cut into 2-inch long strips; Snow peas sliced half; Shiitaki mushroom sliced and cook in boiled water, then drain; Mirin 2 teaspoons; Sugar or brown sugar 2 teaspoons; Miso paste 3 or 4 tablespoons. Directions: Wrap tofu in a towel to drain water. Or heat tofu in mircowave for 30 seconds to remove water. Mash tofu in bowl (make it smooth like paste). Mix sauce (ingredient B) in bowl. Add the mashed tofu, sliced mushroom and mix well. Dipping vegetable can be substituted with any prefer vegetables like brocoli, cauliflower, celery, baby carrot, etc. Can also serve tofu dipping sauce with noodles. 蔬菜拌飯 材料 : A: ( 用 32oz 的杯子 ) 4 杯錦米 ; 胡蘿蔔 3-4 個切成小塊 ; Shiitaki 香菇和海帶一起在水裏軟化 ; 4 杯用來軟化蘑菇的水 ; 雪豆切成絲 ; 牛蒡子切成小方塊放進水裏 ( 再增加一兩大勺米醋防止氧化 ) B: 味醂 2 大湯匙 ; 鹽 2 茶匙 ; 醬油 2 大湯匙做法 : 把原料 A 放進電飯煲里, 把原料 B 放進電飯煲里面, 煮飯 45 分鐘 MIXED VEGETABLES RICE Ingredients: 4 cups rice (medium grain rice); use take-out tall container (32 oz) asmeasuring cup; Carrots (3-4) diced; Shiitaki mushroom softened in water with seaweed (kelp); 4 cups of stock (water that used to soak shiitaki mushrooms; Snow peas julienned; Gobo (in Japanese), or Greater Burdock- cut into small cubes and soak in water (add a couple tablespoons of rice vinegerto prevent oxidation); Mirin 2 tablespoons; Salt 2 teaspoons; Soy sauce 2 tablespoons Directions: Wash rice till water turned clear then drain for 30 minutes. Add ingredient A in rice cooker. Add ingredient B into rice cooker. Cook rice for 45 minutes 10

Reflections Illuminating Wisdom: Venerable Yi Kong's Lecture On The 6 Perfections Of Wisdom Very few speakers carry the strength of presence as Venerable Yi Kong. That was clearly evident during the incredible two-day lecture on the Six Perfections that the Venerable, so compassionately gave to us. Like a skillful veteran, sea captain familiar with navigating the ever changing currents of the open ocean, Venerable Yi Kong utilized everyday situations in American life to illuminate some of the most profound teachings on wisdom and emptiness in Buddhism. Under the skill of a master calligrapher, the thin surfaces of water, ink and rice paper can channel the subtle energies of the universe, so too Venerable Yi Kong beautifully gave voice to The Six Perfections of Wisdom which are: generosity, upholding the precepts, patience, diligence, meditative concentration and wisdom. The Six Perfections of Wisdom are meant to be a guide that helps us to continually develop along The Path. Flowering, beneath the surface of the Six Perfections are the fundamental principals of emptiness, interdependence and doing no harm (neither to others nor oneself). Additionally, by practicing the 6 Perfections of Wisdom, we are creating new karmic causes and conditions. With clarity and simplicity, Venerable Yi Kong, highlighted the marvelous elegance of the 6 Perfections, their interrelatedness, and their immense depth of understanding into the nature of the mind and the human condition. Let's look more closely. By being generous, we are sowing good karmic seeds and are practicing the truth of interdependence; by upholding the precepts, we are 'doing no harm' to others or ourselves; by practicing patience, we are strengthening our mental conditioning and creating new karmic conditions; by practicing diligence, we are manifesting our non-attachment to phenomena, showing our correct understanding of the dependent origination of phenomena and are creating new conditions; by practing meditative concentration, we are creating new vistas of karmic action through our non-attachment to external conditions and are turning away from ignorance, and by practicing wisdom, we are allowing our original mind...our inherent Buddha Mind to manifest in this Saha dimension. Venerable Yi Kong's two-day lecture was incredible. It was multi-dimensional- simple to grasp, but filled with complexity and depth of meaning. By making plain and accessible, very powerful principles that are at the heart of Buddhist practice over the course of two days, Venerable Yi Kong showed enormous compassion and diligence. The 6 Perfections truly are our guiding star across the oceans of the 6 Realms, and after Venerable Yi Kong's lecture, our journey has become so much more illuminated. By Adrian Anderson 11

The CoreTeachings By Venerable Master Hsing Yun Dependent Origination and Cause and Effect The First Noble Truth Suffering is the state in which the body and mind are driven by afflictions. The truth of suffering describes how the reality of life is full of suffering. The Buddha saw with perfect clarity that each one of us cannot escape from this reality, and that it is not possible for a human being to achieve complete satisfaction in this world. Buddhist sutras show suffering in many different ways. In the following sections, I will discuss the three most basic classifications of suffering as described in the Sutras. The Two kinds of suffering These are internal suffering and external suffering. This is the most basic classification of suffering mentioned in the Buddhist sutras. it is the most basic way to understand suffering. Internal suffering is suffering that we usually think of as being part of ourselves. These include physical pain, anxiety, fear, jealousy, suspicion, anger, and so forth. External suffering is suffering that seems to come from the outside. These include wind, rain, cold, heat, drought, wild animals, natural disasters, wars, criminals, etc. Non of us can avoid either of these kinds os suffering. The Three Kinds os Suffering These focus more on the quality of suffering rather than on its origin or type. The first of the three is suffering within suffering, the suffering that comes from just being alive as well as the conditions of hunger, disease, wind and rain, labor, hot ad cold, and casualties of war. The second is the suffering of deterioration. The suffering of deterioration refers to the breakdown of the state of happiness. This is caused by the passage of time, or is broken down by external conditions leading to the suffering of the body and mind. For example, objects break, people die, and everything ages, and declines. even the best of times must all come to an end. The third suffering is the suffering of process. The suffering of process is that which comes from living in a world where phenomena are constantly changing. In our world, we have little or no control over our lives. We experience anxiety, fear, and helplessness as we watch everything change from day to day. The Eight Kinds of Suffering These are more detailed description of the suffering that all sentient beings must endure. They are grouped according to thier content. The Fist is the suffering of birth. Following many dangerous months in our mother's womb, we at last experience the pan and fear of birth. After that, anything can happen. We are like prisoners in our bodies and o the worlds into which we are born. The second is the suffering of aging. If we are fortunate enough not to die when we are still young, we will have to face the suffering of growing old and of watching our bodies and minds decline. The third is the suffering of illness. When we are sick, we might suffer from aches and pains, cuts and bruises, poor digestion, organ failure, paralysis, or respiratory problems. The Fourth is the suffering of death. Even if our lives are somehow perfect, we still will die. If death is not sudden and frightening, then it is too often slow and painful. Especially at the moment of death, when the body and mind begin to decompose, there is extreme suffering. This is what is meat by the suffering death. The fifth is suffering of separation from loved ones. It seems from our strong attachments. Sometimes we lose the ones we love, and sometimes they do not love us in turn. We suffer because we cannot alsways be with the people we love. To be continued... 12

Words from Venerable Master Hsing Yun Keys to Living Well (Dharma Words 1) Leadership In a family, the parents are the ones leading the children. In a state, the governor is the leader. In a company, the business owner leads his or her employees, and in a government cabinet, the secretary in charge is the leader. Leadership is important in stabilizing a country. There is a Chinese saying, One would rather be the head of a chicken than the behind of a cow. This means that people do not naturally want to be followers. They prefer to lead others. But to be an effective leader, we not only need to have the proper disposition, but we must also know how to lead. The following are keys to leadership. 1. Leaders must be able to act as well as talk. If someone above is doing well, those below will have a good example to follow. In a leadership position, we must be able to do what we say. If leaders only make demands of their subordinates while acting contrary to their words, then people below will not accept them. Moreover, if leaders lack morals in their behavior, their followers will act in a similar manner just to please them. Therefore, leaders must lead others with good ethics and set an example with proper behavior. Confucius once said, If you are upright, others will follow without being ordered to; if you are not upright, they will not follow even when ordered to do so. Therefore, leaders must set a good example for subordinates, and reliably do as they say. As such, even without specific orders being given, subordinates will work hard in their positions. 2. Leaders must not complain or have regrets. Leaders must have a farsighted and optimistic mind. In addition, they need the capacity and perseverance to face difficulties and not regret having given their all to accomplish a task. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China, once said, Danger and difficulties are not what we should worry about. We should have no fear of power and dominance. Therefore, a leader should not fear hard work, but be willing to contribute, like the silk-worm giving up all of its silk. Moreover, leaders should be serious and responsible about work without complaining and blaming anyone for their problems. As a result, those below will certainly work with one heart in following their leadership. 3. Leaders must have both compassion and wisdom. Being a leader means assuming the work assigned to us. In addition, he or she must have the ability to assess the need for changes and the wisdom to devise strategies and handle a crisis. Furthermore, a leader must have compassion to help his or her followers in resolving their problems. Leaders should treat whatever happens to their subordinates as their own business, so that the latter will be able to settle down in their jobs with peace of mind and remain loyal. Therefore, leaders need both compassion and wisdom. 4. Leaders must not be selfish or arrogant. A leader cannot harbor selfish motives. A leader cannot unfairly reward or penalize subordinates as he or she pleases. More importantly, leaders should never gain personal profit from public causes or use public resources for private matters. They should understand right from wrong, and be aware of honor and denigration. In addition, they must be fair, humble, and courageous enough to be accountable for any matter. As such, they will win the respect of their subordinates, and everyone will follow the direction of their leadership wholeheartedly. Two kinds of people are requires for any organization to flourish: able leaders and loyal followers. People who are incapable and refuse to accept the leadership of others are the stumbling blocks of the organization. Therefore, we should be happy to be led and also know the way of leadership. 13

Event Forecasts 活動預告 觀音法會觀世音菩薩成道紀念日 本寺為慶祝觀世音菩薩成道紀念日, 舉行觀音法會, 禮拜大悲懺 願以此殊勝功德回向眾善信增福增慧 平安吉祥, 社會安和樂利 日期 :7/24 / 2011 ( 星期日 ) 10:30Am 地點 : 邁阿密佛光山 I.B.P.S Miami Kuan Yin Bodhisattva s Dharma Service To commemorate the Enlightenment Day of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Miami Fo Guang Shan will hold a Kuan Yin Bodhisattva s Dharma Service on August 24, 2011. We sincerely hope to transfer the wonderful merits to all sentient beings so that all will be blessed with wealth, wisdom, peace, happiness and longevity. Date: July 24, 2011 (Sunday)10:30am Location: I.B.P.S. Miami 9341 N.W. 57th ST., Tamarac FL33351 Phone: 954-933-0055 English Dharma Lecture The Heart Sutra By Dr. David Pon Dr. Pon is currently the medical director of the Advanced Retina-Eye Institute in Central Florida. He has worked as a Consultant Professor of Ophthalmology in China. His research interests include stem cell transplantation, and immunologic gene therapy. Date: July 17, 2011 (Sunday) 1:30pm-3:30pm Location: I.B.P.S. Miami 邁阿密佛光山孝親報恩盂蘭盆法會 2011 年盂蘭盆節將屆, 為發揚孝親報恩之美德, 效法目犍連尊者對父母追思之情, 特啟建孝親報恩法會, 謹訂於國曆八月七日, 禮拜諷誦慈悲三昧水懺 祈仗佛慈佑, 功德回向過往先靈 考妣宗親暨個人之累劫冤親債主, 往生淨土, 蓮品增上 也藉此禮佛拜懺來淨化身心, 培福修慧 歡迎闔府回寺禮佛, 同霑法益 一 法會時間 : 2011 年 8 月 7 日 ( 星期日 ) 上午 10:30am 慈悲三昧水懺上卷 上午 11:30am 上供 下午 1:30pm 慈悲三昧水懺中卷 下午 2:30pm 慈悲三昧水懺下卷 二 功德項目 : (1) 超薦祖先 (2) 供花 供果 (3) 供齋結緣 ( 支票請寫 I.B.P.S.) 甘露灌頂皈依三寶典禮暨佛學講座 心定和尚親臨證明加持跨越生命的門檻許下深心的承諾日期 : 7 月 20 日 6:50pm-9pm Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem Ceremony & Dharma Lecture Enter through the Gate of Buddhism Reveal your heart s commitment Step into freedom and greet your true nature Venerable Hsin Ting will preside over the ceremony & give a Dharma lecture! When: July 20, 2011 6:50pm-9pm Where: IBPS Miami Temple 14

Meditation In recent years the practice of meditation has spread from the East to all parts of the West, and expanded from being confined to the cloistered halls of the monastery to the lay community. Meditation allows us to make our busy lives tranquil and refreshed. For people living in today s hectic society, being able to sit in meditation a few minutes each day and occasionally participate in meditation retreats at a Buddhist temple can help to find the energy to keep moving forward. Some Buddhists trace the origins of the Chan School, the Buddhist meditation school, to the assembly on Vulture Peak when the Buddha held a flower aloft and his disciple, Mahakasyapa, smiled. Though this event shows the transmission of the wordless teaching of Chan to Mahakasyapa, the Buddha did not only give the gift of Chan to him, but to each and every living being. Chan is not some mysterious and obscure phenomenon, nor is it unique to Buddhism. The human world is filled with the subtleties of Chan, and there is nothing in nature that does not reflect its wondrousness. Meditation is a light for all humanity; It can connect each of us to one another and the outside world. Meditation is social and humanistic, with each Chan practitioner connected through transmission of the teachings with every other. Throughout the history of the Chan School there are thousands of stories of people and their transmission of the Dharma. Modern life is complex and disordered; we need the power of meditative concentration to calm our restless minds and bodies. The wave of industrialization that has swept across the globe since the twentieth century has quickened the pace of life, and increased production has stimulated people are now frenetically engaged in making a living all the time and have forgotten to stop for awhile and look at themselves. The competitiveness of life has made the sense of alienation between people more and more severe; and excessive sensual enjoyment has anesthetized the spirit. The words nothingness and loss are now commonplace in our modern era. Meditation is truly the best medicine to mend the abuses of our times. The Right Attitude for Meditation Meditation should not be done for the sake of the practitioner alone. One who wishes to practice meditation must have the great kindness, compassion, and zeal of a bodhisattva. They must not be selfish and only wish liberation for themselves. Therefore, to meditate we must: Contemplate, reflecting upon ourselves and looking into our behavior. Improve, and constantly progress. Cultivate, without looking outside ourselves. Abandon all notions, and not be concerned with success or failure. As one enters a meditation hall to begin to practice, one should put aside everyday concerns and be ready to receive instruction. Likewise, the rules and regulations of the meditation hall should be strictly observed, and one should not bend the rules or seek special privileges to make things easier. We should nurture the compassionate mind, for a compassionate person is gentle by nature and can more easily enter deep meditation. We must do what is right and refrain from doing what is wrong, repenting our misdeeds no matter how big or small. We should decrease our distractions and maintain regular habits of eating, drinking, and sleeping. Lastly, we should have faith, and believe that each of us, and all living beings, possesses Buddha nature, and trust that our teacher is a well-cultivated person. To be continued... 15