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BIBLID 0254-4466(2003)21:1 pp. 367-390 21 1 92 6 69 27 34 5 5 1864 1912 1895 * 367

368 21 1 1 2 3 4 1 1993.6 103-119 2 1998 384-390 3 1996 30-31 1999.5 28 4 2 323 3 8-9

369 5 6 7 5 1998 1 44 446 6 imagery 41 1975.7 1977 1-25 1980 17-23 7 1960

370 21 1 8 9 10 8 179 11 1 1895 1 1 1-2 2 1 2 3 1 7 4 1 9 5 1 9 6 1 11 8 1985 187 9 1982 1 26 10 11

371 7 1 14 2 1896 8 2 19 9 2 25 10 2 31 11 2 32 12 2 34 13 2 35 3 1897 14 3 41 15 3 42 4 1898 16 4 45 17 4 49 18 4 55 19 20 4 56 21 4 59 22 4 63 23 4 64 24 25 4 65 26 4 72 27 4 75 28 29 4 76 5 1899 30 5 88 31

372 21 1 5 91 32 5 96 33 5 108 6 1899 34 6 115 35 6 118 36 6 120 37 6 123 38 6 124 7 1900 39 7 130 40 7 137 41 7 157 8 1901 1902 42 8 170 43 8 179 9 1903 1904 44 9 186 10 1905-1907 45 10 188 46 10 188 47 10 191 48 10 197 11 1908 49 11 210 50 11 224 51 11 236 12 1909 52 12 242 53 12 243

373 54 12 245 13 1910-1912 55 13 267 56 13 277 57 13 281 58 300 59 311 60 316 61 317 62 319 63 323 64 340 65 342 66 347 67 358 68 360 69 361 1 1 3 2 3 1 14 4 5 2 21-22 6

374 21 1 7 2 26 8 9 10 2 32 11 4 64 12 4 68 13 7 132 14 7 143 15 8 171 16 17 10 206 18 19 20 11 214 21 11 218 22 12 243 23 307 24 339 25 354 26 27 362 1 2 31 2 2 32 3 2 34 4 2 35 5 2 35 6 2 36 7 2 36 8 5 93 9 6 115 10 6 123

375 11 6 125 12 7 134 13 7 138 14 7 144 15 10 187 16 10 187 17 10 188 18 10 189 19 10 195 20 10 197 21 10 202 22 10 202 23 10 203 24 10 203 25 10 204 26 10 204 27 10 205 28 11 217 29 12 254 30 13 256 31 13 256 32 13 258 33 13 280 34 316 1 2 18 2 4 76 3 7 138 4 8 165 5 10 205

376 21 1 1 6 128 2 6 128 3 6 130 4 5 12 242 243 69 27 34 5 5 10 193 365 10 187 1 13

377 1895 12 69 1 1-2 1 2 1 9 12 1895 3 69-92

378 21 1 1 9 1 11 7 130 7 157 2 32 2 34 11 236

379 4 55 4 59 4 72 4 63 4 64 10 191

380 21 1 12 242 8 170 1894 1901 1902 13 13 2001 1205 1980 35-44 1981 98-100 2 254-265 1895 12 1 3 4 48

381 69 5 108 10 188 2 25 358 14 15 14 1994 261 15 1992 119

382 21 1 69 27 34 5 5

383 1 1 2 26 2 31 4 45 7 130 10 191 12 242 1 3 1 14 4 68 7 132 7 143

384 21 1 2 26 4 64 11 218 8 171 2 21-22 339 362 2 31 2 34 2 35 2 36

385 10 188 10 189 2 35 10 187 2 36 10 204 7 134 187-180 183

386 21 1 16 2 18 7 138 8 165 10 205 4 76 16 113 2967-2970

387 17 6 128 6 128 6 130 130 12 242-243 17 7 378

388 21 1 1889 18 19 18 7 140 11 230-232 11 234-235 303-304 19 3 113-146 165-184

389 20 13 277 20 13 1205

390 21 1 The Boundless Sea and other Poetic Images: Ch iu Feng-chia s State of Mind and Hopes While in Mainland China Hsu-Hui Ting Abstract This paper analyzes a group of metaphoric and symbolic images (the boundless sea, Ch iu-jan, Wei-t o, Ts ang-hai Chun and Cheng Yen-p ing ) that occurs repeatedly (69, 27, 34, 5, and 5 times, respectively) in poems written by Ch iu Feng-chia after he left Taiwan for mainland China. Through this analysis, we find that the image of the boundless sea is a metaphor for Taiwan that is indicative of Ch iu s profoundly tragic mood. At the same time, the frequent appearance of these images symbolizes his ideal of establishing Taiwan as an independent island nation. Even though the fact that he never actually attempted to carry out armed revolt meant that his ideals never progressed beyond utopian fantasy, the repeated imagery reveals his strong memories of and feeling of responsibility towards Taiwan and his protest against the lack of concern for Taiwan s fate shown by the Ch ing court. Keywords: Ch iu Feng-chia, Taiwan, boundless sea, Ch iu-jan, poetry * Hsu-Hui Ting is an associate professor at Fooyin University and a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Sun Yat-sen University.