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Liao Mei-Yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Yao Ying was a government official in Taiwan for more


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[1] 350 [1] 1991

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CCMP91-RD-012 Clinical Consensus Manual of Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Therapeutics (ICD-9-CM) 516

Chang Gung University Jyh-Sheng You Abstract The purpose of this project is to edit the Clinical Consensus Manual of Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Therapeutics. According to the important ancient works, cultural heritage, teaching materials, clinical experience and research of specialists and scholars in Chinese medicine, the common disease in international medicine is collated with International Classification Disease (ICD-9) and the definition, symptom, cause, mechanism, diagnosis and therapy of disease are systematically described. Therapy is the significant part. First, we point a finger at the therapeutic goal of the disease. Second, we briefly discuss at the strong, good, difficult points and announcements of the disease. Third, we indicate the surgical condition of the disease. We start to compose the clinical consensus manual of TCM medical therapeutics after the discussion and conclusion of the specialists and scholars in order to move up the quality of medical treatment and to review the disease chart and declare charges for Central Health Insurance conveniently. Although the manual we edit is to act according to the opinion of the expert and scholar : using the term of disease in western medicine, however, we maintain and develop the advantage and special features in this manual of the Chinese medicine from the beginning to the end. We also emphasize to increase the clinical therapeutic effects. Besides, we try to edit the significant result of modern research in Chinese medicine to this manual for the higher practical value. Keywords consensus manual, clinical therapeutics, traditional Chinese medicine 517

2000 7 - - 60 518

1994 1999 (ICD-9-CM) 1. 519

2. 3. 4. 1. 1.1 (ICD-CM ) 1.2 ( ) 1.3 ( ) 1.4 1.5 ( ) 1.6 1.7 1.8 2. 2.1 2.2 ICD-9CM ICD-9CM 2.3 2.4 520

521 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2.5 2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9 (ICD-9-CM) 1. 1999 2. 1994 3. 2001 4. ( ) 2002 5. ( ) 2000 6. 522

1998 7. 1997 8. 1985 9. 1997 10. 1997 11. 1997 12. 2000 13. Harrison s Principles of internal medicine, Sevententh edition, McGraw-Hill book company, 2002. 14. Churchill s 1999 15. 1998 16. 2000 17. 1999 18. 1986 19. 1999 20. 1995 21. 1997 22. 1998 23. 1989 523

91 5 26 2:30 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1.ICD-9-CM 2. 3. 4. ( ) 5. 3. 1.ICD-9-CM 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 524

91 9 15 11 ( ) 1. 2.(ICD-9-CM) 3. (ICD-9-CM) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 525





530 )



2000 7 - - 533

60 1994 1999 (ICD-9-CM) 534