250 Discussion of Luo Yin s Object-Chanting Poems Kuei-Fang Liu* Abstract Luo Yin s object-chanting poems have the bright artistic feature and individ

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250 Discussion of Luo Yin s Object-Chanting Poems Kuei-Fang Liu* Abstract Luo Yin s object-chanting poems have the bright artistic feature and individuality. Those poems are not only original and ingenious, but also extremely appropriate, precise, and expressive in describing objects. Especially those poems that use object-things to satirize reality merged the time turmoil, the society unfair and sad indignation about the life spell of good or bad fortune together inside themselves. He used simple words to explain profound theories, and described laugh and play to reveal the indignation about real life. Excluding mid Tang Dynasty Li Bai s and late Tang Dynasty Pai Chu-I s achievements, he created the object-chanting poems another remarkably considerable new developing path. This paper traced back the origin of object-chanting poems at first. Then we analyzed and discussed Luo Yin s object-chanting poems, and finally concluded the artistic characteristics of these object-chanting poems. In the content aspect, his poems surpass other same time poets poems because of their diversifying themes, profound allegories, and bright images. In the style aspect, the prose and oral description of languages, the wondrous use of metaphorical skills, and flexible use of allusions made Luo Yin s poems become a unique style with great originality in the late Tang Dynasty. Key word: Luo Yin, An Object-Chanting Poem, Satirical Poem, Satire * Kuei-Fang Liu: Postgraduate student of Institute of Languages and Literature Education, National Pingtung Teachers College

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