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* (,510631) 96 t 1 2 3 1 propositional symbol system [1] [2] [3-5] Barsalou perceptual symbol system [6-8] arbitrary linguistic-like analogue perceptual [7] 1 * 30270477

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[15] Zwaan Zwaan Zwaan Zwaan 5 1 2 1 2.1 Zwaan 2.2 2.2.1 32 2.2.2 120 48 72 Zwaan 2002 48 3

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t 1(31) 2.928,p 0.006 t 2(23) 1.815 p 0.083 1 Zwaan 1 2 3 2 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 32 3.2.2 72 72 72 5 4 24 4 24 24 3.2.3 4 48 24 24 12 1 2 6

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12 Kaschak M P & Glenberg A M. Constructing meaning: The role of affordances and grammatical constructions in sentence comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language, 2000, 43: 508~529 13 Zwaan R A & Stanfield R A. The effect of implied orientation derived from verbal context on picture recognition. Psychological Science, 2001,12: 153~156 14 Zwaan R A, Stanfield R A & Yaxley R H. Language comprehenders mentally represent the shapes of objects. Psychological Science, 2002, 13: 168~171 15 Li Ying, Wang Ruiming, Mo Lei. The effect of implied shape of objects on picture recognition (in Chinese). Psychological Science, 2004 (in press),,..,2004 16 Solomon K O & Barsalou L W. Representing properties locally. Cognitive Psychology, 2001,43: 129~169 17 Zwaan R A & Yaxley R H. Spatial iconicity affects semantic-relatedness judgments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2004 (in press) PERCEPTUAL SYMBOL REPRESENTATION AND PROPOSITIONAL SYMBOL REPRESENTATION IN LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION Wang Ruiming Mo Lei Li Li Wang Suiping Wu Jun (Department of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631) Abstract Using moving window method to investigate the mode of information representation in language comprehension. Subjects were 96 university students in South China Normal University. According to whether the shape of the object in picture was consistent with that in sentence, the experimental materials were divided into two categories: consistent version and inconsistent version. The respond time and correct rate of picture recognition were analyzed with Paired-Samples T Test. The results in experiment 1 show that there is perceptual symbol representation in comprehension when subjects complete recognition task once after they read the key sentence. The results in experiment 2 show that there is propositional symbol representation in comprehension when comprehension task becomes more difficult. The results in experiment 3 show that there is also propositional symbol representation when related information is pushed into long-memory. The total results suggest that there are both perceptual symbol representation and propositional symbol representation in language comprehension, and perceptual symbol representation is only preliminary, whereas propositional symbol representation is final in human brain. Key words language comprehension, information representation, propositional symbol system, perceptual symbol system 11