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竞赛条例 9.6 条的附录 国际龙联国际裁判体系 培训, 评审, 分级 1. 为使竞赛得到健康有序的发展, 国际龙联要求在国际赛事中执法的裁判员等级必须尽可能的高, 这样的竞赛才能获得信任和尊重 为此制定了国家级和国际级裁判资格的培训和评审以及分级制度, 以保证国家级和国际级裁判员的执法能力, 及世界锦标赛的执法水平 2. 国际龙联裁判员培训和评审 (ROTA) 包括为国家级以及 4 个级别的国际级赛事培训 裁判并评定级别 : 级别 身份 授 予 国家级 国家级裁判 国家级裁判证书 (NROC) 技术或组织 一级 国际裁判 国际级裁判证书 (IROC) 二级 国际裁判 国际级裁判执照 (IROL) 三级 国际裁判 高级国际裁判执照 (SIRO) 四级 国际裁判 国际级总裁判长 (CSO) 3. 关于本体系不同级的具体要求, 如下文所示 4. 国家级裁判 (NRO): 凡希望成为龙舟裁判者, 首先要参加国际龙联裁判秘书处 (ROS) 举办或由国际龙联会员组织举办的裁判员培训班 ( 理论和 / 或实践 ) 培训后必须经过至少一个赛季的竞赛实践以评审其执法水平, 然后可被授予国家级裁判 申请国际级的裁判员必须获得国家级裁判资格或具备相应国家级赛事实际执法经验 ( 关于国家级裁判员培训和评审的信息, 请参见 15-22 条 ) 5. 国际级裁判 (IRO): 国际级裁判可选择两个领域, 即 水上 和 岸上 赛事组织, 作为其专业领域 这些领域已涵盖在国际龙联竞赛条例内 鉴于这两个截然不同的领域, 国际龙联裁判体系将国际级裁判分为两 (2) 类, 即技术类和组织类 6. 国际级裁判 (IRO) 1 级 ( 证书 ): 获得国际龙联直接颁发或由国际龙联会员组织颁发的国家级裁判员证书或资历, 或者至少在两年国家级竞赛中执裁的裁判员可以向国际龙联裁判委员会申请参加国际龙联的国际裁判考试 考试及评估包括限时书面回答有关国际龙联章程 附则 竞赛条例和竞赛规则问题, 然后进行一对一的口试以检验其龙舟运动的知识及执裁经验 在笔试期间, 应试者须参阅国际龙联上述文献, 因此可以携带上述文献入场 7. 通过考试者可被授予国际龙联一级国际裁判证书 (IROC), 此为国际龙联国际裁判体系的第一个等级 持有国际龙联一级国际裁判证书者被作为一级裁判列入国际龙联裁判名单, 有资格参与国际竞赛的裁判工作

8. 国际级裁判 (IRO) 2 级 ( 执照 ): 持国际龙联一级国际裁判证书且具有三年国家级赛事执裁经历的裁判 ( 至少在两次国际级竞赛或三次全国锦标赛中执裁 ), 才可以向裁判秘书处申请二级裁判执照 (IROL) 9. 两种类型的国际二级裁判员, 都是由国际龙联赛事裁判秘书处 (ROS) 的成员在进行国际赛事或锦标赛时, 对候选人的实践能力的进行细致观察后评定的, 如下所示 : a. 技术裁判执照 (Tech IRO) 申请二级技术裁判的资格为 : 具有国际级赛事或全国锦标赛执裁经历, 并担任国际龙联竞赛规则中列出的多个职位 二级技术裁判可在洲际或区域性锦标赛及国际赛事中担任竞赛委员会会员, 也可在国际级赛事或全国锦标赛中担任技术主任 b. 组织裁判执照 (Org IRO) 申请二级组织裁判的资格为 : 对该运动具有广泛的知识, 并具有组织国际级龙舟赛事或全国锦标赛的经验, 且具有使用国际龙联竞赛条例的工作经验 他们要具有在举办龙舟赛事或龙舟节时协调一个裁判员团队工作的能力 二级组织裁判可以在洲际 区域性锦标赛和国际赛事中担任赛事承办方, 并举办国际赛事 10. 将授予通过者相应的国际龙联国际二级技术裁判或组织裁判执照 通过者将视情况按照相应的二级国际裁判 ( 技术裁判或组织裁判, 或同时拥有两个资历 ) 列入国际龙联裁判名单 11. 国际级裁判 3 级 ( 高级 ): 持国际龙联二级国际裁判执照的裁判可申请加入国际龙联裁判秘书处, 或由裁判秘书处提名为高级国际裁判 (SIRO) 高级国际裁判候选人应具备多年组织和执法全国性和国际性赛事的全面知识, 包括履行在锦标赛或国际赛事中担任竞赛委员会委员或组委会要职的职责 12. 三级裁判员两类执照的评审方式是通过口试和实践考核, 目的在于评定应试者的技术能力和组织经验以及对本运动的知识 高级国际裁判候选人将由国际龙联竞赛与技术委员会评审小组在世界锦标赛期间进行评定 a. 高级技术裁判三级技术裁判的候选人, 将就其对国际龙联竞赛条例及水上安全问题的知识和实际经验进行评估, 确立其在世界锦标赛中担任组长的能力, 以及在洲际或地区锦标赛中担任总裁判长和在洲际锦标赛中担任技术主任的潜力 b. 高级组织裁判三级组织裁判的候选人, 将就其对组织全国锦标赛和国际龙舟赛的实践经验进行评估 评估将确立其对龙舟运动的认识, 对国际龙联竞赛条例的实际工作知识, 以及在洲际锦标赛中担任锦标赛主任的潜力 13. 获得高级国际裁判执照者将作为国际三级 ( 高级 ) 国际裁判列入国际龙联裁判名单, 可拥有国际高级技术裁判和国际高级组织裁判或同时拥有两种资历, 视具体情况而定 只有高级国际裁判才能在国际龙联世锦赛中担任竞赛委员会委员 洲际或地区锦标赛中, 技术主任只能由国际龙联国际高级技术裁判担任, 而锦标赛主任只能由国际龙联国际高级组织裁判担任

14. 锦标赛高级裁判 4 级 (CSO): 三级高级国际裁判有资格申请国际龙联裁判秘书处, 或由裁判秘书处提名为锦标赛高级裁判 (CSO) 锦标赛高级裁判候选人需要具备多年高级国际裁判员经验, 并多次担任世锦赛竞赛委员会各种不同岗位, 或者在洲际或地区竞赛中担任总裁判长, 技术主任或锦标赛主任, 或担任国际龙联竞赛及技术委员会成员 15. 参与锦标赛高级裁判评估的候选人, 将担任世界锦标赛副总裁判长 ( 技术 ) 或国际龙联仲裁委员会 (ORG) 的辅助人员 技术类候选人将由总裁判长监督, 而组织类候选人由仲裁委员会主任监督 在锦标赛的过程中, 所有的候选人都要受到竞赛及技术委员会主任和成员, 以及国际龙联仲裁委员会主任和总裁判长的评估 a. 锦标赛高级技术裁判四级技术裁判候选人应对国际龙联竞赛条例及水上安全问题具有深厚的知识基础和深刻的认识, 将对其担任世界锦标赛副总裁判长时的实际表现做出评估 从他们的实际表现, 可以评估他们担任世界锦标赛总裁判长的潜能 同时将进行口头面试, 涵盖候选人洲际赛事的技术经验 ( 包括担任技术主任的经验 ), 用于确定其担任世界锦标赛技术主任的潜力 b. 锦标赛高级组织裁判四级组织裁判候选人应对国际龙联竞赛条例具有深厚的知识基础和深刻的认识, 同时具有真实的组织洲际龙舟锦标赛的经验, 或担任竞赛及技术委员会委员的相关经验 同时将进行口头面试, 涵盖候选人洲际范围内的组织经验 ( 包括担任锦标赛主任的经验 ), 用于确定其担任世界锦标赛的锦标赛主任的能力 16. 获得锦标赛高级裁判资格者将作为国际四级裁判 ( 锦标赛高级裁判 ) 列入国际龙联裁判员名单 锦标赛高级技术裁判 (CSO) 或锦标赛高级组织裁判, 或同时拥有两种资历, 视具体情况而定 17. 锦标赛高级技术裁判总是会被任命为国际龙联世界锦标赛总裁判长, 同时担任世界锦标赛技术主任的角色 而世界锦标赛的锦标赛主任总是由锦标赛高级组织裁判担任

Annex A To Competition Regulation 9.6 IDBF INTERNATIONAL RACE OFFICIALS SCHEME Training, Assessment, Grades 1. The International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) recognises that the standards of officiating at International Competitive Events must be of the highest order if Race Officials are to earn credibility and respect and if competitive Dragon Boat Racing is to develop in a full and meaningful way. Therefore, the training and assessment scheme for National and International Race Officials and the officials grading system have been formulated to ensure that high standards of officiating are maintained Nationally and Internationally by the IDBF and the IDBF Members up to and including World Championship Regatta level. 2. IDBF Race Officials Training & Assessment (ROTA), covers officials training at National Level and four (4) levels of assessment and grading, at International level, as follows:- Level Status Award National National Race Official National Race Officials Certificate (NROC) Technical and Organisational Grade 1. International Official International Race Officials Certificate (IROC) Grade 2. International Official International Race Officials Licence (IROL) Grade 3. International Official Senior International Race Official (SIRO) Grade 4. International Official Championship Senior Official (CSO) 3. The outline requirements for the different Grades of Race Officials are shown below. 4. National Race Official (NRO). Those people who wish to become a Dragon Boat Race Official are required to attend Race Officials Training (tutorial and/or practical), organised directly by the IDBF Race Officials Secretariat (ROS) or through an IDBF Member organisation. Such training should be followed by at least one seasons practical experience at dragon boat events, during which time the competence of the Official is assessed, before being confirmed as a qualified National Race Official. Those applying for International Race Officials Assessment, must first hold a National Race Officials qualification or have the appropriate practical national officiating experience. (For more information on National Officials Training and Assessment see paragraphs 15-22 below.) 5. International Race Official (IRO). There are two areas of regatta organisation that International Race Officials may chose to specialize in, that is, the on the water and off the water sides of regatta operation. These areas are covered in the IDBF Rules of Racing and Competition Regulations. In recognising these two distinct areas the ROTA Scheme is divided into two (2) classes of IRO, namely - TECHNICAL and ORGANISATIONAL. 6. Grade. 1 - International Race Officials Certificate. (IROC) National Dragon Boat Officials with either an IDBF or IDBF Member s Race Officials Certificate or Qualification or with at least two (2) years of officiating in Dragon Boat Races, at National Level, may apply to the IDBF ROS for IDBF International Race Officials Certificate. The examination and assessment consists of a timed written paper on the IDBF Statutes, Bye-Laws, Competition Regulations and Rules of Racing, followed by a verbal one to one interview to assess the candidates knowledge and experience of the sport and Race Officiating. During the written examination, Candidates are allowed to refer to the IDBF publications listed above and for this purpose should bring with them a copy of the said publications. 7. Successful candidates will be awarded the IDBF International Race Officials Certificate (IROC), which is the first Grade of the IRO scheme. Those holding a IROC will be entered on the IDBF Register of Officials as holders of the Grade.1 International Race Officials Certificate and authorised to officiate or organise at International Race level within the sport.

8. Grade. 2 - International Race Officials License. (IROL) Those Grade 1 International Race Officials with at least three (3) years of officiating at National Level, including officiating or organizing experience in at least two (2) International Races or at three (3) National Championships, will be considered by the ROS for their International Race Officials Licence (IROL). 9. The Grade 2 IRO Assessment, for both licence classes, is an observed assessment of a candidates practical abilities, carried out at International Races or Championship events by Members of the IDBF Race Officials Secretariat (ROS), as follows:- a. Technical International Race Officials Licence. Those being considered for Technical Grade 2 status will have experience at International Races or National Championships, over a range of the officiating roles shown in the IDBF Rules of Racing. A Grade 2, TECH will be qualified to officiate at Continental or Regional Championships and International Races, as a Member of the Competition Committee and to act as the Technical Director for an International Race or National Championships. b. Organisational International Race Officials Licence. Those being considered for Organisational Grade 2 status will have a good knowledge of the sport and proven experience in the organisational aspects of a regatta as shown in the IDBF Competition Regulations, at National Championships level. They will be capable of leading a team of officials in a Sport Racing Regatta or Dragon Boat Festival. A Grade 2, ORG will be qualified as an Event Organiser to conduct International Festival and Sport Racing Regattas. 10. Successful Grade 2 candidates will be awarded their IDBF International Race Officials Licence (IROL) Technical or Organisational, as appropriate. Successful candidates will be entered on the IDBF Register of Officials as a Grade 2 IRO - International Race Officials Licence holder (IROL) - Tech or Org (or both) as the case may be. 11. Grade. 3 - Senior International Race Official (SIRO). Licensed Race Officials will be eligible to apply to the IDBF ROS or be nominated by the Secretariat, for assessment as a Senior International Race Official (SIRO). SIRO candidates will have a comprehensive knowledge of the sport and a wide range of experience in officiating at or organising dragon boat events at National and international level over a number of years, including the duties of a member of the Competition Committee or a key member of the Organising Committee at Championship Regattas or International Race level. 12. The Grade 3 SIRO Assessment for both classes is a verbal interview and a practical test of a candidates technical abilities or organisational experience and knowledge of the sport. The SIRO assessment is carried out at a World or Continental Championship Regatta, by an IDBF Competition & Technical Commission (C&TC) Assessment Team a. Senior Technical Race Official. Grade 3 Tech candidates will be assessed, on their practical officiating experience and knowledge of the IDBF Rules of Racing and Water Safety issues to establish their ability to be a Section Leader at a World Championships and their potential to carry out the duties of the Chief Official at Continental or Regional Championship level and to act as the Technical Director for a Continental Championship. b. Senior Organisational Race Official. Grade 3 Org candidates will be assessed on their practical experience in organising Dragon Boat Races at National Championships and International Race level. The assessment will establish their understanding of the sport and working knowledge of the IDBF Competition Regulations and their potential to carry out the duties of a Championship Director for a Continental Championship. 13. Those granted SIRO status will be entered on the IDBF Register of Officials as Grade 3, IRO - Senior International Race Official (SIRO) Tech or Org (or both) as the case may be. Only Senior Race Officials will be appointed to the Competition Committee at an IDBF World Championship Regatta. The role of the Technical Director of a Continental or Regional Championship should be carried out by an IDBF Tech SIRO and the role of the Championship Director by an IDBF Org Senior International Race Official.

14. Grade. 4 - Championship Senior Official. (CSO). Senior International Race Officials will be eligible to apply to the IDBF ROS or be nominated by the Secretariat, for assessment as a Championship Senior Official (CSO). CSO candidates will have officiated, over a number of years as a SIRO at World Championship Regattas covering different roles as a member of the Competition Committee, or acting as a Chief Official, Technical Director or Championships Director at Regional or Continental Championships or as a Member of the IDBF C&TC. 15. Candidates for CSO Assessment will carry out either the duties of the Assistant Chief Official (Tech) or be an assisting member of the IDBF Jury (Org) at a World Championship Regatta. Tech candidates will be supervised by the Chief Official and Org candidates by the Chair of the Jury. All candidates will be assessed by the Chair and Members of the C&TC, in conjunction with the Chief Official and Chair of the IDBF Jury, during the course of the Championship. a. Championship Senior Technical Official. Grade 4 Tech candidates shall have a deep knowledge and understanding of the IDBF Rules of Racing and Water Safety issues and will be assessed on their practical performance as an Assistant Chief Official at a World Championship Regatta. From their practical performance, their potential to carry out the duties of the Chief Official at a World Championship Regatta will be assessed. A verbal interview covering the candidates technical experience, including Technical Director, at Continental level, will be used to determine their potential ability to carry out the duties of the Technical Director for a World Championship Regatta. b. Championship Senior Organisational Official. Grade 4 Org candidates will have a deep knowledge and understanding of the IDBF Competition Regulations and proven experience in organising dragon boating at Continental Championships level or have relevant experience as a Member of the C&TC. A verbal interview covering the candidates organisational experience, including Championship Director, at Continental level will be used to determine their ability to carry out the duties of the Championship Director for a World Championship Regatta. 16. Those granted CSO status will be entered on the IDBF Register of Officials as Grade 4 IRO Championship Senior Official (CSO) Technical or Organisational (or both) as the case may be. 17. A Tech CSO will always be appointed as the Chief Official at an IDBF World Championship Regatta and should carry out the role of the Technical Director of a World Championship Regatta. The role of Championship Director at a World Championship Regatta should always be carried out by a Org Championship Senior Official.