(chlamydia trachomatis,ct) PubMed EMBASE Cochrane, CT LCR CT,, [] CT The Bayes, Library of Diagnostic Studies and Reviews [], ;,,, CT,, ;, :

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g 100mv /g 0. 5 ~ 5kHz 1 YSV8116 DASP 1 N 2. 2 [ M] { x } + [ C] { x } + [ K]{ x } = { f t } 1 M C K 3 M C K f t x t 1 [ H( ω )] = - ω 2


22 8 2 4 The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine Aug. 22 Vol.2 No.4 Meta a, b, a, a, a, a ( a. ; b., 7) [ ] PubMed EMBASE Cochrane,, QUADAS, MetaAnalyst Meta 22, 6 7 Meta :,.94(95%.89~.96).98(95%.972~.99) 52.88 (95% 2.297~86.58 ).69 (95%.4~. ), 24.549 (95% 545. 9 ~2 79.925).986, [ ] ; ; ; Meta [ ] R74 +. [ ] A [ ] 67-544(22)4-27-7 The Accuracy for Chlamydia Trachomatis Test by Ligase Chain Reaction: A Meta-Analysis GE Long a, CHEN Chan b, LIANG Li a, AN Ni a, WANG Xiao-qin a, TIAN Jin-hui a (a. Evidence-Based Medicine Center, School of Basic Medical Sciences; b. The Second Clinical Medical College, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7, China) Abstract: Objective To evaluate the accuracy of ligase chain reaction and culture for Chlamydia trachomatis test. Methods Systematic and comprehensive literatures were searched in PubMed, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang database, et al. The studies of ligase chain reaction diagnosis for Chlamydia trachomatis were included. The quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies (QUADAS) items were used to assess the quality of the included studies. The MetaAnalyst software was used to analyze the data. Results A total of 22 studies involving 6 7 participants were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that compared with the cell culture, which used considered as gold standard, the ligase chain reaction indicating a higher level of overall accuracy, the summary sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, diagnostic odds ratio, that the area under the summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curve were.94 (95% CI.89 ~.96),.98 (95% CI.972 ~.99), 52.88 (95% CI 2.297 ~86.58),.69 (95% CI.4 ~.), 24.549 (95% CI 545.9 ~2 79.925) and.986, respectively. Conclusion The ligase chain could use as a new technology for Chlamydia trachomatis infection diagnosed, and may be of benefit for testing Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Key words: chlamydia trachomatis; ligase chain reaction; accuracy; meta-analysis [ ] 2 (lzujbky-2-) [ ] (988-),,, 29, [ ],Tel:9-89576; E-mail:tianjh@lzu.edu.cn

28 22 2 4 (chlamydia trachomatis,ct) PubMed EMBASE Cochrane, CT LCR CT,, [] CT The Bayes, Library of Diagnostic Studies and Reviews [], ;,,, CT,, ;, :, (ligase chain reaction, LCR), CT [2] LCR, ) chlamydia trachomatis AND, Reactions OR LCR AND Specificity OR Sensitivity 4 ( OR Diagnosis ),,. DNA ( ),,LCR, EndNote (polymerase chain reaction,pcr),, LCR CT, Meta,, LCR CT,... :LCR, ;2 :, CT CT, : ; : ;4 :LCR; 5 : (sensitivity, SEN) (specificity,spe) (positive.5 likelihood ratio,+lr) (negative likelihood ratio,-lr) (diagnostic assessment for diagnostic accuracy studies, odds ratio,dor) (summary ) receiver operating characteristic, SROC), (area under the curve,auc)..2 ;2 ; ; 4 LCR CT, χ 2 ;5, DOR (Meta-Disc.4), I 2.2 chlamydia trachomatis CT ligase chain reaction LCR specificity sensitivity diagnosis ( ) AND OR LCR AND OR OR, ( Ligase Chain,.4, ( ) Whiting [4 ].6 QUADAS ( quality,i 2 <25%,25%<I 2 < 5%,I 2 >5%, MetaAnalyst SROC,

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22 22 2 4 2. 2,, QUADAS, 2 2.4 Meta 22 [2,5-25] (P=.,I 2 =86.4%), Meta, :LCR CT SEN.94 (95%CI.89~.96);,SPE.98(95% CI.972~.99), 4;+LR 52.88 (95%CI 2.297 ~86.58), -LR.69 (95% CI.4 ~ 2 22 LCR CT 22 LCR CT

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