ALT) (alanine aminotransferase (aspartate RAD aminotransferaseast) (alkaline phosphatase) γ - (gamma [3] glutamyltransferase) : (D) (R) D / R 1 / 3 D

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续 学 习 奠 定 良 好 的 基 础 研 究 证 明, 为 幼 儿 做 好 入 学 准 备, 可 降 低 中 小 学 教 育 阶 段 的 辍 学 率 复 读 率, 提 高 儿 童 的 学 习 成 绩, 提 高 义 务 教 育 经 费 的 使 用 效 益 [2] 学 前 一 年 教 育 在 幼 儿

TGF-β AngⅡ B SD ~ 220g SPF. SCXK No SYXK ~ 25 40% ~ 70% OR37G-C

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Leisure Participation Type Differences And Leisure Satisfaction Differences Between Various Body Mass Indices: A Correlation Study To Taiwan s College

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58 特 殊 教 育 與 復 健 學 報 壹 研 究 動 機 與 背 景 教 育 成 敗, 繫 於 師 資 之 良 窳 教 育 部 於 2010 年 8 月 召 開 第 八 次 全 國 教 育 會 議 中, 師 資 培 育 與 專 業 發 展 為 一 項 重 要 的 討 論 議 題, 其 中 研 修

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2015 8 15 4 The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine Aug. 2015 Vol.15 No.4 ( 518038) [ ] (ALT) (AST) () γ- () 2 351 3 18 AST ALT AST (P <0.05) (P >0.05) ALT (P >0.05) (P <0.05) [ ] ; ; ; [ ] R446.11 [ ] A [ ] DOI:10.3969 / j.issn.1671-5144.2015.04.012 Analysis of Serum Enzymes in Healthy Children and Adolescents by Dry Chemical System LUO Xiao-juan CAO Ke MA Dong-li LIU Xin-gang HUANG Bao-xing CHEN Yun-sheng (Department of Clinical Laboratory Shenzhen Children's Hospital Guangdong Shenzhen 518038 China) Abstract: Objective To analyze the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) aspartate aminotransferase (AST) alkaline phosphatase() gamma glutamyltransferase() among healthy children and adolescents and compare the differences between genders and ages. Methods A total of 2 351 healthy children and adolescents aged from 3 months to 18 years were divided into 4 groups: infant group pre-school group school age group and youth group. The serum enzymes in venous blood were detected by dry chemical system and data were analyzed by statistical methods between different ages and genders. Results Except the of school age group in girls was significantly higher than that in boys (P<0.05) the AST of school age group and the ALT AST of youth group in boys was significantly higher than that in girls (P<0.05). The serum enzymes showed significant differences in different age groups. The trend of 4 enzymes increase or decline with increasing age (P<0.05) but showed no significant difference between infant and school age group ALT showed no significant difference between pre-school and school age group (P>0.05). We should set up different reference intervals according to the different age group. Conclusion The serum enzymes have gender differences and significantly associated with the change of age in healthy children and adolescents and the laboratory shall establish a corresponding reference intervals. Key words: enzymes; dry chemical; children; adolescent [ ] (201203074); ([2012]866) [ ] (1983-) [ ] Tel:0755-83008362;

ALT) (alanine aminotransferase (aspartate RAD aminotransferaseast) (alkaline phosphatase) γ - (gamma [3] glutamyltransferase) : (D) (R) D / R 1 / 3 D / R>1 / 3 2 [1] D / R>1 / 3 ; D / R 1 / 3 1.2.4 C28-A3 [3] : ; [2] Z Z * Z=(x 1 -x 2 ) / (S 12 / n 1 +S 22 / (Clinical and Laboratory Standards n 2 ) 1 /2 Z * =3[(n 1 + n 2 ) / 240] 1 /2 x 1 x 2 InstituteCLSI) C28-A3 [3] 3 S 1 S 2 n 1 n 2 18 Z Z * 1 1.3 1.1 SPSS 13.0 2011 2 2013 9 ( Shapiro-Wilk M 2~3 9~10 2013 6~9 ) (Q1Q3) ( Mann-Whitney U Kruskal-Wallis ) Spearman 2.5%~97.5% P<0.05 95% 2 351 2 3 18 [4] 1 350 1 001 2.1 :3 ~3 4 4 ( ) ~6 ( ) ~12 ( ) ~18 ( ) 8 1.2 1.2.1 2 ml 1 h 3 000 rpm / min 10 min 4 h 1.2.2 VITROS 350 (P >0.05) 1 2.3 ALT AST 5-. 233 1.2.3 C28-A3 2 3 2 345 2.2 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate P-5-P) BIO- M (Q1Q3) Mann- Whitney U AST ALT AST (P <0.05) Kruskal-Wallis

234 2015 15 4 1 U / L ALT AST (n=99) 25(2130) 43(3950) 241(197289) 14(1216) (n=88) 24(2130) 46(4151) 232(207278) 14(1216) (n=492) 24(2127) 32(2936) 214(189253) 10(812) (n=426) 23(2127) 32(3035) 223(190255) 10(812) (n=561) 24(1928) 32(2938) * 229(193275) * 13(1016) * (n=355) 23(2027) 32(2836) 240(201289) 12(915) (n=194) 23(1828) * 26(2231) * 215(135312) * 17(1421) * (n=130) 18(1521) 23(2028) 152(112191) 15(1218) * P<0.05 (P (P >0.05) <0.05) (P <0.05) 2 ALT 2 U / L (n=187) (n=918) (n=916) (n=324) P ALT 25(2130) 24(2127) 23(2027) 21(1726) 12356 AST 45(4050) 32(2935) 32(2937) 25(2130) 123456 238(202286) 219(189254) 234(197281) 180(123264) 13456 14(1216) 10(812) 12(916) 16(1319) 123456 1 P<0.052 P<0.053 P<0.054 0.055 P<0.056 P<0.05 2.4 AST ; AST ALT (AST:r =-0.358 P=0.000;ALT:r=-0.063P=0.001;:r=-0.082P= 0.000) (r=0.266 6 13 11 14 P=0.000) 17 1 / 2 3 3~6 6~13 ALT 18 1 A. ALT B. AST C. D. 1

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