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1 長老尼偈 的修辭敘事 兼以對照 長老偈

2 2004

3 長老尼偈 的修辭敘事 兼以對照 長老偈 (Therīgāthā) (gāthā ) 1 (Theragāthā) 1 ( )

4 2004 1990 (566-370BCE) 2 (Dhammapāla) 3 : (Subhā) (Subhā Jīvakambavanikā) 365-398 4 2 1990 68 3 1999 381-401 31-32 4 ( 19941983 ) 293

5 5 6 7 8 73 9 1995 5 Katherine K. Young, Hinduism, in Women in World Religions (New York: State University of New York, 1987), 60-68 6 ( 1990) 11-28 7 8 1994; 1990 2003 199-236 9

6 2004 59 (Uppalavannā ) 12.1 Dhammadinnā 58 10 11 1909 10 44-60 68 88 47 11 Caroline Rhys Davids, tr. (1909). Psalms of the Sisters, London: Pali Text SocietyH. Oldenberg and R. Pischel eds. (1966). Theār-Therī-gāthā, revised by K. R. Norman and L. Alsdorf, London: Pali Text SocietyK. R. Norman tr.(1971). Elders Verse II, London: Pali Text SocietyThera Piyadassi (1980). The Virgin s Eye: Women in Buddhist Literature,

7 1909 12 I. B. Horner 13 1980 Nancy Schuster Barnes Diana Paul 14 (1980 ) 15 Vimalaratana 1972 1996 1999 16 Colombo, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication SocietySusan Murcott (1991). The First Buddhist Woman: Translations and Commentary on the Therīgāthā, Berkeley: Parallax PressKatheryn R. Blackstone (1998). Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the -Therīgāthā, London: Curzon Press 12 C. A. F. Rhys Davids, Psalms of the Sisters (London: Pali Text Society, 1909), xxiii. 13 I. B. Horner, Women Under Primitive Buddhism (London: George Routledge, 1930), 199ff., 251ff; Nancy Schuster Barnes, Buddhism, in Arvid Sharma ed., Women in World Religions (New York: State University of New York Press, 1987), 109. 14 Nancy Schuster Barnes, Buddhism, in Arvid Sharma ed., Women in World Religions (New York: State University of New York Press, 1987), 129; Diana Paul, The Buddhist Feminine Ideal (Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1980), 2. 15 Nancy J. Barnes, Women in Buddhism, in Arvid Sharma ed., Today s Women in World Religions (New York: State University of New York Press, 1994), 137-170; Rita M. Gross, Buddhism, in Jen Holm and John Bowker ed., Women in Religion (London: Pinter, 1999), 1-29; ( 2002) 147-176 16

8 2004 (1986) 17 (1990) (1995) 18 19 20 17 1986 802843 18 19 400 20

9 ( Arahant ) 21 (paramatthadipanī) 22 21 222 2003.04.20 22 15

10 2004 23 24 264 1291 73 521 25 26 (Sopāka) (Mahāpanthaka ) (227 231) (Sugandha ) 24 (Pakkha ) 63 (Mendasīra ) 78 (Valliya ) 144 Anupama 167 (Sundrasamudda ) 224 (Kāludāyī ) 23 843 24 31-32 25 26 9 10

11 233 (Sopāka) 33 (Dabba) 5 Punnamāsa 10 (Sirimanta ) (Sirvadda ) 140 (Nandiya ) 25 (Samiddhi) mara 46 (Somakolivisa) 243 (Sivali) 60

12 2004 Suppvāsā Suppvāsā 264 8 27 5 27 1. Kumāputta Kumā Velukanataka 36 2. Khadiravaniyarevata (Nālaka) (Rūpasāri) 42 3. Visakha (Pamcāli) 121 4. katiyana 216 5. Migakala (Visakhā) 217 6. Upasena (Nāla) Pūpasāri 238 7. Sāriputta (Upatissa) (Rūpasāri) 259

13 28 29 Sundari Subha 5.1 6.1 5.11 2.8 (Vaddha) (Bharukaccha) (9.1) (5.202) (Sumangala) (2.3) (.43) (Ambapālī) (Vimala) (20.1) (1.50) 28 (Punnkā) 16.1 (Subha) 20.5 29 I. B. Horner Women under Primitive Buddhism (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1975), 25; the foreword of Horner in Meema Talim, Women in Early Buddhist Literature (Bombay: University of Bombay Press, 1972), 123

14 2004 Sigāla-pitu, 18 Dhammasava-pitu, 108 30 30 Ria Kloppemborg Kathryn R. Blackstone Kloppemborg Blackstone (liberation manuals) Kloppenborg, Femal Stereotypes in Early Buddhism: The Women of the Therigatha, in Ria Kloppenborg and Wouter J. Hanegraaff eds., Female Stereotypes in Religious Traditions (Leiden; New York: Brill, 1995), 151-169BlackstoneWomen in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha

15 ( 一 ) 女人之苦與殤子之痛 Kisāgotamī [Kisā] 217 31 姙 31 William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms ( 1962) 126

16 2004 218-219 (218-219) 32 (Patācārā) 5.10 (221) 11.1 213-216 217, 218-220 32 1980 151-156

17 221-223 挿 253 Jīvā (Ubbirī) 53 131 (Sundarī) (Vāseţţhī) 20.4 312-322 33 挿 ( 二 ) 女人痛苦之源 貪執親子關係 33 361 8

18 2004 (11.1) 221 223? 51 53 127-130 131-132 34 133-138 34 112-114

19 (1) 18 (2) 98 (3) 163 (Sonā) 5.8 102 207-212 187-188 (Cāpā) (Kāļa ) 294-303

20 2004 35 ( 三 ) 女人出家之實際自由 1.1 1 ( )! 1.11 11 2.3 23 / 36 37 35 Young, Hinduism, 69. 36 112 117 37 43

21 / ( ) 38 39 ( ) 38 Sue Hamilton, From the Buddha to Boddhaghosa: Changing Attitudes toward the Human Body in Theravada Buddhism, Jane Marie Law ed., Religious Reflections on the Human Body (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), 46-63 39 Blackstone Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigāthā 114 Karen Christina Lang, Lord Death s Snare: Gender-related Imagery in Thereagāthā and the Theriagāthā, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2.2 (1986): 82.

22 2004 ( 一 ) 女身為累 人身無常 40 41 2.4 42 43 252-269 40 (Avadana) (1999) 31-65 41 5.2 73 298 42 72 Norman Intoxicated by my (good) complexion, my figure, beauty and fame, haughty because of my youth, I despised other women. 43 252-269 19

23 44 45 (27-39) 46 44 33-34 45 252-269 46 390-393 岀

24 2004 47 (asubha) 48 69 (138) Mara 49 230-235 47 26 48 116 49 139-141 6.3

25 5.9 50 51 ( 二 ) 長老尼偈 中的佛陀與魔羅 50 107-111 51 12.1 224-226 Norman the peril in sensual pleasure renunciation of the world as firm security The Elders Verses II: Therigāthā, 24 226

26 2004 1. 10 2. 56 3.6 3. (Selā) 59 3.7 58 4. (Somā) 62 3.8 60-62 5. ( ) 65 4.1 6. 142 52 52 Kloppenborg, Femal Stereotypes in Early Buddhism: The Women of the Therigāthā, ( 158)

27 141 143 7. 188 7.2 182-183 (184-188) (pasandha) 8. 195 9. 203 10. (235 12.1 230-235 365, 367, 368 379 386

28 2004 (dvangulipaññā) 53 Kloppenborg 54 (Brahmacarya ) (Grhastha ) (Vanaprastha ) (Sannyasa ) 55 (kaumārya) (vivāha) (satī) (vaidhavya) (Grhastha) 56 53 304 7 54 Kloppenborg, Femal Stereotypes in Early Buddhism: The Women of the Therigāthā, 154-155. 55 2002 82-85 56 Young, Hinduism, 69

29 57 ( ) 1151-1154 1177 1188 1199 1200 1214 (Anta ) (Bhesakalā ) 1216-1219 57 Diana Paul, Women in Buddhism (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979), 303-304 ( : 1975) 33-36

30 2004 7 930 58 949 235 3.6 59 58 182-188 59 157-162

31 60 416 61 833 839 1, 16, 19-20, 35-36, 51 62 60 1152; 256 61 831 62 1998 47 17

32 2004 18 10 8 399-402 403-425 426-433

33 446? 73 448-458 459

34 2004 460-463 464-477 478-480 岀 481-483 484-492 493-512 513 514 516-520 521 521 471 449


36 2004