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2012 14

da Vinci's Friends - No.14 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 10 67 10 12 12 13 14 15, - 15 16 17 17 17 18 : 19 20 Robotic Surgery Symposium 2012 in CUHK 21 Lateral palatal flap approach to the nasopharynx and parapharyngeal space for transoral robotic surgery: a cadaveric study 24 Early experience for the robotic duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection 25 27 2

2012 2 18 2007 500 7 2010 3

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da Vinci's Friends - No.14 2012 3 23 China Med 2012 China Med 2012 31 Si MIMIC 10 42% 20% - 30% 14 6

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da Vinci's Friends - No.14 85% Dr.Gill Dr.Gill Dr.Gill 2012 4 13 16 40 250 2012 4 17 20 -- 67 ( CMEF 10

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da Vinci's Friends - No.14 CHINA ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL EQUIPME NT CAME 2012 5 10 11 MISSC 2012 5 12 13 Sascha Alexander Pahernik Markus Hohenfellner Vito Pansadoro 12

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Robotic Surgery Symposium 2012 in CUHK The CUHK Robotic Surgery Symposium was recently held in CUHK Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills Centre in Hong Kong on February 22-23, 2012. The symposium aimed to arouse interest on the application of robotic General Surgery applications and focused in sharing experiences in overcoming the initial hurdle during learning curves, and from open or laparoscopic approaches to robotic surgery. It also served as a platform for OR nurses to share experiences on operating theatre setup in different procedures in various specialties. The overseas faculties were Professor Jia-Hong Dong from Chinese PLA General Hospital China, Professor Kyu-Eun Lee from Seoul National University Korea, Professor Woo-Jin Hyung and Professor Byung-Soh Min from Yonsei University Hospital Korea. Three live robotic surgeries were demonstrated by the overseas faculties. Tips and tricks on da Vinci Gastrectomy, da Vinci Thyroidectomy (Bilateral Axillo-Breast Approach) and da Vinci Low Anterior Resection were demonstrated in a highly interactive course which allow the participants to gain confidence especially in their learning curves. The highlight of the keynote lectures were, Tips and tricks in starting robotic assisted gastrectomy ; Dr. Woo- Jin Hyung Korea, Are there any ways to make robotic thyroidectomy easier ; Dr. Kyu-Eun Lee Korea, and Robotic Hepatectomy ; Professor Jia-Hong Dong China. The local surgeons shared on their experiences as well. What have I learnt about robotic thyroid surgery in Seoul ; Dr. Shirley Liu, From Laparoscopic Hepatectomy to Robotic Hepatectomy ; Dr Kit-Fai Lee, Local experience of robotic thyroidectomy ; Dr David Tsui, Robotic Rectal Surgery: PWH Experience ; Professor Simon Ng, and Robotic Rectal Surgery: PYNEH Experience ; Dr Hester Cheung. 21

da Vinci's Friends - No.14 The nursing session was run concurrently by robotic nursing coordinators from Prince of Wales Hospital and Queen Mary Hospital. The topics included What the surgeons expect from the nurses ; Ms. Ching- Han Leung, Nursing experience in Thyroidectomy Trans-axillary approach ; Mr. Barry Lo, and Nursing experience in Robotic HPB Surgery Ms. Joyce Wong. Early experience for the robotic duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection Peng CH, Shen BY, Deng XX, Zhan Q, Han B, Li HW. pancreaticoenteric reconstruction to the distal stump. D e p a r t m e n t o f H e p a t o - B i l i o - P a n c r e a t i c S u rg e r y, Shanghai Institute of Digestive Surgery, Rui Jin Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200025, People's Republic of China. BACKGROUND: The duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection (DPPHR) has been accepted as a valid surgical alternative to more extensive standard resections for the treatment of benign and low malignant tumors at the head of the pancreas. In this article, a new minimally invasive operation, the robot-assisted laparoscopic technique, is introduced for this procedure. METHODS: From March 2010 to Dec 2010, four patients (three women and one man), with a mean age of 42.3 years (range: 21-62 years), underwent robotassisted laparoscopic DPPHR at the Hepato- Bilio- Pancreatic Surgical Department of Rui Jin Hospital in Shanghai, China. The preoperative symptoms include two cases of repeated upper abdominal pain, one case with no obvious preoperative symptoms, and one case of repeated hypoglycemia. The da Vinci Surgical System was used to perform the main steps of the operation. All patients underwent a pancreaticogastrostomy for R E S U LT S : A l l f o u r s u rg e r i e s w e r e s u c c e s s f u l l y performed. There were no deaths. The mean operative time was 298.8 (270-335) min, average blood loss was 425 ml (range: 100-600 ml). The mean postoperative hospital stay was 26.8 days (range: 20-30 days). The one patient with an islet cell tumor has had normal blood glucose levels since the operation, and the other three patients have had no hyperglycemia. Three of the patients developed a pancreatic fistula that was cured by conservative treatment. C O N C L U S I O N S : T h e r o b o t i c s u rg i c a l s y s t e m i s technically fully capable of performing the complex DPPHR procedure with an acceptable range of surgical complications. It breaks through the bottleneck of the traditional laparoscopic technology and expands the range of its applications. However, this new technology is still at an exploratory stage, and the long-term effect remains to be validated by additional clinical data. 22

Lateral palatal flap approach to the nasopharynx and parapharyngeal space for transoral robotic surgery: a cadaveric study 23

da Vinci's Friends - No.14 24


da Vinci's Friends - No.14 26

da Vinci 2012 4 30 2226 1615 379 150 82 da Vinci 2012 6 30 21 7 14 Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital - Hong Kong Princess Margaret Hospital - Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital - Hong Kong (3) Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital - Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital - Hong Kong Beijing Ditan Hospital - Beijing ( ) Chinese PLA General Hospital - Beijing (2) Second Artillery General Hospital of PLA - Beijing Shanghai Chest Hospital - Shanghai Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University - Shanghai Shanghai Rui Jin Hospital - Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University - Shanghai Southwest Hospital - Chongqing Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command - Nanjing General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command - Shenyang Shanghai Changhai Hospital - Shanghai Peking Union Medical College Hospital - Beijing General Hospital of Jinan Military Command - Jinan 27

Prosper as a Cross-Cultural Company by Providing Leading Edge Healthcare Technologies, Quality Products and Ser vices to China s Pr ofessional Communities with PRIDE. 237 28 : 100020 010 65528822 010 65528375 jinzheng.wu@chindexmedical.com yansong.zhao@chindexmedical.com yuan.wang@chindexmedical.com yi.zhang@chindexmedical.com chenyang.guo@chindexmedical.com zheng.tang@chindexmedic al.com yanping.zhang@chindexmedical.com jiantong.zhou@chindexmedical.com 1199 301 200031 021 64455500 021 64152455 zhenjie.sun@chindexmedical.com bin.xu@chindexmedical.com minjuan.fu@chindexmedical.com zhenyu.jin@chindexmedical.com 850 17 04-07 510600 020 8734995 5 020 87348858 zhiqiang.chen@chindexmedical.com 148 9,903 (852) 25471536 (852) 25484664 Michelle Leong michelle.leong@chindexmedical.com MISSC (852) 26322644 (852) 26324708