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104-1 碩 2 演 說 與 談 判 技 巧 講 義 Handouts for The Skills for Public Speech and Negotiation Course MA in Translation 1. THE CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING builds on its strong tradition of skills-based public speaking instruction with its Speech Planning Action Steps, which resourcefully guide students through speech creation as they progress through six Action Steps: topic selection, audience analysis and adaptation, research, organization, presentational aids, and language and delivery. This new edition clearly integrates technology and social media in the speeches themselves and in their delivery in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Multimodal public speaking is now considered throughout the text--that is, oral, written, and visual aspects of speech planning, developing, presentation, and evaluation processes. As in previous editions, the authors provide an exceptional foundation to help students create and deliver speeches, including the latest research, numerous in-text activities, techniques to help student address anxiety, ethical issues that speakers face, and critical-thinking and reflection prompts that help students think logically about the speechmaking process. Table of Contents Part I: OVERVIEW. 1. Foundations of Public Speaking. 2. Your First Speech. 3. Listening. Part II: SPEECH PLANNING ACTION STEPS. 4. Speech Topic and Goal. 5. Adapting to Audiences. 6. Gathering and Evaluating Information. 7. Organizing and Outlining. 8. Introductions and Conclusions. 9. Presentational Aids. 10. Language and Oral Style. 11. Delivery. Part III: Public Speech Presentation Variations. 12. Informative Speeches. 13. Persuasive Messages. 14. Persuasive Speeches. 15. Ceremonial Speeches. 16. Group Presentations.

2. The contents of some of my publications in the journals that will be served as examples for the delivery for public speech. For Example: 2-1 Professional Translation as New Trend of Translation Sun, Shun- Chih International Journal of Linguistics and Communication June 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 63-73 The development of Translation theories can be divided into four periods: 1. The Period of Literature theory of Translation; 2. The Period of Linguistics Theory of Translation; 3. The Period of Culture Theory of Translation; and 4. The Period of Professional Theory of Translation. During the Period of Literature theory of Translation, Translators paid special attention to the art and aesthetics of translation. During the Period of Linguistics theory of Translation, translators paid attention to the transfer of grammar, then to the language meaning, and finally to pragmatic linguistics. During the Period of Culture theory of Translation, translators paid special emphasis on the transfer of cultural messages with debates on authors- centered Domestication Translation strategy and readers- centered Foreignization Translation strategy. And during the Period of Professional theory of Translation, translators paid special attention to the acquirement and application of professional knowledge and ability. The Professional theory of Translation is the current trend for translators. The translators had better have

professional knowledge and ability for the translation fields, so as to be competent in translation. 2-2 On Han Fei's Pragmatism Sun, Shun- Chih Review of Arts and Humanities June 2014, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 185-201 Han Fei, one of the princes of the Han State, China, was born around 281 B.C. and died in 233 B.C.. Han Fei s pragmatism emphasized facing situations, testing hypotheses by evidence, judging values according to their effects, and looking at gain and harm amorally. Han Fei s pragmatism was based on the selfinterested human nature. He thought that it was proper to human nature to pursue gain and avoid harm and that the relations among people were established on the basis of selfinterest, regardless between kings and ministers, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, and employers and employees. Han Fei saw pragmatism as standard of values: whatever produced satisfactory effects was valuable, and whatever did not was useless. Han Fei also used pragmatism as foundation of rewards and punishments. On the one hand, he applied pragmatism to standard of rewards and punishments: rewarding those who corresponded to state interests and punishing those who did not. On the other, he used pragmatism as a means to rewards and punishments: bestowing wealth and nobility on people of merits

as rewards and imposing harm on the criminals as punishments. The ultimate purpose of Han Fei s pragmatism was to make his state wealthy and powerful, and its way to success was with emphasis on warfare and agriculture under sovereignty of the king and through efficiency of the ministers in fulfilling certain tasks-- monitoring people to obey the law with special emphasis on agriculture and warfare. 2-3 Chang Chien s Middle Way for Gradual Reform Sun, Shun-Chih Review of History and Political Science June 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 93-109 Chang Chien (1853-1926) was a native of Nant'ung, Kiangsu. In spite of the Various works on Chang Chien, which testify to the significance of his role in modern China, Chang Chien's Middle Way for Gradual Reform is still not well- researched. The purposes of this paper are firstly, to analyze Chang Chien's Middle Way for Gradual Reform systematically and clearly in the hope that it may become a useful reference for researchers on modern Chinese political thought, and secondly, to stimulate scholars for further research. This paper depends more on basic source materials rather than second-hand data. Among various source materials, Chang Chien's Diary, The Nine Records of Chang Chien and The Complete Work of Chang Chien are the most important. Chang Chien's Middle Way for Gradual Reform may be summarized as follows:1 taking notice of both economic basis and superstructure; 2 elitism; 3 pragmatism; 4 concept of limited

change; 5 gradualism; 6 golden means; and 7 government by the people. 2-4 從 Artistic Approach 的 中 譯 看 翻 譯 的 新 趨 勢 : 專 業 翻 譯 孫 順 智, Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, Vol.12(1), 103-120 摘 要 翻 譯 理 論 發 展 迄 今, 可 劃 分 為 四 個 階 段 :( 一 ) 語 文 學 派 / 文 藝 學 派 翻 譯 階 段 ;( 二 ) 語 言 學 翻 譯 理 論 階 段 ;( 三 ) 文 化 翻 譯 階 段 ;( 四 ) 專 業 翻 譯 階 段 語 文 學 派 / 文 藝 學 派 著 重 主 觀 的 創 造 性, 認 為 翻 譯 是 一 種 藝 術 以 接 受 美 學 為 取 向, 認 為 翻 譯 語 言 是 藝 術 創 造 的 產 物 語 言 學 翻 譯 理 論 早 期 著 重 於 文 法, 後 轉 重 於 語 義, 再 轉 變 為 著 重 語 用 文 化 翻 譯 階 段 著 重 於 不 同 文 化 間 的 資 訊 轉 換, 對 於 以 作 者 為 中 心 的 異 化 與 以 讀 者 為 中 心 的 歸 化 視 情 況 加 以 運 用 專 業 翻 譯 階 段 則 著 重 於 專 業 知 識 的 習 得 與 運 用 專 業 翻 譯 階 段 是 當 今 翻 譯 的 新 趨 勢 對 於 法 政, 財 經, 新 聞, 科 技, 環 保, 舞 蹈 各 方 面 需 有 起 碼 的 知 識 與 能 力 才 易 掌 握 各 該 專 業 的 翻 譯 翻 譯 學 界 的 翻 譯, 在 標 準 舞 專 業 翻 譯 方 面, 目 前 剛 在 起 步 的 階 段 翻 譯 學 者 對 標 準 舞 方 面 有 造 詣 者 寥 寥 無 幾, 而 標 準 舞 者 對 翻 譯 方 面 有 造 詣 者 亦 鳳 毛 麟 角 筆 者 對 翻 譯 學 以 及 標 準 舞 皆 有 涉 獵, 故 擬 以 世 界 職 業 摩 登 舞 1999,2000,2001 冠 軍 巴 瑞 奇 (Luca & Loraine Baricchi) 的

Artistic Appraoch( 藝 術 取 向 ) 著 作 為 例, 以 內 容 精 確 取 向 態 度, 從 翻 譯 的 宏 觀 面 與 微 觀 面, 配 合 標 準 舞 專 業 知 識 與 能 力 加 以 論 述, 以 見 專 業 翻 譯 的 重 要 性 2-5 Climbing the Ladder of Success in the Imperial China: Chang Chien s Examination Sun, Shun- Chih Sun, S.- C. (2015) Climbing the Ladder of Success in the Imperial China: Chang Chien s Examination Life. Open Access Library Journal, 2: e1844. Chang Chien (1853-1926) was a native of Nant ung, Kiangsu. In spite of the Various works on Chang Chien, which testify to the significance of his role in modern China, Chang Chien s examina- tion life is still not well-researched. The purposes of this paper are firstly, to analyze Chang Chien s examination life systematically and clearly in the hope that it may become a useful reference for researchers on modern China, and secondly, to stimulate scholars for further research. This paper depends more on basic source materials rather than second-hand data. Among various source materials, Chang Chien s Diary, The Nine Records of Chang Chien and The Complete Work of Chang Chien are the most important. Chang Chien s examination life has close connection with the Im- perial China s Civil Service examination and the establishment of New Education system of China in the late Ch ing Period.

Chang Chien s examination life can be divided into three periods: 1) The period to Siu-ts ai diploma (licentiate). 2) The period to Chu-jen diploma (a successful candidate for provincial examination). And 3) The period to Chin-shih degree (a successful candidate for metropolitan examination).