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LOTE: Chinese Second Language GA 3: Examination Oral component SPECIFIC INFORMATION Section 1 Conversation Most students were generally well prepared since this section was similar to previous years. However, some students were still not familiar with the procedure and what was expected of them in the oral examination. Generally, most students were comfortable with the length of seven minutes. The longer time allowed coverage of three or four topics in detail, thus allowing the students to extend themselves to a higher level. Those students who could only converse in simple Chinese, i.e. had limited conversational vocabulary, found seven minutes conversation very demanding. Teachers are advised to ensure that students receive specific and realistic practice on this part of the task. Teachers also need to provide synonyms of common words/expressions to students in their oral classes such as 做 什 么, 干 什 么 zuo shenme and gan shenme, 念 书, 读 书 nianshu and dushu, duo chang shijian and duojiu. Students should also remember that this is not a presentation but conversation. Assessors would normally allow the students to extend on their topics; however, when an idea is over-extended an assessor will interrupt the talk and introduce new questions. Section 2 Discussion Although the format of this section was different from previous years, students handled the procedure very well. Most students covered the topic, sub-topic, materials studied and directions of research adequately, using the oneminute introduction. This part had been well rehearsed by students. Teachers must advise on topic selection, as it is crucial for the students to select a good topic. This year, the topics chosen by the students covered a wide range from the study design. The best topics were the ones that students were interested in or personally experienced such as Zhongguo de xuexiao 中 国 的 学 校 (China s schools), Zhogguo de jieri 中 国 的 节 日 (Chinese festivals), and Zhogguo de chengshi 中 国 的 城 市 (a city of China). Some topics were very difficult and beyond the standard expected of second language learners such as Zhongguo xuesheng de jilu ; 中 国 学 生 的 纪 律 (the discipline of Chinese students) or Zhongguo de yuanlin 中 国 的 园 林 (China s gardens). Often topics were too narrow and not suitable for a discussion to develop like Fengzheng 风 筝 (Chinese kites) and Hongbao 红 包 (Red envelopes). Students must recognise that this section is a discussion and not performing a speech. There should be plenty of interaction between the student and assessors during the discussion. They need to anticipate that their prepared talks will sometimes be interrupted and often they will not complete the speech if it is too long. Some students were not able to successfully repair or maintain a conversation. Expressions such as Duibuqi, qing zai shuo yi bian 对 不 起, 请 再 说 一 遍 (Excuse me, please repeat it), Ziliao shang meiyou shuo 资 料 上 没 有 说 (It wasn t mentioned in my studied materials) need to be practised and used appropriately.

LOTE: Chinese Second Language GA 3: Examination Written component GENERAL COMMENTS Students generally demonstrated an understanding of the requirements, with only a few replying in the wrong language, e.g. in Section 1 Part A some students answered in Chinese characters instead of the required English. Most students used characters to complete their writing tasks, and there were fewer than one per cent of students who used the special concession of using Pinyin for up to 50% of writing. A mix of traditional and simplified versions of characters was also rarely seen. Most students handled the different styles of writing and format and text features very well. The Listening and responding section was a major discriminator between students with some having difficulty in identifying important points. It is important for teachers to give students plenty of practice with a range of activities in all areas. Students also need to pay attention to word length, control of time and the neatness of character writing. Possible answers and marking criteria Section 1 Listening and responding Part A ( 学 生 应 用 英 语 回 答, 汉 语 回 答 不 算 分 ) Question 1 The airport. Question 2 Linda is going to Adelaide; Zhangping is going to Sydney. Question 3 Zhangping travelled with her mum in the past; She is scared of flying. Question 4 To make a phone call. Question 5 The speaker is a tour guide/leader/driver; She is speaking to a tour group/tourist on the bus. Question 6 The history of Chinese in Australia; Over the past 100 years. Question 7 Three out of four of the following: Chinese books Chinese newspapers Chinese food Things used by Chinese. Question 8 To eat (lunch)/go to a (Chinese) restaurant or shopping. Question 9 It is the first time that Ms Lin comes to Melbourne. Question 10 Chinese always serve the soup last. Question 11 Three out of four of the following: Beijing duck is the best Good location, close to bus stop Good food and reasonable price/cheap Good waiters (friendly/fast service). Question 12 four dishes/three dishes plus soup.

Part B ( 学 生 应 用 汉 字 回 答, 英 语 不 算 分, 拼 音 扣 分 ) The capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts 对 题 目 中 一 般 及 特 别 方 向 的 了 解 Mark Q 13, 14 and 15 Q 13 and 14 Q 15 Q 15 5 Include eight correct items 4 Include six to seven items 回 答 6 7 题 3 Include four to five items 回 答 4 5 题 2 Include two to three items 回 答 2 3 题 1 Include one item 回 答 1 题 0 No answers 无 回 答 Include all five answers. 13. Speaker s sister. 14. Chemistry, horse riding, listen to music, play tennis. (5) 题 全 答 13: 姐 姐 14: 化 学, 骑 马, 听 音 乐, 打 网 球 Include three points: (apology that) can t go to the party; flu/sick/unwell; doctor s advice. The capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately 准 确 及 适 当 地 传 达 信 息 的 能 力 5 Correct structure, sequence, grammar and punctuation. Accurate characters (ganmao, fashao, teng, du, lei in PY allowed). 4 Above characteristics of good standard. Less than 5 extra syllables in PY. 3 点 全 包 括 : 对 不 起 不 能 去, 因 为 感 冒, 大 夫 说 要 休 息, 结 构, 连 接, 词 汇, 语 法 及 标 点 完 全 正 确. 除 感 冒, 发 烧, 疼, 累, 度 完 全 使 用 汉 字. 结 构 等 相 当 正 确. 少 数 (5 字 内 ) 使 用 拼 音. 3 Fair characteristics; Less than ten extra syllables in PY. 结 构 等 普 通 ; 10 字 以 内 使 用 拼 音. 2 Information not conveyed accurately. Mainly in PY. 信 息 不 太 正 确. 大 部 分 用 拼 音 1 Information conveyed very poorly 信 息 非 常 不 正 确. Section 2 Reading and responding Part A ( 学 生 应 用 英 语 回 答, 汉 语 不 算 分 ) Question 16 Food made of flour/noodles. Question 17 Most northerners are taller/bigger than southerners. Question 18 Beijing people drink more wine/eat more noodles than southerners. Question 19 Having morning tea (yumcha) Rice Noodles/Cold noodles/soup noodles/red wine/white wine/alcohol/spirit Drinking soup Question 20 More than a month. Home style dishes/cooking Sweets /desserts three of the above (mention both noodles and wine)

Question 21 spend fewer hours at the school or have more spare time students get up later and go home early have more options of elective subjects more interactions between teachers and students or students ask more questions teachers use wider range of assessment or less exams Part B (Question 22) The capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts 对 题 目 中 一 般 及 特 别 方 向 的 了 解 5 Include all five points: weather in Melbourne from Feb 信 中 包 括 5 点 : 二 月 到 八 月 墨 尔 本 - 描 写 ; to Aug description; raining often raining? Plus more than one element; clothing more than two 天 气 - 描 写 2 点 以 上 ; 应 该 的 衣 服 -3 项 以 上 ; items; how far from his place to school; means of transport to school. 住 的 地 方 离 学 校 有 多 远 ; 怎 样 上 学 - 方 式. 4 Include four points or less description than the above. 信 中 包 括 4 点 或 较 少 描 写 3 Include three points or less description. 信 中 包 括 3 点 或 较 少 描 写 2 Include two points or less description. 信 中 包 括 2 点 或 较 少 描 写 1 Vague inclusion of one point. 信 中 提 到 1 点. The capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately 准 确 及 适 当 地 传 达 信 息 的 能 力 5 Accurate information. Correct structure, sequence, vocab, grammar and punctuation; use all five features in the letter refer to Section 3). Length 90 165. 4 Good aspects of the above; four features of the letter. Greater than/less than word limit. 信 息 正 确 适 当. 结 构, 连 接, 词 汇, 语 法 及 标 点 完 全 正 确. 使 用 5 种 信 件 格 式 ( 参 考 作 文 部 分 ). 回 信 长 度 90 165 汉 字. 信 息 相 当 正 确. 结 构 等 亦 相 当 正 确. 4 种 信 件 格 式. 多 于 165 或 少 于 90 汉 字. 3 Fair aspects of the above; three features. 信 息 普 通 ; 使 用 3 种 信 件 格 式. 2 Information not accurately conveyed. One to 信 息 不 太 正 确. 1 2 种 信 件 格 式. two features. 1 Information very poorly conveyed. 信 息 非 常 不 正 确. Section 3 Writing in Chinese ( 学 生 以 汉 字 写 作, 但 可 以 用 到 50% 的 拼 音 ) Relevance, breadth and depth of content 内 容 的 切 题 性, 宽 度 和 深 度 5 Content is relevant with very good 内 容 切 题 ; 信 息, 事 实, 观 点 及 理 由 非 常 恰 当. information/facts/reasons/opinions. Comprehensive and sophisticated writing. 写 作 全 面 而 精 炼. 极 能 吸 引 读 者 兴 趣. Engage readers interest appropriately. 4 Content is relevant with good aspects. Writing is 内 容 切 题 ; 信 息, 事 实, 观 点 及 理 由 尚 恰 当. less comprehensive. Maintain engage readers interest. 写 作 能 力 尚 佳. 大 致 能 吸 引 读 者 兴 趣.. 3 Content is less relevant with fair aspects. Less 内 容 较 不 切 题 ; 信 息, 事 实, 观 点 及 理 由 尚 可. comprehensive writing. An effort is made to engage readers interest. 写 作 能 力 稍 差. 勉 强 引 起 读 者 兴 趣. 2 Content is poor. Not interesting. 内 容 差. 不 能 引 起 读 者 兴 趣. 1 Very poor content. Not comprehensive. 内 容 极 差. 惨 不 忍 读.

Appropriateness of structure and sequence 文 章 结 构 和 联 系 的 适 当 性 5 Very good sequencing of information/ facts/reasons/opinions. Clear structure of introduction, body and conclusion. All major text features included (refer to the list below). 4 Good sequencing of aspects. Structure basically correct. Fewer features included them in five. 3 Satisfactory sequencing of aspects. Structure unclear. Fewer features included them in four. 2 Undisciplined sequencing of aspects. Poor structure. Fewer features included them in three. 1 Poor/disjoint sequencing of aspects. Very poor structure. 信 息, 事 实, 观 点 及 理 由 联 系 极 佳. 结 构 分 明, 包 括 引 言, 主 体 和 结 论. 包 括 所 有 文 章 格 式 ( 各 种 格 式 见 下 表 ). 信 件 5 种, 短 文 2 种, 日 记 3 种, 演 说 4 种 文 章 联 系 尚 佳. 结 构 基 本 正 确. 包 括 较 少 文 章 格 式. 文 章 联 系 尚 称 满 意. 结 构 稍 差. 包 括 较 少 文 章 格 式. 文 章 联 系 差. 结 构 亦 差. 包 括 较 少. 文 章 联 系, 结 构 极 差. Accuracy, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar 词 汇 及 语 法 的 精 确 性, 范 围 和 适 当 性 5 Very good and most appropriate range 非 常 好, 非 常 适 当 的 词 汇 和 语 法 范 围. 汉 字 / 拼 音 及 标 点 正 确. of vocab and grammar. Character/pinyin writing is accurate. 50% 以 上 用 汉 字. 字 数 180 220. Punctuation is correct. >50% in characters. 180 220. 4 Good and appropriate range of 词 汇 和 语 法 范 围 vocabulary and grammar. Punctuation, pinyin or character writing is basically 正 确 适 当. 汉 字 / 拼 音 及 标 点 大 致 正 确. 字 数 少 于 180 accurate. 或 多 于 220. 3 Appropriate range of vocabulary and 词 汇 和 语 法 范 围 尚 可. 汉 字 / 拼 音 及 标 点 尚 称 正 确. grammar. Punctuation, pinyin or character writing is also fair. 2 Range of vocabulary and grammar is 词 汇 和 语 法 范 围 差. 汉 字 / 拼 音 及 标 点 不 甚 正 确. limited. Character/pinyin writing and punctuation is not accurate. 1 Very limited range of vocabulary and 词 汇 和 语 法 范 围 极 差. 汉 字 / 拼 音 及 标 点 甚 差. grammar. Character/pinyin writing and punctuation is undisciplined. Text features of Questions 23 to 26 文 章 格 式 Question 23 澳 大 利 亚 青 年 人 课 外 活 动 - 信 1 收 信 人 - 笔 友 2 问 候 语 3 结 束 语 4 姓 名 5 日 期 - 最 后 Question 24 中 国 有 名 的 地 方 - 短 文 1 题 目 2 作 者 姓 名

Question 25 中 了 100 万 - 日 记 1 日 期 2 天 气 3 结 语 - 结 论 性 或 反 射 性 Question 26 说 服 同 学 继 续 学 习 中 文 - 演 说 1 开 场 语 ( 你 们 好, 大 家 好 ) 2 题 目 3 结 论 4 结 束 语 ( 完 了, 谢 谢 )