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65 臺北大學中文學報 第 18 期 Transboundary Pursuers of Chai Chunya s The Book of Tibetan Red Palimpsest Peng MingWei Abstract In the short stories collection Th


BIBLID 0254-4466(2001)19:2 pp. 171-200 19 2 90 12 * 171

172 19 2 1 2 1 1979 232-233 2 1968 3 125 35 700

173 3 4 3 2000.4 4 1989 12 541-542

174 19 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 1987 9 432 6 5 17 539 7 1988 6477 8 4 2 3 1 1968 4 9 1988 134 10 1989 17 237

175 11 12 13 14 15 11 1996 21 873-876 12 11 21 878-889 13 11 21 869-871 14 1997 27 693 15 127 1984 89-155 27 590-602

176 19 2 16 17 18 19 14 27 1990 55 978-1001 16 126 15 24 1049 1993.6 17 15 2 1997.12 109-143 18 1993 87-100 19 1968 2 40 5 32579-32580

177 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 7 6962 21 46 149 15 966-973 1991 22 21 973 23 112 946 1987 1-84 24 dhyana yoga 1992 1-7 25 19 5 32585

178 19 2 26 27 28 26 21 970 27 8 1987 33 748 28 18 1-27

29 179 30 31 32 33 29 1994 7 3 310-318 30 7 2360 4240 31 18 71-85 159-218 32 23 1996 111-143 6 1989 3 147-164 33 1 182-183

180 19 2 34 35 36 34 23 35 27 32 703 36 1979 1 4 215-217

181 37 38 39 40 41 37 1984 4 55 38 36 39 37 81 40 37 15 30 41 1997 6 283 7274-7276

182 19 2 42 43 44 45 46 42 37 98 37 75-76 43 1960 1 1 44 43 4 3 45 43 2 12 46 43 1 7

183 47 48 49 50 51 47 43 6 13 48 1970 17 1981 457 49 27 12 253 50 44 51 45

184 19 2 52 53 54 55 56 57 52 1993 3 274 53 37 98 54 43 1 52 3 48 5 55 27 12 239-240 56 27 8-9 57 55

185 58 59 60 61 62 58 48 15 1098 59 48 458-459 60 56 61 27 32 722 62 27 8

186 19 2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 63 27 17 377 64 1975 74 1390-1426 65 27 12 238-270 64 66 27 18 388-430 67 63 68 27 9 69 27 32 710

187 70 71 72 73 74 70 52 283 71 27 32 710 72 43 3 27 32 711-718 73 27 32 723 74 73

188 19 2 75 76 77 78 79 75 71 76 52 285-288 77 78 79 52

189 80 81 82 80 27 12 239-240 81 1960 94 98 82 81 157

190 19 2 83 84 85 83 27 34 760-805 52 3 288-298 84 27 34 762 85 81 334-354

191 86 87 88 86 27 18 389 87 88 43 1 3

192 19 2 89 90 91 92 89 37 86-87 90 37 97 91 35 92 9 3 123

193 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 93 1982 1 94 3 1984 90 95 3 122-125 96 95 3 120-122 97 95 2 79-82 98 1981 1-60 1988 99 21 966-973 100 27 35 815-816

194 19 2 101 102 103 104 105 101 14 27 102 1998 16 374 103 1968 1 6 441 104 9 149-164 1992 85-99 105 1 233-234

195 106 107 108 109 106 3 107 108 95 2 74-76 109 2

196 19 2 110 111 112 113 110 1976 23 111 21 112 21 113 35

197 114 115 116 117 114 1978 18 116 115 1975 63 116 1956 3 176-177 48 5 6 117 18

198 19 2 118 119 120 32 2 118 1 233-234 119 1991 2-5 120

199 Late Ming Dynasty s Wild Chan Wen-fang Mao Abstract The thought of the late Ming always has been looked at as espousing antitraditional sentiments, liberal thinking and individualism. When traditional values are on the verge of collapsing and being reconstructed, uncertainty, lack of order and doubt are bound to occur, forming a necessary part of cultural transition. It was during this period that wild chan appeared, which fully possessed its traditional meaning. Wild chan is a deviant form of Buddhist practice that appeared in the late Ming. It is not only a chan studies categorical noun, but also a special philosophical and cultural reference. This article places wild chan after the Wang Yangming school of thought and looks at it through the Long Xi and Tai Zhou schools of thought. It is my hope to provide a basis of knowledge via an insightful view of this broad, late Ming cultural phenomenon. This article first outlines the gatherings of Buddhist practitioners common at that time and a scholarly background of the Confucian/Buddhist melding. Second, the arguments of religious circles on the accumulated defamation and crisis of chan studies are explored. Third, this article delves into the li studies practitioners acceptance of chan studies, such as Wang Yangming s arguments on Buddhism and Confucianism. It also describes the distinctive playing with circumstances of the Long Xi and Tai Zhou schools of thought and clarifies * Wen-fang Mao is an assistant professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Chung Cheng University.

200 19 2 how they further brought about the wild chan craze. Next, the article looks into this trend s effect on the cultural elite and into the literatis writings on the wild. This article greatly appreciates the graceful bearing of those wild persona, including Li Zhi and his lascivious lifestyle, which was spurred on by the wild chan rage. The final section of the article cites Yuan Zhonglang s the chan that fails to be chan and the ru that fails to be ru, in an attempt to depict the historical value of wild chan in the late Ming/early Qing. Keywords: late Ming, wild chan, Records of Ming Scholars (Mingru xue an ), Taizhou school of thought, Li Zhi