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The research of the ecotourism operated by the cooperative operating system in northern Tapajen Mountain

The research of the ecotourism operated by the cooperative operating system in northern Tapajen Mountain


Abstract KeywordsTayal, Atayal, Sekolea, Mrqwang, Smangus, the cooperative operating system 1 Statement of the Purpose Located at the northern part of Tapajen Mountain, the aboriginal village of Smangus is one of the branches of Sekolea called Mrqwang and also one of the latest developed aboriginal tribes. Before the Shinchu county government started to build roads allowing access to the tribal region in the year 1991, the population of Smangus was diminishing. However, with the construction of roads and the discovery of the group of divine trees, tourism became the main economical activity of the tribe, thus helping to draw back the out flowing population. From home stays to today s cooperative operating system, the success of the operating model of Smangus can be an example for other tribes to follow. In the capitalist world we are living in today, the cooperative operating system of the village Smangus is closer to Tayal tribe s traditional spirit of sharing, which is called gaga. The purpose of this research is to explore the cooperative operating system of the village Smangus, possible developments in the future and the problems they need to overcome.

2 Methodology Field investigation is the major method of this research. To take part in observation and in depth interview of the village Smangus, subjects including all residents of the village. These interview subjects are all over 18 years old. Besides these, this research also includes natural resources investigation, the old trails survey, analysis of the economical condition, the opinions of the investors, the interaction among the interior of the cooperative operating system and it s actual effects. 3Results From the research findings that the tradition of Tayal tribe s spirit of sharing, which is called gaga in their language, the principle of cooperative living reinforces the ideal of considering the goals of the whole group vs. the individual s needs. During the process of developing ecotourism, the Tayal tribe uses the gaga structure to make decisions that benefit the whole group and help them to avoid conflict. The village of Smangus provides a model of how to regain and maintain the traditional culture and gain economic stability. 4Conclusions The following four suggestions are indicated by the research: 1. To enhance all kinds of equipment including soft and hard media of the tribe. 2. To assist training the residents abilities to become experts in any field. 3. To re-establish the traditional culture of the tribe. 4. To educate, systemize and assist residents in the separation, reduction and

recycling of all refuse.

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