Construction on the Teaching Web of Optics Course in General Physics B.S Candidate: Li Ai-Xue School of Physics Science and Technology Supervisor: Che

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Construction on the Teaching Web of Optics Course in General Physics B.S Candidate: Li Ai-Xue School of Physics Science and Technology Supervisor: Cheng Qing-Hua School of Physics Science and Technology [Abstract]With the application and extension of digital technology and network is change the face of our country, the traditional education idea, teaching means and method mechanism is challenged greatly. Furthemore, the traditional teaching mode is impacted by the many new teaching forms, i.e network teaching, distant teaching, fictitious class and experiment greatly, which is incomparably superior to the traditional teaching mode in broadening teaching time and space, sharing teaching resource, building humanization studying circumstance, developing the students studying and innovating ability, and made a show of strong vitality. The traditional education abuse of teacher is teaching principal part has been overcomed by the multimedia and network teaching. Which is have democratic behaviour together of the teacher and the student studying subject, practical super strong capacity, the interesting of picture and voice, a flexible teaching method to different student, and the student study initiative can be improved. The optics course in general physics is a very potentially course in using computer multimedia assisted instruction. According to the situation and characteristics of the curriculum, we have explored and practiced the web construction of computer multimedia assisted instruction. In this paper, the significant meaning of construction on the teaching web of optics course in general physics is expatiated, and the content and the designing thread of the teaching web of optics in general physics, the technical problem of web construction are analysed and discussed. In the present, the designing scheme of construction on teaching web of optics is accomplished, the teaching web of optics is open, and several functions of the network, such as teaching solution, exercise discussion, information inquest and teaching supervision, are realized, basically. Furthermore, the exceptional network teaching environment, which is formed, provides abundant support for the information and modernization of optics curriculum s construction. [Keywords] general physics; optics curriculum; computer multimedia assisted instruction; teaching web; network teaching 2 ( 21 )

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