96 7 82 2003 Elliott1995 2004 ( 2000 ) 2006 2005 Andress1991 Pica, 1995 200344 1987 :

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96 7 An Exploratory Study on Young Children s Music Concept development and Learning and the Application of Multisensory Teaching Game Chu-Yen Lin*, Ching-Wen Chen** and Zi-yu Cui** *Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, Kun Shan University of Technology, professor **Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, Kun Shan University of Technology, College Student ABSTRACT This study was aimed at investigating the importance of young children s music concept learning and the application of multisensory teaching game on young children s music concept learning. Through related literature analysis and review, it was understood that concept has to be formed via cognition process of senses; outer sensory learning experiences are keys to the formation of young children s music concept; game was young children s gift and learning method, and utilizing the teaching strategy of multisensory game can speed up the internalization of young children s music concept; it confirmed the relationship between and the importance of young children s music concept learning and multisensory teaching game, and it founded out that: (1) There was a sequence of young children s music concept development. They are timbre, dynamics, rhythm, melody, form and harmony. (2) Utilizing audio and visual sensory game teaching strategy interchangeably can assist young children to concretize abstract music content and obtain complete concept; the teaching strategy of kinaesthesia and tactile sensory game benefited young children s concept development and learning and also benefited their expressions of emotions and cognition. (3) The core meaning of multisensory teaching is to emphasize equally on hearing, visual, kinaesthesia and tactile senses in the learning of music concept, and to stimulate young children s understanding and reception of music concept through multi-sensory learning experience. Keywords: Young children s music teaching, Music concept learning, Music game, Multisensory teaching 96