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96 7 1203 8 9 1326 10 11 1690 7 8 9 10 11 322 383 2 2010 3 43-55 384

97 12 1801 1203 1801 13 1125-1210 14 1205 15 1617 16 12 13 14 15 16 384 246 6 1983 7-8 1202 383

98 1164-1173 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 42 1989 134-135 227-228 382 121 417-470 382-383 245 1996 50

99 21 22 1197 23 1197 24 25 26 1152-1207 21 22 23 24 25 26 323 383 8 50 932 383 51 880 2012 156-157

100 27 1200 1503-1557 28 29 27 28 29 361 18 1982 260 343

101 30 31 1906-2005 32 33 34 30 31 32 33 34 383 20 25 206 1992 242 1992 79

102 35 36 37 38 35 36 37 38 327 51 246 324

103 39 40 41 42 43 39 40 41 42 43 328 334 346 353

104 44 45 46 47 48 44 45 46 47 48 47 607 47 506 328 85 1285

105 49 50 51 52 53 54 49 50 51 52 53 54 932 383 328 331 55 1 18 12 2006 12 118-126 283

106 55 56 57 58 59 55 56 57 58 59 344-345 357 349 382 351-352

107 60 61 62 63 64 65 60 61 62 63 64 65 372 48 297 372 376 379 254 381

108 66 67-808 68 66 67 68 333 361 20 47 896

109 1941-69 70-898 71 69 70 71 110 2009 3 6 334 11 283-284

110 72 73 74 75 76 72 73 74 75 76 11 241 343 14 311 362

111 77 78 79 77 78 79 375 340

112 80 81 82 80 81 82 331 337 383

113 83 84 85 86 83 84 85 86 6 79 609 6 609 6 609 880

114 1213-1278 1235-1308 87 87 2012 217 222-225

115 1924 1924-1935 8 1924 1924-1935 25 1988 36 1924 1924-1935 48 1985 1924 1924-1935 85 1924-1935 47 1993 120

116 1989 42 1993 121 1989 45 1993 121 1989 45 1983 6 1924-1935 51 1924-1935 47 1924-1935 48

117 1924-1935 47 607 1924-1935 49 1924-1935 50 1982 1996 245 1994 79 1987 1992 1992 1992 2001

118 2009 1997 2005 54 1 17 12 2005 12 128-135 2006 55 1 18 12 2006 12 118-126 2010 2 2010 3 43-55 2012 880 2012 880

119 2009 110 2009 3 6

120 The Life of Chan/Zen Master Songyuan Chongyue, His Chan/Zen Thoughts, and His Chan/Zen Style Chiou Min-chieh * Abstract Chan/Zen Buddhism was the mainstream of the Chinese Buddhism in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. In fact from the Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty, only Yunmen Buddhism and Linji Buddhism were popular among the people. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Yunmen Buddhism declined gradually, and Huanglong branch of the Linji Lineage also declined continuously. Meanwhile, the Yangqi Lineage was spread more and more extensively and prosperously. Finally, it became the mainstream, and was considered resuming the origin of Linji Buddhism. Songyuan Chongyue, succeeding Mi an Xianjie, was an offspring of the 14th generation of Linji Buddhism, and an outstanding representative of Huqiu branch of the Yangqi Lineage. He spread the stick hitting style of Linji Buddhism. At the age of 23, he became a monk, and visited Lingshi Miaogong at first. Then he called on Dahui Zonggao at Mount Jing, but was not accepted. After that, he called on Ying an Tanhua, who regarded him as a dharma vessel. He then visited Mu an An yong of the Dahui branch, and then paid homage to Mi an Xianjie. There * Professor, Department of Chinese Literature and Language, National University of Tainan.

121 were eight Buddhist sites established. All of them were great temples situated on famous mountains. His Zen thinking covered three main areas: (1) It emphasized the heart work when there was no way to get released; (2) It hinted speaking without using the tongue ; and (3) It practiced Zen rules in daily life. As to his Zen styles, including intensity, silence, wise use of double luck, simplicity and no cheating, they were praised not only by the people of China, but also by the people of Japan. He earned a place in the history of Zen Buddhism in Japan. Keywords: Songyuan Chongyue, Mi an Xianjie, Yangqi, Linji