The Melancholy South - Sun Yuan-heng s Writings on Formosan Products and Climate in Chi-Kan Collections and Their Internal Implication Shih Yi-Lin Pro

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2006 12 107-136 1661-107

The Melancholy South - Sun Yuan-heng s Writings on Formosan Products and Climate in Chi-Kan Collections and Their Internal Implication Shih Yi-Lin Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chen Kung University Abstract By using Chi Kan Collections of Sun Yung-heng (1661-?), a scholar from Anhui, as the target for analysis, the article is designed to discuss how an expatriate officer in Taiwan for the Qing Dynasty comprehended and sensed the exotic products and climate of Taiwan, a south island from his homeland, through Chinese traditional culture heritage of poetry and sensitive awareness as an alien, and how Sun translated them into poems as well as his keen observation of life and sent a new message to his mainland readers. The article will further explore what ideas, or metal state, could lead the expatriate officer to express and incarnate his experience with such a writing. With the interpretation, we attempt to specifically understand the expatriate officer s sentiments and thoughts and how he adapted himself while addressing the dilemma of life. In addition, we probe into the association between the classical literature of Taiwan a south island that is hot all year round and Chinese traditional poetry, and also try to identify if there is anything specific that exclusively belongs to writings about Taiwan. Following the exploration and discussion provided above, we intend to offer a contemporary perspective to observe poetry in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. Keywords: Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty, Sun Yuan-heng, Chi-Kan Collections, South, Writing on Products and Climate 108

1 1705 1 1989 5 92 109

2 1 260 1705 1 366 1 1705-1709 2 3 4 2 2004 2 257 1 257 110

1705 1661-3 4 5 6 犇 1 252 3 23 2 2005 12 293 4 1691 1 191 5 6 111

7 犇 1 255 1 257 笋 犇 1 270 1699 8 7 1 257~258 8 18 112

9 灧 10 11 1 259 9 1 10 11 113

环 12 13 1 255 14 15 1691 12 13 14 2006 5 139-141 15 1684-1705 114

16 17 16 17 115

1685 1684 1717 Rudolf Virchow 18 18 2005 5 53-54 116

19 1937 19 1992 12 208 210 117

1705 20 坂 鼈 飜 犇 1 261 坂 坂 坂 20 2004 2 129 118

21 22 竈 21 22 1983 25-34 119

1 267 1 267 23 24 25 竈 竈 23 2004 2 359 24 2004 2 265 25 2004 2 178 120

1763 2 354 2 398 26 27 28 1 265 29 1 327 30 26 27 28 29 30 170 121

31 32 33 31 103 32 33 椀 122

1 262 1 309 34 1 343 34 123

264 35 1 1706 1 294 35 124

36 37 47.77% 32.08% 12.13% 8.09% 1 266 1 272 36 1989 11 29 37 7 1995 4 78 125

1 294 1 296 1 274 1 318 1 318 1 347 1 338 1847 5 116 1847 126

127 1705 1772 1824 1852 1 261 1 287 3 47 4 135 5 333 1 266 1849 1853 38 39 38 401

40 1 259 1 263 1 260 1 261 41 266 1 39 1997 10 113 40 1898-1906 2004 41 飜 1 278 128

1 285 129

1 308 1 330 1 332 1849 5 347 5 317 1 275 1 296 130

1 322 1 325 1 299 1704 1 352 1722 1 400 1769 3 35 1821 4 35 131

42 43 42 W 1990 1 78 43 1989 11 34 132

44 295 1 笋 1 296 1706 44 W 1990 1 87 133

1 272 45 46 47 45 1 273 46 1 265 47 134

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