Fragment and Similarity based on Virtual Screening for Anti-asthma Traditional Chinese Medicine QIAO Lian-sheng 1 GUO Yi-ran 2 ZHANG Yan-ling 1* 1. Be

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66 a T. S. Kuhn 2 b a b Thomas Kuhn disciplinary matrix examplars or shared examples incommensurability

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84 針 藥 併 施 治 療 偏 頭 痛 次 發 作 症 狀 為 左 顳 側 頭 脹 痛, 多 為 夜 間 發 作 影 響 睡 眠 或 工 作, 頻 率 為 一 天 發 作 一 次, 持 續 一 至 二 小 時, 疼 痛 指 數 7 分 (0 分 為 不 痛, 最 痛 為 滿 分 10 分 ), 需

第 02 期 1 医 疗 信 息 现 状 20% EMR Electronic Medical Record HIS HIS [1-2] 张 肖 等 : 基 于 大 数 据 的 医 疗 健 康 创 新 应 用 2 大 数 据 环 境 下 医 疗 数 据 特 征 分 析 PC [3]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % % ~ 20% 50% ~ 60%

1 引言



19 12 乔 连 生 1, 郭 亦 然 2 1*, 张 燕 玲 ( 1. 北 京 中 医 药 大 学 中 药 信 息 工 程 研 究 室, 北 京 100102; 2. 四 川 大 学 生 命 科 学 学 院, 成 都 610046) Drugbank 36 8 62 10 72 39 R287 doi 10. 11653 /syfj2013120310 A 1005-9903 2013 12-0310-05 20130119 002 2011-SYSKFKT-04 2011ZX09401-028 Tel 010-13683677151 E-mail 2284607267@ qq. com * Tel 010-84738620 E-mail collean_zhang@ 163. com 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 檶 4 1. M. 7. 5 2011 12. 2. S. 1994 112. 3. S. 1 1 2002 330. 4. 4 J. 2010 16 18 220. 5. J. 2009 15 3 80. 310

Fragment and Similarity based on Virtual Screening for Anti-asthma Traditional Chinese Medicine QIAO Lian-sheng 1 GUO Yi-ran 2 ZHANG Yan-ling 1* 1. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine information Engineering Beijing 100102 China 2. Sichuan University Faculty of Life Science Chengdu 610064 China Abstract Objective To obtain new potential active traditional Chinese medicine TCM compounds for the prevention and treatment of asthma. Method The drugs with anti-asthma activity were collected from Drugbank database. Two virtual screening methods active fragment-based and structural similarity-based were used respectively for the screening of potential active TCM compounds from traditional Chinse medicine database TCMD 2009. Combined the principles and methods of TCM the source TCM of the hit compounds were then traced for the formulating prescription against asthma. Result Thirty-six drugs with the action on eight targets were obtained from the Drugbank database. Seventy-two potential active compounds which come from 39 commonly used TCM were hit by virtual screening. Some of the source TCM have been demonstrated to have the anti-asthma effect such as ephedra pinellia asarum ginger earthworm licorice ophiopogon aster evodia and so on. The principle of clearing lung-heat and removing phlegm for lowering adverse qi is always used for the treatment of thermal asthma while the warming lung for dispelling cold and removing phlegm is for cold asthma. Two prescriptions were discussed for thermal and cold asthma respectively. The prescription consisted by ephedra pinellia ginger licorice was discussed for cold asthma while the prescription of ephedra earthworm licorice for thermal asthma. Conclusion The results showed that the application of fragment-based search and similarity search methods are feasible for the discovery of Chinese medicine. Key words asthma fragment search similarity search bronchial asthma T 4 β 2 1-2 5 Drugbank 0. 5% ~ 6% 3 1 1. 1 Drugbank 1 36 β 2 311

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