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33 BIBLID1012-8514(2004)33p.xx-xxx 20046xxx~xxx 2003.9.22 2003.12.12

2 1 1

3 ontological hermeneutics, philosophical hermeneutics 2 3 4 2 2000.11.16~18. 2002 3 2000.11.16~18. 2002 4 20 21 1999~2000

4 5 historicality 5 1998 1974

5 6 7 8 9 6 being logical universalism universalism 2004.3.14~15 7 1970 4107~108 8 572 9 813

6 10 11 12 10 1112 11 97 12 1969 12 1975

7 Truth 13 John Dewey William James experimentalism pragmatism principle of uncertainty paradigm instrumentalism Carl Popper 14 13 substance form 14 Ereignis 1994 Wu, Chan-liang Historicity, Tradition, Praxis and Tao: A Comparison of the World Views of Zhang Xuecheng and Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics, Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2000 Ereignis

8 understanding 15 Dasein, Being-there, Being-in-the-world world my world 16 horizon act of appropriation 17 transposing ourselves 4 2003 logos sage hören 15 Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (English translation of Wahrheit und Methode, New York: Crossroad, 1988)142-143, 424. 16 Dasein Dasein 7 2002 17 Martin Heidegger, Being and Time (translated from the German Sein und Zeit, New York: SCM, 1962), 27, 65-68, 78-86, 97-98, 203-205.

9 preunderstanding prejudice 18 manipulate Being unconcealedness 19 20 21 historicality subjectivism 18 Gadamer, Truth and Method, 235-267. 19 Heidegger, On the Essence of Truth, Basic Writings (New York: Harper & Row, 1977). 20 1992 250 21 19806

10 thrown into essential finitude Sein zum Tode, being-to-death or being-toward-death temporality ontological ground of human being destiny daily life they authentic being

11 22 23 24 22 Heidegger, Being and Time, 274-304, 312-315, 383-384, 435-438, 446. 23 24 1996 2003 Historicity, Tradition, Praxis and Tao: A Comparison of the World Views of Zhang Xuecheng and Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics,

12 25 26 27 25 127 26 2912 27 125

13 28 28 84

14 29 30 31 32 29 117~8 30 431~451 31 211 32 81

15 33 34 33 13~4 34 612

16 35 36 35 36 1268

17 37 38 37 1 38 49

18 39 40 39 40

19 41 42 43 44 45 41 1 42 416 43 81 44 7820 45 81

20 46 47 48 46 121 47 127 48

21 49 50 51 49 1110 50 101 51 101

22 52 53 54 55 52 4~5 53 101 54 1110 55 ( 55) 358


24 56 56 1997 190

25 Books of Sage and the Constancy of Tian Li (Cosmic Texture/Vein): Basic Premises of Zhu Xi s Interpretation of the Classics Wu, Chan-liang Abstract This article carefully analyzes Zhu Xi's view of the classics by evaluating two of the philosopher's basic premises: that classics are books of the sages and that reading the canon not only enables one to understand the constancy of Tian Li (cosmic texture/order) but itself aims at learning the sages' wisdom. In addition, the author compares Zhu Xi s mode of thought with ontological hermeneutics and points to a number of fundamental differences between the two. Zhu Xi believes that the central value of the classics lies in their status as works of the sages, ancients who perfectly embodied the Tian Li of selfless good. In Zhu Xi s opinion, it is possible for readers to grasp the original meaning of the classics because they and the authors share common human nature and universalistic truth. Yet ontological hermeneutics has departed from that stance, emphasizing the inherent limitations, historicality and subjectivity of human understanding. On one hand, Zhu Xi acknowledges these limitations, but on the other he discusses the enlightened and selfless state achieved by the sages as a witness of the possible unity of Tian Li and human beings. It is only through a mindset of true selflessness that Tian Li can be fully, naturally, and freely expressed and thus receives proper recognition from the people as the highest ideal. This kind of sagely learning does not appear on the analytical horizon of ontological hermeneutics; the difference lies in the latter approach's belief in the indispensable and unsurpassable self. The ancients view a state of selflessness as the most worthy of pursuits and thus underscore the "universalistic" significance of Tian Li and the good of human nature. In contrast, ontological hermeneutics stresses the subjectivity and shortcomings of individual perception and human existence. Keywords: Zhu Xi, interpretation of the classics, premises, Tian Li, sage, constancy, Ontological Hermeneutics, Heidegger, Gadamer. Professor of History at National Taiwan University.