1 臺灣原住民技職教育之現況與發展 * ** 摘要 關鍵詞 : * **

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1 臺灣原住民技職教育之現況與發展 * ** 摘要 關鍵詞 : * ** teresahsu@mail.nkuht.edu.tw lousj@ms22.hinet.net 2011 7 19 2011 8 4 2011 8 12

2 2011 The Status and Development of Technological and Vocational Education for the Aborigines in Taiwan Chang Hui Hsu * Shi Jer Lou ** Abstract Due to the policy of multiculturalism, equality in educational opportunity and care for disadvantaged groups, etc., there is a visible development in aborgines education in the recent years. The increase of aborgines students attending technological and vocational education system; their focus on technological and vocational education and their influence on the economic, learning and culture conditions of their ethnic groups are worthy of our attention.this paper is reviewing the development status, learning resources and learning problems of aborgines technological and vocational students to see, how good and far is the effect of the policy of government. A suggestion for the future development of aborgines technological and vocational education is made here to expand the student number, to build a full range of guidance system, to promote an academic-industry cooperation and innovation programs, to stimulate internationalization and localization, and to encourage research and development. Only soon may see a good prospect of technological and vocational for aborigines students. Keywords: aborigines students, technological and vocational education, educational resources * Chang Hui Hsu, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Center, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourismy ** Shi Jer Lou, Professor, Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Pintung University of Science and Technology E-mail: teresahsu@mail.nkuht.edu.tw; lousj@ms22.hinet.net Manuscript received: July 19, 2011; Modified: August 4, 2011; Accepted: August 12, 2011

3 壹 前言 1992 2011a 1998 2002 2011 2011

4 2011 貳 原住民技職教育現況 14 51 5 2011 5 11 12 10% 2.20% 2.59% 1 2011a 1 2010 年各級學校原住民學生人數結構表 a b % b/a 4,781,520 100.00 123,818 100.00 2.59 219,178 4.58 979 0.79 0.45 1,021,636 21.37 15,210 12.28 1.49 102,789 2.15 3,543 2.86 3.45 120 0.00 2 0.00 1.67 67,385 1.41 1,505 1.22 2.23 400,642 8.38 10,501 8.48 2.62 362,514 7.58 10,060 8.12 2.78 87,494 1.83 4,483 3.62 5.12 51,904 1.09 1,585 1.28 3.05 919,802 19.24 27,527 22.23 2.99 1,519,456 31.78 47,942 38.72 3.16

6 2011 20% 3 86% 61% 56% 29% 27% 17% 9% 8% 7% 6% 6% 2011b 2 2010 19,732 1.47% 12,260 7,472 62% 70% 30% 108 1% 979 11% 84% 2 2010 年各級學校原住民學生數 按性別 /% 123,818 75,469 20,561 19,732 3,543 6,601 8,609 871 108 123,818 75,469 20,561 61,591 38,685 10,750 8,140 552 3,141 3,938 447 62 61,591 38,685 10,750 62,227 36,784 9,811 11,592 2,991 3,460 4,671 424 46 62,227 36,784 9,811 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 49.74 51.26 52.28 41.25 15.58 47.58 45.74 51.32 57.41 49.74 51.26 52.28 50.26 48.74 47.72 58.75 84.42 52.42 54.26 48.68 42.59 50.26 48.74 47.72 資料來源 : 2011b 99 學年原住民學生概況分析 5

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