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2010~11 年度 3480 地區華語課程相關事宜一 活動宗旨 : 中國文化大學華語中心與扶輪社共同合作辦理 台灣區華語研習營, 透過精緻實用的華 語課程, 讓學生在學習華語的同時, 並提升其聽說讀寫能力 整體活動充滿了教育性 學習 性與娛樂性, 讓學員在經過異國文化的刺激後對自己未來的生涯規畫, 更具國際觀思考 二 活動內容 總預計人數 : 共計 51 人, 分成三班, 每班 12-15 人 上課時數 : 每節課 50 分鐘, 每次 3 節課, 共計 196 節課 ( 扣除國定假日後 ) 每星期一 四上午 8:00 至 11:00 上課期間 : 自 2010 年 9 月 2 日起至 2011 年 5 月 12 日止 三 上課地點 : 建國本部 延平分部 忠孝分部各 1 個班級 a. 大夏館 : 北市建國南路二段 231 號 ( 建國本部 ) b. 大新館 : 北市延平南路 127 號 c. 忠孝館 : 北市忠孝東路一段 41 號四 活動內容與課程說明 ( 一 ) 華語課程 : (1) 教材以生活華語為主, 選用實用生活會話主題, 視學生程度分班, 加強學生聽說讀寫 每班 12-15 人 學員抵達台灣後,8 月 30 日到中國文化大學華語中心建國本部報到參加程度測驗 學員頇填寫過去學習華文的背景及相關資料, 並進行口筆試分班測驗 由本校課程班主任及本課程專任老師進行分析以了解學員程度與學習需求 (2) 教學目標 以提高學員聽說能力為主, 讀寫能力為輔 著重生活會話能力, 以達學員能夠自然以中文表達意見與溝通之目標 (3) 課程評量 編號項目比重 (100%) 1 隨堂考試 20% 2 每週週考 20% 3 期末筆試 20% 4 期末專題報告 ( 口頭報告及書面報告 ) 結業後頒發中文結業證書與成績證明 20% 5 出缺席紀錄 10% 6 學習態度 10%

(4) 師資簡介 班主任 : 一名, 負責整體課程及活動之統籌安排與監督整體課程活動之品質和成效 華語老師 : 嚴選中國文化大學華語中心內優秀資深華語老師擔任華語課程之授課講師 任課教師需具基礎英文能力 (5) 教學品質管理 : 教師共同備課 課程顧問及課程專任老師旁聽課程及錄影檢討 ( 二 ) 中文演講比賽 : (1):2010 年 12 月 18 日星期六下午 13:00~17:00 (2):2011 年 6 月 4 日星期六下午 13:00~17:00 ( 三 ) 中文能力分班測驗 : 共兩次 (1) 第一次分班測驗 : 開始上課前, 預訂於 2010 年 8 月 30 日舉行 (2) 第二次分班測驗 :2010 年 12 月 27 日 ( 四 ) 學員管理 : (1) 華語中心負責協助管理學員在台灣日常生活資訊服務事宜及督促學員準時出席華語課程 (2) 學員不得自行向校方或任課老師請假, 需由家長代表 (3) 除病假, 學校活動假外, 原則上請勿缺課請假 (4) 不得已請假, 請盡量在事前以書面聯絡青少年交換委員會 (YEP) 地區辦公室 (TEL:2370-3322;Fax:2370-7776), 再由其轉達課程召集人 PP Print (TEL:0932-121795) (5) 每週將缺課表格 e-mail 或傳真至 3480 地區青少年交換委員會 (6) 每月提出學生學習狀況評量 附註 : 地區將製做與學校及接待社聯繫表格資料, 以便加強接待家庭 輔導顧問 接待社 學校等彼此間密切聯繫 並請學校老師每週製做表格, 針對 Inbound 學生出缺勤 學習態度等項目做分析評語, 希望對交換學生學習成果更能掌握

扶輪社中文語言能力標準參照 上學期 教材範圍 : 實用試聽華語一 L01-L06 教學詞彙 150 個常用詞彙 敎學語法 教學內容 教學目標 22 則基本語法句型 1. 漢語拼音 2. 發音及聲調 3. 介紹自己及認識朋友 4. 招呼及問候用語 5. 自己的興趣 6. 買東西及其相關對話 7. 介紹家人成員 8. 中文數字用法 能讀出正確的發音及聲調 能簡短的介紹自己及他人 認知 能與他人做簡短的回應及溝通 能聽懂簡單的指示和日常生活的一般性對話 透過簡短提問進一步瞭解他人及其背景喜好 藉由招呼 問候用語瞭解中國人含蓄 委婉的禮儀情意文化 藉由中文象形字瞭解漢字書寫筆順及漢字之美 參照歐洲共同語言能力分級架構 (Common European Framework ) A1( 入門級 ) Breakthrough 技能 聽 / 說 Listening/ Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing 透過角色扮演 情境演練, 能提問 應答及介紹 能寫出簡易的個人資料 留言或敘述性短文 能看懂中文數字及標價 能瞭解簡單的指示並在可預期的話題上參與簡易對 談 CAN understand basic instructions or take part in a basic factual conversation on a predictable topic. 能閱讀簡單的通知 指示或資訊等 CAN understand basic notices, instructions or information. 能填寫簡易表格及書寫含時間 日期與地點的通知 CAN complete basic forms, and write notes including times, dates and places.

下學期 教材範圍 : 實用試聽華語一 L07-L12 教學詞彙 173 個常用詞彙 敎學語法 教學內容 教學目標 參照歐洲共同語言能力分級架構 (Common European Framework ) A2( 基礎級 ) Way stage 28 則基本語法句型 1. 介紹自己的能力及程度 2. 形容對人事物的感覺 3. 認識各個日常生活地點及方位 4. 時間及日期的用法 5. 述說自己從事的活動 6. 趨向補語的正確用法 7. 說明已完成的動作及事件 8. 事件發生的時間及花費了多久 認知 情意 技能 聽 / 說 Listening/ Speaking 讀 Reading 能表達對事件的感覺及看法 能完整說明自己一天的生活作息 能正確描述人或物品的正確位置 能描述事件發生的時間 情形及程度 能說出自己的優 缺點並能稱讚對方 認識台灣的地理位置及有名的文化景點 能分享及交流在台的生活經驗及生活作息 能簡單描述出國旅行的感覺 經驗並簡單介紹該國 文化及其特色 透過分配時間能清楚說明自己的生活作息 能透過一則小故事或廣告表達對事件的感受及意見 能理解廣告單 時刻表 路標 便條留言等重要資訊 透過地圖查找資訊, 能完整表達自己的所在位置及 附近的地理環境 能寫出一封簡短的信及個人基本資料 能在熟悉的情境下簡單地表達個人意見或需求 CAN express simple opinions or requirements in a familiar context. 能理解熟知範圍的訊息, 例如產品 標示 簡易的參考 書或報告等 CAN understand straightforward information within a known area, such as on products and signs and simple textbooks or reports on familiar matters.

寫 Writing 能填寫一般表格與書寫私人簡函或明信片 CAN complete forms and write short simple letters or postcards related to personal information. Rotary Club of Chinese Language Proficiency Referenced Criterion *First Semester Scope of Materials:L01-L06 Practical Audio-Visual Chinese I Study Goals Teaching Content Course Vocabulary and New Words Course Grammar Fluent Chinese pronunciation, clear and natural tones, making it easy for others to clearly understand your expressions, express your communication goals in ordinary daily life situations and simple interactions with others such being able to ask questions and respond about: introducing yourself, living situations, people you know, family members, daily shopping, what you have. Applying Chinese to solve simple personal living needs. And not only learning the beauty of Chinese characters through Chinese pictograph characters, but also stimulating interest in Chinese culture by knowing a foundation of common Chinese characters and being able to read simple texts and write simple personal information or messages. 1. Chinese Pinyin 2. Pronunciation and Tones 3. Introducing yourself and Making friends 4. Greeting and introduction terms 5. Things you are interested in 6. Shopping and related conversation 7. Introducing family members 8. How to use Chinese numbers 150 Commonly used vocabularies 22 Basic vocabulary structures

Course Objectives Cognition Affection Skill Listening Correct pronunciation and tones Understand simple 10 word sentences and short dialogues about daily life Use 10 simple and short sentences to introduce yourself and others. Ask a series of three to five short questions or dialogue with others. To further understand the others and their background interests through simple questions. To understand the implicit and euphemisms and culture of Chinese through greeting and introduction terms. To understand the writing sequence and the beauty of Chinese characters through Chinese pictograph characters. Ability to edit a series of three to five rounds of conversation according different situations, and then practice these person. Ability to propose three questions aimed at introducing others. Ability to write 100 words of simple personal information, a message, or an essay. Ability to read Chinese numbers and prices. Ability to identify the familiar vocabularies and very basic structures when others are talking about things related to themselves, family and friends in a slow and clear way. (Common European Framework) A1 Breakthrough Speaking Reading Ability to describe personally related things and people you know by using simple structures. Interacting with others in simple way when the others repeat dialogue or use another way to describe things that you try to express in a slow talking speed. Ability to understand the basic commonly used vocabularies and very simple structures, such as the prices and names of the goods in ad or posters. Writing Ability to write down personal details in a form, for example, write down your name, nationality, and address on a hotel check-in form. *Second Semester Scope of Materials:L07-L12 Practical Audio-Visual Chinese I Study Goals Ability to express personal feelings to others in a meeting or a discussion, and

Teaching Content Course vocabulary and new words Course Grammar describe one s daily life using advanced but not just fragmentary words or simple phrases, and express personal information, location, study experience by using complete sentences, describe events and personal experiences; describe habits and lifestyle; describe plans and arrangement; explain one s likes and dislikes of things, processing events and activities by short and basic plans and arrangement, and being able to express common daily needs and personal information. Ability to read general reading material, such as: ads, schedule table, menu etc, applied in daily living places, such as: the market, bus station, restaurants etc, applying Chinese and communicating with others through real normal practice. At last, also being capable to write a short letter sending regards or telling the latest personal news. 1. Introducing self s capability and level. 2. Describing feelings about people and things. 3. Getting to know about daily living places and directions. 4. How to use time and dates. 5. Describe the present activities 6. How to use directional complement correctly. 7. Explaining the past movements and events. 8. When did an event happen and how long did it take. 173 commonly used vocabularies. 28 basic vocabulary structures Course Objectives Cognition Affection Ability to describe the time, situation and extent of an event when it happened in 10 15 Chinese characters. Ability to express the feelings and opinions of things by using 5 sentences. Being able to describe the correct location of people or objects. Ability to do a series of 5-7 rounds of daily conversations with others. Ability to simply describe self s one daily life by using 100 Chinese characters. Ability to tell about 3 advantages and shortcomings of yourself and to compliment others. Learn about the geography of Taiwan and famous cultural spots. Ability to share and exchange the living experience and living process in Taiwan. Ability to simply describe the overseas traveling feelings and experience by using 100 Chinese characters, and to simply

introduce the culture and characteristic of the other countries. (Common European Framework ) A2 Way stage Skill Listening Speaking Reading Writing Ability to simply explain personal lifestyle or activities in 100 Chinese characters through a time table. Ability to express the feelings and opinions of things by composing a short story or ad in 100 Chinese characters. Ability to understand the important information in ads, schedule tables, signposts, note messages etc. Search for information by map and being able to explain your location and the nearby geographical environment by using 5 sentences. Ability to write a short letter and personal information about 100 Chinese characters. Ability to understand related sentences used by explaining personal information, such as:basic personal and family members information, shopping, living places etc. and the most commonly used vocabularies. Ability to catch the points of short and clear messages and bulletins. Ability to simply exchange information and communication directly to familiar personal subject and present activities. Ability to read very short essays and also reading materials, such as: ads, commercials, menu and schedule tables, ability to find out the specific predictable information and understand short letters. Ability to write short and simple notes and messages. Capability to write short personal letters, for example: thanking someone for something.