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229 Aristotle Poetics 29 30 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729-1781 Johann Joachim Winckelmann, 1717-1768 Laocoön Johann Gottfried Herder, 1744-1803 Johann Wolfgang von Cöthe, 1749-1832 31 29 1993.8 85 30 1983 5 61 31 Siegfried Heinz Begenau 1988.8 35

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235 Zhao s Orphan in History and Drama :Text and Performance Lee Chi-hsiang Abstract The present paper begins by describing the difference between text and performance in historical narrative in terms of type and theory. It then proceeds to investigate how the narrative of Zhao s Orphan developed through such texts as the Zuo zhuan, Shi ji and Ji ju, following the narrative s progression from a chroniclenarrative in the Zuo zhuan to an event-title in the Zhao s House section of the Shi ji. In the latter work, it is found that plot and new story were treated as two distinct concepts. The investigation focuses on two major issues: 1) how Zhao s Orphan developed historically and emerged as a form and title in the Ji ju; 2) how its narrative base and dominant consciousness influenced later readers of the Zuo zhuan and Shi ji. In addition, the paper also addresses such questions as: 1) how the title-discourse of Zhao s Orphan takes on different forms in the various historical texts; 2) when and how Zhao s Orphan, in terms of performance, transformed from dramatic plot into drama ; 3) the difference between the adaptation of the chronicle-narrative in the Zuo zhuan into the story in the Shi ji and the adaptation of the story in the Shi ji into drama; 4) how text and performance are similar and different, and what point of departure to take in exploring this issue. Furthermore, the author also examines the person Zhuang Ji, both as a historical figure and literary character, using the treatment of Zhuang Ji in the Zuo zhuan, Shi ji, Ji ju and Qiu s Performance to explore the opposition between written text and visual text. In conclusion, the author reexamines the age-old question What is historical drama, discussing the features of history and drama from the per-

236 spective of appropriation of history in order to open up the possibility of new perspectives in historical theory. Key Words: text, performance, Zhao s Orphan, historical drama