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[ ] 1966 [ ] [ 1993]


2003 11 117 ~ 142 贌 * 92.8.18 92.10.15 *

118 Village Leasehold, Territory and the Community Formation of Formosan Plains Austronesians Chan, Su-chuan * Abstract The paper discusses how the territorial community is formed through the interaction of the Austronesian village (she) leasehold system and the local knowledge. The system originated from the Dutch era and lasted until the Qing stage. The collective title under the village lease system reflects: the geography of leaseholders' commercial activity, the spatial connection of community, and the spatiality of various inter-village relations. The institution and trading out of the village lease system, which in turn decides the tax system, turns out to be a mechanism affecting the society and culture of the Formosan Plains Astronesians. Through historical survey we can observe how the grouping of Austronesian villages evolved from natural village/tax unit to territorial community and finally being treated as quasi-ethnic groups in the modern era. The process would throw a light on the nature of historical development of Austronesians, as well as the character of their society and culture. Keywords: Village Leasehold, Territorial Community, Fan-su Liu-k ao, Ethnic Groups * Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica.

贌 119 贌 * 1 2 * 2003 1 27 2003 3 14-15 1 2

120 3 4 5 3 (Basay) ( ) 4 5 ( 2001) ( 2001) 33-112 2000 11 2-4

贌 121 dorp( ) 6 dorp (John R. Shepherd) (Leonard Blussé) 壠 village 7 dorp village 8 ( [1685]) dorp dorp 9 6 dorp( ) 2000 10 26-27 7 (John R. Shepherd), Aboriginee Population:The Puzzle of Village Size, Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier,1600-1800.(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993), pp.38-46; Blussé, Leonard and Marius P.H.Roessingh, A Visit to the Past: Soulang, A Formosan Village Anno 1623, Archipel 27:63-80. 8 ( ) 60( 1995) 205 9 4( 1957) 163

122 10 11 12 ( ) 壠 13 14 Quimaurie Taparri St. Jago Quimaurie Taparri St. Jago 15 16 10 216 ( 1965) 9 11 169 12 163 13 141( 1962 ) 160 14 146( 1962 ) 59 15 ( 1999) 114-119 16

贌 123 贌 17 18 19 20 7709.5368 21 (1693) 98.5 ( 1979) 351 17 172( 1963) 83 9 ( 1958) 1 18 19 壠 壠 猫捒 壠 65( 1960) 134-135 20 458.64 136.1808 134.4168 98.784 134-135 21 39 12 12 11.5 12 12 135-136

124 179.2224 22 23 ( ) 贌 贌 贌 1644 贌 Verpachtingender Dorpen Pacht der Formosaense dorpen 贌 (Pak) pacht 24 ( 贌 ) ( 贌 ) 25 22 49.392 51.156 9.8780 68.796 134 23 3,592 97 1 1,395 1 7 256 1 3 1,844 1 3 129-130 24 Pacht PactumPactus 贌 () 51(3)(2000) 267 25

贌 125 26 1652 27 贌 贌 贌 28 29 (Pol Heyns) ( 2002) 149-150 26 10% 158 27 155-172 28 164 29 44( 1959) 36

126 贌 30 贌 贌 31 贌 32 33 30 161 31 壠 32 434 33

贌 127 (1736-37) 34 (1737) (1888) 35 36 97 1,395 256 1,844 1,748 34 74( 1961) 185191 35 (1888) 7(1)(2000) 20-22 36 196

128 (1685-1737) 37 (1737) 1,325 265 ( [1741] ) 38 (1737) (1870) 8 350 猫 5 9 237 350 猫 4 113 猫 壠 4 307 壠 猫 4 307 89 89 4 85 37 21 38 (202-203) (90)

贌 129 8 247 11 579 6 247 18 579 30 唣 272 54.4 39 40 39 200 40 201-202

130 壠 ( ) ( ) 壠 贌 贌 贌 贌 贌 贌 41 贌 贌 42 43 ( ) 44 41 96 42 36 43 36 44 99-10097100

贌 131 贌 45 1657 贌 贌 (1695) (1717) 120 458.64 458.64 ( ) 220 113.2488 113.2488 ( ) 壠 240 壠 914.814 壠 914.814 ( ) (Gomach) 40 23.2848 23.2848 Tausa Mato 660 501.3288 501.3288 ( ) ( 猫 ) 200 ( 唣 ) 480* 98.784 98.784 Terrissan Sausauly ( ) * 1657 1655 贌 ( ) ( ) 贌 45 贌 ( )( 1997) 282-283

132 46 1657 贌 贌 (Tapouliangh) 140 ( ) 643.6 150 (Takareian) 426.1 Netne 450 427.4 Cathia( ) 740.1 Verrovorongh( ) 350 ( ) 720.9 390 789.9 Tedackan 750 253.5 Soetenauw 643.8 Kiringangh 100 49.392 390 51.156 200* ** 9.8784 *** 68.796 * 1657 1655 ** ( t Gouden LeeuwEiland) Lamey 1636 5-7 *** 1657 贌 贌 贌 47 46 贌 1(2)(1994) 109-117 47

贌 133 壠 唣 猫 猫 壠 猫 48 ( [1693]) ( [1695]) ( [1715]) 贌 48 97-99

134 贌 贌 贌 (1722) (1724) ( ) 49 謌 50 51 49 ( ) 350 50 94 51

贌 135 24 (1685) 34 (1695) 36 (1697) 51 (1712) 55 (1716) (19) (15) [ ] ( ) (11) (16) (11) 2 (1724) [ ] ( ) ( ) (15) (32) (141) (300) * (1721) 贌

136 52 贌 ( [1741]) ( [1745]) (1723) () 53 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 壠 贌 52 12( 1961) 25-26 53 413-456

贌 137 贌 贌 1955 Taivoran 54 Laurence G. Thompson 1969 (Ogawa Naoyoshi) 55 贌 贌 ( 56 57 ) 54 10(9)(1955)19-29 ( 1982) 50-51 55 Laurence G. Thompson, Formosan Aborigines in the Early Eighteenth Century: Huang Shu-ching s( )Fan-su Liu-k ao( ), Monumenta Serica Vol.XXVIII(1969)p50,58,64,75,81,93,99,109,115. 56 135 57 452

138 (Coullonders ) 45 58 Baritschoen Sousouly Coullonders 59 60 贌 58 140 59 (Shigeru Tsuchida) Kulon: Yet another Austronesian Language in Taiwan? 60 (1985) 1-60 22-231999 5 1-3 60 ( 1900 )( 1998)

贌 139 贌 ( ) 1997 ( ) 259-320 1962 146 1995 60 1955 10(9)19-29 1994 1(2) 109-130 1962 141 1959 44 2001

140 2001 33-112 1960 65 2000 贌 () 51(3)263-281 1957 4 2000 7(1)1-26 1963 172 2000 2000 10 26-27 1998 ( 1900 ) 1999 1999 5 1-3 1999 1965 216

贌 141 1958 9 1961 74 2000 2000 11 2-4 1979 (Pol Heyns) 2002 1961 12 Blussé, Leonard and Marius P.H.Roessingh 1984 A Visit to the Past: Soulang, A Formosan Village Anno 1623, Shepherd, John R. Archipel 27:63-80. 1993 Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier,1600-1800. Thompson, Laurence G. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1969 Formosan Aborigines in the Early Eighteenth Century: Huang Shu-ching s( )Fan-su Liu-k ao( ), Monumenta Serica Vol.XXVIII(1969)163-204 Tsuchida, Shigeru( ) 1985 Kulon: Yet another Austronesian Language in Taiwan? (Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) 60 1-60.