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Southeast Academic Research NO. 08 A New Look at Relationship between Early History of Taiwan and Chinese Mainland Chen Zhiping With regard to the relationship between early history of Taiwan and Chinese mainland we insist on our stance and argument that Taiwan has been an inalienable part of Chinese territory since ancient times. However for the historical science circles which aim to pursue historical authenticity it is far from enough to have this stance and argument. As Chinese historians we have responsibilities and obligations to find as more arguments as possible to enrich the historical proposition that Taiwan has been an inalienable part of Chinese territory since ancient times. Since half a century ago the archaeological findings on the island of Taiwan have not attracted the attention of Chinese mainland historians. In fact these archaeological findings are sufficient to confirm the close relationship between early Taiwan and Chinese mainland which is unmatched by any extraterritorial area or country. By using these archaeological data the paper takes a new look at the relationship between early Taiwan and Chinese mainland and the relationship between early Taiwan and maritime history of China. Based on the above we have solid evidence to say that Taiwan has been an inalienable part of Chinese territory since ancient times. Marketized Providing and Chinese Style Cross Providing of Public Goods Services Deng Liping / Deng Qiuyun The Chinese style cross providing model is an extract of reality from social goods providing with Chinese characteristics which both embodies the important features at the primary stage and reflects the fundamental requirements of the state and government systems. By using the point of view that private sectors can participate in providing a part of public goods by means of Chinese style cross providing this paper explains two living samples government purchasing services and the PPP model in the marketized providing of China s public goods services deepens its understanding sums up its essence and distinguishes its similarities and differences so as to provide theoretical foundation and policy thinking for practical application. 47 47