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Journal of Meiho Institute of Technology,Vol.23 No.2 pp.75~94 75

pre-kindergarten 0 1993 1880 2 1999-2000 Jacobson, 2001b Bereday 76

( ) 2 3 Clifford, 2003 ( ) 3 Clifford,2003 ( ) Family child care providers ( ) Child Care Center YMCA Clifford,2003 ( ) Head Start 1964 3-4 3-4 30 3-4 Schorr, 2001 Richman 1992 77

Reading program Schorr, 2001 ( ) Public Pre-kindergarten Program 1999 6.5 Clifford Hills, 2003 33 50 80 50 45 16 20 Doherty, 2002 Jacobson, 2002c National Center for Early Development Learning NDEL 2003 ( ) 78

( ) ( ) 2003 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards NBPTS Jacobson, 2002b Kisker 1990 Saluja, 2002 Doherty 2002 Education Week 1999 36,770 19,610 15,430 Center for the child care workforce NCEDL1997 25 50 K-12 Edwards, 1999 National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC 4-5 16-20 Jacobson, 2002c 20 Bowman, Donovan Burn, 79

2001 Jacobson, 2001a 1990 Manzo,1998 12 39 Jacobson,2003 2003 3 9 Meisels,2003 NAEYC NAEYC Jacobson, 2002c NAEYC 80

Jacobson, 2001a Jacobson, 2001b 3000 683 1559 20 16, 2001 Jacobson, 2001b 2 0-2 2 3 50 Neuman Peer, 2002 crèches 11 Cooper, 1999 81

5 8 1990 Cooper,1999; Neuman Peer, 2002 Neuman Peer, 2002 assistant maternelles 60 Jacobson, 2001b Jacobson, 2001b 2001 1. halte-garderie 18 2001 2. 82

Cooper, 1999 1 2 3 jardin de enfants -- 1987 Kergoma 1880 salles d asils Kergoma Copper, 1999 1963 1976 43 77 1980 4-5 100 1983 3 90.4 100 3 3 2 2 35 Jacobson 2001a 1970 83

Lewis, 1985 2 2 2 2 10 2 Jacobson 2001a 1991 1990 1989 Instituts Universitaires de Fomation des Maitres, IUFM 28 2003 IUFM IUFM IUFM IUFM IUFM IUFM 1997 1998 700 300 Cooper, 1999 Jacobson, 2001b IUFM IUFM 2-11 Cooper, 1999 1 26 28-30 Jacobson, 2001a 3-4 3-4 84

1991 15000 30000 Cooper, 1999 Jacobson, 2001b Lee Sivell, 2000 3-5 6-8 Cooper, 1999 30 25 6 30 1. 85

2. les centers de loisirs 2 17 5,700 21.1 5,100 8.5 2001 1980 Zone de Education Prioritaires 1. 1960 11 46 1999 80 2. 3. 4 5. Lee Sivell, 2000 1982 362 1997 600 500 Lee Sivell, 2000 Jacobson, 2001b 2 2000 adulte-relais Neuman Peer, 86

2002 2005 10,000 80 20 11 Jacobson, 2001a 1990 1990 1881 87

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K-12 岀 1980 89

1964 3-4 3-4 3-4 1980 Lee Sivell, 2000 2 90

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A Study of U.S.A and France Preschool Education System Comparison I-Chan Kao,Chun-Sheng She Abstract This research adopted the literature survey method and attempted to analyze and compare the differences of preschool education systems between the U.S.A. and France in terms of the connotation of the preschool education system.. Conclusions were drawn from this research, such as the proposal of extending the age of preschool education downwards; the unification of preschool education system; appropriate governmental planning for an intact preschool system and attention to the equality in choosing preschool reference for preschool education planners in the future. Keywords American preschool education system, French preschool education system, preschool education Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Meiho Institute of Technology PHD Candidate, Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University 94