THE ULLAMBANA FESTIVAL Known among many as the hungry ghost festival, commencing on the 15 th day of the 7 th Luna Month. For the Buddhists, this fest

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* RRB *



目 感恩与代祷 录 编 者 1 牧者心声 勒住你的舌头 龚明鹏 3 见证与分享 我的见证 吴权伟 8 相信就能够看见 卓艳梅 12 再述主恩 爱的雕凿 张英治 19 万怡杉 28 母亲节征文 记念母亲节 凌励立 43 父母的爱和神的爱 曹 红 47 Love Lisa Wang 50



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2017 年 8 月創古快訊 Thrangu Newsletter (8/2017) 29, Jalan 12/21A, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Website: Facebook: Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya, Tel/Fax: 03-79588548 Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters, It is indeed heartening to note that all our activities hitherto at our Centre to see so many faces; young and old, new and familiar above all happy and smiling. A religious centre is likened to a home. A house built with love will become a home. A Buddhist centre filled with activities and dedicated devotees will become a place for the propagation of the Dharma. Your active participation will definitely spur the committee to work tirelessly for the betterment of our beloved Centre. Our upcoming events will be a fellowship trip to Cameron Highlands to foster greater bonding with our Dharma brothers and sisters, including of course the kids /youths. Most importantly, Ullambana Prayers, one of the major events in the Buddhist calendar to express our filial piety not only to our ancestors but also in dedication to other sentient and or Bardo beings. I take this opportunity to announce the 20 th Namo Buddha Retreat, 2017 has been confirmed by our beloved Guru, H.E Thrangu Rinpoche to be held on 21 st Nov to 26th Nov at Kathmandu. The retreat series started since 1997 is a short noviciate programme by Rinpoche. The programme is of such significance that it has now become an annual event in Rinpoche s diary. Please visit our website for further details. See you all at Cameron Highlands, at the Centre during our Ullambana celebrations and hopefully at Thrangu Tashi Yangtze Monastery, Kathmandu. DHARMA PROGRAMME 弘法活动 VENUE: THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA 地点 : 创古佛教中心 三天盂兰盆节 文武百尊 法会 Date 日期 Time 時間 Puja 法會 1 Sept 2017 (Fri) 9 月 1 日 ( 星期五 ) 10:00am ~11:30am 3:00pm ~ 6:00pm THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA 八打靈創古佛教中心 Resident monk Lama Lodro 盂兰盆节 文武百尊 超度暨尽孝荐福法会 2 Sept 2017 (Sat) 9 月 2 日 ( 星期六 ) 3 Sept 2017 (Sun) 9 月 3 日 ( 星期日 ) 10:00am ~11:30am 3:00pm ~ 6:00pm 10:00am ~11:30am 3:00pm ~ 6:00pm 盂兰盆节 文武百尊 超度暨尽孝荐福法会 & Auspicious Repayment of Karmic Debts Ceremony 盂兰盆节 文武百尊超度暨尽孝荐福法会 及 超度累劫冤亲债主以消业障 Thrangu Rinpoche s quotable quote: A little bit of good is better than no good. Page 1 of 6

THE ULLAMBANA FESTIVAL Known among many as the hungry ghost festival, commencing on the 15 th day of the 7 th Luna Month. For the Buddhists, this festival is a time for accumulating merits for themselves and transferring merits to their departed loved ones. It is also a time for cultivating the virtue of filial piety. Equally important for the living, it is a time for atonement and reflection of past deeds. The Buddhist origin of this festival comes from the Ullambana Sutra. Mogallana (Mu Chian Lian), the second disciple of Buddha Sakyamuni (Lord Buddha), having come to know that his mother had been re-born among the Hungry Ghosts due to her previous karma, sought the help of his venerable master to relieve his mother from the endless sufferings she had to endure. Buddha Sakyamuni is said to have advised Mogallana to offer to the Sangha clean basin filled with food of 100 types, oil lamps, bed and bedding. He could then transfer the merits he gained to his mother who could then quickly take rebirth in higher realms. Mogallana was also told that merits gained that way could be transferred to benefit his parents of his seven previous lives. 3-DAY 100 DEITIES OF THE JANGCHOK PUJA FOR ULLAMBANA FESTIVAL This year the Ullambana Festival s Ghost month commences on 22 nd Aug and ends on 19 th Sept 2017. TDSPJ will conduct a Three day 100 Deities of the Jangchok Puja commencing 1 st Sept and ending on 3 rd Sept 2017. The ceremony will be conducted by Ven. Lama Lodro and other monks. They will conduct 100 Deities of the Jangchok prayers to transmute and absolve the suffering of the deceased, deceased ancestors and ancestors of those who forgot to pay tribute to them or those who were not given a proper burial or ritual send off and the unborn babies. HUNDRED DEITIES OF THE JANGCHOK PUJA According to the Tantric legend, there was a king who executed his own spiritual Master and that karmic cause brought him direct to the Hell where he was undergoing the suffering of the six realms all at the same time. The Buddha saw the great sufferings of this being and He conferred on him the teaching and practice of the 100 Deities. By just hearing the teaching and mantras of the 100 Deities the being was liberated and reborn in heaven. In Tibet, Padmasambhawa conferred the teaching of the 100 Deities to his 25 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities disciples. During that time, there was an evil minister by the name of Shata. He killed many innocent people and also caused a lot of obstacles to prevent the consort of Padmasambhawa, Yeshe Tsogyal from practising the Dharma. Thrangu Rinpoche s quotable quote: Through the encouragement of Lamas and friends who truly follow the Dharma, one s faith and diligence grow and one s laziness and discouragement are turned around. Page 2 of 6

After he died he was reborn in hell. Padmasambhawa and his consort saw with their wisdom eyes that the former evil minister was in great suffering. The consort tried to save the minister but was not successful after using many methods. Padmasambhawa then used the 100 Deities Mandala with Jangchok and the evil minister and many of the hell beings were liberated. The 100 Deities are the attributes and activities of the five Buddhas and their female counterparts. They are the manifestations of our pure nature, and remain within us in the form of 5 faculties, 5 elements, 12 sources of perception and etc. By relying on the practice of the 100 Deities or even on hearing and seeing them, one can instantly or gradually realise one's nature of mind. During the performance of Jangchok, the power of the 100 Deities of the Jangchok is invoked and the various types of offerings and prayers are offered to the unborn babies, their living parents,the departed forefathers, their descendants and to the participants. It offers every help that is needed to those deceased in the intermediate state of the Bardo and showing them the path to enlightenment. At the ending of Jangchok, the paper tablets of the deceased are burnt to purify their gross and subtle defilements and they enter the path of liberation. The merits thus acquired are transferred to the deceased for their purification and liberation from the three suffering (Lower) realms and allow the living to repay past karmic debts and to enjoy a life of abundance, good fortune and longevity. Therefore by observing this practice of Ullambana, we Buddhists can deliver our deceased parents from the miseries of the three lower realms. Ullambana Festival of liberation is the time for us to reinforce the concept of filial piety and to accumulate merits both for our deceased loved ones and to eradicate obstacles in our path. On this special period the merits and virtues derived from making offerings and prayers to the Three Jewels is several million times more than on ordinary days, we would like to encourage you to pray along with Lama during the scheduled prayer times to accumulate merits, it is generally believed that one who performs a good deed during this period accumulates spiritual merits. It is considered an even more pious act when the merit is shared with departed souls which will help them to be reborn in the higher realms and alleviate their suffering. New Jangchok plaque for the deceased (front and back) The auspicious HUNDRED DEITIES OF THE JANGCHOK PUJA will have three (3) consecutive days of vegetarian food, numerous fruit offerings and smell offerings a very special Tibetan Buddhism offering to the lower realms. Thrangu Rinpoche s quotable quote: The path of liberation is like leaping over the top of a mountain. Page 3 of 6

The highlights of this auspicious Hundred Deities of the Jangchok Puja are: 1. A comprehensive programme for the Jangchok will continue to be performed with the Jangchok plaque; 2. A central plaque dedicated to liberation of the unborn babies, karmic debtors of those who are not in a position to sponsor this Jangchok; 3. Three (3) consecutive days of vegetarian food, numerous fruit offerings and SUR /smell offerings a very special Tibetan Buddhism offering to the lower realms. 4. Jangchok for the Living to repay karmic debts and remove obstacles due to them. For further details on sponsorship and participation of the Ullambana Ceremony, kindly contact the Thrangu Dharma Centre. ADVANCE NOTICE THE 20 th NAMO BUDDHA RETREAT The 20 th Namo Buddha Retreat will be held at Thrangu Tashi Yangtze Monastery, Namo Buddha, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Retreat dates are confirmed from 21 st Nov 2017 to 26 th Nov 2017. The Sadhana will be on Thousand Arms Thousand Eyes Chenrezig Nyungne Retreat. The organizing committee intends to attend H.E. Thrangu Rinpoche birthday on 28 th Nov, so we plan to depart for Kathmandu on 18 th Nov (Sat) and return on 2 nd Dec 2017 (Sat). Flight arrangement will be announced later. We endeavor to block book seats for the entourage as a single united front. This will make planning for logistics easier. Further it is customary that the organizing committee will plan pilgrimage tour to holy sites in and around Kathmandu. Those who are interested, kindly please submit your names and contact phone number to Brother John Leong Tel:017-8716993 or Brother Richard Lau Tel:012-2119981 for any enquiry or visit our website for details. 亲爱的师兄和师姐们, 我们注意到到目前为止在所有的中心活动中, 我们看到这么多的面孔 年轻人 老年人 新的和熟悉的, 它都有一个共同点一发自内心的愉悦和微笑 它的确令人振奋 一个宗教中心好比一个大家庭 一个充满活动和虔诚信徒的佛教中心才能真正成为弘扬佛法的道场 由于您的积极参与, 才能不断鞭策执委们继续努力不懈改善我们所关爱的中心 即将到来的金马伦高原团契友谊之旅, 我们寄望它增进师兄师姐们之间的联系和交流, 当然这也包括我们的年轻人和孩童们 尤其是盂兰盆法会, 它是佛教日历上极为重要的日子之一 不仅为我们的先人至亲尽孝荐福, 並把功德回向一切众生和中阴身 藉此机会, 我宣佈我们敬爱的創古仁波切已经确认第 20 届南无布达闭关将于 11 月 21 日至 26 日在加德满都举行 短期出家闭关始于 1997, 自此该活动已成为仁波切日历上不可或缺的项目之一 请上本会网址 查询详情, 希望在这些活动期间能看到你们 盂兰盆节在华人社会的传统习俗里, 每年农历七月十四日的盂兰盆节, 往往也被称为饿鬼节 对佛弟子来说, 盂兰盆节不仅是一个对自己过往亲人超荐功德回向的好日子, 还是一个为在世人增长福慧, 为自己祈福消灾以及培养感恩 尽孝 反省 忏悔等美德的好节日 Page 4 of 6

据 盂兰盆经 载, 佛陀弟子中, 神通第一的目犍连, 以天眼通看见母亲堕在饿鬼道中受苦, 纵使他施展一切神通, 仍然无法解救她于苦难中 目楗连见此情形, 非常伤心, 乃向佛陀请求解救之法 佛陀便指示目楗连在僧众结夏安居园满时 ( 每年结夏安居由四月十六日起至七月十五日止 ), 以百味饮食供养僧众, 仗此功德力救度其先母以及其七世父母 目揵连依佛陀教化, 在七月十五日设盆供养及斋僧, 合各大德威神之力, 使母亲得以脱离饿鬼之苦 因此后世的佛弟子效法目犍连尊者孝感动天的楷模, 在每年盂兰盆的季节里虔诚供僧, 行礼如仪中, 合各大德威神之力, 使吾人的现世父母增福延寿 ; 七世父母, 历代祖先, 以及冤亲债主脱离三涂苦, 往生净土, 福乐元无穷 同时也让吾人培养恭敬之心来净化人我之间的不和协和增长福慧 实可谓冥阳两利 我们衷心希望信众和赞助者可以亲自参与拜忏供灯 诵经顶礼诸佛菩萨 广修供养 施食 消业 回向, 来超荐往生的至亲, 夭折胎婴, 及累劫怨亲债主, 无主孤魂, 令彼超脱三恶道 祖先因超度功德力, 能消除子孙业障, 福德智能增长, 福荫子孙 供灯代表僧长 New Jangchok plaque for the living. 智能, 驱散代表无明 破坏 邪恶 贪 嗔 痴 慢 疑五毒的黑暗 本中心诚邀善信踊跃参与, 详情请联络本中心查询 三天的盂兰盆节 文武百尊 超度暨尽孝荐福法会 今年的盂兰盆节始于阳历 8 月 22 日而结束于 9 月 19 日 八打灵创古佛教中心将扵 9 月 1 日至 3 日启建一连三天的盂兰盆节 文武百尊 法会将由喇嘛洛卓住持带领出家众举行超荐诵经仪轨 法会藉 文武百尊 的大威力来超荐亡魂, 先人, 包括那些被遗忘, 没有被适当安葬和超荐的无主孤魂和夭折的婴儿 文武百尊 超度消災法会 古时候有一婆罗门出家人, 名为董其钦瓦坚 该国王子拜他为师, 后来王子却因起妒嫉心而与师抗衡, 终于杀死他的上师 他由此恶业堕入无间地狱 后来他因某缘起, 得以启禀金刚萨埵, 脱离此狱之法 获得宣示修甚深文武百尊超度法荐, 终于脱离此狱, 生于天界, 渐次获证十地 文武百尊之教授是莲花生大士从普贤王如来所说之根本续密要中, 摘要摄集 若祇闻寂静忿怒本尊之名, 亦可超三恶趣 倘得入坛灌顶, 则虽犯三昧耶戒者, 修此法亦可还净 藏人于亲友亡故后, 敦请喇嘛为亡者超度, 即修此法, 故称为 中阴救度法 话说当年, 莲花生大师的明妃空行母耶喜措嘉多次受奸臣萨达所害, 但当莲师和她运天眼通观奸臣因五间重罪而堕入地狱, 耶喜措嘉却以德报怨以神足通下地狱去搭救他 空行母降临地府, 却无法开启烈焰铁门 她询问守门的鬼卒 : 要如何开启地狱大门? 鬼卒说 : 要开启地狱大铁门, 除非修文武百尊仪轨外, 无法离此狱 因此耶喜措嘉修 文武百尊度亡 仪轨, 终救罪臣脱离地府 故五无间罪, 律仪誓言衰损毁誓等众, 精进于此仪轨, 定令罪堕清净 莲师宣说 : 以由此殊胜善缘, 方能得遇此法 此为度脱罪大恶极者之深法, 得遇此甚深之法, 定不堕入恶道, 实为甚深难遇之法 文武百尊 是五方佛及其眷属的化现, 代表众生的眞如本性 因此修习此法 或闻此法 或得认知寂忿百尊的真面目, 从而唤醒真如本性而得度 Page 5 of 6

法会中诵经和供养将回向于先人 阳上的父母 子孙和参与法会者 由此获得的功德可以超荐亡者不受下三涂之苦 并可为阳上家人立长生禄位来超度其累劫怨亲债主, 屏除因此所引起的障碍, 而让我们得以享受富裕的生活, 好运和长寿 因此, 盂兰盆节是我们为至亲尽孝荐福, 行善和积德以清除我们前途障碍的殊胜的好日子 在这个特殊节日中, 对三宝的供养和祈祷所得的功德是比平常的日子多几百万倍 因此, 我们温馨鼓励赞助者和信众们亲自参加法会与喇嘛们一起诵经累积功德 据知, 这段时期所做的每一个善行都会积累不可思议的功德 由其是当它是为往生亲人尽孝荐福, 这将有助于他们转投善界, 并减轻他们的痛苦 盂兰盆节 文武百尊度亡 超度暨尽孝荐福法会及法会将连续三天供养丰富的素餐鲜果及嗅供 ( 注 : 金刚乘对鬼魂和饿鬼道特有的供养法 ) 法会众喇嘛修持 文武百尊度亡 的前行 仪轨 召请护法本尊 献供 因为此次法会是要直接开启地狱雄雄烈火的大铁门, 直接利益尚未脱离地狱的 牌位上的亡者亲人 法会圆满完成时喇嘛会将碑位焚化, 将法会一切功德迥向来超荐他们 今年盂兰盆节法会有下面特色 : 1) 启建祖先 / 亡者的往生莲位法坛以超度暨尽孝荐福 2) 设中央往生莲位来超荐无名夭折胎婴, 及累劫怨情债主, 无主孤魂给予或无能力赞助法会的佛友, 以示普渡众生 3) 连续三天丰富的素餐鲜果供养及嗅供 ( 金刚乘对鬼魂和饿鬼道特有的供养法 ) 4) 为阳上子孙及家人立长生禄位, 以消累劫怨情债主的业障, 使事业顺利无阻, 身体安康 本中心诚邀诸善信踊跃参与, 有关详情请联络本中心查询 特別通告第 20 届 南无布达闭关 第 20 届 南无布达闭关 将假尼泊尔南无布达创古寺举行 闭关订于 2017 年 11 月 21 日至 26 日, 以 千手千眼观世音菩萨八关斋戒 仪轨作为修习法本 筹委会希望 11 月 18 日 ( 周六 ) 出发前往加德满都,12 月 2 日 ( 周六 ) 返回 筹委会将在适当的时候公布出发和返回日期 筹委会将在较后公布班机的安排 我们希望统筹预定班机, 以方便安排交通 同时筹委会也会跟往年一样安排在闭关之前或之后到一些圣地朝圣 有兴趣者, 请尽早提交您的姓名和联系电话号码给梁启恩 (John Leong) 师兄电话 :017-871 6993 或联络 Richard Lau 师兄电话 :017-012-2119981 或查询中心网站 Page 6 of 6