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20 Journal of Theater Studies 2017 7 39-64 DOI: 10.6257/JOTS.2017.20039 * 前言 1905-1977 1 2 3 * 1 3 2 1954 8 83-85 3 2 1954 8 105-113 2 1992 302-314 3 1933 1986-39-

4 5 6 1925-1928 4 1970 5 2003 15 2004 23-32 1889-1949 2010 51-72 湾 47 2008 21-40 6 3 1997 152-159 -40-

7 8 9 一 張維賢的新劇經歷 7 3 3 1954 12 90-96 8 104-112 9 1995 875 1913-1936 1989 1-41-

David Pinski A Dollar Henrik Johan Ibsen An Enemy of the People Lajos Bíró 10 11 12 13 10 A Dollar Ten Plays 11 107 12 1961 305 13 84-42-

14 15 16 17 14 892 23-24 15 84-85 16 2013 364-369 17 362-367 -43-

18 Dalcroze Eurhythmics 19 20 21 22 18 395-396 19 110 20 107 21 1913-1936 24 22 23-24 -44-

23 24 25 26 27 28 23 1941 9 20-23 1943 8 9 24 20-23 25 85 26 105 27 186 28 112-45-

1924-1928 29 30 31 32 6 7 1931 1932 33 29 108-109 30 106 31 109 32 111 33 198 1936 5 1 2006 5-46-

二 張維賢與臺灣新劇 34 35 36 37 38 34 Drama 13 2011 1 7-34 35 358-360 36 345 1931 1 1 37 6 1990 81 38 1922-47-

39 1943 40 41 ABC 1931 1936 15 2015 1 117-148 39 197 1936 4 1 2006 475 40 1943 5 3 41 2001 23-48-

42 43 44 45 46 47 42 16 2012 7 7-35 43 1994 365-367 44 313 45 312-313 46 365 47 312-313 -49-

三 歐劍窗與新劇的商業劇場 48 49 48 105 49 20-50-

50 51 50 1996 3 5 1996 4 8 2000 3 15 1994 10 8 2000 3 15 51 9 6 1993 4 26-51-

52 53 fiber 54 52 2008 123-151 53 84 54 123-52-

55 四 從張維賢看日治期臺灣新劇發展困境 56 57 55 1990 3 339 1991 188 56 197 1936 4 1 468-469 57 1917 1984 26-27 55-56 -53-

58 59 1904-1931 60 58 1947 57-59 1969 365-370 59 108-109 60 雧 17 2015 12 73-104 -54-

1936.11 61 61 1 9 1936 11 5 2006 210-215 -55-

62 結論 62 10 1943 3 11-56-



1905-1977 關鍵字 : 張維賢新劇運動星光演劇研究會 / 星光劇團鐘聲新劇團歐劍窗 -59-

From Xing-Guang to Zhong-Shen : Zhang Weixian s New Drama Life and its Predicaments Kun-liang CHIU Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts Taiwan New Drama (xinju, ), which appeared during the Japanese Colonial Period, was the product of modern times. It was the way that the intellectuals at that time judged the colonial politics and superstition of feudalism, and advocated upgrading the culture in an educational and entertaining way. When people talked about the New Drama before and after the war, they would definitely mention the representative figure, Zhang Weixian (1905-1977). Zhang Weixian deserved the title of pioneer of the Taiwan New Drama. Particularly, his two articles, The General Description of Taiwan New Drama ( ) and My Memoirs of New Drama ( ), which described his participation in Taiwan New Drama during the Japanese Colonial Period, have developed his own specific statements. Researchers after his time also follow his statements to see his importance in the Taiwan New Drama Movement, and to diagram the performances of the Xing- Guang Theatre. However, there is no divergence between their collection, quotations and discussion about the research of Zhang Weixian. Zhang s article was published in 1945, the year of Taiwanese White Terror, under the circumstances of extinguishing the harmful influence of Japanese Colonialism, so there is a question whether there were any taboos influencing his writing. There are still obscurities waiting to be clarified in Zhang s writing. Is there any evidence in accordance with present research which attributes Xing-Guang s performances during 1925-1928 to Zhang Weixian? How were the Xing-Guang s performances produced? Who were the scriptwriters and the director? What was the energy of the theatre and its artistry? Which play can be viewed as his masterpiece? Was there any change of the idea of the Xing-Guang Theatre after it had been surrendered to others? Being one of the members in Tsukiji Little Theatre was one of Zhang Weixian s achievements; what place did he play in Tsukiji Little Theatre, and is there any specific evidence to prove it? These are still puzzles. The research on Zhang Weixian can be viewed as an understanding of the Taiwan New Drama Movement in the Japanese Colonial Period, and we can also discuss the environment of New Drama at that time from the research, moreover, to see the predicaments that were difficult for them to break through. -60-

Keywords: Zhang Weixian New Drama Movement Xing-Guang Theatre Seminar/ Xing-Guang Theatre Zhong-Sheng New Theatre Ou Jian-Chuang -61-

徵引書目 -62-1947 10 1943 3 11 1994 10 8 2000 3 15 1913-1936 1989 1941 9 20-23 1943 8 9 3 1997 152-159 3 3 1954 12 90-96 1961 1992 2008 13 2011 1 7-34 16 2012 7 7-35 2013 15 2015 1 117-148 湾 47 2008 21-40 1994 197 1936 4 1 2006 198 1936 5 1 2006 1996 3 5 1996 4 8 2000 3 15

1943 5 3 2001 1922 ABC 1931 1936 雧 17 2015 12 73-104 1969 3 2 1954 8 83-85 3 2 1954 8 105-113 1 9 1936 2006 1991 2003 15 2004 23-32 1889-1949 2010 1984 1970 1933 1986 1995 6 1990 345 1931 1 1 9 6 1993 4 12-43 -63-
