Chinese Buddhism s Treatment of Zhaijiang Wang Tsui-Ling Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstrac

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2006 6 63 104 63

Chinese Buddhism s Treatment of Zhaijiang Wang Tsui-Ling Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The Chinese word zhaijiang is a dichotomy consisting of two characters: the first is zhai, while the second being jiang. This particular diction makes occasional appearances in the Chinese Buddhist Cannon, monastic biographies, and the Chinese Official History; although, its occurrence in the latter source is comparatively few and mostly in the Nan/Bei Chao records. Other than its stereotypical Buddhist-related connotation, the word zhaijiang in its individualistic form has a history dating back to the Chinese bone inscriptions period. Moreover, the word zhai is still frequently used in today s conversation such as zaozhai, liuzhai, baguanzhai, changzhai, sengzhai, zhaiji etc. all of which signifies its realistic nature and close interfusion into the secular sphere. A full study of the current topic would involve analyzing Buddhist rituals, the development of jiangchang, discussing ancient literature, philosophical debates as well as textual studies of the Confucius, Daoist and Buddhist s cannon and their commentaries. However, in this paper the author wishes to focus solely within the Chinese Buddhism scope and through critically analyzing its linguistic nature, and surveying primary sources that discusses the zhaihui service and the jiangjing assembly to piece together and reconstruct the development of the zhaijiang usage throughout the Chinese Buddhist history. Keywords: zhai, zhaijiang 64

2 1 94-2411-H-006-009- 2 65 42 65

1 2 3 1 3 4 5 3 12 1992 1989 08 10 1990 04 394-5 2001 07 982-983 4 96 1992 12 70 593 173-174 1995 3 5 从 96 1992 12 66

6 7 8 9 6 7 10 14 1999 4 8 9 1994 311-312 67

10 11 12 13 127-200 10 T52 793 11 1977 43 12 1992 284 13 1989 68

14 15 uposadha posatha uposatha 1 uposadha posatha u posatha 2 3 14 Michel Soymié jeûne 28 1997 11 15 4 1975 6 69

4 5 448c 16 uposadha posatha 17 从 18 32 T54 294 519-581 16 448 1975 17 512-513 1963 T22 214 T40 34 18 96 1992 12 70

19 557-610 2 T50 436 20 23 T52 270-271 19 208-209 1985 9 20 446 13 T50 416 71

21 3 T2 557 4 4 T25 42 1 2 21 T51 1122 72

1 2 3 4 22 23 16 16 T2 115 24 22 51 8 1977 165 23 48 52 1978 24 3 T2 557 4 T25 42 Darva Mallaputra 1979 9 140 73

掺 25 26 27 28 29 T2 831 T2 115 T54 241 Anupiya 25 52 T49 456 43 T49 394 26 T51 182 1 惣 1971 8 74

30 31 32 312-385 -384 13 27 30 76 28 460-494 5 T51 172 29 512 30 3 76 T46 813 814 31 20 25 T55 1057 T52 370 32 85 No.2900 5 T55 38 75

5 T50 352 411 347-411 23 T52 263 264 502-557 550-577 11 502-549 33 10 T50 501 502 33 11 T49 99 T50 425 507-581 7 T50 477 76

1 34 T50 352 35 34 7725 6537 3730 42-43 1997 8187 587 35 82 114 82 77

452-464 A.D. 7 398-466 454-456 A.D. 457-464 460 A.D. T50 372 6 T4 432 daksina 114 T85 435 78

36 452 464 5 T50 37 416 2 38 39 36 40 T2 765 37 No.2126 T54 244 38 No.2126 T54 239 79

312-385 314-366 464-549 40 1019 A.D. No.2127 T54 295 314-366 19 T50 348 41 42 39 No.2126 T54 240 40 S.2440 kathika 806 1973 6 41 1997 5 148-150 81 1 80

43 44 45 46 1956 42 8 T52 49 43 85 1962 44 26 411 1984 45 796 46 165 1999 81

47 537-599 48 49 3 T54 244 47 T39 977 48 21 49 384-414 8 T55 58 82

50 13 T50 416 1 2 3 4 51 4 50 3 T47 725 414 1996 11 51 460-494 12 T55 85 86 441-513 83

47 T17 279 T14 432 52 13 T55 92 1 2 3 1 312-385 52 535 3 536 3 9 10 537 5 8 7 3 54 2 6 9 10 84

5 T50 353 53 33 T24 371 T40 185 48 53 26 T52 299 1603 2001 12 85

2 3 T54 222 223 54 牀 1 No.2125 1 T54 206 207 635-713 54 86

55 牀 牀 牀牀 牀 5 T50 462 463 3 56 57 8 58 55 1603-1615 2001 12 56 2 T4 586 57 13 T55 98 1 T50 326 58 87

12 871 徧 頴 1983 59 60 61 12 62 8 T51 36 59 60 No.1910 T45 968 19 12 871 61 67 1754 62 12 T50 406 206 1964 88

63 64 9 65 66 巻 67 啓帰 67 T50 406 63 9 T51 92 64 26 T52 399 65 9 T51 92 92 66 10 28 67 4 T51 62 89

68 29 T51 451 3 T51 p.162 579-645 69 26 T52 298 299 70 71 68 T85 508 69 15 T50 538 601 14 T50 537 70 4 T52 112 71 1 T50 427 90

9 21 T51 92 25 97 A.D. 4 1 515 527 2-528 19 47 91

6 72 73 6 6 T1 459 72 111 1982 6 T1 911 73 111 T17 565 92

5 T50 461 463 467-527 1 2 3 74 75 74 460 7 T50 372 75 21 T50 608 609 2341 3722 爼 3 184-185 1964 93

76 77 13 13 T50 416 1 2 3 4 78 79 76 T14 425 77 T14 425 78 4 T3 94 79 5 5 T3 103 94

80 1 T51 873 874 24 T50 864 烟 81 80 4 T55 267 81 1982 405 95

2341 5573 8187 1 2 1 618-935 82 T40 688 597-702 5 82 618-935 597-702 13-14 48 51-53 1995 3 96

T50 353 25 25 83 84 85 T54 241 83 T12 217 36 34 30 30 T50 706 84 85 T51 131 132 97

919-1001 312-385 1 814 86 2 24 Ratnamati 508 24 T53 467 87 86 1971 12 87 6 T55 540 9 T55 838 839 98

88 89 25 T50 p.647.1 88 T1 895 89 4 99

90 507-581 7 T50 477 91 557-610 92 25 T50 663 90 巻 67 啓 帰 7 T50 477 91 288 92 2 T50 436 100

3 559 14 3 585 T50 895 93 11 T49 99 94 30 30 T53 506 93 3 T52 504 3 T52 108 94 22 T49 245 14 T50 532 101

81 T53 885 10 T54 91 95 585 96 1 2 95 3 T52 662 96 T40 712 T40 676 102

3 4 5 103