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203 HC-1 YL-1 TP-2 FG-1 FG-1 TP-1 YL-1 70 103 30 24.0 29.9 5.9

204 TP-3 7 FG-1 4 1 TP-2 TP-1 YL-1 20 TP-2 TC-1 FG-1 TP-1 TC-1 FG-1

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206 7 1 FG-1 YL-1 FG-1 CY-1 FG-1 TP-3 TC-1 CY-1 TP-1 DNA 4 CY-1 TC-1 TP-1 HC-1 CY-1 FG-1 4 1057

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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 2017, 13(3), 191-217 Not Just Yet: The Common Concept of Marriage Among Seven Women P. J. Chung 1 Vincent H. Shie 2 Edward Chung 3 1 Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University 2 Department of Sociology, Fu Jen Catholic University 3 TriPlus Company Limited Partnership ABSTRACT Over the last 30 years, the average age of first marriages among Taiwanese men and women has gradually risen, among which the variation range in women are most severe and visible, displaying a social population phenomenon of women marrying late, fearing, and even rejecting marriage. As a major life event, how do these women receive the concept of marriage? How does marriage construct their lives? This research interviewed 7 unmarried women in total and selected 5 (with the highest homogeneity) to form a focus group, integrating experience data for this study through participation and interaction. For these women, marriage is a life-long event; they state that It s not that I don t want to get married, it s only that the time is not right. To encounter better relationships, these women are willing to wait until Mr. Right appears, and for themselves to be fully prepared. This study inspects the impact of marriage on women through qualitative research, answering the dynamic question why women tend to marry late. Marriage is not merely the act of marrying; if we are to understand the feeling of women not wanting to marry just yet, we should count the overall social-cultural structure into consideration to truly understand the interactive relationship between the two. Keywords: celibacy, unmarried women, age of first marriage, late marriage, meaning of marriage