Patients were recalled for review 1 year following surgery. Pre- and post-operative data collection included manifest refraction, monocular and binocu

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图 1: 非对称多焦晶体 然而, 据我们所知, 并无任何研究明确瞳孔直径对植入 SBL-3 后的视力及主观视觉质量产生影响 我们研究的目的, 就是为了明确瞳孔大小是否与植入非对称多焦晶体后的视觉质量有关系 患者及方法本回顾性研究的对象为双眼进行超声乳化术后植入 SBL-3( 非对称多焦晶体 ) 的白

1.1 对 象 选 取 2012 年 3 月 年 3 月 中 山 市 小 榄 人 民 医 院 儿 科 门 诊 收 治 的 146 例 手 足 口 病 患 儿 为 研 究 对 象, 其 中 男 87 例, 女 59, 年 龄 岁, 平 均 (3.4±1.2) 岁 根 据 就



窑 374窑 国 际 生 殖 健 康 / 计 划 生 育 杂 志 2013 年 9 月 第 32 卷 第 5 期 JInt Reprod Health 蛐 Fam Plan,September 2013 熏 Vol. 32 熏 No 统 计 学 方 法 数 据 审 核 后 录 入 计





One year visual outcomes with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular implant: the SBL-3 非旋转对称多焦晶体 SBL-3 植入术后 1 年的视觉效果 Jean-Pierre Danjoux, FRCOphth, CertLRS 1,2, Darren S. J. Ting, FRCOphth 2, Anita M. Murphy BSc (Hons) 1,2 1 site for eyes (private clinic), Sunderland, UK. 2 Sunderland Eye Infirmary, Sunderland, UK. Financial disclosure: J.P.D received assistance with travel expenses from Lenstec (Barbados) Inc. Spectacle independence has become increasingly important in the current ageing population. Cataractous or clear lens extraction with multifocal intraocular lens (MF-IOL) implants offers a unique opportunity for ametropic presbyopes to regain spectacle independence. Purpose: Study aim: To evaluate the 1 year post-operative visual outcomes with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL design. The SBL-3 (Lenstec (Barbados) Inc.), is a dual optic, bi-aspheric acrylic MF-IOL with a +3.0 dioptre (D) near add. Available in 0.25 D increments. 财政披露 :J.P.D 接受了 Lenstec (Barbados) Inc. 的差旅费用支持 现如今, 脱镜已变得越来越重要 植入 SBL-3 多焦晶体替换白内障及清晰的晶体为老视患者脱镜提供一个独 特的机会 目的 : 研究目的 : 评估非旋转对称多焦晶体 SBL-3 植入术后 1 年的视觉效果 SBL-3(Lenstec (Barbados) Inc.) 是双 区域的双非球面丙烯酸酯多焦晶体, 近附加度数为 +3.0D 部分度数范围以 0.25D 递增 Setting: site for eyes, Refractive Surgery Unit, Sunderland Eye Infirmary, UK. Methods: Prospective study of 40 consecutive patients (80 eyes) having presbyopic refractive lens exchange surgery (single surgeon) with bilateral SBL-3 implantation. Inclusion criteria included no pre-existing ocular pathology and less than 1 D of corneal astigmatism.

Patients were recalled for review 1 year following surgery. Pre- and post-operative data collection included manifest refraction, monocular and binocular unaided and corrected vision, both distance and near. Complications were recorded. Patient satisfaction was also assessed. 定位 :site for eyes, Refractive Surgery Unit, Sunderland Eye Infirmary, UK. 方法 : 40 位患者 (80 只眼 ) 通过老视屈光晶体替换手术双眼植入 SBL-3 的前瞻性研究 包含标准 : 无眼部疾病病史及角膜散光 <1D 术前及术后数据收集包括显然验光 单眼及双眼裸眼视力和矫正视力 ( 包括远视力及近视力 ), 记录相 关并发症及评估患者满意度 Results( 结果 ): 95% of eyes were within 1.0 D and 78% within 0.5 D of target refraction. Participants: Forty patients (80 eyes), mean age 61 years (range 47-76 years) enrolled. Pre-operative manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE) was +1.72 2.15 D (range -6.50 to +6.13 D). No surgical complications. Thirty patients (75%) had attended for 1 year review. Post-operative MRSE was -0.05 0.39 D. (range -1.13 to +1.00 D) 1 eye required secondary corneal LRI s for residual astigmatism. 21 eyes (35%) had undergone YAG laser capsulotomy. 23% of patients had some mesopic dyphotopic symptoms but only 10% found this had an effect on night time driving. 95% 的患眼在目标屈光度数的 ±1.0D 以内,78% 在 ±0.5D 内 参与者 :40 位患者 (80 只眼 ), 平均年龄 61 岁 (47-76 岁之间 ) 术前 MRSE 为 +1.72 2.15 D( 范围在 -6.50 to +6.13 D 之间 ); 无手术并发症 ; 30 位患者 (75%) 已随访 1 年 ; 术后 MRSE 为 -0.05 0.39 D( 范围 -1.13 to +1.00 D; 1 只眼因为残余散光需要二次角膜 LRI; 21 只眼 (35%) 已行 YAG 激光囊膜切开术 ;

23% 的患者存在暗室下异常光适应症状, 但发现只有 10% 在夜间驾车有影响 ; Results: Monocular unaided vision Unaided distance vision (UDVA): 结果 : 单眼裸眼视力 裸眼远视力 (UDVA): Monocular UDVA: 20/40 or better in 97% of eyes 20/20 or better in 63% of eyes 单眼 UDVA: 97% 患眼视力在 20/40 及以上 ; 63% 患眼视力在 20/20 及以上 ; Unaided near vision (UNVA)( 裸眼近视力 ): Monocular UNVA: N5 or better in 83% of eyes Monocular near VA with far correction: N5 or better in 83% of eyes

单眼 UNVA: 83% 患眼视力 N5 及以上 ; 远视矫正下的单眼近视力 83% 患眼视力 N5 及以上 ; Results: Binocular unaided vision Unaided distance vision (UDVA): 结果 : 双眼裸眼视力 裸眼远视力 (UDVA): Binocular UDVA: 20/32 or better in 100% of eyes 20/20 or better in 87% of eyes 双眼 UDVA: 100% 患眼的视力为 20/32 及以上 ; 87% 患眼的视力为 20/20 及以上 Unaided near vision (UNVA)( 裸眼近视力 ):

Binocular UNVA: N5 or better in 93% of eyes Binocular near VA with far correction: N5 or better in 90% of eyes 双眼 UNVA: 93% 患者的视力为 N5 及以上 ; 远视矫正状态下的双眼近视力 : 90% 患者的视力为 N5 及以上 CONCLUSIONS: 93% of patients were satisfied with their unaided visual outcome for distance and near vision. Low incidence of significant or troublesome dysphotopsia s The 1 year visual and refractive outcomes are encouraging with a very high level of patient satisfaction. The SBL-3 (Lenstec Barbados Inc.) holds promise as an effective way to improve both unaided distance and near vision in patients undergoing presbyopic refractive lens exchange surgery. 结论 : 93% 的患者对裸眼远 近视力满意 ; 重大 / 令人烦恼的异常闪光感发生率低 ; 术后一年视觉及屈光效果获得了很高的患者满意度,SBL-3 (Lenstec Barbados Inc.) 承诺经过老视屈光晶体置换术后提高裸眼远视力及近视力