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2001 : (58 ) (137 ) (682 ) (15 ) (l ) (l ) (20 ),,,, 1996, 8l00 5250, 11. 5 % 4 1972,,,, 15,,,,, 20, 6 5 6,,1996 2015 () 1994,, 68 69,, 1/ 3,1986 76,23 717, 26 68, 7,,,1995 1 1, 8,,, (52 ), 90 %,, 4 :, : 5 Soziale Sicherheit fur die Landwirtschaft,vom Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung,Landwirtschaft und Forsten,S. 111 6 Soziale Sicherheit fur die Landwirtschaft,vom Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung,Landwirtschaft und Forsten, S. 111 7 [] :,,1999 1,39 8 :, :(1996 426 (1996 1999),345 1999),51

6,, : ; 3 ; 24 (55 ),1996,173,40 %, 43 %,17 %(54 ),, 750 1800 2800, 3750,;, 400 800 1300 (62 ),2000 2500 2800,3300 (65 ) 1996,73 %,27 %(54 ) 1995 2400 (7 ),,1992, 30, :,, () 9, ;, ;, 80 %,20 % 1997 3000, 830 10 1957,,,,,,1957,,,,,,(),,,, 9 7 10 :, : (1996 1999),303 427

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, 6 67, 1. 0 0. 667 (2/ 3) 0. 25 0. 2 (99 l00 ) 1997 190 1370 590, 2150 (75 ),,,, 1957, 1995 1 1,,,1996 7 1, 1226 12, 1995 1995 1 1 65,1995 1 1, :, : 65 ( ),,, :, 15,5 (),,,, 1986,, 16000,80 %1997 328, 262, 66 16000,1000, 3. 2 %40000 13, 12Sozialrecht,vom Bundesministerium fur Arbeit und Sozialordnung,S. 5731 13Soziale Sicherheit fur die Landwirtschaft,vom Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung,Landwirtschaft und Forsten,S. 231 429

2001, 2/ 3,,, 1996 60, 18, 42 14, ( ) 72 (58. 8 ), 120 (98 ),3 16,,,,,,, ;,, () 3,:,,,, (114 ), 1996 557 156 115 46 8 1056,242 (115 ),,, : ; :,, 3 12,,12 20 24, 6 10 12 ;28 45, 14 ;64 57, 32 (129 ) 52 60 %, 14Sozialrecht,vom Bundesministerium fur Arbeit und Sozialordnung,S. 5941 430

, 67 %(130 ) 15 5 ( 5 ), 360 53 %, 57 %(131 ),,,,, 1996 12 31,1996 12 31 55 53,, 65 1990 1 1,,850 150 ;510 90 15, 50,, 500,200 ; 400,160 65 5 16 () 1997 1 1,, ;, (133 ),,,,,,,, 7000 12000 70 % 90 %, () 26 20 %, 15Soziale Sicherheit fur die Landwortschaft,vom Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung,Landwirtschaft und Forsten,S. 301 16Soziale Sicherheit fur die Landwirtschaft,vom Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung,Landwirtschaft und Forsten,S. 311 431

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2001,,,, 20 70, 10,,,,,,,,,, [ Abstract] In Germany, system of social security was initiated in the eighties of the nineteenth century. Through development for more than a century, it has now become a rather sophisticated and perfect system. The guiding ideology of German social security system is to advocate support for economic vulnerables, protection from relatively great risk in daily life and commitment to equal social opportunity. These factors are regarded as the cor2 nerstone of orderly development in a society or state. Besides, the emergence ofpower societyunder market econ2 omy should be avoided and efforts should be made to enable everyone to enjoy personal liberty and lead a life with dignity. Under this guiding ideology, social security is regarded as results yielded from coordination between the state and the public, citizens being positive copartners in the system rather than charity - receivers from the state. The practice accumulated for more than a century has proved that the establishment of system of social security in Germany is foresighted and has played an exemplary role for other countries. The scientific and rational nature of German system lies in its refusal to adopt the model of supply type represented by Britain and characterized by high degree of concentration and large proportion of subsidies in tax collection for the purpose of avoidance of poverty. Neither does Germany adopt the model of relief type represented by some quasi - developed states and characterized by members of community bearing responsibilities themselves while the state only plays a supplementary role for the purpose of guarantee of minimum living standard. German model provides clear division of social security responsi2 bilities among the government, enterprise and individuals. In the meantime, the relation between responsibility, rights and interests is defined by means of social contracts, so to encourage people to work hard and pay insurance premium on their own initiative and to avoid lazy and dependent mentality. German system of social security has provided people with a stable expectation of social security. It is a system conducive to mitigate social conflicts and enhance social affinity. In our endeavors to establish and perfect our own system of social security, we can draw on German experience in this respect. 434