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1 中醫健保資料庫應用成果報告 台北榮總傳統醫學科 陳方佩主任 2008 年 9 月 12 日

2 前言 替代醫學 (Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM) 在全球的使用率漸增,TCM 是其中一支 使用中醫的理由是, 溫和 無副作用 依據個人需要, 可改善體質 台灣全民健保始自 1995 年, 中醫納入始於 1996 年, 涵蓋率為 99% 全球唯一中藥資料庫 在 visit files 中 : 無姓名 有性別 出生日 看診日 診所別 三個診斷碼 (ICD-9-CM) Prescription file: 有每一項單方或方劑

3 辨証論治 / 辨病論治 中醫內科寶典 : 傷寒論 六經辨証 分臟腑 氣血 三焦等八綱辨証 方劑分為理氣 補血 溫補 袪痰 化瘀 清熱等 21 類 1979 年中醫臨床分科治療學, 按內外婦兒等科別, 例如呼吸 消化 心臟血管 腫瘤 泌尿 血液 骨科 神經系統等 2002 年中西病名對照大辭典, 先分系統疾病, 再按國際疾病分類 ICD-10 編碼, 例病毒肝炎, 在傳染病類下, 再依 ICD-10 分為 B15.9 或 B16.0 或 B19.0

4 Utility Rate (%) Tai-Yang Yang-Ming Shao-Yang Tai-Yin Shao-Yin Jue-Yin Channels

5 methods Data sources National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) since CM_CD DAT to CM_CD DAT 分針灸, 中藥, 傷科整復 Common diagnostic groups, reclassification of primary ICD-9-CM, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, USA.





10 Percentage distribution of ambulatory visits for different components of Chinese medicine under the National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan from 1997 to 2003 Component* Year Herbal medication Muscle strain therapy (Including dislocation therapy) Acupuncture Consultation only and others Total 179, , , , , , ,705 *More than one component may be provided in each visit.

11 Study Design: Patients age: 若計算 , 則以 為基準 Sampling Western files: 去除中醫, 牙醫後的 0.2%, S-CD2002.DAT Statisical Anaylsis methods Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Redmond WA USA IBM DB2 8.1 for data linkage and processing For association rule mining, 0.5% minimum support factor, 30% minimum confidence level.

12 中醫健保資料庫研究論文 Allergic Rhinitis, Acupuncture, TCM, Hepatitis Insomnia Constipation


14 Allergic Rhinitis ICD-9CM-code 477 分析使用率和處方 3.8% 的病人被診斷為 AR, 其中 36.8% 有使用 TCM, 只用針灸者佔 0.9%,87% 的人只用 CHM,12.1% 的人合併使用

15 臨床症狀 絕大部分的 AR 患者有家族遺傳傾向, 父母親一方罹患有 AR 則其下一代子女有 1/3 的機會罹患此症, 父母親雙方皆罹患有 AR 則其下一代子女有高達 2/3 的機會 典型的鼻過敏症狀包括 : 陣發性噴嚏 流鼻水 鼻塞及鼻搔癢, 合併有鼻水倒流 眼睛癢 耳朵癢 鼻過敏症患者中約有 16% 會合併有氣喘, 而反之氣喘的患者則 60% 會合併有鼻過敏 塵螨 (dust mite) 及冷是台灣地區最主要的兩大致病因素 居住空間擁擠, 工業及交通工具污染日趨嚴重,AR 的盛行率會逐年升高

16 病因 鼻鼽多因臟腑功能失調併外感風 寒 疫氣之邪所致 治療 肺氣虛 : 溫補肺臟 袪散風寒 玉屏風散 蒼耳子散 肺脾氣虛 : 健脾益氣 補肺斂氣 四君子湯 參苓白朮散 腎氣虛 : 溫補腎陽 金匱腎氣丸 左歸丸

17 表 1. AR 患者使用中藥者的年齡別和男女別 Patients with AR using CHM Age (years) Numbers of patients (%) Male (%) Female (%) ,385 (25.2) 56,935 (15.2) 37,450 (10.0) ,389 (24.5) 53,630 (14.3) 37,759 (10.1) ,878 (15.7) 24,727 (6.7) 34,151 (9.1) ,973 (15.2) 22,486 (6.0) 34,487 (9.2) ,944 (10.7) 16,747 (4.5) 23,197 (6.2) ,950 (4.8) 7,781 (2.1) 10,169 (2.8) ,107 (2.5) 4,074 (1.1) 5,033 (1.3) ,589 (1.2) 2,578 (0.7) 2,011 (0.5) >= (0.2) 537 (0.1) 361 (0.1) Total 374,113 (100) 189,495* (50.7) 184,618 (49.3) *Male:Female = 1.03:1 (Kung et al., 2006)

18 表 2. 最常使用五種方劑 (numbers of prescription, n = 874,280) Chinese herbal formulae (Chinese name) 辛夷清肺湯 辛夷散 小青龍湯 Ingredients 辛夷 野百合 知安 黃芩 硫酸鈣 枇杷 升麻 麥門冬 山槴子 甘草辛夷 細辛 川芎 防風 白芷 川芎 升麻 甘草麻黃 桂皮 芍藥 薑 細辛 五味子 半下 甘草 Numbers of prescription (percentage, %) 217,641 (24.9) 175,618 (20.1) 171,677 (19.6) 蒼耳散 Xanthium sibiricam 辛夷 白芷 薄荷 167,465 (19.2) 桔梗湯粉葛 麻黃 桂皮 芍藥 生薑 甘草 紅棗 88,668 (10.1) 蒼耳子 Xanthii Fructus 辛夷 Magnoliae Flos (Kung et al., 2006)


20 表 3. 針灸看診人次 ( ) Year Valid Subjects with acupuncture use beneficiaries within NHI a Total no. (%) Female Male New subjects (%) Total visits ,041,488 1,201,659 (6.0) 656, ,137 2,686, ,492, ,739 (4.8) 523, , ,277 (67.6) 1,921, ,757,185 1,019,004 (4.9) 534, , ,657 (61.0) 1,932, ,089,859 1,165,700 (5.5) 617, , ,757 (55.7) 2,198, ,400,826 1,272,580 (5.9) 676, , ,616 (50.3) 2,451, ,653,555 1,330,117 (6.1) 706, , ,615 (45.2) 2,579, ,869,478 1,362,351 (6.2) 731, , ,065 (41.6) 2,653, ,948,646 b 2,587,746 c 2,319,545 c 16,422,980 b a NHI, National Health Insurance. b 41,355 people for whom information on gender was nor available. c Female:male= 1.12:1 (Chen et al., 2006)

21 表 4. 針灸年齡別 ( ) Age (years) Number of total population Number of subjects who used acupuncture (%) Number of acupuncture visits ,118 89,964 (22.3) 196, ,052, ,714 (28.4) 1,086, ,050, ,967 (28.4) 1,558, ,476, ,610 (26.6) 1,949, ,710,151 1,044,863 (28.2) 3,399, ,674,660 1,045,922 (26.9) 3,469, ,886,692 1,045,823 (26.9) 3,055, ,214, ,728 (10.1) 1,569,083 <10 2,764,952 20,920 (0.1) 138,965 Number of total population was population was obtained the Department of Internal Afairs, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, and data at the end of 2002 were presented. (Chen et al., 2006)

22 表 5. 針灸每人看診次數 ( ) Visit counts Number of subjects >57 5,570 (0.1) ,924 (0.6) ,077 (0.6) ,033 (1.6) ,911 (6.4) 7 110,071 (2.3) 6 152,222 (3.1) 5 216,116 (4.5) 4 324,116 (6.7) 3 519,412 (10.7) 2 938,201 (19.3) 1 2,137,265 (44.0) Total 4,853,918 (100) (Chen et al., 2006)

23 表 6. 針灸人次分佈診所型態別 ( ) Year/facility type Public TCM hospital (n = 2) Private TCM hospital (n = 148) Numbers in the parentheses indicate nimber of facilities. TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine. a Others:Most are Western medicine hospitals with a TCM section. Private TCM clinics (n = 3335) Others a (n = 77) , ,746 1,946,863 89, , ,116 1,491,521 62, , ,690 1,579,968 35, , ,861 1,833,030 62, , ,468 2,046, , , ,461 2,235, , , ,235, 2,338, ,772 Total 163,278(1.1%) 2,255,577 (13.7%) 13,471,651 (82.0%) 532,747 (3.2%) (Chen et al., 2006)

24 表 7. 針灸常見 11 種疾病群 ( ) Major disease category ICD-9-CM code Number of visits Percent (%) Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ,588, Injury and poisoning ,869, Disease of the nervous system and sense organs , Symptoms, sign and ill-defined conditions , Disease of the respiratory system , Disease if digestive system , Disease of the circulatory system , Disease of the genitourinary system , Disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue , Mental disorders , Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disease, and immune disorders , (Chen et al., 2006)

25 表 8. 針灸常見 41 種診斷 ( ) Disease diagnosis Number of visits (%) Other dorsopathies 2,399, Other injuries 2,245, Derangements and other unspecified joint disorders 2,188, Contusions with intact skin surfaces 1,471, Other superficial injury 1,227, Other rheumatism, excluding back 1,199, Other sprain and stains 790, Myalgia and myositis, unspecified 636, Lumbago 608, Other sprains and strains of back 368, Other symptoms, sign, and ill-defined conditions 315, Other disorders of the nervous system 310, Sprains and strain of wrist and hand 297, Other disease of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 242, Other arthropathies and related disorders 228, Sprains and stains of knee and leg 206, Other diseases of the digestive system 204, Sprains and strains of neck 195, ( 續頁 )

26 Other disorders of the central nervous system 169, Cerebrovascular disease 160, Other disease of the respiratory system 127, Peripheral enthesopathies and allied disorders 94, Acute sinusitis 83, Chornic sinusitis 77, Disorders of menstruation and abnormal bleeding 51, Sprains and strains of ankle 50, Asthma 49, Other inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissue 46, Headache 40, Other diseases of the ear anf mastoid process 40, Other mental disorders 39, Other scute respiratory infection 35, Noninflammatory disorders of female genital organs 33, Ulcer of stromach and small intestine 32, Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 30, Other disorders of the urinary system 28, Other disorders of the eaye and adnexa 26, Allergic rhinitis 25, Disease with acupuncture use>0.2% are presented. (Chen et al., 2006)

27 Summary 1. Usage percentage of acupuncture in Taiwan increased yearly from 1997 to 2002, 6.2% in Japan with 6.7%, 2.8% in the United Kingdom, 2.0% in Astrulia, 1.0% in United States, 2.9% in Italy. 3. 女性多的原因, 可能由於 ICD and 包含在 41 common diagnoses for acupuncture.

28 表 9. 不同院所的針灸疾病差異 ( ) Major disease category Hospitals (%) Clinics (%) Musculoskeletal system Injury and poisoning 19.3 a 42.3 a Nevous system and sense organs Respiratory system Circulatory system Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions Digestive system Genitourinary system Mental disorders Skin and subcutaneous tissue Endocrine metabolic disease a Percentage in clinics is higher than in hospitals. (Chen et al., 2006)

29 表 10. 不同年齡的針灸疾病差異 ( ) Major disease category Years of age >60 Musculoskeletal system 29.7 a Injury and poisoning 58.1 b Nevous system and sense organs 3.3 a Respiratory system 4.9 b Circulatory system 0.2 a Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions Digestive system Genitourinary system Mental disorders Skin and subcutaneous tissue Endocrine metabolic disease a Percentage increased as age increased. b Percentages decreased as age decreased. (Chen et al., 2006)

30 表 11. 不同國家的針灸疾病差異 Systems Germany ( n = 1597) Australia ( n =274) UK ( n = 664) China ( n = 373) Japan ( n = 67) Neurologic 42.1% 8.7% 10.2% 34.2% Musculoskeletal 27.1% 35.7% 35.2% 58.0% 79.1% Psychologic 3.0% 5.3% 9.8% 3.8% Respiratory 6.3% 11.1% 11.4% 1.5% Cardiovascular 3.4% 4.4% Gynecologic 5.3% 6.3% 1.5% GI/urologic 4.1% 9.6% 6.8% 4.0% Dermatologic 4.8% 5.0% Other 17.4% 15.9% 10.8% 10.4% GI, gastronintestinal. (Yamashita et al., 2004)


32 徐靈胎 : 針灸失傳論 第七失 古之用針, 凡瘧疾傷寒 寒熱咳嗽, 一切 臟腑七竅等病, 無所不治, 今則止治經脈 形體 痿痺屈伸等病而已 此七失也


34 表 12. TCM 的使用量 ( ) Year Valid Subjects using TCM beneficiaries within NHI Total No. (%)* Female Male ,041, ,492, ,757, ,089, ,400, ,653,555 Total 5,178,887 a (25.8%) 5,444,532 (26.6%) 5,633,794 (27.1%) 5,937,644 (28.2%) 6,063,923 (28.3%) 6,142,829 (28.4%) 2,884,798 (55.7%) 3,025,170 (55.6%) 3,135,701 (55.7%) 3,305,115 (55.7%) 3,384,892 (55.8%) 3,420,592 (55.7%) 7,097,695 (52.4%) * Number within parenthesis indicates percentage of subjects using TCM among valid beneficiaries within NHI in that year; 146,063 people whose genders were not recorded; Female:male = 1.13:1. New patients indicate people who used NHI-covered TCM for the first time. 2,276,795 (44.0%) 2,400,105 (44.1%) 2,466,698 (43.8%) 2,605,236 (43.9%) 2,642,655 (43.6%) 2,672,785 (43.5%) 6,292,508 (46.5%) New patients (%) Total visits 5,178,887 a 24,094,552 2,506,004 b (46.0%) 1,862,599 c (33.1%) 1,556,868 d (26.2%) 1,314,192 e (21.7%) 1,117,716 f (18.2%) 25,170,073 26,641,926 27,398,595 26,426,753 26,492,367 13,536,266 (a+b+c+d+e+f) 156,224,266

35 表 13. TCM 使用的年齡別 ( ) Age (years) Number of total population* Number of subjects using TCM (%) Number of TCM visits <10 3,045, ,098 (12.3%) 3,585, ,384,508 2,087,947 (61.7%) 18,557, ,821,115 2,507,902 (65.6%) 22,970, ,802,330 2,509,366 (66.0%) 30,974, ,538,240 2,195,505 (62.1%) 29,908, ,051,260 1,209,673 (59.0%) 16,445, ,445, ,722 (64.8%) 13,234, , ,621 (58.6%) 8,389,902 >81 327, ,239 (52.3%) 2,084,788 *Total population number was obtained from Department of Internal Affairs, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, and data at the end of 2001 are presented.

36 表 15. 使用 TCM 的 10 個主要疾病系統 ( ) Major disease category ICD-9-CM Number of Percentage code visits (%) Diseases of the respiratory system ,163, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue ,922, Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions ,273, Injury and poisoning ,466, Diseases of digestive system ,854, Diseases of the genitourinary system ,269, Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue ,086, Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs ,999, Diseases of the circulatory system ,143, Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disease and immune disorders ,926,

37 表 16. 使用 TCM 之常見 41 個診斷碼 ( ) Diseases diagnosis* Number of visits % Other symptoms signs and ill-defined conditions 16,707, Other diseases of the digestive system 15,636, Acute sinusitis 13,790, Other diseases of the respiratory system 9,697, Other dorsopathies 9,593, Other injuries 8,265, Derangements and other unspecified joint disorders 6,219, Asthma 5,477, Other superficial injury 5,370, Other acute respiratory infections 4,741, Other rheumatism excluding back 4,702, Chronic sinusitis 4,553, Disorders of menstruation and abnormal bleeding 4,437, Other inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissue 3,729, Contusions with intact skin surfaces 3,230, Non-inflammatory disorders of female genital organs 2,704, Ulcer of stomach and small intestine 2,181, Other disorders of the nervous system 2,063, Other disorders of the urinary system 1,786, n = 156,224,266 ( 續頁 )

38 Cough 1,723, Lumbago 1,524, Other sprains and strains 1,417, Allergic rhinitis 1,266, Other arthropathies and related disorders 1,167, Myalgia and myositis unspecified 1,167, Other mental disorders 1,127, Abnormal heart sounds 1,115, Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 1,069, Abdominal pain 1,051, Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 1,039, Chronic and unspecified bronchitis 998, Gastritis and duodenitis 940, Inflammatory disorders of female pelvic organs 871, Other diseases of the circulatory system 844, Headache 825, Other diseases of the ear and mastoid process 817, Other disorders of the eye and adnexa 758, Other infections and parasitic diseases 746, Diabetes mellitus 740, Other diseases of central nervous system 731, * Only diseases with usage frequency of traditional Chinese medicine greater than 0.5% are presented. Diagnostic groups were categorized according to the reclassification of the primary International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes for use with National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data in the United States.

39 Conclusions of TCM 2001 年 21,653,555 中有 6, 人 (28.4%) 看過中醫 六年中至少看過一次中醫者有 13,536,266 人 (62.5%) TCM 的使用, 女比男多 1.13:1, 年齡高峰在 30 歲 私人診所提供比例為 82.6%, 公立醫院為 0.8% 常見病症為呼吸 肌肉骨骼系統


41 Hepatitis 1. Chronic hepatitis and its clinical sequela are serious health problems in both Eastern and Western countries. Chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis B or C was the major etiology in Asian countries. 2. 全球慢性肝炎患者中 38-42% 會尋求 CAM 3. CHM, an important category of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and CAM, has been proven to be an efficacious and safe treatment option for chronic hepatitis in some clinical trials. 4. ICD-9-CM 070, 571 and 使用 2002 年的資料庫

42 中醫對肝炎的分型與中藥應用 病因 病理基礎可概括為鬱 濕 熱 毒 痰 瘀 虛, 病位主要在肝, 並涉及到脾 腎二臟 治療 溼熱中阻型 茵陳五苓散加減 肝鬱脾虛型 逍遙散加減 瘀血阻絡型 膈下逐瘀湯加減 脾腎陽虛型 真武湯加減 肝腎陰虛型 一貫煎加減

43 表 19. 慢性肝炎使用 CHM 的年齡別 (2002) Age Patients with chronic hepatitis using CHM (years) Numbers of patients (%) Male (%) Female (%) (0.2% ) 90 (0.03%) 61 (0.02%) ,729 (3.0% ) 1,750 (0.42%) 979 (0.23%) ,645 (15.0% ) 9,514 (1.86%) 4,131 (0.59%) ,605 (24.8% ) 16,662 (3.47%) 5,943 (0.86%) ,163 (27.6% ) 17,661 (3.92%) 23,197 (1.14%) ,033 ( 16.5% ) 9,310 (3.53%) 5,723 (1.45%) ,913 ( 8.7% ) 4,284 (2.54%) 3,629 (1.45%) ,388 ( 3.7% ) 1,894 (1.53%) 1,494 (1.09%) >= ( 0.5% ) 276 (0.89%) 177 (0.47%) Total 91,080 (100%) 61,441* (67.46%) 29,639* (32.54%) *Male: female ratio= 2.07:1

44 表 20. 慢性肝炎使用 CHM 的前 10 名方劑 (n = 252,552) Chinese herbal formulae (Chinese name) Ingredients 龍膽瀉肝湯龍膽 黃芩 山槴子 澤瀉 車前子 Alisma plantago 加味消遙散 熟地 當歸 柴胡 甘草 牡丹皮 山槴子 柴胡 當歸 芍藥 白? 伏苓 Mentha haplocalyx 薑 Numbers of prescription (%) 59,251 (23.5%) 50,494 (20.0%) 小柴胡湯柴胡 黃芩 半下 薑 高麗蔘 紅棗 甘草 44,811 (17.7%) 茵陳五苓散茵陳蒿 澤瀉 伏苓 五味子 白? 27,412 柴胡清肝湯 柴胡 當歸 芍藥 川芎 天花粉 熟地 黃芩 甘草 山槴子 Forsythia suspensa Arctium lappa Ledebouriella divaricata (10.8%) 21,659 (8.6%) 柴胡疏肝湯柴胡 伏苓 枳實 川芎 香附 甘草 16,512 (6.5%) 柴胡 Bupleuri Radix 茵陳蒿 Artemisiae Capillaris Herba ( 續頁 )

45 甘露消毒丹 Talc 茵陳蒿 Akebia trifoliate 黃芩 Forsythia suspensa Fritillaria cirrhosa Belamcanda 15,856 (6.3%) chinensis Acorus gramineus Agastache rugosa Mentha haplocalyx 豆蔻 甘露飲 Eriobotya japonica 熟地 麥門冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis Dendrobium nobile 黃芩 茵陳蒿 14,482 (5.7%) 枳實 甘草 六味地黃丸 熟地 山茱萸 山藥 澤瀉 牡丹皮 伏苓 12,787 (5.1%) 知柏地黃丸 知母 黃柏 熟地 山茱萸 山藥 澤瀉 牡丹皮 伏苓 10,498 (4.1%)

46 表 21. 慢性肝炎使用 CHM 的前 10 名中藥 (n= 252,552) Single Chinese herb Numbers of Percentage Generic name (Chinese name) prescription (%) 丹參 Saliva miltiorrhiza 46, 茵陳蒿 茵陳蒿 38, 虎杖 Polygonum cuspidatum 18, 黃水茄 Solanum incanum 14, 乙金 鬱金 13, 蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum 13, 黃耆 Astragalus membranaceus 12, 板藍根 Isatis tinctoria 12, 白花蛇舌草 Oldenlandia diffusa 12, 黃芩 Scutellaria baicalensis 11,

47 表 22. 用 CHM 治療慢性肝炎的處方 ( n= 252,552) Chinese herbal formulae or drugs Support (%) Prescription Number 加味消遙散加丹參 5.4% 13,760 茵陳蒿加丹參 4.1% 10,341 茵陳蒿加龍膽瀉肝湯 3.9% 9,732 加味消遙散加茵陳蒿 3.5% 8,761 小柴胡湯加丹參 3.1% 7,902 茵陳蒿加小柴胡湯 3.1% 7,848 加味消遙散加龍膽瀉肝湯 2.9% 7,423 小柴胡湯加龍膽瀉肝湯 2.8% 7,187 龍膽瀉肝湯加丹參 2.6% 6,596 龍膽瀉肝湯加茵陳五苓散 2.4% 6,187 丹參加虎杖 2.2% 5,663 鬱金加丹蔘 2.1% 5,228 茵陳五苓散加丹參 2.1% 5,205 龍膽瀉肝湯加黃水茄 2.0% 5,082 黃耆加丹參 1.9% 4,863 ( 續頁 )

48 小柴胡湯加茵陳五苓散 1.9% 4,786 加味消遙散加小柴胡湯 1.8% 4,638 加味消遙散加茵陳五苓散 1.8% 4,600 龍膽瀉肝湯加虎杖 1.8% 4,516 丹參加白花鉈舌草 1.8% 4,497 加味消遙散加虎杖 1.8% 4,445 板藍根加丹參 1.7% 4,168 丹參加山楂 1.6% 4,015 茵陳蒿加虎杖 1.6% 3,947 板藍根加茵陳蒿 1.5% 3,776 龍膽瀉肝湯加知柏地黃丸 1.5% 3,739 加味消遙散 丹參及茵陳蒿 1.5% 3,715

49 Conclusions 1. Among the 91,080 subjects treated by CHM for chronic hepatitis, the peak age was in the 40s. 2. Male/Female ratio was 2.07:1. 3. 常見方劑或單味藥為龍膽瀉肝湯及丹參 4. 常見二者組成為加味消遙散及丹參 5. 常見三種組成為加味消遙散 丹參及茵陳蒿


51 Insomnia 1. Subjects with insomnia may suffered from the inability to fall asleep, remain asleep, or have non-restorative sleep, therefore influencing their daytime functioning. 2. ICD-9-CM or 常見西藥如 :benzodiazepine, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, or over-the-counter antihistamines. Sometimes are associated with adverse effects and are not suitable for long-term use. 4. 中藥可 improve sleep quality, prolong sleep duration, and have fewer side effects of lethargy, dry mouth, and dizziness than Western medicines.

52 中醫對失眠的分型與中藥使用 病因 陽盛陰衰, 陰陽失交而引起 心脾兩虛 ( 多夢易醒, 醒後難以再睡 ) 歸脾湯 ( 濟生方 ) 加減 陰虛火旺 ( 心煩不寐, 口乾少津, 口舌生瘡 ) 黃蓮阿膠湯 ( 傷寒論 ) 加減 心腎不交 ( 心煩不寐, 頭暈耳鳴, 健忘, 腰膝酸痛 ) 交泰丸 ( 醫方集解 ) 治療 天王補心丹 ( 世醫得效方 ) 加減

53 心虛膽怯 ( 虛煩不得眠, 入睡後又易驚醒, 遇事易驚 ) 溫膽湯 ( 千金方 ) 安神定志丸 ( 醫學心悟 ) 加減 痰火擾心 ( 不寐, 易煩易驚, 胸脘痞悶 ) 溫膽湯 ( 千金方 ) 清火滌痰湯 ( 醫醇賸義 ) 加減 胃中不和 ( 失眠, 脘悶噯氣, 腹部漲滿 ) 保和丸 ( 丹溪心法 ) 加減 肝鬱血虛 ( 難以入眠, 易夢易醒, 善嘆息, 平素急躁易怒 ) 丹槴逍遙散 ( 醫統 ) 加減 肝鬱化火 ( 心煩不寐, 易躁易怒, 胸悶納差, 便秘尿褐 ) 龍膽瀉肝湯 ( 蘭室密藏 ) 加減

54 表 23. 失眠病患使用 CHM 的年齡別 (2002) Age Subjects with insomnia using TCM (years) Numbers of patients (%) Male (%) Female (%) (0.4%) 27 (0.17%) 38 (0.23%) (2.3%) 151 (0.94%) 222 (1.38%) ,131 (13.2%) 677 (4.20%) 1,454 (9.01%) ,839 (23.8%) 1,273 (7.90%) 2,566 (15.90%) ,074 (25.3%) 1,381 (8.56%) 2,693 (16.70%) ,743 (17.0%) 846 (5.24%) 1,897 (11.76%) ,694 (10.5%) 596 (3.69%) 1,098 (6.81%) (6.1%) 447 (2.77%) 541 (3.35%) >= (1.4%) 96 (0.60%) 131 (0.81%) Total 16,134 (100%) 5,494 (34.05%) 10,640 (65.95%) *Male: female ratio= 1:1.94

55 表 24. 失眠病患使用 CHM 的前 10 名方劑 ( n= 29,801) Chinese herbal formulae Numbers of (Chinese name) Ingredients prescription (Percentage,%) 酸棗仁湯 毛知母 伏苓 川芎 甘草 9,299 (31.2%) 加味消遙散 當歸 芍藥 伏苓 白? 柴胡 牡丹皮 山槴子 6,303 (21.2%) 甘草 薄荷 薑 天王補心丹 熟地 天門冬 麥門冬 桔梗 酸棗仁 丹參 當歸 4,656 (15.6%) 人參 伏苓 玄參 五味子 遠志 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 柴胡 黃芩 薑 人參 桂皮 大黃 伏苓 半下 3,704 (12.4%) 紅棗 Os Draconis 牡蠣 溫膽湯 竹茹 枳實 半下 伏苓 甘草 薑 紅棗 3,445 (11.6%) 丹麥大棗湯 甘草 麥角 紅棗 3,427 (11.5%) 歸脾湯 黃耆 人參 當歸 白? 伏苓 酸棗仁 木香 1,960 (6.6%) 甘草 遠志 薑 紅棗 知柏地黃丸 地黃 山茱萸 山藥 澤瀉 牡丹皮 伏苓 知母 1,789 (6.0%) 黃柏 龍膽瀉肝湯 龍膽 黃芩 山槴子 澤瀉 車前子 木通 熟地 1,470 (4.9%) 當歸 柴胡 甘草 清心蓮子飲 黃芩 麥門冬 地骨皮 車前子 黃耆 高麗蔘 蓮子 伏苓 甘草 1,370 (4.6%)

56 表 25. 失眠病患使用 CHM 的前 10 位中藥 ( n= 29,801) Chinese single herb (Chinese name) Generic name Numbers of prescription Percentage (%) 首烏藤 Polygonum multiflorum 7, % 酸棗仁 Ziziphus spinosa 5, % 茯神 伏苓 3, % 合歡皮 Albizia julibrissin 2, % 牡蠣 牡蠣 2, % 遠志 遠志 2, % 丹參 Salvia miltiorrhiza 2, % 黃芩 黃芩 2, % 黃蓮 黃蓮 1, % 百合 Lilium brownii 1, % 酸棗仁 Zizyphi Spinosi Semen 茯神 Poria

57 表 26. 用 CHM 治療失眠的常見處方 (n= 29,801) Chinese herbal formulae or single herbs Support (%) Prescription Number 酸棗仁湯加龍膽瀉肝湯 2.0% 597 加味消遙散加溫膽湯 2.0% 593 酸棗仁湯加知柏地黃丸 1.5% 447 溫膽湯加柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 1.4% 422 加味消遙散加知柏地黃丸 1.3% 379 知柏地黃丸加酸棗仁 1.2% 364 加味消遙散加延胡索 1.1% 327 酸棗仁湯加歸脾湯 1.1% 319 加味消遙散加六味地黃丸 1.1% 317

58 表 27. 用 CHM 治療失眠的常見三重處方 (n= 29,801) Chinese herbal formulae or single herbs Support (%) Prescription Number 酸棗仁湯 合歡皮及首烏藤 2.1% 618 酸棗仁 首烏藤及合歡皮 1.4% 428 天王補心丹 首烏藤及合歡皮 1.3% 377 百合 首烏藤及合歡皮 1.1% 321 加味消遙散 首烏藤及合歡皮 1.1% 320 伏苓 首烏藤及合歡皮 1.0% 287 酸棗仁湯 加味消遙散及首烏藤 0.9% 279 酸棗仁湯 加味消遙散及天王補心丹 0.9% 275 酸棗仁 伏苓及遠志 0.9% 266 酸棗仁湯 首烏藤及牡蠣 0.9% 256

59 Conclusions of 失眠 1. 至 2002 年止, 有 16,134 的失眠病患看過中醫 2. 失眠證的高峰在 歲 (25.3%) 3. CHM 的使用治療失眠, 女比男多 1.94:1 4. 常見方劑或單味藥為酸棗仁湯及首烏藤 5. 常見二者組成為酸棗仁湯及龍膽瀉肝湯 6. 常見三種組成為酸棗仁湯 合歡皮及首烏藤 首烏藤 Polygonum multiflorum


by mild (22.7%). Inhaled corticosteroids, systemic corticosteroids, and antibiotics were applied to 94.8% (292 cases), 74.7% (230 cases), and 90.9% (2

by mild (22.7%). Inhaled corticosteroids, systemic corticosteroids, and antibiotics were applied to 94.8% (292 cases), 74.7% (230 cases), and 90.9% (2 论 著 临 床 研 究 doi: 0.7499/j.issn.008-8830.204.2.007 郑 州 市 城 区 儿 童 哮 喘 的 流 行 病 学 调 查 及 发 病 相 关 因 素 分 析 赵 坤 宋 桂 华 古 华 倩 2 刘 爽 3 张 岩 郭 彦 荣 (. 河 南 中 医 学 院 第 一 附 属 医 院 儿 科 医 院, 河 南 郑 州 450000; 2. 杭 州 市 余 杭 区

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