養和醫院抱負使命 ABOUT THE HOSPITAL VISION MISSION 醫療服務 SERVICES 全科醫療服務 GENERAL MEDICAL SERVICES 24 小時門診服務 24-Hour Outpatient Services 8 家庭醫學及基層醫療 Family Medi

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2 養和醫院抱負使命 ABOUT THE HOSPITAL VISION MISSION 醫療服務 SERVICES 全科醫療服務 GENERAL MEDICAL SERVICES 24 小時門診服務 24-Hour Outpatient Services 8 家庭醫學及基層醫療 Family Medicine and Primary Care 9 特約門診 Private Patient Clinic 10 SPECIALIST MEDICAL SERVICES 過敏病科 Allergy 12 麻醉科 Anaesthesiology 13 乳房護理 Breast Care 14 癌症治療及基因分析 Cancer Treatment & Genetics 15 化療 Chemotherapy 16 心臟科 Cardiology 17 臨床醫療心理學 Clinical Health Psychology 18 牙科 Dentistry 19 皮膚科 Dermatology 20 耳鼻喉頭頸外科 Ear, Nose, Throat, Head & Neck Surgery 21 內分泌科及糖尿科 Endocrinology & Diabetes 22 內鏡檢查 Endoscopy 23 眼科手術 Eye Surgery 24 腸胃肝臟科 Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 老人科 Geriatric Medicine 26 血液科 Haematology 27 體格健康檢查 Health Assessment 28 深切治療 Intensive Care 29 體外碎石 Lithotripsy 30 肝臟外科 Liver Surgery 31 產科及嬰兒護理 Maternal & Neonatal Care 32 微創手術 Minimally Invasive Surgery 33 腎臟內科 Nephrology 34 腦神經科 Neurology 35 婦產科 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 36 陰道鏡服務 Colposcopy Service 37 婦女理遺尿服務 Female Continence Service 37 手術室 Operating Theatre 38 眼科 Ophthalmology 39 骨科及運動醫學 Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine 40 兒科 / 兒童發展及評估 Paediatrics / Child Assessment 41 疼痛治療 Pain Management 42 物理醫學及復康科 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 43 整形外科 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 44 精神科 Psychiatric 45 放射治療 Radiotherapy 46 腎科及腹膜透析 Renal & Peritoneal Dialysis 47 生殖醫學 Reproductive Medicine 48 呼吸系統科 Respiratory Medicine 50 風濕病科服務 Rheumatology Services 51 睡眠窒息症 Sleep Apnea 52 外科 Surgery 53 泌尿外科 Urology 54 婦女健康普查 Well Women Screening 55 臨床診斷服務 CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES 臨床病理 分子病理及 Clinical Pathology, Molecular Pathology 組織病理 and Histopathology & Cytology 57 臨床生理化驗服務 Clinical Physiology Service 58 電子診斷 Electrodiagnosis 59 放射診斷及介入治療 Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology 60 同位素及正電子掃描 Nuclear Medicine & PET 62 專職醫療服務 ALLIED HEALTH SERVICES 營養服務 Dietetic Service 64 職業治療 Occupational Therapy 65 藥劑 Pharmacy 66 物理治療 Physiotherapy 67 足病診療 Podiatry 68 義肢及矯形服務 Prosthetic & Orthotic Services 69 言語治療 Speech Therapy 70 感染控制 Infection Control 71 醫院設施 FACILITIES 病室設備 ACCOMMODATION 73 病室分類 Room Types 餐飲服務 FOOD & BEVERAGE 78 醫院飯堂 Hospital Canteen 咖啡廊 The Lobby 院牧服務 CHAPLAINCY SERVICE 79 健康教育推廣 / HEALTH EDUCATION PROMOTION/ 社區服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 健康講座 PUBLIC SEMINARS 81 出版刊物 PUBLICATION 81 教育 EDUCATION 82 社區服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 84 護士學校 SCHOOL OF NURSING 87 認證及獎項 ACCREDITATION AND AWARDS 90 聯絡我們 CONTACT US 92

3 抱負 Vision 養和醫院是一所享譽國際的卓越醫療機構, 由資深專業的醫護團隊運用最尖端的醫療科技, 致力提供以病者為中心的優質服務 To be an internationally recognized and preferred health care provider offering the most advanced medical technology, highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals and a patient focused caring culture. 使命 Mission 養和醫院 About The Hospital 養和醫院始創於一九二二年, 是一間擁有優質醫護服務 先進醫療技術及專業水平的私家醫院 本院約有五百張病床及逾三十個專科中心, 以提供舒適 安全及現代化的環境, 致力達到高質素的醫療及護理水平 本院所聘任之顧問 專家及醫護人員均為優秀專業人才, 得以貫徹本院 優質服務 卓越護理 之宗旨 Established in 1922, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital is one of the leading private hospitals in Hong Kong known for its high quality of patient care based on advanced knowledge, expertise and technology in the health care field. With about 500 beds and more than 30 specialist centres, the Hospital is committed to ensuring clinical and health care excellence in a pleasant, comfortable and modern environment. At the Hospital, clinical expertise and service quality are assured by the appointment of the consultants, specialists and professionals in health care who are committed in the pursuit of Quality in Service Excellence in Care. 聘請最優秀的人才, 為他們提供專業教育 培訓及參與業界學術研究的機會, 並營造平等 愉快的工作環境, 令他們在養和的大家庭內不斷進步 運用最新科技及先進設備, 以親切至誠的態度為病者服務, 力求不斷超越病者 客席醫生和員工對養和的期望 全賴員工對養和的自豪 投入和歸屬感, 建立優越的服務水平, 進一步建立精益求精的機構文化 We will attract, retain and develop the best people by providing professional education, training and research in the health care service sector and a fair and happy working environment. We will provide premier technology, facilities and patient care in a friendly manner, which will always exceed the expectations of patients, visiting doctors and colleagues alike. We endeavor to create a culture of continuous improvement to deliver a level of service excellence which is founded on the pride, dedication, and identity of every staff member serving in the hospital.

4 養和醫院 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital 全科醫療服務 General Medical Services 醫療服務 Services 全科醫療服務 General Medical Services 養和醫院具備多元化的全科及, 為門診和住院病者提供診斷及治療等優質護理服務 為了令您獲得更完善的服務, 敬請預約 我們為照顧病人的需要, 持續推出更多元化的服務, 而部分新服務可能未及輯錄於本小冊子內 詳情請瀏覽本院網頁 ( The Hospital offers a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services, for both outpatients and inpatients, in various specialties. In order to provide you with the best service, we request you to make appointments in advance for consultations. As we continuously expand our scope of services, some of our new services may not be included in this brochure. For details, please visit our Hospital website ( 6 7

5 全科醫療服務 General Medical Services 全科醫療服務 General Medical Services 24 小時門診服務 24-Hour Outpatient Services 家庭醫學及基層醫療 Family Medicine and Primary Care 門診部 本院門診部環境寬敞舒適, 尊重病人私隱, 更提供二十四小時全科門診服務, 星期日及公眾假期照常開放 應診醫生人數亦有所增加 門診部共有八間設備齊全的診症室 兩間治療室, 設有手術床 手術燈 氧氣 吸痰器 電烙機 心臟監察儀器及心肺復甦等急救用品 本部亦提供縫傷口 去除異物及上石膏之服務 家庭醫學及基層醫療中心家庭醫學及基層醫療中心設於門診部, 致力為求診人士提供持續 全面及全人的關顧 本部所有駐院醫生均已接受正式基層醫療培訓, 在治理疾病的同時, 亦考慮病人在身體 社交 工作 家庭及情緒上的需要 如有需要, 駐院醫生可轉介病人, 由本院經驗豐富的專科顧問醫生會診, 同時亦為需要施行緊急手術之病人提供套式收費之優惠 Outpatient Department With an environment that ensures maximum comfort and privacy, the Outpatient Department provides 24-hour general outpatient services including Sundays and public holidays. Number of doctors has also been increased to accommodate patient need. Family Medicine and Primary Care Centre Located in the Outpatient Department, the Family Medicine and Primary Care Centre provides continuous, comprehensive and holistic health care which extends beyond the treatment of diseases. All Resident Medical Officers have received formal training in primary care to take care of patients physical, social, occupational, family and emotional needs. There are 8 well-equipped consultation rooms and 2 treatment rooms. The treatment rooms are equipped with operating tables and lights, oxygen, suction, cautery, cardiac monitors and other resuscitation facilities, so that minor surgeries such as suturing, removal of foreign bodies and plastering can be performed. Other than general outpatient service, experienced Hospital consultants of various specialties can also be accessed for consultation. Special service packages are available for emergency surgeries. 8 ( : * : opd@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : opd@hksh-hospital.com 9

6 全科醫療服務 General Medical Services 特約門診 Private Patient Clinic 特約門診設有普通門診 普通婦科及普查 乳房護理中心 耳鼻喉科門診及足病診療服務, 病人可按特定需要, 預約個別專科醫生 The Private Patient Clinic offers consultation services in General Practice, Women s Health Clinic, Breast Care Centre, Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic and Podiatry Service. Appointments can be made with specific doctors to cater to patients individual needs. ( : * : ppc@hksh-hospital.com 10 11

7 過敏病科 Allergy 麻醉科 Anaesthesiology 過敏病科中心本院過敏病科中心特為各類過敏症提供一系列綜合評估服務 專業團隊會為患者進行各類測試, 包括皮膚點刺測試及激發測試, 並詳細闡析報告內容, 對症下藥 麻醉科麻醉科主要為手術室提供麻醉服務, 同時亦為本院各部門提供麻醉護理, 特別是眼科手術中心 內鏡中心 深切治療部與診斷及介入放射部 Allergy Centre Our Allergy Centre offers a comprehensive range of assessment tools to investigate allergic conditions. Our specially trained team conducts all necessary tests, e.g. skin prick test, challenge test, etc., and chooses the most appropriate treatment based on the report results. Anaesthesiology The Department of Anaesthesiology not only provides anaesthetic services within the operating theatres, but also provides anaesthetics or monitored anaesthetic care to various departments and centres of the Hospital, particularly the Eye Surgery Centre, the Endoscopy Centre, the Intensive Care Unit and the Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology. ( : * : allergy@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : anaesthesiology@hksh-hospital.com 12 13

8 乳房護理 Breast Care 癌症治療及基因分析 Cancer Treatment & Genetics 乳房護理中心乳房護理中心致力為婦女提供乳房健康普查 診斷 治療至術後輔導及指導的一站式服務, 並提倡婦女定期自行檢查乳房, 確保乳房健康 本中心設有最新的數碼 X 光乳房造影機, 使影像更清晰 綜合腫瘤科中心綜合腫瘤科中心由本院與香港大學醫學院合作成立, 匯聚各專科所長, 致力提供優質的癌症護理服務, 並推動癌症研究 教育及培訓 於本中心診症的病人會由不同專科的醫生會診, 包括外科 腫瘤醫學 放射腫瘤學 放射學及病理學, 並由腫瘤科護士提供適切的支援及輔導 Breast Care Centre The Breast Care Centre offers women a one-stop service, which embraces screening, diagnosis, disease management, post-operative care and education programmes. The Centre is committed to promoting regular breast self-examination to safeguard breast health. The Centre is equipped with the most up-to-date digital mammography, which produces images that can be manipulated electronically to maximise the resolution and quality of the images. Comprehensive Oncology Centre Established in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong, the Comprehensive Oncology Centre provides multidisciplinary cancer care and promotes research, education and training. Patients who seek consultation at our Centre will be seen by a team of specialists in Surgery, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Radiology and Pathology, and receive support and counselling from our Oncology Nurses. ( : * : oncology@hksh-hospital.com 腫瘤科基因中心腫瘤科基因中心提供腫瘤科基因篩選 診斷 治療和輔導服務, 現階段設有乳癌 卵巢癌和大腸癌的臨床及支援服務 14 ( : / / * : bcc@hksh-hospital.com Cancer Genetics Centre The Cancer Genetics Centre offers genetic screening, diagnosis, treatment and counselling services. In the initial stage, the Centre focuses on clinical and support services for breast, ovarian and colon cancer patients. ( : * : cgc@hksh-hospital.com 15

9 化療 Chemotherapy 心臟科 Cardiology 日間化療中心 日間化療中心專為癌症患者提供優質的門診化療服務 本中心環境舒適, 讓病人能在接受治療期間放鬆身心, 而中心的腫瘤科護士更會提供悉心的輔導和教育 本院的藥房特設藥物隔離系統, 能更有效率及安全地調配不同病人的化療藥物, 以達到最理想的治療效果 Day-Care Centre for Chemotherapy At the Centre, cancer patients can receive outpatient chemotherapy treatment in a comfortable and relaxing environment. Counselling and education are provided by our Oncology Nurses. A pharmaceutical isolator is installed at the Hospital s Pharmacy to ensure efficient and safe preparation of cytotoxic drugs to achieve optimal treatment outcomes. 心臟科中心 / 心導管及介入治療中心 心臟科中心與心導管及介入治療中心提供全面的心臟病預防 診斷及治療服務, 照顧不同人士的心臟健康 我們的綜合心臟健康網絡成員皆以病人為先, 除致力提供優質的醫療服務外, 更積極從事學術研究, 並與本地及海外的專上學院保持聯繫和交流, 以推動心血管醫學的發展 Cardiology Centre / Cardiac Catheterization & Intervention Centre (CCIC) The Cardiology Centre and Cardiac Catheterization & Intervention Centre (CCIC) provide patient-centred cardiovascular care from prevention to diagnosis and treatment. Members of our Integrated Heart Health Network are committed to achieving service excellence and expanding the horizons of cardiovascular medicine through research and liaison with prestigious academic institutions, both local and overseas. 心臟科中心 Cardiology Centre ( : * : cardiology@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : oncology@hksh-hospital.com 心導管及介入治療中心 Cardiac Catheterization & Intervention Centre ( : * : cardiacangio@hksh-hospital.com 16 17

10 臨床醫療心理學 Clinical Health Psychology 牙科 Dentistry 臨床醫療心理學中心 本院於二零零九年設立臨床醫療心理學中心, 提供臨床心理學服務, 照顧抑鬱 焦慮 創傷 性格問題及精神問題等患者 本院的專業團隊致力促進病人之身心健康, 協助他們建立健康快樂的美好人生 Clinical Health Psychology Centre The Clinical Health Psychology Centre was established in 2009, offering clinical psychology service to clients suffering from psychological and emotional disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic disturbances, personality problems and other psychological disorders. The aim of the team is to help patients facilitate physical and mental well-being and ultimately gear towards a healthy and joyful life. 牙科部 牙科部提供全科的齒科服務, 包括牙齒美容 牙齒矯正 一般治療 兒童齒科 種牙治療 配製牙托 牙周病治療 口腔頜面手術及人工植牙術, 務求令求診人士能擁有更健康的牙齒, 展露更燦爛的笑容 如有需要, 本部亦會為需要即時接受治療的急症病人提供緊急服務 Department of Dentistry The Department of Dentistry provides comprehensive services in cosmetic dentistry, orthodontic dentistry, conservative dentistry (general treatment), paediatric dentistry, prosthetic dentistry (dentures), periodontics, oral maxillofacial surgery and dental implant surgery. Emergency service is available for patients with conditions requiring urgent treatment outside office hours. ( : * : psychology@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : dentistry@hksh-hospital.com 18 19

11 皮膚科 Dermatology 耳鼻喉頭頸外科 Ear, Nose, Throat, Head & Neck Surgery 皮膚科 李樹培耳鼻喉頭頸外科中心 皮膚科是一項嶄新服務範疇, 致力為不同年齡的病人提供綜合門診服務, 範圍涵蓋暗瘡 接觸性皮膚炎 濕疹 銀屑病 玫瑰痤瘡 疣及其他細菌 真菌或病毒性皮膚感染 除刮除及電灼術 冷凍療法及手術切除等傳統技術外, 中心亦會因應病人需要及情況, 提供先進的光學療法 激光治療 生物製劑及免疫治療等 醫學美容亦是主要服務之一, 包括提升輪廓 緊膚去皺 美白皮膚及光學嫩膚, 全由皮膚科專科醫生主理, 輔以一系列全面提升的先進激光儀器, 務求達致最佳美膚效果 養和醫健皮膚科中心現已於金鐘太古廣場一座 23 樓投入服務 李樹培耳鼻喉頭頸外科中心由經驗豐富的耳鼻喉頭頸外科專家主理, 除為病者進行一般耳鼻喉檢查外, 亦提供一站式之頭頸癌診斷和治療, 包括鼻腔 鼻竇 顱底 口腔 唾液腺 咽 喉及甲狀腺等 另外, 本中心更設有聽覺及眩暈檢查室, 如有需要, 醫生可轉介病人至此, 以診斷聽力問題或眩暈之成因 20 Dermatology Dermatology is a new service area that is committed to providing comprehensive outpatient care for patients of all age groups with skin problems including acne, contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, warts and other bacterial, fungal or viral skin infection. Advanced treatment options such as phototherapy, laser treatments, biologics and immunotherapy are offered alongside more conventional techniques such as curettage & cautery, cyrotherapy and surgical excision. Cosmetic dermatology is also a major service area. Offered services include facial contouring, lifting & tightening, skin whitening and photorejuvenation, all of which are administered by our qualified dermatologists with access to an extensive spectrum of recently upgraded laser equipment for best results. The HKSH Healthcare Dermatology Centre is now in service on 23/F, One Pacific Place in Admiralty. Li Shu Pui ENT Head & Neck Surgery Centre Li Shu Pui ENT Head & Neck Surgery Centre is staffed by a professional otolaryngology team. In addition to general ENT examinations, our centre also offers one-stop cancer diagnosis and treatment to patients with cancer arising in the head or neck region, for example in nasal cavity, sinuses, skull base, mouth, salivary gland, pharynx, larynx and thyroid. If necessary, doctors can also refer patients to the Hearing and Dizziness Laboratory for hearing-and dizzinessrelated consultation. ( : * : ent@hksh-hospital.com 21

12 內分泌科及糖尿科 Endocrinology & Diabetes 內鏡檢查 Endoscopy 內分泌及糖尿病中心內分泌及糖尿病中心設有多項檢查 治療計劃及指導服務, 針對如糖尿病 甲狀腺疾病 骨質疏鬆症 肥胖及代謝綜合症等問題, 為內分泌疾病患者提供全面服務 內鏡中心內鏡中心專為消化道 肝膽胰及呼吸系統疾病的患者提供優質的內視鏡診斷及治療服務, 病人可選擇以門診或住院的形式接受診治 本中心配備先進的內視鏡儀器, 更可為病人安排麻醉科醫生注射鎮靜藥物, 將檢查期間可能出現之不適減至最低 Endocrine & Diabetes Centre The Endocrine & Diabetes Centre offers a comprehensive service for patients with endocrine diseases. A wide range of screening and treatment programmes and consultation services are available for conditions such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, osteoporosis, obesity and metabolic disorders. Endoscopy Centre The Endoscopy Centre specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and respiratory system using state-of-the-art endoscopic imaging equipment. Patients can choose to undergo the procedures in either outpatient or inpatient settings with sedation by anaesthesiologists, if required, to minimise discomfort. ( : * : diabetes@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : endoscopy@hksh-hospital.com 22 23

13 眼科手術 Eye Surgery 腸胃肝臟科 Gastroenterology and Hepatology 腸胃肝臟科中心 眼科手術中心於二零零三年成立, 設備完善, 技術超卓, 由眼科部的專科醫生為病者提供各項眼科手術服務, 其中包括最新飛秒激光輔助矯視白內障手術 Established in 2003, the Eye Surgery Centre is equipped with the most advanced facilities and technologies. Wide ranging eye-related surgeries are performed by the ophthalmologists of Department of Ophthalmology, including the latest Femtosecond Laser Enhanced Refractive Cataract Surgery. 腸胃肝臟科中心致力為腸胃及肝臟疾病患者提供全面服務 本中心設有各種檢查儀器, 為門診及住院病人提供診斷 內鏡檢查及綜合治療, 包括 : 食道 胃部 小腸及大腸疾病 ; 肝炎 肝臟毛病 膽囊及胰臟疾病 ; 腸胃功能問題, 如胃食道反流病 消化不良 便秘及腸道刺激綜合症 ; 胃部 肝臟及結腸癌症普查 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Centre The Gastroenterology and Hepatology Centre provides comprehensive services to patients with gastrointestinal and liver problems. Services include outpatient and inpatient consultations, endoscopy services, a full range of investigations and comprehensive management of various diseases, including: Oesophagus, stomach, small bowel and large bowel diseases; Hepatitis, liver problem, gallbladder diseases and pancreatic problems; Functional gastroenterology problems, e.g. gastroesophageal reflux disease(gerd), dyspepsia, constipation and irritable bowel disease; Cancer screening of stomach, liver and colon. ( : * : eyesurgery@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : ghc@hksh-hospital.com 24 25

14 老人科 Geriatric Medicine 血液科 Haematology 老人科專科服務針對預防 檢查 診斷和治療急性與慢性老人科疾病, 幫助長者制訂疾病預防管理計劃, 由復康以至社交情緒等方面得到全面照顧, 達致改善長者的生活質素, 締造健康耆年 It aims at preventing, investigating, diagnosing and treating acute and chronic geriatric illnesses. Services will help with advanced care of planning and address patient s rehabilitation and psychological and social issues, thus enhancing the life quality of the elderly to achieve healthy ageing. 血液科中心為患有各類血液科疾病的門診及住院病人提供診斷 治療及護理服務, 按情況進行化療 放射治療及標靶治療 The Haematology Centre provides diagnoses, treatment and nursing services to patients with various blood diseases. Outpatient, inpatient and ambulatory care are available, providing patients with appropriate chemotherapy, radiotherapy and target therapy. * : geriatric@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : oncology@hksh-hospital.com 26 27

15 體格健康檢查 深切治療 Intensive Care Health Assessment 體格健康檢查部 深切治療 定期的身體健康評估已廣泛地被視為有效的保健措施 每次評估的結果可鑑定個人當時的健康狀況 而根據不 同時期的檢查報告 更可了解身體健康的轉變 日後並 可 提 供 寶 貴 資 料給你就診的醫生 深切治療部於1978年成立 是香港最早設有深切治療 部的私營醫院之一 為配合醫療專科化 並為病情不穩 的重病患者提供更即時治療 本院設有駐院深切治療科 專科醫生 為重病患者提供更整體性的深切治療專科 服務 若需要深切治療專科醫生的協助 可以跟我們 聯絡 體格健康檢查部設不同類型的檢查計劃 以配合個別人 士的需要 本部門的醫護人員均已接受專門訓練 並會 利用先進的科技儀器 為閣下進行各項檢查 以及闡釋 結果 Department of Health Assessment Regular health assessments are now widely accepted as preventive health care measures. The results of each assessment will provide a basis for evaluating the state of health of an individual at a particular time. By comparing parameters obtained at different assessments, changes in the state of health can be identified at an early stage, thus providing valuable information to your attending doctor. Intensive Care The Intensive Care Unit was established in 1978, which is one of the first private hospital-based ICUs in Hong Kong. To follow the trend of specialisation in medicine and to provide immediate professional management to unstable patients, an in-house Specialist in Critical Care Medicine is available to provide integrated intensive care to critically ill patients. Please contact our ICU staffs if you need our intensive care service. Our Hospital has designed different assessment schemes to meet individual needs. Using a full range of equipment, our specially trained team conducts all necessary tests and interprets the results for clients. ( : * : healthassessment@hksh-hospital.com 28 ( : * : icu@hksh-hospital.com 29

16 體外碎石 Lithotripsy 肝臟外科 Liver Surgery 體外碎石中心 體外碎石中心配備性能卓越及效果顯著的體外碎石機, 以現今先進的體外衝擊波碎石科技治療腎石及輸尿管結石 病人無須動手術, 而且治療的成功率及安全性高, 過程短暫, 接受治療後能迅速康復 Lithotripsy Centre At the Lithotripsy Centre, patients are treated with a powerful and effective lithotripter employing Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, the best available technology for kidney and ureteral stone removal. There is no need for surgery, and it can guarantee a high success rate, safety, short treatment time and quick recovery. 肝臟外科中心 中心成立於二零一一年十月, 致力提供肝臟病理診斷及手術服務 Liver Surgery Centre The Centre was established in October 2011 with an aim of offering consultation and surgery services in liver pathology. ( : * : lithotripsy@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : surgerycentre@hksh-hospital.com 30 31

17 產科及嬰兒護理 Maternal & Neonatal Care 微創手術 Minimally Invasive Surgery 產科部產科部致力提供全面的產育服務, 讓母嬰在產前 分娩期間及產後均獲得無微不至的照顧 產房環境雅致舒適, 本部助產護士均擁有豐富知識和經驗, 能為母嬰提供專業而親切的服務 為有效提升產科服務之質素, 本部採用全新的胎心聲母胎監察系統, 協助醫生隨時遙距觀察孕婦及胎兒的狀況 此外, 本部更備有全港首個嬰兒保安系統及母嬰配對系統, 以加強產房保安 微創手術中心微創手術 孔小利大, 其創傷及失血量比傳統手術少, 因此能減低傷口痛楚及感染的機會 留下的疤痕明顯較細, 病人在手術後亦能較快康復和較早出院 本中心備有精密全面的微創手術設施, 並擁有多個微創手術室, 讓外科醫生在經驗豐富的醫護人員協助下, 為病人提供各專科腹腔鏡及內鏡手術服務, 包括婦科 兒科 泌尿科 腸胃科和心肺科等 本中心更擁有達文西機械臂手術系統, 可施行更精密複雜的微創手術 Department of Obstetrics The Department of Obstetrics is committed to meeting the needs of mothers and newborns by offering a full range of maternity and neonatal services during pregnancy, delivery and after birth. The Department is newly furnished and accommodated in a spacious and comfortable environment. A team of experienced nurse-midwives is always ready to provide professional and loving care to mothers and newborns. An advanced version of Fetal Heart (Cardiotocogram) Monitoring System is now in place to allow remote monitoring of fetuses and mothers by doctors via security connection with the Hospital. Besides, the Maternity Unit has introduced Hong Kong s first Baby Security System and Mother-Baby Matching System to reinforce infants safety and ensure correct matching of mother and baby. Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Minimally invasive surgery has the advantages of reducing surgical trauma, blood loss, wound infection and wound pain, which result in much smaller scars, shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery. Our Centre consists of several specially designed operating rooms and is equipped with a wide range of sophisticated instruments for minimally invasive surgery. The Centre provides full support for surgeons, with the assistance of a team of experienced personnel, to perform laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries for patients with gynaecological, paediatric, urological, gastrointestinal and cardiothoracic diseases. The advanced da Vinci Xi Robotic Surgical System is installed to perform more sophisticated surgeries. ( : * : ot@hksh-hospital.com 32 ( : * : maternity@hksh-hospital.com 33

18 腎臟內科 Nephrology 腦神經科 Neurology 腎臟內科中心 腎臟內科中心提供一系列針對慢性腎病 急性腎衰竭 腎小球炎 糖尿病腎病的專科治療, 以及洗腎和腎臟移植服務 Nephrology Centre The Nephrology Centre offers specialised treatment for renal diseases, including chronic kidney disease, acute renal failure, glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, dialysis and kidney transplantation. 腦神經科中心 腦神經科中心於二零一四年一月一日成立, 為病人提供有關腦神經科的診斷及治療, 特別是急性中風治療 針對中風的預防與患者的康復, 中心與其他專科緊密合作, 包括急症室 深切治療 心臟科 放射治療 言語治療 物理治療 臨床醫療心理學等, 為病人提供一站式的全人護理 其他服務範疇包括柏金遜症 認知障礙症 神經肌肉疾病 腦癇症 運動功能障礙 多發性硬發症 頭痛等 Neurology Centre Opened on 1 January 2014, the Neurology Centre provides a wide range of services in diagnosis, treatment and care for patients with different neurological disorders. One of its major services is acute stroke management. With a particular focus on stroke prevention and patient rehabilitation, it is supported by a multi-disciplinary team of specialists in emergency medicine, intensive care, cardiology, radiology, speech therapy, physiotherapy, clinical psychology, etc, providing total patient care for patients. Other service areas include such neurological disorders as Parkinson s disease, Alzheimer s disease, neuromuscular diseases, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis and headaches. ( : * : nephrology@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : neurology@hksh-hospital.com 34 35

19 婦產科 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 婦產科中心 由婦產科專科醫生駐診, 提供婦科腫瘤 婦科微創手術 母胎醫學及產前診斷 胎兒超波掃描 絨毛膜活檢 羊膜穿刺術 婦女理遺尿 陰道鏡檢查及生育醫學服務等 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre Consultation is provided by specialists in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. The Centre offers oncology, minimally invasive gynaecology surgery, maternal-fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis, fetal morphology scan, chorionic villous sampling, amniocentesis, female continence, colposcopy and reproductive medicine services. 陰道鏡服務專為患有子宮頸或陰道細胞異變的婦女提供臨床診症 診斷及治療服務 如能在癌變形成之前及早治療, 治癒率可達百分之百 婦女理遺尿服務婦女理遺尿服務由泌尿科醫生 婦科醫生 理遺科專科護士 物理治療師及營養師等主理, 為患有尿失禁的婦女提供仔細的評估及適切的治療, 以改善其生活質素 Colposcopy Service Services include consultation, diagnosis and treatment for women with abnormal cervical or vaginal cell changes. Early treatment prior to abnormal cells changing into cancer can lead to a 100% survival rate. Female Continence Service Female continence service is managed by a dedicated team of urologists, gynaecologists, experienced continence nurses, physiotherapists and dietitians. It aims at providing meticulous assessment and treatment to women suffering from this problem in order to achieve conspicuous improvement in quality of life. ( : * : ogc@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : ogc@hksh-hospital.com 36 37

20 手術室 Operating Theatre 眼科 Ophthalmology 本院手術室是全港及亞洲區設備最先進的手術室之一 手術室的設施全經特別設計, 並配備先進科技, 旨在為來自香港 中國及東南亞各地的醫生和病人提供最完善的外科手術服務 The Operating Theatre is one of the most advanced Surgical establishments in Hong Kong and in Asia. The Theatre Complex is specially designed and equipped with the latest technology to provide surgical services of unparalleled quality to medical professionals and patients in Hong Kong as well as from Mainland China and South East Asia. 眼科部 眼科部成立於一九八零年, 旨在提供優質專業的眼科醫療及手術服務 範圍有綜合眼科治療 角膜及外眼疾病 白內障手術 青光眼的診斷與治療 兒童眼科 視力矯正 美容整形 視網膜及黃斑點疾病等 Department of Ophthalmology The Department of Ophthalmology was established in 1980 with an aim to provide high quality specialized ophthalmological services, including comprehensive ophthalmology, corneal and external eye disease, cataract, glaucoma, pediatric ophthalmology, refractive surgery, cosmetic oculoplastics, vitreoretinal and macula subspecialties. ( : * : ot@hksh-hospital.com ( : / * : eye@hksh-hospital.com 38 39

21 骨科及運動醫學 Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine 兒科 / 兒童發展及評估 Paediatrics / Child Assessment 骨科及運動醫學中心 本中心乃全港首間於私家醫院設立的骨科及運動醫學專科醫療中心, 致力為各骨科病患者提供全面的預防 護理及治療服務, 在腫瘤治療 手部 上肢及顯微外科 運動醫學 骨質疏鬆 關節置換及脊椎病等治療中, 均能提供最優秀之骨科醫療技術 Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Centre The Centre is the first facility among Hong Kong s private hospitals, set up in response to the demand for comprehensive service in orthopaedics and sports medicine. It aims at providing preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation services in various fields such as hand and upper limbs, microsurgery, sports medicine, osteoporosis, joint replacement, spine and tumour management. 兒科部 除了由兒科專科醫生於特約門診駐診, 兒科部亦設有兒康計劃, 為初生至六歲兒童提供免疫注射及全面評估 其他包括為行為及情緒出現問題之兒童而設的兒童發展及評估服務, 以及由兒科外科醫生提供的兒童微創外科服務 本院的兒科病室環境舒適, 住院兒童可在此參與各類益智活動 本部亦會為有需要兒童提供有關臨床心理及睡眠問題之服務 Department of Paediatrics Consultation is provided by experienced Paediatricians at Private Patient Clinic. Other services include Healthy Child Programmes for children aged 0-6 with vaccinations and comprehensive assessment, Child Development & Assessment for children with developmental or behavioural problems, and minimally invasive paediatric surgery by paediatric surgeons. Children requiring hospitalisation will find comfort and be pleased with staying in our Paediatric Ward. Services related to child clinical psychology and sleep problems are also provided. ( : * : osmc@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : ppc@hksh-hospital.com 40 41

22 疼痛治療 Pain Management 物理醫學及復康科 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 疼痛治療 本院匯聚各科醫護專才, 為痛症病者提供綜合醫療服務, 不單紓緩生理上的痛苦, 更能改善他們的心理狀況, 建立正常的社交生活 我們為急性癌症 慢性癌症及非癌症病人提供診症及痛症教育 ( 如自行鎮痛技巧 ) 服務, 並以多角度治療各種痛症, 包括常見的身體及關節痛症 手術後痛楚 各種嚴重痛症 神經痛 末期癌症痛楚和身心性疼痛等 我們亦會為病人的個人疼痛經驗作多元化評估 Pain Management The Hospital offers integrated multidisciplinary management of patients with painful conditions. The programme aims at relieving patients from suffering as well as improving their psychological and social wellbeing. 本院於二零一一年增設復康科, 提供神經肌肉 中風 骨骼肌肉及手術後復康等服務, 協助病者恢復自理能力, 提高生活質素 二零一二年, 本院為術後及患有嚴重疾病人士提供全面復康服務, 包括職業治療及言語治療, 協助病人重拾自理能力 Rehabilitation Medicine Service has been provided since 2011 to assist patients to restore functional independence, enhancing the quality of life. Rehabilitation services such as neuromuscular rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, post-surgery rehabilitation and musculoskeletal rehabilitation are provided. In 2012, full-fledged rehabilitative services, including occupational therapy and speech therapy, are provided to assist patients in regaining self-care abilities during rehabilitation after surgery or while suffering from debilitating conditions. We provide consultation and pain education (e.g. self-coping techniques) to both acute/ chronic cancer and non-cancer patients. Common problems like pain conditions in the body and joints, post-operative and difficult pain syndromes, neuropathic pain, terminal cancer pain and psychosomatic pain are treated in a multi-modal team approach. We also provide multidimensional assessments of one s personal pain experience. ( : ( : * : pmrehab@hksh-hospital.com 42 43

23 整形外科 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 精神科服務 Psychiatric Service 整形外科整形外科中心於一九九八年成立, 已由跑馬地養和醫院進駐金鐘養和醫健專科中心, 為更多市民提供高水平的專業醫療服務 中心延續養和 優質服務, 卓越護理 的信念, 由具豐富臨床經驗和備受肯定的專科醫生團隊主理 中心亦新增一系列升級的設備和嶄新儀器, 以大幅擴大服務範圍, 為你帶來優質 全面及跨專科的醫療服務 養和醫健整形外科中心現設於金鐘太古廣場一座 23 樓 精神科醫生定期於綜合腫瘤科中心為病人提供諮詢服務, 在本院其他中心或部門接受治療的病人, 在有需要的情況下會獲轉介 有需要人士亦可透過綜合腫瘤科中心預約醫生 Psychiatric consultation service is offered by a specialist in psychiatry at the Comprehensive Oncology Centre. Patients from other centres and departments who need consultation may also be referred to the Centre. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery The Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Centre established in 1998 at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital has relocated from Happy Valley to the HKSH Healthcare Medical Centre in Admiralty to bring high quality service even closer to you. We continue to abide by our motto of Quality in Service Excellence in Care and has brought in a new team of doctors highly experienced and well-respected in the realm. The Centre has also substantially expanded its scope of services through a series of equipment upgrade and new purchases to ensure the provision of high quality, comprehensive and multidisciplinary medical services that you have come to expect of us. The HKSH Healthcare Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Centre is now in service on 23/F, One Pacific Place in Admiralty. ( : * : oncology@hksh-hospital.com 44 45

24 放射治療 Radiotherapy 腎科及腹膜透析 Renal & Peritoneal Dialysis 放射治療部 本部採用最先進的技術為癌症患者提供準確 高效而副作用較少的放射治療 本部同時配備 R a d o n i c s 及 B r a i n L a b 系統以提供強度調控放射手術 / 放射治療 自二零一一年起, 本部更配備三部全亞洲首度引進之 To m o H D 高速螺旋放射 ( 影像導引 ) 治療系統及 Va r i a n TrueBeam 系統, 能透過先進的影像導引技術將射束準確地集中在癌腫位置, 令治療準確度及效率大大提升 Department of Radiotherapy At the Department of Radiotherapy, cancer patients are treated with the most advanced radiotherapy techniques to precisely irradiate the tumor target with maximal sparing of normal organs. We are equipped with both Radonics and Brainlab systems for delivering Intensity Modulated Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy (IMRS/IMRT). Our three first-in-asia TomoTherapy TomoHD systems together with the state-of-the-art Varian TrueBeam system came into service since 2011 to deliver targeted Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), which opens new horizons for accurate and efficient treatment. 腎科透析中心 ( 血液透析部 / 腹膜透析部 ) 腎科透析中心擁有照顧末期腎衰竭病者的豐富經驗, 並致力提供全面 高質素的透析治療及支援服務 本中心由腎科專科醫生和腎科護士組成的醫護小組主理, 所有設施均符合最高衛生標準, 亦遵照品質保證規定提供服務 病者可經由醫生轉介, 本中心亦歡迎海外人士於旅港期間接受透析服務 Renal Dialysis Centre (Haemodialysis Unit / Peritoneal Dialysis Unit) The Renal Dialysis Centre provides comprehensive and high quality dialysis therapy and support services to patients with kidney failure. Managed by a well-coordinated health care team of Nephrologists and certified Renal Nurses, the Centre adheres to the highest standard of care and quality assurance protocols. The Centre accepts referrals by doctors, including overseas patients during their stay in Hong Kong. ( : * : radiotherapy@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : rdc@hksh-hospital.com 46 47

25 生殖醫學 Reproductive Medicine 輔助生育服務輔助生育服務由婦產科醫生 生殖醫學專科醫生 泌尿科專科醫生和內分泌專科醫生合作提供, 為不育夫婦診症及治療 Reproductive Health Service Reproductive health service is provided by a team of experienced gynaecologists, specialists in reproductive medicine, urologists, and endocrinologists, including consultation for subfertility. 體外受孕中心體外受孕中心擁有由婦科醫生 生殖醫學專科醫生 泌尿科專科醫生 內分泌專科醫生 專科護士和胚胎學家組成的專業團隊, 加上專為培植試管嬰兒而設的試驗室和手術室, 致力為不育夫婦提供先進完善的輔助生育技術 此中心在二零零八年經過擴充及翻新, 與婦女健康及產科部合併, 為病人提供體外受孕 未成熟卵子體外培養 單精子卵細胞漿內顯微注射法 輔助孵化 囊胚期胚胎移植 超高速冷凍胚胎技術及配子 胚胎及卵巢組織儲存等服務 中心於二零一二年引入亞洲首部全時監察胚胎培養儀, 得以優化培養環境, 挑選最好胚胎 IVF Centre The IVF Centre, with a purpose-built laboratory and operating theatre, is staffed by a professional team of gynaecologists, specialists in reproductive medicine, urologists, endocrinologists and embryologists, who are dedicated to the application of advanced assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for the treatment of male and female subfertility. The Centre has been integrated into the Department of Women s Health and Obstetrics to provide IVF, IVM, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst Transfer, Vitrification and storage services for gametes, embryos and ovarian tissue. In 2012, the Centre introduced Asia s first Embryoscope with Time-Lapse Imaging system, which allows optional incubation and better embryo reduction. ( : * : ogc@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : ivf@hksh-hospital.com 48 49

26 呼吸系統科 Respiratory Medicine 風濕病科 Rheumatology 呼吸系統科中心本中心專為各類呼吸系統病患者提供綜合醫療服務, 預防及治療兼備 多項服務包括各式診斷測試 氣管疾病治療 肺部感染治療 腫瘤及相關疾病治療 本中心亦提供悉心策劃之個人化戒煙服務, 配合藥物及非藥物治療, 協助病人有效戒除煙癮 Respiratory Medicine Centre 風濕病科中心 中心由風濕病科醫生駐診, 為各類關節炎及自身免疫疾病的患者提供診斷及治療服務 Rheumatology Centre Consultation is provided by an experienced Rheumatologist. We provide both diagnostic and management services to patients with different types of arthritis and autoimmune diseases. The Centre provides comprehensive services to all patients with respiratory diseases and promotes effective prevention, including diagnostic tests, management of disorders of the airway, pulmonary infections and neoplastic and related diseases. Tailor-made smoking cessation services are also offered for smoking quitters, using both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. ( : * : respmc@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : rheu@hksh-hospital.com 50 51

27 睡眠窒息症 Sleep Apnea 外科 Surgery 睡眠窒息症綜合治療中心睡眠窒息症綜合治療中心結合不同專科的診治方法, 為阻塞性睡眠窒息症的患者提供一站式的醫療服務 本中心服務範圍全面, 專科醫生會根據個別病人的需要, 建議適合的診斷測試和治療項目 本院亦特設兒童睡眠測試室, 為有需要接受測試之兒童提供服務 外科中心外科中心提供各外科門診及住院外科手術服務, 包括普通外科 胃部 肝膽 結腸直腸疾病 疝氣及痔瘡等傳統及微創外科手術 中心亦提供各類內鏡檢查, 如胃鏡檢查 結腸鏡檢查 內鏡逆行膽道手術及膠囊內視鏡檢查 Comprehensive Sleep Apnea Centre The Comprehensive Sleep Apnea Centre provides one-stop services for patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome through a multi-disciplinary approach. A wide range of diagnostic tests and therapeutic options are available to cater for individual needs. A specially equipped Paediatric Sleep Laboratory is also available for children in need. Surgery Centre The Surgery Centre provides a wide range of outpatient and inpatient surgical services for patients. Operations related to general surgery, gastric conditions, hepatobiliary conditions, colorectal problems, herniations and haemorrhoids are performed, using conventional and minimally invasive methods. Full endoscopy services including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) & capsule endoscopy are provided. ( : * : respm@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : surgerycentre@hksh-hospital.com 52 53

28 泌尿外科 Urology 婦女健康普查 Well Women Screening 泌尿外科中心 泌尿外科中心由經驗豐富的醫護人員主理, 專治各類泌尿科問題, 如前列腺 膀胱 腎臟疾病等, 治療方法包括傳統開放手術 內窺鏡 微創及機械臂系統手術 Urology Centre Managed by specialists with vast experience, the Urology Centre provides treatment to patients with prostate, bladder or kidney problems and other urological conditions, using conventional, endoscopic, minimally invasive or robotic-assisted surgery. 特約門診普通婦科及普查部 普通婦科及普查部因應不同年齡婦女的需要, 設有不同的普查計劃, 讓婦女不但可保持身體健康, 亦有助診斷早期的病變, 以便及早接受治療 主要的普查項目包括 : 乳房檢查 柏氏抹片及骨質密度測量 此外, 亦設有婚前 / 懷孕前普查服務, 專為準備建立家庭或計劃生育的人士而設 Private Patient Clinic Women s Health Clinic The Women s Health Clinic provides various screening programmes to enable all women to receive the most appropriate screening for early diagnosis and treatment. Major screening items include breast examination, Pap smear and Bone Densitometry. Pre-marriage / pre-pregnancy screening services are also available to give women and their partners a better understanding of their health. ( : * : urology@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : bcc@hksh-hospital.com 54 55

29 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 臨床病理 分子病理及組織病理 Clinical Pathology, Molecular Pathology and Histopathology & Cytology 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 病理學部病理學部為醫生及病人提供先進 全面而高效率的化驗服務, 服務範圍包括臨床病理 組織病理及分子病理化驗服務, 以及其他專科測試 本部的設備先進, 團隊成員皆具備優良的資歷, 更透過參與外界機構的多項質量評核計劃, 不斷提高服務質素及效率, 確保所提供的化驗結果準確 可靠, 並具有高度的臨床應用價值 本院分子病理部於二零一一年十一月推出新一代基因排序作臨床診斷服務, 開本地私營醫院之先河 Department of Pathology With state-of-the-art analysers and equipment and a team of well-qualified personnel, the Department of Pathology provides comprehensive and efficient laboratory services in Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology, Molecular Pathology and other special function services to clinicians and patients. Through participation in external proficiency programmes, we strive to produce the most accurate test results. 56 In November 2011, the Molecular Pathology Division introduced Next Generation Sequencing, making the Hospital the first local private institution in Hong Kong to provide genomics-enabled clinical diagnostic service. ( : * : lab@hksh-hospital.com 57

30 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 臨床生理化驗服務 Clinical Physiology Service 電子診斷 Electrodiagnosis 本院之體格健康檢查部設有一系列臨床生理檢驗服務, 包括電子診斷 腦電圖 運動壓力測試 肺量計測試 肺功能測試和尿動力測試等 A wide range of clinical physiological tests are provided at the Department of Health Assessment, including electrodiagnosis, electroencephalogram, treadmill, spirometry, lung function test and urodynamics study. 本院臨床生理檢驗室之電子診斷部提供神經傳導檢查及針極肌電圖等測試, 以收集神經功能資料, 為病者提供準確診斷, 確定疾病位置及計劃有關治療 At the Electrodiagnostic Division of our Clinical Physiology Laboratory, electrodiagnostic tests like nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography are performed to acquire neural functional information for accurate diagnosis, disease localisation and subsequent treatment planning. ( : * : healthassessment@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : pmrehab@hksh-hospital.com 58 59

31 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 放射診斷及介入治療 Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology 診斷及介入放射部診斷及介入放射部備有先進的造影儀器, 致力為病人提供準確可靠的電腦掃描 磁力共振 超聲波及 X 光等診斷服務 二零零八年, 本部門引進全球首部動態掃描器 Toshiba Aquilion ONE 320 斷層動態容積電腦掃描器 二零零九年, 本部門添置全球首部高清電腦掃描器 GE Discovery CT750 HD (HDCT) 翌年再裝置新世代雙源電腦掃描器 Siemens SOMATOM Definition Flash, 只需極低輻射劑量, 便能提升掃描速度, 令影像更清晰, 範圍更廣闊 全港首部 Toshiba Aquilion ONE Vision Edition 動態容積電腦掃描器亦於二零一二年十二月十六日正式投入服務, 為本部服務揭開重要的一頁 此系統每進行一次掃描, 覆蓋範圍可達 16 厘米, 不但能清晰呈現人體器官的三維影像, 就連整個器官的血液流動及運作情況亦鉅細無遺 它亦是現今唯一能以最少顯影劑, 為心律不整的病人持續進行心臟掃描的電腦掃描器, 節省檢查時間之餘, 亦可減低釋出的輻射 另外, 本部門亦分別於二零零八年 二零一零及二零一三年引進 Siemens MAGNETOM Espree MAGNETOM Aera 及 MAGNETOM Skyra 磁力共振儀器 系統的內徑及線圈均經過精心設計, 大幅擴闊造影範圍, 令影像更見細緻清晰 Skyra 3T 磁力共振掃描機是全球第一部結合 70cm 短孔及革命性全景成像矩陣技術之 3T 磁力共振掃描系統 Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology The Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology provides accurate and high quality diagnostic imaging services in various modalities such as CT, MRI, ultrasound and conventional radiography with the use of state-of-theart equipment. In 2008, the Department installed the Toshiba Aquilion 320 ONE Dynamic Volume CT, the world s first Dynamic CT, which was then followed by the GE Discovery CT750 HD (HDCT), the world s first high-definition CT scanner, in As a new generation of dual source CT scanner, Siemens SOMATOM Definition Flash was installed in 2010, achieving faster scanning, higher clarity, wider coverage at a significantly reduced dose. As the first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Toshiba Aquilion ONE Vision Edition Dynamic Volume CT marks one of the milestones in the development of medical image technology. It was installed in Unlike common CT systems, the 320-slice Aquilion ONE Vision Edition covers 16 cm in one sweep. It reveals not only a three-dimensional depiction of an organ but also the entire organ s dynamic blood flow and function in single rotation. It is the only CT scanner that can do cardiac scans on patients with irregular heart rate consistently at the lowest dose. It also reduces examination time, radiation and contrast dose. The MAGNETOM Espree, MAGNETOM Aera, and MAGNETOM Skyra were installed in 2008, 2010, and 2013 respectively. With a perfect combination of bore design and matrix coils, they achieve extensive coverage and high-resolution images for whole-body scanning. Our Skyra 3T whole-body MRI scanner is the first 3T system in the world to be integrated with 70cm short bore and the revolutionary Total Imaging Matrix technology. A wide range of interventional procedures are also available, including MRI-guided breast biopsy, vascular interventions and radiofrequency ablation of tumours, to ensure that patients receive high quality service. 本部亦提供一系列介入診斷和治療, 包括磁力共振導向乳房活組織檢查 血管介入治療 電頻消融腫瘤等, 以幫助病人, 提供全面性的服務 ( : * : radiology@hksh-hospital.com 60 61

32 臨床診斷服務 Clinical Diagnostic Services 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 同位素及正電子掃描 Nuclear Medicine & PET 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 同位素及正電子掃描部同位素及正電子掃描部擁有先進的醫療設備, 致力為腫瘤科 心臟科和神經科病人提供高度準確及有效的診斷服務 Department of Nuclear Medicine & Positron Emission Tomography With advanced equipment, the Department of Nuclear Medicine (NM) & Positron Emission Tomography (PET) provides the most effective and accurate diagnosis for patients in oncology, cardiology and neurology. ( : / * : nuclearmedicine@hksh-hospital.com, pet@hksh-hospital.com 62 63

33 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 專職醫療服務 營養服務 職業治療 Dietetic Service 營養部 營養師為住院及門診病人提供營養及飲食指導 特別為 有營養不良 癌症 食物過敏 體重問題 糖尿病 高 血脂 腎臟衰竭 肝臟衰竭 懷孕 素食及其它狀況之 人 士 提 供 個 別 營養治療 Dietetic Unit Our Dietitians provide consultation to inpatients and outpatients on diet and nutrition. One-to-one dietetic therapy is provided for people with malnutrition, cancers, food allergy, weight problem, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, renal failure, liver failure, pregnancy, vegetarian eating and other conditions. ( : * : dietitian@hksh-hospital.com 64 Allied Health Services Occupational Therapy 專業職業治療師會提供各類復康支援 協助因年老 生理或心理因素而喪失自理能力的人士盡快重拾日常 生活 Under professional guidance of an Occupational Therapist, patients who are losing self-care abilities due to age, physical conditions or psychiatric problems are provided with wideranging services to facilitate their daily activities and early resumption of their previous life roles. ( : * : pmrehab@hksh-hospital.com 65

34 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 藥劑 Pharmacy 物理治療 Physiotherapy 藥劑部 藥劑部為住院及門診病人嚴選優質藥物, 提供全面的配藥服務 藥劑部亦負責為住院及綜合腫瘤科中心的日間病人提供化療藥物的調釋服務, 配備 負壓系統 類型的隔離裝置, 保障員工的安全, 並使調釋操作中的產品免受染污 Pharmacy Department The Pharmacy Department provides a comprehensive pharmaceutical service for inpatients and outpatients. The Pharmacy Department undertakes cytotoxic drug reconstitution for our inpatients and day patients at the Comprehensive Oncology Centre. The Department is equipped with two type-2 (negative pressure) isolators to ensure safety of the staff and to protect reconstituted cytotoxic products from contamination. 物理治療部 物理治療部提供一系列治療 訓練和復康服務, 專為不同專科病者而設, 如骨科 運動醫學及肌肉骨骼損傷 神經科 兒科 婦女健康 高齡科 胸肺科 糖尿病護理 產科和體重控制等 物理治療部設有寬敞舒適的復康區 健身室及水療池, 配以先進設備器材, 致力提供全面服務 當值物理治療師及健身教練會從旁監察病人使用儀器, 確保安全 物理治療部亦與香港理工大學合辦 智 F i t 健康運動計劃 Department of Physiotherapy The Department of Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services for the treatment, training and rehabilitation of patients with orthopaedic conditions, sports injuries, musculoskeletal and neurological problems, paediatric conditions, women s health problems, geriatric conditions, respiratory problems, cardiovascular and diabetic diseases, and maternity and weight management needs. A spacious rehabilitation room, an advanced fitness gym and a hydrotherapy pool with high-end equipment are open for use at the Department. User safety is guaranteed with physiotherapists and personal trainers in attendance during exercise. ( : * : pharmacy@hksh-hospital.com The SmartFit Programme has also been introduced with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 66 ( : * : physio@hksh-hospital.com 67

35 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 足病診療 Podiatry 義肢及矯形服務 Prosthetic & Orthotic Services 本院為患有各種足部問題的人士提供診斷及治療服務, 教育預防足病的方法, 並透過人體力學檢查, 建議如何選擇合適的鞋類及鞋墊 Diagnoses and treatments for a wide range of foot problems are provided. Advice is given on the prevention of foot problems and on the choice of proper footwear and insoles using biomechanical assessments. 義肢及矯形服務義肢及矯形服務提供義肢 矯形器具及其他輔助裝置的設計 製作 裝配及保養, 以協助病人達到復康之目的 義肢矯形師會因應個別病人的體形及體力活動的程度, 為其設計及製作合適的義肢或矯形器, 務求達到最佳的效果 Prosthetic & Orthotic Services The Prosthetic and Orthotic Services include design, fabrication, installation, maintenance and repair of a full spectrum of prostheses, orthoses and other devices to assist individual patients in rehabilitation. Each piece of prosthesis and orthosis is custom-designed and made to fit the physique and activity level of each individual patient to attain optimal outcomes. ( : * : podiatry@hksh-hospital.com ( : * : prosthetic@hksh-hospital.com 68 69

36 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 言語治療 Speech Therapy 感染控制 Infection Control 言語治療為患有溝通障礙 語言 發音 聲線及吞嚥有困難的兒童及成人提供服務 服務範圍包括評估 診斷及治療 言語治療師會先運用標準化的評估工具及行為觀察, 為求診人士進行詳細評估, 以訂定治療目標, 再採用不同的方法進行個別治療, 如透過練習和遊戲等有趣的活動為兒童進行治療, 及利用練習配合儀器來為成人進行治療等 如有需要, 我們會使用輔助語言溝通儀器 求診人士的家庭成員及照顧者亦可獲得相關的訓練 Speech Therapy aims to provide high quality services to help children and adults with communication, speech, language, voice, fluency and swallowing difficulties. 本院嚴格執行各類感染控制措施, 包括訂立感染控制指引 積極推行手衛生 提供相關隔離設施及個人防護裝備, 以保障病人 訪客及員工安全 普通病室的病床間特設可移動屏風, 進一步預防交叉感染 本院臨床微生物學專科醫生亦有提供會診服務 Stringent infection control measures, such as promotion of hand hygiene, provision of isolation facilities and personal protective equipment, are strictly implemented throughout the Hospital in order to protect safety of patients, visitors and staff members. In general wards partitions are in place between beds to prevent cross infection. Consultations are provided by specialists in Microbiology. Services are provided for clients of all ages. A diagnostic speech and language assessment will be carried out. The results will be analysed to design appropriate therapy programmes tailored to the needs of the clients. Therapy sessions are conducted on an individual basis, employing different methods, such as games and other motivational activities for children and exercises together with instrumental feedback for adults. ( : * : pmrehab@hksh-hospital.com 70 71

37 專職醫療服務 Allied Health Services 醫院設施 Facilities 醫院設施 Facilities 病室設備 Accommodation 套房 Suite 本院設有不同種類及設施的病室, 環境舒適雅致, 設備齊全 每張病床均設有按鈴召喚護士及對講系統, 確保每位病者均能得到即時的照顧 凡住院病者, 其中一名家屬均可以留宿陪伴, 令病者在住院期間倍感安心 全院病床均裝有全港首創, 資訊 娛樂及臨床應用並重的資訊平台 IE Buddy The Hospital provides a wide range of room types and amenities. The rooms are comfortable, pleasantly decorated and well-equipped. Every bed is installed with a nurse call and intercom system to reassure patients that their needs will be attended to promptly. One of the valuable features is that a family member can stay overnight with the patient to make the hospital stay less stressful. Every bed unit is now installed with a Patient Infotainment Terminal called IE Buddy, delivering patient education, entertainment and bedside clinical applications in one single unit. The Hospital is the first hospital in Hong Kong to install such system hospital-wide. ( :

38 醫院設施 Facilities 醫院設施 Facilities 病室分類 Room Types 套房客廳及飯廳 客房 IE Buddy( 互動輕觸屏幕提供寬頻上網 本院資訊 本港和 NOW TV 電視頻道 ) DVD 放映機 電話 免費無線寬頻上網連接 私人電子保險箱 微波爐 雪櫃及附設浴室的洗手間 私家房客廳 IE Buddy( 互動輕觸屏幕提供寬頻上網 本院資訊 本港和 NOW TV 電視頻道 ) 電話 免費無線寬頻上網連接 私人電子保險箱 雪櫃及附設花灑浴室的洗手間 半私家單人房 IE Buddy( 互動輕觸屏幕提供寬頻上網 本院資訊 本港和 NOW TV 電視頻道 ) 電話 免費無線寬頻上網連接 私人電子保險箱 雪櫃 日間護理病室日間護理病室專供接受個別手術的病人作短暫休養, 並提供包括手術前評估 手術後護理及其他簡單醫療程序 ( 如靜脈輸注 放射治療後短暫休養 ) 等一站式服務 輻射隔離病室輻射隔離病室為接受放射性同位素治療的病人而設, 房間的輻射隔離設備經輻射管理局評定為測試及格並獲發牌照, 為本院訪客及員工提供足夠保障 輔助呼吸病室本院於二零一一年增設輔助呼吸病室, 為需要呼吸器輔助的呼吸衰竭病者提供適當協助 正壓隔離病室於二零一四年七月增設兩間正壓隔離病室, 配備 H E P A 濾網及導向氣流, 為照顧嚴重低抵抗力病者而設 共用設施 : 起居室及附設花灑浴室的洗手間 普通病室每間病室設三至六張病床不等, 共用附設花灑浴室之洗手間 客廳和電話 病床間設有可移動的趟門, 高至天花, 既可減低細菌散播及交叉感染之風險, 同時亦保障病人私隱 另外設有 IE Buddy( 互動輕觸屏幕提供寬頻上網 本院資訊 本港和 NOW TV 電視頻道 ) 免費無線寬頻上網連接 私人電子保險箱 半私家單人房 Semi-Private Single Room 兒科病室分為私家病室, 半私家病室及普通病室三種, 共用兒童遊戲室 ( 配備電視 電腦及各類玩具 ) 圖書閣及兒童活動園地 ( 配備壁佈板及畫板 ) 隔離病室配備獨立負壓抽氣系統, 保持室內空氣流通, 另劃分穿衣區及脫衣區, 並設有視像通訊系統及輕觸式全自動門 私家房 Private Room 此外, 隔離病室亦附設備有花灑浴室之獨立洗手間 電話 緊急救援鐘及 IE Buddy( 互動輕觸屏幕提供寬頻上網 本院資訊 本港和 NOW TV 電視頻道 ) 74 普通病室 General Ward 75

39 醫院設施 Facilities 醫院設施 Facilities Suite Sitting room, dining room, toilet with attached bath, guest room with toilet & shower, IE Buddy (Bedside monitor with access to internet, Hospital Information, local and NOW TV channels), DVD player, telephone & free wireless broadband internet access, personal electronic safe, microwave oven, refrigerator. Private Room Sitting area, IE Buddy (Bedside monitor with access to internet, Hospital Information, local and NOW TV channels), telephone, free wireless broadband internet access, personal electronic safe, refrigerator, toilet and shower. Semi-Private Single Room IE Buddy (Bedside monitor with access to internet, Hospital Information, local and NOW TV channels), telephone, free wireless broadband internet access, personal electronic safe, refrigerator. Shared facilities: Sitting rooms and toilets with shower. General Ward 3 to 6 bed units in each ward with a shared toilet and shower, common sitting area and telephone. Beds are separated by wall panels. This provides greater privacy and helps reduce cross infection. Patient privacy is also protected. IE Buddy (Bedside monitor with access to internet, Hospital Information, local and NOW TV channels), personal electronic safe, free wireless broadband internet access. Day Care Ward It provides a one-stop service to patients who require a short stay of several hours before and after surgery or procedures, including pre-operative assessment or preparation, post-operative nursing care and recovery, and recovery from other minor procedures such as intravenous infusion or post-radiological procedure. Radiation Isolation Ward Radiation Isolation Wards are specially furnished to accommodate patients in need of radio-isotope treatment. The radiation screening has been adequately tested and licensed by the Radiation Board, ensuring protection of visitors and staff. Assisted Ventilation Ward An Assisted Ventilation Ward was open in 2011, providing ventilator support to patients with respiratory failures. Reverse Isolation Ward Two reverse isolation wards equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration and directional air flow was set up in July 2014 to provide extra care for patients with severely impaired immune system. 輔助呼吸病室 Assisted Ventilation Ward 隔離病室 Isolation Ward Paediatric Ward The Paediatric Ward consists of private room, semiprivate room and general ward. There is a common children playroom with computers, TV and a wide selection of toys, whilst activity corner is a place to relax and draw pictures. Isolation Unit Each room is built with a negative pressure air extraction system to ensure good ventilation, an ante-room, a CCTV system and automatic doors controlled by touch pads. 76 There is also a private toilet with shower, telephone, remote control for alarm, IE Buddy (Bedside monitor with access to internet, Hospital Information, local and NOW TV channels). 兒科私家病室 Paediatric Private Room 兒科普通病室 Paediatric General Ward 77

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聯絡我們 92 歡迎取閱 Complimentary Copy Hospital Information 醫院 簡 介 養和醫院 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital 聯絡我們 92 電話 查詢 2572 0211 入院登記處 2835 8020 醫療部門及中心 過敏病科中心 2835 8430 乳房護理中心 2835 8290 2835 8477 2835 8478 腫瘤科基因中心 2835

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