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1 课程质量标准汇编 ( 外国语言文学学院 2010) 教务处编印 PDF 文件使用 "pdffactory Pro" 试用版本创建

2 目 录 基础英语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员 基础英语渊 3 尧 4 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员园 英语阅读渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员远 英语阅读渊 3 尧 4 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 圆圆 英语听力渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 圆愿 英语听力渊 3 尧 4 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 猿源 英语口语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 猿怨 英语口语渊 3 尧 4 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 源猿 英语写作渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 源苑 高级英语阅读与写作 (1 尧 2) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 缘员 英国文学作品选读 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 缘苑 美国文学作品选读 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 远源 语言学概论 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 苑员 英语国家概况 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 苑苑 法语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 愿圆 日语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 愿远 英汉互译 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 怨员 外语教学理论与实践 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 怨远 英语测试理论及实践 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 101 口译 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员园 6 英语词汇学 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员园 9 应用文体学 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员员 3 西方语言学简史 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员员 9 第二语言习得导论 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员圆 2 英语小说欣赏 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员圆 7 英语诗歌欣赏 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员 31 中国文化 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员猿 5 欧洲文化入门 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员猿 9 圣经与英语语言文化 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员源 2 跨文化交际 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员源 5 现代汉语 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员 50 英汉语言比较 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员缘 4 中西翻译简史 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员缘 7 翻译理论与实践渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员远 2 口译 (1) 尧渊 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员远 7 应用文体翻译 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员远 9 商务英语 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员苑 5 商务英语翻译 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员 81 商务英语谈判 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员愿 5 商务英语现场口译 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员 91 国际贸易实务 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 员怨 6 国际商法基础 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 圆园 3 PDF 文件使用 "pdffactory Pro" 试用版本创建

3 国际金融学概论 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 圆园 9 国际市场营销 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 圆员 4 西方经济学入门 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 221 电子商务概论 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 230 中国对外贸易 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 234 汉语应用写作 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 238 朝鲜语写作渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 243 高级朝鲜语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 246 基础朝鲜语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 251 基础朝鲜语渊 3 尧 4 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 256 朝鲜半岛概况 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 261 朝鲜语报刊阅读 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 265 朝鲜语口译渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 270 朝鲜语口语渊 1 尧 2 冤 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 274 朝鲜语口语 (3 尧 4) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 278 朝鲜语视听 (1 尧 2) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 281 朝鲜语视听 (3 尧 4) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 287 朝鲜语语法 (1 尧 2) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 293 朝鲜语阅读 (1 尧 2 尧 3) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 298 翻译理论与实践 (1 尧 2) 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 303 韩国文学作品选读 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 309 语言学概论 课程简介 教学大纲 考核大纲 315 PDF 文件使用 "pdffactory Pro" 试用版本创建

4 基础英语 (1)(2) 课程简介 课程名称 基础英语 (1)(2) 英译名称 Essential English (1)(2) 课程代码 07D00111,07D00212 开设学期 一 二 安排学时 216= 赋予学分 12=6+6 课程类型 公共基础课 学科基础课 专业课 人文科技素质课 必修课 选修课 授课教研室 教材名称 语言与文化教研室 教研室负责人王革英开设单位外语学院 综合英语教程 教材出版信息 教材性质 上海外语教育出版社,2005 年 6 月第 1 版, 书号 :ISBN X/H 291 普通高等教育 十五 国家级规划教材 考核形式 考试 考查 开卷 闭卷 课程设计 学期论文 其他 课程成绩构成 平时成绩 30% 期末考核 70% 主讲教师基本情况姓名 性别 学历 学位 职称 从教时间 王革英 女 本科 学士 副教授 23 余平 女 本科 学士 副教授 27 课程简介 基础英语 是一门综合英语技能课, 也是英语专业本科基础阶段的一门必修课程 其主要目的在于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力 本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力 教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到 高等学校英语专业教学大纲 (2000) 所规定的听 说 读 写 译等技能的要求 基础英语 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 的教学对象为英语专业本科一年级学生 教学目的在于传授系统的基础语言知识 ( 词汇 篇章结构等 ), 训练基本语言技能 ( 听 说 读 写 译 ), 培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力, 同时指导学习方法, 培养逻辑思维的能力 1

5 基础英语 (1) (2) 课程教学大纲 一 课程的基本信息适应对象 : 英语专业本科一年级学生课程代码 :07D00111,07D00212 学时分配 : 第一 二学期开设 第一学期每周 8 学时, 共计 112 个学时 第二学期每周 6 学时, 共计 108 个学时 赋予学分 :12(6+6) 先修课程 : 无后续课程 : 基础英语 (3)(4) 二 课程性质与任务 基础英语 是一门综合英语技能课, 也是英语专业本科基础阶段的一门必修课程 其主要目的在于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力 本课程主要教学任务是通过对教材和其他教学手段的合理利用对学生进行全面 严格的基本技能训练, 培养他们实际运用语言的能力, 为进入高年级的学习打下扎实的专业基础 ; 与此同时, 教学过程中还应注意培养学生分析问题 解决问题的能力, 提高他们的人文素质, 培养健康向上的人生观 在课堂教学中教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂内外的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到 高等学校英语专业教学大纲 (2000) 所规定的听 说 读 写 译等技能的要求 三 教学目的与要求本课程的教学目的在于通过课堂教学活动和课外语言实践的有机结合, 训练学生的听 说 读 写 译等方面的能力, 以及其对基础语法和词汇的熟练掌握和正确运用 本课程的教学除了帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功外, 还注重在其教学的过程中培养学生的综合素质 思维能力, 使学生在思想上 心理上更趋成熟 ; 逐步提高学生分析问题 解决问题的能力以及其人文 科学素养 教学过程中教师应避免让学生单纯的作机械的重复和模仿, 而为他们开拓独立思维的空间, 培养他们用外语来表达自己思想的能力 本课程要求学生课前预习, 课后复习, 独立完成各单元课后练习 教师在教学过程中除完成每单元有关内容及要求外, 还要向学生传授学习方法, 指导学生广泛阅读各类英语读物及参加各种外语实践活动, 增加听写 课前演讲等活动, 以培养其独立学习的能力, 分析和解决问题的 能力, 以及对英语的综合反应能力, 为学生学习其他相关课程及专业的后期学习打下良好的基础 具体要求 : 口头交际能力 : 能自觉地模仿和纠音, 正确掌握多音节单词 复合词和句子的常见重音模式, 初步掌握朗读和说话的节奏感 语调及其语音变化规律和技巧 ; 围绕课文内容开展口语活动, 培养学生用英语表述自己的观点和意见 并与他人交流思想, 进行辩论的能力 ; 做到语音语调自然, 表达基本正确, 语言基本得体 阅读理解能力 : 能读懂课文及与课文难度相当的英文作品 包括 : 对课文字面的 局部的意义的理解 ; 对课文的整体把握以及对内涵和寓意的理解 帮助学生在课文理解方面做到既见树又见林 并要求学生在理解的基础上抓住要点, 能就课文 / 文本相关主题展开讨论, 发表自己的观点和看法, 并尝试运用正确观点评价其思想内容 英语写作能力 : 通过有指导的语法和写作练习 ( 连词成句 扩句 造句 改写 段落写作等 ), 增强学生的语法意识, 培养学生遣词造句的能力, 加强其对语言的活用能力, 为今后的短文写作打下基础 词汇运用能力 : 教师通过多种练习形式帮助学生正确把握一些积极词汇的意义 搭配 拓展用法 并能熟练运用 要求学生通过课堂教学及其他途径认知词汇 个 ( 含二级要求的词汇 ), 正确而熟练地运用其中的 个及其最基本的搭配 ; 能独立完成课程中的各种语言练习, 要求语言运用基本正确, 符合英语表达习惯, 使学生逐步从有控制的练习和模仿过渡到自然的交际 四 教学内容与安排该课程课堂使用教材为 综合教程 ( 一 )( 二 ) ( 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材 ), 共两册, 供一年级第一 第二学期使用, 每册包括 16 个单元 其中第一册每单元教学时数为 8 课时 ( 含语音训练 2 课时 ), 第二册每单元教学时数为 6 课时 每单元的内容构成如下 : Text I Text comprehension / 课文理解 Structural analysis of the text / 文本结构分析 Vocabulary exercises / 词汇练习 2

6 Grammar exercises / 语法练习 Translation exercise / 翻译练习 Exercises for integrated skills / 综合技能练习 Phonetics / 语音 ( 第一册 ) Oral practice / 口语实践 Writing practice / 写作实践 Listening exercises / 听力练习 Text II 第一册各单元具体内容与安排 第一单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Never Say Goodbye 2. 词汇运用 : confront; shudder; stare off into; have sth. in common; look into; whisper; conspicuously; give in; lock away; summon; when it comes to; etc. 3. 语法结构 : Vt. + O + Co ; Adj. / Adv. + as + be / do ; It is / was that ;-ing-clause to indicate attending circumstances 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress ; sense group 5. 英语写作 : The order of adjs. as pre-modifier 6. 相关讨论 : 1) The old house is better than the new one 2) Friendship encourages people while sorrow doesn t 3) Optimistic attitude towards life 第二单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Whatever Happen to Manners 2. 词汇运用 : get away; pull out; decorate; stylish; do wonders for; recipe; compliment; terrific; bet; bother; apologize; count; cherish; infectious,etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of comparative showing degree in the structure of comparison; The use of another, other, the other, others the others as determiner or pron.; Participles used as post modifiers; The inverted pattern of CVS ( subject complement + verb + subject); 4. 语音语调 : pronunciation & word stress ; sense group 5. 英语写作 : Combining groups of words into sentences 6. 相关讨论 : 1)Something like a simple Thank you doesn t really matter 2)People can t be truly stylish without good manners. 3)The kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier 4)A gracious manner not only sets an excellent example for others but also adds priceless panache to your image. 第三单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : When Lightening Struck 2. 词汇运用 : unbolt; scramble; lunge; figure; pull oneself together; reassure; confide; bring up; alarm; transfer; cling; lament; anticipate; witness; clutch, etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of infinitive after the model auxiliary; be going to; The subjunctive mood used in clauses; The inverted form of AVS( adverbial + verb + subject ); 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; sentence stress 5. 英语写作 : Completing sentences using conjs. or prepositional phrases 6. 相关讨论 : Calmness in critical situations 第四单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : World of the Future 2. 词汇运用 : purr; slide; blend; steer; smash; keep out; freshen; etc 3. 语法结构 : There be pattern; -ing / -ed form used as pre-modifier; The use of (not) as/ so as showing differences or similarities; The use of conjunctives as unless, as, so that, since, though, until, before, when, etc. Subjunctive used in as if clause 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; sentence stress 5. 英语写作 : Completing sentences using conjunctives or prepositions 6. 相关讨论 : Wan would have to move to the Moon or Mars to live because of the limited earth space. Hi-tech would make it possible for man to live undersea. 第五单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Dealing With AIDS 2. 词汇运用 : Strengthen; invincible; hang out; hang up; break down; affect; make sense; blame; stick out; etc 3. 语法结构 : The use of any, each, all every, some or 3

7 their compounds as determiners or prons; Uncountable nouns used with a or a plural form; The use of preps. in sentences; There + be + no sue (in) doing sth. pattern 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; Pause & sentence stress 5. 英语写作 : Completing sentences using phrases as in face of, far from, for certain, on the other hand, in a sense, in accordance with, etc. 6. 相关讨论 : 1) Medicine can treat all diseases. 2) Exercises are more important than diets in keeping fit. 3) AIDs is a horrible disease. 第六单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Towards a Gender Free Society 2. 词汇运用 masculine; feminine; unwavering; stereotype; conform; denote; impose; prescribe; interfere; entail; bar; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of Passive voice in sentences; The use of few, a few, little, a little as determiner or adjectives The use of S + V. + Co + O pattern 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; Strong forms & weak forms of words 5. 英语写作 : completing sentences using if only, in terms of, in the end, in view of, out of, would rather than, unless, not until, etc. 6. 相关讨论 : 1) Men are born leaders. 2) Women are believed to be characterized by being emotional and theor place is at home. 3) Boys achieve better results in traditional male subjects such as math and science while girls are apparently better at responding to the basics of language. 第七单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : The Fun They Had 2. 词汇运用 : crinkly; still; send for; calculate; superior; dispute; adjust; whistle; tuck; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of articles & zero articles in sentences; The use of It to do sth pattern 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; Strong forms & weak forms of words 5. 英语写作 : combining sentences using coordinating conjunctions; 6. 相关讨论 : The advantages & disadvantages of the fact that people are getting more and more dependant on computers. 第八单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Five Traits of the Educated Man 2. 词汇运用 : traits; inconsiderable; endeavor; discipline; induce; multiply; in vain,etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of abstract nouns; the plural forms of nouns; The agreement of number with nouns; The use of It + that-clause 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; Incomplete plosion; 5. 英语写作 : Combining sentences using coordinators 6. 相关讨论 : 1) One is never too old to learn. 2).Exam-oriented education is practical while quality-based education visionary. 3) the necessary fine qualities of a well-educated man in your opinion. 第九单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : World Wide Web Technology: What s Hot and What s Not 2. 词汇运用 : access; pile; paste; serve up; get through; marvel; locate; unfold; proceed; associate; hang around etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of need as verb or auxiliaries; the use of No matter + wh-clause pattern in sentences 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; Incomplete plosion; 5. 英语写作 : Combining sentences using subordinators; 6. 相关讨论 : 1) What do you really desire to learn from thr web sites on the internet? 2) Making friends on the net is fun. 3) It s a time waster to surf so many web sites on the internet just to find a little relevant information we need. 第十单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Hollywood 2. 词汇运用 : glamour; luxurious; furnishings; immortal; magnet; toss; swing; lease etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of present tense in context; The use of Only + S-V inversion pattern 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & stress; 4

8 Liaison 5. 英语写作 : combining sentences using logical connectors 6. 相关讨论 1) movies about crimes and terrors degenrate the morality of the young generation. 2) It is wrong to pay movie stars so much money for the role he or she plays. 3) Young movie stars don t need to be well-educated. 第十一单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : How to Be True to Yourself 2. 词汇运用 : demonstrate; integrity; ethics; hang out; account for; back down; appoint; preserve; enrich; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of imperative ; The use of question tags following a statement; The use of Wh-clause as subject complement (Cs) 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Liaison 5. 英语写作 : Combining sentences by putting the more important information in the major clause. 6. 相关讨论 : 1)Life is like a field of newly fallen snow;where we choose to walk every step will show. 2)Integrity is an inner standard for judging our behavior 3)Integrity is in short supply today even if it is the bottom line in every area of society. 4)Plagiarism, which is a form of intellectual dishonesty, is now seriously corroding the integrity in academic fields. 第十二单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : She is Leaving Home 2. 词汇运用 : clutter; slug; nurse; estrangement; hit upon; show up; flounder; tease; romanticized; lean; turn down; extend; break away; identity; ground; tip; transition; stroke; bolt; smear; etc. 3. 语法结构 : Present progressive or present form of verbs used to show a future action or event arranged; be going to used to show possibility / intention / prediction of a future event; will used to show a future happening 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Incomplete plosion & liaison; 5. 英语写作 : Combining sentences by putting the more important information in the major clause. 6. 相关讨论 1) How you felt shortly before & after your entering college or university; 2) Lodging students can devote more time and effort to academic work than nun-lodging ones. 第十三单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Darkness at Noon 2. 词汇运用 : enunciate; pick up; desert; blurt out; grant; disillusion; issue; detach; intone; wander; come upon; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of direct / indirect speech 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Incomplete plosion & liaison; 5. 英语写作 : Putting sentences into coherent passages; 6. 主题讨论 We may well let the disabled depended on themselves with regard to their self-esteem. The handicapped students should study in special schools. 第十四单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Cultural Encounters 2. 词汇运用 : access; go off; afford; facilitate; wonder; label; involve; hover; unsurmountable / insurmountable; come up with; reveal; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of simple present & present progressive form; The use of Given (that) introducing an adverbial clause; 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Intonation: tone units, nuclear tones; 5. 英语写作 : Putting sentences into coherent passages; 6. 主题讨论 1) Making net friends is fun but risky. 2) Learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success. 3) Culture lies at the heart of society. 第十五单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : Salvation; 2. 词汇运用 : save; preach; escort; braid; congregation; take one s name in vain; rejoice; punctuate; bless; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of ing / -ed participle clauses in sentences; The use of passive voice; The agreement of verbs with their Subjects in sentences 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Intonation: tone units, nuclear tones; 5

9 5. 英语写作 : The use of logical connectors in passages 6. 主题讨论 Religions & their beliefs 第十六单元 (8 课时 ) 1. 课文理解 : My Forever Valentine 2. 词汇运用 : elaborate; succession; popularity; represent; surpass; give way; take for granted; sense; etc. 3. 语法结构 : The use of different tenses in sentences; The use of never / nor followed by S-V inversion; 4. 语音语调 : Pronunciation & word stress; Intonation: tone units, nuclear tones; 5. 英语写作 : The use of logical connectors in passages 6. 主题讨论 Valentine s Day is customary to western culture, but contradicts the Chinese convention. 五 教学设备和设施本课程使用 CAI 多媒体辅助教学 教学软件 : 多媒体光盘一套 ; 课件 ( 自制 ) 多媒体教室应具 Windows XP 系统及 flash 播放器的电脑 ( 能上网 ), 投影仪, 实物投影仪等教学设备 六 课程考核与评估考核形式 : 考试 即 : 平时考核 ( 课堂考勤 课堂互动及课后作业 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合 分别占总成绩的 30% 和 70%( 以百分制计 ) 七 附录教学参考文献目录 : 综合教程 学生用书, 第一 二册, 何兆熊 顾大僖主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 综合教程 教师用书, 第一 二册, 何兆熊 顾大僖主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 英语文体学引论 王佐良, 丁往道主编, 外语教学与研究出版社,1987,12 月. 英语文体学要略 王守元著, 山东大学出版社,2000 年 7 月. 英语修辞学概论 黄任编著, 上海外语教育出版社,1999 年 9 月. 英语教学大纲, 高等学校外语专业指导委员会英语组, 外语教学与研究出版社, 上海外语教育出版社,2000 年 教学网络提示 : 制定人 : 余平 审核人 : 王革英 6

10 基础英语 (1)(2) 课程考核大纲 一 适应对象修读完本课程规定内容的英语专业本科一年级学生 ; 提出并获准免修本课程 申请进行课程水平考核的英语专业本科学生 ; 提出并获准副修第二专业 申请进行课程水平考核的非英语专业的本科学生 二 考核目的考核英语专业二年级的学生在学习完 综合教程 一 二册后, 是否掌握了必要的英语基础知识, 并具备了一定的英语阅读 写作 英汉互译等语言运用能力 三 考核形式与方法本课程考核形式为平时考核 ( 课堂考勤 课堂互动及课后作业 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合 四 课程考核成绩构成课程考核成绩构成为 : 平时成绩考核 ( 课堂互动, 考勤 及课后作业情况 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合, 分别占总成绩的 30% 和 70%( 以百分制计 ) 五 考核内容与要求本课程考核内容主要包括以下几个部分 : 1. 口笔头表述能力 : 能交好地掌握朗读和说话的节奏及其语音变化规律和技巧 ; 能在一般社交场合与英语国家人士交谈, 能比较系统 连贯地发表自己的见解, 做到表达正确, 语言基本得体 2. 词汇运用能力 : 要求学生通过课堂教学及其他途径认知词汇 个 ( 含二级要求的词汇 ), 正确而熟练地运用其中的 个及其最基本的搭配 ; 能独立完成课程中的各种语言练习, 要求语言运用正确, 符合英语表达习惯 3. 阅读理解能力 : 能读懂课文及与课文难度相当的英文作品, 要求在理解的基础上抓住要点, 根据内容进行正确的概括 推理与判断, 并能运用正确观点评价其思想内容 4. 英语写作能力 : 能根据作文题目 提纲或图表 数据等, 在 30 分钟内写出长度为 150 左右个单词的短文, 内容切题, 结构严谨, 条理清楚, 语法正确, 语言通顺 ; 能在 10 分钟内写出长度为 60 个单词左右的应用文, 要求格式正确, 语言得体 5. 汉英英汉互译能力 : 要求应试者运用汉英 / 英汉互译理论和技巧翻译简短的句子 译句必须忠实原意, 语言通顺, 符合目标语言的表达习惯 本课程闭卷考试题型主要包括 : 语法与词汇 完形填空 英文释义 翻译 ( 包括英译汉和汉译英 ) 阅读理解 英语写作等 总分为 100 分, 考试时间 120 分钟 六 样卷 Part I Vocabulary 1.Choose the one word or phrase which best keeps the meaning of the original sentence. 1).We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always sound. A)unmistakable B)reliable C)unquestionable D)healthy 2). The humor of the play was too delicately suggestive for the young audience and they rarely laughed. A)detailed B)difficult to learn C)subtle D) feeble 3). The audience stood up and applauded at the end of the concert. A)clapped B)clasped C)clubbed D)clamored 2.Fill in the blank with a word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. a handful of as regards at speed at times be described as be inclined being hemmed in common occurrence haul up in contrast injurious to in length in splendid isolation let alone regard as remain inviolate set eyes on small wonder spectacular phenomenon think of as Instead of (1) by populated landmasses, the Gilbert Islands, which are surrounded by the most tempestuous seas, lie(2). The old navigators of the Gilbert Islands(3) to talk with fear of 7

11 (4) gigantic octopuses that (5) the monsters of the seas. They said their tentacles were like three arms(6) and thicker at the base than the body of a full-grown man. To actually see them (7) swimming in the sea was said to be a (8). But I never came across anyone who had (9) a creature of this sort, (10) captures one. And the biggest octopus I ever saw with my own eyes, which was once (11) by two old fishermen, had tentacles only a little over six feet long. (12) its total length, when laid out flat, it was no longer than nine or ten feet. It is (13) the dwarf of the species but it can swim(14), which has to be taken seriously. 3. Paraphrase: explain the underlined parts in each sentence in your own words. 1) Of course, saying Thank you does wonders for the person on the receiving end too 2) Similarly, bringing home the most insignificant little presents for people you cherish will go a long way. 3) Part II Cloze Test Choose the best one among the four choices and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET. Henry s job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything 1 the country. Every evening 2 at weekends, he 3 see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, 4 a bicycle with a big load of old straw 5 it. When the bicycle reached the frontier, Henry 6 stop the man and 7 him take the straw off and 8 it. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see 9 he could find anything, after 10, he would look in all the man s pockets 11 he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always 12 to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things 13 in the straw, he never found 14, even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was smuggling something, but he was not able to imagine what it could be. Then one evening, after he looked 15 the straw and emptied the factory worker s pockets 16 usual, he 17 to him, Listen, I know that you are smuggling things 18 this frontier. Won t you tell me what it is that you re bringing into the country so successfully? I am an old man, and today s my last day on the 19. Tomorrow I m going to retire. I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you ve been smuggling. The factory worker did not say anything for 20. Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quietly, Bicycles. 1. a. in b. out of c. to d. into 2. a. except for b. but c. except d. besides 3. a. should b. would c. might d. ought to 4. Part III Reading comprehension There are 3 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of the questions there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 1 You want something you can't get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough you'll do it regardless of any guilt or deep regret, and you're willing to run the risk of being caught. That's how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating. Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. "We're suffering a moral breakdown," Pinkard says. "We're seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether it's in the person's interest." He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students. Richard Dienstbier, psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that society's attitudes account for much of the upsurge in cheating. "Twenty years ago if a person cheated in college, society said: "That is extremely serious, you will be dropped for a semester if not kicked out permanently," he says. "Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Sciences that if a student cheats in an exam, the student must receive an "F" on what he cheated in. That's nothing. If you're going to flunk anyway, why not cheat". Cheating is most likely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low, says social psychologist Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene. 1. The passage centers on. A) convincing the reader that cheating is immoral 8

12 B) discussing the reasons for cheating C) describing how students cheat in exams D) suggesting how to control cheating 2. Cheating tends to occur in all the following situations except when. A) one wants something badly B) one can't get something in a right way C) it is not very likely to be revealed D) a series of things have to be dealt with 3) Part IV Translation 1.Translation from English into Chinese (Contents omitted) 2.Translation From Chinese into English (Contents Omitted ) Part V Writing 1.Composition Directions: Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topics. Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society and play a very important role today. However, some people don't like advertisements because they think them annoying. But what do you think would happen if there were no advertisements? IF THERE WERE NO ADVERTISEMENTS ( You are to write in three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state what your suggested way is. In the second paragraph, state one or two reasons for your suggestion. In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instruction may result in a loss of marks.) 2. Note-writing Directions: Write on a note of about words on the following situation: You are Peter/Mary. You are writing to a friend of yours, inviting him or her to spend a holiday with you in some part of your city. Explain your plans and tell him or her why you think the holiday will be interesting and enjoyable. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. 制定人 : 余平审核人 : 王革英 9

13 基础英语 (3) (4) 课程简介 课程名称 基础英语 (3) (4) 英译名称 Essential English (3),(4) 课程代码 07D00313, 07D00414 开设学期 三 四 安排学时 216= 赋予学分 12=6+6 课程类型 公共基础课 学科基础课 专业课 人文科技素质课 必修课 选修课 授课教研室语言与文化教研室教研室负责人王革英开设单位外语学院 教材名称教材出版信息教材性质 综合教程 上海外语教育出版社,2005 年 6 月第 1 版, 书号 :ISBN 普通高等教育 十五 国家级规划教材 考核形式 考试 考查 开卷 闭卷 课程设计 学期论文 其他 课程成绩构成 平时成绩 30% 期末考核 70% 主讲教师基本情况姓名性别学历学位职称从教时间王革英女本科学士副教授 24 年余平女本科学士副教授 27 年邹娟娟女研究生硕士副教授 10 年课程简介 基础英语 是一门综合英语技能课, 也是英语专业本科基础阶段的一门必修课程 其主要目的在于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力 本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力 教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到 高等学校英语专业教学大纲 (2000) 所规定的听 说 读 写 译等技能的要求 基础英语 ( 三 ) ( 四 ) 的教学对象为英语专业本科二年级学生 教学目的在于传授系统的基础语言知识 ( 词汇 篇章结构等 ), 训练基本语言技能 ( 听 说 读 写 译 ), 培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力, 同时指导学习方法, 培养逻辑思维的能力 二年级以课文为中心, 侧重阅读理解和写作技能的训练, 但也不偏废听 说训练 在课堂教学中, 注意逐步减少对学生语言运用的控制, 而不断加强学生创造性运用语言的能力, 使学生逐步从有控制的模仿性语言练习过渡到自然的英语交际, 为进入高年级学习打下扎实的基础 10

14 基础英语 (3) (4) 课程教学大纲 一 课程的基本信息适应对象 : 英语专业本科二年级学生课程代码 :07D00313,07D00414 学时分配 : 第三 四学期每学期各 108 学时赋予学分 : 第三 四学期每学期各 6 个学分先修课程 : 基础英语 (1) (2) 后续课程 : 高级英语阅读与写作 (1)(2) 二 课程性质与任务 基础英语 是一门综合英语技能课, 也是英语专业本科基础阶段的一门必修课程 其主要目的在于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力 本课程主要语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力 教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到 高等学校英语专业教学大纲 (2000) 所规定的听 说 读 写 译等技能的要求 三 教学目的与要求 基础英语 的教学目的在于传授系统的基础语言知识 ( 语音 语法 词汇 篇章结构等 ), 训练基本的语言综合技能 ( 听 说 读 写 译 ), 使学生具备基本的英语口 笔头交际能力 二年级以课文为中心, 侧重阅读和写作技能的训练, 但也不偏废听 说训练 具体要求 : 口头交际能力 : 能交好地掌握朗读和说话的节奏及其语音变化规律和技巧 ; 能在一般社交场合与英语国家人士交谈, 能比较系统 深入 连贯地发表自己的见解, 做到表达正确, 语音语调自然, 语言基本得体 阅读理解能力 : 能读懂课文及与课文难度相当的英文作品, 要求在理解的基础上抓住要点, 并能运用正确观点评价其思想内容 英语写作能力 : 能根据作文题目 提纲或图表 数据等, 在 30 分钟内写出长度为 个单词的短文, 内容切题, 结构严谨, 条理清楚, 语法正确, 语言通顺 ; 能在 10 分钟内写出长度为 60 个单词左右的应用文 词汇运用能力 : 通过课堂教学及其他途径认知词汇 个 ( 含二级要求的词汇 ), 正确而熟练地运用其中的 个及其最基本的搭配 ; 能独立完成课程中 的各种语言练习, 要求语言运用正确, 符合英语表达习惯, 使学生逐步从有控制的练习和模仿过渡到自然的交际 四 教学内容与安排第三册每单元具体内容 : 第一单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握记叙文 (Narration) 和描写文 (Description) 的写作特点和要求, 学写应用文的开头和呼语 (Heading and Salutation) 第二单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握描写文 (Description) 的写作要求 第三单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习按顺序写记叙文 第四单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习按顺序写记叙文 并在应用文写作中学会表达目的 第五单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习按顺序写记叙文 并学写应用文的结语 第六单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握议论文的写作要求 第七单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握议论文的写作要求 第八单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握议论文 (Persuasive Writing) 的写作要求 第九单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握议论文的写作要求 第十单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握记叙文的写作要求 第十一单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握文章中观点如何展开 第十二单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握文章布局要点 第十三单元 (7 学时 ) 11

15 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握记叙文的写作要求 第十四单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握议论文的写作要求 第十五单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握衔接手段 第四册各单元具体内容 : 第一单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习观点的阐述 (Expansion of ideas) 第二单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习观点的阐述 (Expansion of ideas) 第三单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习运用排比结构 第四单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习运用对比 比较 比喻等手法 第五单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习运用对比的手法 第六单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握说明文的写作特点和要求 第七单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步练习记叙文的写作 第八单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步练习说明文的写作 第九单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 练习记叙文和描写文的写作 第十单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 练习说明文的写作 第十一单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 学习恰当安排词序, 学会叙述事件 第十二单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 掌握倒装结构, 进一步练习记叙文和说明文的写作 第十三单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 进一步掌握记叙文的写作 第十四单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 练习记叙文的写作 第十五单元 (7 学时 ) 通过阅读主课文和副课文, 练习议论文 (persuasion) 的写作 五 教学设备和设施配合教学需要, 多媒体教室应具 Windows XP 系统及 flash 播放器的电脑 ( 能上网 ), 投影仪, 等教学设备 六 课程考核与评估考核形式 : 考试 即 : 平时考核 ( 课堂考勤 课堂互动及课后作业 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合 分别占总成绩的 30% 和 70%( 以百分制计 ) 七 附录教学参考文献目录 : 综合教程 学生用书, 第三 四册, 何兆熊 顾大僖主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 综合教程 教师用书, 第三 四册, 何兆熊 顾大僖主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 英语文体学引论 王佐良, 丁往道主编, 外语教学与研究出版社,1987,12 月. 英语文体学要略 王守元著, 山东大学出版社,2000 年 7 月. 英语修辞学概论 黄任编著, 上海外语教育出版社,1999 年 9 月. 英语教学大纲, 高等学校外语专业指导委员会英语组, 外语教学与研究出版社, 上海外语教育出版社,2000 年 教学网络提示 : 制定人 : 王革英 审核人 : 余平 12

16 基础英语 (3) (4) 课程考核大纲 一 适应对象修读完本课程规定内容的英语专业本科二年级学生 ; 提出并获准免修本课程 申请进行课程水平考核的英语专业本科学生 ; 提出并获准副修第二专业 申请进行课程水平考核的非英语专业的本科学生 二 考核目的考核英语专业二年级的学生在学习完 综合教程 三 四册后, 是否掌握了必要的英语基础知识, 并具备了一定的英语阅读 写作 英汉互译等语言运用能力 三 考核形式与方法本课程考核形式为平时考核 ( 课堂考勤 课堂互动及课后作业 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合 四 课程考核成绩构成课程考核成绩构成为 : 平时成绩考核 ( 课堂互动, 考勤 及课后作业情况 ) 与期末闭卷考试相结合, 分别占总成绩的 30% 和 70%( 以百分制计 ) 五 考核内容与要求本课程考核内容主要包括以下几个部分 : 1. 口笔头表述能力 : 能交好地掌握朗读和说话的节奏及其语音变化规律和技巧 ; 能在一般社交场合与英语国家人士交谈, 能比较系统 深入 连贯地发表自己的见解, 做到表达正确, 语音语调自然, 语言基本得体 2. 词汇运用能力 : 能通过课堂教学及其他途径认知词汇 个 ( 含二级要求的词汇 ), 正确而熟练地运用其中的 个及其最基本的搭配 ; 能独立完成课程中的各种语言练习, 要求语言运用正确, 符合英语表达习惯, 逐步从有控制的练习和模仿过渡到自然的语言交际 3. 阅读理解能力 : 能读懂课文及与课文难度相当的英文作品, 要求在理解的基础上抓住要点, 根据内容进行正确的概括 推理与判断, 并能运用正确观点评价其思想内容 4. 英语写作能力 : 能根据作文题目 提纲或图表 数据等, 在 30 分钟内写出长度为 个单词的短文, 内容切题, 结构严谨, 条理清楚, 语法正确, 语言通顺 ; 能在 10 分钟内写出长度为 60 个单词左右的应用文, 要求格式正确, 语言得体 5. 汉英英汉互译能力 : 要求应试者运用汉英 / 英汉互译 理论和技巧翻译简短的句子 译句必须忠实原意, 语言通顺, 符合目标语言的表达习惯 6. 英语专业学生在第四学期参加全国英语专业四级统一考试 本课程闭卷考试题型主要包括 : 语法与词汇 完形填空 英文释义 翻译 ( 包括英译汉和汉译英 ) 阅读理解 英语写作等 总分为 100 分, 考试时间 120 分钟 六 样卷 Part I Vocabulary 1.Choose the one word or phrase which best keeps the meaning of the original sentence. 1).We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always sound. A)unmistakable B)reliable C)unquestionable D)healthy 2). The humor of the play was too delicately suggestive for the young audience and they rarely laughed. A)detailed B)difficult to learn C)subtle D) feeble 2.Fill in the blank with a word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. a handful of as regards at speed at times be described as be inclined being hemmed in common occurrence haul up in contrast injurious to in length in splendid isolation let alone regard as remain inviolate set eyes on small wonder spectacular phenomenon think of as Instead of (1) by populated landmasses, the Gilbert Islands, which are surrounded by the most tempestuous seas, lie(2). The old navigators of the Gilbert Islands(3) to talk with fear of (4) gigantic octopuses that (5) the monsters of the seas. They said their tentacles were like three arms(6) and thicker at the base than the body of a full-grown man. To actually see them 13

17 (7) swimming in the sea was said to be a (8). Part II Cloze Choose the best one among the four choices. Henry s job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything 1 the country. Every evening 2 at weekends, he 3 see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, 4 a bicycle with a big load of old straw 5 it. When the bicycle reached the frontier, Henry 6 stop the man and 7 him take the straw off and 8 it. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see 9 he could find anything, after 10, he would look in all the man s pockets 11 he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always 12 to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things 13 in the straw, he never found 14, even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was smuggling something, but he was not able to imagine what it could be. Then one evening, after he looked 15 the straw and emptied the factory worker s pockets 16 usual, he 17 to him, Listen, I know that you are smuggling things 18 this frontier. Won t you tell me what it is that you re bringing into the country so successfully? I am an old man, and today s my last day on the 19. Tomorrow I m going to retire. I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you ve been smuggling. The factory worker did not say anything for 20. Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quietly, Bicycles. 1. a. in b. out of c. to d. into 2. a. except for b. but c. except d. besides Part III Reading comprehension There are 3 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of the questions there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one. 1 It's plain common sense the more happiness you feel, the less unhappiness you experience. It's plain common sense, but it's not time. Recent research reveals that happiness and unhappiness are not really flip sides of the same emotion. They are two distinct feelings that, coexisting, rise and fall independently. "You'd think that the higher a person's level of unhappiness, the lower their level of happiness, and vice versa," says Edward Diener, a University of Illinois professor of psychology who has done much of the new work on positive and negative emotions. But when Diener and other researchers measure people's average levels of happiness and unhappiness, they often find little relationship between the two. The recognition that feelings of happiness and unhappiness can coexist much like love and hate in a close relationship may own valuable clues on how to lead a happier life. It suggests, for example, that changing or avoiding things that make you miserable may well make you less miserable but probably won't make you any happier. That advice is backed up by an extraordinary series of studies which indicate that a genetic predisposition for unhappiness may run in certain families. On the other hand, researchers have found, happiness doesn't appear to be anyone's heritage. The capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself. 1. In the first sentence of the second paragraph, the phrase "vice versa" indicates that (A) the lower a person's level of unhappiness, the higher their level of happiness (B) the higher a person's level of unhappiness, the higher their level of happiness (C) the lower a person's level of unhappiness, the lower their level of happiness (D) the same thing is true 2. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, what does the phrase "the two" refer to? (A) Diener and other researchers. (B) Positive and negative emotions. (C) Happiness and unhappiness. (D) Lower level and higher level. Part IV Translation 1.Translation from English into Chinese (Contents omitted) 2.Translation From Chinese into English (Contents Omitted ) Part V Writing 1.Composition Directions: Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topics. Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society and play a very important role today. However, some 14

18 people don't like advertisements because they think them annoying. But what do you think would happen if there were no advertisements? IF THERE WERE NO ADVERTISEMENTS ( You are to write in three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state what your suggested way is. In the second paragraph, state one or two reasons for your suggestion. In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instruction may result in a loss of marks.) 2.Note-writing Directions: Write on a note of about words on the following situation: You are Peter/Mary. You are writing to a friend of yours, inviting him or her to spend a holiday with you in some part of your city. Explain your plans and tell him or her why you think the holiday will be interesting and enjoyable. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. 制定人 : 王革英审核人 : 余平 15

19 英语阅读 (1) (2) 课程简介 课程名称英语阅读 (1) (2) 英译名称 English Reading(1),(2) 课程代码 07D D00612 开设学期一 二 安排学时 64 赋予学分 3.5 课程类型 公共基础课 学科基础课 专业课 人文科技素质课 必修课 选修课 授课教研室 基础英语 教研室负责人 王革英 开设单位 外语学院 教材名称 阅读教程 (1),(2) 教材出版信息 上海外语教育出版社,2005 年 6 月第 1 版, 书号 :ISBN 教材性质 部优 省优 部级规划 省级规划 自编 其他 考核形式 考试 考查 开卷 闭卷 课程设计 学期论文 其他 课程成绩构成 平时成绩 30% 期末考核 70% 主讲教师基本情况 姓名 性别 学历 学位 职称 从教时间 熊奕 女 本科 硕士 副教授 16 年 黄珊 女 本科 硕士 讲师 11 年 课程简介英语阅读是英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课, 同时也是使学生大量接触英语读物和培养阅读能力的一门实践基础课 英语阅读 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 的目的在于培养学生的英语阅读能力和提高学生的阅读速度 ; 培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断 分析归纳 推理检验等逻辑思维能力 ; 提高学生的阅读技能, 包括略读 寻读 细读 评读等能力 ; 并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量, 增强语感, 不断积累各种语言知识, 加深文化沉淀, 培养学生的阅读兴趣 课程结束时学生能够逐渐够阅读和教材难度相当的英文材料 ( 包括英文原著 ), 阅读速度为每分钟 个词 ; 并能根据所读材料进行推理分析, 领会作者意图 ; 在阅读篇幅较长 难度略低 生词量不超过总词数 3% 的材料时, 能理解大意, 领会要点并掌握有关细节, 根据上下文和构词法知识推测和判断词义 ; 快速阅读的速度达到每分钟 词, 理解准确率达到 70% 以上 16

20 英语阅读 (1) (2) 课程教学大纲 一 课程的基本信息适应对象 : 英语专业本科课程代码 :07D D00612 学时分配 : 英语阅读 (1)28 学时, 英语阅读 (2)36 学时, 共 64 学时 赋予学分 : 英语阅读 (1)1.5 学分, 英语阅读 (2)2 学分 先修课程 : 无后续课程 : 英语阅读 (3)(4) 二 课程性质与任务 1 性质英语阅读课是英语专业的学科基础必修课程 2 任务阅读课教学应注重阅读理解能力与提高阅读速度并重 教材应选用题材广泛的阅读材料, 以便向学生提供广泛的语言和文化素材, 扩大学生的知识面, 培养学生的阅读兴趣 课外指定长篇简易读物和浅显原著, 培养学生细致观察语言的能力, 要求学生定期写读书报告 阅读课教学中, 要加强学生思维能力和创新能力的培养 ; 要有意识地训练学生分析与综合 抽象与概括 多角度分析问题等多种思维能力以及发现问题 解决难题等创新能力 ; 正确处理语言技能训练与创新能力培养的关系 ; 并注重培养学生对文化差异的敏感性 宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性, 注重培养跨文化交际能力 三 教学目的与要求 1 目的英语阅读课的目的在于培养学生的英语阅读能力和提高学生的阅读速度 ; 培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断 分析归纳 推理检验等逻辑思维能力 ; 提高学生的阅读技能, 包括略读 寻读 细读 评读等能力 ; 并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量, 增强语感, 不断积累各种语言知识, 加深文化沉淀 2 要求本课程重点讲述英语阅读的基本原理 阅读技巧和实践方法, 侧重于英语学习者语言综合知识的运用 因而, 在本课程的教学过程中, 必须使学生真正透彻地领会诸如阅读的过程 图式理论 构词法 猜词技巧 句子与句子的关系 话题与话题句 要旨 推理与判断 文体与风格等 阅读理论内涵 ; 要注重阅读理论与阅读实践的紧密结合, 处理好阅读速度与理解之间的关系, 避免知识的重复和脱节, 从而使学生能够得到比较系统而全面的英语阅读基本技能 1. 阅读速度 : 学生能够逐渐够阅读和教材难度相当的英文材料 ( 包括英文原作 ), 阅读速度为每分钟 个词 2. 阅读能力 : 学生能够阅读中等难度的一般性题材的英文材料 ( 包括英文原作 ), 了解大意, 抓住要点和有关细节, 并能根据所读材料进行推理分析, 领会作者意图 ; 在阅读篇幅较长 难度略低 生词量不超过总词数 3% 的材料时, 能理解大意, 领会要点并掌握有关细节, 根据上下文和构词法知识推测和判断词义, 快速阅读时的速度达到每分钟 词 3. 理解能力 : 培养抓住主要词语 主要段落和主题句的技能, 准确掌握读物的中心思想 情节梗概或主要论点 在上述速度前提下理解准确率达到 70% 以上 四 教学内容与安排 阅读教程 第一册和第二册, 供英语专业基础阶段第一学年使用, 每学期一册 1) 第一学期 : 阅读教程 第一册 内容 讲课 习题课 阅读实践课 合计 Reading Skill: Context clue to word meaning I 1 1 Unit 1 Parents and children Unit 2 Psychology in daily life Unit 3 University life Reading Skill: Context Clue to word meaning II 1 1 Unit 4 Jobs and careers Unit 5 Care of the elderly Unit 6 Changes and Challenges in life Reading Skill: Understanding Sentences 1 1 Unit 7 Stress in our life Unit 8 Heroes of our time Reading Skill: Distinguishing topic from main idea 1 1 Total

21 2) 第二学期 : 阅读教程 第二册 内容 讲课 阅读实践课 合计 Unit 1 Human relationship Unit 2 Growing-up Pains Reading Skill: Word formation Unit 3 Body Image Unit 4 Weather and Climate Reading Skill: Recognizing the pattern of details 1 1 Unit 5 Your youth Unit 6 Friendship Reading skill: Word formation Unit 7 Culture and customs Unit 8 About Language Reading skill: Novel reading 1 1 Total 五 教学设备和设施 英语阅读课程的教学因阅读题材广泛, 涉及英语国家社会 政治 经济 文化等方面, 内容新颖, 体裁多样, 应制作课件, 在多媒体教室进行教学. 将英语教学和电子计算机的使用 ( 包括软件的设计和操作 ) 密切地结合起来 六 课程考核与评估 1 本课程第一学期为考查, 第二学期为考试 2 考查和考试均采用闭卷形式 总分为 100 分, 3 期末考查或考试命题的比例是: 识记占 15%, 领会占 25%, 运用占 60% 识记 : 英语构词法 常用词和词组的特殊用法 同义词与反义词的运用领会 : 基本阅读理论 如 : 推断主题, 找出中心思想 识别文章的内在结构与关系等 运用 : 阅读技能 包括细读 略读 查阅 推论 总结等能力 4 平时成绩以读书报告 作业及课堂实践 (performance) 为依据 5 本课程考试较合适的题型有: 选择题 完形填空 问答题 判断题等 考试时间为 120 分钟 6 本课程学生成绩构成: 平时成绩 + 期末考查或考试 (30%+70%) 七 附录 教学参考文献目录 1. 教材 : (1) 邓炎昌 : 现代美国社会与文化, 高等教育出版社. (2) 韩志先 : 英语阅读教程, 高等教育出版社. (3) 刘学明 : 英语阅读技巧与实践, 湖南师范大学 出版社. (4) 孟继有 : 英语背景知识, 英语教学与研究出版社. (5) 曾肯干 : 英语泛读教程, 上海外语教育出版社. (6) 周学艺 : 英语报刊文章阅读, 北京大学出版社. 2. 部分课外阅读参考书目 : (1)Alex Haley Roots (2)Charles Dickens David Copperfield (3)Charles Lamb Tales from Shakespeare (4)Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre (5)Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe (6)Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca (7)Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights (8)Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea (9)Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises (10)F.Scott Fitsgerald The Great Gatsby (11)Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom s Cabin (12)Jack London The Call of the Wild (13)Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice (14)Lewis Carroll Alice s Adventures in Wonderland (15)John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (16)Jonathan Swift Gulliver s Travels (17)Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim (18)Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind (19)Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (20)Maxine Hong Kingston The woman Warrior (21)Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (22)Richard Wright Native son (23)Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island (24)Robert Penn Warren All the king s Men (25)Sir Arthur C.Dolye The Adventures of Sherlock Homes (26)Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe (27)Stenphen Crane The Red Badge of Courage (28)Theodore Drciser Sister Carrie (29)Thomas Hardy Tess of the D Urbervilles (30)William M Thackeray Vanity Fair 3. 教学网络提示 制定人 : 熊奕审核人 : 黄珊 18

22 英语阅读 (1) (2) 课程考核大纲 一 适应对象完成本课程规定内容的英语专业的本科学生 ; 提出并获准免修课程 申请进行课程水平考核的英语专业的本科学生 ; 提出并获准副修第二专业 申请进行课程水平考核的非英语专业的本科学生 二 考核目的英语阅读考试的目的是 : 全面考查学生对阅读理论 阅读技能和技巧的掌握情况, 尤其是学生运用这些理论和技巧进行阅读实践的情况 能掌握所读材料的主要内容和中心思想 ; 抓住主要情节或论点 ; 掌握文章的主旨和大意 ; 理解事实和细节 三 考核形式与方法 1 本课程考核形式: 第一学期考查 ; 第二学期考试 考查和考试以教学大纲为依据, 按照阅读理论 阅读技能的掌握和阅读实践的应用两大部分进行命题 2 试题的难易度比例为: 容易占 20%, 较容易占 30%, 较难占 30%, 难占 20% 3 考试类别: 闭卷, 笔试 ; 4 考试时量:120 分钟四 课程考核成绩构成 1 考查和考试均采用闭卷形式 总分为 100 分, 2 平时成绩以读书报告 作业及课堂实践 (performance) 为依据 3 本课程学生成绩构成: 平时成绩 + 期末考查或考试 (30%+70%) 五 考核内容与要求 1 考核内容 (1) 根据上下文线索猜测生词词义 (2) 根据构词法猜测生词词义 (3) 词汇认知 辨析 (4) 进行判断 (5) 进行推论 (6) 得出结论 (7) 找出中心思想 (8) 细读 (9) 略读 (10) 查阅 2 题目类型: (1) 选择题 (2) 完形填空 (3) 问答题 (4) 判断题 3 考试要求 (1) 根据上下文线索猜测生词 ; 根据构词法猜测生词 ; (2) 细致观察语言的能力及假设判断 分析归纳 推理验证等逻辑思维能力 ; (3) 综合阅读能力 : 能根据所读材料进行判断和推理, 既能理解个别句子意思, 也能理解上下文的逻辑关系, 既要求准确, 也要求有一定的阅读速度 六 样卷 I. Vocabulary Directions: Choose the correct definition of each underlined word according to the context. 1.I opened it, and there were two corroded sardine cans, a nickel, a dime and three pennies. a. rusted b. used c. corrupted d. salted 2. Here I was, endeavoring to take on the biggest commitment of my life, and I had nothing to tell me what to do. a. endangering b. enduring c. trying d. wondering II. Read the following passages and then answer the inferential questions that follow. In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of traveling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship nearly eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. 1.Which country began building the Panama Canal? A. France B. Panama 19

23 C. the United States D. Germany 2.On the average, how much would it cost a ship to travel around Cape Horn? A. $1500 B. $15000 C. $ D. $ III. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the best of the four choices given. S The geographical location of a country and its physical (1) are very important to its development and(2). The United States is very (3) in this (4). (5), it has good (6). In almost every (7) of the country it is possible to live (8) during the whole year. It is true that in the south it sometimes gets very hot and in the north very cold. But the people who live in these regions become (9) to the climate and never (10) much when the weather is either very hot or very cold. 1. a. location b. character c. characteristics d. differences 2. a. advance b. progress c. marching d. prospect IV. Read the following passage. First write the best title for it and then write a summary of it. The Olympic Games and the current economic boom have led to a wave of development in Beijing. Everywhere you turn there are buildings being torn down and new ones rising in their place. The sounds of jack-hammers and drills go on late into the night and are often the first thing to greet you in the morning. The extent of the development here is like nothing I have ever seen. Catching the new rail line out through the city s northern suburbs toward the end of winter was really a dream-like experience. Masses of construction sites lined either side of the track with countless bits of equipment crawling about or looming up as far as the eye can see. If it wasn t for the few human faces I spotted alongside the track in this dusty-brown, metal landscape, I might have been forgiven for thinking I was on another planet. Development will continue at this lightening pace at least until the Olympic Games. As we head towards 2008, thousands of workers flock to the city to help build the New Beijing. But, development goes a lot further than just putting up buildings. Beijing has a long way to go before it can rival the great cities of the world. And, for the Olympics to have any economic benefit, Beijing must be able to pull in tourists. The knowledge that Beijing is one of the most polluted cities in the world is not a big plus. And areas like water and air quality fall way below international standards. One of the main focuses of Beijing s bid for the Olympics was an aggressive environmental campaign to make the city more attractive. This is reflected in the name of the main Olympic venue: the Olympic Green. When I first arrived in Beijing, the level of pollution shocked me. Coming from Australia, I was not used to the hazy sky and grey dust that made my skin grimy. This is not to say that Australia does not have environmental problems of its own, but with a much smaller population, it has not reached quite the same levels of pollution as Beijing has. Most locals are aware of the extent of the environmental problems here. Frequent droughts, desertification, and sand storms make the problem hard to ignore. But, a lot needs to be done to turn the problem around. Because of the Olympics, 2008 has been set as the target date for improving these areas and bringing them in line with international standards. Companies that have high pollution levels are being relocated outside the city center and massive greening projects are underway to improve the cityscape. Steps are also being taken to make the city s water drinkable before the mad tourist rush. But these things do not come problem free. Beijing already has water shortage without the added pressure of maintaining thousands of hectares of gardens. To turn these problem around, people would have to change their lifestyles. The measures are a step in the right direction, it s true, but it is a shame that it has taken an enormous event such as the Olympics to push these changes along. The area of Sydney I come from underwent some redevelopment before the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. A single-lane road with no gutters, which always had traffic jams at peak hours, was upgraded to a lovely, smooth two-lane road, not only with gutters, but colorful roadside gardens as well. In addition, the local railway station was given a shiny new coat of paint. I doubt this would be done today if it were not for the presence of the Olympic baseball and softball stadiums in the immediate area. I). Write the best title for this passage. II). Write a summary about this passage within 100 words. V. Reading Comprehension Passage 1 20

24 There are several basic varieties of Yes : The acknowledgement nod: Yes, I m still listening. The encouraging nod: Yes, how interesting. The understanding nod: Yes. I see what you mean. The agreement nod: Yes, I will. The factual nod: Yes, that is correct. If, in any particular locality, one of these types of nod id replaced by some other head action, then this will be the one that catches the eye of the traveler, simply because it is different; and he will return home with inaccurate stories of a totally different signaling system. The head shake meaning No is probably as common as the head nod meaning Yes : it is virtually global in range and usually survives even in places where some other negative action is used. Its meaning can include disapproval and puzzlement, as well as the more obvious I cannot, I will not, I disagree and I do not know. In the head shake, the head turns horizontally from side to side. It almost certainly originates in the baby s action of rejecting the breast, the bottle or a spoonful of food. When the parent tries to persuade the baby to feed, the baby can show its negative response quite naturally by twisting the head first to one side and then to the other, turning the head away from the unwanted object. This then develops into the adult head shake. This way of shaking the head is very different from the head sway. To most Europeans, swaying the head from left to right means Maybe yes, maybe no, with the head suggesting two alternative this way or that way. But as we have seen, in Bulgaria and Ceylon and also in parts of Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Ira and Bengal, this rocking movement can mean Yes, rather than Maybe. Why is this? We can perhaps see the origin of the affirmative head sway in the words we use. The Bulgarian language contains several common phrases with ears : phrases such as I give you my ear and I am all ears. The swaying movement could be a modified way of leaning the ear towards the companion, to show that you are paying close attention. The way in which you affirm your interest then becomes a more general way of indicating Yes. From the list below, choose the best heading for each paragraph and put them in the right order. 1.A. The origin of shaking the head 2.B. The origin of swaying the head 3.C. The way in which we can get wrong ideas about signals in other countries 4.D. The use and meanings of shaking the head 5.E. the meanings of swaying the head Passage 2 The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty perfect of all human illness are related to diet and forty perfect of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more likely to cause certain different illness because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, about 35 years ago, government researchers realized that nitrates, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue. Choose the best answer to each question. 6.What is the best possible title of the passage? a. Drug and Food b.. Cancer and Health c. food and Health d. health and Drug 7.Which of the following statements is not true? a.drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons b.some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals. c.researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for over thirty-five years. taking d.cancer-causing 制定人 : 熊奕审核人 : 黄珊 21

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中三級 英國語文科 中 三 級 英 國 語 文 科 (2014-2015) ( 一 ) 本 科 的 目 標 1. 學 生 能 有 足 夠 的 英 語 能 力 以 輔 助 他 們 繼 續 學 習 或 就 業 2. 學 生 能 了 解 及 有 足 夠 的 練 習 來 掌 握 各 級 應 有 的 語 言 水 準 3. 學 生 對 學 習 英 語 有 興 趣 及 動 力 4. 學 生 能 主 動 參 與 課 堂 內 外 的 英

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硕 士 学 位 论 文 论 文 题 目 : 北 岛 诗 歌 创 作 的 双 重 困 境 专 业 名 称 : 中 国 现 当 代 文 学 研 究 方 向 : 中 国 新 诗 研 究 论 文 作 者 : 奚 荣 荣 指 导 老 师 : 姜 玉 琴 2014 年 12 月

硕 士 学 位 论 文 论 文 题 目 : 北 岛 诗 歌 创 作 的 双 重 困 境 专 业 名 称 : 中 国 现 当 代 文 学 研 究 方 向 : 中 国 新 诗 研 究 论 文 作 者 : 奚 荣 荣 指 导 老 师 : 姜 玉 琴 2014 年 12 月 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论 文 题 目 : 北 岛 诗 歌 创 作 的 双 重 困 境 专 业 名 称 : 中 国 现 当 代 文 学 研 究 方 向 : 中 国 新 诗 研 究 论 文 作 者 : 奚 荣 荣 指 导 老 师 : 姜 玉 琴 2014 年 12 月 致 谢 文 学 是 我 们 人 类 宝 贵 的 精 神 财 富 两 年 半 的 硕 士 学 习 让 我 进 一 步 接 近 文 学,

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