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1 THE COUNCIL OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS 全国高等専門学校英語教育学会 第 32 回研究大会要綱 平成 20 年 9 月 19 日 ( 金 ) ~ 21 日 ( 日 ) (19 日は理事会のみ ) 会場 : 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター ( 東京都渋谷区代々木 ) 日 程 特別講演 研究発表要旨 フォーラム 主催全国高等専門学校英語教育学会 (COCET)

2 平成 20 年度 COCET 運営組織 役 員 会 長 亀山太一 ( 岐阜 ) 副会長 崎山強 ( 都城 ) 武田淳 ( 宮城 ) 理 事 奥崎真理子 ( 函館 ) 小野真嗣 ( 苫小牧 ) 鳥居孝栄 ( 福島 ) 竹田恒美 ( 東京 ) 荒木英彦 ( 木更津 ) 青山晶子 ( 富山 ) 能登路純子 ( 沼津 ) 神谷昌明 ( 豊田 ) 中井洋生 ( 鈴鹿 ) 森岡隆 ( 和歌山 ) 西野達雄 ( 大阪府立 ) 中井大造 ( 米子 ) 南優次 ( 宇部 ) 森和憲 ( 詫間電波 ) 穴井孝義 ( 大分 ) 会計監査嵯峨原昭次 ( 鹿児島 ) 瀬川直美 ( 木更津 ) 顧 問 六川信 ( 第 4 代会長 ) 大西俊男 ( 第 5 代会長 ) 奥村平治 ( 第 6 代会長 ) 松林嘉熙 ( 第 7 代会長 ) 特別会員片山嘉雄 ( 岡山大学名誉教授 ) 久保田郁夫 ( 元高田短期大学学長 ) 諏訪部真 ( 清泉女学院短期大学教授 ) 幸野稔 ( 元秋田大学教授 ) 樋口正昭 ( 新潟産業大学教授 ) 早坂高則 ( 元奥羽大学教授 ) 小町谷恩 ( 元沼津工業高等専門学校教授 ) 柳和夫 ( 阿南工業高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 田邊達雄 ( 呉工業高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 市村憲太郎 ( 舞鶴工業高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 竹内訓 ( 旭川工業高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 田中豊穣 ( 鳥羽商船高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 渡辺洋太郎 ( 福島工業高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 佐々木孝臣 ( 元都城工業高等専門学校教授 ) 中村次男 ( 大島商船高等専門学校名誉教授 ) 幹事清水晃 井上英俊 樫村真由 和田徹 ( 岐阜 ) 事務局 岐阜工業高等専門学校一般科目亀山太一研究室

3 日程表 第 1 日 9 月 19 日 ( 金 ) 15:00 ~ 17:00 理事会 (511 号室 ) 第 2 日 9 月 20 日 ( 土 ) 11:30 ~ 受 付 12:30 ~ 18:00 賛助会員展示 (511 号室 ) 12:30 ~ 13:00 総会 (403 号室 ) 13:10 ~ 14:20 特別講演 (403 号室 ) 講師鳥飼玖美子先生 ( 立教大学大学院異文化コミュニケーション研究科教授 ) 演題 TOEFL TOEIC と日本人の英語力 : コミュニケーションに使える英語とは何か 講師紹介 COCET 会長亀山太一 ( 岐阜高専 ) 14:20 ~ 14:40 写真撮影 ( 国際交流棟前 ) 14:50 ~ 18:15 研究発表 Ⅰ (403 号室 510 号室 ) ( 発表 20 分 質疑応答 5 分 移動時間 5 分 ) ( 内容については事前配布プログラムおよび p.2 以降の発表要旨を参照 ) 18:10 ~ 20:00 懇親会レストラン さくら ( 宿泊 D 棟 9 階 ) 司会 COCET 副会長崎山強 ( 都城高専 ) 第 3 日 9 月 21 日 ( 日 ) 9:00 ~ 15:00 賛助会員展示 (511 号室 ) 9:00 ~ 12:25 研究発表 Ⅱ (304 号室 510 号室 ) ( 発表 20 分 質疑応答 5 分 移動時間 5 分 ) ( 内容については事前配布プログラムおよび p.16 以降の発表要旨を参照 ) 13:10 ~ 14:40 フォーラム 意見交換会 (304 号室 ) 報告 : 全国高専英語プレゼンテーションコンテストについて 発表者 : 穴井孝義 ( 大分高専 ) フリーディスカッション司会 : 亀山太一 ( 岐阜高専 ) 14:40 ~ 閉会挨拶 COCET 副会長武田淳 ( 宮城高専 )

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7 TOEIC Bridge/TOEIC and annual COCET3300-based English Vocabulary Test at Kitakyushu National College of Technology Kitakyushu National College of Technology OTANI Hiroshi, KIDA Yumiko, YOKOYAMA Ikuko, YAMAMOTO Kazuo and MIZUMOTO Minoru TOEIC Bridge test for 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-year students Kitakyushu National College of Technology holds so-called Jitsuryoku Tests in April and September, in which Japanese, mathematics and English are the test subjects. While the teachers of Japanese and mathematics make the examination problems for themselves, the English department uses the TOEIC Bridge test. This is how we can administer the test for all the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-year students of 15 classes simultaneously involving all the teachers of our school. One English teacher gives all the directions for the test administration to the students and the proctor of each classroom through the public announcement system. The other four English teachers don't serve as proctors, but stand by in the corridor outside the classrooms just in case proctors of non-english teachers have any trouble. They walk around in the corridors with a walkie-talkie in their hands, informing the direction-giving teacher of what is going on in each classroom. The TOEIC Bridge test requires 90 minutes for all the administration to be done (60 minutes for the test time itself and 30 more minutes for the preparation, collection of the booklets and so forth), but we use 75 minutes for all the procedures to save time. We ask the school-affiliated bookstore to collect the test fee in spring when all the students visit the bookstore to purchase their textbooks for the new school year. We make the payment to the TOEIC company through Internet banking. Therefore the teachers of the English department don't have to 'touch' the cash, which saves us a lot of trouble. The TOEIC test for 4th-year students is carried out in much the same way in October. COCET3300-based English Vocabulary Test This test is conducted as part of the school's official examinations during the mid-term examination period of the latter semester. Again all the professors on campus help us as proctors. Students of all the years from 1st- through 5th are asked 100 multiple-choice questions. They write on a machine-scored answer sheet and marking is done on an optical mark reader. Students are given bonus points for their annual academic evaluations when they get a good score on TOEIC Bridge/TOEIC tests or the COCET3300-based English Vocabulary Test. In this way, we are trying to boost the students' motivation for these tests and improve their English abilities

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9 Towards an integrated program of English study Matsue College of Technology Murrow, Patricia; Iijima Mutsumi; Takahashi, Sakae Miyashita, Shinya; Hattori, Mayumi; Hiyamizu, Hidemi Creating a systematic and consistent English curriculum can present challenges, especially when faced with limited resources and a changing perspective on students educational needs. From 2002, the advanced course meant that additional classes were added to the curriculum while new content for English classes for 4 th and 5 th year students led to changes in syllabi. At the same time, two or even three teachers were teaching the same subject. Achieving consistency became an additional task for the staff member in charge of the course, requiring good communication and planning. Through these efforts, horizontal integration was achieved, but the English Department was aware of inconsistencies in the overall course of study offered from year 1 through to year 7. In late 2007, a concerted effort was made to achieve vertical integration by rationalizing the content of courses. Thirteen basic components were identified and divided across the courses offered in each year. Objectives were set for each year and where possible, the means of measuring progress were identified. This progress towards horizontal and vertical integration has simplified resource allocation. Also, we believe that the consensus achieved is a positive step towards improving the standard of English teaching in the school

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11 How and Why We Use Moodle in Technical College English Classes Akashi National College of Technology HERBERT John C. Kochi National College of Technology GRANT David The popularity of Moodle, an online content management system, or CMS, is gradually catching on throughout the English teaching community in Japan at a much faster rate than other CMSs. Most commercial CMSs are tool-centered, whereas Moodle is learning-centered. Other CMSs support a content model where instructors upload static content, and the focus is on delivering information. Moodle focuses on tools for discussion and sharing facts and ideas, and the focus is on sharing thoughts and engaging in the construction of knowledge. Furthermore, Moodle gives teachers a cost effective, multilingual, and adaptable means of giving large numbers of students more individualized attention, immediate feedback, and an ongoing understanding of their performance. Therefore, students who want to learn English truly appreciate the highly personalized applications of Moodle. For these reasons, the presenters believe that Moodle provides a pedagogically sound means of language instruction. Therefore, the presenters plan to share their dos, don ts, caveats, and options for a variety of activities designed on Moodle for English language instruction. These activities include, but are not limited to: Forums, student-generated glossaries, intensive reading, extensive reading, and vocabulary quizzes. At the end of the presentation, the floor will open for questions and answers; and, the audience will be encouraged to share their own experiences with Moodle as a teaching tool for technical college English classes

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13 Googling in the Classroom Toyama National College of Maritime Technology Cooper Todd World Wide Web version 2.0 is both a blessing and curse for educators and students. The blessings are innumerable; never before has it been so easy to incorporate a seemingly unlimited variety of ICT tools into the classroom. But it comes with a curse. The limitless supply creates the huge dilemma of deciding which tool is best. And then there are the endless numbers of accounts, passwords, login screens, and newsletters required for each application. What if there was one website with one account, which would allow access to enough applications to satisfy any educational requirement? What if the company did not operate on the free-trial, then sell-for-profit model? Well there is such a place. One username, one password, and one ubiquitous educational platform: welcome to Planet Google! In this paper, we want to raise awareness of the tools that Google offers beyond its search engine, in hopes that educators would discover the flexibility and simplicity of using Google applications with students. While any of the activities can also be used by students at adjacent terminals, the authors actually met online during a training programme; km apart and continued working and developing educational ideas, via Google. While Google is known throughout the world, their breadth of applications is not. Google is not the only ICT tool, and in terms of certain applications not the best. But it is impressive that so many quality applications can be accessed with just one password. We hope that through this paper creates a path to explore and enjoy Planet Google. We also hope that teachers have enough information on how to stop just goggling at Google and really get Googling

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15 A Tale of Two Textbooks: The Continued Adoption or Rejection of Change-Stimulating Materials Simon Humphries Despite demands from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) for English education to be practical and communicative, many MEXT-approved textbooks only acknowledge these aims in a superficial manner. In April 2006, the English teachers at the presenter s college responded to this predicament by introducing two new textbook courses into their curriculum that were not officially approved by MEXT: On the Go/Move and New Cutting Edge (Elementary). The teachers did so in an attempt to try to compensate for the lack of practical and communicative resources and to better prepare students for the TOEIC Test. Unlike MEXT-approved textbooks, these two books have been developed by a UK-based publisher and neither course is specifically aimed at Japanese users. However, using data from semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire, this presentation elaborates on the difficulties and advantages that were perceived by the Japanese teachers of English who used these texts. From April 2008, New Cutting Edge has been replaced at the presenter s school, but the On the Go/Move course has continued. The insights from this qualitative and investigative study should be useful for colleges that are considering replacing their MEXT-approved course-books. References Cunningham, S., Moor, P., & Eales, F. (2005). New cutting edge (elementary): Students' book. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Gershon, S., Mares, C., & Walker, R. (2004). On the move: English skills for global communication. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited. MEXT. (2003). Regarding the establishment of an action plan to cultivate Japanese with English abilities. Retrieved March 4, 2008, from htm

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17 Process Writing and a Speech Contest for 2nd year Kosen Students Tsuyama National College of Technology Eric Rambo Helping students to increase and sustain their motivation to learn and use English is a key issue for English education at kosens. One approach is to use a variety of motivating methods in a range of learning activities that unfold over time, along the lines of Dörnyei and Otto s Process model of L2 motivation (Dörnyei, 2001). At Tsuyama kosen we have tried to achieve this by having all 2nd year students write a speech in English class using a process method, and then participate in a speech contest. In their English IIB class, students write two or more drafts of assignments, do peer reading, complete self evaluations, and receive a grade from the instructor. Since many students at kosen do not have experience writing an organized speech in English, a worksheet and instruction were provided to guide them on the first draft. Furthermore, a minimum word count for each paragraph was established. Guidelines were also provided for peer reading and self evaluation. Next, sixteen students with the best speeches were asked if they wished to participate in the contest. These students worked with the instructor to create PowerPoint and make their speeches audience friendly. The contest was conducted in a large room during a long homeroom period. The students in the audience used a form to evaluate the quality of the speeches, speaking skills, and audience contact, and then voted along with the judges for the winners. Additionally, the students in the audience had typed copies of the speeches to aid their listening comprehension. Within this set of activities an array of motivational methods is discernable. This includes: writing about a topic of interest, working to achieve a good grade, working for self-satisfaction, trying to understand others speeches, developing critical skills to evaluate speeches, and so on. Like Dörnyei and Otto s model, this speech contest is designed to offer students multiple opportunities to become engaged in English learning. In fact, in a post-contest survey, many students reported liking some steps of the process more than others. The worksheets, evaluation forms, and survey results mentioned above will be distributed and discussed. It is hoped that audience members also working with similar approaches will contribute their experiences

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35 フォーラム 報告 全国高専英語プレゼンテーションについて穴井孝義 ( 大分高専 ) フリーディスカッション司会 : 亀山太一 ( 岐阜高専 )

36 第 32 回 東京研究大会参加者名簿 参加者氏名 所属 参加日 9/20 9/21 懇親会 備考 1 鳥飼玖美子 立教大学 特別講演 2 竹村雅史 函館工業高等専門学校 発表 3 田畑緩己 函館工業高等専門学校 4 臼田悦之 函館工業高等専門学校 発表 5 小野真嗣 苫小牧工業高等専門学校 発表 司会 6 松田奏保 苫小牧工業高等専門学校 発表 7 石川希美 苫小牧工業高等専門学校 発表 8 武田淳 宮城工業高等専門学校 司会 9 久保田佳克 仙台電波工業高等専門学校 発表 10 鳥居孝栄 福島工業高等専門学校 司会 11 石原万里 福島工業高等専門学校 12 三好章一 茨城工業高等専門学校 13 奥山慶洋 茨城工業高等専門学校 14 杉浦理恵 茨城工業高等専門学校 15 野村貴俊 群馬工業高等専門学校 16 清水公男 木更津工業高等専門学校 17 荒木英彦 木更津工業高等専門学校 司会 18 小澤健志 木更津工業高等専門学校 発表 19 瀬川直美 木更津工業高等専門学校 20 岩崎洋一 木更津工業高等専門学校 21 村井三千男 東京工業高等専門学校 発表 22 堀 智子 東京工業高等専門学校 発表 23 竹田恒美 東京工業高等専門学校 発表 司会 24 田中真由美 長岡工業高等専門学校 発表 25 阿部 聡 長岡工業高等専門学校 発表 26 小澤志朗 長野工業高等専門学校 27 奥村信彦 長野工業高等専門学校 28 青山晶子 富山工業高等専門学校 発表 司会 29 長山昌子 富山商船高等専門学校 30 トッド クーパー富山商船高等専門学校 発表 31 西原雅博 富山商船高等専門学校 32 太田伸子 石川工業高等専門学校 33 能登路純子 沼津工業高等専門学校 発表 司会 34 種村俊介 沼津工業高等専門学校 発表 35 藤井数馬 沼津工業高等専門学校 36 清水 晃 岐阜工業高等専門学校 37 井上英俊 岐阜工業高等専門学校 発表 38 亀山太一 岐阜工業高等専門学校 司会 39 神谷昌明 豊田工業高等専門学校 司会 40 深田桃代 豊田工業高等専門学校 41 鈴木基伸 豊田工業高等専門学校 42 中井洋生 鈴鹿工業高等専門学校 司会 43 鏡ますみ 鳥羽商船高等専門学校 44 ハーバート ジョン 明石工業高等専門学校 発表 45 松田安隆 明石工業高等専門学校 46 森岡隆 和歌山工業高等専門学校 司会 47 中井大造 米子工業高等専門学校 司会 48 中島美智子 米子工業高等専門学校 49 服部真弓 松江工業高等専門学校 発表

37 参加者氏名 所属 参加日 9/20 9/21 懇親会 備考 50 パトリシア マロー 松江工業高等専門学校 発表 51 早水英美 松江工業高等専門学校 発表 52 エリック ランボー 津山工業高等専門学校 発表 53 中岡尚美 津山工業高等専門学校 54 久保川晴美 津山工業高等専門学校 55 上杉鉛一 広島商船高等専門学校 発表 56 南 優次 宇部工業高等専門学校 57 宮奥正道 大島商船高等専門学校 発表 58 吉留文男 大島商船高等専門学校 発表 司会 59 森 和憲 詫間電波工業高等専門学校 司会 60 土屋紀子 詫間電波工業高等専門学校 61 坂内宏行 弓削商船高等専門学校 62 大谷 浩 北九州工業高等専門学校 発表 63 水本 實 北九州工業高等専門学校 発表 64 石貫文子 佐世保工業高等専門学校 発表 65 関 文雄 八代工業高等専門学校 発表 66 福井由美子 サレジオ工業高等専門学校 67 穴井孝義 大分工業高等専門学校 司会 68 﨑山 強 都城工業高等専門学校 司会 69 西村徳行 都城工業高等専門学校 70 宮沢 幸 都城工業高等専門学校 71 嵯峨原昭次 鹿児島工業高等専門学校 発表 72 永井 誠 都立産業技術工業高等専門学 73 増木啓二 大阪府立工業高等専門学校 74 西野達雄 大阪府立工業高等専門学校 司会 75 辻野裕子 大阪府立工業高等専門学校 76 知念淳史 大阪府立工業高等専門学校 77 西山正秋 神戸市立工業高等専門学校 発表 78 野島信仁 サレジオ工業高等専門学校 79 Simon Hamphries 近畿大学工業高等専門学校 発表 80 竹内春樹 近畿大学工業高等専門学校 発表 藤井正博 日本工業英語協会 利根川亮二 国際コミュニケーションズ 澤田裕人 スクール TOEIC 委員会丹野一茂 湯本奈緒美 新宮勝 賛助アルク教育社細見明男 会相澤ひろみ 員(小嶋里佳センゲージラーニング株式 登並木千穂会社 録白戸沼久 桐原書店順)祖母賀博人 金丸仁栄 カシオ計算機高野稔 脇山英也英語運用能力評価協会 松本健治 羽田克夫 成美堂 大室聡司 ベネッセコーポレーション


附件1: 附 件 1: 全 国 优 秀 教 育 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文 推 荐 表 单 位 名 称 : 西 南 大 学 论 文 题 目 填 表 日 期 :2014 年 4 月 30 日 数 学 小 组 合 作 学 习 的 课 堂 管 理 攻 硕 期 间 及 获 得 硕 士 学 位 后 一 年 内 获 得 与 硕 士 学 位 论 文 有 关 的 成 果 作 者 姓 名 论 文 答 辩 日 期 学 科 专

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