Nikolaus Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture, 1943 Barry Bergdoll, European Architecture , Oxford University Press, 2000 單元 5:10 月 2

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1 歷史主義與現代性 : 現代建築的發展 ( 十八至二十世紀的建築 ) Historism and Modernity: The development of a modern architecture (Architecture from the 18 th to the 20 th century) 上課時間 :97 年 9 月 19 日 ~ 97 年 11 月 28 日 週三 9:00~12:00 及週五 9:00~12:00 課程單元 : 單元 1:9 月 19 日 ( 五 ) 曾曬淑 歷史主義與現代性導論 單元 2:9 月 26 日 ( 五 ) 曾曬淑 裂解的現代及其問題 單元 3:10 月 3 日 ( 五 ) 曾曬淑 相關文章導讀與討論 單元 4:10 月 22 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz 十九世紀 ( 社會 文化 科技綜覽 )

2 Nikolaus Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture, 1943 Barry Bergdoll, European Architecture , Oxford University Press, 2000 單元 5:10 月 24 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz Gottfried Semper 和他的時代 Harry Francis Mallgrave, Gottfried Semper. Architect of the Nineteenth Century, Yale University Press, New Haven/London 1996 Try to describe and characterize one of Semper s buildings (which one is up to you): what s new, what s traditional? 單元 6:10 月 29 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz 浪漫主義風格 Nikolaus Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture, 1943 Peter Guillery and Michael Snodin, Strawberry Hill : building and site, in: Architectural history, , p

3 Anna Chalcraft & Judith Viscardi, Strawberry Hill: Horace Walpole's gothic castle, Frances Lincoln ed., London 2007 Martin Myrone (Ed.), The Gothic reader: a critical anthology, London, Tate Publishing, 2006 Strawberry Hill and the Gothic Revival, Horace Walpole, Twickenham near London, 單元 7:10 月 31 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz 十九世紀的工程學 Nikolaus Pevsner, A History of Building Types, Princeton N. J Antoine Picon, L'art de l'ingénieur: Constructeur, entrepreneur, inventeur, Paris 1997 Mike Chrimes, Civil engineering A photographic history, Gloucestershire 1991 Try to describe and characterize a typical new building type of the 19th century such were railway stations, hotels, museums, factories or greenhouses. 單元 8:11 月 5 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz 建築的國際和本土傾向 : 巴黎 倫敦 柏林 維也納

4 Roger Dixon und Stefan Muthesius, Victorian Architecture, London 1978 David Jordan, Transforming Paris: the life and labours of Baron Haussmann, New York, The Free Press 1995 Carl E. Schorske, Vienna. Fin-de-siècle, politics and culture, Princeton University Press 1980 Transforming the medieval town into the modern Metropolis : four European capitals. Chose one of them and describe the main changes in city planning between 1800 and 單元 9:11 月 7 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz 1900 年左右的 生活改革 (Lebensreform) Kai Buchholz, Rita Latocha e.a. (Ed.), Die Lebensreform: Entwürfe zur Neugestaltung von Leben und Kunst um 1900, Exhibition catalogue, Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, 2001 (only in German) Liberation from the negative side of the bourgeois dwelling, a new diet, outdoor exercise, nudism: towards the end of the 19 th century, various groupings in Germany called for a reform of life. 單元 10:11 月 12 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz

5 Otto Wagner Hendrik Petrus Berlage Frank Lloyd Wright Sergio Polano (Ed.), Hendrik Petrus Berlage : opera completa, Milano, Electa 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright: the houses, photogr. by Alan Weintraub, Text by Alan Hess and Kenneth Frampton, New York, Rizzoli 2005 Harry Francis Mallgrave (Ed.), Otto Wagner: Modern Architecture. A guidebook for his students to this field of art, Santa Monica 1988 Try to describe and characterize one of Wagner s, Berlage s or Wright s buildings: what s new, what s traditional. For example: Post Office Savings Bank ( Postsparkasse ) by Otto Wagner, 1904 Exchange in Amsterdam by H.P. Berlage, Frederick C. Robie House in Chicago/USA by F.L. Wright, A slightly more difficult theme: Read the text by Otto Wagner and give a short summary of his view towards a new architecture Otto Wagner: Modern Architecture [1st edition 1896/ 2nd 1898/ 3rd 1902/ 4th ed. with a new title: Die Baukunst unserer Zeit (The architecture of our time) 1914], in: Harry Francis Mallgrave (Ed.), Otto Wagner: Modern Architecture. A guidebook for his students to this field of art, Santa Monica 1988 單元 11:11 月 14 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz 一次大戰後的 新建築 (Neues Bauen)

6 Magdalena Droste, Bauhaus , Taschen, Cologne 1990 Christopher Wilk (ed.), Modernism Designing a new world, Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2006 Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret, Œuvre complète, vol 2 ( ), Zurich 1935 Try to describe and characterize one of the following houses: House Gropius in Dessau/Germany by Walter Gropius, 1925/26 Villa Savoye in Poissy near Paris/France by Le Corbusier, House Tugendhat in Brünn/Czech Repubic by Mies van der Rohe, 1929/30 單元 12:11 月 19 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz 1922 年以來的國際風格 Christopher Wilk (ed.), Modernism Designing a new world, Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2006 Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the first Machine Age, rev. ed., Oxford 1999 Le Corbusier (Translated by John Goodman), Towards an Architecture., Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2007

7 The Exhibition The International Style: Architecture Since 1922 in the Museum of Modern Art MoMA in New York by H.R. Hitchcock and Philipp Johnson, 1932 The new city: from the Plan Voisin for Paris by Le Corbusier (1925) to the CIAM (founded 1929) The new interior: for example chairs by Stam, Mies, Breuer or Le Corbusier (metal chairs Sitting on air ) 單元 13:11 月 21 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz 新地方主義 (New Regionalism)- 以蒂羅爾州 (Tyrol) 和阿 爾卑斯山區現代建築之肇始為主 Christopher Wilk (ed.), Modernism Designing a new world, Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2006 From the white modern to a new regionalism. Three examples: House de Mandrot in Le Pradet/Provence, France by Le Corbusier, 1931 Villa Mairea in Noormarkku/Finland by Alvar Aalto, House Gropius in Lincoln/Massachusetts, USA by Walter Gropius, 1937/38 單元 14:11 月 26 日 ( 三 )Christoph Hölz 德國建築 :

8 Dawn Ades (Ed.), Art and Power. Europe under the dictators , Stuttgart 1995 Winfried Nerdinger (Ed.), Bauen im Nationalsozialismus [Building during the National Socialism], Munich 1993 (only in German) Brian Brace Taylor, The word in stone: The Role of Architecture in the National Socialist Ideology, University of California Press 1974 Building Styles during the National Socialism between International Classicism and Regionalism. Hitler s architects: Paul Ludwig Troost, Hermann Giesler, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Kreis, Clemens Klotz, Paul Bonatz, Roderich Fick 單元 15:11 月 28 日 ( 五 )Christoph Hölz 二次大戰以後 Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, New York 1967 Post-War city and architecture: from Brutalism to Post-Modernism and the second modern.

單元 2:2 月 20 日 ( 四 ) 14:00 ~ 17: 年以來的世界博覽會 John Allwood, The great exhibitions, London 1977 London 1851, Paris 1855, 1867 and 1889 A short chara

單元 2:2 月 20 日 ( 四 ) 14:00 ~ 17: 年以來的世界博覽會 John Allwood, The great exhibitions, London 1977 London 1851, Paris 1855, 1867 and 1889 A short chara 18-20 世紀的西方建築與藝術工藝 Architecture and applied arts from the 18 th till the 20 th century:classicism, historicism, Art nouveau, modernism, architecture of tolitarism 授課教師 :Christoph Hölz 上課時間 :103 年 2 月 17

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