臀部伸展 Gluteus 3 目標肌群 : 臀大肌 ( 臀部 ), 股二頭肌 ( 後大腿 ) Target Muscle Group: Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks) and Biceps Femoris (Hamstring) 躺在地上, 屈曲右膝至胸前, 將拉筋帶套在大腿後

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1 大腿內側伸展 Inner Thigh 1 目標肌群 : 內收肌 ( 大腿內側 ) Target Muscle Group: Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh) 坐在地上腳掌相對在一起, 將拉筋帶的圈套在腳踝上, 把雙腳盡量拉近身體 Sit on the floor, put the soles of your feet together and place your feet close to your body, then hook the end loops on the ankles. 上身保持挺直, 避免寒背, 然後向前壓, 直至大腿內側有拉緊感覺 Sit tall and maintain your back straight, hold on to the strap and bend forward until you feel the stretch on your inner thigh. 2 下背伸展 Lower Back 目標肌群 : 下背肌, 臀大肌 ( 臀部 ) Target Muscle Group: Lower Back Muscles and Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks) 躺在地上, 屈曲雙膝至胸前, 將拉筋帶套在大腿後側 Lie on your back, bend knees toward your chest, and place the center of the strap behind you thighs. 拉緊拉筋帶, 將大腿貼近身體, 直至感覺到下背肌群和臀部拉緊 Hold on to the strap and bring your knees toward your chest then feel the stretch on your lower back and buttocks. 大腿內側肌群如過度繃緊, 有機會把大腿連帶膝蓋往內拉, 造成膝內翻 ( 俗稱 X 型腳 ), 帶來膝關節不適 If the Hip Adductors are too tense, they may pull the thigh and knee cap inward, causing knee valgus (commonly known as X-type feet), resulting in knee discomfort. 長期坐著或不良坐姿有機會引致下背部肌肉僵硬, 如不加以舒緩, 有可能出現腰部不適和增加拉傷的機會 Sitting for a long time, or poor sitting posture may lead to lower back muscles stiffness. Stretching of these muscles can help to alleviate muscle strain.

2 臀部伸展 Gluteus 3 目標肌群 : 臀大肌 ( 臀部 ), 股二頭肌 ( 後大腿 ) Target Muscle Group: Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks) and Biceps Femoris (Hamstring) 躺在地上, 屈曲右膝至胸前, 將拉筋帶套在大腿後側, 左腳伸直平放地上 Lie on your back, bend your right knee toward your chest, and place the centre of the strap behind your thigh. Maintain your left leg straight on the floor. 拉緊拉筋帶, 將右大腿貼近身體, 直到感到後腿和臀部拉緊, 完成後換另一隻腳並重覆動作 Pull strap to bring your leg towards your chest, you should feel the stretch on your right hamstring. Hold then repeat the same on your left leg. 4 臀外側伸展 Hip Rotators 目標肌群 : 臀外側旋轉肌 Target Muscle Group: Lateral Glute Muscles 躺在地上, 將拉筋帶套在右腳腳踝上, 屈曲右腳並平放在左腳前大腿上 Lie on your back, cross your right ankle over your left knee, place the centre of the strap on your right ankle. 把拉筋帶拉向身體, 同時把左腿向上提, 直至感到右腿臀部外側有拉緊感覺, 完成後換另一隻腳並重覆動作 Pull the strap while lifting your left knee towards your left shoulder till you feel the stretch on your lateral hip muscles, hold then repeat with the left leg. 適合長期坐著工作人士, 能有效減少相關的疲勞, 對坐骨神經痛也有舒緩作用 Suitable for office workers, can effectively relax buttocks and hamstring muscles, reduce fatigue and alleviate sciatic nerve pain. 大腿外側肌群如過度緊張, 有機會導致大腿往外旋, 造成外八字腳 If the lateral hip muscles are too tense, it may pull the thigh and keen outward, resulting in Genu Varum (commonly known as the O-type feet).

3 小腿伸展 Calf 5 目標肌群 : 小腿肌肉 Target Muscle Group: Calf Muscles 將拉筋帶套在右腳腳掌, 右腳伸直, 腳掌向上, 左腳微曲 Place the strap beneath your right foot and stand with your right leg out in front of you, straighten your right leg with toes pointing up, bend your left leg slightly. 把拉筋帶拉向身體, 保持上身挺直向前傾, 直至感覺小腿肌肉拉緊, 完成後換另一隻腳並重覆動作 With neutral spine, hinge from your hips to lean forward while maintaining your right leg straight and toes pointing up. Hold when you feel the stretch on your right calf then repeat with the left leg. 6 後大腿伸展 Hamstring 目標肌群 : 股二頭肌 ( 後大腿 ) Target Muscle Group: Biceps Femoris (Hamstring) 坐在地上, 左腳伸直, 右腳屈曲平放, 把拉筋帶套在左腳腳掌上, 腳掌向上 Sit on the floor, straighten your left leg while bending your right leg to place your right foot against your left inner thigh. Place the centre of the strap beneath your left foot and point your toes up. 把拉筋帶拉向身體方向, 上半身挺直向前傾, 直到後腿有拉緊感覺, 完成後換另一隻腳並重覆動作 With neutral spine, hinge forward from your hips, pull the strap till you feel the stretch on your left hamstring. Hold then repeat with the right leg. 長期站立, 長時間走路或常穿高跟鞋人士容易引致小腿疲勞 繃緊甚至抽筋, 這動作能有效放鬆小腿肌群, 對靜脈曲張和足底筋膜炎也有舒緩作用 Prolonged standing, prolonged walking or wearing high heels may often fatigue calf muscles causing muscle taut or even cramps. This exercise helps to relax calf muscles stiffness; it can also reduce the chance of varicose veins. 這動作能有效放鬆因長期坐著或運動後的後大腿肌肉繃緊, 對坐骨神經痛也有舒緩作用 This exercise helps to release muscle stiffness caused by prolonged sitting or leg exercises. It also helps to soothe sciatic nerve pain.

4 肩膊伸展 Shoulder 7 目標肌群 : 三角肌 ( 肩膊 ) Target Muscle Group: Deltoid Muscle Groups (Shoulders) 左手屈曲, 手握拉筋帶放在背後, 右手握另一端 Hold an end strap loop in your left hand, reach behind and across your back at waist level. 把拉筋帶置水平位置再向右拉, 感到左前膊肌肉拉緊, 完成後換另一邊並重覆動作 Pull the strap with your right hand horizontally towards the right side till you feel the stretch on your left shoulder. 8 三頭肌伸展 Triceps 目標肌群 : 三頭肌, 肩關節 Target Muscle Group: Triceps and Shoulders 右手屈曲在背後, 手握拉筋帶一端, 左手握另一端, 將右上臂盡量貼近耳朵 Hold an end strap loop in your left hand, lift your right arm up overhead and bend your elbow to reach toward shoulder blade. Keep your upper arm as close to your ear as possible. 然後左手垂直向下拉, 直到感到右手三頭肌及肩關節有拉緊, 完成後換另一邊並重覆動作 Pull down the strap with your left hand till you feel stretch on your right triceps and shoulder joint. Hold then repeat with your left arm. 有效增加肩關節的柔軟度和活動範圍, 能改善寒背 Increase shoulder joint flexibility and range of motion can help to improve the rounded or slouch back. 能增加三頭肌和肩關節的柔軟度和活動範圍, 對肩膊不適有舒緩作用 Increase the flexibility of the shoulder and range of motion can help to alleviate shoulder discomfort.

5 胸肌伸展 Chest 9 目標肌群 : 胸肌, 三角肌 ( 前肩膊 ) Target Muscle Group: Pecloralis Major (Chest), Front Deltoid (Front Shoulder) 以肩略闊的距離, 用雙手握緊拉筋帶的兩端, 並放在頸後位置 Use both hands to hold on the strap with a bit wider than shoulder width. 上身保持挺直, 避免寒背, 直至感到胸部和肩膊有拉緊感覺 Stand tall and lift your arms overhead and place the strap behind your neck. Hold the position till you feel stretch on your chest and front shoulder. 10 胸 肩膊伸展 Chest & Shoulder 目標肌群 : 胸肌, 三角肌 ( 前肩膊 ) Target Muscle Group: Pecloralis Major (Chest), Front Deltoid (Front Shoulder) 雙手以肩膊的距離, 手握拉筋帶並放身後 Hold the strap with shoulder width apart with palms facing in behind your back. 保持上身挺直和雙臂伸直, 把拉筋帶向上升起, 直到感到前肩和胸部有拉緊感覺 Keep your body straight and lift your arms upwards till you feel the stretch on your chest. 辦公室上班人士容易因長期使用電腦使肩膊和胸肌繃緊, 使肩膊前旋, 引致寒背問題, 這動作有效改善寒背也能舒緩肩賻不適 Office workers use computer for a prolonged period may cause shoulder and chest muscle tension. It may also cause shoulder to rotate forward resulting in rounded or slouch back problem. This exercise helps to improve rounded and slouch back posture as well as alleviate shoulder discomfort. 能改善寒背, 舒緩肩膊不適 This exercise helps to improve rounded and slouch back posture as well as alleviate shoulder discomfort.

6 軀幹伸展 Torso 11 目標肌群 : 腹外側肌群 Target Muscle Group: External Oblique Abdominal Muscles (Torso) 雙腳以肩闊距離站立, 雙手緊握拉筋帶於肩膊略闊之段落, 伸直並舉高雙手 Stand shoulder width apart, hold the strap a bit wider than shoulder width, lift your arms overhead. 保持上身挺直, 膝蓋微曲, 然後把身體傾向右邊, 直到感到腰側有拉緊感覺, 完成後換另一邊並重覆動作 Stand tall and bend your knees slightly then bend your upper body sideway to the right till you feel the stretch of your external oblique abdominal muscles, hold then repeat with the other side. 有效減少因長期坐著或不良坐姿所引致的腰部繃緊, 增加腰部柔軟度, 減少拉傷機會 Reduce lower back stiffness due to prolonged sitting or poor sitting posture. Increase the flexibility of the trunk; reduce the chance of muscle strain. 12 前大腿伸展 Quadriceps 目標肌群 : 股四頭肌 ( 前大腿 ) Target Muscle Group: Quadriceps (Thigh) 左腳單腳站立, 屈曲右腳, 把拉筋帶套在右腳腳掌, 雙手同時把拉筋帶垂直向上拉, 上半身保持挺直, 直到感到前大腿肌肉拉緊, 完成後換另一邊, 並重覆動作 Hook the strap around the middle of your right foot, stand tall with your left leg and lift your right leg close to your right hip till your feel the stretch on the front of your right thigh, hold then repeat with your left leg. 適合經常跑步和行山人士, 有助減少運動後前大腿肌肉繃緊和疲勞, 對膝蓋不適也有舒緩作用 Suitable for runners and hikers. This exercise helps to reduce quadriceps tension and fatigue after exercising. It also helps to alleviate knees discomfort.

(Microsoft PowerPoint - \246\345\244\315\257f\264_\260\267\271B\260\ )

(Microsoft PowerPoint - \246\345\244\315\257f\264_\260\267\271B\260\ ) 血 友 病 友 復 健 運 動 部 立 雙 和 醫 院 復 健 醫 學 部 林 立 峯 技 術 長 出 血 主 要 影 響 的 關 節 肩 關 節 (shoulder joint) 肘 關 節 (elbow joint) 腕 關 節 (wrist joint) 髖 關 節 (hip joint) 膝 關 節 (knee joint) 踝 關 節 (ankle joint) 出 血 主 要 影 響

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版 面 / 版 頁 : 健 康 上 班 /C020 Recruit 日 期 : 2010-05-28 提 防 坐 骨 神 經 痛 香 港 人 工 時 長 全 球 名 列 前 茅, 上 班 族 長 時 間 坐 著, 引 發 不 少 健 康 問 題, 其 中 一 個 常 見 的 病 徵, 便 是 腰 酸 文 章 總 數 : 60 篇 版 面 / 版 頁 : 副 刊 /E29 太 陽 報 日 期 : 2011-04-27 多 郁 動 下 肢 靜 脈 暢 通 有 些 人 的 小 腿 位 置 呈 現 清 晰 的 血 管 紋 理, 嚴 重 者 甚 至 血 管 凸 起, 其 實 他 們 很 可 能 患 上 靜 脈 曲 張 該 病 是 由 於 下 肢 血 液 回 流 變 差, 形 成 靜 脈 擴 張 及 變 形

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