,,, 1904,, 1910,, 1911,,, 1912,, ( ) 1864, 12,,, 1898, 32, 30,, 19 60,,,,, 1894,, :, 135

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1 ,,,,,,, 1904, ( ), : ; ; ;, :, ;, ;, ;,,, 134

2 ,,, 1904,, 1910,, 1911,,, 1912,, ( ) 1864, 12,,, 1898, 32, 30,, 19 60,,,,, 1894,, :, 135

3 2000 3,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,!, :?,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, 1993,

4 ,,,,, 1898,,,,,,,, :,,,, ;,,,, ;,,,, ;,,,,,,, :, R ed C ro ss Society,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , :,,,,, 5 137

5 2000 3,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1900,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ( ) ,, 141,, 1964, 20 ( ), 1958, 5169, 1 11,

6 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

7 2000 3,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,, 7, ( ),,,,,,,,,, , ,

8 ,,,,,,,, ,,, ;,,, 3 10, 45, 35, 10, 7, 5, 2 ( 3 ) :,,,,,,,,, 5,,, : ( ), 1998, 372,

9 2000 3, 3 15, 3 29,, ( )?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 10, :? :,!,, 5 24, :,,,,,,,,, , , ( ), (52),

10 ,, 3 25,,,, 4 10,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) 2,,,, ( ), 4 6,, ( ), 5184, ( ),, 1924, ( ),

11 ,,,, ( ), 1906, 1907, 1908, 1910,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 2, , , 1907, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 144

12 ,, ,, 31,,,, 11,,,, ,, ,,, 3 13,,, 4 30,,, 5 5, 16, 6 5,, 1910, :,,,,,,,, (52) 30, 9, : (179),,, 533,, 1039 (2) 590,, (51) 145

13 2000 3,, , :,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1911 :,,,,,,,, ( ) ,,,, 10 23,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,

14 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, 1904,, :,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,, 58 ( ), ,,

15 2000 3,,, 10 24, 700,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

16 , :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, 10 26,,,, 19, 11 13,,,,,,, ;,,

17 2000 3,,,, ,,,, 9,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,

18 ,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,, 24,

19 2000 3,,,,,,,, : ( ), ;,, ;,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) 1,

20 ,, 3,, ,, 8, ,, 6,,,,, 1911,,, ,,,, ( ),, 12, ,

21 2000 3, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,, :,,,,

22 ,,,, :,,,, 25, :,,,,,,,,, , 7, , 3, 2000,,,, ( ),, , , , ,

23 ; 65,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 18,,,,, ;,,,,,,,

24 ,,,,,,,,, 1912,,,,, :,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,

25 2000 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,, :, ;, , , 6,, , , ,,

26 293, , 2000, ,, , , 1,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1905,, 2g3,,,,, ,,

27 , 1. 64,,,,,,,,,,, : , , , 1910, 13, ,,,, , ( ),,,,,,,,, ( ),, 11 ( ),, 8 160

28 , ( ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50,, 50, 100,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) 5, 8, 4250 ( ),, 7,

29 , 5000, 8,,,, 3, 400, 13,,,,,,,,,,,, 1000,,,, , 300, ,,,,,, 1000,,,,, 11,,,,, 34, , , , ,

30 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,,,,,, 750,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,

31 2000 3,,, 9,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, 9 12, 8000,,,,, 2,,,, 9,,, 9,, , , ,

32 ,,,, ( ), 10,,,,,,,,,,,,, 60,,,,,,,,,, :,, ;,,, ;,,, 36, ,, 37,

33 2000 3,,,,,,,,, :,, ;,, ( ),,, 1. 5,, 5000,, , 2. 5, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,, 38-39,

34 , 37,,,,,,, 46. 7, 20, ( ),,,, 10 24,, : ; ; ; ; ;, 10 23,,, 26, 29,,,,, 40,, ( ),, 8 167

35 2000 3,,,,,,,,,,, : 576, 415, 31, 106 ; 860, 562, 18, 116 ; 571, 120,, 59,, :,,,,,,,,,, , ,, 288,, 275,, 289, ,

36 ,,,,,, 500, 11 4,,,,,,,,,,,,, 65, 30,, ;,,,, 30,,, ( ),,, , , ;, 290,, 290, ,

37 2000 3,, 1,,, ,, 18, ,,,,,, ;, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11,, 11 19,,,, 1, 300,, , , , ,

38 ,,,, 25,,,,, 2200,,,,,,,,, 12 8, 700,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 20,,,,, , , ,

39 2000 3,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,, ;,,, ( ),, : ; ; ; 1908,,,, :,,, 15 18,,,,,,,,

40 1910 4,,,, 5,, :,,,,, ,,,, 80 ( ),,,,,, ,,,,,,, ;,,,,, ,,,,, ( ),,, ( ),, 11, ,

41 2000 3,,,, ,,, 1435,,, ,,,,,,,, 70,,,,,, 67580,,,,,,,,,,, 1863,, ,,

42 ,,, ;,, ( ) 19,, , :,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, 26, 137, 9 175

43 ,,,, 74, 7 30 :,, ;,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,, 12 31,,,,,, ,, 8 3,,, :,,, :,,,,,,,,, 140,

44 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, 11 1 :,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, :,, :, 140,

45 2000 3,,, 11 24,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,, 12 7,,,,,, ,,, 140, 22, 141, 5 178

46 1864,,,,,, , : ; ; ( ), :,,,,,, :,,,,,?,,,,,,,, 179

47 2000 3,,,,, ( ) ,,,, 1899 :,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 141,

48 ,,,, :,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,?, 7 14 :,,,,,,? 7 24, :,,,,,,,,,,, ,

49 2000 3, 4 25,,, :,,,,,,,,, 6 3,,, :,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,, :, ,,,,, 1039 (2) 590,, 1039 (2)

50 ,,,,,,, 6 29, 1864, 7 8, 7 17,,, :,, 8 12, :,,,,, :, : 6 3, ,,,,, ,,, 1039 (2) 590,, 1039 (2)

51 : 1912,?, 1904, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,? ,,,,,,,,, 15, 1999, 21-22,,

52 ,?,,,, ,,,,,, 12 26, :,,,,,, ,,, :,,,, :,,,, , ( ), , ,,

53 ,, ( ), 4 14,,,,,,,,, 7 5, 6,, 32 :,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 7 6,,,,,,,,,, ,, 1039 (2)

54 ,,,, :,, 10 24,, 6 8,,,,, 12 5 : 1904,,,, 8 27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 28,,,, 1039 (2) 590,, 1039 (2) 590,, 1039 (2)

55 2000 3,,, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 8,,, 6 11,,,,,,,, 1039 (2) 590,, 1039 (2) 590,,

56 ,, ( ) 9 33,, ,,,,, 40 ( ),,,,,,,,,, ,,, 1910,,,, 1911,,, ( ), 1 11, ( ),,

57 2000 3,, 1911,,,, 11 10, 20,, 34 ( 3, 1, 21 ), 12,,,,,,, , 26,,, 12 11,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

58 ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 191

59 2000 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 192

60 T he R econstruction Conference w as an impo rtant conference in modern Ch inese po litical h isto ry. T he attitude of the Guom indang tow ard th is conference w as very com p licated and changed several tim es, at first app roving of, then struggling w ith, and finally rejecting iṫ T hough the quarrel betw een the Guom indang and D uan Q irui s executive governm ent over the conference had an air of ideo logical dispute, bo th sides w ere mo re concerned w ith competing fo r dom inance over the central and local governm ents. In o rder to reunify the country peacefully, Sun Yat2sen p resented a comp rom ise p lan, exp ressing a w illingness to handle affairs of state together w ith D uan Q irui. D uan also m ade som e concessions over the compo sition of the conference s m em bersh ip and o ther issueṡ How ever, because the Guom indang w as no t strong enough, and w as in a relatively w eak po sition w ith in the anti2zh ili alliance m ade up of po litical fo rces of every faction, it could no t fo rce D uan s governm ent, w h ich w as suppo rted by Zhang Zuo lin, to m ake substantial concessionṡ In the end the tw o sides broke off. In sp ite of th is, because the Guom indang sp lit into left and righ t w ings, som e party m em bers attended the conference. T he Guom indang and the Ch ina Comm it tee of the Cen t ra l Po litical Bureau of the R u ssian Comm un ist Party (Bo lshevik) Y ang Y uqing ( 117 ) A fter the 1924 Beijing coup, Feng Yuxiang began to seek m ilitary suppo rt of the Soviet U nion in o rder to counter Zhang Zuo lin and D uan Q irui. Fo r the sake of p romo ting the Ch inese revo lution and m aintaining their ow n national security, the Soviets vigo rously suppo rted Feng Yuxiang so as to w eaken Zhang Zuo lin and contain Japan. Soviet m ilitary suppo rt fo r Feng w as stepped up after the Ch ina Comm ittee of the Central Bureau of the R ussian Comm unist Party (Bo lshevik) w as established, but did no t last long enough, no r w as strong enough to bo lster Feng Yuxiang. U nder the jo int attack of the Zh ili C lique and Fengtian C lique, Feng s arm y w as unable to avo id defeaṫ O n the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina du ring the L ate Q ing Period Z hou Q iug uang (134) T he founding of the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina w as the result of the interaction of internal and external causes and the fusion of Ch inese and W e2 2

61 stern ph ilanth rop ic cultures. W ith the suppo rt of the Q ing governm ent, and relying on a group of enthusiastic Ch inese and fo reign ph ilanth rop ists, the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina adop ted an integrated, rational operating structure in o rder to m aintain its existence and expand. By engaging in all k inds of ph ilanth rop ic activities and relief services, the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina p layed a great ro le in regulating society during the late Q ing period. In addition, th rough the various international exchanges it developed, the Society spurred the Q ing Em p ire to turn aw ay from iso lation and jo in the international comm unity. A n A nalysis of R ick shaw M en in R epub lican Ch ina W ang Y inhuan (193 ) T he rick shaw w as an impo rtant m eans of transpo rtation in all cities and tow ns in R epublican Ch ina, and because of th is rick shaw pullers fo rm ed a very large special occupational clasṡ T hough they m ade great contributions to the transpo rtation of cities and tow ns, their w o rk and life w ere extrem ely hard and m iserable. A s the rick shaw gradually w ithdrew from the stage of h isto ry, rick shaw m en almo st had no oppo rtunities to find new emp loym ent, and they becam e barriers to and victim s of the changing tim es. U nder these hard circum stances, it seem s that revo lution w as an inevitable cho ice fo rced upon them. Q iu Shuyuan and Kang Youw ei T ang Z h ijun ( 218) O n the P rob lem of Fang Boqian L iu S henn ing (229) Summ ary of Studies in U SA on M issionary H isto ry in Ch ina since 1830s N ie Z ilu (255) A n Investigation of the P rivate P roperty of H igh2rank ing O fficials of the Guom indang Governm en t W ang Chaog uang (297) A rtic le s a ppe a ring in this journa l a re a bs tra c te d a nd inde xe d in HIS TO R ICAL ABS TRAC TS a nd AM ER ICA: HIS TO RY AND L IFE. 3

,? 1924,,,, 1927, :,,,,!,??, 1924 1927,, 1921, :,,, ( 1996 ) ( 207 208 ) (,, 1989 ), ( 537 ),, ( 560 ), :, 2, 1927 7 1 41

,? 1924,,,, 1927, :,,,,!,??, 1924 1927,, 1921, :,,, ( 1996 ) ( 207 208 ) (,, 1989 ), ( 537 ),, ( 560 ), :, 2, 1927 7 1 41 1924,,,,,,,,,,,, 1924,,,,,?,? 40 ,? 1924,,,, 1927, :,,,,!,??, 1924 1927,, 1921, :,,, ( 1996 ) ( 207 208 ) (,, 1989 ), ( 537 ),, ( 560 ), :, 2, 1927 7 1 41 2000 2, 3,,,,,, 20,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,, : (1923

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Microsoft Word - 104蔡孟珍.doc 談 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 三 十 二 期 2011 年 3 月 頁 87-124 國 立 成 功 大 學 中 文 系 從 明 清 縮 編 版 到 現 代 演 出 版 牡 丹 亭 崑 劇 重 構 的 幾 個 關 鍵 蔡 孟 珍 * 摘 要 戲 劇 為 搬 演 而 設 格 高 調 雅 的 文 士 劇 本, 宜 於 案 頭 清 玩, 卻 未 必 適 合 場 上 表 演 玉 茗 四 夢, 曲 壇 向

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