:,,,,,,,,,, ( ) ,,, 6, 6,, :, ;,,,,,,, :, ( ),,, :, 1993, 280,

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1 ( ), :, 1913 ; 1914 ; 1916,,,,,,,, 1904,, ( ),,,

2 :,,,,,,,,,, ( ) ,,, 6, 6,, :, ;,,,,,,, :, ( ),,, :, 1993, 280,

3 :, ;,,,, ; ;,,,,,,,,,, 5, 947 ( 11 ), ; 900, 2600 ; 3, 3300, 4700 ;, 5000, ;, 371, 1200 ; 3, 50, 5213, 24530,, 5283,, 3000, 10400, 5500,, 1900, ,

4 2000 6,,,,,,, 8 9,,, 8 23,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 23, 20, 50,,,,, 24,,,,, 25,, (25 ),,,, , ,

5 ,,,,,,,,, 8 12,,,,,, 13 4, 2000,,,,, 1913, 20, 7, 5000, ( 1, , 100 ), , ,,, 1914,, ,

6 ( ) 1913,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7,,,,, :, , 3 :,, 90,,,, :,,, ,

7 ,, 12 11,,,,,,,,,,,, 300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) , 1,,, , , ,

8 , 26,,,, 1,,,, 2 2,, 2 21, 20,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,?,,,, :, 3 14,,,, 4 12,, :,,,, , , ,

9 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4500,, 1,,,,,,,, 3 2,,, 3,,,,,,,,, , , 462,

10 ( ) 1914, ,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,, 8 21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

11 , 9 1,, 9 1,,,,,,,,, 9 10,, 43,,,, 3,,,,,,,,,, 9 16,, 18, :,,,,,,, , , ,

12 2000 6,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,, ( ) , 12 25, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,

13 10 :,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, ;,, ;,, ;,,,,, 3 7, 5, :,,,,,,,,,,, ,

14 2000 6,,,,,,,, 2 15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 2050 ; 100 ; 200 ; 100 ; 200 ; 20, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,

15 ( ),, ,,,, 9,,,,,,,,,,, , 9000, 6000, 7 1,, , , 2060, 100, , ,,, , ;,

16 2000 6, ,,,,,, 7,,,, , 3,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,,, 3 20,, ;, , :, 1924,

17 4, 4, 4 28, 21, 2, 1 29, , 180, ,,,,,, 5,,,,, , , 3,,, 25,, 25,, 28,, 27, 29 35,

18 ; , 9 4, 30,,,,,,,,,,,, 86 10,, ,,,,,, ,,, , , ;, , , , ,

19 , , 35 3, 6, 15,, 3000,,,,,,, 9 12, 44, ,,, , 4000, 4000,, 1g10 9g10,,, , 5,, 8,, 4, , , , ,

20 , 2 20, , , 5,, 316,,,,,, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 7 7, 9 14, 421, 375, 1 989, 1063,,,,, , ;, , , , , ;,

21 ( ), 1912,,,,,,,,, ;,,,, ;,,!,,, , 3, 96, ,,,, 10, 4,,,,,,,,,,, , ,

22 2000 6,,, 6, 1912,,,,,, 20,, ;,,,,, 10, 1, 2, , ; ,,, 1914,,,,,, , , ;, ,

23 9 22 9,,, 200, 9 28,,,, 10 15,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, , ,

24 2000 6, : ; ;,,,, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , , ,

25 :, 144, 1547, 8599, 3237, , 1. 8, ,,, 8,, 6,, 2. 4,,,,,,,,,, 1916,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 463, 463, 464,

26 ,, 1, 2, 9 17, 1917,,,, 10,, 1912, 11. 2, 10. 4, ,,,, 6 4, 2. 5,,,,,,, , , 466, 466, ,

27 ,, ,,,,, ,, 8 31,, , 3500,,,, 3 :,, 1921, 4, 7 20, ; 7 25, 500, 8 19, 500, 10 ; 8 19, 500 ; 8, 40, ;, , ,

28 , 50 ; 500 ; 500 ; 10, 30 ; 11, ; 12, , 500, 10 ; 500, , 9 23,,, 10, ,,,, ( ) ,, 28,, 2, 4 8 2, ,,, 2 18, , 464 ;, , ,

29 ,,,, 26,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,, 10 24, 3000, 4 :, 2000 ;, 1987 ;, 1200 ;, 1000,,,,, 100, 200, ,, 9 15,,,,, , , , , 468,

30 ,,,,,, ,,,,, 77, 341 ; 103, 477, 2000,,, , 5 6, 5 6, 5 28,,,, , 480,, 21,, 40 ;,, 47,

31 6 18 8, ( ) 9, 12,, 400 ; ,, 3, 4, 1928, ( ),,,,, 1.,,,, 5 : :, 1924, 1 9,, 82,, 110,, 139, ,

32 2000 6,,,,,,,,,,,, 2., ,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,

33 4.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ) ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,, : 139

34 M odern Ch inese H istory Stud ies No. 6, 2000 In M emo ry of the F irst A nn iversary of the D eath of M arx ist H is2 to rian L iu D an ian (1) Space2T im e In teraction s betw een the A ncien t and M odern, Ch i2 nese and Fo reign: In tellectual Con troversies abou t R eo rga2 n izing the N ational H eritage L uo Z h itian (56) In the first th ree decades of the tw entieth century, Ch ina experienced a continuous academ ic and ideo logical struggle over the status of N ational H eritage : from p reserving national essence, to reo rganizing the national heritage, to finally refusing to adm it Ch inese N ational Culture Studies as a field of study. In the course of th is struggle, there w ere at least four m ajo r controversies w h ich invo lved extensive social participation. F rom the view 2 po int of ideo logy, th is article exam ines the ideo logical debate dom inated by students at Beijing U niversity at the tim e w hen the slogan of reo rganizing the national heritage first appeared, focusing on tho se parts of the debate w h ich related to yet exceeded the bounds of academ ic research. T he arti2 cle first review s the ideas of the tw o disagreeing group s, then exam ines them in the context of the though t and discourse of the tim e, w ith an emphasis on the sim ilarities and differences of the ideas of various intellectuals. F inally, it briefly analyzes the h isto rical enligh tenm ent of these controversies, from the angle of space2tim e interactions betw een the ancient and modern and the Ch inese and fo reign to w h ich peop le at that tim e paid clo se attention. T he Ph ilan th rop ic and R elief A ctivities of the R ed C ro ss Society du ring the Pek ing Governm en t Period of R epub lican Ch ina Z hou Q iug uang (107) D uring the Pek ing Governm ent period of R epublican Ch ina ( ), the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina s ph ilanth rop ic and relief activities m igh t be divided into tw o parts: first, w ar relief during the various w ars of 1

35 the period, including the Second R evo lution in 1913, the w ar in Zhangjiakou in 1913, the w ar in Shandong, A nhui and H enan in 1914, the A nti2yuan Cam paign in 1916 and o ther conflicts; second, relief fo r various k inds of nat2 ural disasters, including floods, drough ts, w indsto rm s, earthquakes, con2 flagrations, ep idem ic diseases, fam ines, etc. O rdinarily the R ed C ro ss also carried out m any k inds of public health services such as treatm ent fo r dis2 ease, ep idem ic p revention and m edicine donation. T he activities of the R ed C ro ss Society of Ch ina indicate that ph ilanth ropy is a k ind of mo tive fo rce fo r the developm ent of society and an essential m eans to adjust society. T he M ood of the L eadersh ip of the N o rthern N avy du ring the Sino2Japanese W ar in 1895: In terp reting the Fam ily Co rre2 spondence of Q uarterm aster General L uo Fenglu K ong X iangj i (140) A decade of unpub lished letters hom e from L uo Fenglu, the Q uarter2 m aster General of the N o rthern N avy, truthfully and p recisely reflect the state of m ind and the though ts of the leadersh ip of the N o rthern N avy during the Sino2Japanese W ar in Befo re the breakout of the w ar, officials such as L i Hongzhang and L uo Fenglu felt that defense against fo reign ag2 gression w as p rovocation, and held to a po licy of using no m ilitary fo rce at sea. T herefo re, at the outset of the w ar, w hen the Japanese A rm y at2 tacked in fo rce, the N o rthern N avy pursued a po licy of self2p reservation and avo iding the enem y. W hen the Japanese landed on the L iaodong Peninsula, the N avy m ade w ay to W eihai. F inally, w hen the Japanese landed on the Shandong Peninsula at Rongcheng, the N avy continued to cow ered at W ei2 hai, p referring to w ait fo r death rather than carry out Empero r Guangxu s aggressive strategy of attack ing Japanese vessels w herever they w ere m eṫ A s Q uarterm aster General, L uo Fenglu w as a key link betw een L i Hongzhang and the N o rthern N avy. How ever, desp ite the seriousness of the situation, L uo did no t occupy h im self w ith p reparations fo r battle, but rather m issed h is w ife and concubines and w ro te letters to them alm o st ev2 eryday. H e even used h is connections in the N avy to recall h is nephew from the w arsh ip Kangji and send h im back hom e befo re the breakout of the battle of Rongcheng. Such an attitude of fear, selfishness and carelessness taken by officials and servicem en of the N avy w as an impo rtant facto r leading the disastrous failure of the Q ing court in the w aṙ 2

,,,?, :, ;,, ;,,, :,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,?

,,,?, :, ;,, ;,,, :,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,? ,,,,,, ;, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1894 ),,,,,,,, 140 ,,,?, :, ;,, ;,,, :,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,? 80 141 2000 6,,,,, (1895 2 11 ),,, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,, :,,,,, (1866 ),, (1877 ),,, :, 1993, 51, : 6, 1997,

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