530 civil right political right environmental right Erman, 2005: 26 27; Marshall, 1992: 8 13 Nie and Verba, 1975: 31; Verba, Nie and Kim, 1978: 2 5 so

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1 101/12, pp C * 郭秋永 Iris Marion Young 2011/06/

2 530 civil right political right environmental right Erman, 2005: 26 27; Marshall, 1992: 8 13 Nie and Verba, 1975: 31; Verba, Nie and Kim, 1978: 2 5 social injustice 1 1

3 531 group-differentiated right dilemma of universality dilemma of difference social justice politics of difference Iris Marion Young Young communicative democracy 2 Young distributive paradigm 2 Young strong communicative democracy inclusive communicative democracy inclusive democracy Young, 2000: 83, 107, 119

4 532 paradigm Thomas Kuhn Kuhn, 1970a Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn, 1970b: 234 e.g., Kuhn, 2000 Morgan, 2007: 50 Young Young, 1990: 16 David Morgan Morgan Morgan, 2007: 50 54

5 533 Morgan Young Young Young Young Young, 1990: 15, 18, 24 material social goods nonmaterial social goods 3 3 Young concept conception

6 534 John Rawls W. C. Runciman William Galston rightful possession David Miller Edward Nell Onora O neill cited by Young, 1990: Young social atomism individualist social ontology a static conception of society Young, 1990: 18, 27 30, 45 Young social atom

7 535 aggregates of things end-state Young, 1990: 18 a static social ontology a narrowly static social ontology Young, 1990: 28 impartiality logic of identity Young

8 536 Young, 1990: , 112 unity Young Young essence substance entity self-same entity Young, 1990: 98 idea of the neutral state

9 537 affirmation action Richard Wasserstrom programs of preferential treatment cited by Young, 1990: Young

10 538 Young Young, 1990: 15, 198 Young, 1990: 8, 198 Young, 1990: 22 Wasserstrom Young

11 539 Young Young Young Young, 1990: Young Young Young, 1990: 194

12 540 Young, 1990: 199 Young, 1990: 200 Young Young Young

13 541 Young, 1990: comprehensive view Young Young

14 542 Young, 1990: 5 Young, 1990: 103, 104, Young Benjamin Barber strong democracy nonfoundational democracy Young, 1990: , ; 1998: ; 2000: Seyla Benhabib Young Barber Benhabib, 1996: 15 Young Barber thin democracy weak democracy Young Young, 1990: 8 situated analysis Young, 1990: 5 Barber Barber, 1984: 3 114; : Young Barber Young Young Young, 1990: 27

15 543 Young Young Young, 1990: 5 Young domination oppression Young Young Young, 1990: 3 Young, 1990: 8 9 Young, 1990: 15 16

16 544 Young, 1990: 192 Young Young Ohio Young, 1990: Young, 1990: 20 Young, 1990: 20 Young, 1990: 215

17 545 Young Young Young Young, 1990: 31, 37 Young, 1990: 37, 40 Young, 1990: 91 Young, 2000: 31 Young, 2000: 33 Young

18 546 Young Young an enabling conception of justice Young, 1990: 39 Young good life Young, 1990: 37 two forms of disabling constraints Young, 1990: 39 Young, 1990: 38 Robert Dahl Dahl, 1994[1957]: 290

19 547 Young William Connolly Connolly cited by Young, 1990: 31 Young Young, 1990: Young Peter Bachrach Morton Baratz 4 Young Young, 1990: 31 4 Robert Dahl Peter Bachrach Morton Baratz Dahl 2010:

20 548 Young Young, 1990: Young Young Young power to power over Haugaard, 2002: 4; Morriss, 2002: xiii 2010:

21 549 Young Peter Bachrach Morton Baratz Young 1960s 1970s Young Young, 1990: 48 63; 1998:

22 550 Young Young social group relational logic substantive logic Young, 2000: ; 1998: ; 1993: 132; 1990: 42 44

23 551 a set of essential attributes Young collective Young, 1990: 43 Young Young, 2000: 91 aggregate asso-

24 552 ciation ideological group Young, 1990: 42 44, 186; 1993: 132 Young Young, 2000: 99 Young, 1990: 186 Young Young Young

25 553 selfish interest group politics Young Young 1990: Young

26 554 structure-agency structuralist position voluntarist position dualist position bearers of structures ever-present condition reproduced outcome

27 555 Young Young Martha Nussbaum Young Nussbaum, 2011: xiv Young Young Young, 2005: 20 shared responsibility Young social connection model of responsibility Young Young, 2011: 96, 105 individual responsibility Young

28 556 Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young, 1990: 44, 186 Young Young Young, 1989: 261 Will Kymlicka Young

29 557 Kymlicka, 1995: 145 Young Young Young Young Young Young, 2000: 86,

30 558 David Held Held, 2006 Young aggregative model of democracy deliberative model of democracy or model of deliberative democracy interest-based theory of democracy interest-based model of democracy aggregative model discussion-based ideal of democracy deliberative democracy or discursive democracy Young, 2000: 18 26; 1996: 120; 1993: Young Young 5 Young discursive democracy deliberative democracy John Dryzek 2000: v-vi discursive democracy deliberative democracy Dryzek, 2000: vi

31 559 Young, 2000: 19 21; 1996: Young, 1990: 93; 1993: 124 Young public common good Young, 2000: 21 26; 1996: ; 1993: Young

32 560 Young, 1996: Young Young, 2000: Young Young Young

33 561 Young Young Young Young 1990: 212 Young

34 562 Young, 1990: Young, 1990: 212 Young Young deliberative public and democratic public Young deliberative man Young, 2000: 40; 1993: 127 Young

35 563 Young, 1993: 127 greeting rhetoric narrative Young, 1996: ; 2000: Young Otherness of others Young, 1996: Young Young, 1996: Young narrative storytelling Young, 1996: ; 2000: 53, 70 76

36 564 collective situated knowledge Young Young, 1996: 132 Young Young Young unity Young, 2000: 111 Young Young, 2000: 81 a unified public a homogeneous public Young, 1990: 94, 183 Young

37 565 plurality Young, 2000: 111 Young Young, 1990: 184 Young Young Young, 2000: 83 Young, 2000: 119 Young

38 566 Young Young Young Young, 2000: 108 Young

39 567 Young Young Young, 1990: 195 Young, 1990: Young

40 568 Farrelly, 2004: ; Sunstein, 2003 Young Young Young

41 569 Young Young 1960s 1970s Young Young

42 570 Young Young Young Young Young

43 571 Young Young Young Young A B. Barber, Benjamin 1984 Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age. Berkeley: University of California Press Foundationalism and Democracy, pp in Seyla Benhabib (ed.), Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

44 572 Benhabib, Seyla 1996 Introduction: The Democratic Moment and the Problem of Difference, pp in Seyla Benhabib (ed.), Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Dahl, Robert 1994[1957] The Concept of Power, pp in John Scott (ed.), Power: Critical Concepts, Vol. I. New York: Routledge. (Reprinted from 1957, Behavioral Science, Vol. 2. pp ) Dryzek, John 2000 Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Erman, Eva 2005 Human Rights and Democracy: Discourse Theory and Global Rights Institutions. Burlington: Ashgate. Farrelly, Colin 2004 An Introduction to Contemporary Political Theory. London: Sage Publications. Haugaard, Mark 2002 Introduction, pp. 1 4 in Mark Haugaard (ed.), Power: A Reader. New York: Manchester University Press. Held, David 2006 Models of Democracy, 3 rd edition. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kuhn, Thomas 1970a The Structure of Scientific Revolution, 2 nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1970b Reflections on My Critics, pp in Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds.), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. London: Cambridge University Press The Road since Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kymlicka, Will 1995 Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Marshall, Tomas 1992 Citizenship and Social Class, pp in Tomas Marshall and Tom Bottomore (eds.), Citizenship and Social Class. London: Pluto. Morgan, David 2007 Paradigms Lost and Pragmatism Regained: Methodological Implications of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1(1): Morriss, Peter 2002 Power: A Philosophical Analysis, 2 nd edition. New York: Manchester University Press.

45 573 Nie, Norman and Sidney Verba 1975 Political Participation, pp in Fred Greenstein and Nelson Polsby (eds.), Handbook of Political Science, Vol. 4, Nongovernmental Politics. MA: Addison- Wesley. Nussbaum, Martha 2011 Foreword, pp. ix-xxv in Iris Marion Young (ed.), Responsibility for Justice. New York: Oxford University Press. Sunstein, Cass 2003 The Law of Group Polarization, pp in James Fishkin and Peter Laslett (eds.), Deliberative Democracy. MA: Blackwell Publishing. Verba, Sidney, Norman Nie, and Joe-on Kim 1978 Participation and Political Equality: A Seven-Nation Comparison. New York: Cambridge University Press. Young, Iris Marion 1989 Polity and Group Difference: A Critique of the Ideal of Universal Citizenship, Ethics 99(2): Justice and the Politics of Difference. New Jersey: Princeton University Press Justice and Communicative Democracy, pp in Roger Gottlieb (ed.), Radical Philosophy: Traditions, Counter-Tradition, Politics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy, pp in Seyla Benhabib (ed.), Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political. New Jersey: Princeton University Press Polity and Group Difference: A Critique of the Ideal of Universal Citizenship, pp in Anne Phillips (ed.), Feminism and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press Inclusion and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press On Female Body Experience: Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays. New York: Oxford University Press Responsibility for Justice. New York: Oxford University Press.

46 574 Social Justice, Politics of Difference, and Communicative Democracy Chiu-yeoung Kuo Research Fellow Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica ABSTRACT Citizenship is originally a concept of surmounting the idea of difference and marching toward the idea of universality. However, the idea of universality implies the idea of difference, thus it often makes some social movements fall into the dilemma of universality or the dilemma of difference : on the one hand, in order to try to achieve fairness, they must deny the idea of difference (or emphasize the idea of universality), but on the other hand, in order to correct some unfavorable situations of the oppressed, they need to emphasize the idea of difference (or deny the idea of universality). Obviously, this dilemma is closely connected to the important topics of social justice and democracy. Does the concept of social justice in a democracy mean that the authorities should equally treat all citizens, or that the authorities should differently treat all citizens and create the greatest benefit for the least advantaged? This article seeks to present a systematic interpretation of the relationship between social justice and democracy by examining Iris Marion Young s theory of politics of difference. Key Words: distributive paradigm, politics of difference, social justice, democracy, communicative democracy

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