US DLM Social Media Guidelines Consultation Paper-att

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International Assembly of the True Jesus Church 真耶穌教會國際聯合總會 Internet Ministry Program Advisory Council 網路宣牧顧問小組 Consultation Paper on Social Media Guidelines 諮議書 ( 社群媒體指導手冊 ) A. What is Social Media? 社群媒體是什麼 媒體是什麼 Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein also define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content. It will include activities on Blogs, Forums, Facebook, Multiply, Twitter etc. 社群媒體乃是一社群互動媒介, 使用非常方使且可擴展的通訊技術 社群媒體以網路為基礎, 透過通信技術, 轉成互動對話 Andreas Kaplan 與 Michael Haenlein 亦將社群媒體定義為 一個以網際網路應用程式為基礎 建立於 Web 2.0 的觀念與技術基礎上的群體, 由使用者所產生的內容, 因而可被創造與交換 這包括部落格 論壇 Facebook Multiply 推特等等 B. Social Media Revolution Fundamentally Changes our Interactions over the Internet 社群媒體革命 網際網路互動形式的根本變革 Social Media is now main stream and has profound impact on the way we interact. According to the book Socialnomics written by Erik Qualman, the facts that support the main stream nature of social media are as follow: 社群媒體現在成為主流, 並且對我們互動的方式帶來深遠影響 根據 Erik Qualman 的著作 社群新經濟時代, 支持社群媒體成為主流的因素如下 : 1. 96% of millennial have joined social networks 百分之 96 的千禧世代加入了社群網絡 2. Gen Y and Z consider email passe & some universities have stopped distributing email accounts Y 世代與 Z 世代認為電子郵件已經過時, 甚至某些大學已停止分發電子郵件帳號 3. Facebook users together form 3rd largest country globally Facebook 使用者共同形成了全世界第三大國 4. 60 million updates happen on Facebook daily 每天 Facebook 上會發生六億次的更新 1

5. Ashton Kutcher and Britney Spears have more Twitter followers than the population of Sweden, Israel, Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, Panama, 艾希頓庫奇和小甜甜布蘭尼所擁有的推特追隨者, 甚至比瑞典 瑞士 愛爾蘭 挪威 巴拿馬的人口還多 6. 78% of consumer trust peer recommendation 百分之 78 的消費者會相信同伴的建議 C. Social Media Guidelines Objectives and Framework 社群媒體指導方針 媒體指導方針 目標與架構 Our church members are becoming very active in social media. Used as a tool, social media can be an effective medium for evangelism as well as for ministers to reach out and pastor the younger generation. 本會信徒在社群媒體上正逐漸變得活躍 作為一種工具, 社群媒體可被用作一有效的宣道 關懷與牧養年輕世代之媒介 Social media effectively unleashes the power of information sharing and enable everyone to have their voices heard. From the perspective of the sharing the truth, this could be an excellent tool but if left unguided, it would allow untrue teachings to be propagated quickly. Furthermore, those propagating these untrue teachings could easily gain themselves followers that could quickly lead to bigger problems. 社群媒體的力量有效地釋放出信息共享, 並使每個人的聲音得以被聽見 從分享真理的角度來看, 社群媒體亦可作為一最佳工具 然而, 若放任而不加引導, 恐怕異端教訓會迅速繁殖散播 並且, 那些散播異端者, 亦可輕易獲得追隨者, 導致問題加劇 The bible teaches us that Christians are in the world but not of the world. In the world, we cannot stop forces and society trends. Social media is one of such a trend that the church will have to live with and learn to deal with. We cannot prevent it. Instead, we have to guide members in the use of it. 聖經教導我們, 基督徒乃是入世, 但非屬世 在這世界, 我們無法阻擋潮流 社群媒體乃是潮流之一, 教會將必須與之共存, 並學習去處理它 我們無法避免它 取而代之地, 我們必須引導信徒正確使用它 Hence, the objective of having these guidelines is to guide our church members in the effective and responsible use of social media that would not negatively affect the church and the user. 因此, 此指導手冊之目的, 乃為引導本會信徒有效並負責任的使用社群媒體, 才不致對教會與使用者帶來負面影響 2

With this objective, the Framework of the Social Media Guidelines, cover 4 aspects with specific recommendations as follow: 據此目的, 社群媒體指導手冊之架構, 將包含四個具有特定建議的面向如下 : 1. Setting Up Social Media Sites 架設社 架設社群媒體網站 i. Social media sites are positioned as non-official sites of the IA/GA/CB. 社群媒體網站乃被定位為非聯總 / 總會 / 聯絡處官方網站 Social media sites set up by members should not represent TJC or use the TJC logo 由信徒架設之社群媒體網站不應呈現真耶穌教會名稱或真耶穌教會標誌 It is the responsibility of respective GAs/CBs to take action if guidelines in this document is not followed when the social media site reside in their jurisdiction 在各總會 / 聯絡處轄區內之社交媒體網站若有任何逾越本指導手冊之情事, 該總會 / 聯絡處有責任採取行動處理之 正確使用社群媒體 2. Positive Usage of Social Media 正確使用社 We should learn to leverage on social media to fulfill the 2 great commissions the Lord Jesus had entrusted us: 我們應學習運用社群媒體的優勢, 以完成主耶穌所託付我們的兩大任務 : i. Use social media as a tool to evangelize 運用社群媒體作為宣道工具 a. Examples: Invite friends to church, write about topics that would interest others about Christianity and our church, share testimonies 例 : 邀請朋友上教會 撰寫可吸引其他人對基督教與本會產生興趣之相關主題 分享見證 Use social media as a tool to reach out to members 運用社群媒體作為關懷信徒之工具 a. Update members about events, social interaction with members and linking members 對信徒更新教會活動訊息 與信徒進行社交互動 連結信徒 b. Share pictures of events in church with overseas members 與海外信徒分享教會活動照片 iv. Use social media as listening post on comments and online sentiments of issues and members 運用社群媒體傾聽信徒的意見 心情與對議題的看法 Always consider the impact of what you write to the church and yourself as what is written remains in the Internet 始終考慮到自己在網路上留下的文字對教會與對自己的影響 3

v. Be ready to apologize if a mistake has been made and respect what others respond or write about you 隨時預備對錯誤之發生道歉, 並尊重他人對自己的回應 3. Out-Of-Bound Markers 合乎正道 合乎正道 We are all Christians and our interactions on social media should reflect this 作為基督徒, 我們在社群媒體上的互動應表現出以下幾點 : i. Do not write about contentious topics (e.g. blogs, comments and status updates) that is not of our Common Belief 不書寫非我共信之道的爭議性話題 ( 包括在部落格 文章評論 個人近況上 ) Do not take positions (e.g. what you like on Facebook) that would be detriment to the Church of yourself as an individual 個人立場 ( 如在 Facebook 上的喜好 ) 不應有損真教會 Do not post your disagreements with the church on social media platforms. It is best discussed privately with a church minister as your comments might negatively impact the church 不應在社交媒體上張貼反對教會之文章 當個人意見可能對教會帶來負面影響時, 最好私下與傳道討論 iv. Avoid a public debate on social media. Heated discussion should be taken off line 避免在社交媒體上進行公開論戰 激烈的討論應私下進行 v. Do not post improper pictures of yourself or others on the Internet 不應在網路上張貼不適當的自身或他人照片 4. Language Used 使用語言 使用語言 i. Do not use coarse language, including acronyms of vulgarity at all times 任何時候都不使用粗話, 包括縮寫的髒話 a. Example: WTF 例 :XX 娘 Do not use terms that would profane God. 不使用可能褻瀆神的詞彙 a. Example: OMG 例 :Oh my God Avoid ambiguous statements that would lead to misunderstandings by others 避免可能導致他人誤會的曖昧語句 4

These guidelines will eventually be issued by the IA to all churches through the GA/CB as a guidance document for churches on handling social media. 這些準則最後將由聯總, 透過各總會 聯絡處發佈給各教會, 作為各教會處理社交媒體的指導手冊 D. Questions for Consultation 問題討論 問題討論 1. What are the negative effects of social media that the church will potentially face and what are the solutions from an administrative and pastoral perspective that we could adopt? 教會可能需面對社群媒體所帶來哪些負面影響? 從行政與牧養觀點來看, 我們又能採取哪些解決方法? 2. Framework of Social Media Guidelines: With the objective to guide our church members in the effective and responsible use of social media that would not negatively affect the church and the user, are the 4 aspects of the framework sufficient? Is there an additional aspect that the Guidelines should address? 社群媒體指導手冊的架構 : 當我們的目標是指導本會信徒有效並負責任地使用社交媒體, 且使教會不致受到負面影響時, 這四個面向是否足夠? 是否有其他方面需被提及 加入本手冊? 3. The recommendations within the 4 aspects in the framework: Are they appropriate and sufficient? 架構中四面向的建議 : 是否適當 是否足夠? 5