ProRecognition Professional & Vocational Qualifications for Germany 德国对中国的学历认证 With the rapid development economy of China, more Chinese enterprises e

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Training Service & Course Program 2018 2018 培训服务 & 课程目录 Training Program Shanghai

ProRecognition Professional & Vocational Qualifications for Germany 德国对中国的学历认证 With the rapid development economy of China, more Chinese enterprises expand their business to the international market. The Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025 promote close cooperation between China and Germany, and also encourage more domestic professionals to step into the global market. Therefore, the German Federal Labor Office issued a new report on shortage occupations in 2016, more foreign professionals are welcomed to work in Germany. If you want to migrate in Germany and seek a job in German labor market which matches your majored professional qualifications and skills, then it is necessary for you to know whether your obtained educational qualifications can be recognized in Germany or if you need an official recognition certificate of foreign professional qualifications. Sponsored by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we will give you all-round information and assist you by the application. During detailed consultation, you will receive a comprehensive overview of your available career opportunities in Germany. 随着中国经济的飞速发展, 越来越多的中国企业开始走向国际市场 而德国和中国政府先后提出的工业 4.0 和中国制造 2025, 更加促进了中德双方的紧密合作, 也为国内的人才提供了更多走出去的机会 想要去德国工作的你, 是否对德国的劳动力市场有所了解? 你的专业技能又最能与德国的哪些岗位要求有最佳匹配? 对此, 德国联邦劳工局 2016 年最新出台了德国紧缺人才报告, 分析了过去一年中各联邦州失业率的分布以及雇主单位上报的各岗位招聘情况, 列举出了一系列德国就业市场上的稀缺人才 为了应对用人企业中专业技术人才稀缺的困境, 德国联邦劳工局从 2013 年起出具了一份 紧缺职业正面清单, 欢迎更多专业技工来到德国工作 在这个前提下, 学历认证对于获得德国工作签证而言扮演着非常重要的角色, 对于不同行业的岗位, 有不同的学历资格认证的要求 为了满足德国以外对学历认证咨询的需求, 德国联邦政府教育研究部亲自拨款, 在中国启动了 ProRecognition 项目, 为想要去德国工作的个人, 和有人员招聘和派遣的企业提供一对一的公益服务, 为你提供更多有关学历匹配 职业匹配, 认证具体流程以及提交申请注意事项等方面的完整信息 关于学历认证方面的详细信息, 欢迎你和我们的项目经理取得联系 : Dear valued customer, The German Industry & Commerce Shanghai is pleased to offer you our latest Management Training Calendar of the Year 2018. As a leading institution authorized to run training courses in China and across the world, we offer long-term vocational training as well as short-term training courses that are closely connected to the customer needs of the international business community in China. Our long-term vocational education programs are carried out in co-operation with vocational institutions and companies. It is organized according to the German dual system of vocational education which combines theoretical learning and practical training. While theoretical training and basic practical training takes place at the vocational training school the applied practical training is conducted at the workplace (company) itself. Our short-term training courses will help to improve the productivity and efficiency of your staff. The main emphasis is on commercial, administrative and managerial skills. Trainings can be held as fixed-schedule public courses, or as customized in-house courses serving the individual needs of your company. Our languages of instruction are Chinese, English and German. We guarantee small classes, first-rate trainers with rich professional backgrounds, and an intensive and stimulating teaching environment. Participants attend our courses to gain pragmatic managerial skills which will help them to succeed as managers in today's economy. Our experienced trainers teach these skills through a combination of lectures, case studies, exercises, games and practical applications. Since 1998, we have successfully organized training courses for clients such as Porsche, Bosch, ZF, Degussa, Siemens, Lufthansa, Lenze, Helm, Continental, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Fischer, Brita. We look forward to contributing to your business success here in China with our training programs and offering you our top-quality service. Your GIC Recruitment, Training & Vocational Training Department 张茜茜 ( 女士 ) ProRecognition 中国区项目经理 Tel: 021-38585051 Email: 45 1

Seminar Calendar January December 2018 2018 年研讨会日程表 Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB Page (members/ non-members) January 8-10 Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Basics CN 2400/2600 100 11 Say It with Charts: CN 800/1000 104 Presenting Data Graphically in Excel 15-16 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals CN 1600/1800 106 15-17 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 24-26 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 31 Working with Excel Functions CN 800/1000 97 February 6 Bikablo basics - Your First Step CN 2380 37 into Visual World (New) 26-28 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 March 1-2 Building High Performance CN 4500/5000 56 EA / PA / Assistants Training 5-9 Improve Maturity of your Manufacturing CN 8000/8500 71 Process to 6 Sigma 10 Bikablo basics - Your First Step CN 2380 37 into Visual World (New) 12-13 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 1600/1800 98 13-14 Project Management CN 4200/4700 63 14 Successful Design with PowerPoint CN 800/1000 98 14-16 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 90 Stage 5 "Presentation and Moderation" 14-16 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 16 Preventive Quality Assurance CN 2000/2500 72 Design and Process FMEA 19-20 Working Smart with Excel CN 1600/1800 97 19-21 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 21 How to be a Professional Receptionist CN 2200/2400 57 21 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Outlook CN 800/1000 105 21-22 Bridging the Culture Gap-Living, EN 4200/4700 47 Working and Leading in China 3

Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page 22 Overview of China GHS (New) CN 3000/3500 84 22-23 Effective Selling Skills CN 4200/4700 55 22-24 Facilitator Curriculum (New) CN 6800/7200/Level 39 23 7 Steps to Effective Problem Solving CN 2000/2500 73 for a High-performance Team 23 Employment Contracts for Foreigners EN 3200/3700 61 Aligning Legal, Social Insurance, Tax and Immigration Requirements 26-27 Essential AutoCAD Skills: CN 1600/1800 101 2-D Drafting Intermediate 27-28 How to Relocate your Factory in China CN 10800 65 27-28 Cross-Cultural Training-Virtual Communication EN 4200/4700 49 27-28 Communication, Influencing CN 4200/4700 34 and Negotiation Skills 28-29 Leading with Global Perspective (New) EN 5300/5800 20 28-29 Working Smart with Word CN 1600/1800 96 28-30 ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001 Legal CN 2650/3150 82 Requirements Compliance Evaluation 29-30 Lean Production Enabled by Industry 4.0 CN 4000/4500 74 29-30 "Strategic Thinking" in Digital Disruption Age EN 4200/4700 23 (VUCA Environment) 30 Compliance Risk HR - Chinese Employment EN 3200/3700 62 and HR Law in a Nutshell April 2 Fundamentals of Access Database CN 800/1000 101 3-4 Advanced Applications of Access Database CN 1600/1800 100 9 Working with Excel Functions CN 800/1000 97 10-11 Facilitation Tools for CN 6500/7000 41 Group Decision-Making (New) 11 Effective Meeting Management CN 2700/3000 29 12-13 Interpretation of New Customs Policy and CN 4200/4700 58 HS Code, Royalties for Customs Inspection under New Situation (New) 12-13 Performance Management and CN 4200/4700 17 Effective Coaching Skills (New) 12-13 Working Smart with MS Project CN 2400/2600 107 13 Design your Production Line Lean and Intelligent CN 2000/2500 75 17 Data Management and Analysis with Excel CN 800/1000 99 17-18 Basic Management Skills CN 4200/4700 27 18-19 Convincing & Influential Power - EN 4200/4700 32 Persuade Others and Sustain Impact 18-20 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 18-20 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 86 Stage 1 "Controlling & Controller" 19-20 How Team Leader Build High CN 4200/4700 21 Performance & Cohesive Teams? 20 Flexible Production Planning - CN 2000/2500 76 The Key to Competitive Edge 21 Bikablo basics - Your First Step CN 2380 37 into Visual World (New) 23-24 Working with Excel Macro & VBA CN 2400/2600 103 23-24 How to Relocate your Factory in China CN 10800 65 23-24 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals CN 1600/1800 106 23-25 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 25 Office 365/2016: Improved Experience CN 800/1000 108 in Desktop Productivity 26-27 Developing Sales Strategy CN 4200/4700 52 26-27 Upgrade your Internal Logistics CN 4000/4500 77 May to Lean and Smart 5 Bikablo basics - Your First Step CN 2380 37 into Visual World (New) 8-9 German Business Culture CN 4200/4700 48 9 Time and Stress Management CN 2200/2400 42 10 Efficient Team Collaboration with SharePoint CN 1200/1400 96 10-11 Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making CN 4200/4700 36 10-15 Lean Manufacturing CN/EN 8000 68 11 Industry 4.0 Roadmap CN 2000/2500 78 14-15 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 1600/1800 98 14-16 Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Basics CN 2400/2600 100 15-16 Leadership Coaching Style (LCS) CN 5200/5700 28 15-16 Excellence in Customer Service CN 4200/4700 54 16 Successful Design with PowerPoint CN 800/1000 98 16-18 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 16-18 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 87 Stage 2 "Controlling Toolbox" 17 Say It with Charts: CN 800/1000 104 Presenting Data Graphically in Excel 4 5

Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page 17-18 Developing Managerial Skills in EN 4200/4700 16 Technical Professionals, R&D, Engineers andscientist (Managing Technical Professional TM) (New) 17-18 How to Relocate your Factory in China CN 10800 65 17-19 Facilitator Curriculum (New) CN 6800/7200 39 18 The Strategic Mindset of China (New) EN 4200/4800 40 18 Digital Shopfloor Management CN 2000/2500 79 21-23 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 22 In-Depth Applications of PivotTable CN 1200/1400 102 23 GTD - Self_Management for EN 3600/4000 35 the Information Age (New) 23 Say It with Charts: CN 1200/1400 102 Business Diagrams with MS Office 25 Analyze your Product CN 2000/2500 80 Cost Structure Systematically 28-29 MS Excel Advanced Skills CN 1600/1800 99 for Financial Professionals 28-30 ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001 CN 2650/3150 82 Legal Requirements Compliance Evaluation 29-30 Conflict Management (New) CN 4200/4700 22 31-Jun.1 Customs Clearance Efficiency and Cost Control CN 4200/4700 59 June 4-8 Improve Maturity of your Manufacturing CN 8000/8500 71 Process to 6 Sigma 5-6 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills CN 4200/4700 33 5-6 Working Smart with MS Project CN 2400/2600 107 7-8 Leadership Skills in Workplace (New) CN 4200/4700 24 7-8 Lean Leadership Basics (Module1) EN 9600 66 11-12 Lean Leadership Basics (Module2) EN 9600 66 11-12 Crash Course Controlling for EN 6800/7500 85 Non-Financial Managers & Professionals 12-13 Essential Leadership Skills (Module 1) EN 4200/4700 25 13-15 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 88 Stage 3 "Controlling Implementation" 14-15 Human Resource Management for CN 4200/4700 45 non-hr Professionals (New) 15 Preventive Quality Assurance CN 2000/2500 72 Design and Process FMEA 19-20 Working Smart with Excel CN 1600/1800 97 20-22 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 21 Data Management and Analysis with Excel CN 800/1000 99 21-22 Key Account Management Workshop CN 4200/4700 51 21-26 Lean Manufacturing CN/EN 8000 68 22 7 Steps to Effective Problem Solving for CN 2000/2500 73 a High-performance Team 23 Bikablo basics - Your First Step CN 2380 37 into Visual World (New) 27 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Outlook CN 800/1000 105 27-29 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 28-29 Working with Excel Macro & VBA CN 2400/2600 103 July 5-6 Effective Selling Skills CN 4200/4700 55 5-6 Essential AutoCAD Skills: CN 1600/1800 101 2-D Drafting Intermediate 5-6 Finance Course for Non-Financial Managers CN 4200/4700 60 5-6 Lean Production Enabled by Industry 4.0 CN 4000/4500 74 9-10 Working Smart with Word CN 1600/1800 96 10-11 Storytelling for Sales (New) CN 5200/5700 50 11-13 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 12-13 Communication, Influencing & Negotiation Skills CN 4200/4700 34 13 Design Your Production Line Lean and Intelligent CN 2000/2500 75 16-17 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 1600/1800 98 16-18 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 89 Stage 4 "Reporting & Communication" 16-18 ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 17-18 Highly Effective Talen Recruitment CN 4200/4700 44 and Selection (New) 17-18 Interpretation of New Customs Policy and CN 4200/4700 58 HS Code, Royalties for Customs Inspection under New Situation (New) 19 Say It with Charts: CN 800/1000 104 Presenting Data Graphically in Excel 20 Flexible Production Planning - CN 2000/2500 76 The Key to Competitive Edge 23 Fundamentals of Access Database CN 800/1000 101 24-25 Advanced Applications of Access Database CN 1600/1800 100 6 7

Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page 25-27 ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001 CN 2650/3150 82 Legal Requirements Compliance Evaluation 26-27 Value Proposition Design: EN 4200/4700 53 How to Create Products and Services Customer (Internal customer too) Wants? (New) 26-27 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals CN 1600/1800 106 26-27 Upgrade Your Internal Logistics CN 4000/4500 77 to Lean and Smart August 2-3 Working Smart with MS Project CN 2400/2600 107 7-8 Based on a DiSC Model: CN 4200/4700 43 What is a Behavioral Interview? (New) 9 Efficient Team Collaboration with SharePoint CN 1200/1400 96 9-10 Leading with Global Perspective (New) EN 5300/5800 20 9-10 Production Management Skills for CN 4200/4700 18 Front Line Supervisor (New) 10 Industry 4.0 Roadmap CN 2000/2500 78 14-15 Storytelling for Presentation (New) CN 5200/5700 31 15 Working with Excel Functions CN 800/1000 97 15-17 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 16-17 Developing Sales Strategy CN 4200/4700 52 20-22 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 90 Stage 5 "Presentation and Moderation" 20-22 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 21 How to be a Professional Receptionist CN 2200/2400 57 22 Successful Design with PowerPoint CN 800/1000 98 23-24 Building High Performance CN 4500/5000 56 EA / PA / Assistants Training 23-24 Lean Leadership Advanced (Module1) EN 9600 67 24 Digital Shopfloor Management CN 2000/2500 79 27 Say It with Charts: CN 1200/1400 102 Business Diagrams with MS Office 27-28 Lean Leadership Advanced (Module2) EN 9600 67 28-29 OKR System for Organizational Change (New) CN 4200/4700 19 30-31 Project Management CN 4200/4700 63 31 Analyze Your Product CN 2000/2500 80 Cost Structure Systematically September 4 Data Management and Analysis with Excel CN 800/1000 99 4 Time and Stress Management CN 2200/2400 42 4-6 Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Basics CN 2400/2600 100 5 Effective Meeting Management CN 2700/3000 29 6 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Outlook CN 800/1000 105 6-7 Performance Management CN 4200/4700 17 and Effective Coaching Skills (New) 10-11 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 1600/1800 98 11-12 Basic Management Skills CN 4200/4700 27 11-12 German Business Culture CN 4200/4700 48 12-14 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 86 Stage 1 "Controlling & Controller" 12-14 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 13-14 Essential Leadership Skills Module 2 EN 4200/4700 26 13-14 Working with Excel Macro & VBA CN 2400/2600 103 14 Employment Contracts for Foreigners EN 3200/3700 61 Aligning Legal, Social Insurance, Tax and Immigration Requirements 19-20 Convincing & Influential Power - EN 4200/4700 32 Persuade Others and Sustain Impact 20-21 How Team Leader Build High CN 4200/4700 21 Performance & Cohesive Teams? 20-21 Working Smart with Excel CN 1600/1800 97 21 Compliance Risk HR - Chinese Employment EN 3200/3700 62 and HR Law in a Nutshell 21-23 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 25-26 Hoshin Kanri EN 4800 64 26-28 ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 Legal CN 2650/3150 82 Requirements Compliance Evaluation 27-28 Bridging the Culture Gap-Living, EN 4200/4700 47 October Working and Leading in China 12 Working with Excel Functions CN 800/1000 97 15 Office 365/2016: Improved Experience CN 800/1000 108 in Desktop Productivity 15-16 Crash Course Controlling for EN 6800/7500 85 Non-Financial Managers & Professionals 15-19 Improve Maturity of your Manufacturing CN 8000/8500 71 8 9

Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page Schedule Topics Language Price in RMB (members/ non-members) Page Process to 6 Sigma 16 In-Depth Applications of PivotTable CN 1200/1400 102 16-17 Essential AutoCAD Skills: CN 1600/1800 101 2-D Drafting Intermediate 17-19 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 87 Stage 2 "Controlling Toolbox" 17-19 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 18-19 "Strategic Thinking" in Digital Disruption Age EN 4200/4700 23 (VUCA Environment) 22-23 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals CN 1600/1800 106 22-24 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 24-25 MS Excel Advanced Skills CN 1600/1800 99 for Financial Professionals 26 Preventive Quality Assurance CN 2000/2500 72 Design and Process FMEA 29-30 Working Smart with MS Project CN 2400/2600 107 30-31 Excellence in Customer Service CN 4200/4700 54 November 1-2 Cross-Cultural Training-Virtual Communication EN 4200/4700 49 2 7 Steps to Effective Problem Solving for CN 2000/2500 73 a High-performance Team 5 Fundamentals of Access Database CN 800/1000 101 5-6 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 1600/1800 98 6-7 Advanced Applications of Access Database CN 1600/1800 100 6-7 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills CN 4200/4700 33 7 Successful Design with PowerPoint CN 800/1000 98 8-9 Key Account Management Workshop CN 4200/4700 51 8-9 Lean Production Enabled by Industry 4.0 CN 4000/4500 74 12 The Hancho EN 2500 69 15-16 Customs Clearance Efficiency and Cost Control CN 4200/4700 59 16 Design Your Production Line Lean and Intelligent CN 2000/2500 75 19-20 Working Smart with Word CN 1600/1800 96 19-21 Controlling in 5 Stages: CN 9800/10800 88 Stage 3 "Controlling Implementation" 19-21 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 20-21 Leadership Coaching Style (LCS) CN 5200/5700 28 22-23 Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making CN 4200/4700 36 23 Flexible Production Planning - CN 2000/2500 76 The Key to Competitive Edge 26-27 Working with Excel Macro & VBA CN 2400/2600 103 28 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Outlook CN 800/1000 105 28-30 ISO 14001& OHSAS 18001 Legal CN 2650/3150 82 Requirements Compliance Evaluation 29 Say It with Charts: CN 800/1000 104 Presenting Data Graphically in Excel 29-30 Upgrade Your Internal Logistics to Lean and Smart CN 4000/5000 77 29-Dec.1 Facilitator Curriculum (New) CN 6800/7200 39 December 5-7 Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Basics CN 2400/2600 100 6-7 Leadership Skills in Workplace (New) CN 4200/4700 24 7 Industry 4.0 Roadmap CN 2000/2500 78 14 Digital Shopfloor Management CN 2000/2500 79 12-14 IATF 16949: 2016 Internal Auditor Course CN 4000/4500 83 13-14 Working Smart with Excel CN 1600/1800 97 17-19 ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditor Course CN 2450/2950 81 18 Data Management and Analysis with Excel CN 800/1000 99 20-21 Working Smart with MS Project CN 2400/2600 107 21 Analyze Your Product CN 2000/2500 80 Cost Structure Systematically Please Note: Every course can be organized as a public course or as in-house training. Training courses will take place in Shanghai, unless mentioned otherwise. Prices include coffee break, lunch and drinks For more information also on In-house Training, please contact Ms. ZHANG Yihui (ext. 1658) & Ms. WANG Xueting (ext.1824) Tel.: +86-21 6875 8536 10 11

1. Leadership and Management 4. Human Resource Solutions Developing Managerial Skills in Technical Professionals, R&D, Engineers EN 16 and Scientist (Managing Technical Professional TM) NEW 绩效管理及高效辅导技巧 CN 17 Performance Management and Effective Coaching Skills NEW 前线生产管理人员基础管理技巧 CN 18 Production Management Skills for Front Line Supervisor NEW OKR 绩效考核在组织变革 OKR system for Organizational Change NEW CN 19 全球化领导力 Leading with Global Perspective NEW EN 20 如何打造与发展高效团队 CN 21 How Team Leader Build High Performance & Cohesive Teams 冲突管理 Conflict Management NEW CN 22 "Strategic Thinking" in Digital Disruption Age (VUCA Environment) EN 23 领导统御技巧 Leadership Skills in Workplace NEW CN 24 领导力经典模块 1 Essential Leadership Module One EN 25 领导力经典模块 2 Essential Leadership Module Two EN 26 基础管理技巧 Basic Management Skills CN 27 教练式领导力 Leadership Coaching Style (LCS) CN 28 高效的会议管理 Effective Meeting Management CN 29 2. Presentation Skills & Communication 故事演讲力 Storytelling for Presentation NEW CN 31 怎样提升个人影响力和说服力 EN 32 Convincing & Influential Power - Persuade Others and Sustain Impact 高效沟通与演讲技巧 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills CN 33 沟通 影响力和谈判技巧 Communication, Influencing & Negotiation Skills CN 34 3. Personal Development GTD - 信息时代的自我管理之道 EN 35 GTD - Self_Management for the Information Age NEW 创造性解决问题和成功决策 Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making CN 36 Bikablo basics 视觉呈现版权基础课 - your First Step into Visual World NEW CN 37 TEF 高效引导者 三阶课程 Facilitator Curriculum NEW CN 39 The Strategic Mindset of China NEW EN 40 团体决策的引导工具 Facilitation Tools for Group Decision-Making NEW CN 41 时间与压力管理 Time and Stress Management CN 42 DiSC 模型 : 什么是行为面试? CN 43 Based on a DiSC Model: What is a Behavioral Interview? NEW 高效人才招聘与选拔技巧 CN 44 Highly Effective Talen Recruitment and Selection NEW 非人力资源经理的人力资源管理 CN 45 Human Resource Management for Non-HR Professionals NEW 5. Intercultural Training 如何在中国更好的生活, 工作以及领导团队 EN 47 Bridging the Culture Gap-Living, Working and Leading in China 德国商务文化 German Business Culture CN 48 跨文化培训 - 虚拟沟通 EN 49 Cross-Cultural Training-Virtual Communication 6. Sales Skills & Customer Service 故事销售力 Storytelling for Sales NEW CN 50 关键客户拓展与维护工作坊 Key Account Management Workshop CN 51 创建销售策略 Developing Sales Strategy CN 52 Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and EN 53 Services customer (Internal customer too) wants? NEW 优质客户服务 Excellence in Customer Service CN 54 创造业绩销售技巧 Effective Selling Skills CN 55 7. Administration 打造高效行政秘书和助理的培训 CN 56 Building High Performance EA / PA / Assistants Training 专业的前台培训 How to be a Professional Receptionist CN 57 8. Customs Training 新形势下海关新政解读与税号 特许权使用海关稽查应对 CN 58 Interpretation of New Customs Policy and HS Code, Royalties for Customs Inspection under New Situation NEW 通关效率与成本控制 Customs Clearance efficiency and Cost Control CN 59 12 13

9. Financing, Accounting & Taxation 非财务经理的财务课程 Finance Course for Non-Financial Managers 14. Language Training CN 60 German Course DE 92 Chinese Course CN 93 10. Law for Business 外籍人员劳动合同 整合法律 社会保险 税务及出入境方面的要求 EN 61 Employment Contracts for Foreigners Aligning Legal, Social Insurance, Tax SharePoint 高效团队协作 Efficient Team Collaboration with SharePoint CN 96 and Immigration Requirements 如何使用 Word 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with Word CN 96 如何使用 Excel 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with Excel CN 97 Excel 函数应用 Working with Excel Functions CN 97 如何使用 PowerPoint 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with PowerPoint CN 98 成功的 PowerPoint 设计 Successful Design with PowerPoint CN 98 Excel 数据管理与统计分析 Data Management and Analysis with Excel CN 99 MS Excel 高级应用 - 财务会计专题 MS Excel Advanced Skills for Finance CN 99 Access 数据库应用进阶 Advanced Application of Access Database CN 100 AutoCAD 二维制图 ( 初级 ) Essential AutoCAD Skills:2-D Drawing Basics CN 100 AutoCAD 二维制图 ( 中级 ) Essential AutoCAD Skills:2-D Drawing Intermediate CN 101 数据库应用基础 Fundamentals of Access Database CN 101 Excel 数据透视表深度应用 'In-Depth Applications of PivotTable CN 102 用图表说话 Office 商务概念图 Say It with Charts: Business Diagrams with MS Office CN 102 Excel 宏与 Working with Excel Macro & VBA CN 103 用图表说话 ( Excel 数据图 ) Say it with Charts: Presenting Data Graphically in Excel CN 104 Microsoft Outlook 高效事务管理 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Outlook CN 105 MS Office 高级应用 人力资源专题 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals CN 106 如何使用 Microsoft Project 提高项目管理水平 Working Smart with Microsoft Project CN 107 Office 365/2016 桌面办公新体验 CN 108 人力资源合规风险 - 中国劳动和人力资源法概述 EN 62 Compliance Risk HR - Chinese Employment and HR Law in a Nutshell 11. Project Management 项目管理 Project Management CN 63 12. Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Staufen. Shanghai Consulting Academy Ltd. 64 GAMI-Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute 70 TÜV SÜD 81 GBK 84 13. Controlling EN 85 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 第一阶梯 管理控制和管理控制师 Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 1 "Controlling & Controller" CN 86 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 第二阶梯 管理控制工具箱 Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 2 "Controlling Toolbox" CN 87 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 第三阶梯 管理控制的实践 Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 3 "Controlling Implementation" CN 88 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 第四阶梯 管理控制师的报表和沟通 Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 4 "Reporting & Communication" CN 89 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 第五阶梯 管理控制师的报告演示和会议主持技巧 Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 5 "Presentation and Moderation" CN 90 面向非财务专业经理和人士的管理控制速成班 Crash Course Controlling for Non-Financial Managers& Professionals 14 15. Computer Application Skills Office 365/2016: Improved Experience in Desktop Productivity Certificate 112 Training Language: CN=Chinese DE=German EN=English 15

Leadership and Management Developing Managerial Skills in Technical Professionals, R&D, Engineers and Scientist (Managing Technical Professional TM) 英文 EN NEW Based on understanding of how technical professionals (Experts) are promoted to technical management positions within organization. The primary aim of the training is to provide a set of principles, concept, tools, skills, and practical techniques for the transition from a technical role to a management role. The trainee will received information they must know and the skills they must acquire in order to sharpen their managerial performance and advance their career. 为什么来参加? Why Join this Training? The Techniques described will help technical managers to enjoy successful and profitable career. The focus on technical management "In action", giving skill building, thorough concrete approaches that always address specific "Situational" needs of Technical Manager. The down-to-earth language and practice are bridged by 绩效管理及高效辅导技巧中文 CN NEW Performance Management and Effective Coaching Skills 我们都知道人员是机构最重要的资产, 所以人员的发展和保留成为了近年一个极为关键的管理学课题 绩效管理正是一种使人员 团队或组织表现优化的方法, 也是一种辅导和协助绩效表现欠理想人员的过程 绩效管理更是一个通过人员评估从去帮助人员达成合理的目标, 从而保证机构有更佳的整体表现的系统 As we all know that people are the most important assets to any organization and people development and retention are the key topics in recent management study. Performance Management is a way of maximizing performance of an individual, team or organization and is a process for coaching those underperforming individuals (or teams). Performance management is also a system of evaluating employees to help them reach reasonable goals and thus ensure that the company performs better. Leadership and Management traditional Gap in training of theory versus practice of a technical manager. 中高层管理人员 Particular issues and problems unique to technical management as corporate changes in organization and Junior to senior management level personnel. strategy. Include topics such as: What it takes to succeed in management The transformation of engineer, scientist, technical professionals into managers 绩效管理的基础理念 Key concepts and principles of performance management Day 1 What is difference between leadership and management? Role of Technical Management in 80s,90s generation Asking the Right Questions Actively Listening Providing Actionable information & instruction (Guidance) Knowing difference between coaching, mentor, instructor and a manager. Giving Feedback and receiving feedback Handling Resistance Communicating Benefits Day 2 Real World (Work) Situation 1. Setting and Supporting Goals 2. Delegating Responsibility 3. Motivating and Optimizing Performance 4. Leading Change 5. Gain Management Commitment 6. Inspiring Innovation & Creativity During workshop Participants will prepared their individual actionable plan for real world (work) issues to be discuss and pre-and post-assignment. This will encourage participant go back and apply concept theory and practice at work. Knowing engagement theory putting into practice for retaining top technical talent Understanding needs of technical professional and align with organizational goals, to increased productivity. 一般常见的绩效管理问题 / 挑战和处理技巧 绩效评估及人员发展 处理表现不佳人员及不良回应 管理人在绩效辅导中所扮演的角色 与下属建立有效的人际关系及沟通 实行成功的人员辅导指引 辅导技巧应用练习 Common performance management issues/challenges and how to deal with them Performance appraisal and people development Dealing with poor performers and difficult responses The role of managers and supervisors in coaching Developing interpersonal and communication effectiveness with your subordinates Guidelines for conducting a successful coaching session Application of coaching skills 日期 :2018 年 5 月 17-18 日 Schedule: May 17-18, 2018 日期 :2018 年 4 月 12-13 日 /9 月 6-7 日 Schedule: April 12-13/September 6-7, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 英文 Language: English 语言 : 中文 16 17

Leadership and Management 前线生产管理人员基础管理技巧中文 CN NEW Production Management Skills for Front Line Supervisor 作为一个生产管理人员, 除了要策划, 组织, 指挥和控制各种生产行为外, 你还需要具备强大的前线人员管理技巧 本课程会协助你认识到在制造行业作为一个成功生产管理人员的角色和所需要的技能, 课程中相关的工业工程工具和多种最新管理课题特别为新近晋升或将会晋升的生产管理人员而设计 As a production supervisory staff, other than planning, organizing, directing and controlling of production activities, you also need to have strong skill in people management. This training programme will help you to understand the role, responsibilities and the skills that need for being a successful front line production management staff in manufacturing business. Related IE tools and latest management topics are tailored for those newly or ready to be promoted production/team leaders and supervisors. 新近晋升或将会晋升生产管理阶层人员 Newly or ready to be promoted production/team leader and supervisory personnel. 第一部生产管理概念 建立高效益生产系统 认知及消除生产的浪费 流程改善的理念和工具应用第二部如何提升执行力 执行力不强的三大原因 提升个人执行力的方法 自我管理, 工作环境管理 时间管理概论与工具第三部基础管理技巧 正面沟通的特点 学习提升工作环境生产力的沟通模型 现今管理者的角色与责任 激励理论与应用 绩效表现与教练辅导技巧 授权技巧与决策 Part I Concept of Production Management How to build high effective production system Understanding and eliminate the waste in production Process improvement and tools application Part II Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Reasons of insufficient execution How to increase the power of execution Self and workplace management Introduction to time management and related tools application Part III Basic Management Skills Characteristics of positive communication Learning a communication model for increased workplace productivity Role and responsibilities of supervisory level staff Motivation theories and application in work place Performance management and coaching skills ecide what and how to delegate OKR 绩效考核在组织变革 OKR System for Organizational Change 中文 CN NEW 我们会在课堂上了解 OKR 的应用与组织发展! 在变革, 需要的实际流程化的课程 The introduction of OKR system have changed the learning and development landscape of companies in China and overseas. This system is driven by Key Results and Objectives. We will discuss such OKR systems in detail during a change management process. Business cases of real companies implement OKR within China vesus EU & USA will be discussed in classroom. 为什么来参加? Why Join this Training? 我们会在理论与应用结核! 会采用 Google 公司 ( 国内 / 国外公司 ) 案例来分析 课堂提问 游戏互动 培训风格充满激情与活力, 教学相辅, 互动性强, 讲师讲授, 学员分组研讨 In this class we will focus more on practical than Theory of Goal setting in OKR environment. We will touch lightly on the theory but based on case studies of companies in the work whom OKR originated like Google company. Day 1 Day 2 什么是战略管理? 将战略主题分解成 KPI 战略管理的目的是什么? 从客户价值主张到战略主题目标到 KPI 指标 什么是 OKR 管理? 价值创造 ( 变革 ) 流程 OKR 的基本思想与原则 运营管理流程及 KPI 指标 OKRs 来源 : 历史渊源与国际实施现状 客户管理流程及 KPI 指标 美国公司 OKRs / 部门 OKRS/ 创新流程及 KPI 指标个人 OKRS 案例分析 使无形资产与公司战略保持一致 OKRs 模板与工具分享 人力资本准备度案例分析 : 英特尔 /Google OKRs 设 确定战略工作群主置与实施 / 国内互联网公司实施 构建能力图解 OKRs 经验分享 评估人力资本准备度 OKRs 实战演练与分析从 KPI 到行动计划分解 课程现场模拟公司 / 部门进行 制定行动计划的 A-SMART 原则实战演练 : 各小组递交与分享 制定关键行动计划的要素定义 OKRs 设置, 由讲师进行分析 课堂演练 : 根据 KPI 制定点评与修改 Leadership and Management 日期 :2018 年 8 月 9-10 日会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: August 9-10, 2018 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 日期 :2018 年 8 月 28-29 日会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: August 28-29, 2018 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 18 19

Leadership and Management 全球化领导力 Leading with Global Perspective 英文 EN NEW 全球化领导力是一个跨学科, 涉及所有领域, 并且是未来全球化商业环境中举足轻重的核心能力之一 全球化思维以及视野能够具有足够的影响力, 在当今复杂的商业环境下, 当各方利益相关者一起协同努力, 全球化领导力的地位就会被充分的体现出来 事实上, 领导力是一个高需求的培训话题 培训师将会大范围的和学员们分享来自不同层级的经验和案例 同时, 我们会用不同的培训手法以及实用工具用来呈现课程 通过这场以 做中学 为核心的培训, 学员们可以测试各自的技能, 学习如何在压力下行动, 在虚拟和非虚拟的情景设定下进行合作 Global Leadership is the interdisciplinary study of the key elements that future leaders in all realms of the personal experience should acquire to effectively familiarize themselves with the psychological, physiological, geographical, geopolitical, anthropological and sociological effects of globalization. Global leadership occurs when an individual or individuals navigate collaborative efforts of different stakeholders through environmental complexity towards a vision by leveraging a global mindset. As a matter of fact, leadership is 如何打造与发展高效团队? 中文 CN How Team Leader Build High Performance & Cohesive Teams? 凝聚团队的五大行为简介 Introduce Five Behaviors of Cohesive & Collaborative Team 在企业里创建有凝聚力的团队 Creating Cohesive Teams in Your Organization 为什么来参加? Why Join this Training? 不是财务 也不是策略 更不是技术 团队协作始终是最终的竞争优势, 因为它不但强大, 也是非常难得的 Patrick Lencioni, Author of "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" "Not finance. Not Strategy. Not Technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare." Leadership and Management a demanding topic and our trainers need to be prepared for a large range and levels of different experiences and cases. This is why we will employ a broad variety of different methods and seminar tools. During the entire training and through "learning by doing", participants will test their respective skills, learn to act under stress, cooperate in virtual and non-virtual settings. 第一模块 : 凝聚团队的五大行为模块 聚焦赢得集体工作成果 对彼此负责 承诺决定 拥抱观点上的冲突 相互信任 Module One: The Five Behaviors Model Focus on Collective Results Hold One Another Accountable Commit to Decision Engage in Conflict Around Ideas Trust One Another 每一个想要强化自身跨文化理解和能力并提升全球化团队领导力的学员 Everyone within this corporate structure, who wants to improve their international leadership skills in crosscultural teams and enhance their cross-cultural understanding and competence. 对于国际化团队领导能力的 General& Personal Perspectives on International Team Leadership 个人以及普遍观点 Competencies 打造国际化团队以及建立信任 Building an international Team & Establishing Trust 第二模块 : 研讨主题 我们的解决方案是什么? 何为高绩效团队? 团队形成期的关键何在? 如何应对团队的震荡期? 如何突破团队规范期的徘徊? 如何激发团队的高效期? 如何建立高绩效的文化? Module Two: Team works Understanding the "How" What is High Performance Team Forming Stage of a Team Storming Stage of a Team Norm Stage of a Team Engaging a Performing Team Develop a High Performance team 目标领导 - 管理国际化团队以及下属 Leadership by Objectives Managing International Teams & Subordinates 行动力 - 将理论转化为行动 Motivation Converting Theories into Practice 有效的跨文化沟通流程 Effective Cross Culture Communication Process 评估团队绩效和发展的对话的实用性 The Practicalities of Evaluating Teams Performances and Development Talks 评估国际团队以及员工的能力 Evaluating International Teams & Workers Competence 日期 :2018 年 3 月 28-29 日 /8 月 9-10 日 Schedule: March 28-29/August 9-10, 2018 日期 :2018 年 4 月 19-20 日 /9 月 20-21 日 Schedule: April 19-20/September 20-21, 2018 会员 :5300 元 ; 非会员 :5800 元 Member: RMB 5300; Non-members: RMB 5800 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 英文 Language: English 语言 : 中文 20 21

Leadership and Management 冲突管理 Conflict Management 中文 CN NEW 了解冲突的起因 发现冲突迹象 从冲突中找到机会 掌握管理冲突的模式 ( 平衡人情与结果 ) 观察个人风格对冲突的影响 操练共情能力缓解冲突 遵循冲突解决的流程达成双赢解决方案 This Conflict Management course helps people recognize the signs and symptoms of conflict, by taking a number of conflict management tools, techniques and theories and putting them into practical situations, they will leave the course with a greater understanding of how to make those potential conflict situations productive rather than destructive ones. "Strategic Thinking" in Digital Disruption Age (VUCA Environment) 英文 EN Most organisations go through some form of strategic planning cycles. Essentially, this may involve two broad phases: the formulation and the execution. As strategy reflects the collective wisdom of the organisation, it is imperative that it is designed and executed well. It is expected that participants to this Workshop are highly engaged and interactive as strategy is dead without active dialogue and sharing of experiences. Business cases of real digital disruption companies happening within China vesus EU & USA will be discussed in classroom. 为什么来参加? Why Join this Training? This two-day Strategic Thinking Program provides a comprehensive approach to strategy concepts, its implications on management teams and the aftermath of strategy formulation strategy execution. The Leadership and Management Program is not meant to be an academic discourse on strategy but adopts a practical and applications oriented approach to address strategy issues at the management team level. 任何日常工作中面临不同风格和不同意见的基层员工及各级经理, 需要通过管理差异创造价值 需要通过管 The Program will be conducted on a 1 + 1 basis where participants will attend first the workshop, then 理关系而增加信任的任何人 complete a project within 2 months and follow by personal coaching 1 on 1 basis. Individual contributors or managers or anyone who need to manage difference to create value, who need to Essentially, the ultimate intention of this Program is to enhance the strategic thinking capability of participants manage relationship to enhance trust and satisfaction. through their grasp of strategy development and deployment. 冲突管理概述 辨别冲突 用人际技巧缓解冲突 冲突解决 Introduction to Conflict Management Recognizing Conflicts Handling Conflict with People Skills - Defusing Conflicts Your conflict resolution Day 1 What is Strategic Thinking Vs. Strategic Planning Core Competency Behaviors for Day 2 Strategy Execution: How to make action learning plan aligning with Strategy Strategy Stimulation Game: Experiential Activity linking to Strategic Thinking learning How to articulate strategy, clarify both Change Management: How to cope in Change cycle with long term and short term objectives Strategic Thinking Type of Strategic Thinking: Change Leadership: How to use strategic thinking in Change BCG Matrix, McKinsey 7S Framework, Leadership situation SWOT, Porter Five Forces, "Vision, Matching individual action plan to Strategy Change Situation Alignment & Execution" model, etc Advance Strategic Processes like "OutThinker" Process will be Day 1 Assignment of a real company shared business case to be deliver next day 2. Business Cases on Digital Disruption (Technological advances) 日期 :2018 年 5 月 29-30 日 Schedule: May 29-30, 2018 日期 :2018 年 3 月 29-30 日 /10 月 18-19 日 Schedule: March 29-30/October 18-19, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 22 23

Leadership and Management 领导统御技巧 Leadership Skills in Workplace 中文 CN NEW 经理是去把事情做对但领导却是做对的事情 - 沃伦 本尼斯博士好领导是可以培育而不是天生的 只要你有毅力和欲望, 你也可以成为一位优秀的领导 达至成功领导必须不断自我增值, 学习, 培训和经验累积 真正的领袖不一定需要拥有强大的技术和智慧, 本课程通过各种领导理论, 案例分享等带领你踏上成为卓越领导之路 Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. Warren Bennis, PhD Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Effective leadership does not necessarily require great technical or intellectual capacity. These attributes might help, but they are not pivotal. This training programme will make use of different approaches to help you 领导力经典模块 1 Essential Leadership: Module One 英文 EN 作为一名管理者, 如果您对管理他人有任何疑问, 那么这个培训就是为您设计的 此培训中的管理技巧通俗易懂, 使您能够轻松运用于您的日常管理工作 使自己从繁琐的事务堆中解脱出来, 真正进入管理者的角色, 正确把握对待员工的态度, 更好地管理员工, 更加自信地面对即将到来的无穷挑战和机遇, 去做更有创造性的工作, 更多地思考组织的未来 Increase the awareness of own management behavior Facilitate the transition from a high performer to a leader Learn how to motivate and manage for high performance Enhance the communication skills as a manager Learn how to build up team and improve team effectiveness Establish a leadership style that will gain acceptance Leadership and Management through that process to be a good leader. Create a behavioral model that is in line with corporate values Draw up personal action plan of leading team Be a role model and live corporate values 适合从事各种行业并希望通过提升领导力从而改进工作表现的人士 Suitable for those who want to improve their leadership skills in order to achieve performance excellent in career path. 简介各种领导理论及演进评估个人的 Introduction to different leadership theories 领导统御风格和成效 现今高效领导的定义和模式认清团队 Concepts and models of effective leader nowadays 的需求 - 激励团队重新出发 评估个人的领导统御风格和成效 Assess individual leadership style and effectiveness 认识及应用情境领导 Introduction and application of situational leadership 领导与管理的差别 Leadership Vs Management 认清团队的需求 - 激励团队重新出发 Understand the needs of your team members motivating the team to the new direction 总经理,CEO 或总监 GMs, CEO or Directors. 优秀管理者的角色和职责 成功经理人的要素 经理的人际技巧和基本态度 开诚布公建立个人自信 经理的沟通能力和领导风格 激励和管理高效团队 激发团队潜力和合作 建立开放信任合作的管理文化 冲突管理 Rules and responsibilities of manager Key elements of being a successful manager Manager's interpersonal skills and attitude Assertiveness and confidence building Know your communication leadership style Establish team and manage high performance Maximize team resources and collaboration Build trust and open culture at workplace Resolve conflicts effectively 日期 :2018 年 6 月 7-8 日 /12 月 6-7 日 Schedule: June 7-8/December 6-7, 2018 日期 :2018 年 6 月 12-13 日 Schedule: June 12-13, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 24 25

Leadership and Management 领导力经典模块 2 Essential Leadership Module Two 英文 EN 作为一名管理者, 如果您已经参加了领导力经典模块 1, 具备了基本的领导理念, 那么这个培训就是为您设 计的 这个培训中的管理技巧是成功管理核心的理念和经验, 使您能够进一步完善管理体系和提升管理技能 您将进一步学习如何成为高效的经理人, 正确开发和激励员工的潜能, 更加具备领导者的魅力, 更加自信地面对即将到来的无穷挑战和机遇, 更多地实现您组织的未来 Increase awareness of personal effectiveness as a manager Execute advanced leadership performance by transforming to a coach Learn how to conduct goal setting and performance appraisal Establish systematic approach to manage change Find productive way to lead team to adapt to change Learn to structure coaching session with team members 基础管理技巧 Basic Management Skills 中文 CN 作为一名管理者, 如果您对管理他人有任何疑问, 那么这个培训就是为您设计的 此培训中的管理技巧通俗易懂, 使您能够轻松运用于您的日常管理工作 使自己从繁琐的事务堆中解脱出来, 真正进入管理者的角色, 正确把握对待员工的态度, 更好地管理您的员工, 更加自信地面对即将到来的无穷挑战和机遇, 去做更有创造性的工作, 更多地思考您组织的未来和愿景! As a newly appointed manager, if you have any of the concerns regarding people management, this training course is just right for you! This management skills training equips you with proven supervisory techniques that you can put into action immediately. With the help of these management skills, you'll be able to meet your new challenges with increased confidence, respect and power. You will feel more confident, trust your potentials, and be more eager to face the challenges and opportunities of the future. You will be more efficient and have more time to perform the creative and strategic thinking about your group, your division or even Leadership and Management Sustain high performance by motivation and monitoring your company! Reflection of key learning through Essential Leadership Skills 缺乏管理经验的主管 经理, 未接受过正式管理培训的经理们, 将晋升的经理们 总经理,CEO 或总监 Supervisors and managers with less management experience, experienced managers with little or no formal GMs, CEO or Directors. leadership training, aspiring and soon-to-be-promoted managers. 高效经理人的时间管理 有效授权 设定目标 绩效评估 评估面谈技巧 员工发展 变革管理 教练式领导 高效教练特质 实践 GROW 教练模型 个人行动计划 Manager's personal effectiveness Delegation and empowerment Goal setting Performance assessment Structured appraisal talk People development Managing change effectively Manager's role as a coach Characteristics of effective coach Practice GROW coaching session Refreshment and action plan 管理者的角色和责任 优秀管理者的应具备的素质 了解自己的管理风格 高效沟通技巧 训练 激励 授权与培训下属的技巧 建立高绩效团队的技巧 80 后员工的管理 The manager's role and responsibililty Quality and capability of a good manager Understand your management style Effective communication skills Skills of training, coaching, motivation and delegation Building a high performance team Management of 80s subordinate 日期 :2018 年 9 月 13-14 日 Schedule: September 13-14, 2018 日期 :2018 年 4 月 17-18 日 /9 月 11-12 日 Schedule: April 17-18/September 11-12, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 英文 Language: English 语言 : 中文 26 27

Leadership and Management 教练式领导力 Leadership Coaching Style (LCS) 中文 CN 本课程目的是帮助企业中高级管理者掌握教练式领导的核心能力, 建立新的心智模式及学习包括倾听 提问 反馈 认可以结果为导向的教练式辅导流程, 摆脱以往指导式的管理模式, 用 激励 代替 指令, 用 提问 代替 给答案, 帮助员工提升独立思考与判断的能力, 获取他们在工作中的最大效能, 带动个人和激励领导力的全面提升, 有效地贯彻公司战略, 大幅度提升组织绩效 教练式领导 是欧美近 20 年来最推崇的领导风格, 它是一种 尊重 - 启发 - 鼓励 的领导模式, 能激励员工更自发地投入到工作中, 实现从 要我做 到 我要做 的本质转变 通过三个阶段的学习, 从课前填写网上问卷帮助学员自我察觉 / 反思, 到两天培训工作坊中理论的扎根和技能的演练及训后一个月内完成 4 次一对一的同伴教练辅导, 同时搭配 国际教练联合会 的专业认证教练的一对一指导, 帮助学员巩固作为教练式领导的心态技能和行为模式, 打造卓越非凡的教练型组织和领导团队 Provide organizations the ability to invest in their own people by training leaders as coaches to work directly with employees. Equip leaders with the key coaching skills of "listening-quesioning-giving feedbackacknowledgement" in coaching staff rather than giving direct instructions, helping staff optimize their ability of independent thinking and judgment so as to gain maximal efficiency at work while enhancing greater organizational performance. Coaching leadership is the highly recognized style prevailing in recent 20 years in Europe and America. It's a leadership of respect, inspiration and encouragement, which unleashes a person's ultimate potential. LCS workshop covers three phases, 1) Pre-training on-line survey; 2) two-day workshop skill training; 3) 4-time peer-coaching exercise within 1 month after training, plus 1on1 mentoring by ICF certified coach. Through these solid learning paths, leaders can appropriately underpin the skills and mindset of coaching leadership, further to form an outstanding leadership team and to build a winning 'coaching organization'. 高效的会议管理 Effective Meeting Management 中文 CN 会议有各种形式和规模, 从正式的到非正式的 本次 1 天的会议管理培训帮助参与者 : 理解会议管理的价值所在 掌握各种高效会议管理的实用工具 学习运用各种工具和方法有效控制会议进程, 为讨论创造良好氛围 提升会议中的沟通技巧 Meetings come in all shapes and sizes, from the convention to a quick huddle in an office hallway. This oneday program will be concerned with the working meeting and help the participants: Understand the value of meetings as a management tool. Recognize the critical planning step that makes meeting time more effective. Identify process tools that can help create an open and safe forum for discussion. Develop and practice techniques of communication skills in the meeting. 那些需要在日常工作中参与或者主持会议的, 以及需要提升会议管理与辅导技巧的员工 经理 团队领导 项目经理 主管等职业人士 Employees, managers, team leaders, project managers, and supervisors who need to lead or participate meetings in their daily work and improve their meeting management skills and facilitation skills. Leadership and Management 公司 CEO 事业部总经理 中高层管理团队 新项目负责人及将晋升经理和团队负责人等 Company CEO, business unit GM, experienced managers, aspiring and soon-to-be-promoted managers and team leaders. 领导具备的核心能力, 领导力进化 - 指导式 vs. 教练式 ICF 教练定义与核心原理 教练式领导力定义 思维逻辑层次应用于 领导力 教练技术四能力 1) 倾听 2) 提问 3) 反馈 4) 认可 教练技术四步骤 :GROW 模型 教练辅导实验室 1) 团体演练 2) 三人小组轮流练习 启动教练辅导计划 回训 : 一对一辅导 Core competencies of a leader; evolution of leadership from "directing" to "coaching" ICF coaching definition and core theory Coaching leadership style Logical levels application on "leadership" Coaching competencies1) listening, 2) questioning, 3)giving feedback, 4) acknowledgement Introduction of GROW model Coaching lab 1) Group demo 2) 3-person take-turn exercise Launch coaching action plan Follow-up 1on1 mentoring 高效会议管理的基础 高效与低效会议的特征 成功组织会议的策略 高效会议的准备工作 主持会议 控制会议进程的工具 会议中的沟通技巧 处理会议中的冲突与不用意见 The basics for effective meetings The best and the worst of meetings Holding productive meetings Preparing for meetings Leading a meeting Process tools, and facilitation skills Being a good communicator in a meeting Dealing with conflict and argument 日期 :2018 年 5 月 15-16 日 /11 月 20-21 日会员 :5200 元 ; 非会员 :5700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: May 15-16/November 20-21, 2018 Member: RMB 5200; Non-members: RMB 5700 日期 :2018 年 4 月 11 日 /9 月 5 日会员 :2700 元 ; 非会员 :3000 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: April 11/September 5, 2018 Member: RMB 2700; Non-members: RMB 3000 28 29

Leadership and Management Executive Coaching 英文 EN Executive Coaching helps executives and managers boost their own and their team's performance through improved leadership and communication skills. It is a transformational and results-based process that focuses on developing critical skills and achieving defined goals, as well as addressing specific issues and challenges as they arise. Executive coaching is also an effective accompaniment for leadership training, as it allows participants to continously practice the new skills and turn them into sustainable habits. Strong performers wanting to become truly exceptional performers Leaders building high-performing teams Expatriate or local managers leading cross-cultural teams Executives aiming to improve their personal effectiveness High-potentials looking for stronger executive presence 故事演讲力 Storytelling for Presentation 中文 CN NEW 通过故事理念阐述 故事讲述的技巧, 故事设计的方法, 故事收集的途径等方面使你成为故事高手, 并帮助你运用故事的力量与听众建立深层 亲密的关系, 从而影响 激励 改变他人 通过故事课程, 我们能帮助您 : 让听众时隔很久仍然记得住你是谁 ; 让听众更容易理解或接受你所传递的主旨 ; 让听众与你产生共鸣 ; 让数据变得对听众有价值 ; 让听众不走神, 不玩手机, 不打瞌睡, 牢牢抓住听众注意力 ; 让听众在演讲结束后很长时间里仍然记得你说的话 ; 让听众的思维有所转变, 行为有所推动 This is also a chance for you to change and improve through our world-class and first-rate story telling courses. We are not only focusing on how to collect and arrange your stories, how to design and create your stories, and how to tell and express your stories. Nevertheless, we, ultimately, are focusing on how to build a deeper and more intimate relationship with your audience, using the power of the story telling to affect, change, and encourage them. We can help you : Let the audience after a long time still remember who you are. Let the audience more easier to understand or accept what you pass message. Let the audience resonate with you. Make data are worth to the audience. Hold the audience attention without distracted, no mobile phone and no doze off. Let the audience at the end of the speech for a long time still remember what you said. Change the audience's mind and change their behavior. Presentation Skills & Communication The flow of individual coaching is not linear but rather iterative throughout various stages of the process: Assessment, if applicable Definition of goals and strategies Determining measures of success Creating an individual development plan Developing the necessary mindset and skill set 公司高层管理人员 ; 中层管理人员 ; 销售人员 ;HR 人员 ; 市场部人员 ; 工程师 技术人员 ; 所有需要站在台前演讲的人员等 High level manager; Senior manager; Sales people; HR; Marketing ; Engineer; For all speakers; etc. Addressing specific issues and obstacles Questioning and feedback to support and 'stretch' Reflection, articulation of insights and learning Evaluating progress and next steps 故事对于演讲的重要性 传达听众会铭记在心的内容 让你的故事光彩夺目 让故事回到真实场景 成为故事高手的秘诀 丰富故事锦囊 The importance of storytelling Storytellers who ignite our inner fire Make your stories shine Your storytelling powers in action The secret of the story as a master Becoming a story collector 日期 :2018 年 8 月 14-15 日会员 :5200 元 ; 非会员 :5700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: August 14-15, 2018 Member: RMB 5200; Non-members: RMB 5700 30 31

Presentation Skills & Communication 怎样提升个人影响力和说服力英文 EN Convincing & Influential Power - Persuade Others and Sustain Impact 在当今错综复杂且富有挑战性的工作环境下, 具有丰富专业知识和行业经验的人士的建议和想法对于推动企业发展越来越重要 然而即使是行业内身经百战的专家, 如果缺乏影响力和说服的技巧, 也无法成功的把自己的意见推销给别人 通过这次培训, 学员将能够掌握如何运用更有说服力和影响力的方法, 来表达自己的观点 想法和计划, 从而能够成功开展商务合作 其次, 学员将学习如何使用合理的技巧和方式, 使您说服的对象能够简单高效的抓住您所表达的核心内容 通过培训中的 最佳实践, 相信你会发现自己的影响力会有质的提升 In today's ever changing and challenging work environment, your managers strongly rely on your ideas and input as an experienced employee to drive the business. Nevertheless, many well-trained experts of all industries are rich in creative ideas but lacking of influence and the power and abilities to push for them and persuade this workshop you will gain core insights and learn on how to access and evaluate the main motives and triggers, that in the best way will support your new ideas, concepts, and plans etc. Subsequently, you will learn and train essential skills to organize, design and deliver them in way that is easy for your managers to grasp and comprehend the core issues in a very time efficient way. By applying these "best-own-practices", you can make sure your lasting impact. 高效沟通与演讲技巧 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills 中文 CN 您无时无刻都处在沟通之中 : 与上司, 与下属, 与客户, 与竞争对手, 提升人际关系影响力必须具备良好的沟通能力 通过本课程的学习, 您将能提高您的表达能力与聆听技巧, 与他人良好沟通 ; 您将掌握在团队中良好 有效沟通的诀窍, 使您的团队工作更有效率 不论我们在通知 影响 说服, 还是促使别人行动时都需要演讲 通过表达来传递信息, 是一种有力的影响和说服他人的手段 本培训将告诉您如何在公众场合泰然自若地进行有说服力的表达 演讲和沟通, 帮助您成为优秀的演讲者, 将信息有效传送给他人, 同时赢得他人的合作及认同 You communicate with your boss, your subordinates, your clients, your competitors, etc. First, you will learn the methods to talk smart and always bring across your point. With the efficient communication skills you will learn, you will be a more effective team player, a better listener, and an efficient problem solver. Having presentation skills and being confident in public speaking will increase your career opportunities, as delivering professional presentations to clients and business partners is becoming an essential part of today's business world. The training will take you step-by-step through the process of developing an effective presentation from choice of a topic and organization of materials; you will become a successful speaker and get support from others. Presentation Skills & Communication 来自各行各业, 拥有丰富专业经验的 : 想要更为成功的传达想法的 想要对决策 决策者或是项目关系人产生影响力的 有自己的想法 概念的 想要推动项目的 负责开发 汇报以及实施项目的 获取 分析以及理解听众或是决策者的期待和需求 将你的想法具体化 我的优势 / 劣势 : 我需要什么样的态度 My strengths/weakness: 技巧以及知识才可以成功的进行演讲和说服对方 制定一个实际的目标 如何策略性的组织 设计以及表达自己的论点 听众类型以及提出质疑的类型, 并了解如何处理这些问题 非语言沟通以及肢体语言的沟通 Everyone regardless of industry or function but well trained& experienced : Wants to successfully deliver one's ideas Wants impact on decision, decision makers and project stakeholders Has an own set of potential and new ideas, concepts, project etc. Is responsible to create, report or even implement them Accessing, analyzing & understanding the situation, expectations & needs of your audience & decision-makers Shape & crystallise the core of your ideas What attitude, skills and knowledge will I need to successfully demonstrate & persuade Setting realistic targets Defining the strategy for organizing, designing & delivering on my line of argument Types of listener & counter-arguments & how to deal with them Communication: non & para-verbal, body language etc. 需要通过沟通与演讲影响他人达到工作目标的以及汇报工作 发布新产品员工 主管 经理 团队负责人 项目负责人以及销售人员相关职业人士 The employees, supervisors, managers, team leaders, project managers and salesman who need to influence others or explain new policies, procedures, products, projects by communication and powerful business presentations. 有效沟通的基础 Fundamentals of good communication 清晰表达自己的想法与感受 Express oneself ideas and feelings clearly 通过聆听与提问技巧说服影响他人 Persuading and influencing people by active listening and questioning skills 与不同沟通与工作风格的人有效沟通 Dealing with people with different working and communication styles 增强人际关系能力 Developing interpersonal competence 精彩演讲的秘诀 A successful speaker 撰写目标与确定大纲 Formulate objectives and create outline 准备资料与视觉工具 Prepare materials and visual aids 有效的开场白与完美的结尾 Good starting and perfect ending 保持观众注意力的秘诀 Keeping audiences' attention 运用肢体语言 语音语调的技巧 Tips of using body language and tone of voice 处理观众的提问与反馈 Handling questions from audiences 日期 :2018 年 4 月 18-19 日 /9 月 19-20 日会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 英文 Schedule: April 18-19/September 19-20, 2018 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 Language: English 日期 :2018 年 6 月 5-6 日 /11 月 6-7 日会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: June 5-6/November 6-7, 2018 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 32 33

Presentation Skills & Communication 沟通 影响力和谈判技巧 Communication, Influencing & Negotiation Skills 中文 CN 在现今商业社会无论从事那一种行业, 沟通能力和谈判技巧可说是成功必须具备的基本要素 本课程引导学员认识自身及别人的人际风格, 让学员学习如何改善与工作伙伴 客户 家人和朋友之间关系进而在谈判桌上达至致胜之道 课程导师会透过真实案例的分享 角色扮演, 引导学员参与讨论, 启发学员从多角度去认识最新的人际沟通技巧及谈判流程 Communication and negotiation skills are vital and the key success factors to all kind of business nowadays. The program trainer will lead the participants to understand their own and others interpersonal style by applying the most updated tools. Participants will learn to improve the relation with co-workers, customers, friends and family members so as to achieving success in all kind of negotiation situations. Trainer will make use of actual business cases sharing, role play, to let participants be involved and experience the latest communication skills and negotiation process from a different angle. 适合从事各种行业有志改善人际沟通技巧, 并希望通过提升谈判能力从而改进工作表现的人士 GTD - 信息时代的自我管理之道英文 EN NEW GTD - Self_Management for the Information Age 你是否有时感到即使很忙, 却还是成效甚微? 同事们是否也整天忙于完成任务而心力憔悴? 你的下属是否埋头于邮件, 微信, 会议中, 一天下来却不清楚到底完成了些什么事? 如果你或者你的团队曾体会到超负荷工作, 过度承诺, 易分心, 常被打扰以及事情太多带来的焦虑感, 那么 Getting Things Done (GTD ) 方法正是为你准备的 Do you find yourself or your team constantly busy, but not achieving as much as you'd like? Are you, or others in your team, struggling to deliver on commitments and constantly stressed out? Do your people feel buried under emails, WeChat messages and meetings that once they finish the day, they wonder if they've accomplished anything at all? If you or your team feel the crush of work overload, over-commitment, distractions, interruptions, and anxiety that comes from too much to do; if you want to find a better way to boost your career or balance life and work, Getting Things Done (GTD ) methodology is for you. 高级管理层, 项目繁多的中高级经理人, 员工和利益相关者 个人群体 - 想在职业生涯中有所突破, 降低压 Personal Development Suitable for those who want to improve their communication skills and enhance negotiation skills, in order to 力程度, 想能够更专注及更有生产力或者想寻找一种更好的平衡工作和生活的方法 achieve performance excellent in career path. Senior Executives, Senior or middle Managers who have multiple projects, staff and stakeholders to manage. Individuals who wish to give a boost to their career, reduce their stress-level, be more focused and productive, or just find a way to balance work and life better. 建立正面态度及人际关系的策略 评估个人的人际风格及与 Positive attitude and relationship-building strategy Assess individual profile and communicate with people with 不同风格的人沟通 different styles 在本次世界级的课程中你会学到 : In this world-class course you will learn how to: 正面沟通的特点及何谓决断的沟通 Characteristics of positive communication and how to communicate assertively 1. 捕捉任何需要做决定的事物, 且放在防漏的盒子里 ; 1. Capture everything that requires a decision into leak-proof system; 如何通过聆听 发问及回蚀技巧去 How to listen, ask question and give quality feedback in order to 2. 决定它们的意义及该如何处理 2. Decide what captured input means and what needs to be 建立谅解和接纳 build understanding and acceptance done about it; 冲突的成因 化解冲突的策略和流程 认识什麽是谈判和谈判流程 Causes of conflicts and strategies and process for resolving conflicts What is negotiation and understand the negotiation process 3. 创建一个信任的系统来追踪项目, 行动及参考 ; 3. Create trusted organizational categories for tracking projects, actions, and reference; 有效地计划及准备你的谈判 Effective preparation for negotiation 4. 定期开发有支持力及最新的处理方法 4. Develop supportive clear and up-to-date processes on a regular 在谈判过程中让步的决策 Making and getting meaningful concessions basis; 如何解除谈判的各种障碍 Breaking negotiation deadlocks 5. 做出信任的选择该做什么且执行 5. Execute trusted choices on what to do including breaking 包括突破拖延症及有效的 through procrastination and effectively managing priorities. 管理优先级 日期 :2018 年 3 月 27-28 日 /7 月 12-13 日 Schedule: March 27-28/July 12-13, 2018 日期 :2018 年 5 月 23 日 Schedule: May 23, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :3600 元 ; 非会员 :4000 元 Member: RMB 3600; Non-members: RMB 4000 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 34 35

Personal Development 创造性解决问题和成功决策中文 CN Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making 面对复杂 开放 多变的挑战, 企业意识到不断创新是在竞争中保持领先地位的关键 作为领导者, 你能有效地应对这些商业难题与挑战吗? 你能打破思维定势, 从不一样的角度思考问题吗? 本课程将教你如何运用工具擦亮创意的火花, 开拓解决问题的广泛的思路, 用崭新的意念做出高质量的决策 Facing the complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations should realize that constant, ongoing innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition. As a business leader, how effective you are managing these business difficulties? Can you break thought patterns and think differently? This workshop will feature you how to utilize tools to spark creativity, and enable you to develop comprehensive approach to solve problems with fresh ideas and make high quality decisions. bikablo basics 视觉呈现版权基础课 - your first step into visual world Personal Development 中高层管理人员 Middle to senior managers. 认识创造性思维的障碍及拓展你的创意 如何应用创意工具提升创造力 引用 KT 模型去解决问题和作出决策 解决问题的程序 处境评估及剖析问题根源 决策评估 - 选择最附合成本的方案 风险评估与管理 建立应急计划 评估方案实施效果 Identifying blockings to creative thinking and expanding your creativity Application of Creative tools Problem Solving and decision making based on KT Model The process of problem solving Situational appraisal and problem root causes analysis Decision analysis select the most cost effective solution Risk assessment and management Establishing contingency plan Evaluating the solution effectiveness after implementation 欢迎加入绘视觉社区! 日期 Schedule February 6, March 10, April 21, May 5, June 23, 2018 无论在各类会议 演讲展示 谈判沟通 引导培训中, 视觉化呈现往往都能获得意想不到的效果 bikablo basics 课程, 是你通往视觉世界的敲门砖, 简单精炼 系统专业 即使是零基础的你, 也能驾驭! Regardless of whether you are expressing, presenting or communicating, whether you are in a workshop, a coaching session or a meeting, the power of visualization will always exceed that of normal language. bikablo basics is your first step into the visual world! You can learn this simple and systematic language, no matter how small or big your talent is. 参加对象 Who is it for? 各界人士, 只要你想视觉化呈现你的演 All of you who want to use more Visuals for your 讲展示 培训引导和会议等 presentations, meetings, workshops, trainings etc. 你将获得 Benefits bikablo 视觉语言基本技巧和运用 Basic skills of bikablo visual graphics rendering 培训师一对一的指导和反馈 Instant feedbacks from trainer 课程回顾及总结手册 Photo protocol to relive your creation and 现场使用德国顶尖视觉创作工具 learning process (Neuland 马克笔 ) Skills in using the world`s leading visual tools bikablo 初学者套装 Starter Set from Germany, the Neuland marker bikablo Starter Set 价格 Price 2.380 RMB 语言 Language 日期 :2018 年 5 月 10-11 日 /11 月 22-23 日会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: May 10-11/ November 22-23, 2018 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 CN/ 中文场地 Location Room 109, No. 244, Liaoning Road, Hongkou District, 200080 Shanghai 培训顾问 trainer 中国首批 bikablo 认证师团队 * 根据上课人数,1-2 位培训师上课赵翎珈 Eva Zhao 汤素素 Sindy Tang 德国 bikablo 认证培训师 德国 bikablo 认证培训师 英国管理工会 IPMT 培训师 美国 ACI 协会首席授课视觉引导师 5R 教练式领导力认证培训师 世界咖啡 第二版译者 SPOT 团队引导技术培训师 引导 - 从困境走向成功 视觉师 小莉 Xiaoli 德国 bikablo 认证培训师 跨文化沟通培训师 人力资源发展培训师 36 37 Find more about CONTUR:

CONTUR Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Your strategic partner for Your localized development. TEF 高效引导者 三阶课程 Facilitator Curriculum 中文 CN NEW TEF 高效引导者是一个侧重引导者培养发展的系列版权课程, 致力于全面 综合 系统地提升引导者的核心能力, 并学习多种引导工具以应用在不同的场景中 学员能够实际体验和学习高效引导者的核心技术, 并在参加完学习工作坊后有可立即上手的引导工具 在工作坊里, 学员还将获得大量来自同学以及导师的即时反馈 Facilitation Curriculum is a series of copyright courses focusing on the development of leaders. It aims to comprehensively, systematically and systematically improve the core competencies of leaders, enabling them to use different facilitation tools to apply in different scenarios. Participants are able to actually experience and learn the core skills of facilitation and apply them in work directly after workshop. Participants will receive a lot of instant feedbacks from mentor and each other. Personal Development We We design Development - effective - and and with with passion. 需要经常引导团队会议和工作坊的人士, 特别是 HR OD L&D 和培训师等 Professionals who often facilitates meetings or workshops, especially HR, OD, L&D, trainer. Management and personality International competence Coaching and mentoring Management techniques Personality tests Development center, assessments Feedback Join us on wechat! Personal Development and Coaching Organizational Development Training and Development Programs Development programs: Vision and strategy Change management 360 feedback processes Project management Team development Conflict moderation for special target groups (leadership at various levels, for technical experts, talents), for individual departments functions (Sales, Production, Purchasing, HR) Open trainings In-house trainings 课程内容 : 一阶 : 理解引导与引导者 引导者核心能力初探 探询客户需求 基本引导工具和流程设计二阶 : 工作坊决策层级 不同的引导角色 引导不同发展阶段的团队 进阶引导工具工作坊流程设计 反思复盘三阶 : 性格分析与引导 引导多元化团体 有效的诊断和干预 深度引导工具 引导者核心能力练习 This curriculum includes: Level 1: Understanding of facilitation and facilitator Core competence of facilitator Exploring customer needs Basic facilitation tools and process design Level 2: Decision-making levels Different roles of facilitator Intermediate facilitation tools Intermediate facilitation process design Review and reflection Level 3: Character analysis and facilitation Facilitation of diversified groups Effective diagnosis and intervention Advanced facilitation tools and process design Practices of core competence of facilitator All our courses can be conducted in various forms according to your current needs: - seminar, workshop, intensive course, etc. - in-house courses and open courses - most of our courses are available in english and/or chinese Feel free to contact us: Find out more: 日期 :2018 年 3 月 22-24 日 ( 一阶 ) 2018 年 5 月 17-19 日 ( 二阶 ) 2018 年 11 月 29 日 -12 月 1 日 ( 三阶 ) 会员 :6800 元 / 阶 ; 非会员 :7200 元 / 阶语言 : 中文场地 : 另行通知 Schedule: March 22-24, 2018 (Level 1) May 17-19, 2018 (Level 2) November 29-December 1, 2018 (Level 3) Member: RMB 6800; Non-members: RMB 7200 Venue: TBD 39

Personal Development The Strategic Mindset of China 英文 EN NEW "Know your counterpart like you know yourself and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles." This famous ancient sentence of Chinese strategist Sunzi summarizes the value of this course: Making strategies in China demands that you know how your Chinese business partners think, what motivates them, and why they act the way they do. Only then can you design strategies that are successful. Be it while negotiating sales or purchasing deals, setting up a new joint venture, or building new business in China. Know yourself, know your Chinese business partners, and in a hundred battles you will not be 团体决策的引导工具中文 CN NEW Facilitation Tools for Group Decision-Making 在工作中, 决策 一直是一项重要而艰巨的任务, 当决策需要由一个团体做出时, 尤为艰难 如何增强团队成员的主动性? 如何让团队尽快达成共识? 如何有效地做出并落实决策? 有效的团队决策过程不仅可以提高团队工作效率, 更有助于提升团队凝聚力和绩效 参与者将有机会从方法和结构化的流程设计角度了解团体决策的基本概念, 学习和初步掌握团体决策的常用引导工具, 从而让参与者优化目前的团队决策过程, 提高团队的参与度及对决策落地的贡献, 能够更有效地指引团队达成最终的共识或者采取行动 Personal Development defeated. "Decision-making" has always been an important yet arduous part of our work. It can become even more stressful when these decisions need to be reached as a team. How can your team have more efficient discussions? How can your team members take more initiative in the decision-making process? How can Foreign managers working with and/or leading of local employees. your team reach the most meaningful consensus as soon as possible? An effective group decision making process will not only greatly increase team productivity, but also provide benefits to team morale and performance. This workshop will provide participants with a methodological and structured approach to improve their This course includes: - Strategy in Western cultures and societies Underlying worldview and assumptions current group decision-making processes, increase groups` participation and their commitment to decisionmaking. Participants will learn the fundamental concepts of effective group collaboration, as well as tools and techniques to facilitate the decision-making process. Difference between strategies and tactics The Western strategy formulation process - Strategy in China Underlying worldview and basic assumptions in China Difference between strategy and stratagems (tactical patterns and sets) in China 团队领导者 项目经理 引导者 Team Leader, project manager, facilitator. Chinese strategy formulation as an emerging activity - Cases of applied Chinese strategy in business and politics - Putting it all together: How to create a best of Western and Chinese strategy making 课程内容 : This course includes: 引导与引导者角色定义 Understanding of facilitator and facilitation 引导者核心能力 Basic concepts and methods of group decision-making 团队决策的不同方式 Common scenarios and challenges in group decision-making 团队达成共识的特征 Understanding of decision-making levels 团队决策的基本引导工具 Practical facilitation tools for group decision-making 基本引导流程设计 Design of basic facilitation process 日期 :2018 年 5 月 18 日 Schedule: May18, 2018 日期 :2018 年 4 月 10-11 日 Schedule: April 10-11, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4800 元 Member: RMB 4200 ; Non-members: RMB 4800 会员 :6500 元 ; 非会员 :7000 元 Member: RMB 6500 ; Non-members: RMB 7000 语言 : 英文 Language: English 语言 : 中文 场地 : 上海市虹口区 Venue: Room 109, 244 Liaoning Road, 场地 : 上海市虹口区 Venue: Room 109, 244 Liaoning Road, 辽宁路 244 号 109 室 Hongkou District, 200080 Shanghai, China 辽宁路 244 号 109 室 Hongkou District, 200080 Shanghai, China 40 41

Personal Development 时间与压力管理 Time and Stress Management 中文 CN 工作中有很多任务要在规定期限内完成 有很多错误要修改 有很多要求要去满足 有很多目标要去实现 有很多存在的问题要去解决 有很多新的挑战要去迎接 你会发现你总是赶不上 总是紧张和有压力 本课程提供一系列行之有效的技能, 使你能更有效的管理时间和压力 There are deadlines to meet; mistakes to rectify; demands to satisfy; targets to achieve; problems to resolve and challenges to rise to. You may find yourself lagged behind, stressed, and pressured. This course will offer you a useful range of skills to help you effectively manage your time and stress. DiSC 模型 : 什么是行为面试? 中文 CN NEW Based on a DiSC Model: What is a Behavioral Interview? 所有已发表的研究成果和实践均已证明行为面试的效用 但很少企业能将行为面试真正发挥到实处 这门课程根据 DiSC 模型 课程结束时, 学员将 : 学会分析错误的聘用决定对公司造成的损失 ; 制定公平一致的面试流程甄选人才 ; 制作更好的招聘广告和市场宣传 ; 学会撰写职位说明书和岗位概况 ; 采用行为导向, 成果导向, 全面以及情境式面试提问技巧 ; 掌握影响招聘过程的聘用和人权方面的基本法规 Human Resource Solutions 需要提升工作效率, 更好的平衡工作与生活的普通员工 主管和经理 The employee, supervisor and managers who need to improve efficiency and better manage themselves on time and stress to balance work and life. Based on John & Sons Wiley Publishing firm materials, we learn DiSC model of behavioral interviewing skills. Participants shall: Learn to analyze the costs incurred when a wrong hiring decision is made. Develop a fair and consistent interviewing process for selecting employees. Prepare better job advertisements and use a variety of markets. Develop a job analysis and position profile. 高效管理时间的基础 - 设定目标与计划的工具 - 时间管理的四个象限 - 根据轻重缓急排列工作优先顺序 Fundamentals of Effective Time Management - Setting Goals and Planning Tools - The Time Management Matrix - Prioritizing your Work Tasks Use behavioral, achievement oriented, holistic, and situational interview questions. Understand the basic employment and human rights laws that can affect the hiring process. 杜绝浪费时间的因素 - 处理拖延与不喜欢的工作 - 管理工作区域 Dealing with Time Wasters - Dealing with Procrastination & Unpleasant Jobs - Organizing your Work Area 人力资源部门所有员工, 以及有志于从事人力资源工作的员工 Line 线上经理 All HR functions and Technical Line Managers. 压力管理 - 压力的警告信号 - 不同类型的压力 - 工作中的压力管理 - 各种自我放松的方法 Stress Management - Warning Signs of Stress - Different types of stress - Stress Management Strategies at Work - Various Ways of relaxing yourself 招聘的 6 个阶段和 3 大要素 了解 DiSC 模型 传统面试 vs 行为面试 分析招聘成本分析 6 stages and 3 levels of factors in hiring process. Understanding DiSC model Behavior vs. Traditional Interviews. Analyzing the cost of hiring an employee. 进行工作分析和撰写职位概况 Performing a job analysis and writing a position profile. 确定招聘岗位的技能和绩效要求 Various ways to determine what technical and performance skills the candidate will need. 招聘广告制作十大指南 10 tests for advertising guidelines. 面试中的非言语交流 Non-verbal signals during an interview. 其他面试技巧 Other Interview Techniques. 难以应付的候选人 Effectively interview difficult applicants. 日期 :2018 年 5 月 9 日 /9 月 4 日 Schedule: May 9/September 4, 2018 日期 :2018 年 8 月 7-8 日 Schedule: August 7-8, 2018 会员 :2200 元 ; 非会员 :2400 元 Member: RMB 2200; Non-members: RMB 2400 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200 ; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 42 43

Human Resource Solutions 高效人才招聘与选拔技巧中文 CN NEW Highly Effective Talent Recruitment and Selection 企业的核心竞争之一即人才的竞争 为何有效的人才招聘和选拔对企业如此重要? 如何解决在有限时间内甄别候选人的难题? 如何在激烈的人才竞争中获得优势? 这些都是本课程将要解答的问题 Nowadays, one of the core competitions for organization is the competition for high-caliber employees. Why the effective recruitment is so important to an enterprise? How to identify the right talent within limited time? How to gain a competitive advantage in the war for talent? You will get the answers from this course. 人力资源专业人士和部门管理人员 非人力资源专业人士的人力资源管理中文 CN NEW Human Resource Management for non-hr Professionals 这门课程由两大部分内容组成 学员收到的实物教材有课本, 用户化的员工手册以及履行企业人力资源职责所需使用的所有表格 光从这一点看, 这门课程就已经 物有所值 但更有价值的是学员从中获取的无形益处 : 在处理人力资源问题上能更坚定与自信 ; 能预见和解决其它事情的能力 ; 能提出恰当建议和采取适当的行动 This Program breaks down into two categories. Tangibly, participants will receive a manual, customizable employee handbook, and all the forms necessary to manage the human resources function at their companies. This alone is worth the "price of admission. Even more valuable is the intangible benefit; the confidence to handle existing HR issues with conviction, and the ability to foresee and resolve other matters, make appropriate recommendations and take the proper course of action. Human Resource Solutions HR professionals and line managers. 这门课程专为致力于提升招聘 激励和管理有价值团队等方面效能的团队领导者 直线经理和高级管理人员 招聘如何给企业带来竞争优势 人才素质模型在招聘中如何应用 Right talent recruitment brings competitive advantages to your company The application of competency model in talent recruitment 而设计 This course is designed especially for Team Leaders, Line Managers and Senior Managers who are keen to achieve better effectiveness in recruiting, motivating and managing a valuable team. 高效识人技巧 - 结构化面试 肢体语言在面试识人中的运用 Effective interview skills structured interview Body language tells you the truth 如何利用人才测评提高招聘的有效性 How talent assessment helps you make the right decision in talent selection 人事管理 60,70,80,90 后 人才战略计划与人才招聘 Managing Human Resources for Multigeneration Workforce? Strategic Workforce Planning and Talent 如何员工测试与甄选 ( 人才测评中心 ) 员工培训与发展 Acquisitioning Understanding DiSC model Training and Development Employees 绩效管理与评估 (OKR 与 KPI KPA) Performance Management and Appraisal 怎么做员工个人发展计划 新员工薪酬 How to Conduct Employee Personal Development Plan Compensating New Employees 管理劳资关系和集体谈判 Managing Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining 人力资源管理的职业道德与公正 Ethics and Fair Treatment in Human Resource Management 有效教练技能 ( 变成 HR 战略伙伴 ) 员工健康 Effective Coaching Skills (Business Partnering with HR) Employment Health 日期 :2018 年 7 月 17-18 日 Schedule: July 17-18, 2018 日期 :2018 年 6 月 14-15 日 Schedule: June 14-15, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200 ; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 44 45

Convince people Achieve goals 如何在中国更好的生活, 工作以及领导团队英文 EN Bridging the Culture Gap-Living, Working and Leading in China 外派专家常常会对他们的中国合作伙伴们的行为感到困惑和疑虑, 并且用自己的文化价值观来进行解读和判断, 以至于产生跨文化误解 由此带来的不仅是时间和资金的浪费, 更会使降低对方的工作积极性 我们的培训课程不仅有效地帮助外派专家们正确理解中国同事工作中的行为习惯, 从而在多元文化工作环境中获得优势, 更帮助他们通过反思和总结自己的跨文化工作经验, 来提升自己的全球化领导力 Expatriates can sometimes be confused by the behavior of their Chinese counterparts. Cross-cultural misunderstandings happen once they judge the behavior of other people by their own values. The effects are not only time and money costly, but also a frustration of everyone involved. Our training program helps participants identify and analyze Chinese working behaviors. It also helps them to gain an advantage within the diversity of their cultural work environment by reflecting on their own experiences. We help expatriate become a better manager by understanding China, and understanding their own cultural working approach. Intercultural Training 与中国同事共事 领导中国团队的外派专家 ; 以及需要与中国商业伙伴合作的外派专家 Expatriates that work with Chinese colleagues and/or are in charge of personnel in China. The Power of Communication Cross-Cultural Focus - Attitude, Skills & Knowledge contributed for global achievement Leadership & Management - Nurtured & Mastered for a sustainable growth Personal Efficiency - Developed & Equipped out of a broad array of topics 培训的主要课题 : 中国传统的历史和文化对当今商务工作和日常生活的影响 中国人和西方人不同的沟通方式 中国人如何看待 教与学 以及知识传授的方式 在多元文化工作团队中产生矛盾的原因和对待矛盾的不同态度 中国人期待的领导和领导方式是怎样的? 如何进行批评和表扬? 我应该如何来安排我在中国的日常生活? 我应该如何应对文化震荡 消除文化隔阂? The workshop will include the following topics: In which way do Chinese history, culture, and traditions influence today's way of dealing with each other in business and everyday life? What is the difference between Westerners and Chinese ways of communicating? How do Chinese expect for "teaching and learning" of knowledge? What are reasons of conflicts? What's the different attitude towards the conflicts in a Western-Chinese team? What do Chinese members of staff expect from a good superior? How are praise and criticism expressed? How do I organize my daily life in China? How do I deal with the cultural shock and bridging the cultural gap? 日期 :2018 年 3 月 21-22 日 /9 月 27-28 日 Schedule: March 21-22/ September 27-28, 2018 Shanghai De Han Ling Cultural Exchange & Consulting Co., Ltd. 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元语言 : 英文 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 Language: English Room 102, No.5, Lane 19 Ronghua Road (West) Shanghai 201103 Telephone: +86 21 3126 8876 Fax: +86 21 6275 0744 Email: 47

Intercultural Training 德国商务文化 German Business Culture 中文 CN 德国商务文化课程专门面向在德企工作的或与德国有业务往来的中国员工 在为期 2 天的培训中你将建立对自我文化和德国文化的深入认知并充分了解你的德国同事 德国领导以及商务伙伴 通过对他们的思维方式 沟通方式等全面深入的学习, 你将更加游刃有余地在中德商业环境中工作和提升 通过课程, 你将 : 掌握如何使用文化纬度, 并将其应用于日常工作 学会如何给德国合作伙伴留下好的印象, 并与他们建立相互信任的合作关系 熟悉如何使用更有说服力的方式与德国人沟通与共事 冲突管理以及怎样更有效地管理工作流程 理解德国式的领导力风格以及等级观念 Working in a German or international company related to Germany, our 2-day workshop on German Business Culture will be critical for your successful cooperation. After this workshop, you will understand the behavior and expectations of German colleagues, supervisors or business partners better and know how to deal with them. It will give you a great advantage on advancing your work and your career in a German company. Your benefit after training: Transfer of cultural dimensions to daily work situations Know how to establish a mutual trustworthy relationship in Chinese-German working environment To leave a good impression on German business partners Be able to easily convince German colleagues and business partners Know how to structure information Learn how to deal with conflict with German colleagues and how to make working more efficiency Understand German leadership style and the way of dealing with hierarchy 跨文化培训 - 虚拟沟通英文 EN Cross-Cultural Training-Virtual Communication 移动通讯的日新月异使得不同国家和地区国际化团队合作日益普通 但随之而来的是由于远距离虚拟沟通所带来的难以避免的误解和障碍 不仅如此, 虚拟沟通还会面临由于文化背景和价值观不同所带来的挑战 本次培训将介绍跨文化因素影响下全球虚拟团队成员间的合作和沟通, 以及不同的沟通方式各自的的优势和风险, 并探讨可行的应对方法 A rise in global mobility enables international and cooperation across cultural and regional borders. Working in virtual environment is our reality. However misunderstanding and obstacles can happen more often. In this workshop you will develop solutions to cooperate with your global team members. Cultural factors that influence virtual cooperation will be introduced. You will get an overview of chances and risks of different channels of communication for global team work. 在全球化项目中需要与来自不同地区的同事共事, 拥有空间距离障碍的团队成员 Everyone who is working in global projects which is over distance and firm and needs to cooperate with colleagues, team members around the world. 培训主要课题 影响沟通的跨文化因素 The workshop will include the following main topics: Cross-Cultural Factors in Cooperation Intercultural Training 虚拟团队中的沟通 对待有争议的情况和处理矛盾 Communication in Virtual Teams Dealing with Critical Situation and conflicts 在跨文化团队里工作的 需要跟德国同事和商务伙伴合作与共事的中国员工 Chinese professionals, leading executives and technical personals who work with German colleagues and business partners. 信任是虚拟合作的成功要素 虚拟合作流程 国际团队中领导风格 虚拟沟通中的多媒体工具 Trust as a Success Factor in Virtual Cooperation Process Design in Virtual Cooperation Leadership in a Global Team Media Tools for Virtual Communication 德国社会结构和历史文化背景, 及其对现在德国人价值观和行为习惯的影响 德国人的沟通方式和知识传递方式 德国式的观点表达 信息沟通反馈及冲突管理 德国人如何看待团队合作以及自我负责的工作风格 德国领导力风格以及德国领导对下属的期待 Patterns of German society and historical background which influence the values and behavior of today's Germans German way of communication and know-how transfer Voicing opinion, dealing with feedback and cross-cultural conflicts German understanding on team work and independent working style German leadership style and what German leaders expect form subordinators 日期 :2018 年 5 月 8-9 日 / 9 月 11-12 日 Schedule: May 8-9/September 11-12, 2018 日期 :2018 年 3 月 27-28 日 /11 月 1-2 日 Schedule: March 27-28/November 1-2, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 48 49

Sales Skills & Customer Service 故事销售力 Storytelling for Sales 中文 CN NEW 在销售流程中, 故事可以帮助客户放下防备心理, 从而专注地倾听 ; 故事可以帮助我们与客户建立更强和牢靠的关系 故事能够让客户更容易地记住你, 记住你的想法, 记住你的产品 讲故事突出了你的想法, 并从一个应用场景转换到另一个应用场景, 使客户更容易与之联结 故事是可以 传染的, 让客户也可以讲述 你的故事 你产品的故事 你公司的故事 用故事的方式让客户的大脑做决定 The story can help the customer to lay down their guard and listen attentively. Stories can help us build stronger relationships with customers. Stories can make it easier for customers to remember you, remember your ideas, and remember your products. Storytelling highlights your ideas and transforms them from one application scene to another, making it easier for customers to connect. The story is contagious, so that customers can also tell your story, the story of your product, your company's story. 关键客户拓展与维护工作坊 Key Account Management Workshop 中文 CN 每家公司的关键客户往往也是其竞争对手的目标, 反之亦然 公司的利润绝大程度上取决于能否获得, 维护并发展公司的关键客户 本工作坊旨在帮助学员针对每个客户 ( 包括复杂的长期客户 ) 的情况来策划和执行关键客户的管理理论, 过程与所需的技能 使他们懂得分析关键客户的企业组织结构和政治态势, 学习如何面对竞争, 激励对方机构内的影响者和决策者 While you are aiming at the key account of your competitors, they are doing so. To keep the major profit, you have to gain and manage well all the key account. This workshop aim at helping participants to learn how to manage the key accounts well by: understanding the definition and the role of Key Account, analyzing the organization structure and political status of the Key Account, anticipating the activities of your competitors and the effective way to influence the decision makers. Sales Skills & Customer Service 销售人员 适合所有的客户经理与机构内与销售有相关联的人员 Sales people. All Account Manager and related staffs of Sales Force in the organization. 故事是销售中的最终记忆 The story is the final memory on sales journey: 关键客户的定义 Key Account Definition Good sellers tell stories. Great sellers tell them,seek them out 客户经理在关键客户管理中 Role of Account Manager in Key Account Management and spark new ones. 的风格和角色 成为讲故事高手的诀窍 Be a master of storytelling: People think stories are shaped by 如何确定您的关键客户 Key Account Identification and Selection people. In fact, it's the other way around. 认识关键客户管理系统与应用 The Key Account Management System and Application 建立自己的销售故事锦囊 Create an extraordinary experience with stories: You can't 研究 : 背景, 架构, 市场, 竞争 Reach: Background, competition, Stakesholders depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. 分析 : 定位,SWOT, 人事, 准则等 Analysis: Positioning, Power, Priorities, SWOT 用故事营造超凡的体验感 Building your story library : What really counts is that I am irish 战略 : 商业价值, 资源预测, Strategy: Business Value, Revenue Forecast, resource decision and I know how to tell a story. 利润预测等 发掘身边的故事高手 Discover the stories around you: Asking is, at its core, a 战术 : 关键事项计划, Tactics: Tactical A/C plan, Key Activities, Counter Tactics collaboration 竞争手段与反制战术等 日期 :2018 年 7 月 10-11 日 Schedule: July 10-11, 2018 日期 :2018 年 6 月 21-22 日 /11 月 8-9 日 Schedule: June 21-22/November 8-9, 2018 会员 :5200 元 ; 非会员 :5700 元 Member: RMB 5200; Non-members: RMB 5700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 50 51

Sales Skills & Customer Service 创建销售策略 Developing Sales Strategy 中文 CN 在现今竞争这么激励的商业环境, 光依靠产品的独特性致胜是极不可能 全方位地强化售人员的综合销售能力, 才能在竞争中获胜 本课程的目的是帮助销售人员能在特别是大宗的业务的销售过程中, 面对买方的不同购买角色, 及应付着竞争对手严峻的攻击时, 能掌握买方的购买心路, 从而有效地制定以人为本的, 更具针对性的, 更具竞争能力的销售策略, 让每一次与买方的接触 ( 接触方式有 : 电话交谈, 电邮, 短信,QQ, 微信, 面对面会谈, 演示会等 ) 都能赢得买方的认同或承诺, 使销售过程逐步迈向最后成功 --- 获取订单, 签约! To maximize penetration of new and existing markets, your sales people need much more than simply selling skills. Our open workshop Developing Sales Strategy helps your sales staff penetrates and manage accounts, and learns advanced skills to gather information, analyze accounts and sell to the needs of multiple influencers and key decision-makers. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customer (Internal customer too) Wants? 英文 EN NEW Based on the book "Value Proposition Design" (Wiley), The most efficient way to grow your sales is by converting more of the prospects you already have in your pipeline. Basic understanding of the Value Propositioning canvas tool Know how to clearly communicate an effective value proposition Business cases of best value proposition companies happening within China vesus EU & USA will be discussed in classroom, especially a "WOW" Customer Experience! Journey! This practical course is focused on the "Value Proposition Canvas" tool that helps startups and organizations design compelling products and services that customers will buy. It must have tool if you want to save time Sales Skills & Customer Service 前线销售主管及销售代表 Frontline sales managers and sales representatives. and effort in designing your product or service. The best thing is it's visual, practical and easy to learn. This world class tool was introduced in Alex Osterwalder's top seller book "Value Proposition Design" and is a continuation of the "Business Model Canvas". This excellent visual tool is easy and practical. 1. Use the value proposition canvas to come up with great value propositions 2. Develop deeper understanding of your customer 3. Map out a detailed customer profile 顾客的购买心路历程 制定切入策略 竞争情况分析 How buyers go to decision making Account Entry Strategy Competition Analysis 4. Design products and services based on customer needs 5. Extract powerful value propositions 6. Check your customer-product fit 确认及处理业务危机事宜 关注执行计划事宜 Differentiating and Handling Buyer's concern How to implement the planned strategies 真实客户个案分析 Real cases role play Day 1 Use the value proposition canvas to come up with great value propositions Develop deeper understanding of your customer Map out a detailed customer profile Do you ask the right Customer Experience Questions? Real world case study in China and EU & USA Case preparation (Class homework) Day 2 Design products and services based on customer needs Extract powerful value propositions Check your customer-product fit Work on your value Proposition Case 日期 :2018 年 4 月 26-27 日 /8 月 16-17 日 Schedule: April 26-27/August 16-17, 2018 日期 :2018 年 7 月 26-27 日 Schedule: July 26-27, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 52 53

Sales Skills & Customer Service 优质客户服务 Excellence in Customer Service 中文 CN 面对竞争日益激烈的商业市场, 每一家公司都在寻找独特的竞争契机, 因为只有这样才能迎接日新月异的变化与挑战, 而优质的客户服务已成为其中一项重要的方法 本培训将围绕着实用的客户服务理念和技巧, 帮助客户服务人员掌握应对客户的核心技巧, 协助企业在激烈的竞争环境中脱颖而出, 提升客户服务效益, 改善经营业绩 The customer is the person, who pays everyone's salary and who decides whether a business is going to succeed or fail. Literally everything we do, every concept perceived, every technology developed and associate employed, is directed with this one objective clearly in mind - pleasing the customer. This training offers many practical concepts and ideas of how to improve the service you offer customers. 创造业绩销售技巧 Effective Selling Skills 中文 CN 高效的销售技巧必须建基於销售人员的自信心和正面的销售态度 本课程旨在从销售人员的心态着手, 通过提升学员的沟通人际技巧到熟习销售流程, 把顾客的异议及拒绝转化为商机, 从而达到双赢的顾客关系, 改善企业的形象及市场占有分比 课程导师会透过真实案例的分享 角色扮演, 引导学员参与讨论, 启发学员从多角度去认识最新的销售理论与技巧 Self-confidence and positive attitude are the keys to high effective selling skills. Other than introducing the selling process, this training program is to increase participants' self-confidence by enhancing their communication and interpersonal skills, understanding how to convert objections to business opportunities and achieving win-win situation, in order to improve company image and market share. The trainer will lead participants to acquaint the latest selling skills and theories by practical cases sharing, role play and group discussion. Sales Skills & Customer Service 任何在工作中需要与顾客打交道的职业人士 The people who need to work with customers in their daily work. 适合各级销售及与销售相关工作人员或有志从事销售行业人士 Suitable for all level sales function or sales related personnel. 培养优质客户服务的理念 提升客户满意度 The Concept of Good Customer Service Improving Customers' Satisfaction - 提供优质客户服务要养成的好习惯 - Develop the good customer service habits 提高顾客满意度及有附加增值的销售 Customer-satisfaction selling and value-added selling - 客户对服务的期望 - The customers' expectations to the service 改善顾客关系和销售沟通技巧 Improving customer relationships and sales interaction skills - 提升客户满意度的秘诀 - Tips of improving customers' satisfaction 探索及确认客户的需求和决策原则 Probing and confirming customers' needs and decision criteria 树立良好的内部客户服务理念 Internal Customer Service 如何化解顾客的拒绝和异议 Overcoming objections and buying resistance 高效沟通的技巧与礼仪 Communication Skills and Etiquette 谈判方案和策略 The negotiation climate, strategies and tactics - 理解式聆听 提问 反馈技巧 - Skills of listening, questioning, giving feedback 解决客户面对的各种问题 Resolving customer problems - 与不同类型客户高效沟通的技巧 - Communicating with different customers - 与客户面对面沟通的礼仪 - Etiquette of face to face communication 电话沟通技巧与礼仪 Telephone Skills and Etiquette - 电话沟通中语调的重要性 - The importance of tone of voice over the phone - 电话沟通应遵循的原则 - Do and don't over the phone - 接听 拨打 转接 留言 - Answering, making, transforming, leaving message and 结束电话的礼仪 ending phone calls 处理客户投诉的技巧 Handling Customers' Complaints - 难缠客户的心理和投诉原因分析 - Analyze the reasons of complaint - 处理客户投诉应遵循的原则 方法 - Tips for handling customer complaints 步骤 - 有效管理情绪与压力的方法 - Emotion and stress management 日期 :2018 年 5 月 15-16 日 /10 月 30-31 日 Schedule: May 15-16/October 30-31, 2018 日期 :2018 年 3 月 22-23 日 /7 月 5-6 日 Schedule: March 22-23/July 5-6, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 54 55

Administration 打造高效行政秘书和助理的培训中文 CN Building High Performance EA / PA / Assistants Training 描述你的角色和组织与企业变化 Changes to your role and when your organization change. 发展你在管理方面角色 Develop the managerial aspects of your role. 高效地计划和监控小项目 Plan and monitor small projects effectively. 用实际提示解决问题并做好决定 Use practical tips to solve problems and make good decisions. 私人助理, 有丰富的经验 / 高级行政秘书, 管理助理和执行助理 ; 转折关头上的资深秘书或高级行政助理生涯与需要 PAs, experienced/senior executive secretaries, management assistants and executive assistants; Senior Secretaries/Senior EA in Transition and Your Career Paths and Needs. 专业秘书的角色 The Role of A Professional Secretary 如何与上司建立关系 Building Relationship with your boss 如何处理争论 Conflict Management 有效沟通 Effective Communications 时间管理 Time Management 商务记录技能 Business Writing Skills 压力管理 Stress Management 情商管理 EQ Management 职业发展 Professional Development 你的使命与你必备的要素 Your Mission and What It Takes 专业的前台培训 How to be a Professional Receptionist 中文 CN 前台接待在组织中的角色是极为重要的, 因为她时刻树立着并代表着公司的整体形象, 没有第二次机会留下第一印象 因此, 组织对于前台接待这一角色的要求也越来越高, 他们有责任为公司构建正面形象, 本课程将从服务的角度, 为前台接待员提供非常实用的技巧, 提升她们的整体素质 The role of the receptionist is paramount importance for creating the right image for an organization. "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression" has never been so perfectly true than with regard to the role of the modern receptionist. Today, receptionists are being asked to take on new roles and responsibilities in order to add value to an organisation. This course examines the role of the receptionist and gives practical tips and advice so that you can fulfil your job in a professional way and perform at your best. 那些新担任前台接待工作的, 或者具有前台接待工作经验的, 想进一步提升与发展自己职业技能的人 Newly appointed Receptionists, or experienced Receptionists who want to benefit from continuing development and improvement of their existing skills. 创建良好的第一印象 How to make the first impression in the right way 接待来访者 Meeting and greeting visitors 高效沟通 Effective communication: - 语言与非语言, 传送与接收信息 verbal and non-verbal communication, sending and receiving messages 运用提问问题的技巧, 获取顾客需求 Questioning techniques to understand a caller's/visitor's requirements 电话礼仪 Telephone etiquette: - 接转电话 留言电话 - best practice in taking and transferring a call 处理有问题的人和事 Dealing with difficult situations and people 处理投诉 Handling complaints: - 控制自己的情绪 - tips for controlling yourself 管理电脑 文档 邮件 Managing a computer, e-mail and documents Administration 日期 :2018 年 3 月 1-2 日 /8 月 23-24 日会员 :4500 元 ; 非会员 :5000 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: March 1-2/August 23-24, 2018 Member: RMB 4500; Non-members: RMB 5000 日期 :2018 年 3 月 21 日 /8 月 21 日会员 :2200 元 ; 非会员 :2400 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: March 21/August 21, 2018 Member: RMB 2200; Non-members: RMB 2400 56 57

Customs Training 新形势下海关新政解读与税号 特许权使用费海关稽查应对中文 CN NEW Interpretation of New Customs Policy and HS Code, Royalties for Customs Inspection under New Situation 本课程可以让培训者获得以下收益 :1. 通过学习海关全国通关一体化改革以相关配套改革措施, 了解通关改革及海关执法理念的转变, 熟知海关对进出口货物进行稽查关注的重点与 底线 ;2. 了解 2018 年海关全国性税收稽查的背景 特点, 对企业经营活动中可能涉及的相关海关事务风险进行预先评估和防控, 对已涉的各类企业海关事务问题进行积极 有效的应对和解决 ;3. 如实 合规 准确确定进出口货物申报税号, 充分理解海关现行 审价办法 中有关 特许权使用费 计征的法律条款, 面对海关事中 事后税号 价格质疑及稽查, 合理有效的利用这些规则, 降低由此引发的相应关务风险和企业成本, 便利通关 During this course the participants will be given the advantages as follows: 1.Study the current national customs clearance reform and other related measures, understand the changes in customs reform and the concept of customs enforcement, know about the key points of customs inspection and the "bottom line"; 2.Understand the national tax audit background and characteristics in 2018, learn to pre-assess and prevent relevant customs affairs risks that may be in involved in business activities, actively respond and solve various problems of enterprises involved in customs issues; 3. Truthfully, compliance, accurately determine the declaration HS code of import and export goods, fully understand the legal provisions of royalties in the current "customs valuation" law, make fully use of these rules to reduce the corresponding risks and business costs, and to facilitate customs clearance. 通关效率与成本控制 Customs Clearance Efficiency and Cost Control 中文 CN 本课程可以让培训者获得以下收益 :1. 对中国进出口货物通关与海关管理 对外贸易管制市场准入具有一定的了解 ;2. 知晓中国进出口商品通关作业流程, 规范企业关务管理, 提高企业通关效率, 降低企业通关成本 ;3. 掌握影响海关相关事务操作及企业通关成本和通关效率的技术因素, 合理利用这些技术层面的操作策略谋取企业经济利润最大化 During this course the participants will be given the advantages as follows: 1. Understanding China Customs clearance, management and foreign trade control, market access of import and export cargo; 2. Be familiar with the procedure of China Customs clearance of import and export cargo, and regulating the management of customs matters, improving the efficiency of customs clearance, and reducing the running cost; 3. Mastering the technical factor which influencing cost and efficiency on the processing customs formalities and gaining the utmost of the commercial profit according to be well up in them. 公司总经理 公司高管 财务经理 进出口部门经理 采购经理 物流经理及其他相关人 Corporate general manager, business executive, financial manager, import and export manager, procurement Customs Training manager, logistics manager and the other concerned. 公司总经理 公司高管 财务经理 进出口部门经理 采购经理 物流经理及其他相关人 Corporate general manager, business executive, financial manager, import and export manager, procurement manager, logistics manager and the other concerned. 通关一体化改革与海关新政解读 海关税收形势与税号 价格申报风险 2018 年海关稽查重点, 企业如何应对 海关稽查思路 模式, 具体操作流程 如何应对税号 价格的海关专项稽查 如何如实 合规 准确申报货物税号 申报税号海关质疑与商品归类争端解决 货物申报价格确认原则与操作注意事项 特许权使用费海关征税问题综合判断 跨国公司转移定价审核与海关质疑 企业自查报告撰写及海关解释材料准备 学员疑问解答 Interpretation of customs clearance reform and customs new policy Customs revenue situation and HS code/price declaration risk How to deal with customs inspection in 2018 Ideas and patterns, the specific operational procedures by customs inspection How to deal with customs inspection on HS code and price, including royalties How to truthfully, compliance and accurately determine the HS code Declaration price confirmation principle and operational considerations Overall judgment for royalties on customs levying Multinational companies transfer pricing review and customs questions Preparation of the self-examination report and the explanation material Question and answer 进出口货物通关与海关管理概述 进出口货物通关与对外贸易管制和市场准入解析 进出口货物通关作业流程及相关核心内容解析 企业如何应对海关质疑, 扫除清关障碍 企业进口或出口环节相关税费成本控制 企业进口或出口环节时间成本控制 进出口企业资信成本控制 学员疑问解答 Customs clearance of import and export cargo and customs management Customs clearance of import and export cargo and foreign trade control and market access The procedure of customs clearance of import and export cargo and processing of the basic important part How to deal with the customs' questioning, and wipe out the obstacles of customs clearance Related tax cost control in enterprise import or export link Time cost control in enterprise import or export link Credit cost control in enterprise import or export link Question and answer. 日期 :2018 年 4 月 12-13 日 /7 月 17-18 日 Schedule: April 12-13/July 17-18, 2018 日期 :2018 年 5 月 31 日 -6 月 1 日 /11 月 15-16 日 Schedule: May 31- June 1/November 15-16, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 58 59

Financing, Accounting & Taxation 非财务经理的财务课程 Finance Course for Non-Financial Managers 中文 CN 学习企业财务,( 包括专业词汇和财务报表 ), 通过财务报表对公司进行评估, 从财务角度理解各项决策对公司业务的影响, 学习用财务工具做内部管理 Understanding corporate finance (including terminology and financial statements). Evaluating a company through its financial statements. Seeing the impact of business decisions from a financial point of view. Using financial tools in management. 非财务专业的财务人员, 除高级财务经理以外的各职能部门经理中基层主管及资深员工 Financial staff in non-financial disciplines. All functional Department Managers, except Senior Financial Managers, Supervisors and Senior Staff. 外籍人员劳动合同 整合法律 社会保险 税务及出入境方面的要求 Employment Contracts for Foreigners Aligning Legal, Social Insurance, Tax and Immigration Requirements 英文 EN 在中国聘用外籍人员变得日趋复杂 另一方面, 作为在中国的一名外籍人士, 为了能在劳动法下获得足够的保护, 需要考虑一系列问题 近期法律和经济环境方面的发展对于选择正确的聘用结构有着深远的影响 除了通常的人力资源管理方面的考虑因素, 起草合适的合同受到其他诸多方面的影响, 包括劳动法 社会保险 税务 出入境 Hiring expatriates in China is becoming increasingly complex. On the other hand, as a foreigner in China, there's a range of topics to consider in order to achieve sufficient protection under the employment law. Recent developments in the legal and economic environment have profound implications on choosing the right employment structure. Drafting appropriate contracts depends on a whole range of aspect, including employment law, social insurance, tax, immigration in addition to general HR considerations. Law for Business 资金循环 三种基本财务报表 比率分析与公司财务状况评估 盈利性分析和费用率分析 固定资产与折旧 Cash flow cycle Three basic financial statements Financial ratio analysis and corporate financial status evaluation Profit and cost analysis Fixed assets and depreciation 本次为期一天的培训将向在中国工作的或为中国境内处理外籍人员聘用事宜的 HR 经理们及本身即作为来华工作人员的外籍人士提供帮助 本培训涵盖关于任何公司在中国聘用外籍人士的诸多重要信息 This one-day training will provide assistance to HR managers working in or for China and expatriates themselves when dealing with foreigner's employment. This training contains a host of information vital to any company employing foreign nationals in China. 资金需求与投资评估 Capital requirement and investment evaluation 劳动法 Employment Law - 聘用外籍人士的可能架构 ; - possibilities for structuring the employment of foreigners; 合同方和适用法律 contract party and applicable laws - 对外籍人士适用中国法律 - application of Chinese employment law to foreigners 社会保险法 Social Security Law - 向中国社会保险基金缴纳基金和费用 ; - contribution to the Chinese social security funds and costs; - 近期法律变化和对实践操作的影响 - recent developments in legislation and impact in practice 税法 Tax Law - 公司面临创设常设机构的风险 - risks for the company with regard to creating a permanent establishment - 运用外籍人士的税收优惠来提供 - using tax benefits for foreigners to create attractive remuneration 具有吸引力的一揽子报酬 packages 出入境法 Immigration Law - 签证 就业证和居留许可 - visa, work permits and residence permits - 最新动态 - newest developments 日期 :2018 年 7 月 5-6 日 Schedule: July 5-6, 2018 日期 :2018 年 3 月 23 日 /9 月 14 日 Schedule: March 23/September 14, 2018 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 会员 :3200 元 ; 非会员 :3700 元 Member: RMB 3200 ; Non-members: RMB 3700 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 60 61

Law for Business 人力资源合规风险 - 中国劳动和人力资源法概述英文 EN Compliance Risk HR - Chinese Employment and HR Law in a Nutshell 作为一家在中国的外资公司, 为了建立符合法律且有效管理的健全的人力资源架构, 需要考虑一系列问题 作为一名在中国领导员工的外籍管理人员, 如果您想要了解中国人力资源相关法律的框架和要求, 那么本培训课程就是为您量身定做的! 熟知中国法律和人力资源的规定, 并结合您对您母国法律的理解与实践经验, 使得您能确保您作出的人力资源决定具有法律上的可行性 尤其是在动态的经济环境中, 及时实施灵活的人事组织和 做好你自己的功课 从而避免在之后的组织结构调整或发展中遭遇不顺 遭受更多成本和障碍是 项目管理 Project Management 中文 CN 这两天的培训提供针对项目计划 进度控制, 费用管理 时间管理和风险分析的广泛的项目管理方面知识 培训更通过实际练习以及案例分析来练习运用项目管理的工具和模板 参加者将能够 : 有效地计划和开始一个新项目 学习新的项目管理方法以提高项目中的效率 Project Management 非常重要的 迎接来自项目范围变化 成本压力和有限时间的挑战 As a foreign company in China, there's a range of topics to consider in order to establish a sound HR 使信息流 项目监控和项目报告更加有效 structure, that is compliant with laws and still efficiently managed. As a foreign manager leading staff in This two-day training session provides a broad introduction to project management, focusing on project China, if you want to learn about the structure and requirements of Chinese HR laws, this training course is planning, progress control, cost management, time management and risk analysis. The training also includes ideal for you! A profound knowledge about Chinese legal HR regulations, based on your understanding and practical exercises and case studies to practice using PM tools and templates. experience of home country's regulations, enables you to ensure the legal feasibility of your HR decisions. Participants will be able to: Especially in a dynamic economic environment it is important to timely implement a flexible personnel Efficiently plan and start a new project organization and "do your homework" in order to avoid incompliance, cost and road blocks in later Learn new project management methods to increase efficiency in projects organizational changes or development. Meet challenges from changing project scope, cost pressure and limited time Make information flow, monitoring and reporting in your projects more efficient 在中国管理员工的外籍总经理 在中国工作或管理中国事务的人力资源经理 Foreign general managers leading staff in China; HR managers working in or for China. 培训针对具有一些项目经验并且希望使项目管理技能专业化的参加者 这项培训适合项目参与者 项目管理 支持人员和任务负责人 The training is designed for participants with some project experience who want to professionalize their PM 法律环境和人力资源实践 招聘和劳动合同 合同条款 权利和义务 工作时间 假期和休假 社会保障和个税 员工手册和公司准则 劳动合同的解除和终止 职工代表和工会 劳资纠纷 临时工 Legal Environment and HR Practice Recruiting and Labor contract Contract Terms Right and duties Working time, Holidays and Leave Social security & IIT Employee Handbook and company guidelines Termination of employment contracts Employee Representatives and Trade Unions Labour Dispute Temporary Workers skills. Best for project members, project management support and task leaders. 项目启动和项目目标定义 Project start and project target definition 建立一个有效的项目组织 Set up an efficient project organization 项目环境和利益相关者 Project environment and interested parties 工作分解结构 (WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS) 进度计划和时间安排表 Phasing and project schedule 风险分析和成本管理 Risk analysis and cost management 日期 :2018 年 3 月 30 日 /9 月 21 日 Schedule: March 30/September 21, 2018 日期 :2018 年 3 月 13-14 日 /8 月 30-31 日 Schedule: March 13-14/August 30-31, 2018 会员 :3200 元 ; 非会员 :3700 元 Member: RMB 3200 ; Non-members: RMB 3700 会员 :4200 元 ; 非会员 :4700 元 Member: RMB 4200; Non-members: RMB 4700 语言 : 英文 Language: English 语言 : 中文 62 63

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 方针管理 Hoshin Kanri 英文 EN 一句名言说 决定我们将走往哪个方向的是风帆, 而不是风! 在上个世纪的后半叶, 进化出了一个新的设定和梯级分解战略目标的概念, 被称为方针管理 方针管理, 是指根据公司层面的愿景, 定义 3 到 5 年的中期目标, 据此, 来设定下一年的目标 这个过程是沿着组织结构的垂直和水平方向进行的 通用称为 接球 的双向沟通过程确保价值流上下的所有员工对其并专注于同一目标 有了这个跨职能意识, 所有员工对于价值流持续改善的追求会得到大幅度加强 了解作为领导者的您如何设定实际目标 改善项目和成功因素, 从而为您的员工提供一个有效的实现精益企业的方向 除了方针管理方法的理论外, 我们的培训师也特别重视实际的互动 A famous quote says It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go!". During the second half of the last century, a new concept on setting and cascading strategic goals evolved and became known as the Hoshin Kanri approach. Hoshin Kanri, based on a company-wide vision, defines mid-range goals for a time frame of 3 to 5 years and, resulting from these, sets goals for the next year. This procedure is carried out in vertical and horizontal direction along the organizational structure. The catchall process ensures that all employees along the value stream are aligned with and focus on the same targets. With this cross-functional awareness, the pursuit to continuously improve the value stream is considerably enhanced among all employees. Learn how you, as a leader can set practical goals, improve projects and success factors, thereby giving your employees an effective orientation towards a lean enterprise. In addition to the theoretical mediation of the Hoshin-Kanri method, our trainers particularly value practical interactions. 如何在中国进行工厂搬迁中文 CN How to Relocate your Factory in China 随着中国城市化快速发展的趋势, 许多制造企业正面临着从一线城市搬迁到二 三线城市的难题 新的市场机会 更低的成本和更好的基础设施带来了机会, 但是搬迁也带来了许多挑战 然而, 每一个变化都是向 精益 制造和供应链方向改进的一个机会 决策者和公司的管理者对供应链网络 生产系统 工厂布局 运营关键绩效指标等方面的 新 工厂有明确的期望 这些都需要以结构化的方式完成 我们的 如何在中国进行工厂搬迁 项目将根据我们优秀的精益原则和丰富的成功项目经验, 为您提供为期 6 天的系统培训课程 通过这些培训, 您将了解如何设计一个新的工厂, 从策略和概念到实施, 并将精益原则应用于您的行业 Following the fast-changing urbanization trend in China, many manufacturing companies are facing relocation from 1st tier to 2nd or 3rd tier cities. New market opportunities, lower costs and better infrastructures are some of the benefits, however relocation also comes with many challenges. Needless to say, every change is an opportunity to improve towards a "Leaner" manufacturing and supply chain. Not only the decision-maker but also the managers of the company to be relocated should have clear expectations for the "new" factory in terms of supply chain network, pro-duction system, factory layout, improved operation KPIs, etc. All of which should be done in a structured way. Our program "How to relocate your factory in China" will provide you with 6 days of systematic training sessions based on our excellent Lean principles and rich experience of successful projects. Through these trainings you'll learn how to design a new factory from strategy and concept to implementation in combination of Lean principles applied to your industries. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management CEO 工厂经理 事业部经理 精益 /CIP 生产 物流 增值 研发 质量 采购及间接领域 CEOs, Plant Managers, Business Development Managers, Lean / CIP, Production / Logistics, R&D, Quality, Procurement and Indirect Areas. 精益 /CIP 业务发展 质量 采购 研发 销售 / 服务 生产 / 物流 /AV 和行政领域的总经理 工厂经理和主管 Managing directors, plant managers and executives from lean/cip, business development, quality, purchasing, R&D, sales/service, production/logistics/av and administrative areas. 达到目标协议的方法 : 目标管理与方针管理之间的差异 愿景 目标 项目和成功因素之间的相互关系 设定和级联目标 方法和工具, 如 X 矩阵和保龄球图 员工参与是成功的重要因素 Approaches to target agreement: differences between Management by Objectives and Hoshin Kanri The interrelation between vision, goals, projects and success factors Setting and cascading goals Methodologies and tools such as X-Matrix and Bowling Chart Employee involvement as major success factor 价值流程设计 : 了解并学习如何为您的公司设计一个理想的价值流作为您的工厂搬迁的基础 精益工厂设计 : 了解精益工厂应该是怎么样的, 以及如何设计 供应商发展 : 了解如何开发供应商来支持您的精益供应链 Value Stream Mapping: Understand and learn how to design an ideal Value Stream for your company as a basis for your factory relocation Lean Plant Design: Learn how a Lean Factory should look like and how to design it Supplier Development: Learn how to develop suppliers to support your Lean supply chain 日期 :2018 年 9 月 25-26 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) 语言 : 英文价格 :4800 元地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Schedule: September 25-26, 2018 (EN) (Shanghai) Language: English Price: RMB 4800 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 日期 :2018 年 3 月 27-28 日 ( 价值流程设计 ) 2018 年 4 月 23-24 日 ( 精益工厂设计 ) 2018 年 5 月 17-18 日 ( 供应商发展 ) 语言 : 中文价格 :10800 元地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Schedule: March 27-28, 2018 (Value Stream Mapping) April 23-24, 2018 (Lean Plant Design) May 17-18, 2018 (Supplier Development) Price: RMB 10800 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 64 65

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 精益领导力基础 Lean Leadership Basics 英文 EN 从根本上说, 精益转型成功的过程就在于把精益融入战略和企业文化 管理者在这里扮演一个中心角色 他们不仅是经理 意见领袖和问题解决者, 还有老师 卓越的领导力是示范流程的基础和动力, 是成功精益之旅的关键 一个精益领导者设法引导人们改变并在 CIP 中带领他们成功 因此, 如果一个领导者意识到人们不同的相处方式, 并且善于利用他们可能行为, 他就能够快速而显着地发展他的团队 培训的两个模块尤其侧重于成功应用和适应您的职业环境 这是通过案例学习和模拟的角色扮演的实际操作技能以及经验丰富的精益领导力培训指导者的深入反馈来实现的 帮助您熟悉整体精益方法的益处, 了解相关领导方式的关系和行动方式, 大幅提升领导作用 Fundamentally, the process of successful lean transformation rests on embedding lean into the strategy and the corporate culture. Managers have a central role to play here - they are not only managers, opinion leaders and problem solvers, but also teachers. Excellent leadership is the basis and driver of exemplary processes and the key to a successful lean journey. A lean leader manages to invite people to change and win them over to CIP. Thus, a leader can develop his team significantly if he is aware that people are wired differently, and draw on their corresponding repertoire of possible behaviours. The two modules focus in particular on the successful application and adaptation to your professional environment. This is achieved through hands-on skills in case studies and role-playing games as well as intensive feedback from experienced lean leadership training instructors. Get familiar with the benefits of a holistic lean leadership approach. Understand the relationships and modes of action of relevant leadership methods, and significantly increase your impact as a leader. 精益领导力进阶 Lean Leadership Advanced 英文 EN 创造可持续改进是精益管理的最终原则 这需要发展和传播激励的目标形象 在持续改进和解决问题中, 员工的流动是成功的关键因素 精益领导者成功创造了一种信任文化, 员工可以公开解决问题, 并有勇气尝试新的工作方式 合作型领导风格和指导原则, 以及苏格拉底式质疑是精益领导者工作程序中不可分割的组成部分 培训的两个模块将教您如何有针对性地承担导师的角色, 以增加您和员工的影响力 重点不仅在于提供专业和赞赏的反馈, 而且还在于提高个人的思维能力 您能够在您领导过程中, 成功和可持续地使用 通过提问进行领导 的模式 通过实践练习和经验丰富的领导力培训师的反馈来帮助您实现 Creating sustainable improvement is the ultimate discipline in lean management. This requires the development and communication of a motivating target image. In both continuous improvement and problem-solving, getting employees moving is a crucial success factor. Lean leaders succeed in creating a culture of trust in which employees can openly address problems and have the courage to try new ways of working. It is important that a cooperative leadership style as well as the principle of mentoring and Socratic questioning are integral parts of the working routine of a lean leader. The two modules will teach you how to take on the role of a mentor in a targeted manner to increase your impact and that of your employees. The focus is not only on providing professional and appreciative feedback, but also on improving individual thinking ability. You will be able to employ the model of 'leadership through questions' successfully and sustainably in your leadership situations. This application is achieved through practical exercises and intensive feedback from experienced leadership training instructors. 精益 /CIP 业务发展 质量 采购 研发 销售 / 服务 生产 / 物流 /AV 和行政领域的总经理 工厂经理 Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 精益 /CIP 业务发展 质量 采购 研发 销售 / 服务 生产 / 物流 /AV 和行政领域的总经理 工厂经理 和主管 和主管 Managing directors, plant managers and executives from lean/cip, business development, quality, Managing directors, plant managers and executives from lean/cip, business development, quality, purchasing, R&D, sales/service, production/logistics/av and administrative areas. purchasing, R&D, sales/service, production/logistics/av and administrative areas. 精益转型的方法 行动领域和阶段 精益领导力的基础 领导者的角色是精益之旅成功的关键因素 个人影响和自我管理 精益中的管理和领导工作 变革管理及如何处理阻力 Phases, fields of action and approach of the lean transformation Fundamentals of lean leadership The role of the leader as a key factor for a successful lean journey Personal impact and self-management Managerial and leadership tasks in a lean context Change management and how to deal with resistance 可体验的价值观 态度和行为之间的关系 情境型领导和合作型领导风格是成功的基础 指导原则是学习如何组织的基础 通过提问进行领导, 把领导愿景作为反思和反馈的基础 The relationship between values, attitudes and behaviour that can be experienced Situational leadership and the cooperative leadership style as the basis for success The principle of mentoring as the foundation of how learning is organised Leading through questions, the leadership vision as a basis for reflection and feedback 国际环境下领导的成功因素 Success factors for leadership in an international context 介绍 蓝天 方法, Introduction of the 'blue sky' method in order to have a clear 以便清晰地了解目标 picture of the targets 日期 :2018 年 6 月 7-8 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) Schedule: June 7-8, 2018 (EN) (Module 1 Shanghai) 日期 :2018 年 8 月 23-24 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) Schedule: August 23-24, 2018 (EN) (Module 1 Shanghai) 2018 年 6 月 11-12 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) 语言 : 英文 June 11-12, 2018 (EN) (Module 2 Shanghai) Language: English 2018 年 8 月 27-28 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) 语言 : 英文 August 27-28, 2018 (EN) (Module 2 Shanghai) Language: English 价格 :9600 元 Price: RMB 9600 价格 :9600 元 Price: RMB 9600 地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, 地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, 飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 66 67

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 精益制造 Lean Manufacturing 英文 EN / 中文 CN 长时间的交货期, 高库存水平, 意外的停机时间和质量波动只是在精益制造方面需要避免的几个常见情况 为了让精益理念渗透到组织的制造环境中, 关注您的业务的基本要素, 即价值创造过程是至关重要的 在这样做时, 可以最大限度地减少浪费, 提高透明度和引入拉动系统原则 精益制造培训以其整体方法将支持您可持续地优化您的制造过程, 从而实现一个完全精益的生产设置, 其中减少了浪费和交货时间, 提高了生产力和质量水平, 并且可以确保供应准备即使库存水平最低 通过与福伊特造纸的合作, 我们为您提供创新的活动理念 通过 实践学习, 您将创造出优秀的生产过程 您将在模拟游戏和研讨会期间详细了解精益方法和工具, 并深化您的知识 您将了解精益和稳定生产过程的原则及其对您日常工作的影 本次培训将帮助您持续地优化您的生产流程 Long lead times, high inventory levels, unexpected downtimes, and quality fluctuations are only a few of the familiar situations that are to be avoided when it comes to Lean Manufacturing. In order for the Lean idea to penetrate the manufacturing environment of your organization, it is paramount to focus on the essentials of your business, i.e. the value creation processes. In doing so, waste can be minimized, transparency increased and pull-system principles be introduced. The Lean Manufacturing Training with its holistic approach will support you in sustainably optimizing your manufacturing processes and thereby to achieve a fully lean production set-up in which waste and lead times are reduced, productivity and quality levels are increased, and supply readiness can be assured even at minimized stock levels. In cooperation with VOITH Paper, we offer you an innovative event concept. Through learning-bydoing" you will create excellent production processes. You will learn about Lean methodologies and tools in detail and deepen your knowledge during simulation games and workshops. You will get to know the principles of Lean and stable production processes and their effect on your daily work. This seminar will help you optimize your production processes. 班组管理 The Hancho 英文 EN 成功的价值创造过程需要立即识别问题, 快速反应和持续实施解决措施 这一理念需要被深深地嵌入到日常工作中, 并且可以通过在您的组织中建立一个额外的功能来实现 这就是班组管理, 在员工和主管之间持久监控过程从而不断推动车间持续改进的一系列行为 深度发展班组长的硬技术和软技能是使他成为一个具有解决问题能力的优秀领导专家的前提 本培训将指出在您的组织导入班组管理的益处 通过培训, 您会意识到班组管理带来的益处将远远超过在车间导入这一附加功能带来额外成本 除了学习 为什么要导入, 您还将重点学习 如何导入班组管理 Successful value creation processes require an immediate identification of problems, short reaction times and the continuous implementation of solutions. This philosophy is to be deeply embedded into day-to-day operations and can be achieved by establishing an additional function within your organization. The so-called Hancho, who acts between employees and the supervisor, is responsible for permanently monitoring processes and thus for constantly driving the CIP on the shop floor. A profound development of the Hancho's hard and soft skills is the prerequisite for him to become an expert in problem-solving and an excellent leader. This training will point out the advantages of introducing the Hancho into your organization. During the training, you will realize that the benefits of the Hancho will by far outweigh the extra costs of having an additional function on the shop floor. Besides learning about the "why" you will also focus on how to implement the Hancho concept. 业务负责人 工厂经理 生产经理 人事经理 工作委员会和 CIP 办公室负责人 For Business Leaders, Plant Managers, Production Managers, Personnel Managers, Works Councils and CIP- Office Leaders. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 生产 计划或其他领域的未来改进专家 经理 雇员 Future improvement experts, managers and employees in the areas of production, planning or other related areas. 精益管理和价值流设计基础 Basics of Lean Management and Value Stream Design JIT 模拟及单件流 Just-in-time-Simulation and One-Piece-Flow 零缺陷 低浪费 全员生产力维护 Disturbance-free and low in waste, TPM, PULL 拉动原则 单件流 One-piece-flow 技术优化和改进管理 Technological Optimization and Improving management 最终讨论及反馈加 : 最终测验 Final discussion and feedback -Plus: Final Test 在您的组织导入班组管理 班组长在精益组织内的角色和责任 持续改进的车间管理 通过贯彻遵守流程确保标准化 发展问题解决能力的培养计划 领导和授权员工 Introducing the Hancho into your organization Responsibilities and roles of the Hancho within the Lean organization Continuous Shop Floor Management Ensuring standardization through consistent process compliance Qualification program to develop problem-solving competencies Leading and empowering employees 日期 :2018 年 5 月 10-15 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) 2018 年 6 月 21-26 日 ( 中文 )( 上海 ) 语言 : 英文 / 中文 价格 :8000 元 地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号 飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Schedule: May 10-15, 2018 (EN) (Shanghai) June 21-26, 2018 (CN) (Shanghai) Language: English/Chinese Price: RMB 8000 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 日期 :2018 年 11 月 12 日 ( 英文 )( 上海 ) 语言 : 英文价格 :2500 元地点 : 上海市零陵路 899 号飞洲国际广场 22 楼 H 座 Schedule: November 12, 2018 (EN) (Shanghai) Language: English Price: RMB 2500 Venue: 22H Cross Region, No. 899 LingLing Road, Shanghai 200030 P.R.China 68 69

GAMI - Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute GAMI The Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute was established by the wbk Institute of Production Science of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). wbk has been working on industry and research projects in China since 2006. With our university background we can provide our partners with advanced methods and concepts to reach operational excellence. Our goal is to deliver individual strategies and smart solutions in production and supply chain management in order to create a long-term and sustainable benefit. Our unique Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center serves as a high-level training facility as well as incubator for Sino-German innovation programs related to Smart Manufacturing. GAMI Training Services Developing high quality experts and organizations Open Courses State of the art materials Integration of project examples Games in realistic environment Unique Training Facilities Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center Contact us: In-house trainings Customized training content Integration of local production system in case studies Training room Professional environment for advanced trainings Communication area Expertise exchange Experience communication Industry 4.0 Demonstration line Intelligent assembly equipment Digital Shop Floor Management RFID technology Low volume, high mix solutions Contact: Ms. Yin Yaxian Tel.: +86-(0)512-62967377 Email: Fax: +86-(0)512-62967389 You can find more information on Manufacturing Workshops Customized training content Training + on-site improvement Embedded in project work We could offer you: In-depth insight into German Industry 4.0 Combination of theory and application Customized training programs Long-term coaching support Chinese, English or German language 提升企业制造流程能力达到六西格玛水平中文 CN Improve Maturity of your Manufacturing Process to 6 Sigma 六西格玛绿带是直接与作为跨专业项目领导者的六西格玛黑带协作, 绿带对于项目的成功实施起着至关重要的作用 本次六西格玛绿带培训项目将使您能够理解六西格玛系统解决问题的逻辑以及熟悉并常用的六西格玛工具 您可通过 DMAIC 识别和消除缺陷出现的根本原因, 并尽量减少在生产和业务流程上的波动, 从而提升产品质量并增强客户满意度 Six Sigma Green Belt will directly cooperate with the multi-functional project leader- Black Belt and is very important part to the project success. This training workshop will train you to be able to use Six-Sigma logics and tools to solve problem in a systematic way. Via DMAIC you can identify and remove the causes of defects and minimize variability in manufacturing and business processes. This results in improved quality and satisfied customers. 企业中高层管理及技术人员 ( 生产 品质 工程部工程师 主管 经理及技术人员 ) This training was developed for management and technical staff groups in the company (Production, Quality, Engineering, Supervisor, Manager and technical staffs). 定义阶段 a) 六西格玛概述 测量阶段 a) 数据与抽样 b) 测量系统分析 c) 过程能力分析 分析阶段 a) 鱼骨图 ( 头脑风暴法 ) b) 潜在失效模式及后果分析 c) 假设检验 改善阶段 a) 相关回归分析 b) 试验设计概述 控制阶段 a) 防错法 b) SPC 控制图 c) 控制计划 d) 经验分享与总结 学员将被邀请参观中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心并在现场进行案例分析分享 日期 :2018 年 3 月 5-9 日 /6 月 4-8 日 2018 年 10 月 15-19 日会员 :8000 元 ; 非会员 :8500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Define Phase a) Introduction of Six-Sigma Measure Phase a) Data and sampling b) MSA (Measurement System Analysis) c) Process capability analysis Analysis Phase a) Fishbone diagram (Brain-storming) b) FMEA c) Hypothesis test Improving Phase a) Correlation and Regression analysis b) DOE introduction Control Phase a) Error-proofing b) SPC control chart c) Control plan d) Experience sharing and summary The participants are invited to Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation center for case studies Schedule: March 5-9/June 4-8 October 15-19, 2018 Member: RMB 8000; Non-members: RMB 8500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 71

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 预防性质量保证 设计和过程失效模式及后果分析中文 CN Preventive Quality Assurance Design and Process FMEA 失效模式及后果分析 (FMEA) 是一种预防性质量保证的分析方法, 可以帮助企业及时确定和评估失效风险, 并制定出切实可行的实施方案使风险最小化 在 FMEA 中, 失效的优先级根据其发生后果的严重性, 发生的频率, 以及被检测出来的难易度被确定下来 作为质量工作中的重要方法,FMEA 被广泛地应用于制造业中的产品生命周期的不同阶段 FMEA is an analytical method of preventive quality assurance. The objective is to identify and evaluate risks in time, and to initiate or propose suitable actions for risk minimization. In FMEA, failures are prioritized according to how serious their consequences are, how frequently they occur and how easily they can be detected. As an important method in quality work, it is widely used in manufacturing industries in various phases of product life cycle. 本次研讨会面向在生产管理和质量控制领域工作的工程师和有经验的员工 该研讨会对于每一位从事和加强质量管理进一步发展的人员都十分合适 This training was developed for engineers and experienced employees in production management and quality control. The training is suitable for everyone aiming to work in and enhance the further development of quality management. FMEA 对企业的益处 为什么需要运用 FMEA FMEA 应用 a) 作用和职责 b) 适用范围, 启动和 FMEA 调度 c) 风险分析 ( 结构, 功能, 故障 ) d) 对于质量的改进措施 e) FMEA 批准放行 f) 存档 FMEA 评估 a) 目标和范围 b) 成果 从实践中学习 : 案例研究 a) 在先进示范线的实际应用 b) 基于需求的自适应方法 c) 经验分享与总结 Benefit of FMEA Reason for FMEA FMEA application a) Roles and responsibilities b) Scope, initiation and scheduling of FMEA c) Risk analysis (structure, function, failure) d) Actions for quality improvement e) Approval of an FMEA release f) Archiving FMEA assessments a) Objective and scope b) Accomplishment Learning by doing: case studies within team a) Application at advanced demonstration line b) Adaptive approach to your demand c) Lessons learned and experience summary 高效团队解决问题的七步法中文 CN 7 Steps to Effective Problem Solving for a High-performance Team 七步解决问题法是成功精益实施的关键因素之一 精益生产具有独特的解决问题的方法 它不只是看问题的影响, 并尝试用创可贴来覆盖它 而是通过根本问题的识别, 从系统中 流程或基础设施中永久解决问题的根本原因 通过本次培训, 将使您对问题解决技巧的概念和方法有个全面了解 Problem solving technique with seven steps is one of the keys to a successful lean implementation because it empowers all of those involved. Lean manufacturing has a unique way of solving problems. It does not just look at the effect of the problem and tries to handle the false outcome. Rather, the root cause of the problem is identified and the root cause, as well as all contributing factors, is eliminated from the system, process or infrastructure in order to permanently solve the problems. In this training, you can have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and methods of problem solving. 本次培训课程主要是针对从事生产管理和质量控制领域的工程师和有经验的工作人员而设计开发的 This training unit was developed for engineers and experienced employees in production management and quality control. 问题解决的定义及目标 问题解决环 第一步 : 问题描述 - 5W2H 第二步 : 纠正措施 第三步 : 根本原因分析 - 鱼骨图 - 5 WHY - 柏拉图 第四步 : 解决方法提案 第五步 : 解决方法选择 第六步 : 实施解决方法 第七步 : 预防措施 实践应用 : 案例分析 - 在示范线上的实际应用 - 经验总结 Definition and objectives of problem solving Problem solving cycle Step 1: Problem description - 5W2H Step 2: Corrective action Step 3: Root-cause analysis - Ishikawa diagram - 5 Why Method (Alternative) - Pareto Diagram (Alternative) Step 4: Measure identification Step 5: Measure selection Step 6: Measure implementation Step 7: Preventive actions Learning by doing: case studies - Application cases at the demonstration line - Experience summary Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 日期 :2018 年 3 月 16 日 /6 月 15 日 2018 年 10 月 26 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: March 16/June 15 October 26, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 日期 :2018 年 3 月 23 日 /6 月 22 日 2018 年 11 月 2 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: March 23/June 22 November 2, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 72 73

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 工业 4.0 背景下的企业精益生产管理中文 CN Lean Production Enabled by Industry 4.0 精益生产是植根于企业生产规律, 是对生产规律不断总结和发展的基础上, 形成的企业运营系统解决方案, 能让企业不断的保持活力和竞争力, 实现永续经营 在精益生产的实践中, 因为对其错误或者片面的理解, 导致执行不到位, 没有产生其应有的价值, 甚至伤害到企业的根本 本培训在对精益生产科学认知的基础上, 在思维模式和实践方式上启发学员, 让其正确的认识精益, 并且掌握实践精益的模式, 实现企业的精益转换和个人的自我提升和突破 本培训还将展示精益生产在工业 4.0 自动化装配线上的一些实际应用案例 Lean Production is embedded in corporate fundamental principles. It is a systematical operational solution emerged from continuously refined and developed production laws. It will maintain vitality and competitiveness for the company, thus to realize sustainable business. In the practice of Lean Production, one-sided or incorrect understanding will often lead to bad execution or low performance, even it could damage the fundamental of the company. In this course, participants will be inspired above scientific Lean Production theory by the right mind setting and practice orientation, to really achieve corporate lean transformation as well as self-development and breakthrough. Some practical applications of Lean Production will be shown in the automated assembly line enabled by Industry 4.0. 本次培训面向生产管理领域的各个层次的管理者和工程师, 尤其是公司的高级别管理人员 This training was developed for wide-range manager and engineer in different field of production management, especially for senior of high-level management board member. 让您的生产线精益化和智能化中文 CN Design your Production Line Lean and Intelligent 精益生产线设计是最好的系统化方法之一, 用以简化流程, 消除浪费 这样做的目的是通过重新设计生产和物流, 以便提高整体效率和灵活性, 以及降低投资的比例, 所需空间和缩短产出时间 在精益生产线设计中, 工位设计工具和可视化工厂的工具以及优化的物料配送是关键内容 同时, 智能工具将被引入, 其可以自动地收集数据, 并进行进一步的分析以及提供对策 A Lean Line Design is one of the best systematical ways to streamline a process in order to remove waste. The aim is to redesign production and logistics so as to increase productivity and flexibility, as well as lowering the investment ratio, space requirements and through-put time. In Lean Line Design, ultimate workstation design tools and visual factory tools for line design as well as optimized material delivery are key contents. The intelligent tools will be introduced, which can automatically gather the data and make further analysis as well as actions. 本次研讨会不仅适用于工业工程师, 生产计划工程师和管理人员, 同时也为有兴趣从事和进一步发展生产, 加工或供应商改进等领域的人员 This seminar was not only devised for industrial engineer, production planning engineers and managers, but also for everyone who is interested in working in and further developing the fields of production, process or supplier improvement. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 精益生产线设计的案例 Business cases of Lean Line Design 精益生产起源与发展 - 丰田精益屋 History of Lean Production - Toyota Lean House 目前在你生产中存在的问题 初步计算 Problem statement from your side Initial calculation 精益生产意识篇 - 变革管理 - 浪费 / 效率 / 库存的认识 - 精益 5 大原则 精益工具篇 - 高级管理决策工具 - 质量改善工具 - 效率提高工具 - 交期改善工具 精益实践篇 - Kaizen 活动的推动 - SGA 小组的推动 实践应用 : 案例分析 - 精益装配线现场参观与生产模拟 Lean Produciton Mind-setting - Change Management - Identify Waste/Efficiency/Inventory - 5 Lean principles Lean Tools - Top Management decision tool - Quality tool - Efficiency improvement tool - Lead time improvement tool Lean Practice - Kaizen Event - SGA group Learning by doing: case studies - Lean assembly line visiting and production simulation 评估当前的状况 a) 当前布局 b) 工艺流程 c) 工作分布图 制定完整的操作流程 线体设计 ( 新 : 基于操作流程 ) a) 生产线粗设计 b) 详细设计和确定布局 c) 制定工作分配 在示范线进行试点实施 标准化工作和持续改善 成果总结 在自己工厂的下一步实施 Assess current condition a) Current layout b) Process flow c) Work distribution Diagram Developing operational flow version Line design (new: focus on operator flow) a) Rough line concept b) Detailing and finalizing the layout c) Developing work distribution Pilot implementation at demonstration line. Standardized Work and CIP Story board - results summary Next step in own factory environment 日期 :2018 年 3 月 29-30 日 /7 月 5-6 日 2018 年 11 月 8-9 日会员 :4000 元 ; 非会员 :4500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: March 29-30/July 5-6 November 8-9, 2018 Member: RMB 4000; Non-members: RMB 4500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 日期 :2018 年 4 月 13 日 /7 月 13 日 2018 年 11 月 16 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: April 13/July 13 November 16, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 74 75

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 弹性生产计划 - 开启竞争优势的密匙中文 CN Flexible Production Planning - The Key to Competitive Edge 生产计划通过对员工 物料 产能等资源的合理分配, 安排企业生产活动, 以实现服务不同客户的目的 伴随着在成本 质量 交期等方面越来越高的客户需求, 以及生产系统中本身存在的变异, 我们需要一个具有弹性的生产计划系统来帮助我们实现更好的客户服务与更高的生产效率 本课程将向您介绍不同制造环境下的生产计划途径和方法, 以及如何建立弹性以应对需求波动和生产中的变异 Production planning is the planning of production processes in a company. It utilizes the resource allocation of employees, materials and production capacity, in order to serve different customers. With higher and higher customer requirements in cost, quality and lead time while facing many variations in the production system, a flexible production planning system is essential to help to achieve efficient production while keeping high service level. This training introduces you production planning approaches and methods in different manufacturing environments and the way to gain flexibility in cope with demand fluctuations and internal problems. 本课程面向与生产管理相关的工程师和有经验的员工 该课程对于每一位从事生产管理或改善的人员都十分合适 This training was developed for production management related engineers and experienced employees. The training is suitable for everyone aiming to work in the production management and continuous improvement topics. 让您的内部物流精益化和智能化中文 CN Upgrade your Internal Logistics to Lean and Smart 精益物料配送是实现精益生产的重要基础和前提条件 为了支持持续生产和降低在生产区域的原材料库存水平, 不同的物料根据物料属性应有不同的配送模式 作为一个行之有效的优化您的内部物流的方法, 看板系统和内部循环配送模式将在本次培训中重点介绍 此外, 本培训还将展示智能化内部物流在工业 4.0 示范线上的实际应用案例 Lean material replenishment planning is the important base and premise of lean production. To support continuous production and reduce material stock level at the production area, different materials must have different replenishment strategies according to material properties. As one efficient way to optimize your internal logistics, Kanban system and internal milk-run will be introduced. Additionally, some application cases about smart internal logistics will be shown in the demonstration line enabled by Industry 4.0. 本次培训不仅适用于物流规划工程师 生产规划工程师 工业工程师和管理人员, 同时也为有兴趣从事和进一步在物流和生产领域发展的人员量身定制 This training unit was not only devised for logistics planning engineers, production planning engineers, industrial engineers and managers, but also for everyone who is interested in working in and further developing the fields of logistics and production. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 背景知识 a) 制造环境 流程和布局 b) 库存管理 大日程计划 a) 需求管理 b) 销售与运营计划, 资源计划 c) 主生产计划与 RCCP 中日程计划 a) 物料与产能计划 执行与控制 a) 小日程排程 b) 生产控制 从实践中学习 : 案例研究 a) 在先进示范线的实际应用 b) 基于需求的自适应方法 c) 经验分享与总结 Background knowlege a) Manufacturing environments, processes and layouts b) Inventory management Master planning of resources a) Demand management b) Sales and Operations Planning, Resource Planning c) Master scheduling and RCCP Detailed scheduling and planning a) Material and capacity planning Execution and control of operations a) Scheduling and sequencing b) Production control Learning by doing: Case studies a) Application at advanced demonstration line b) Adaptive approach to your demand c) Lessons learned and experience summary 精益内部物流介绍 智能化物料配送策略 物料 ABC/XYZ 分析法 看板管理系统 - 看板介绍 - 看板卡数量计算 - 实施步骤 内部循环供货系统 - 内部循环供货优点 - 内部循环供货设计 ( 线路 / 时间 ) - 实施步骤 从实践中学习 : 案例分析 - 在工业 4.0 示范线上的实际应用 - 经验分享与总结 Introduction of lean internal logistics Smart material replenishment strategy Material ABC/XYZ-analysis Kanban system - Introduction of Kanban system - Calculation of number of Kanban cards - Implementation steps Internal milk-run system - Benefits of internal milk-run system - Design of internal milk-run (route/schedule) - Implementation steps Learning by doing: case studies - Application cases at the demonstration line enabled by Industry 4.0 - Lessons learned and experience summary 日期 :2018 年 4 月 20 日 /7 月 20 日 2018 年 11 月 23 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: April 20/July 20, November 23, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 日期 :2018 年 4 月 26-27 日 /7 月 26-27 日 2018 年 11 月 29-30 日会员 :4000 元 ; 非会员 :4500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: April 26-27/July 26-27 November 29-30, 2018 Member: RMB 4000; Non-members: RMB 4500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 76 77

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 企业工业 4.0 实施蓝图 中文 CN Industry 4.0 Roadmap 工业 4.0 概念即是以智能制造为主导的第四次工业革命 该战略旨在通过充分利用信息通讯技术和信息物理系统 (Cyber-Physical System) 相结合的手段, 对生产 / 价值链进行实时监控和大数据分析, 从而将制造业向智能化转型 在位于苏州的中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心中, 最前沿的 工业 4.0 制造技术会与制造企业实战相结合, 全方位展示 工业 4.0 给制造企业带来的收益和应用实例, 对此学员将受启发如何提升企业的智能制造水平 Industry 4.0 concept emerges from Intelligent Manufacturing leaded by "the 4th Industry revolution". This concept is based on integration of information communication technology, Cyber-Physical System and analysis of the production/value chain with Big Data and in real-time in order to achieve the shifting of the industry towards intelligence. In the Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center located in Suzhou, the most frontier technology of Industry 4.0 will integrated with real practice and realize a real live demonstration and show the ultimate benefits of the concept. The participants will be inspired to enhance the further development of intelligent manufacturing. 本次研讨会可面向所有与制造企业相关, 尤其对 工业 4.0 战略课题感兴趣之人士 该研讨会对于每一位致力于制造企业升级及智能化转型的人士都十分合适 This training was developed for everyone who works in manufacturing industry and has special interests in Industry 4.0 topic. The training is suitable for those who aim to work in and enhance the further development 数字化车间管理中文 CN Digital Shopfloor Management 车间是企业进行增值活动的场地, 更是企业管理水准的直接体现 通过持续优化车间管理流程, 可以提升企业内部的信息透明度, 加快问题解决的速度 在本课程中学员将体验最先进的数字化车间管理应用, 了解其相对于传统车间管理工具的优势 Shopfloor is where value-added activity happens. It also directly represents how well a manufacturing plant is managed. By deploying excellent shopfloor management processes, the information transparency will be increased and problems which occur in production will be solved more efficiently. In this course, participants will be inspired by latest digital applications and their advantages in shopfloor management compared to traditional management tools. 本次培训面向生产管理领域的各个层次的管理者和工程师, 尤其是公司的高级别管理人员 案例分析和实例专为从事生产管理的工作人员量身定制 This training was developed for wide-range manager and engineer in different field of production management, especially for senior of high-level management board member. Case studies and examples are especially designed for the needs of persons who are in charge for production management. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management of intelligent manufacturing. 为什么需要运用智能制造 工业 4.0 展示 a) 应用范畴 b) 工业 4.0 的发展 c) 工业 4.0 应用案例 d) 设备技术要求 e) 生产科学及管理模式 工业 4.0 的效益 从实践中学习 : 实战 工业 4.0 a) 传统手工生产模拟 b) 半自动化生产模拟 c) 工业 4.0 生产模拟 工业 4.0 评估 a) KPI 分析 b) 投资收益分析 Motivation for Intelligent Manufacturing Industry 4.0 demonstration a) Application field of Industry 4.0 b) Development of Industry 4.0 c) Industry 4.0 Use cases d) Technology scope e) Production science and management Benefits of Industry 4.0 Learning by doing: Live demo of Industry 4.0 a) Manual traditional production simulation b) Semi-automated production simulation c) Industry 4.0 simulation Industry 4.0 assessments a) KPI analysis b) Invest-benefits analysis 车间管理介绍 卓越车间管理 车间管理流程 传统车间管理及其遇到的挑战 工业 4.0 下的车间管理 - 数字化车间管理 - 体验数字化车间管理应用 Introduction of shopfloor management Excellent shopfloor management Process of shopfloor management Traditional shopfloor management and their challenges Shopfloor management in time of Industry 4.0 - Digital Shopfloor management - Experience digital applications in shopfloor management 日期 :2018 年 5 月 11 日 /8 月 10 日 2018 年 12 月 7 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: May 11/August 10 December 7, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 日期 :2018 年 5 月 18 日 /8 月 24 日 2018 年 12 月 14 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: May 18/August 24 December 14, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 78 79

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 系统化分析您的产品成本结构中文 CN Analyze your Product Cost Structure Systematically 成本结构分析是生产制造企业常见流程 成本结构分析关注整个生产过程所有类型的成本 不同的成本结构分析方法, 包括成本, 成本习性的分析以及盈亏平衡分析 每个方法都关注公司业务活动的不同部分, 以便确定如何高效和有效地完成活动 其他公司也可以使用这个分析来提高效率 公司有多种类型的成本, 成本结构分析通常从分析每种类型成本开始 常见成本类型包括沉没成本 ( 已支付成本 ) 边际成本和固定成本, 这些可能是生产和制造过程中最大的成本 Cost structure analyses are commonly used within production manufacturing companies. This activity reviews all types of costs that are necessary to complete production processes. Different cost structure analysis methods include a review on the types of costs, cost behavior, and break-even analysis. Each method focuses on a different part of the company's business activities in order to define how efficiently and effectively the company completes activities. Other companies can use this analysis as well in order to improve efficiencies. Many types of costs exist in a company. A cost structure analysis typically starts with a review of each type. Common types of costs include sunk, marginal, and fixed costs, which can be the most expensive ones in production and manufacturing. 本次培训适合于经验丰富的工程师, 采购 生产等部门主管 经理 总经理 This training was developed for experienced engineers, department supervisors/managers in sourcing/ purchasing, production and etc. It is also of high interest for general managers. 从财务 管理角度来介绍成本结构 成本结构理论 固定成本和可变成本 直接材料成本 直接人工成本 间接成本 成本转移和减少 案例研究和分析 制造中的应用 采购和供应商成本管理中的应用 Cost structure introduction from finance perspective and from management perspective Cost structure theory Fixed cost and variable cost Direct material cost, direct labor cost, indirect cost Cost transfer and reduction Cases studies and analysis Application in manufacturing Application in procurement and supplier cost management ISO 9001:2015 内审员培训中文 CN ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Course 2015 版 ISO9001 质量管理体系要求 国际标准已于 2015 年 9 月正式发布, 面对新版转版要求, 多标认证技术专家来讲解 2015 改版思想及改版内容, 应广大客户要求, 我们将同您一起分享技术专家的理解 同时为了更好的让各企业在 2015 年做好充分的换证工作, 及迎接新版的 ISO9001:2015 认证工作, 我公司率先举办此次 ISO9001 :2015 内审员资格转换, 培训后颁发 ISO9001:2015 内部审核员证书 The Internal Auditing training course is suitable for those wishing to conduct internal audits to ISO9001. This 3-day Internal Auditor training course enables delegates to interpret the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard from an auditing perspective, conduct effective audits and produce audit findings. 从事质量管理工作人员如质量工程师等, 从事企业管理的中高级管理人员 内审员和其他相关人员 An approved certificate for those who successfully complete all elements of the course, including written and practical skills assessment. 课程活动包括课堂讲授 案例讨论 模拟练习课程内容包括以下主题 : 一 ISO 9001:2015 修订过程和 Day one ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 简介 Quality management system and Basic Terminology ( 包括 HLS 介绍 ) Process approach ISO 9001:2015 国际标准的内容介绍 : Interpreting key requirements of ISO9001 1.ISO 9001:2015 国际标准和 Day two ISO 9001:2015 标准变更内容介绍 Interpreting key requirements of ISO9001 2.ISO 9001:2015 国际标准内容简介已认证 ISO 9001:2015 组织 Audit Terminology 如何准备 ISO 9001:2015 的 Audit objectives 升版工作的介绍 Audit responsibilities 二 ISO 9000:2015 标准导入 The Audit process (ISO 19011) ISO 9001:2015 标准条款理解 Day three 过程方法 Audit Planning(Timing Plan and Preparation/checklist 过程方法在文件系统中的体现和 development ) 在审核中的应用 Audit Implementation: Gathering evidence of control, 内部体系审核的策划 实施和管理, observation, sampling and interviewing 审核技巧 Reporting audit findings 案例分析讨论考核合格者颁发 TÜV 南德意志集团大中华集团 Academy 的 ISO9001:2015 内审员证书学员完成全部课程后, 可获得 TÜV SÜD 颁发的培训证书 Training certificate will be issued by TÜV SÜD. Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management 日期 :2018 年 5 月 25 日 /8 月 31 日 2018 年 12 月 21 日会员 :2000 元 ; 非会员 :2500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 苏州工业园区月亮湾路 10 号慧湖大厦 A 座 1101 室中德工业 4.0 技术展示创新中心 Schedule: May 25/August 31 December 21, 2018 Member: RMB 2000; Non-members: RMB 2500 Venue: Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center, Room 1101, Building A, Wisdom Center, No.10 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park 日期 :2018 年 1 月 24-26 日 /3 月 19-21 日 2018 年 4 月 23-25 日 /5 月 16-18 日 2018 年 6 月 27-29 日 /7 月 16-18 日 2018 年 8 月 20-22 日 /9 月 12-14 日 2018 年 10 月 17-19 日 /11 月 19-21 日 2018 年 12 月 17-19 日会员 :2450 元 ; 非会员 :2950 元语言 : 中文地点 : 上海市恒通路 151 号 TÜV SÜD 大楼 Schedule: January 24-26/March 19-21, April 23-25/May 16-18, June 27-29/July 16-18, August 20-22/September 12-14, October 17-19/November 19-21, December 17-19, 2018 Member: RMB 2450; Non-members: RMB 2950 Venue: TÜV SÜD Buidling, No. 151 Hengtong Road, Shanghai 80 81

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001 法律法规合规性评价中文 CN NEW ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001 Legal Requirements Compliance Evaluation EHS 法律法规合规性评价课程培训, 内容涉及中国 EHS 法律法规框架, 企业如何选择适用的法律法规, 环境法律法规介绍, 危险化学品重大危险源辨识, 建设项目安全卫生管理技巧, 事故调查及整改方法等, 旨在使学员深入系统的了解相关法规的要求 EHS Legal requirements compliance evaluation course will introduce the frame of Chinese EHS legal requirements. This course will also guide organizations how to choose suitable requirements, which include hazardous chemical substance identification/ projects safety and sanitation management skills/ accident survey/ corrective action etc. EHS 专员 EHS 工程师 安全管理人员 安全主任 安全工程师, 以及希望向 EHS 主管发展的人士 EHS specialist, EHS engineer, Safety specialist, Safety director, and those who wish to learn EHS. 课程活动包括课堂讲授 案例讨论 模拟练习课程内容包括以下主题 : 中国 EHS 法律法规框架 How to choose suitable legal requirements 企业如何选择适用的法律法规 Environmental legal requirements 环境法律法规介绍 Chemical management 化学品管理 Electrical products pollution management 电子产品污染防治 Occupational healthy legal requirements introduction 职业健康法规介绍 Special equipment management 特种设备管理 Ergonomic 人机工程 Fire safety 消防安全 Machine guarding 机械防护 Electrical safety and entrance of finite space 用电安全和有限空间进入 Accident report and survey 事故报告和调查 EHS training EHS 培训 Conformity management 符合性管理 Frame of Chinese EHS Legal requirements 学员完成全部课程后, 可获得 TÜV SÜD 颁发的培训证书 Training certificate will be issued by TÜV SÜD. 日期 :2018 年 3 月 28-30 日 /5 月 28-30 日 2018 年 7 月 25-27 日 /9 月 26-28 日 2018 年 11 月 28-30 日会员 :2650 元 ; 非会员 :3150 元语言 : 中文地点 : 上海市恒通路 151 号 TÜV SÜD 大楼 Schedule: March 28-30/May 28-30, July 25-27/September 26-28, November 28-30, 2018 Member: RMB 2650; Non-members: RMB 3150 Venue: TÜV SÜD Buidling, No. 151 Hengtong Road, Shanghai IATF 16949:2016 内审员培训 IATF 16949:2016 Internal Auditor Course 中文 CN 2016 年 10 月 1 日,IATF 发布 IATF 16949:2016, 取代现行的 ISO/TS 16949 标准, 明确了汽车行业内各组织的质量管理体系的相关要求 新版标准的目标是为了进一步发展汽车行业质量管理体系, 实现持续改进 强调缺陷预防并减少供应链中的变异和浪费 IATF 16949:2016 是一份创新文件, 它着重考虑了客户导向性, 综合了许多以前的顾客特定要求 新标准将会作为对 ISO 9001:2015 的补充条款和它一起共同实行 它并不是单独的质量管理体系标准, 而是作为 ISO 9001:2015 的补充进行实施并融合 IATF released IATF 16949:2016 to replace ISO/TS 16949 on Oct.1, 2016, IATF 16949:2016 re-defined the related requirements of quality management system of organizations in automotive industry. The objective of the new standard is to develop management system in automotive industry, to realize continuous improvement/ to put more focus on defect prevention and reduce the variation and waste in the supply chain. The new standard focus on customer orientation, and it combined a lot of former special requirements of customers. IATF 16949:2016 will be conducted as supplementary terms of ISO 9001:2015, it is not a separate quality management system, it will be conducted with ISO 9001:2015. 质量专员 质量工程师 汽车行业管理人员, 以及希望向汽车行业质量管理体系主管发展的人士 Quality specialist, quality engineer, managers of auto industry, and those who wish to learn 16949. 课程活动包括课堂讲授 案例讨论 模拟练习课程内容包括以下主题 : 第一天 Day 1 1 质量管理体系标准历史, 1. History of quality management system, new concept 新的理念和新结构 and new structure 2 IATF 16949:2016 标准改版过程回顾 2. Procedure of version change 3 IATF 16949:2016 标准主要变化点 3. Main changes of IATF 16949:2016 4 IATF 16949:2016 标准换版规 4. Certification rules of IATF 16949:2016 5 新旧标准条款对照 - IATF 16949 2016 版 5. Difference between IATF 16949 2016 and ISO/TS vs. ISO/TS 16949 2009 版 16949 2009 6 IATF 16949:2016 标准各章节条款介绍 6. Introduction of IATF 16949:2016 terms - 第 1-4 章 - Chapter 1-4 第二天 Day 2 7 IATF 16949:2016 标准各章节条款介绍 7. Introduction of IATF 16949:2016 terms: - 第 5-8 章 - Chapter 5-8 第三天 Day 3 8 IATF 16949:2016 标准各章节条款介绍 8. Introduction of IATF 16949:2016 terms - 第 8-10 章 - Chapter 8-10 9 IATF 16949:2016 标准内审员审核知识 9. IATF 16949:2016 Internal audit knowledge 10 IATF 16949:2016 标准附件 - 工具方法介绍 10. IATF 16949:2016 学员完成全部课程后, 可获得 TÜV SÜD 颁发的培训证书 Training certificate will be issued by TÜV SÜD. 日期 :2018 年 1 月 15-17 日 /2 月 26-28 日 2018 年 3 月 14-16 日 /4 月 18-20 日 2018 年 5 月 21-23 日 /6 月 20-22 日 2018 年 7 月 11-13 日 /8 月 15-17 日 2018 年 9 月 21-23 日 /10 月 22-24 日 2018 年 12 月 12-14 日会员 :4000 元 ; 非会员 :4500 元语言 : 中文地点 : 上海市恒通路 151 号 TÜV SÜD 大楼 Schedule: January 15-17/February 26-28, March 14-16/April 18-20, May 21-23/June 20-22, July 11-13/August 15-17, September 21-23/October 22-24, December 12-14, 2018 Member: RMB 4000; Non-members: RMB 4500 Venue: TÜV SÜD Buidling, No. 151 Hengtong Road, Shanghai 82 83 Quality Vocational Management, Training Lean Production/Management

Quality Management, Lean Production/Management Vocational Training 中国 GHS 分类概述中文 CN NEW Overview of China GHS 如果您在工作中需要接触和管理化学品, 尤其是危险化学品, 而您又对中国的 GHS 分类和执行要求没有清楚的了解, 那么这个培训课程非常适合您 通过这个培训, 您可以完全掌握化学品管理全过程中的注意事项 If you need to deal with and manage chemicals, especially hazardous chemicals in your work, and you had no clear idea about China GHS and its implementation, then this training course is very suitable for you. After the course, you will clearly know what you should do during the whole process of chemical management. 财中国境内制造 进口 使用 存储 处理 运输化学品的企业 从事与危险品管理 EHS 管理 合规管理 危险品运输有关工作的总经理 /EHS 经理 / 质量经理 / 合规专家 /EHS 专家 / 物流运输管理人员 Enterprises in China who manufacture, import, use, store, deal with and transport chemicals. Managing Director/ EHS Manager/ Quality Manager/ Legal Specialist/ EHS Specialist/ Head of logistics and shipping: involving hazardous management, EHS management, tracking of legal requirements, logistics for hazardous. 中国化学品法规框架 Chinese chemical regulatory framework overview 中国化学品法规系统 China chemical regulation system 法律和规定 Law & Regulations 命令 / 执行措施 / 方针 Order/Implementation Measure/Guideline 国家或行业技术标准 National or Industrial Technical Standards 中国 GHS 的合规 The implementation and compliance of China GHS 物质和混合物的分类 Classification of substances and mixture 危险化学品名录 Catalogue of hazardous chemicals 化学品安全说明书 SDS: Safety Data Sheet 标签和包装 Labeling/Packaging 面向非财务专业经理和人士的管理控制速成班英文 EN Crash Course Controlling for Non-Financial Managers & Professionals 本速成班用英文授课, 帮助本土非财务专业经理和人士在短时间内迅速了解德语国家企业管理控制的体系, 学习企业管理控制的基本理念和方法, 并懂得如何利用最重要的管理控制工具提升或优化企业绩效 This course in English language aims to give local non-financial managers and professionals the opportunity to get a quick overview on controlling practiced in German-speaking countries. It helps the participants to understand the basic ideas and concepts and to know how to use the most-relevant controlling tools for improving or optimizing business performance. 想在短时间内迅速了解企业管理控制体系并懂得使用最重要的管理控制工具提升企业经营绩效的本土非财务专业经理和人士 Local non-financial managers and professionals who would like to get a quick overview on controlling and to use the most-relevant controlling tools for business performance improvement. 管理控制的基本理念 The basic ideas of controlling 通过销售管理控制加快高盈利的增长 Achieving profitable sales growth based on sales controlling 优化产品成本 Optimizing product cost (direct material, direct labor, ( 直接物料 直接人工和制造费用 ) manufacturing expenses) 管控好非生产部门的费用 Controlling expenses in overhead departments 管理好固定资产投资项目 Managing investment /capex project 改善企业营运资金的绩效 Improving performance of working capital 用管理控制指标测量和管理经营绩效 Measuring and managing business performance based on controlling ratios Controlling 日期 :2018 年 3 月 22 日 Schedule: March 22, 2018 日期 :2018 年 6 月 11-12 日 /10 月 15-16 日 Schedule: June 11-12/October 15-16, 2018 会员 :3000 元 ; 非会员 :3500 元 Member: RMB 3000; Non-members: RMB 3500 会员 :6800 元 ; 非会员 :7500 元 Member: RMB 6800; Non-members: RMB 7500 语言 : 中文 语言 : 英文 Language: English 84 85

Controlling 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 : 第一阶梯 管理控制和管理控制师 中文 CN Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 1 "Controlling & Controller" 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 : 第二阶梯 管理控制工具箱 中文 CN Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 2 "Controlling Toolbox" Controlling 五个阶梯的管理控制培训课程 是在德国的 CA 管理控制学院 五个阶梯的管理控制和管理控制师培训课程 五个阶梯的管理控制培训课程 是在德国的 CA 管理控制学院 五个阶梯的管理控制和管理控制师培训课程 的基础上编写的企业管理控制系统培训课程 它旨在帮助您更好地理解德语国家企业的管理控制理念和系统, 的基础上编写的企业管理控制系统培训课程 它旨在帮助您更好地理解德语国家企业的管理控制理念和系统, 懂得如何运用管理控制的方法手段帮助企业提升绩效 本培训课是五个阶梯课程中的第一阶梯, 将向您系统 懂得如何运用管理控制的方法手段帮助企业提升绩效 本培训课是五个阶梯课程中的第二阶梯, 让您熟悉用 展示德语国家企业管理控制的基本理念和方法体系 来改善和优化企业绩效的最重要的管理控制方法和手段 "Controlling Training in 5 Stages" is a seminar program which was developed on the basis of "5 stages "Controlling Training in 5 Stages" is a seminar program which was developed on the basis of "5 stages program for controlling and controller training" of the CA Controller Akademie in Germany. It aims to help program for controlling and controller training" of CA Controller Akademie in Germany. It aims to help you to achieve better understanding of the controlling approaches and systems practiced in the German- you to achieve better understanding of the controlling approaches and systems practiced in the German- speaking countries, and to know how to use the controlling instruments for improving and optimizing business speaking countries, and to know how to use the controlling instruments for improving and optimizing business performance in China. This seminar is the first course of the program, which aims to give you a systematic performance in China. This seminar is the second course of the program, which will make you familiar with overview on the basic ideas and concepts of controlling practiced in the German-speaking countries. the controlling methods and instruments most relevant for business performance improvement. 财务和管理控制部门以及其他职能部门中从事管理控制工作的经理和专业人士, 以及其他对管理控制感兴趣 财务和管理控制部门以及其他职能部门中从事管理控制工作的经理和专业人士, 以及其他对管理控制感兴趣 或者想今后从事管理控制师工作的人士 或者想今后从事管理控制师工作的人士 Managers and professionals in the finance/controlling department, or other professionals who are interested Managers and professionals in the finance/controlling department, or other professionals who are interested in controlling or in a future career as professional controller. in controlling or in a future career as professional controller. 管理控制和管理控制师的基本理念 管理控制的财务会计和管理会计信息基础 管理控制对企业战略, 业务模式和企业财务的一体化视野 企业计划和管理报表体系 内部经营绩效的测量和管理 管理控制师的职能和管理控制工作的组织 Controlling & controller: the basic ideas Financial & management accounting as information sources for controlling Strategy, business activities, and finance: the holistic view of controlling Business planning & reporting systems Performance measurement und management Controller's functions and controlling organization 通过对销售的管理控制加速企业增长 产品成本的管理控制 结构成本 ( 期间费用 ) 的管理控制 固定资产和其他投资项目的管理控制 企业营运资金的管理控制 用财务和非财务指标测量和管理经营绩效 Accelerating growth through sales controlling Product cost controlling Structure cost (indirect costs/overhead) controlling Capital expenditure/investment controlling Working capital controlling Measuring and managing business performance using financial & non-financial ratios 日期 :2018 年 4 月 18-20 日 /9 月 12-14 日 Schedule: April 18-20/September 12-14, 2018 日期 :2018 年 5 月 16-18 日 /10 月 17-19 日 Schedule: May 16-18/October 17-19, 2018 会员 :9800 元 ; 非会员 :10800 元 Member: RMB 9800; Non-members: RMB 10800 会员 :9800 元 ; 非会员 :10800 元 Member: RMB 9800; Non-members: RMB 10800 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 86 87

Controlling 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 : 第三阶梯 管理控制的实践 中文 CN Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 3 "Controlling Implementation" 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 : 第四阶梯 管理控制报表和沟通 中文 CN Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 4 "Reporting & Communication" Controlling 五个阶梯的管理控制培训课程 是在德国的 CA 管理控制学院 五个阶梯的管理控制和管理控制师培训课程 五个阶梯的管理控制培训课程 是在德国的 CA 管理控制学院 五个阶梯的管理控制和管理控制师培训课程 的基础上编写的企业管理控制系统培训课程 它旨在帮助您更好地理解德语国家企业的管理控制理念和系统, 的基础上编写的企业管理控制系统培训课程 它旨在帮助您更好地理解德语国家企业的管理控制理念和系统, 懂得如何运用管理控制的方法手段帮助企业提升绩效 本培训课是五个阶梯课程中的第三个阶梯, 它为您提 懂得如何运用管理控制的方法手段帮助企业提升绩效 本培训课是五个阶梯课程中的第四个阶梯, 帮助您了 供一个详尽的企业案例, 让您在实战模拟中运用管理控制方法和手段, 学会如何成为企业内部的变革使者, 解管理控制师如何推动企业组织发展, 并学习如何进行面向决策者的管理控制报表和沟通工作 帮助企业取得卓越绩效 "Controlling Training in 5 Stages" is a seminar program which was developed on the basis of "5 stages "Controlling Training in 5 Stages" is a seminar program which was developed on the basis of "5 stages program for controlling and controller training" of the CA Controller Akademie in Germany. It aims to help program for controlling and controller training" of the CA Controller Akademie in Germany. It aims to help you to achieve better understanding of the controlling approaches and systems practiced in the German- you to achieve better understanding of the controlling approaches and systems practiced in the German- speaking countries, and to know how to use the controlling instruments for improving and optimizing business speaking countries, and to know how to use the controlling instruments for improving and optimizing business performance in China. This seminar is the fourth course of the program. It helps you to understand the roles performance in China. This seminar is the third course of the program. It provides a comprehensive business of controller for organizational development, and to learn practical techniques for user-oriented reporting and case, which enables you to put controlling knowledge into practice and to become an agent of change for communication. your company achieving business performance excellence. 财务和管理控制部门以及其他职能部门中从事管理控制工作的经理和专业人士, 以及其他对管理控制感兴趣 财务和管理控制部门以及其他职能部门中从事管理控制工作的经理和专业人士, 以及其他对管理控制感兴趣 或者想今后从事管理控制师工作的人士 或者想今后从事管理控制师工作的人士 Managers and professionals in the finance/controlling department, or other professionals who are interested Managers and professionals in the finance/controlling department, or other professionals who are interested in controlling or in a future career as professional controller. in controlling or in a future career as professional controller. 为提升企业绩效进行全方位快速诊断 建立并优化企业内部的管理会计体系 设计和落实企业的战略规划和财务预算体系 同步计划企业的盈亏 资产负债和现金流 企业风险的管理控制和把握 公司价值的管理控制和提升 Holistic quick audit for business performance improvement Building up and optimizing the internal management accounting system Designing & implementing a company-wide strategic planning and budgeting system Simultaneous profit & loss, balance sheet, and cash flow planning Risk controlling & management Value-based controlling & management 企业组织发展进程中的管理控制 企业变革的全方位思维和行动 企业战略绩效测量和关键绩效指标 KPIs 业务流程管控及其流程绩效关键指标 KPIs 以接收者为导向的管控报告以及管控图表或演示文件编制的实用提示 通过沟通和反馈技巧改善报表工作 项目的管理控制和沟通 Controlling and organizational development Holistic thinking and acting for change Strategy performance measurement & KPIs Process/activity-based controlling & performance KPIs Receiver-oriented reporting and practical hints for controller's charts, tables & PPT Communication and feedback skill for better reporting work Project controlling & communication 日期 :2018 年 6 月 13-15 日 /11 月 19-21 日 Schedule: June 13-15/November 19-21, 2018 日期 :2018 年 7 月 16-18 日 Schedule: July 16-18, 2018 会员 :9800 元 ; 非会员 :10800 元 Member: RMB 9800; Non-members: RMB 10800 会员 :9800 元 ; 非会员 :10800 元 Member: RMB 9800; Non-members: RMB 10800 语言 : 中文 语言 : 中文 88 89

Controlling 5 个阶梯的管理控制培训 : 第五阶梯 管理控制会议演示和主持中文 CN Controlling in 5 Stages: Stage 5 "Presentation and Moderation" 五个阶梯的管理控制培训课程 是在德国的 CA 管理控制学院 五个阶梯的管理控制和管理控制师培训课程 的基础上编写的企业管理控制系统培训课程 它旨在帮助您更好地理解德语国家企业的管理控制理念和系统, 懂得如何运用管理控制的方法手段帮助企业提升绩效 本培训课是五个阶梯课程中的第五个和最后一个阶梯, 它帮助您练习如何做好管理控制方面的演示报告, 以及如何主持小型和大型的团队会议 "Controlling Training in 5 Stages" is a seminar program which was developed on the basis of "5 stages program for controlling and controller training" of the CA Controller Akademie in Germany. It aims to help you to achieve better understanding of the controlling approaches and systems practiced in the Germanspeaking countries, and to know how to use the controlling instruments for improving and optimizing business performance in China. This seminar is the fifth and last course of the program. It helps you to exercise relevant skills for controlling presentation and to facilitate small and large team meetings. 财务和管理控制部门以及其他职能部门中从事管理控制工作的经理和专业人士, 以及其他对管理控制感兴趣或者想今后从事管理控制师工作的人士 Managers and professionals in the finance/controlling department, or other professionals who are interested in controlling or in a future career as professional controller. 管理控制是解决复杂问题的团队合作 高效团队的特征和团队合作的成功要素 管控师如何让演示报告更有说服力 管控师如何主持小组讨论和大型会议 信息视觉化 报告演示和会议主持的试用技巧和行为提示 学员将在模拟情景下进行课堂练习, 并得到其他学员和培训师的现场反馈和评点 Controlling as team work for solving complex problems Characteristics of high performing teams and success factors of team work How to deliver a convincing presentation How to facilitate or moderate small group discussion as well as plenary session Behavioral hints and techniques of visualization, presentation and facilitation Classroom exercise based on case simulation and feedback from other participants 日期 :2018 年 3 月 14-16 日 /8 月 20-22 日会员 :9800 元 ; 非会员 :10800 元语言 : 中文 Schedule: March 14-16/August 20-22, 2018 Member: RMB 9800; Non-members: RMB 10800 90

Language Training Courses of Goethe-Jinchuang Language Center Shanghai 2018 德文 DE Standard Courses (1 period=8 weeks) Periods in 2018: 10.02.-22.04. 05.05.-01.07. 14.07.-06.09. 15.09.-25.11. 01.12.-27.01.2019 Progress 1 Level 1/2 Level Course Type Slow Progression Course A1 only Intensive Course A1-C1 Intensive Fast Course A1- C1 Intensive Weekend Course A1.1- C1.2 German in Your Spare Time Time (Period: generally 8 weeks, please see above) Mon. Fri. 9.00-15.00 Mon. Fri. 8:30 12:45 or 13:15-17:30 Tue. Thu. 18:30 21:00 Sat. and Sun. 13:15-17:30 Sat. and Sun. 13:15-17:30 Tue. and Thu. 18:30-21:00 Price, Units 5600 RMB 216 Units 4900 RMB 180 Units 4800 RMB 152 Units 2800 RMB 80 Units 2800 RMB 中文课程 交际汉语中文 CN Chinese Language Course - Communication Chinese 课程目标 Course Objective As the Mandarin training provider of German Industry & Commerce Great China (Shanghai), MasterChina commits to reducing the number of hours of study you need to achieve a given level of proficiency. Our aim is that you can express your own opinions in Mandarin freely, confidently and precisely. Rapid After just 50 hours of study, you will manage common daily situations, and within three months begin expressing yourself freely and confidently. By breaking away from traditional teaching methods, emphasizing constant repetition, MasterChina has created its own unique training system, and methodology, to improve the efficiency of study, with a focus on developing practical communication skills, including listening, speaking and reading. Innovative Academic Knowledge MasterChina creates its own study materials, and syllabus, which are designed to quickly build students ability to communicate. Our general teaching material presents the most essential, and hence useful, parts of the language taught using a syllabus making use of everyday situations as a backdrop for learning new Language Training A1.1- C1.2 Sat. 9:30-12:45 80 Units grammar and vocabulary in an interesting and engaging way. Holiday Courses Customized Study What ever level of proficiency you are currently at (from total novice to experienced), when you join 1/2 Level Winter Holiday Course A1.1-B2.2 Mon. Fri. 13:15-17:30 22.01.18-09.02.18 2800 RMB 75 Units MasterChina, you will be invited to discuss your goals, or specific concerns, before beginning your studies. Based on this discussion, we will tailor your program to address your specific needs. 1 Level Summer Holiday Course I A1-B2 Summer Holiday Course II A1-B2 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-15:00 09.07.18-24.08.18 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-15:00 16.07.18-24.08.18 Individual and Company Courses 5600 RMB 210 Units 4900 RMB 180 Units Personal Instruction Thanks to innovative Internet technologies, MasterChina's online study program now allows us to realize our primary goal of connecting you to a dedicated professional teacher, and classrooms, in a global virtual classroom. In this way, we can deliver the same personalized, thoroughly interactive Mandarin program. Our professionals are always quickly address any concerns or difficulties you encounter on your learning journey wherever you are. all Levels Training at Language Center, Company In-House Courses On individual basis one-on-one or small group 课程内容 Course Content Fast Track Course A1-B1 C2 Evening Course Special Courses 4 1/2 months, 5 units/day, 13:15-17:30 8 weeks, 4 units/day Each Wed. 18:00-21:15 7400 RMB, 450 Units+ B1 Exam 2560 RMB, 32 Units Remarks: Maximum group size is 23 participants. Where there are too few participants, the management reserves the right to cancel courses on short notice; courses can, however, possibly take place with an extra charge of those interested to register. The price is inclusive of course materials; additional RMB 80 registration fee. Each teaching unit comprises a 45min lesson. For more details please visit shanghai. SStarting with basic Communication Chinese, we set up a range of Chinese courses, from intermediate to advanced, with focus on listening and speaking. Communication Chinese Course: Greeting Shopping Self-introduction Arrange schedule Make introduction between people In restaurant Ask the way Talk to a maid Take Taxi At bank 92 93

Study Chinese effectively. Speak Chinese freely MasterChina Chinese Language Institution, since 2005, has been the Mandarin training provider of German Industry & Commerce Great China (Shanghai). MasterChina commits to the most effective Chinese study: Rapid, Unforgettable, Precise, and Confident.

Computer Application Skills SharePoint 高效团队协作 Efficient Team Collaboration with SharePoint 中文 CN SharePoint 站点的访问及设置 网站与页面发布管理 SharePoint 站点信息管理 创建和配置应用程序 自定义列表的添加与设置 日历管理 任务管理 SharePoint 与 Office 365 协同工作 Accessing and Configuring a SharePoint Site Managing Site Structures and Publishing a Webpage Working with Site Profiles Adding SharePoint Apps to a Site Adding and Configuring Custom Lists Working with Calendars Managing Tasks Using SharePoint with Office 365 如何使用 Word 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with Word 中文 CN 字符格式化 文档段落编排 背景 主题和框架 设置图文并茂 设置文档版式 设置制表符 分栏 创建和应用节 创建和应用样式 表格的易用性 跟踪文档的不同版本 限制文档的访问权限 创建目录和索引 主控文档和子文档的操作 添加批注和修订文档 邮件合并 宏初步和设置工具栏 Advanced Character and Paragraph Formatting Backgrounds, Themes and Frames Processing Documents with Text and Images Designing Document Layout Setting Up Tabs and Columns Creating and Using Sections Creating and Using Styles Creating Reader-Friendly Tables Tracking Different Versions of Documents Setting Document Permissions 如何使用 Excel 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with Excel 中文 CN 有效性设置减少数据录入错误 条件格式在工作表中的应用 数据图表的制作 单元格地址的引用类型及应用 区域查找与公式审核 工作簿与窗口操作 常用函数应用技巧 对数据进行排序 筛选和分类汇总 使用数据透视表分析数据 工作表和工作簿的保护 与其他文件间的数据导入和导出 记录和运行简单的宏 Using Validation to Reduce Input Errors Using Conditional Formatting in Worksheets Creating Charts Types of Cell References and Their Applications Range Searching and Formula Auditing Introducing Workbooks and Opening Multiple Windows in a Workbook Using Sorting, Filtering and Subtotals Analysing Data by Using PivotTable Consolidating Data from Multiple Worksheets Protecting Worksheets and Workbooks Importing or Exporting Data from another document Recording and Running a Simple Macro Excel 函数应用 Working with Excel Functions 中文 CN 合并拆分提取字符 --- 文本函数 检验各类信息 ---- 信息函数 建立逻辑判断 ---- 逻辑函数 年龄计算和工作日计算 ---- 日期函数 灵活运用 ---- 数学和统计函数 多条件统计 --- 数据库函数 多种途径查找所需数据 --- 查找函数 贷款 投资效益 资产折旧计算 ----- 财务函数 自定义函数 Text Functions: Combining, Splitting and Extracting Characters Information Functions: Checking Information Logical Functions: Using Logical Judgment Date Functions: Calculating Age and Workdays Mathematical and Statistical Functions: Applying Wisely Database Functions: Multi-conditional Statistics Lookup Functions: Different Ways to Look Up Desired Values Financial Functions: Loan, Investment and Depreciation Customized Functions Computer Application Skills Creating Table of Contents and Index Working with Master Document and Sub-Document Leaving Comments and Tracking Document Changes Using Mail Merge Introducing Macros and Customising Toolbars 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 5 月 10 日 /8 月 9 日 May 10/August 9, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1200/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1400/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 3 月 28-29 日 /7 月 9-10 日 2018 年 11 月 19-20 日 March 28-29/July 9-10 November 19-20, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 3 月 19-20 日 /6 月 19-20 日 2018 年 9 月 20-21 日 /12 月 13-14 日 March 19-20/June 19-20 September 20-21/December 13-14, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 1 月 31 日 /4 月 9 日 2018 年 8 月 15 日 /10 月 12 日 January 31/April 9 August 15/October 12, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 96 97

Computer Application Skills 如何使用 PowerPoint 提高你的工作效率 Working Smart with PowerPoint 中文 CN 文本的插入与编辑技巧 图片美化处理技巧 使用 SmartArt 图形对象的编辑技巧 绘制流程图实例 幻灯片的视图与管理 幻灯片放映 多媒体与动画的使用 母版和主题的使用 表格和图表操作 Office 的信息共享 创建与众不同的放映效果 成功的 PowerPoint 设计 Successful Design with PowerPoint 中文 CN 演示稿制作原则 演示稿实例评点 结构与内容 风格和布局 色彩的原理与运用 图表的变异和组合 运用形象生动的图形 高级动画设计 成功的演示 Principles of Making PPT Presentations Review of Sample PPT Slides Structure and Content of Presentation Excel 数据管理与统计分析 Data Management and Analysis with Excel 中文 CN 数据表的规范和数据维护 多种复杂条件的排序和筛选 应用分类汇总和列表 应用数据透视表分析数据 数据透视表与源数据的关联 合并汇总多张工作表的数据 应用模拟运算表 应用方案管理器 应用单变量求解函数 应用描述统计工具 应用排位分析工具 应用单因素 / 双因素方差分析工具 MS Excel 高级应用 - 财务会计专题 MS Excel Advanced Skills for Financial Professionals 中文 CN 财务工作中常见单据设计 制作帐务处理表格 财务收支核算与分析 成本费用分析 财务报表的编制与数据分析 财务预测和趋势分析 货币资金的时间价值 财务预算及分析 固定资产分析 投资和生产规划分析 ( 可选 ) Designing General Financial Receipts Making Account Processing Sheets Computer Application Skills Inserting, Formatting and Editing text Style and Layout of Slides Standardisation of Excel Lists and Data Maintenance Analysing Financial Revenues and Expenses Beautifying images Color Principles and Usages Sorting and Filtering under Complex Conditions Cost Analysis Working with SmartArt Chart Variations and Combinations Using Subtotals and the "Format As Table" Feature Financial Reports and Data Analysis Editing Graphic Object Vivid Visual Graphics Using PivotTable for Data Analysis Financial Prediction and Trend Analysis Drawing Flow Charts Advanced Animation Design Linking PivotTable with Source Data Time Value of Money Viewing and Managing Slides A Successful Presentation Consolidating Multiple Worksheets to a Single Sheet Financial Budgets and Analysis Running a Slide Show Using One-Input and Two-Input Data Tables Fixed Assets Analysis Working with Multimedia and Animations Using Scenario Manager Investment Analysis and Production Planning (optional) Working Slide Masters and Themes Using Goal Seek Function Working with Tables and Charts Using Descriptive Statistics Tools Sharing Information with other Office Application Using Rank and Percentile Tools Making Your Slide Shows Unique Using One-Way or Two-Way ANOVA 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 3 月 12-13 日 /5 月 14-15 日 2018 年 7 月 16-17 日 9 月 10-11 日 2018 年 11 月 5-6 日 March 12-13/May 14-15/July 16-17 September 10-11, November 5-6, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 3 月 14 日 /5 月 16 日 2018 年 8 月 22 日 /11 月 7 日 March 14/May 16, August 22/November 7, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 17 日 /6 月 21 日 2018 年 9 月 4 日 /12 月 18 日 April 17/June 21 September 4/December 18, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 5 月 28-29 日 /10 月 24-25 日 May 28-29/October 24-25, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 98 99

Computer Application Skills Access 数据库应用进阶 Advanced Application of Access Database 中文 CN 数据表结构的详细设计 设置数据表字段的属性 Access 的数据关系 如何建立 Access 数据关系 数据关系的参照完整性 创建多表查询 创建交叉表查询和动作查询 查询属性和查询技术的优化 窗体的设计和各种操作 各种控件属性的应用 报表的高级设计 Designing a Detailed Table Structure Setting Filed Properties Understanding Data Relationships in Access Defining Data Relationships Enforcing the Referential Integrity Creating a Multi-Table Query Creating a Crosstab or Action Query Optimising Query Properties and Query Techniques Designing and Operating Forms Using Control Properties Designing Advanced Reports AutoCAD 二维制图 ( 初级 ) Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Basics 中文 CN 熟悉并设置二维制图环境 掌握制图的基本操作和辅助命令 直线 点 构造线设置与应用 矩形 正多边形 圆弧 椭圆的设置与应用 对象编辑 (1): 复制 旋转 缩放 镜像 偏移等 对象编辑 (2): 延伸 分解 打断 倒角 阵列 拉伸等 图层与查询的初级应用 块与填充的初级应用 文字的设置与应用 工程尺寸的标注 图形输出与打印 Configuring 2D Drafting & Annotation Workspace Drawing Basics and Ways to Facilitate Drawing Working with Lines, Points and Xlines Working with Rectangles, Polygons, Arcs and Ellipses Editing Objects I: Copying, Rotating, Scaling, Mirroring, Offsetting, etc Editing Objects II: Extending, Exploding, Breaking, Chamfering, Arraying, Stretching, etc Basic Layers and Queries Basic Blocks and Hatches Working with Text Adding Engineering Dimensions to Drawings Exporting / Plotting Drawings AutoCAD 二维制图 ( 中级 ) Essential AutoCAD Skills: 2-D Drafting Intermediate 中文 CN 高级绘图技巧 多段线的绘制 利用夹点进行编辑 对象特性的应用 右键菜单的应用 图层技巧运用 图层特性编辑 块的深入编辑 块属性的应用 尺寸标注的高级设置 图纸空间与打印高级设置 Advanced Drawing Drawing Polylines Editing Objects with Grips Using the Properties Dialog Box Using the Right-click Menu Working with Layers Managing Layer Properties Advanced Blocks Working with Block Properties Advanced Dimensions Paper Space and Advanced Plotting Access 数据库应用基础 Fundamentals of Access Database 中文 CN Microsoft Access 概述 数据库和数据库管理系统 浏览 Access 的各种对象 创建 Access 数据库 数据表结构与基本操作 查询的基本创建方法 创建选择 参数 汇总查询 窗体的种类 布局和组成 应用窗体设计向导创建窗体 报表的种类 布局和组成 应用 Access 报表设计向导 打印报表 数据的导入和导出 链接数据 Introducing Microsoft Access Databases and Database Management System Running and Viewing Various Objects in Access Creating Access Databases Data Table Structure and its Basic Operation Basic Methods of Creating Queries Creating Selections, Parameters or Summary Queries Types, Layout and Construction of Forms Using Form Wizard Types, Layout and Construction of Reports Using Report Wizard Printing Reports Importing and Exporting Data Linking Data Computer Application Skills 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 3-4 日 /7 月 24-25 日 2018 年 11 月 6-7 日 April 3-4/July 24-25 November 6-7, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 1 月 8-10 日 /5 月 14-16 日 2018 年 9 月 4-6 日 /12 月 5-7 日 January 8-10/May 14-16 September 4-6/December 5-7, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 2400/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 2600/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2014 2018 年 3 月 10-11 26-27 日 /6 /7 月 9-10 5-6 日 / 2018 2014 年 10 9 月 11-12 16-17 日 /12 月 8-9 日 March 10-11/June 26-27/July 9-10/ 5-6 September October 16-17, 11-12/December 2018 8-9, 2014 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1200/ 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1400/ 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 2 日 /7 月 23 日 2018 年 11 月 5 日 April 2/July 23 November 5, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 100 101

Computer Application Skills Excel 数据透视表深度应用 In-Depth Applications of PivotTable 中文 CN 创建数据透视表 数据透视表布局 数据透视表项目组合和排序 在数据透视表中应用统计函数 透视表数据特殊表示 应用计算字段和计算项 透视表函数 GETPIVOTDATA 应用 动态更新透视表数据 应用外部数据创建数据透视表 透视表美化和应用透视图 Creating PivotTable Understanding the Layout of PivotTable Grouping and Sorting Data Items in PivotTable Applying Statistical Functions to PivotTable Special Approaches to Presenting Data in PivotTable Using Calculated Field and Calculated Items Using GETPIVOTDATA Function Updating and Displaying Data Dynamically 用图表说话 (Office 商务概念图 ) Say It with Charts: Business Diagrams with MS Office 中文 CN 商务图形概述 使用概念图形象生动展现思想 使用流程图分析 描述业务进程 使用时间序列类图表开展项目管理或展示日程安排 使用表格与图表形象展现数据 Introducing Business Diagrams Using Concept Maps to Visually Show Ideas Using Flowcharts to Analyse and Describe Business Processes Using Time-Sequence Diagrams to Manage Projects and Display Agendas Using Graphs and Tables to Present Data Excel 宏与 VBA Working with Excel Macro & VBA 中文 CN 宏的使用 Working with Macros 宏的类型及创建方法 Types of Macros and Ways to Create Them 宏的录制 运行 Recording and Running Macros 宏的管理 Managing Macros VBA 代码简介 Introducing VBA VBA 编程及调试环境 VBA Programming & Debugging Environment 学习编写 VBA Coding with VBA VBA 的几个实际应用 Practical Applications of VBA 用事件驱动宏和控制工作表 Using Interactive Procedures 建立自定义函数 Creating a User-Defined Function 创建用户工具栏 菜单和命令按钮 Creating User Tool Bars, Menus and Command Buttons 处理工作表和工作簿事件 Processing Worksheet and Workbook Events 应用各种控件 Using Various Controls 保护工作表 Protecting Worksheets 应用自定义窗体 Applying User Forms 创建自定义窗体 Creating a User Forms 在窗体中应用控件 Adding Controls to User Forms 属性设置 Setting Properties 建立自定义视图 Customising Views Computer Application Skills Creating a PivotTable with External Data Formatting PivotTable and Using PivotChart 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 5 月 22 日 /10 月 16 日 May 22/October 16, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1200/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1400/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 5 月 23 日 /8 月 27 日 May 23/August 27, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1200/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1400/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 23-24 日 /6 月 28-29 日 /9 月 13-14 日 /11 月 26-27 日 April 23-24/June 28-29/September 13-14/November 26-27, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 2400/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 2600/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 102 103

Computer Application Skills 用图表说话 ( Excel 数据图 ) Say It with Charts: Presenting Data Graphically in Excel 中文 CN 图表数据的准备 Preparing Chart Data 图表类型的选择 Choosing a Proper Type of Chart 图表的属性 Chart Properties 柱形图的制作技巧 Creating Bar Charts 柱线组合图表的应用 Creating Line-Column Combination Charts 应用条形堆叠图 : 项目进度表 Schedule Charts: Using Stacked-Bar 份额分析 : 应用饼图和三维饼图 Share Analysis: Using Pie Charts and 3D Pie Charts 放大局部数据 : 应用复合条饼图 Extracting Local Data: Using Combined Pie Charts 多系列份额分析 : 应用圆环图 Multi-Share Analysis: Using Doughnut Charts 折线图的制作技巧 Skills of Drawing Line Charts 应用雷达图做多维度比较 Multidimensional Comparison: Using Radar Charts 应用控件和函数实现图表动态化 Using Control and Functions to Create Dynamic Charts 应用散点图绘制经营矩阵图 Using X-Y Scatter Charts to Drawing a Matrix Diagram 在表格中植入条形图 Embedding Bar Charts in Worksheets 应用盒形图分析数据分布形态 Using Boxplot to Analyse Data Distribution Patterns 创建与表格数据行联动的图表 Creating a Chart Linkage with Table Rows 应用趋势线做预测分析 Using Trendlines to Perform Forecasting Analysis 应用误差线反映不确定性 Using Error Bars to Reflect Uncertainty Microsoft Outlook 高效事务管理 Managing Emails and Schedules Using Microsoft Outlook 中文 CN 高效事务管理方法简介 萃取重要信息, 拒绝垃圾邮件 建立多用户签名 发送名片有效清除垃圾邮件建立搜索文件夹使用 RSS 订阅创建邮件规则, 归档邮件按需要设置代理访问他人文件夹 追踪管理结果, 工作有条不紊创建投票邮件 自动统计结果 安排任务给其他人 自动追踪工作进度使用日记记录与联系人的交互活动或重要文件用便笺随时记录一个好想法或者备忘小组 科学管理日程, 及时联络自动为特定的约会或会议上色 使用用户组导出联系人列表安排与联系人的会议和任务 悉心安排会议, 提升执行能力群组会议邀请 跟踪设置事件打印日程安排 案例 : 基于 Outlook 的 GTD 高效事务管理 Introducing Efficient Transaction Management Methods Extracting Important Information as well as Refusing Spams Creating Signatures and Sending vcards Managing Junk Mails Creating Search Folders Using RSS Feeds Creating Rules to Archive Messages Managing Delegate Access Permissions Accessing the Folder of Another User Tracking Work Results and Keeping Work Organised Creating Voting Polls in E-mails and Automatically Tracking the Results Assigning a Task to Someone Else Tracking Work Activities by Using Journal Using Notes to Record Good Ideas or Memorandums Managing Agenda and Contacts Automatically Marking the appointments or meetings with a Specific Colour Using Personal Distribution List Exporting Contacts Planning a Meeting or Task with Contacts Arranging Meetings Scheduling Meetings Setting Events Printing Schedules Case Study: GTD Transaction Management Based on Outlook Computer Application Skills 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 1 月 11 日 /5 月 17 日 /7 月 19 日 /11 月 29 日 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 3 月 21 日 /6 月 27 日 /9 月 6 日 /11 月 28 日 January 11/May 17/July 19/November 29, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人 语言 / 中文 地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 March 21/June 27/September 6/November 28, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 104 105

Computer Application Skills MS Office 高级应用 人力资源专题 MS Office Advanced Skills for HR Professionals 中文 CN 制作 员工手册 类的长文档 制作组织结构图 熟悉常用文档模版 使用 Outlook 高级功能管理邮件 用 Excel 窗体控件设计各种调查表 自动统计调查结果 用 Excel 列表建立规范的人员信息数据结构 利用条件格式进行合同到期提醒 应用函数自动计算工龄和社保费用 组合分析各类人事信息 薪酬管理 : 工资级差图 绩效考核 : 用雷达图分析员工能力 各类费用分析 : 用动态图表展示费用情况 培训需求分析 : 用气泡图表示需求 保护 HR 机密信息 Creating a Long Documents such as an Employee Handbook Creating Organisation Charts Getting Familiar with Templates of Common Documents Managing Mails by Using Advanced Features in Outlook Using Excel Controls to Design Different Questionnaires Calculating Survey Results Automatically Creating Standardised Personnel Information Data Structures by Using Excel Lists Using Conditional Formatting to Set Up a Contract Expiration Reminder Applying Functions to Calculate Employee's Working Years and Social Security Charges Analysing Comprehensively Various Personnel Information Salary Management: Using Pay Grading Charts Performance Assessment: Using the Radar Charts to Analyse Staff Competence Expense analysis: using Dynamic Charts to Show Expenses Training Demand Analysis: Using Bubble Charts to Show Different Demands Protecting Confidential Information of HR 如何使用 Microsoft Project 提高项目管理水平 Working Smart with Microsoft Project 中文 CN 定义项目基本信息 建立大纲结构 (WBS) 设置任务的约束和关系 定义日历, 排定项目进度 格式化甘特图 页面设置和打印 使用网络图 建立资源库 分配资源 定义任务类型和投入比导向域 解决资源冲突 关键任务和关键路径 设置基准线 跟踪项目进程 项目成本管理 导入和导出信息 多项目应用 共享资源 Defining Project Information Creating Outline Structure (WBS) Setting up Task Constraint and Relationship Defining Calendar and Scheduling Projects Formatting Gantt Charts Page Setup and Printing Using Network Diagrams and Time Lines Creating Resource Pool Assigning Resources Defining Task Types and Effort-Driven Task Field Using Critical Tasks and Critical Paths Resolving Resource Conflicts Setting up Baselines Tracking Project Progress Managing Project Cost Importing and Exporting Information Using Multiple Projects Sharing Resources Computer Application Skills 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 1 月 15-16 日 /4 月 23-24 日 /7 月 26-27 日 /10 月 22-23 日 January 15-16/April 23-24/July 26-27/October22-23, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 1600/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1800/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 12-13 日 /6 月 5-6 日 /8 月 2-3 日 /10 月 29-30 日 /12 月 20-21 日 April 12-13/June 5-6/August 2-3/October 29-30/December 20-21, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 2400/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 2600/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai 106 107

Computer Application Skills Office 365/2016 桌面办公新体验中文 CN Office 365/2016: Improved Experience in Desktop Productivity Office365/ 2016 的用户界面与文件 如何自定义功能区 新改进的 另存为 和 打开 功能 新增的云保存与共享文件 改进的帮助与搜索工具栏 PowerPoint 365/2016 新功能 PowerPoint2016 状态栏的新变化 新增和改进的演示者视图 全新的幻灯片设计工具 使用取色器工具实现颜色匹配 全新的图片与图形的设置窗格 新增的屏幕录制功能 直接显示动态效果的幻灯片动画 Word365/ 2016 新功能 新视图界面的应用 使用导航窗格重新组织文档结构 全新的设计选项卡 使用联机视频与联机图片 打开 编辑和保存 PDF 文档 应用实时版式和对齐参考线 Excel 365/2016 新功能 使用新增的 快速分析 数据工具 使用 快速填充 拆分数据列 将数据表转换成信息图表 图表功能的全面提升 数据透视表的全面提升 使用全新的 获取和转换 工具追加多张表中数据 Office 365/2016 UI and Enhanced File Operations Personalising the Ribbon Improved Save As and Open command New Cloud Integration and File Sharing feature New 'Tell Me' feature PowerPoint 365/2016: New Features New changes in the status bar New and improved Presenter View New slide design tools Using Eyedropper to match colours Working with the new 'Format Pane' for images and shapes Inserting a screen recording Previewing animations in Animation Pane Word 365/2016: New Features The new View Modes Using Navigation Pane to organise document structures Introducing the new Design Tab Inserting videos or pictures from the internet Opening, editing, and saving as PDF documents Using Live Layout and Alignment Gridlines Excel 365/2016: New Features Using the new Quick Analysis tools Using Flash Fill to split columns of data Converting data to infographics Improvements in charting: Improvements in PivotTables Using the new Get and Transform tool to append data from multiple data sheets imove ( 职业教育国际推广 ) 中国办公室 imove China Office 什么是 imove: 培训 德国制造? What ist imove: Training Made in Germany? imove( 职业教育国际推广 ) 是一个由德国联邦政府支持, 推进职业教育国际合作的中立平台 imove( 职业教育国际推广 ) 是德国联邦教育与科研部 (BMBF) 发起的一项倡议活动, 隶属于德国联邦职业教育研究所 (BIBB) 的职业教育国际化部门 该项目旨在促进职业教育与培训领域的国际合作, 协助全球感兴趣者与德国培训供应商建立联系与合作, 开发与维护关系网络 imove 项目通过打造 培训 德国制造 品牌, 为德国职业教育与培训进行国际宣传与推广 日期 /Schedule: 2018 年 4 月 25 日 /10 月 15 日 April 25/October 15, 2018 价格 /Price: 包括会务费, 资料费, 计算机, 午餐费 Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch. 会员 /Members: RMB 800/ 人非会员 /Non-Members: RMB 1000/ 人语言 / 中文地点 /Venue: 上海市静安区延平路 121 号三和大厦 7 楼 A 座 Room A, 7/F 121 Yanping Road, Shanghai imove is a neutral platform of the German Federal Government for the initiation of international collaboration in initial and continuing vocational education. imove is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As part of the international division at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), imove promotes international collaboration and the initiation of cooperation and business relationships in vocational training and continuing education. Using the brand "Training Made in Germany", imove promotes German competence in vocational education and training in international markets. 108 109

imove 中国办公室 imove China Office 自 2017 年 7 月 1 日起,iMOVE 入驻 AHK 上海的办公室, 设立 imove 中国办公室, 旨在进一步优化中国对 德国制造 的职业教育与培训感兴趣者与德国培训供应商之间关系的建立与合作的开展 imove 与 200 多家德国培训供应商合作, 这些培训供应商皆以实践导向为特色, 其现代化的教学方法与教学内容以行业的实际需求为基础, 随着行业需求的变化而不断更新 Since 1 July 2017, imove has settled its China Office at AHK Shanghai. Support provided by both partners will assist you in finding the right German partner for your proposals in the area of initial and continuing education and training. imove collaborates with over 200 listed German education and training providers. All listed education and training providers are characterized by their high practice orientation. The modern teaching methods and contents of all listed providers are based on the latest needs of industry. 我们将共同助您找寻合适的德国培训供应商, 为您提供多方面的服务, 包括 : 为您提供德国职业教育与培训的咨询 协助您寻找合适的德国培训供应商 协助您与德国培训供应商建立联系与合作 教授您如何运用 imove 的线上合作交流平台来建立商务联系 双元制企业培训师资格培训中文 CN Vorbereitungslehrgang auf die AHK-Prüfung laut der Ausbildereignungserordnung (AEVO) 目标 Zielsetzung 职业培训在内容上的高标准和对培训生教学中出现的教育学挑战都要求培训师具备坚实的职业教育学和劳动教育学资质 培训师资格培训和考试是保证培养高素质职业专才的重要一环 Gestiegene inhaltliche Anforderungen in der beruflichen Ausbildung und gewachsene pädagogische Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Auszubildenden erfordern eine solide berufs- und arbeitspädagogische Qualifikation. Die Ausbildereignungsprüfung ist somit auch ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Sicherung eines qualifizierten Fachkräftenachwuchses. 参加对象 Zielgruppen 职业教育管理部门负责人 重要专业的教学负责人 专业教师 企业培训师及相关教学人员 Fachkräfte mit ausreichender beruflicher Erfahrung und Fachkenntnissen, die in der Berufsbildung Ausbildungsaufgaben unmittelbar, im wesentlichen Umfang und verantwortlich wahrnehmen. 课程大纲 Lehrgangsinhalte Our Services: Initial advice on the German education and training industry Matchmaking between Chinese and German partners in the area of initial and continuing education and training Assistance for Chinese interested parties in networking with relevant German education and training providers Advice on how to use the digital B2B marketplace as the basis for Chinese-German business contacts. 检查培训条件并安排培训计划 准备培训内容并参与培训生招聘 实施培训 结束培训 Ausbildungsvoraussetzungen prüfen und Ausbildung planen Ausbildung vorbereiten und bei der Einstellung von Auszubildenden mitwirken Ausbildung durchführen Ausbildung abschließen 欢迎您访问 imove 的中文门户网站, 获取德国职业教育与培训领域的最新消息 欢迎您关注上海 AHK 职教平台微信公众号 imove 板块, 跟进 imove 中国办公室的最新动态! 培训顾问 Trainer Xiaorong CHEN 培训讲师陈晓荣具备在德国职业教育, 特别是德国双元制职业培训领域广泛的知识, 自 2008 年以来在教师和专业技工培训和进修方面收集了丰富的经验, 曾经在中国教育部主办的中职和高职院校骨干教师 国培计划, 上海市教委主办的 中等职业教育师资培养培训行动计划, 浙江省人社厅主办的 金蓝领计划, 北京市教委主办的 北京市职业院校教师素质提高工程 及以汽车技术和数控技术为重点的多项技术专项培训中担任教学任务 Herr Chen hat umfangreiche Kenntnisse im Bereich deutsche Berufsbildung, insbesondere die duale Ausbildung und seit 2008 vielfältige Erfahrung bei der Lehrer-und Facharbeiterfort-und-ausbildung, wirkte in Schulungsmaßnahmen, wie "National Teachers Training Program" von Chinese Ministry of Education, "Training Program for VET Teachers" von Shanghai Education Committee, "Golden Blue Collar" Programm von Zhejiang Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security sowie "Project of Competence Development Program for Beijing VET Teachers" von Beijing Education Committee sowie verschieden technischen Trainings mit Schwerpunkt von Kraftfahrzeug- und CNC-Technik mit. 欢迎联络 : Contact: 张冶 ( 中文 德文 ) ZHANG Ye (DE/CN) AHK 上海职业教育项目经理 Project Manager Vocational Training imove 中国办公室负责人 Representative imove China Office 电话 :+86-21-3858-5057 Telefon: +86-21-3858-5057 邮箱 imove 中国办公室 : imove China Office: 德中工商技术咨询服务 ( 太仓 ) 有限公司上海分公司 German Industry & Commerce Greater China Shanghai 上海黄浦区蒙自路 757 号歌斐中心 29 层 29/F Gopher Center No. 757 Mengzi Road 邮编 :200032 Huangpu District Shanghai 200023, P.R. China 日期 :2018 年 1 月 19 日 -1 月 26 日 2018 年 3 月 6 日 - 3 月 13 日 2018 年 4 月 17 日 - 4 月 24 日 2018 年 5 月 3 日 - 5 月 10 日 2018 年 7 月 17 日 - 7 月 24 日 2018 年 8 月 2 日 - 8 月 9 日 2018 年 8 月 23 日 - 8 月 30 日 2018 年 10 月 17 日 - 10 月 24 日 2018 年 11 月 19 日 - 11 月 26 日 2018 年 12 月 14 日 - 12 月 21 日价格 :9000 元 +6% 增值税包含培训费 教材及版权费 考试费 证书费 餐费 茶歇费 语言 : 中文 Schedule: Am 19. Januar 2018 bis 26. Januar 2018 Am 06. März 2018 bis 13. März 2018 Am 17. April 2018 bis 24. April 2018 Am 03. Mai 2018 bis 10. Mai 2018. Am 17. Juli 2018 bis 24. Juli 2018 Am 02. August 2018 bis 09. August 2018 Am 23. August 2018 bis 30. August 2018 Am 17. Oktober 2018 bis 24. Oktober 2018 Am 19. November 2018 bis 26. November 2018 Am 14. Dezember 2018 bis 21. Dezember 2018 Preis: RMB 9000 + MwSt.(6%) Der Lehrgangs-entgelt deckt Lehrgang, Lizenz der Lehrgangs-materialien, Anmeldungs-gebühr der AEVO- Prüfung, Mittagsessen sowie Kaffee-pause. Language: Chinesisch 110 111

Recruitment, Training & Vocational Training on the 2015.05.21-22 Simone Pohl

Team of Recruitment, Training & Vocational Training Ms. Britta BUSCHFELD Director of Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1820 Mr. Wilhelm DITTRICH Head of Department +86-21-68758536 ext.1663 Ms. ZHANG Yihui Manager Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1658 Ms. CHEN Liwei D e p u t y D i r e c t o r o f Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1810 Ms. WANG Xueting Project Manager Training +86-21-68758536ext.1824 Ms. DAI Qiufang P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1659 Ms. ZHANG Qianqian Project Manager Anerkennungsberatung (Pro Recognition) +86-21-68758536 ext.1651 Ms. HE Mengxi Project Manager Recruitment +86-21-68758536 ext.1851 Mr. CHEN Xiaorong Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1826 Ms. HE Jiayan Assistant Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1822 Mr. ZHANG Ye P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Vocational Training +86-21-68758536 ext.1657 Education is our future! 教育是我们的未来! German Industry & Commerce Greater China Shanghai 德中工商技术咨询服务 ( 太仓 ) 有限公司 上海分公司 29/F Gopher Center 757 Mengzi Road Shanghai 200023 中国上海市黄浦区五里桥街道蒙自路 757 号歌斐中心 29 层 Tel / 电话 : +86-21-6875 8536 Fax/ 传真 : +86-21-6875 8573 Email / 电子邮件 : Web / 网址 : December 2017