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CPS * 2-20 1999 10

CPS 1972 Torrance Parnes 1966 Creative Problem Solving CPS CPS CPS CPS Parnes 1966 Treffinger Isaksen CPS 1

Osborn Parnes Creative Problem Solving CPS CPS CPS Parnes 1966 Isaksen et al. 1993 Parnes 1967 Torrance 1972 Osborn 1963 Abell 1990 Parker 1978 Osborn Parnes 1950 1960 Canady 1982 Howe 1997 CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS ERIC CPS 33 1960 Osborn-Parnes Osborn Parnes CPS CPS Miller and Radziemski(1988) CPS CPS Hestad & Avellone, 1991 Jones, 1990 Felder, 1987 Keller & Shanahan, 1983 Euler, 1985 Lacy, 1979 CPS Bromage & Mayer, 1981 CPS Han,1986 CPS Clement 1978 Polland 1996 mental imagery CPS Spiegel, 1995 inventing Kuehn, 1988 Adolf, 1982 CPS Wavering, 1980 CPS Foley 1989 CPS senior undergraduate research program CPS Prud homme, 1981 CPS Creative Problem Solving Osborn CPS Osborn Parnes 1950-60 Treffinger Isaken 2

CPS CPS CPS Parnes 1987 Wallas 1926 preparation incubation illumination verification nature not nurture 1940 pre-historical aha Parnes 1987 Osborn Crawford 1948 1950 Osborn 1954 Buffallo Creative Education Foundation CEF Creative Problem-Solving Institute CPSI 1960 Gordon Synectics Parnes CPS CPS Torrance(1972) 142 CPS 22 CPS 20 CPS CPS Osborn Parnes Treffinger Isaksen 50 Osborn Parnes Treffinger Isaksen 1953 Osborn Applied Imagination orientation preparation analysis hypothesis incubation synthesis verification Wallace Osborn CPS Wallace 1926 Osborn Osborn Parnes 1966 CPS Isaksen et al. 1993 fact-finding FF problem-finding PF idea-finding IF solution-finding SF acceptance finding AF 1966 Osborn 1967 FF IF SF Parnes Osborn- Parnes CPS Osborn- Parnes traditions of CPS CPS Daniel,1983; Parker, 1978) Parnes 1987 1 FF 5W1H who what where when why how 3

2 PF 3 IF 4 SF 5 AF 1967 Parnes Ruth Noller CPS 1 CPS CPS CPS Parnes 1967 Parnes 1966 E intriguing J interesting FF PF IF SF AF problem 1 Parnes Noller CPS Firestein and Treffinger 1983 Treffinger 1982 CPS CPS Isaksen et al. 1993 CPS Firestein and Treffinger 1983 CPS facilitator 1985 Isaksen Treffinger 1 Mess-Finding MF 2 FF Data-Finding DF 3 locating hit and hot spots Treffinger et al. 1992 A on target F moves forward K workable B relevant G right on the money L clear C exciting H go in the right direction M feel right D spmarkles I fascinating N solves 4

Isaksen Treffinger 1985 2 CPS Eberlie(1990 1996) Elwell(1990) one-way process MF AF MF DF PF IF SF AF 2 1985 CPS Treffinger and Isaksen 1989 5

Abell(1990) CPS STS CPS 1 CPS 1 CPS 1 5W1H 2 3 4 5 6 1987 Isaksen CPS Isaksen getting the problem ready generating ideas plan for taking action 1989 3 CPS Parnes CPS 1992 Pershyn 150 CPS CPS Isaksen et al. 1993 CPS Isaksen Dorsal Noller Firestien (1993) CPS 4 6

MF DF PF (getting the problem ready) IF (generating ideas) SF AF (planning for action) 3 1987 6 CPS CPS Treffinger, Isaksen, & Dorsal 1992 4 understanding the problem - - input-processing-output CPS generating ideas understanding the problem planning for action 4 1992 CPS Isaksen et al. 1993 7

Treffinger 1994 Howe 1997 data finding problem finding identification solution finding CPS 1994 Treffinger CPS 1 contrived 2 3 contextual personal methodological metacognitive considerations 5 1992 4 CPS generating ideas process for action understanding the problem planning for action 5 1994 CPS Treffinger, Isaksen, & Porval 1994 8

CPS CPS 2 CPS 2 Osborn Parnes Treffinger Isaksen Dorval Buffalo State College Center for studies in creativity CPS CPS CPS Treffinger 1985 CPS 1987 Parnes 1987 CPS CPS 5 Parnes 1984 1991 CPS CPS CPS Parnes Treffinger CPS 3 Osborn Parnes Howe 1997 CPS 1 2 convergent thinking critical thinking creative thinking divergent thinking 3 4 5 6 7 Howe Treffinger 1992 CPS 5 6 7 Osborn Parnes CPS 2 CPS Osborn Parnes Treffinger Isaksen Dorval 1953 Osborn Orientation Applied Preparation Analysis Hypothesis Incubation Synthesis Verification Imagination 1960 Osborn Orientation Applied Preparation Analysis ideation Incubation Synthesis Imagination 1987 9

evaluation 1966 Parnes CPS FF PF IF SF AF 1967 Osborn CPS FF IF SF 1967 Noller & CPS FF PF IF SF AF Parnes Isaksen et al. (1993) Applied Imagination 1967 Creative behavior guidebook 1967 1990 1977 Parnes CPS FF PF IF SF AF 1987 Parnes CPS FF PF IF SF AF Journal of creative behavior 1982 Treffinger CPS The handbook of Isaksen & creative Firestein learning(1982) 1985 Isaksen & CPS MF Creative problem Treffinger DF solving: the basic PF IF SF AF course 1987 Isaksen & CPS Creative problem Treffinger solving: three components and six stages 1992 Treffinger CPS Creative approach & Isaksen to problem solving 1992 1992 Isaksen & CPS Isaksen et al. Dorval 1993 1994 Isaksen CPS Creative Dorval & Treffinger approaches problem solving 1994 3 2 CPS Foster (1979) McAlpine (1989) 10

Morrison 1992 1960 1998 (1999) CPS CPS CPS CPS 1 2 CPS 3 CPS 4 CPS CPS 5 CPS CPS STS CPS CPS CPS Treffinger(1994) CPS CPS substantial reflection CPS Isaksen Treffinger CPS CPS Isaksen et al. 1993 Osborn Parnes CPS CPS CPS CPS 1 CPS 1966 Parnes 1967 2 Parnes FF PF IF SF AF MF 1985 Isaksen 11

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The Development of Creative Problem Solving CPS Model Tang, Wei-chun Chiu, Mei-Hung Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan Abstract Ever since Parnes developed Creative Problem Solving model for enhancing student s creativity, CPS has been applied in a lot of subject areas. However, there were many different views about its origin and structure of CPS. The purpose of this article intended to discuss the origin, history, and recent development of CPS. The findings revealed that the structure of CPS was originally developed by Parnes 1996, as a linear model, and then revised by Treffinger, Isaksen, and their colleagues as a non-linear model. In this paper, we discussed history of CPS model and its educational implications. 16