CI Newsletter-2016-上半年

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4. 每 组 学 生 将 写 有 习 语 和 含 义 的 两 组 卡 片 分 别 洗 牌, 将 顺 序 打 乱, 然 后 将 两 组 卡 片 反 面 朝 上 置 于 课 桌 上 5. 学 生 依 次 从 两 组 卡 片 中 各 抽 取 一 张, 展 示 给 小 组 成 员, 并 大 声 朗 读 卡

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创 新 意 识 团 队 精 神 重 在 参 与 公 平 竞 争 目 录 进 一 步 扩 大 开 放, 开 创 数 学 建 模 新 局 面 年 全 国 大 学 生 数 学 建 模 竞 赛 组 委 会 工 作 总 结 (1) 简 讯 (6) 赛 区 总 结 山 东 赛 区 2014 年


CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAVANNAH STATE UNIVERSITY 和 hé Geniality, Harmony, Peace 美国萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院 Volume II No.II ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVANNAH GEORGIA JULY, 2016 2016 年 7 月于美国萨凡纳

FACULTY AND STAFF Directors: Instructor: Dr Peggy Blood Ms. Qijuan Luo Chunzi Zhang Yao Liu 2 Chunxue Ding

Farewell Until We Meet Again: Time passes very fast! It s too soon to say goodbye. This summer, three of our instructors will finish their duty and go back to China. We all had a great time with our students, friends and colleagues. We will miss you all, miss our Campus, miss the little squirrels that run around the trees. However, with some of our students applied for scholarship and will go to China to study Chinese, we will keep in touch until we meet again!

Teaching: 2016 Spring Semester, we have 70 registered students learning Chinese language, Taichi and paper-cutting. 4

Teaching: 2016 Spring Semester, we have 70 registered students learning Chinese language, Taichi and paper-cutting. 2016 春季课程, 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学 院迎来 71 名学员, 学习汉语 太极 剪 纸 5

Teaching: 2016 Spring Semester, we have 70 registered students learning Chinese language, Taichi and paper-cutting.

Events: CI faculty and students attending the 2016 MLK Parade. This is an event SSU participate every year in memorizing Martin Luther King Jr. Lanny Zanders, one student in our Elementary class said that he loved this class very much. 7

Events: 2016 Chinese New Year s Party, every year during the Spring Festival, CI staff and students will get together and hold a party to celebrate it. This year, our students performed singing, dancing, and musical instruments to the audience, who also experienced Chinese calligraphy, paper cutting, and traditional Chinese food. 8

Events: 2016 CI faculty attending SSU Open Campus Day, on this day people from community will come and visit school to see what programs, classes, cultural events they could attend in the future. 9

Events: 2016 Chinese Folk Song Lecture, SSU students and professors appreciated 9 Chinese folk songs presented by Professor Zhang Hong. Zhang Hong, senior instructor of Chinese at Binghamton University. She has a master of music degree in voice performance from Binghamton University. 10

And CI monthly film series in March: Wolf Totem. CI students and people from the community enjoyed the movie. They said it revealed an unfamiliar Chinese Culture. 11

Events: Confucius Institute staff attending Savannah Asian Festival, which is one of the South s largest Asian celebrations. It brings the continent of Asia to coastal Georgia, celebrates the rich diversity of the area and feature unique cultures, cuisine, live performances and more. 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院中外 方院长及教师参加萨凡纳亚洲节

Confucius Institute staff attending Savannah Asian Festival, which is one of the South s largest Asian celebrations. It brings the continent of Asia to coastal Georgia, celebrates the rich diversity of the area and feature unique cultures, cuisine, live performances and more. 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院中外 方院长及教师参加萨凡纳亚洲节

Confucius Institute staff introducing Chinese paper cutting Culture to the Community. 孔 子学院教师参加社区活动, 向当地居民介绍剪纸

Confucius Institute at SSU holding Acupuncture Lecture in Student Union. Dr Yifan Liu who is a licensed acupuncturist, gave lecture and demonstration on acupuncture. 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院邀请刘 一凡博 士举 行中医针灸讲座 刘博 士在讲座之后现场展 示了针灸术, 进 一步解释了针灸术的医学原理

Confucius Institute staff attending Calvary Day School School-Day activity 孔 子学院教师参加当地学校活动 Calvary Day School 成 立于 1961 年, 是萨凡纳市较早成 立的从 小学到 高中的完全中学之 一

Confucius Institute staff attending Savannah curriculum fair at Coastal Georgia Center. CI staff introduce to the community our Chinese Language program and cultural programs. 萨凡纳市公 立学校联盟在 Coastal Georgia Center 举办的课程介绍会 萨 凡纳市公 立学校联盟负责萨凡纳市公 立中 小学的教学指导评估 工作 通过参加各类社区活动, 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院为越来越多的当地居民所了解, 历史悠久的中国语 言和 文化也得以通过孔 子学院这个平台向更多的美国民众展 示

Conferences and others: 2016 Confucius Institute at Wesleyan College visiting Confucius Institute at Savannah State University. 18

CI students taking HSKK tests, 2016. After 96% of students past HSK level1 and Level 2 last year, our students are more confident with their speaking and listening. Micheal-Ard-Kelly, our students who passed HSK level 1 after learning with us for one semester, said, It s a great chance for us to learn some real Chinese here. 19

2016 CI staff meeting, at the beginning of this semester, CI directors and staff held this meeting to talk about the work of CI. CI director attending 2016 Women Leadership Conference hosted by SSU. Distinguished women in all field attended and gave speech at this conference which highlighted women s contribution to the society. 20

CI faculty attending 2016 HealthTrails & National Walking Day 21

孔 子学院举办 HSK 汉语 水平考试 一 至三级 Confucius Institute holding HSK level 1, level 2 and level 3 test. The Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (HSK) (Chinese: 汉语 水平考试 ), translated as the Chinese Proficiency Test or the Chinese Standard Exam, is China's only standardized test of Standard Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers such as foreign students and overseas Chinese. It is not uncommon to refer to a standard or level of proficiency by the HSK level number, or score. For example, a job description might ask for foreign applicants with "HSK5 or better." The HSK test approximates the English TOEFL, and an HSK certificate is valid without any limitation in China. The test aims to be a certificate of language proficiency for higher educational and professional purposes.

Others: Confucius Institute staff attending Savannah State University Professional Development Program. The professor and instructors talked about teaching philosophy, discussed education theory and teaching strategies. 孔 子学院教师参加萨凡纳州 立 大学教师培训讲座, 讲座上教师们就各 自的教育哲学 教学理论 教学策略等进 行了热烈的讨论

CI staff visiting Armstrong State University talking about future Chinese Language program. 应阿姆斯特朗 大学国际教育中 心主任助理 Kristin Kasting 女 士的邀请, 萨凡纳州 立 大学孔 子学院中 方院长罗其娟和汉语教师刘瑶到阿姆斯特朗州 立 大学交流访问 参加交流的有阿姆斯特朗州 立 大学国际交流中 心主任 Dorothee Mertz- Weigel 博 士, 健康系主任 Catherine Gilbert 博 士, 原国际交流中 心主任 现 大学国际合作项 目负责 人 James Anderson 博 士, 健康系教授 Helen Taggart 女 士

CI staff attending The Write Attitude program. 孔 子学院教师参加萨凡纳州 立 大学写作讲座

Happy Mother s Day! Main Chinese Holidays, 2016 New year Jan. 1st Chinese New Year Jan. 8th Tomb Sweeping Day April 4th Labour Day May 1st Dragon Boat Festival June 9th Mid-Autumn Festival Sept. 15th National Day 15th15th Oct. 1st Upcoming Events: 1. HSK tests on April 16 th. 2.Acupuncture lecture and demonstration April 23 rd 3. CI monthly Chinese Movie Show on April 20 th. 4. Summer program starts from May 18 th.. For more details, see CI at SSU website. 5. Fall semester Chinese Language and Culture classes, August to December.. For more details, see CI at SSU website. 6. Chinese Contribution in USA and Chinese in Savannah pictures exhibition in August. 7. Mid-Autumn Festival, Sep. 15th 8. CI Day Celebration week, Sep. 24th to Sep.30th 9. Silk Fabric lecture, exhibition and fashion show, Sep. 10. Chinese Movie Night, last Wednesday of every month. 26

2016 Spring courses of Confucius Institute at SSU: CHINESE LANGUAGES COURSES: CI011-01 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Mondays&Wednesdays 10:00 11:00am CI011-02 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Mondays&Wednesdays 5:15 6:15pm CI011-03 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Tuesdays&Thursdays 11:00am 12:00pm CI011-05 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Saturdays 10:15 11:15am CI011-06 EXPERIENCING CHINESE (TRAVELING IN CHINA)Tuesdays&Thursdays 5:15 6:15pm CI012-01 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 2) Mondays&Wednesdays 3:00 4:00pm CI012-02 ELEMENTARY CHINESE(LEVEL 2) Saturdays 11:20am 12:20pm CI021-01 INTERMEDIA CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Mondays&Wednesdays 6:20 7:20pm CI021-02 INTERMEDIA CHINESE(LEVEL 1) Mondays&Tuesdays 4:00 5:00pm CI023-01 INTERMEDIA CHINESE(LEVEL 3) Mondays&Wednesdays 12:00 1:00pm CULTURE EXPERIENCING COURSES: CI010-01 PAPERCUTTING Mondays&Wednesdays 12:00 1:00pm CI010-02 TAIJI Thursdays 6:00 7:30pm CI031-01 ADV ANCED CHINESE(LEVEL 1)Fridays 515-615, Saturdays 2-3pm 27

2016 Summer courses of Confucius Institute at SSU: CHINESE LANGUAGES CLASSES ( 8 weeks ): Elementary Chinese Class One Mondays 9:30am 10:30 am Wednesdays 3:45pm 4:45pm Elementary Chinese Class Two Tuesdays 10:45am 11:45am Thursdays 2:30pm 3:30pm Intermediate Chinese Class Tuesdays 9:30am 10:30am Thursdays 3:45pm 4:45pm CULTURE EXPERIENCING CLASS ( 4 weeks ): ( from May, 18 th to June, 14 th ) Paper-cutting Class Mondays 10:45am 11:45am Wednesdays 2:30pm 3:30pm

Contact us: 205 Gordon library P.O.Box: 21743 Savannah, GA 31404 Tel: 9123583160 和 hé Geniality, Harmony, Peace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------