2 August 1 15, 2017 Taxpayers money not used to get awards Story and pix by Danny Ooi THE two local councils in Penang have denied they won the awards

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No taxpayers money for awards pg 2 槟州政府签署反贪宣言 珍珠快讯 第一版 buletin FREE Competency Accountability Transparency August 1-15 2017 http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng MACC praise for Penang Government Story by Tanushalini Moroter Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad THE state government came in for praise by the Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission (MACC) on Aug 8 after the oath-ceremony at Komtar for its Corruption-Free Pledge plus 10 Integrity Measures (IBR Plus 10) in support of the move to fight graft. MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Dzulkifli Ahmad commended the state government of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for making the pledge as well as for bringing in the integrity measures as an additional element in the pledge. Dzulkifli witnessed the oathtaking ceremony led by Lim together with the state exco members, Pakatan Harapan MPs, heads of departments of the state government and heads of state government agencies. A total of 67 people made the IBR Plus 10 pledge. We have no problem with the additional pledge, indeed we welcome the move, Dzulkifli told reporters after the ceremony. However, Dzulkifli said the MACC currently has no plans to extend the implementation of the IBR voluntarily on political parties in conjunction with the 14th General Election. Lim in his speech said the state government is concerned with the Dzulkifli shaking hands with Lim after the event. issues related to integrity in terms of the delivery of service towards the public. Since 2008, the state government has adopted 10 integrity measures that reflect the commitment to become a corruption-free state, he said. However, he also expressed his dissatisfaction with the portrayal made by some media that the state government refused to sign the IBR. The state government s stand is clear that the pledge is ineffective if there is no political will to act against those who swindle or rob the country s and people s assets. This is why the state government introduced 10 steps of integrity so that it is followed by concrete action, he said. He added that his administration is willing to work together with the MACC on the anti-corruption agenda. members from being approved of land application from the State Government. vi. Protect informers or genuine whistle blowers. vii. Take action on a leader who lives lavishly exceeding his of- THE 10 INTEGRITY MEASURES i. Administration based on CAT Principles (Efficient, Accountability, Transparent) ii. Open declaration of assets by the Chief Minister, the state exco members and state assembly members. iii. Conducting competitive ficial income. open tender viii. iv. Do not allow family members to engage in government contracts or have transactions with the state government v. Prohibit state assembly member and administrative Transparent in political contributions. ix. Do not accept personal donation/rewards. x. Take action on the officer who goes against all of the above.

2 August 1 15, 2017 Taxpayers money not used to get awards Story and pix by Danny Ooi THE two local councils in Penang have denied they won the awards and recognition given by the Europe Business Assembly (EBA) by using taxpayers money to get them. Penang Island City Council (MBPP) mayor Datuk Maimunah Mohd Sharif said it is against the principles of both MBPP and also Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) to do so. She said this when representing both councils to explain the awards from EBA in 2013 and 2014 at a press conference held at Komtar on July 29. Maimunah explained that MBPP (formerly Penang Island Municipal Council, MPPP) and MPSP at that time had made a conclusion towards a package conference earlier after receiving an invitation letter from EBA. From the conclusion made we did not find anything that is not genuine or worrying as it was found that many Malaysian local authorities, agencies, universities and individuals have also received the EBA awards before us. At that moment, both MBPP and MPSP considered the awards given as a prestigious recognition based on the assessment criteria, which included economic environment, educational infrastructure, public services and transport, recreation and entertainment, she added. Among those present at the press conference were MBPP director of management services Mohamed Akbar Mustapha, MPSP director of corporate and international relationship Siti Haslinda Hassan and councillors from MBPP. She was responding to questions on the awards and recognition received said MBPP and MPSP will be extra careful in future about any participation or award and recognition the councils receive. If it is true that the award is not genuine, I apologise for the confusion that arose, she added. Maimunah added that in 2013, MBPP was nominated in The Best Cities and The Best Municipal Managers categories by EBA. Following this, MBPP paid 4,400 (RM20,680) for the entry fees. MPSP was nominated in the Best City and Best City Manager categories in 2014 with an entry fee of 3,400 (RM18,408.10), she said. The award presentations were held in Montreux, Switzerland for MBPP Maimunah showing the press statement conand Stresa, Italy for MPSP. cerning the awards by EBA. Maimunah said both councils were still waiting for a reply from EBA to by the councils from EBA. Commenting further, Maimunah clarify the matter. Proposed shelter for traders, says Chow EXCO for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow said the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) has proposed to erect a canopy along the 112-m-long Chowrasta Road to provide shade for the 68 traders and market goers. He said MBPP would get feedback from the roadside traders before deciding on the installation near the busy Chowrasta Market Complex. We will get opinions from traders at the site. The public is also welcome to give their input via the MBPP website concerning the installation. The canopy will not be a permanent structure. We are considering a design where replacements can be carried out easily when needed, Chow said during a listening tour to Chowrasta Market on Aug 1. Chow (fourth from right) briefing Yap (left) and Teh (third from left) on the proposed canopy. He was accompanied by Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng, MBPP officers and councillors who distributed copies of the survey forms to the traders. Teh said despite the market undergoing a RM13million facelift, there were still areas in Chowrasta Market that needed upgrading. Some traders and market goers gave feedback that the hot weather is unbearable and suggested for a canopy to be built. Since we are here on a visit, I feel it is a good opportunity to give out survey forms so that we can proceed with the proposal, he added. Meanwhile, Yap Hock Bee, 56, who sells roasted Chinese chestnuts, welcomed the proposal. We have to ply our trade be it rain or shine. We need the canopy, he said, adding that he operates his stall daily from 10am to 10pm. The survey can be found at http:// www.mbpp.gov.my/ms/kajiselidek-bagicadangan-memasang kanopi-di-jalanchowrasta-georgetown-pulau-pinang until Aug 20.

August 1 15, 2017 3 Audit Putrajaya s performance, says Jagdeep WEDDING MARCH Thousands of family members, relatives and friends of 22 couples attended a mass wedding ceremony held at Kampung Titi Teras, Balik Pulau on July 23. Also rejoicing in the occasion were Batu Maung assemblymember Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, Parti Keadilan Rakyat Balik Pulau head Datuk Halim Hussain and co-ordinator for Pulau Betong, Mohd Tuah Ismail. - Pix by Law Suun Ting STATE exco member for Town & Country Planning and Housing Jagdeep Singh on Aug 3 voiced his unhappiness over the manner in which the Auditor-General s Office performed its duties on the construction of Public Housing Projects (Projek Perumahan Rakyat / PPR) and low-cost housing in the state. The Datok Keramat assemblymember was responding to observations made in the Auditor-General s Report Series 1 2016 in which it highlighted several alleged weaknesses in the management of affordable housing in Penang. The federal government cannot deny the fact that between 2000 and 2007, only 5,124 units of low-cost and low-medium cost homes were built compared with 20,887 of such homes of similar categories built by the Penang state government from 2008 until 2016, he said. The complete failure of the federal government when it comes to the provision of public housing is that not a single unit of PR1MA (Projek Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia) was built in Penang, he added. I challenge the Auditor-General to audit them (the federal government) because we (Penangites) are also tax payers, he added. Also present during the press conference were state exco member for Welfare, Caring Society and Environment Phee Boon Poh and Jawi assemblymember Soon Lip Chee. The Housing exco also provided explanations on the availability of vacant units at several PPR throughout the state despite the lack of affordable housing in Penang. According to the Auditor- General s Report, the vacant units at the respective PPR are as follows; Jalan Zainal Abidin (1), Taman Bagan Jaya (2), Ampang Jajar (66) and Desa Wawasan (251). The issue is they (the applicants of public housing) are still Jagdeep comparing the terms of income eligibility with an application form of affordable housing and the decision made by the federal government. waiting because although there are still available units of PPR, they don t want (to take them up).you want me to force them? In fact, my office can house them straightaway if they take up these PPR units. But they don t want and are willing to wait. What am I supposed to do? he told the press. Furthermore, the state government, according to Jagdeep, will maintain the qualifications in terms of income for those who are eligible to rent PPR units as opposed to what other states are doing. The existing guidelines for eligibility of PPR units in Penang are for those whose monthly income do not exceed RM1,500 while it is RM3,000 for other states. If my monthly salary is RM3,000, I m qualified to rent a unit of PPR but if my monthly salary is RM2,500, I m eligible to purchase a unit of affordable housing in the state as stated on the application form. What nonsense is this? added Jagdeep. The state government will also not resort to drastic action to evict those who default on their rental payments but to come up with solutions. Some techniques we are using are to open our payment counters on Saturdays to make it easier for them to pay their rental and to stop their Astro services, he noted.

4 August 1 15, 2017 FOOD FAIR SPECIAL Children Centre Penang will hold its Pesta Makan Amal Cahaya Kasih food fair on Aug 20 from 9am to 3pm at its premises at 24-B, Grove Road to raise funds for its operating expenditure. Call 04-8282270 to buy food fair coupons priced at RM20 per booklet. GEORGE TOWN FESTIVAL GEORGE Town Festival is an annual, month-long celebration of culture, heritage, art and community. Drawing thousands of visitors each year to Penang, George Town Festival is quickly becoming one of Asia s must-see events. In its eighth year now, the festival returns from July 28 to Sept 3. For details, contact Li-Ann Lim (+6016 2230602, E: Liann@georgetownfestival. com), or Masya Zabidi (+604 2626307 CHARITY FOOD CARNIVAL ST. Nicholas Home is once again calling upon all food and games lovers as the time has arrived to have its annual SNH Carnival. This year, the carnival has been confirmed on Sept 9, from 10am to 2pm at the Home. Enquiries on coupons and stalls can be made by calling 04-2290800 or via- info@snh.org.my CHARITY HAIR CUT THE event will be held on Aug 26, from 1pm to 6pm at St. Jo, Level 3, Gurney Paragon. For enquiries, contact organising chairman Mei Tan (012-4584881) or marketing director Evon Tan (012-4535237). QIGONG WELLNESS CENTRE CLASSES are conducted daily (except Sunday) from 9.30am to 12pm in English and Chinese with easy to understand lessons at B-01-05, Setia Triangle, Pesiaran Kelicap, 11900 Bayan Lepas. For enquiries and details, contact Annie Lim (012-4368250) or email limhueyjiuen@gmail.com YWCA ROOM VACANCIES YOUNG Women s Christian Association (Jalan Masjid Negeri) has newly-refurbished spacious rooms with attached bathrooms for rent. For enquiries and details, call 04-828155 between 9am -5pm (weekdays) and 9am 1pm (Saturdays). BLOOD DONATION THOSE who wish to donate blood can do so at the Penang Hospital blood bank which is open from Monday to Thursday (7.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5.30pm), Friday (7.30am to 12.15pm and 2.45pm to 5.30pm) and the first Saturday of the month (8am to 1pm). For details, call 04-2225161. ZUMBA AND AKIDO JOIN the zumba toning sessions every Monday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Udini Square in Gelugor. There will also be akido sessions on Tuesdays (8.30pm to 10pm) and Saturdays (3pm to 4.30pm). Details, call the Udini Square management (04-2915477). MEDITATION MUSEUM A NEW unique museum in Penang offers free courses for selfdevelopment. It is situated at 674-H Jalan Kebun Bunga (opp Gandhi Ashram). For details contact Helen at 04-2288209 / 013 4301229. MASS AEROBICS PENANG PENANG Metropolitan Aerobics and Fitness Association is holding mass aerobics sessions on Sundays at SPICE Centre, and at Taman Metropolitian in Relau at 6pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. For details, call Ahmad (012-4738500), or look up metropolitianaerobics on Facebook. Lim with Ang (left) and Rozali after launching the event. Include coding lessons in schools Story by S. Arulldas Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng has urged the Education Ministry to include coding lessons in the primary school syllabus. He said it is vital for our students to learn coding for them to grow with science and technology which will shape the future of the world. It is the duty of the federal government and the Education Ministry to explore and exploit the Digital 4.0 Revolution. On our part we have the Penang Science Cluster, Tech Dome, Sports events foster unity, harmony in Penang EXCO for Youth, Sports, Women. Family and Community Development Chong Eng said the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) annual futsal event had helped to strengthen unity and understanding among the various races in the state. She said the event also instilled a sporting spirit among the participants and the workforce in the state. Of course, winning is the aim in sports but above that, participation in the events Karpal Singh Learning Centre, acat and Penang Digital Library that involves Digital 4.0 Revolution, he said. Lim said this after launching the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) at the Sunway Carnival Mall in Seberang Jaya Also present were exco member Lim Hock Seng, Seberang Perai Municipal Council president Datuk Rozali Mohamud, Penang STEM Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Ang Lye Hin, Penang Skills Development Centre chief executive officer Muhamad Ali, Tech and sporting spirit are equally important, she added. She said this while launching the 5th Futsal Carnival 2017 at the Best Bola-bola Futsal Centre in Mak Mandin, Butterworth on July 30. Also present were state exco member and Bagan Jermal assemblymember Lim Hock Seng, FMM Penang branch chairman Datuk Dr Ooi Eng Hock and the event organising chairman William Tan. Ooi said the event promotes harmony and fosters Dome Penang chief executive officer Dr Khong Yoon Loong. and @CAT Penang director Howie Chang. We cannot afford to ignore Digital 4.0 Revolution as we will die without the knowledge of Digital 4.0 Revolution. With the knowledge of Digital 4.0 Revolution our younger generation will be number one in the world, he said. Tech Dome Penang science education executive Jaryl Loh demonstrated a chemical reaction with soap that produced colourful bubbles. unity among the workforce in the manufacturing sector and government departments in the state. We encourage more teams to take part in the event in future as the impact will be greater, he said. A total of 70 teams from the manufacturing sector and several government departments like theseberang Perai Municipal Council, Penang Island Municipal Council, Customs Department and Department of Environment took part in the event.

5 Appreciating Penang s night-soil workers August 1 15, 2017 Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Alvie Cheng Wong (left) and Tan (second from left) joining other guests for a group photograph at Deck, Hin Bus Depot in Jalan Gurdwara. Mammo Penang 2017 Schedule Saturday M ay Jun Jul Aug Aug May Sep Jun Oct Jul Nov Aug Dec Sep Penang Island M ainland 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 Saturday 19 6 26 13 2 20 9 27 16 3 23 10 30 17 7 24 14 1 21 8 28 15 4 22 11 18 29 25 5 2 12 Tanjong Bungah Seberang Jaya Padang Kota Bukit Tam bun Air Putih Bagan Jerm al Pengkalan Kota Padang Lalang Yang di- Pertuan Agong's Birthday Pulau Tikus Jawi Kebun Bunga Bukit Tengah 19 26 2 9 Pulau Betong Berapit Dato Keramat Bertam Hari Raya Haji Batu Lanchang Pmtg Pasir Batu Uban M achang Bubok Penang Governor's Birthday Paya Terubong Sungai Acheh Sungai Pinang Sungai Puyu Pantai Jerjak Penanti Batu M aung Perai Seri Delim a Sungai Bakap Penang Island Mainland Pulau Betong Berapit Tanjong Bungah Seberang Jaya Dato Keram at Bertam Padang Kota Bukit Tambun Air Putih Hari Raya Haji Bagan Jermal Batu Lanchang Pm tg Pasir Pengkalan Kota Padang Lalang M alaysia Day Yang di- Pertuan Agong's Birthday Bayan Lepas M achang Bubok Pulau Tikus Jawi Kom tar Pm tg Berangan Kebun Bunga Bukit Tengah Air Itam Teluk Air Tawar Teluk Bahang Penaga Batu Uban Machang Bubok Tanjong Bungah Seberang Jaya Penang Governor's Birthday Padang Kota Bukit Tam bun Paya Terubong Sungai Acheh Air Putih Bagan Jerm al Sungai Pinang Sungai Puyu Pengkalan Kota Padang Lalang Pulau Tikus Jawi Pantai Jerjak Penanti Kebun Bunga Bukit Tengah Batu Maung Perai Batu Uban MSungai Bakap achang Bubok Seri Delima Sunday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 Sunday 20 7 27 14 3 21 10 28 17 4 24 11 1 18 8 25 15 2 22 9 29 16 5 23 12 19 30 26 6 3 13 Penang Island M ainland Pantai Jerjak Penanti Batu M aung Perai Seri Delim a Sungai Bakap Pulau Betong Berapit Dato Keram at Bertam Batu Lanchang Pm tg Pasir Bayan Lepas Pinang Tunggal Hari Raya Puasa Kom tar Pm tg Berangan Air Itam Teluk Air Tawar Bagan Dalam Sungai Dua Teluk Bahang Penaga Tanjong Bungah Seberang Jaya Padang Kota Bukit Tam bun Air Putih Bagan Jerm Penang Island Mainlandal Pengkalan Kota Padang Lalang Pantai Jerjak Penanti Pulau Tikus Jawi Batu Maung Perai Paya Terubong Sungai Acheh Seri Delima Sungai Bakap Kebun Bunga Bukit Tengah Mammo Penang 2017 Schedule 20 27 3 10 Pulau Betong Berapit Dato Keramat Bertam Batu Uban Pinang Tunggal Batu Lanchang Pmtg Pasir Bagan Dalam Sungai Dua Bayan Lepas Pinang Tunggal Paya Terubong Sungai Acheh Hari Raya Puasa Sungai Pinang Sungai Puyu Komtar Pmtg Berangan Pantai Jerjak Penanti Air Itam Teluk Air Tawar Batu M aung Perai Bagan Dalam Sungai Dua Seri Delim a Sungai Bakap Teluk Bahang Penaga Pulau Betong Berapit Dato Keram at Bertam Tanjong Bungah Seberang Jaya Batu Lanchang Pm tg Pasir Padang Kota Bukit Tambun Bayan Lepas Pinang Tunggal Air Putih Bagan Jermal Pengkalan Kota Padang Lalang Pulau Tikus Jawi Paya Terubong Sungai Acheh Kebun Bunga Bukit Tengah THE manual bucket latrine/night soil system used in George Town from the 1900s will be the main focus of the project documenting the labours of Penang s night-soil workers. Its historical and cultural significance as part of George Town s history will be highlighted. So is the appreciation of its former workers who contributed significantly to local public sanitation. In contrast to the recent waste management systems, there is no proper documentation about this significant historical sewage management system in Malaysia. Thus, this will be the pioneer project to research, document and disseminate information about this extinct sewage management system, project producer Lee Cheah Ni said at a media conference held at Deck, Hin Bus Depot in Jalan Gurdwara in George Town. Also present were secretary of Teoh Heng Kongsi, Tan Chin Keat and MBPP councillor Wong Yuee Harng, who represented Komtar MP Ng Wei Aik. Lee said a video documentary will be produced for wider outreach, coupled with various screenings. Through this, the public will get to understand the cultural significance of our past sewage management system through the documentary as well as the various outreach programmes under this project. Through deeper understanding about our sewage management system of the past and current, the public can appreciate the system and services better. This project serves as an entry point for public education about local sewage management, which in turn pushes towards awareness and collective effort from the public to ensure George Town s environment sustainability, she added. Meanwhile, Tan in narrating his recollection of the livelihood of night-soil workers in Penang during the 1950s said: They are a very closely knit group who would usually meet up at the Goddess of Mercy Temple (Kuan Yin Teng ) in Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling after working hours (in the evening) to pass time. During working hours (from 6am to 12noon), they show great team work with fellow workers, said Tan, whose father was also a night-soil worker. A premiere screening and sharing session was held on Aug 8 at Penang Institute For further information, view website at https://pgnightsoilworkers.wixsite. com/purge, contact Gaik Cheng - +6016 4591 560 / gaikcheng.koe@gmail.com

6 August 1 15, 2017 Rectify market defects, CM directs MBPP THE newly-built RM9 million Penang Island City Council (MBPP) market at Batu Feringghi, located near the Uplands International School, will have its opening date originally scheduled to be on Aug 14, postponed until its shoddy works are rectified. In a rare move which startled all who were present, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng asked his officers to collect back copies of his text speech which were earlier distributed to the media when it was his turn to speak at the event. I went to the washroom a while ago before this session to give my speech. I had thought it should be ready by now but the male washroom was locked and I had to use the unoccupied ladies washroom. If the market is considered to be ready, then it is not acceptable, he said when he visited the market on July 23. The market has 16 hawker stalls, 28 wet and dry market stall units, a multipurpose hall, a library, three badminton courts, a playground, bicycle path, shower rooms and 90 parking lots. Relocated traders were supposed to start operating their stalls on Aug 14 but according to Lim, who spoke to the media after his speech, a new date would be set. We can t fix a date right now until we are satisfied that the shortcomings have been fixed, Lim told the press. According to MBPP mayor Datuk Maimunah Mohd Sharif, the council had issued the Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) to the market but not the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC). Discussions will also be held with the market contractor and architect to rectify whatever shoddy works that are found around the market. There are also cracks on the floor of the badminton courts, she said. Also present were Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari, MBPP secretary Yew Tung Seang and councillor Chris Lee. Artist s impression of the Batu Feringghi market. Its opening has been postponed. KEBAYA QUEENS Some of the contestants who will take part in the Miss Ratu Kebaya beauty pageant organised by Kompleks Bukit Jambul. The finals of the event, which is now in its eighth year, will be held on Aug 25.

7 August 1 15, 2017 7 Lim (centre) being briefed by van der Tas on some of the successful projects undertaken by AKTC. On Lim s left is Hamdan. Making Penang the exclamation point of Malaysia SPEAKING at the George Town Conservation and Development (GTCDC) symposium on Aug 5, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng expressed his wish, for offering the best of what Penang has to offer in terms of its heritage and culture, to make the state the exclamation point of Malaysia. I want to stress that the Aga Khan Trust for Culture is a very important international body and through the auspices of Think City, we re able to get them to come over not only to give us input and expert advice but more importantly to get their participation to showcase Penang as the exclamation point of Malaysia because of George Town, he said. GTCDC was formed as a tripartite partnership between the Penang state government through the Chief Minister s Incorporated (CMI) with Think City Sdn Bhd and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC). It also works in close partnership and coordination with the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and encourages the implementation of projects based on extensive consultations with stakeholders and community organisations. The chief minister, in his speech, also highlighted some of the recent achievements that were attained by means of this strategic tripartite partnership. These achievements include the gazetting of the Special Area Plan which started with the development of its brief by Francesco Siravo of the AKTC. The GTCDC also helped develop the Public Realm Addendum of the George Town Special Area Plan. Other projects include the completion of the Padang Kota upgrading works at RM2.2 million that involved the restoration and upgrading of the underground drainage system, noted Lim. The half-day symposium also highlighted the transformation of the historic cities around the world and the achievements of the GTCDC in its preparations to develop a new economy based on culture. There was also a presentation on the implementation of the George Town Action Plan by Think City Senior Fellow Dr. Neil Khor and Siravo. Also present were Think City executive director Hamdan Abdul Majeed who represented his chairman Datuk Anwar Faizal, AKTC director of the Historic Cities Programme Cameron Rashti and deputy director Jurjen van der Tas.

8 August 1 15, 2017 Improved drainage system to reduce flash floods Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Shum Jian-Wei EXCO for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Kon Yeow said the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) has allocated RM9.7 million to upgrade the drainage system located next to Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong in George Town to reduce the impact of flash floods. They have identified 12 spots as prone to flash floods within the S10 water retention site. These are in Jalan Pintal Tali, Lebuh Cintra, Lebuh Kimberly, Lebuh Chulia, Lebuh Muntri, Love Lane, Lebuh Carnarvon, Lorong Prangin, Lebuh Victoria, Jalan Phee Choon, Jalan Transfer and Lebuh Dickens. After the completion of the Transfer Road flood mitigation project, flash floods still happened within the area because it was from a different catchment from Transfer Road. We suggested that an upgrade was needed for the drainage around the S10 water retention site which is around 112.8ha in size, he said during a press conference at Prangin Mall on July 31. Chow said works began on Aug 1 and are expected to take 18 months or more to complete, due to the shifting of utilities. The existing Prangin Canal is about 4m wide. For this project, we will construct new twin box culverts, each measuring 3.6m and will add up to 7.2m. The culverts will be laid about 2m away parallel to the Prangin Canal which now flows right up to the sea, he added. To channel the drain water to the new box culverts, three crossings are required at Jalan Sungai Ujong, Jalan Pintal Tali and Lebuh Lintang. The drainage will eventually flow into S10. We hope the project can alleviate flooding Chow (second from left) and Cheah (right) at the site visit. Looking on are MBPP councillors Harvindar Darshan Singh (left) and Ong Ah Teong. in the inner city area, Chow added. Meanwhile, MBPP senior engineer Cheah Chin Kooi said the existing Prangin Canal was under capacity, which caused flooding. We originally wanted to build the box culverts in Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong, but that would be challenging as the area needed to be closed off. So, we decided to shift the alignment to this area (in front of CIMB at Prangin Mall), where it would be laid underneath, so that the top can still be utilised as a public space. We are going to cover up the area during the excavation works, he added.

August 1 15, 2017 9 Getting up close with Joe Sidek Story by Tanushalini Moroter THE George Town Festival (GTF), a month-long celebration of arts, culture, heritage and community, is now in its eighth year. The festival was initiated after George Town was bestowed the Unesco World Heritage Site status. Buletin Mutiara recently caught up with Joe SIdek (pix), the festival director and the man behind the scenes to share his thoughts about the festival. Joe Sidek who believes in the power of arts and culture has been successfully organising GTF for the past eight years. Being the festival director, it is definitely a great responsibility to portray the diversity of culture in such a grand scale and here are some of the highlights during the meet up :- Strengthening Asean connection There are 640 million people in the Southeast Asia region and Joe feels it is important to make Asean strong. We are trying to make Asean very strong, we are connected by being neighbours but other than that we are not connected in any way. Thus through cultural performances such as these will make us get connected. Exposing children towards culture and tradition. He posed a question during the interview: Where do you take your children to learn about culture and tradition? Being an arts person, he is concerned with instilling the value of culture and traditions among children so that they do not get carried away with western culture Joe feels that a child needs to be exposed to the diversity of culture and tradition and there is no other better way to teach a child about the diversified culture around us other than through performing arts. He says that children need to know what is happening out there so that it would enable them to be competitive. Collaboration with international artists/benchmark for local artists Speaking on the idea of collaborating with international artists, Joe said he wants to showcase the culture of different nations in the world to the people of Malaysia and also to set the standard/ benchmark of performing arts. He feels collaboration with international artists gives insight into the culture across the region. If we only showcase the culture of the three races in the country; Chinese, Indian and Malay, thus our knowledge on cultural diversity will only be limited to these races Perspective on the festival / the response received from Penangites From Joe s perspective, every year the show is done in a unique manner and these are things that he said. Nowhere in the world can we see world class shows for as low as RM25 and it happens here in Penang yet Penangites do not seem to appreciate it. I cannot force everyone to go and see. There are also a lot of shows which are free actually. If you live in big cities like Singapore and Kuala Lumpur you do not get to see all these. Building a Community Theater Some 8,000 people are living in the area of MacCalum Street and probably it is the highest concentration in a city dwelling in Malaysia and I feel guilty not looking at them as my important audience. This year we are building a community theater to serve these people. We will hold shows such as Rhytm in Bronze, Taiwanese traditional music and Orang-Orang Drum Theatre. As you all know, the state government is building an arts hub around this area, and the most important people are the people living here. So, we need to make them feel comfortable for the arts, he said. Desire to organize Malay Festival Joe desires to organise a Malay Festival to celebrate the beauty of Malay. The subject of being Malay is so clouded now, I see a lot of beauty in being a Malay. Being a Malay is not just about race and religion as beauty of the Malay race is many fold. Proposal to bring Asean to New York Joe excitedly shared the proposal received from the secretary-general of Asean. I received a proposal to bring Asean to New York. God willing, I would like to bring the biggest names of Asean to New York, Paris and London, Joe said. In a nuthsell As a closing thought let us all be a society that appreciates art and see it as an important element in our lives as quoted by philanthropist John Lubbock. Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.

10 August 1 15, 2017 New community hall for Sungai Jawi folks CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng on Aug 6 officiated the new community hall of the Sungai Jawi Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) which is equipped with airconditioning and computers with Internet facilities. The event was made even merrier as it coincided with a motivational programme for students who will be sitting for their UPSR 2017/18 which was sponsored by Jawi assemblymember Soon Lip Chee. According to Soon, the community hall would be opened on weekends to cater for students who wish to revise their studies or to surf the Internet for educational purposes. The chief minister also approved an allocation to further improve on the infrastructure of the community hall, which is located at Jalan Jawi Jaya in Taman Jawi Jaya. I was told that this community hall has a reading corner for kids in this neighbourhood and computers with Wifi facilities set up by the state government. There s also a surau next to it. I m now approving an additional RM52,300 to put up a proper brick wall, cooking space and roof awning, Lim said. Lim (centre) with Tan and Woo as well as other parishioners for the St Anne s Novena and Feast. Assembly of the devoted and pious SOME two thousand Catholics and parishioners of the historic St Anne Church gathered in the evening of July 26 for the annual Novena and Feast of St Anne that was followed by a procession to Bukit Mertajam town that began at 9pm. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, exco member for Works, Utilities and Transport Lim Hock Seng as well as Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) councillors Michael Tan Cheong Heng and Joshua Woo also joined the congregation members in their prayers for the nation and the welfare of the people. The 3km procession around Bukit Mertajam town included a float which had the statues of St Anne and her daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary. The procession started at around 8.45pm from the church and passed along Jalan Kg Baru, Jalan Berjaya and Jalan Maju before it returned to the starting point at 9.45pm. Many of the parishioners were seen with their rosary beads and carrying fresh flowers while Gregorian chants in Latin were heard over the loud speakers. The Novena and Feast was a 10-day celebration by Catholics to honour the maternal grandmother of Jesus Christ, St. Anne. Later, on Aug 6, Lim presented cheques to the FGA Centre and Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan Temple which received RM33,000 each from the state government. The cheques were presented to P. Krishnan, chairman of Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan Temple, and FGA Centre s Elder, Lim Heok Hooi. The state government always gives importance to schools, religious bodies as well as associations. We have also provided land for the non-muslim religious bodies in Butterworth with 32 lots over 20 acres, Lim said during the cheque presentation at his service centre in Air Putih.

August 1 15, 2017 11 Tourism Tax not imposed yet THE state government has not imposed the Tourism Tax as it has yet to receive an official letter on the matter. As of now, only the hotel fee is being collected by both the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) since June 1, 2014, said exco for Tourism Development and Culture Danny Law after the launch of Penang Amazing Orchid Show & Conference on Aug 3. We formed a committee called the Hotel Fee committee which is chaired by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and comprising 10 committee members from the hotel association in Penang to discuss the disbursement of the fund. Since 2014, we have collected almost RM23 million which has been used to promote tourism in the state, Law said. According to Law, Penang tourism is booming due to the promotion being done and every year for the past three years, on average 6.5 to 6.8 million tourists are visiting Penang. We have hosted many conferences such as World Tourism Conference and also have given incentives to airlines that have direct flights to Penang, added Law. The Orchid show will be held on Aug 25-27 (from 9am to 9pm) at Fort Cornwallis, Esplanade. Entrance is free. For further enquiries, contact show manager Tony Tan at 012-4891577. The Orchid conference will be held on Aug 26 from 9am to 5pm. Entrance fee is RM30. For details, call 04-650 5136 or visit info@visitpenang.gov. my Law (holding the orchid plant pot) in a group photo during the launch of Penang Amazing Orchid Show & Conference.

http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng MfÞL 1-15, 2017 இந த அ ப பண வ ர யத தல வர க ம ண ட ம வ பர ச ர யர இர ச ம ந யமனம இரண ட ம த ண ம தல வர ப ரட ச ர யர ப.இரட மசட ம இந த அறப ண வட ர யத தல வரட க ம ணட ம ப ட ற ப ப ற ற ட ர. ப ர ட ச ர ய ர ன தல ணமய ல 10 ஆண யட ளர கள பண ய ல அமர த தப ட னர. இந த அற வட ர யத த ண தல வரட க ட கட ன ட ட ம சட மன ற உற பப னர த ர தனச கரன மறற ம வட ர யச ச ய ட ளரட க த ர.ச ர ந த ரன ம ணட ம ந யம ககப ட னர. ப த ய ஆண யட ளர களட க த பதட ச ந த ரரட ஜ, த ர க ர ஷ சட ம, த ர ஜ க ல க ஷ ட ர ச வ ட ல ந யம ககப ட னர. மட ந ல அரசட ஙகம நம ப கணக க ட ண ஆடச ய ல ஒவப வட ர வர டம ம இந த அறப ண வட ர யத த றக 1ம லல யன மட ன யம வழஙக வதட க மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங பதர வ த தட ர. ப ன ங க அரச ன க ழ ச யல ட ம இந த அறப ண வட ர யம இந த ககள ன பசட த த கள இந த அறப பண வ ர யத த ன ந ரவ கக க ழ வ னர. (உடன இரணட ம த ண ம தலவர ப பர ச ர யர ப.இர மச ம ) மறற ம ஆலயஙகணள ச றந த ம ற ய ல ந ர வக ககப பதட ட பல சம கநல த ட ஙகள ம ற கட ள தட கவ ம ப கழட றம ச டட னட ர. நம ப கணக க ட ண ஆடச ய ன க ழ இந த அறப ண வட ர யத த றக பசட ந தமட க ஜட ட ன ம ககல ஸதர பக த ய ல தல ம யகம ந ற வப டட ள ளத என பத க ற பப டத தககத. இன ற அறப ண வட ர யம ச தந த ரமட க ச யல ட வபதட ட இந த யர கள ன கலவ, க ட ச சட ரம, ட ரம பர யம ந ல ந ட ட வத ல அத க க வனம ச ல த த க றத. மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன இந த அறப ண வட ர ய ந ர வட கக க ழ வ னர கக அத கட ரபப ர வ ந யமனக கட தத ணத வழஙக ச றபப த தட ர. வட ர ய ந ர வட கக க ழ ந யமனம 1 ஜ ல 2017 ம தல 30 ஜ ன 2018 வணர ந ட த த ர கக ம. இந த அறப ண வட ர யம ஆண யர கள ன வழ கட ட ல ல ச றபப டன ந ர வக ப தட க இரண ட ம த ண ம தல வர ம வட ர யத தல வர மட ன ப ரட ச ர யர ப.இரட மசட ம க ற னட ர. இந த ஆணட தஙக இரத ஊர வலத த ல ப றப ட நன பகட ண கணகபகட பப ம கந ல ன வழ ந ரட ஒள ப ரபப ச யயப ட த. அறப ண வட ர யத த ன ம லம ப றப ட ம வர மட னம இந த ய மட வர கள ன உயர கலவ வளர ச ச க க க உபகட ரம சம பளமட க வழஙகப ட க றத என ம ல ம த ர வ த தட ர. ப ன ங க ல இலஞ ச ஊழல தட ப ப ஆண ய உற த ம ழ ந ற வ ற றப பட டத - ம தல வர ப ன ங க மட ந ல நம ப கணக க ட ண அரச யல தல வர கள, உள ள ர அரச தல வர கள மறற ம அரச த ற தல ம ந ர வட க இயகக நர கள மல ச ய இலஞச ஊழல தட பப ஆண ய உற த பமட ழ ய ன அதன தல வர த பதட ச லக பல ம ன ன ல ய ல எட த த க பகட ண னர. மல ச ய ஊழல தட பப ஆண யம ந ர ணயத த ள ள உற த பமட ழ பயட ட பசர த த மட ந ல அரசட ஙகம க ட த ட க 10 உற த பமட ழ ய ன ய ம இண த த க பகட ண தட க மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங பதர வ த தட ர. மட ந ல அரச ம ன பமட ழ ந த ள ள க ட த ட ன 10 உற த பமட ழ ய ன வரப வற தட க மல ச ய ஊழல தட பப ஆண யத தல வர த பதட ச லக பல த ர வ த தட ர. ம ல ம, மல ச யவ ல க ட தல உற த பமட ழ ய ணன வணரயற த த ம தல மட ந லமட க ப ன ங க த கழ க றத என ப கழட றம ச டட னட ர. த ச ய கணக க ய வட ளர வட ர ய அற கணகய ல மட ந ல அரச ஒவப வட ர ஆணட ம க ட தல வர மட னம மறற ம ச றந த ம ற ய ல ந த ந ர வட கம ச ய வத க ற பப டட ள ளத. இதன ம லம மட ந ல அரச ம ற கட ண உற த பமட ழ ய ன ப ன றற வத ச த தர ககப ட க றத. எத ர ககடச த தல வர த பதட சஹட ரட ஹட ம ட சம மதம த ர வ த த ல அட த த சட மன ற க ட டத தட ர ல இலஞச ஊழல தட பப ஆண ய உற த பமட ழ எட த த க கட ள ள ச றபப அமர வ ஏற ப ட ச ச யயப ட ம என ம தல வர க ற னட ர. ப ன ங க ம ந ல அரச யல தல வரகள உற த மம ழ எட த த க மக ணடனர. மட ந ல அரச ம ன பமட ழ ந த ள ள க ட த ட ன 10 உற த பமட ழ கள : * ஆறறல, ப ட ற பப மறற ம ப வள ப ண பகட ட ப ட அட ப ண ய ல ச றந த ந ர வட கம நடத த தல. * மட ந ல ம தல வர, ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர கள மறற ம சட மன ற உற பப னர கள ஆணட பதட ற ம ப வள ப ண யட க பசட த த ட ம அற வ பப ச ச யதல. * த றந த க த தக ம ற அம ட ககம. * க ட ம ப உற பப னர கள அரச ஒப ந தஙகள ல அல த மட ந ல அரசட ஙகத த டன வண கத த ல ஈட ப அன மத ககப பட த * சட மன ற உற பப னர மறற ம ந ர வட கத த னர மட ந ல அரச ன ந ப யன ட ட க ற த த அஙக கட ரம அள கக தட ச ச யதல * தகவல அள ப ப ளர கணளப ட த க த தல * அத கட ரபப ர வ வர மட னத த க ட ட ல ம ஆடம பர வட ழ கணக வட ழ ம தல வர கள ம த ந வட கணக எட த தல * அரச யல நன பகட ண கள ல ப வள ப ண யட க இர த தல * த ன ந ப ர நன பகட ண ஏறற க க ள ளக க ட த * ம றகண வ த ய ம ற ம அத கட ர கள ம த ந வட கணக எட ககப ட ம. AUGUST.indd 1 8/9/2017 6:49:07 PM

ப ன ங க மட ந ல மககள வளமட ன வட ழ கணக வட ழ வத வல ய ற த த ம வணகய ல அணணமய ல ஒல வ த ர தஙக ம வ ட த ய ல நட ப றற 'உஙகள ஆபரட கக யம, மககள ன ஆபரட கக யம ' என ற ப ரச சட ரத த அத கட ரபப ர வமட கத த வக க ண வத தட ர மட ந ல ம த ட ம த ண ம தல வர த பதட ஹஜ ரஷ ட ப ன அஸ னட ன வர க ன ற ஆகஸட 26-ஆம த கத 24 மண ந ர க ள க, ட யட ன ட ர என ம இடத த ல கட ண 8.30 மண பதட ஙக மத யம 2 வணர நட பப றவ ர கக ம இந த ச கட தட ர பர பசட தன ய ல ப ட த மககள கலந த பகட ணட பயன ப ற அணழகக ன றனர. பமல வ பரஙகள கக ட க ர ப ரசட த (016-5564505) மறற ம அகமட ல (019-5185145) என ற எணகள ல பதட ர ப பகட ள ள ட ம. இதன ட ய இரத தம, MfÞL 1-15, 2017 வளம ன வ ழ வ க க ச க த ரம அவச யம - ம தல ம த ண ம தல வர ச க த ர ப ரச ச ரத த அத க ரபப ரவம கத த வக க ணவத த ர ம ந ல ம தல ம த ண ம தலவர டத பத ரஷ ட ப ன அஸ ன ன. பகட ழ பப, அம லத தன ம, கண ர பசட தன மறற ம ஊட ச சத த ஆப ட சன ஆக ய பர பசட தன கள கக ர ம 30 மடட ம வச ல ககப ட ம என றட ர. இந த ப ரச சட ரத த ன வழ ப ட த மககள கக ஏற டட ள ள பநட யகள மறற ம அதன த ர ப தற க ன வழ ம ற கள அற ந த பகட ள ள ஏத வட க அம ய ம என பத ப வள ள ட மல. 2 இபப ரச சட ரத த ன க ழ பத வ பப ற ம ம தல 100 ப ர கக மடட ம ர ம30 கட மட க வ த ககப ட ம. ம த ட ம த ண ம தல வர ன அல வ க மட ன யத த ல ப ட த மககள மல வட ன வ ல வ ல இந தச ச கட தட ர பர பசட தன ம ற கட ள ள வட யபப வழஙகப ட க றத. ச க த ர ப ரச ச ரம மக ட மல அர மள ள த ர ம ர கன ஆலயத த றக ம ன யம அட ப பண ட ம ப ர டகள ல இர ந த கழ வ கள தன ண ப பட த த ம த ட டம மக ட மல அர ள ம க அர ள ள த ர ம ர கன ஆலயத த ற க வழங க ய க பச ணலய டன ம ந ல ம தலவர ம தக ல ம க வ ன எங மற ற ம ஆலய ந ரவ கக க ழ வ னர. ப ன ங க மட ந ல அரச இஸ ல ம அல ல த வழ ப ட ட தளஙகள, பள ள கக டஙகள மறற ம ப ட த இயககஙகள என அணன வர ன வளர ச ச கக ம ம ம ப ட ட றக ம ச றந த ஆதரவ வழஙக வர வத ட ரட ட கக ர யதட க ம. அணணமய ல பகட ட மல அர ள ம க அர பளட ள த ர ம ர கன ஆலயத த ல பமம ட டட த த ட ம ம ற கட ள ள ர ம33,000 மட ன யமட க வழஙகப ட த. இந ந த ய தவ க க ன கட பசட ண ய மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங அவ வட ய தல வர த ர. க ர ஷ ன டம பகட ட த தட ர. இத வணர ப ன ங க மட ந ல ப ர ந ல பக த ய ல இஸ ல ம அல ல த வழ ப ட ட தளஙகள க க க 20 ஏககர ந லம வழஙகப டட ள ளத. ப ன ங க மட ந லத த ல சமந ல யட ன சல க கள அன த த இன மககள கக ம வழஙகப ப வணட ம என பத ல ந ல யட ன க ற க கட ள பகட ணட ள ளத ட ரட ட கக ர யதட க ம. " அ ட ப ண ப ட ர டகள ல இர ந த கழ வ கள தன ம ப ட த த ம த ட ம க ற த த ப ட த மககள ட ய வ ழ பப ணர வ பமப ட ஙக ப வணட ம " என ட ர ல ம ப ள க ஈ அட கக மட ட க ட ய ர பப ல இத த ட த ணத அத கட ரபப ர வமட கத த வக க ண வத த ட யட பதர ப ட ங சட மன ற உற பப னர இபயட ச ன இன த ர வ த தட ர. ப னட ஙணக மட சறற ச ம யட க ம கக மட ந லமட க ம ற ற யணமகக ம ம யறச ய ல அட ப ண ப ட ர டகள ல இர ந த கழ வ கள தன ம ப ட த த ம த ட ம (Dasar Pengasingan Sisa di Punca) கடந த ஜ ன ம தல பதத 2016 பதட ஙகப ட த. ப ன ங க மட ந லத த ல ஒவப வட ர நட ள ம சரட சர கக 1700 டன க பண கள ப ல வ ப பரட ஙக ல அகறறப ட க றத. இதன க ணறகக ம பநட கக ல மட ந ல அரச இபப த ய த ட த ணத அமல ட த த யத க ற பப டத தககதட க ம.. "க டட ந ர வட கக க ழ வ னர அவ வட ட ட ர மககள மற ச ச ழறச த ட த த ல ஈட ப பட வழ வக கக வ ண ட ம என த ர வ த தட ர. க ட ய ர ப ப ளர கள ட ய மற ச ச ழறச அட ப பட ம ப ர ட கள ல இர ந த கழ வ கள தன ம ப பட த த ம த ட டத த அத க ரபப ரவம கத த வக க ணவத த ர ப ய த ர ப ப ங சட டமன ற உற பப னர இபய ச ன இன க ற த த வ ழ பப ணர வ உர வட கக வபத இத த ட த த ன ம தன ம வ ற ற யட க அம ய ம " என இபயட க ற னட ர. நட ம அன றட பதண வகள ன வழ அகறற ம க பண கள தத தம இரணட ப ர வ களட க ப ர த த ண வகக வ ண ட ம. மற ச ச ழறச ச யயகக ட ய கட க தம, ந க ழ, அல ம ன ய ட ன கள ம தல ப ர வட கவ ம இதர க பண கள, ம ஞச ய உணவ கள அன த த இரண ட ம ப ர வட க க கக டப ட ம. எனப வ, ப ன ங க வட ழ மககள இபப ர வ கள ந ன வ ல க ண ட அதன பட க பண கள வ ச ம பட பர ந த ர ககப ட க ன றனர. AUGUST.indd 2 8/9/2017 6:49:11 PM

3 MfÞL 1-15, 2017 கத வத ல க த வ லயத த ல அர ங க டச யகம அண க கப ப டவ ளளத 1 5 7 - ஆணட பழம யட ன க த ப த ட ல க ப த வ ட ய த த ல ம ம ப ட ட ப ண கள ம ற க ண ட வர ம ப வணளய ல மட ந ல அரச இஸ ல ம அல ல த வழ ப ட ட தள ந த யத த ல இர ந த ர ம50,000 மட ன யம வழஙக யத. இதன க ரட மம, நகரம மறற ம வ ணமபப த த ட ம ல ச வ க க ழ வ ன ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர மத பப றக ர ய பஜகட ப ச ங ட பயட மறற ம உள ள ர ட ச, ப ட கக வரத த மறற ம ப வள ள ந வட ரண ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர சட வ பகட ன ய வ ந ர ல பசன ற ம ம ப ட ட ப பண கணளப ட ர ண வய ட ப ன னர அம மட ன யத த ற க ன கட பசட ண ய எட த த வழஙக னர. ல ப ட க ஃபகட ர ஜட ர ஜ வ ன ட ரம பர ய சர த த ர ப கழ பப றற தளத த ல அம ந த ள ள கத பதட ல க பத வட யத த ல இம ம ற அர ஙகட டச யகம அம கக அதன ந ர வட கக க ழ வ னர ஆய த தப கத பத ல க த வ லய மற ச ச ரணமபப ப பண க க க பச ணல வழங க னர ஆட ச க க ழ உற பப னரக ன ச வ மக ன ய வ மற ற ம த ர. ஜ க ட ப பண கள ல ஈட ப டட ள ளனர. ம ல ம, இந த பத வட யம கலவ, ஆபரட கக யம, ஆதர வற றட ர மறற ம உடலப ற க ணறந த வர கள கக உதவ ககரம ந டட ம ப ட ர டட பல நற ண கள நடத த வர வத சட ச ச றந தத இஸ ல ம அல ல த வழ ப ட ட தளஙகள ம ம ப ட ட கக தறப ட த ர ம50,000 வணர வ ண பப க கல ம என ற ம இவ வ ண ட ஜ ல 21- ஆம த கத வணர 31 வ ண ப ஙகள அஙக கர ககப டட ள ளன என பசயத யட ளர கள டம க ற பப ட ட ர ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர த ர.பஜகட ப. இவ வ ண ட ப ன ங க மட ந ல அர ள ம க ட தண ட ய த ட ண ஆலய 231- வத ம ற யட க ணதபப சத த ர வ ழட ண வ ம கவ ம பகட ட கலமட கக பகட ண ட ட யத. அத த னத தன ற வர க யள த த மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங அவ வட யத த றக ர ம200,000 மட ன யம வழஙக வதட க அற வ த த ர ந தட ர. ப ன ங க மட ந ல அரச அற வ த தப ட இன ற பகட ம தட ர ல நட ப றற பசயத யட ளர சந த பப ல ப ன ங க ட தண ட ய த ட ண ஆலய தல வர த பதட ச பப ரமண ய டம ர ம200,000-க க ன கட பசட ண ய வழஙக னட ர மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங. ப ன ங க ப ர ந ல வளர ச ச ம ய ப ப க கப பட ம - ம ந ல ம தலவர ப ன ங க தண ண ர மல ஆலயத த றக ர ம200,000 ம ன யம ம ந ல ம தலவர ம தக ல ம க வ ன எங ஆலய தல வர டம க பச ணல வழங க ன ர. (உடன அரச யல தல வரகள மற ற ம ஆலய ந ரவ கத த னர) ம தல ம ற யட க தணண ர மல ஆலயத த றக ச பசட ந தமட ன தஙக இரதம ஊர வலம வன வந தத. இந த ஆணட ன ணதபப சத த ர வ ழட சர த த ரபப ர வமட க அம ய தஙக இரதம அட ககல ல க அம ந தத என அகம மக ழ ட ர ட ட னட ர. பகட ம தட ர ல நட ப றற பசயத யட ளர சந த பப ல ப ன ங க மட ந ல இரண ட ம த ண ப ரட ச ர யர ப.இரட மசட ம, ப கக ட க ள பகட ர நட ட ள மன ற உற பப னர ரட ம கர ப ல, ட ல மட சட மன ற உற பப னர ந தட ஜ இரட யர மறற ம தணண ர மல ஆலய ந ர வட க உற பப னர கள ம கலந த ச றபப த தனர. சட டமன ற உற பப னர ச ன ல ப ச அணணமய ல ஜட வ, தட மட ன ஜ யட வ ல சம க பமம ட ட மறற ம ம ன ன றற கழக ப த ய மண த ணத த வக க ண வத த மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங ப ன ங க மட ந ல அரச ப ர ந ல ச ங க ஜ வ சம க பமம ப ட மற ற ம ம ன ன ற ற கழக மண டபம பக த ய ன வளர ச ச கக ம கக யத த வம வழஙக வத லண என ற ப ட ற ப றற தரபப னர ன க றறச சட டட றக க கண னம த ர வ த தட ர. ஜட வ சம க பமம ட ட மறற ம ம ன ன றற கழக மண ந ர மட ண பப ன ம லம ச மட ர 450 க ட ம பஙகள பயன ப ற ம என நம ப கணக பதர வ த தட ர ம தல வர. ச மட ர ர ம 225,000 ப ட ர டபச வ ல கட ப ட இபப த ய மண ம ப ட த மககள ன நன ம க க ன களமட க அம ய ம என பத க ற பப டத தககதட க ம. ம ல ம, பள ள மட வர கள ந ரத த பயன ள ள வழ ய ல ச லவ ட கண ன கள ம ப ட ர த தப டட ள ளன.. ஜட வ சட மன ற பதட க த ய ன வளர ச ச கக அதன சட மன ற உற பப னர ச ன ல ப ச ய ன ஙக அளப ர யத என தமத ர ய ல ப கழட ரம ச டட னட ர மட ந ல ம தல வர. சட மன ற உற பப னர ச ன ல ப ச ய ன பகட ர கணகய ல ர ம445,000.00 மத ககத தகக ம ம ப ட ட த த ட ஙகள அவ வட ட ரத த ல அமல ட த தப டட ள ளத என க ற பப ட ட ர. AUGUST.indd 3 8/9/2017 6:49:13 PM

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 槟州首长林冠英 ( 前排左 3) 带领州政府官员宣誓并签署 廉洁十加反贪宣言, 并获得大马反贪委员会主席拿督祖基菲 ( 前排左 2) 的见证 槟州政府签署反贪宣言 槟州首长林冠英率领州政府官员宣誓并签署 廉洁十加反贪宣言!(IBR Plus 10) 槟州政府也是大马首个履行有关反贪宣言暨州政府 10 项廉洁施政宣誓的州政府, 有关签署及宣誓仪式于 8 月 4 日在光大举行, 并获得大马反贪委员会主席拿督祖基菲的见证 同时出席签署及宣誓仪式的尚有多位国州议员 首长致词时指出, 州政府在为人民提供公共服务的时候极度注重廉政 因此自 2008 年以来, 州政府实施了 10 项廉洁政策以决心成为免于贪污的州属 这 10 项廉洁施政分别是 : 一 ) 贯彻 能干 问责和透明 的施政原则 二 ) 落实公开招标 三 ) 制度化对外公开首长 行政议员和州议员的财产 四 ) 不批准议员和官员欲购买政府地的申请 五 ) 禁止政府家属参与政府的工程合约 六 ) 官员不允许接受私人 捐款 七 ) 保护真正的吹哨者 八 ) 对付生活奢华而超出收入比例的领袖 九 ) 透明处理政治献金, 十 ) 严厉对付抵触以上事项的官员 他指出, 州政府这 10 项廉洁施政取得的成效因为获得国家稽查报告的称赞而获得证明 国家稽查报告称赞槟城州政府良好的财政每年皆获得财政盈余 债务减少 90% 及自 2008 年州储备金增加了 10 亿令吉 不止如 此, 槟州也成为唯一因为实施公开招标而获得国际透明组织点名称赞的大马州属 他透露, 相比自 1957 年 50 年以来槟州所获得的 3 亿 7300 万令吉盈余, 从 2008 年至 2016 年, 州政府成功在 9 年内获得 5 亿 7800 万令吉的财政预算盈余, 州政府的债务也是从 2008 年后减少了 90%, 至 2016 年底在所有州属所欠下的 170 亿 9100 万令吉总债务中, 槟州只剩下 6500 万令吉的债务, 或占各州总债务的 0.4%, 是全马债务最低的州属 他指出, 上述成绩, 让槟州政府在今年有能力批准发放公务员庆祝开斋节的援助金, 此援助金占每位公务员的 0.75 月薪或至少 1000 令吉 他也提及, 州政府 2008 年起推行各项福利计划, 从 2008 年迄今, 共挹注了 4 亿 1200 万令吉的现金予槟州人民 我们是国内唯一按时缴交贷款, 没有拖欠债务的州属 ; 自 2006 年起, 我们紧守州内 54 万 4011 公顷的森林保留地, 寸土不碰, 而其他州属的森林保留地正逐渐减少中

2 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 1 2 1 Teleperformance 集团的槟城亚太区中心将会从 576 个工作点中为客户提供 25 种语言的服务 2 林冠英 ( 左 ) 为 Teleperformance 集团的亚太区中心主持开幕仪式 全球知名 Teleperformance 集团 槟城设立亚太区中心 槟州首席部长林冠英于 7 月 20 日 ( 周四 ) 为 Teleperformance 集团设立于槟城的亚太区中心主持开幕仪式 Teleperformance 集团是在外包多渠道客户经验管理领域 (outsourced omnichannel customer experience management) 的全球领导者, 其位于槟城的亚太区中心将会从 576 个工作点中为客户提供 25 种语言的服务 Teleperformance 集团亚太区总裁 David Rizzo 指出, 该集团获奖的亚太区作业成功透过当地专才来提供最好的全球服务, 该集团于最近扩大了亚太区在中国的业务, 并在马来西亚开设了办事处, 这是基于客户对该区域多语言服务的需求不断增加 总部位于法国的 Teleperformance 集团是外包多渠道客户经验管理领域的全球领导者, 该集团业务遍布 74 个国家, 拥有 340 个联络中心, 可提供 265 种以上的语言及方言服务 对于 Teleperformance 集团把其中一个亚太运营站设立在槟城, 槟首长林冠英表示, 这对槟城具有多层意义, 并显示槟城对全球商业服务投资投资而言是具有吸引力的地点 [ 施华洛世奇将于槟城设立商务服务中心 ] 始自 1895 年, 施华洛世奇 (Swarovski) 已成为精密切割人造水晶的领导者, 亦为世界知名的品牌, 为各式产品包括首饰 手錶 时尚配饰, 以至高级女装及先进的照明技术等增添闪烁光芒, 并将于 2017 年末于马来西亚槟城建立一个商务服务中心 这个亚洲全球商务服务中心 (GBS) 将开设于此新地点, 并于未来数年按照公司的价值观逐步建成 为稳守公司强劲的全球竞争地位, 施华洛世奇不断寻找改善方法, 以调整其业务及程序来保持领先的位置 公司在亚洲开设 GBS 中心属于全球计划的一部分, 以确保其财务与行政功能持续成为表现出众的伙伴, 并准备支援施华洛世奇不断取得成功 作为这个计划的一部分, 施华洛世奇的某些需要贴近亚洲市场的选定财务与行政功能活动将于槟城一併提供 经过极其详尽的评估过程后, 我们已决定于槟城建立施华洛世奇位于亚洲的全球商务服务支部 政府当局一直给予我们高度专业及积极的支援 此举已为长远的投放建立了一个稳固的基础 全球营运财务与行政部副行政总裁马素安斯特先生 (Marcel Angst) 说道 投资槟城首席执行员拿督吕丽莲继续说 : 我们实在感到十分自豪, 施华洛世奇从 10 个经过筛选的国际地点中选取了槟城来建立其泛亚全球商务服务 (GBS) 中心 我们十分欢迎施华洛世奇成为这个关係密切的商务群体的一员 施华洛世奇的投资将确保提供各式的就业新机会 : 在施华洛世奇, 我们珍视对工作抱有真正热诚的员工, 他们亦能激励同事和顾客的热忱 我们正在寻找曾接受良好教育, 并乐于为跨国公司 工作的人才 我们在槟城的活动范围将包括日益增添, 并与全球服务网络的所有其他部分共同营运的多功能程序和服务 施华洛世奇 GBS 枢纽及支部董事总经理沃泽克奇里哥夫斯基 (Wojciech Krygowski) 说道 施华洛世奇亚洲 GBS 中心的永久办事处设施预计于 2018 年初启用 资料显示,1895 年在奥地利成立的施华洛世奇, 业务涵盖设计 生产及销售优质水晶 天然及人造宝石, 以及首饰 配饰和灯饰等製成品 施华洛世奇现由第五代家族成员共同管理, 其人造水晶业务遍及全球约 170 个国家, 分店约有 2,800 间, 员工人数超过 27,000 人,2016 年营业额约为 26 亿欧元 施华洛世奇集团由施华洛世奇人造水晶业务 Swarovski Optik( 光学设备 ) 和 Tyrolit( 研磨产品 ) 组成,2016 年营业额约为 33.7 亿欧元, 员工人数超过 32,000 人 吕丽莲 ( 中 ) 指出, 施华洛世奇从 10 个经过筛选的国际地点中选取了槟城来建立其泛亚全球商务服务 (G BS) 中心

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 3 威市局主席新愿景 盼植三千树减二氧化碳 威省市政局主席罗扎里新官上任新愿景, 适逢国庆月, 罗扎里盼与私人机构合作于这 8 月份在威省各区种植三千棵树以减少二氧化碳! 文 黄文慧 罗扎里希望威省市民能时时努力来维持环境卫生 威省市政局 ( 档案照 ) 打造成低碳智慧城市他也建议于 2018 年在威省设立社区公园以鼓励刚喜获新生婴儿的夫妻, 在社区公园指定的范围内进行植树活动以纪念婴儿的出生日, 而这些树苗将会由相关的夫妻来照料 他也放眼把威省于 2022 年打造成低碳的智慧城市 罗扎里指出, 新上任最大的挑战是如何更有效地提升威省的环境卫生, 减少垃圾与及碳排放量 尽管威省的环境卫生已逐年改善, 他认为环境卫生方面还必须再加强才能符合成为低碳的智慧城市 威省市政局将按时间表在道路 市区 传统甘榜和新村进行一系列的清洁工作包括剪草和清理沟渠 他也透露, 这项计划会外包予承包商而本计划的公开招标已在 2017 年 8 月 7 日截止, 清理工作料在 11 月份开始进行 威省市政局主席罗扎里是于 8 月 7 日在柏达镇威省市政局大厦接受访问时发表谈话, 同时出席者尚有威省社会发展部的副主任陈茹娣小姐 吁市民减少垃圾量罗扎里指出, 槟州的垃圾源头分类政策已正式执法 从 2017 年 1 月至 7 月份, 一共有 67.3% 的威省市民响应垃圾源头分类政策 当局呼吁威省市民更踊跃地响应减少垃圾量和养成垃圾源头分类的好习惯 市民只需将垃圾妥善分类, 然后置放在一个容器里以方便市局员工回收 他表示, 唯有此方法才能更显著的提升环境卫生 罗扎里也表示, 维护环境卫生是每个市民的义务与责任, 当局希望能透过所成立的环保回收中心来提升市民的参与度 所有市局管辖的巴刹和饮食中心已被规定进行垃圾源头分类, 威省市政局将会对不愿意配合垃圾源头分类的商家采取行动 当局也会于 8 月尾在柏达镇威省市政局大厦以及特定的礼堂举办一系列的环保座 谈会, 他也借此呼吁威省市民踊跃的参与 有兴趣参与者可电邮至 eschew@mpsp.gov.my 餐饮业者须遵从油脂分离器条例此外, 罗扎里也发现几乎所有的餐饮业没妥善的维持油脂分离器 (grease tap) 他指出, 当局将会严厉的执法, 而这也是申请餐饮业执照所列明的条例之一 餐饮业者必须遵从妥善维持油脂分离器的条例, 当局也会加强巡视工作以便餐饮业者能时时刻刻保持餐厅和店面的卫生与及养成妥善维持油脂分离器的良好习惯 他续称, 承包商也被规定在巴刹至少安排三个清洁工以便更有效地维持巴刹的卫生 市局秘书罗斯娜妮已经如火如荼的在威省各巴刹展开巡视活动, 一旦承包商的旗下员工被发现疏于执勤或偷懒, 这些承包商将会被终止合约 罗扎里也以身作则, 于 2016 年开始就从大山脚住家柏玛当里蒙骑自行车去上班 他透露, 从住家至柏达镇威省市政局大厦一共 7 公里的路程只需 10 分钟就能到达办公处, 即节时又能减少碳排放量 除此之外, 他也能借骑自行车去上班的路途巡视四周环境及锻炼身体来保持更好的魄力以应付每日的工作 他重申, 减少垃圾与及碳排放量必须得到全方位的高度配合才能达到最显著的效果 罗扎里希望威省市民能时时努力来维持环境卫生, 把垃圾源头分类工作纳为生活习惯, 持之以恒, 共同实现绿色生活把威省打造成低碳的智慧城市

4 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 将乘客负荷量提升一倍 州政府提议扩建槟国际机场 槟州首席部长林冠英于 8 月 3 日发文告指出,2016 年, 槟城国际机场的乘客量为 670 万, 而 2017 年的首 5 个月, 已录得 8.7% 的成长, 在此趋势之下, 乘客负荷量只有 650 万的槟机场应该获得扩建, 至少将负荷量扩增至目前的一倍, 即 1300 万 林冠英指出, 在考虑到旅客人数强劲增长之下, 槟州政府提议扩建槟城国际机场, 将目前的乘客负荷量提升一倍至 1300 万乘客 ( 档案照 ) 第二财长拿督斯里佐哈里在几天前保证, 联邦政府将会研究如何扩建槟城国际机场 对于这个好消息, 槟州政府深表欢迎 我们认同佐哈里的说法, 即槟城国际机场已超越其 650 万乘客的负荷量, 比预期在 2020 年达到饱和足足快了 4 年 单是 2016 年, 槟机场乘客量已录得 670 万人 他透露,2017 年的首 5 个月, 乘客量节节上升, 同比增加了 8.7%, 预计年底将达到 700 万 在考虑到旅客人数强劲增长之下, 槟州政府提议扩建槟城国际机场, 将目前的乘客负荷量提升一倍至 1300 万乘客 若无法进行扩建, 槟城国际机场将进一步拥堵, 最后变成槟城国际夜市 他指出, 槟城一直是游客的心头所好, 这里的街头美食以及榴梿更是遐迩闻名 2008 年, 乔治市名列联合国教科文组织的世界遗产城, 更是进一步地让槟城被世界所看见 他透露, 槟城的旅游产品也不断在推陈出新, 诸如投资 2 亿令吉重塑品牌的光大 3 亿 5000 万令吉的国际会展中心, 而提升后的升旗山及峇都丁宜, 亦提供了游客一个绿色旅游的好地方 他说, 槟城也积极巩固医药旅游业的地位, 并朝医药城的目标迈进 在各个即将出现的新医院当中, 最大者为槟榔医院集团, 后者投资 20 亿令吉, 打造一个具有 1000 床位的私人医院, 有关医院也是马来西亚最大的私人医院 他指出, 另一方面, 槟城已崛起成为艺术 文化及古迹的中心点, 这里座拥超过 15 家私人画廊及博物馆等 同时, 槟城也拥有世界级的文化飨宴诸如乔治市艺术节及文学节 槟城共拥有 2 万 4000 间房间, 随着更多新酒店的矗立, 但我们的机场却无法扩建以容纳更多的游客, 这将是一个重大的经济失误, 无法被我们及下一世代所原谅 为了全马而不仅仅是槟城的利益, 槟州政府愿意和联邦政府携手合作, 以便促成扩建机场的大计 图与文 五条路组屋更换升降机已陆续完成 饱受升降机故障困扰的五条路组屋居民, 很快可摆脱这个梦魇了! 在槟州政府提倡的 80:20 组屋基设提升计划之下, 五条路组屋有幸获得批准成为受惠单位, 通过州政府协助更换全新的升降机, 目前 358 及 360 座组屋各一架升降机已竣工 日前, 承包公司 Shinyou Mfg.Shd.Bhd 董事关庆华在彭加兰哥打区州议员刘敬亿见证下, 将 358 及 360 座组屋升降机管理权移交予有关管理委员会 刘敬亿指出, 五条路组屋 346 348 352 354 358 360 362 座于 2012 年向槟州政府申请要求更换升降机, 适逢槟州首长林冠英宣布推出 80:20 组屋基设提升维修基金, 他因此积极帮助五条路组屋居民争取这项基金 他透露,346 座组屋管理委员会基于费用不足, 最终放弃这项申请, 由于有效申请期限已过, 若 346 座居民有意要更换升降机, 需要重新提出申请 ; 至于 350 座组屋则去年 5 月才提出申请, 目前正在公开招标当中 在费用方面,348 352 354 358 及 360 组屋居民各承担 7 万 5200 令吉费用,362 组屋只更换一架升降机, 费用为 4 万 2734 令吉, 五条路组屋 11 架升降机总花费是 314 万令吉 4965 令吉 25 仙 我非常感谢首长林冠英批准通过槟州发展机构承担五条路组屋更换升降机的 80% 大部分费用, 五条路组屋已有 31 年历史, 从未更换过升降机, 导致故障问题频生 他说,348 和 352 座组屋各一架升降机工程也已经完工, 一旦通过消防审核即可移交给管理裡委员会, 而 354 和 362 组屋升降机也正在如火如荼进行更换中, 待所有工程完毕后, 将邀请槟州首长林冠英出席主持移交仪式 是日出席者包括 358 座组屋管理委员会财政李金梅 360 座组屋管理委员会主席刘火炎 秘书方和顺 五条路社委会主席林锋安 槟州发展机构建筑管理部门代表依兹哈 沙鲁尔与哈兹拉米 双溪槟榔区州议员林秀琴除了关注选区基设及民生问题之外, 对于推动选区内的公益活动也非常积极 日前林秀琴联合青云殿福利组, 领养了该选区内 3 间华校 30 名清寒学子的早餐 林秀琴说, 这项富有意义的活动从今年的 4 月份至 9 月份, 而青云殿福利组将负责这次早餐活动的费用 6180 令吉, 至于受惠的 30 名清寒学皆来自明德分校 慕义总校及慕义分校 她指出, 这次的慈善活动除了感谢青云殿福利组的慷慨解囊之外, 同时也希望藉此机会, 更期盼藉此抛砖引玉, 唤起社会大众对弱势学生的关注

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 5 槟政府拨 20 万予日新国中 槟州首长林冠英宣布, 槟州政府再特别拨出 20 万令吉予大山脚日新国民型华文中学, 作为该校兴建二合一教学及行政大楼之用 槟州政府拨出 20 万令吉予大山脚日新国民型华文中学 从 2009 年迄今, 日新已获得州政府共 109 万 5500 令吉 (79 万 5500 令吉为制度化拨款,30 万令吉为首长特别拨款 ) 来提升学校基本设备 当天 (8 月 4 日 ) 出席移交支票仪式的大山脚日新国民型华文中学董事长拿督斯里郑奕南表示, 该校在同一天同时寄信给槟州政府及联邦政府, 希望获得拨款作为兴建教学及行政大楼的费用 感谢一直以来对华文教育鼎力支持的槟州政府马上回应, 答应给予 20 万令吉的特别拨款 郑奕南指出 : 有鉴于兴建教学及行政大楼的费用庞大, 预计费用在 2 千万令吉左右 所以我们希望除了州政府外, 也可以获得社会大众的大力支持 槟首长林冠英再次向联邦政府喊话, 希望联邦政府向槟州政府跟进, 也拨出款项给大山脚日新国中作为建校基金 槟 2018 年制度化拨款申请将截止 各校董事受促尽快呈上完整文件 槟州政府华校及教会学校事务协调委员会主席章瑛行政议员指出, 槟州政府 2018 年制度化拨款的申请距离截止日期仅剩 2 个星期, 各校董事受促尽快呈上完整文件, 以免丧失申请资格 章瑛于 8 月 7 日发表文告时表示, 槟州政府 2018 年制度化拨款于 7 月 3 日开放给全槟 90 所华小 12 所国民型中学 24 所教会学校及 5 所独中, 目前, 槟州政府华校及教会学校事务协调委员会已收到 9 所学校的申请文件, 有意申请的学校请尽快在 8 月 23 日前呈上完整的文件 为了让新的负责老师 校长或董事了解申请的步骤, 本会秘书处除了于 7 月 3 4 6 及 10 日提供 5 堂的解说会, 也特别于本月 7 日及 17 日开放州政府的电脑室, 以方便即场给予咨询援助 我在此特别提醒那些有意申请的学校重视申请截止的日期, 有任何问题必须及早联络秘书处, 以避免在截止日期前无法完成申请的程序 和往年一样, 所有的申请都必须根据指南, 依学校需求急缓为主 利惠学生为先, 同时优先考量提升学校厕所 体育设施 安装闭路电视等 随着申请截止后, 秘书处将于 9 月份向全槟的议员及代表解说审核及鉴定的工作程序, 议员在视察学校情况后, 将呈上报告给华协会以进行接下来的审核工作 符合条件的学校预计可在明年的年头获得拨款 任何疑问请致电给首长特别助理兼华协会秘书沈佩蓉 017-5910366 或 04-6505558 或电邮 simphoiyong@gmail.com 询问 槟州政府华校及教会学校协调委员会从 7 月 3 日开始提供 5 堂的解说会给全槟 90 所华小 2 4 所教会学校 5 所独中及 12 所国民型华文中学的校长 董事代表及相关老师 ( 档案照 )

6 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 1 6 槟州独中教育基金会 华文教育生生不息 十周年庆晚宴 配合 10 周年的到来, 槟州独中教育基金会日前 (8 月 5 日 ) 主办 华文教育生生不息 十周年庆晚宴, 有关活动也获得槟州五独中联办 7 摄影 罗孙庭 1 精湛的表演让现场嘉宾陶醉在轰鸣的鼓声中 2 日新独中扯铃队为呈现精彩的 铃 梦 3 槟华女子独中的学生呈献逗趣活泼的舞蹈 杂一 4 加上绚丽灯光的扯铃表演, 为人们带来融合现代及传统的视觉飨宴 5 林冠英 ( 左 ) 及杜乾焕 ( 右 ) 进行鸣锣仪式 6 表演者们精湛的舞艺赢得大家热情的掌声 7 配合 10 周年的到来, 槟州独中教育基金会日前主办 华文教育生生不息 十周年庆晚宴, 有关活动也获得槟州五独中联办 根据了解, 槟州独中教育基金会的成立于 2007 年, 当时一群教育工作者迫切的感受到, 需要成立一个团体, 以便帮助槟州的五所独中, 提升它们的学术和课外活动水平 这五所独中, 即槟华独中 韩江中学 菩提独中 日新独中及锺灵独中 这群教育工作者, 致力于补助五所独中的需求, 不畏困难, 努力付出, 为团体的建立做出了积极贡献 自从成立以来, 基金会的理事会同仁, 与所有关心母语教育发展的组织携手合作, 志在提升槟州五独中的学术和课外教学环境 该基金会举办了各种活动, 以便达到提升教育素质的目标, 其中包括, 为新手教师举办教师培训课程 开办短期教专课程来提升在职教师的专业水平, 并举办独中校际运动会 球类比赛 三语演讲比赛 英语辩论 文化表演, 以及带动师生到吉隆坡和海外 ( 尤其是中国 ) 进行学术交流 更具体来说, 该基金会协助提高了学生的自信心 加强了教师的专业能力 提高了学生的社会参与度, 同时也加强了 5 独中的学生与教职员之间的情谊及合作关系 在当天的晚宴上, 五所独中的学生们纷纷呈现许多精彩绝伦的表演, 让与会的嘉宾度过一个美好的夜晚

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 2 3 7 5 4 杜乾焕 : 槟州政府对独中贡献有目共睹 槟州独中教育基金会主席拿督杜乾焕博士指出, 由槟州首长林冠英所带领的槟州政府自执政以来, 对州内 5 所独中发展的贡献有目共睹 他指出, 槟州政府公平对待各源流教育, 独中每年都获得巨额的制度化拨款, 这些措施大大帮助个小解决了部分经济负担 而我们作为一个支援五独中的团体, 也获得州政府, 尤其是首长的落力支持 他也透露, 在今晚的这个 10 周年庆, 首长也拨款了 3 万令吉给该会, 该会非常感谢槟州政府, 而首长对五独中的一贯慷慨支持, 明确地表了他对我国母语教育事业, 坚持奉献的态度 杜乾焕是于今晚 (8 月 5 日 ) 出席槟州独中教育基金会 华文教育生生不息 十周年庆晚宴时发表谈话 有关活动由槟州独中教育基金会主办及槟州五独中联办 同时出席者尚有槟州首长林冠英 槟州行政议员拿督阿都马烈及槟州首长政治秘书黄汉伟等人 另外, 首长在致词时指出, 独中培育出的人才, 对于国家的贡献非常大, 希望联邦政府能够承认独中生的贡献及承认统考 他也促请联邦政府制度化拨款给独钟 首长也提及, 槟城州政府每年通过制度化和首长特别拨款资助 5 所独中, 从 2008 年至今已经拨出 1875 万令吉, 而自 2015 年开始, 每年每所独钟皆获得 50 万令吉 另外, 根据了解, 为了感激及表扬教育工作者为槟州栽培人力资源, 州政府从 2012 年开始也每年拨出回馈金给每位独中教职员,6 年来共发放 119 万 1000 令吉 槟州政府强调民主化教育, 贯彻一视同仁的拨款准则, 根据学校急需拨给有关学校 除了致力于维护各源流教育, 近年来, 槟州政府更设立了槟城圆顶科学馆 (Tech Dome) 和科学中心 主催乔治市庆典, 大力推广科学和艺术教育 ; 近期也设立了电子图书馆 (Digital Library) 提升现有各图书馆设备, 积极进行资源分享 槟州政府未来也将继续与各界合作, 积极发展各方面的教育 槟城韩江中学的学生呈现气势澎湃的廿四节铃鼓

8 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 市政厅将斥资逾 14 万 更换亚依淡巴刹小贩中心屋瓦 亚依淡巴刹小贩中心百年屋瓦因无法散热及抗热, 导致小贩中心内热气逼人, 槟岛市政厅将斥资 14 万 7000 令吉来更换屋瓦, 让小贩及民众在通风舒适的环境下营业及用餐 武吉牛汝莪区国会议员蓝卡巴星 ( 右 2) 宣布槟岛市政厅将为亚依淡巴刹小贩中心更换百年屋瓦, 以解决热气逼人的环境 武吉牛汝莪区国会议员蓝卡巴星于 7 月 22 日召开记者会时捎来这消息 他表示, 该小贩中心屋瓦已超过百年历史, 一直以来未曾更换, 由于屋瓦已失去抗热功能, 导致小贩中心内热气逼人 他表示, 市政厅在与承包商洽谈后, 决定采用有吸热功能的屋瓦来更换旧屋瓦, 以解决热气逼人的问题 亚依淡巴刹小贩中心百年屋瓦因无法散热及抗热, 导致小贩中心内热气逼人, 槟岛市政厅将斥资 14 万 7000 令吉来更换屋瓦, 让小贩及民众在通风舒适的环境下营业及用餐 在提升工程计划内, 除了更换屋瓦外, 承包商也将重新油刷屋梁及清洗抽风机, 让民众在舒适的环境下用餐 8 月 14 日开始至 12 月 13 日期间, 该小贩中心将进行更换屋瓦工程, 而施工期间小贩须暂时停止营业 ; 因此, 蓝卡巴星补充, 在一切有定案后, 当局将发出通知信给各小贩, 通知他们停止营业及工程开始的日期等 五条路雄胜篮球队召集新血加入 对篮球满腔热血的年轻人请注意! 五条路雄胜篮球队正在召集拥有篮球梦的新血加入, 如果你热爱篮球运动, 那你正是他们想要找的人! 成立于 1995 年的五条路雄胜篮球队沉寂多年, 近期又开始活跃起来, 在数名队员发起以聚餐方式重新聚集昔日战友后, 决定成立委员会积极招收新球员, 栽培下一代接班人 身为顾问的彭加兰哥打区州议员刘敬亿指出, 这支球队源起于五条路, 只是近年鲜少活跃于篮球界, 不过随着队员立志重新归队, 他们将会在五条路区内物色合适的篮球场, 作为训练场地 他说, 本身也是雄胜篮球队一员, 曾代表全槟 18 岁以下篮球赛, 所以对于雄胜篮球队想要重新出发的愿景绝对给予百分之百的支持 此外, 我们接下来还会举办一场小型篮球赛, 藉此让更多人认识雄胜篮球队 雄胜篮球队队员再聚首, 冀望招收更多有潜质的新血, 让雄胜篮球队再度崛起 后排右 1 为杨万仁 左 2 为郭贤来 左 3 为张万宗 前排右起为郭毅荣与刘敬亿等人

槟元首 79 岁华诞 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 10 无名英雄受封 要闻 9 今年槟州元首敦阿都拉曼阿巴斯 79 岁华诞, 共有 1481 对社会有功人士受到封赐, 这其中包括了从事 3D( 辛苦 肮脏及危险 ) 的 10 名威省市政局工友 1 2 1 槟州首长林冠英及槟州地方政府委员会主席曹观友恭贺受封赐的 10 名威省市政局 3D 工友, 与林冠英握手者为苏菲安 2 在威省市政局服务了 39 年的奥古斯丁, 感谢州政府看见 3D 工友的贡献 为了向这些无名英雄致敬, 自 2010 年起槟州希望联盟政府就开始提名这些无名英雄, 让社会大众也看到他们的贡献 8 年过去了, 表彰无名英雄的传统依然延续 在此次受封典礼上, 已经在威省市政局服务了 39 年的奥古斯丁 (60 岁 ), 是受封工友中服务最久的政府员工 刚入职时为清洁工友, 现则为特别行动组四轮驱动司机的他说 : 大家以为清洁工人的工作很轻松, 但是在执行任务的过程中, 我们其实面对很多风险 州政府肯定底层员工激发了我们的士气, 更努力把槟城打造成一个更干净 绿意 健康及安全的州属 苏菲安 (30 岁 ) 同样在威省市政局服务了 6 年, 他感谢槟州政府重视 3D 工友的贡献, 对于受封, 他感到高兴与欣慰, 想向槟州政府说声谢谢 大山脚我的家乡 趣走活动 1 2 1 威省市政局举办 大山脚我的家乡 趣走活动, 通过 1.1 公里长的趣走活动来发掘及欣赏大山脚这老城镇 2 大山脚区国会议员沈志强为 大山脚我的家乡 趣走活动主持挥旗礼 为了宣传大山脚隐藏版的历史文化景点, 威省市政局举办 大山脚我的家乡 趣走活动, 通过 1.1 公里长的趣走活动来发掘及欣赏大山脚这老城镇 逾百名来自威省市政局及非政府组织的参与者们从大山脚日新中学出发, 途径首任槟州首长已故丹斯里王保尼故居 伯公埕玄天庙以及市区大巴刹 大山脚区国会议员沈志强于 7 月 22 日为 大山脚我的家乡 趣走活动主持挥旗礼 出席者包括威省市议员方美铼 王育璇 大山脚福德正神会理事长拿督庄佛和以及日本横滨市官员等

10 画页 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 乔 治 让 市 艺 术 走 节 入 民为了庆祝乔治市入遗而主办的乔治市艺术节 (George Town Festival), 不知不觉已经迈入了第八个年头 这八年间, 这个活动从默默无闻到吸引了国内外艺文爱好者和游客专程为这个节目前来, 间 珍珠快讯 找来了这个节目的幕后推手, 乔治市艺术节总监祖西迪 (Joe Sidek), 听他谈谈他与乔治市艺术节 文 陈锐嫔图 Wina/ 乔治市艺术节网站 让东南亚被看见乔治市艺术节主办了 8 届, 依然每届有新鲜且层出不穷的新点子, 今年首次主办的 Macam-Macam ASEAN 东南亚市集就是一例 在这个市集里, 不仅集结了来自这些地方的文创工作者带来了他们令人眼前一亮的作品, 更别出心裁地主办了 区域叻沙 大赛, 让不同州属 东南亚不同国家的叻沙可以同场竞赛, 也让叻沙爱好者开了眼界也有了口福 祖西迪解释说 : 我们是东协一员, 但是一般民众对邻国或其他东协成员国并没有太大的认识, 所以希望透过比较贴近生活化的市集及食物, 打开大家对东协的认知大门 艺术带给人们快乐及启迪祖西迪主办这个艺术节, 最大的愿望是希望把艺术带到民间, 让艺术被更多人看见 所以, 这些年来, 他一直在推动地企业赞助学生看表演 最令我感动的是, 有一个 12 岁的孤儿在看完演出后, 把身上的钱淘出来乐捐 我于心不忍, 于是问他原因, 而他以快乐的神情告诉我说 : 我很享受这场演出 祖西迪分享这个故事时, 眼里尽是感动与满足 我做乔治市艺术节的目的很简单, 就是要以艺术与文化带给人们快乐及启迪, 把艺术带到民间, 让每个人都可以轻松快乐地接触到艺术与文化 乔治市艺术节总监祖西迪 (Joe Sidek) 最大的愿望是希望把艺术带到民间, 让艺术被更多人看见

1 2 3 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 画页 11 北海艺穗节将在 8 月 12 与 13 日, 一连两天在北海老桥路热闹登场, 让北海也感染乔治市艺术节的节庆欢乐 来自台湾的念歌 人人鼓剧场与新山鼓队以及 Gamelan 马来传统乐团将会在五条路免费演出 赋予传统新意, 让传统与现代生活有所连结, 也让传统得以传承 在乔治市艺术节期间, 民众可以到槟城和北海的 5 家传统咖啡店参与免费的 咖啡店演唱会 英国摄影师 Jimmy Nelson 的摄影展于 7 月 28 日至 8 月 27 日, 在大街头路 (Gat Lebuh China) 的 UAB 建筑内举行 今年首次主办的 Macam-Macam ASEAN 东南亚市集, 有别出心裁的 区域叻沙 大赛 把艺术文化带到社区继去年把艺术节演出带到五条路, 今年乔治市艺术节再接再厉, 安排了三场不同的节目在当地免费演出, 这包括了来自台湾的念歌 人人鼓剧场与新山鼓队以及 Gamelan 马来传统乐器的演出 祖西迪指出 : 五条路是槟州人口最密集的一处地方, 但是一般上, 没有艺术活动会选择在那儿演出 为了让当地的居民也可以欣赏艺术演出, 所以我们把演出场所设在那儿, 让当地的居民可以有机会接触艺术, 改变他们对艺术高高在上的看法 艺术节为槟城人而办虽然乔治市艺术节越办越成功, 吸引了很多国内外的艺文爱好者前来参与其盛, 但是祖西迪心心念念的, 却是槟城人 我这个活动是为槟城人而做的, 希望槟城的年轻一代可以有机会接触自己国家的文化, 也有机会在国内接触国际级的演出, 开拓自己的眼界及视野 他说 : 我们努力找赞助, 把国际级演出带到槟城来, 就是希望可以开拓槟城观众的眼界 国际级的演出可以以最低 25 令吉的价格买到, 就只有在乔治市艺术节 所以我希望槟城的观众不要浪费这个黄金机会, 翻开节目表, 给自己挑一 两个节目作为开始吧! 完整演出资讯请浏览网站 www.georgetownfestival.com 或致电 04-2616308 询问

12 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 与年轻人的联系是没有年龄和阶级之分,PYDC 的交流平台是鼓励大家发问和给予意见 印尼亚齐伊斯兰大学的槟城学生拜会首席部长林冠英 马来西亚留台同学访问团夜访升旗山, 登高远望槟城夜景 槟城青年发展机构 (PYDC) 打造青年沟通平台 自 2015 年开始, 槟城青年发展机构 (PYDC) 积极在各个大专院校穿针引线, 逐步与各别马来西亚青年沟通与交流, 并且邀请他们前来访问槟城州政府及属下机构, 了解州政府在过去几年的发展和未来动向 与年轻人的联系是没有年龄和阶级之分, 由槟城青年发展机构设立的交流平台, 更是鼓励大家发问和给予意见, 以更能让州政府的负责机构和执行人员, 正视所拟定的政策及措施, 是否符合人们的需求 而年轻人的意见和想法, 更是州政府可以借以参考和接纳, 继续提升服务和措施 槟城青年发展机构过去主办的大专青年访问团, 吸引了国内国立大学 : 马来亚大学 (UM) 理科大学 (USM) 国立大学 (UKM) 博特拉大学 (UPM) 工艺大学 (UTM) 及其他大学的学生到访 同时, 其他在国外留学的大专生, 如留台同学会及印尼学生会, 更是我们的合作伙伴单位 通过马来亚大学槟城同学会 (PMPPUM) 和印尼亚齐伊斯兰大学 (Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry) 同学会, 已经定期举行大专青年访问团, 以密切跟进州政府发展事务, 并且协助槟城青年发展机构扩充活动事务 更多详情, 敬请游览槟城青年发展机构 FB:http://facebook. com/pydc.my/ 大专青年访问团到访乔治市, 通过乘搭公共交通工具和步行, 以更环保的方式来了解我们的城市

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 13 人权与发展息息相关 杨顺兴 : 善用智慧取得平衡 垄尾区州议员杨顺兴指出, 人权与发展商息息相关, 任何政府在人权与发展之间必须善用智慧, 以取得平衡点 也是一名律师的杨顺兴州议员说, 人权的基本诠释也即是人的基本权利, 在过去淳朴的社会, 最简单的人权要求就是衣食住行 但是随着社会的高度发展, 人权的定义也产生了变化, 因为发展的需求, 也扩大到政治 经济 文化 宗教 教育, 人权的定义随着时光演变逐步扩大 杨顺兴在 7 月 20 日受邀出席槟城研究院主办的 权本方针, 发展即人权的 讲座上发表这么表示 此外, 马来亚大学国际与战略研究高级讲师邱颖慧博士也是当天主讲人之一 杨顺兴表示, 早在中国的春秋时期, 倡议儒家思想的孔子就提出了以民为本的看法, 也有了爱民 亲民 惠民的想法, 但是因为后期帝皇逐步推崇君权的因素, 造成中国人权思想的发展无法进一步的推进 今天我们看好香港及新加坡是一片乐土, 可是 2012 年联合国的报告却不是这么一回事, 因为香港贫富差距过大 新加坡虽然欣欣向荣, 但是国民普遍上认为言论不自由, 处处受到约束 他说, 在发展过程中也未必能令所有人都满意, 因此一些少数人的利益被牺牲, 所以要做到尽善尽美并不是一件容易的事 杨顺兴 ( 右 ) 指出, 人权与发展商息息相关, 任何政府在人权与发展之间必须善用智慧, 以取得平衡点 [ 王国慧见证助学金移交仪式 ] 朔电星与杨秀明慈善基金对教育慈善事业不遗馀力, 北京大学国际政治系的杨钪森及台湾嘉义大学财务金融系的张恺益已第三年获得该基金会赞助学金 朔电星与杨秀明慈善基金表朔琦成 ( 左 2) 于日前移交大学第三年第一学期 3000 令吉 助学金给杨钪森父亲杨振耀 ( 左 1) 和张恺益母亲陈妙晶 ( 右 1), 以让两人的孩子应付 9 月开学的学杂费开销 该基金会将继续赞助直到两人毕业 武拉必州议员王国慧也在场见证移交仪式 图与文 I Love Penang Unity Walk 2017 日前 (7 月 23 日 ) 在峇央峇鲁成功举办! 有关活动全程 5 公里, 并吸引了约 1000 人参与 槟州第一副首长拿督莫哈末拉昔及槟州行政议员拿督阿都马烈皆出席有关活动, 与其他人士一同躬逢其盛

14 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 槟州威南中秋庆典 我爱槟城月光跑 2017 配合槟州威南中秋庆典 全民携手庆中秋, 庆灯五彩耀爪夷 进行的 我爱槟城月光跑 2017( 欢乐跑 ) 活动, 将于 10 月 1 日 ( 星期日 ) 傍晚 7 时 30 分在高渊成功花园草场起跑 即日起开始接受报名, 欢迎民众踊跃参与 爪夷区州议员孙意志表示, 槟州政府今年再次于爪夷选区举行槟州威南中秋庆典, 主办当局准备了一连串为期 4 天的节目与活动, 让各族民众同欢共庆中秋佳节 他指出,2015 年中秋庆典首次举办的 月光跑 反映热烈, 共有 1600 位民众报名参与, 因此今年的中秋庆典再次举办全程 6 公里的 我爱槟城月光跑 2017 活动 在运动风气日益盛行的现在, 跑步不仅仅是一种健身方式, 更是一种生活态度 目前普遍上许多跑步活动都在早上进行, 月光跑是这次中秋庆典的其中一项特色, 让民众趁此机会欣赏高渊夜景的同时, 也体验在月光下随风奔跑的感觉 无论是一家大小或三五成群的知己好友, 欢迎大家走出户外, 跑出健康 孙意志鼓励学生把握机会参与这项别开生面的月光跑, 家长们不妨陪同孩子一起参与, 除了锻炼身体, 更能增加彼此间的感情, 促进亲子关系 配合中秋佳节的到来, 我希望各地民众能前来参与这项月光跑, 当晚也有一系列精彩的舞台节目让大家观赏 这项 我爱槟城月光跑 2017( 欢乐跑 ) 是由槟州政府主办 槟州青年发展机构支持 高渊华人体育会协办 高渊华人体育会会务顾问杨志清表示, 很开心能和州政府再度合作举办月光跑, 华体上下全面支持这次的活动 这次的路线和往年有所不同, 为了顾虑到民众的安全, 路线都尽可能避开周日夜市地段以及交通繁忙的地方 他指出, 此月光跑活动路程全长 6 公里, 公开予 10 岁或以上的民众参加, 报名费为每人 20 令吉, 参与者将获得 T 恤及 LED 手环 参与者须于活动当日傍晚 6 时 30 分报到 当晚完成 6 公里路程的参与者, 除了可获得纪念奖牌和奖状外, 还可参加幸运抽奖, 有机会赢取丰富的奖品 报名截止日期为 8 月 30 日, 有兴趣者可在 N19 Soon Lip Chee 面子书专页了解详情或到爪夷区州议员孙意志服务中心 (04-5941163, 011-36020202) 高渊华人体育会 (019-4151728) 高渊 SHELL 添油站 (04-5932554) 高渊 ON EYES OPTOMETRY(04-5933632) 花心思礼品花坊 (012-4252602) 京园海鲜煮炒饭店 (011-3602 0202) 新邦安拔 ON EYES OPTOMETRY(04-5888325) 索取报名表格 孙意志 ( 中 ) 表示, 槟州政府今年再次于爪夷选区举行槟州威南中秋庆典, 主办当局准备了一连串为期 4 天的节目与活动, 让各族民众同欢共庆中秋佳节 右 1 为威省市议员王育璇

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 15 从教育着手, 垃圾分类才能成功 杨顺兴积极推动垃圾分类 垄尾区州议员杨顺兴表示, 如果垃圾分类要成功, 必须从教育着手, 灌输学生分类知识, 这样马来西亚才能够逐步达到日本的水准 杨顺兴承认, 马来西亚的环保意识, 包括垃圾分类的认知与执行, 尚处在萌芽阶段, 如果要长远的成果, 现在就必须开始教育我们的年轻一代 杨顺兴日前 (8 月 5 日 ) 在发林 Block 4E 组屋与槟岛市政局一起推展垃圾分类运动上如是指出 他说, 垄尾是全槟人口最密集, 也是最多高楼住宅的地区, 他已经召集选区内的公寓共管机构办高楼垃圾分类的讲座, 向他们灌输这方面的意识 杨顺兴说, 垃圾分类必须先从教育开始, 他已跟一些校方联系, 灌输学生垃圾分类的知识, 让他们回家再教育自己的父母, 以达到一石二鸟的效果 积极推动与支持垃圾分类运动的杨顺兴州议员自州政府开始推行垃圾分类以来, 一直非常的积极协助州政府向人民, 特别是高楼住宅的居民, 贯彻垃圾分类的施行 居民会觉得比较麻烦, 可能他们还不了解, 我们将会安排对垃圾分类十分有经验的非政府组织与市政局联办讲座会, 教导居民如何进行垃圾分类 2017 槟州国际绿色嘉年华赞助商 他表示, 共管机构可以把居民收集的可再循环物转卖给回收商, 并将有关收入作为公寓管理基金, 从而减低每月向居民徵收的管理费 我们希望通过奖励的方式, 鼓励居民进行垃圾分类, 目前还在研究的阶段 杨顺兴 ( 左 4) 在发林 Block 4E 组屋与槟岛市政局一起推展垃圾分类运动

16 广告 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 要闻 17 黄汉伟助极乐寺 进行垃圾分类 亚依淡州议员黄汉伟动用选区拨款, 拨出 1 万令吉购买 15 个垃圾分类回收桶, 及 3 个大型垃圾分类铁笼给极乐寺, 协助极乐寺进行垃圾分类 黄汉伟表示, 极乐寺是槟州著名的旅游胜地, 游客众多, 要处理的垃圾数量也非常可观 此次在极乐寺设立垃圾分类垃圾桶, 相信可以有效地减少极乐寺的垃圾处理量 他说, 自去年开始推行垃圾源头分类运动以来, 亚依淡选区已经设立了 11 个垃圾分类回收站, 极乐寺是第 12 站 黄汉伟是于 7 月 31 日移交垃圾分类回收桶及铁笼给极乐寺时发表谈话 同时出席者尚有其助理陈春庆等人 亚依淡州议员黄汉伟 ( 右 2) 移交垃圾分类垃圾桶及铁笼给极乐寺方丈贤观法师 2017 槟州国际绿色嘉年华赞助商

18 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 槟州旅游发展委员会主席罗兴强, 邀约大家在 8 月 25 至 27 日之间, 到康华丽堡来观看千姿百媚的胡姬花展, 并参与首次举行的胡姬花研讨会 8 月底来康华丽堡 看胡姬展 罗兴强表示, 此胡姬花展将于早上 9 时至晚上 9 时在康华丽堡展出, 入场免费 而在 8 月 26 日, 在 Royal Chulan 酒店, 则有别开生 面的胡姬花研讨会, 有兴趣参与者可以致电 FAMOS( 马来亚联合邦胡姬协会 )012-5621406 询问进一步详情 罗兴强于 8 月 3 日联同主办单位 FAMOS( 马来亚联合邦胡姬协会 ) 召开记者会, 邀约大家来看胡姬花展 双溪槟榔区州议员林秀琴 ( 左 4) 日前走访 SJK(T) JALAN SUNGAI 州政府制度化拨款改善淡小校园基设 随着槟州政府落实制度化拨款给各源流学校至今, 双溪槟榔区内一间淡米尔学校每年都获得州政府的拨款, 并通过制度化拨款的款项来改善校园的基设, 让印裔学子能在优质的环境下求学 日前, 双溪槟榔区州议员林秀琴在槟州政府淡米尔学校事务委员会主席拿督安峇兰甘陪同下, 联合当地村长卡立 槟岛市议员赛夫及沙鲁丁等人, 走访相关学校 (SJK(T)JALAN SUNGAI) 林秀琴说, 今年该校获得州政府的 3 万 3650 令吉制度化拨款, 而州政府在今年初已将这笔款项移交给该校, 作 为提升课室基设用途 她说, 该校有意将校内的课室提升为精明课室, 不过费用大约是 2 万 5000 令吉, 而其馀款项则用作购买学生参考书籍 这间学校自 2009 年开始至今获得槟州政府 59 万 8095 令吉 75 仙的制度化拨款, 而大家也可以从校园的基设及环境改善中看得出, 州政府与该校董事会及教师的用心 另一方面, 因校园的旧水管破裂及校园环境卫生一事, 该校董事会寻求林秀琴的协助, 对此林秀琴表示会给予适当的协助, 也将会在近期内安排校方与市政厅市议员展开清洁运动

2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日要闻 19 威省 无车早晨 活动 活力健康 每个周日在槟城举行的 占领土库街 无车日活动, 已经是槟州子民以及游客熟悉且热衷参与的例常活动 殊不知, 威省也有 无车早晨 活动, 有关活动以家庭生活 亲子及环保活动为主 8 月的第一个礼拜, 珍珠快讯 走入了诗布朗再也双威嘉年华广场毗邻, 参与了每个月的首个周日举行的 无车早晨 活动 (MPSP Car Free Morning), 看到民众与家人参与了林林总总的健康活动如武术 空手道 晨操 骑单车等 下个月的第一个周日, 威省的居民不妨也带着你的家人一起来参与威省的 无车早晨 活动吧, 充满活力与惊喜的活动在等着你呢! 1 2 3 4 5 1 一个更健康活力的槟城由你开始, 你准备好了吗? 2 婆婆 妈妈 姐姐 妹妹动起来, 周日清晨就该这么充满活力 3 槟城是一个日渐完善的单车骑行城市, 也吸引了许多人士加入骑单车行列 4 空手道可强身健体, 吸引了许多青少年参与 5 威省市政局呼吁大家踊跃参加在威省举行的 无车早晨 互动

20 要闻 2017 年 08 月 01 日 15 日 民众可通过日本人偶展了解各个日本人偶所代表的含义及其历史, 并深入地了解日本的服装 节日及文化风俗 马日建交 60 周年纪念 日本人偶展现东瀛风情 为配合马日建交 60 周年纪念, 日本国际交流基金会在槟州中路博物馆举办日本人偶展, 民众可通过这展览了解各个日本人偶所代表的含义及其历史, 并深入地了解日本的服装 节日及文化风俗 浮罗池滑区州议员叶舒惠 ( 右 2 ) 为日本人偶展主持开幕仪式 摄影 Alissala Thian 入场免费的日本人偶展的展出日期是 7 月 20 日至 8 月 28 日 ( 早上 9 时至 5 时 ) 日本驻槟总领事系井清在日本人偶展主持开幕仪式时表示, 每一个人偶都有其意义, 除了传载着祝福和记载了历史, 也是一种与生活息息相关的民间信仰 为日本人偶展主持开幕仪式的浮罗池滑区州议员叶舒惠指出, 日本在本地无论是社交 慈善事业 文化发展, 多年来都做了不少的努力与贡献, 也非常感谢日本政府多年来与我国建交的情谊 每一个人偶都有其意义 为配合马日建交 60 周年纪念, 日本国际交流基金会即日起在槟州中路博物馆举办日本人偶展

MfÞL 1-15, 2017 4 ப ன ங க ல ப ப ஆர வ டம ப ப த த டடம ச யல பட த த வ ண ட ம - ஜ க ட ப மத த ய அரச ப ப ஆர என ம மககள வ ணமபப த த ட த த ல வட ணக வ ட ப ற வ ர ம ப ம ப ட த மககள ன மட தட ந த ர வர மட னம ர ம3,000 என ந ர ணய த த ப வணளய ல ப ன ங க மட ந ல நம ப கணக க ட ண அரச பதட ர ந த ர ம1,500 என ம ட வ ச பசயத ள ளத. மத த ய அரச ஒர மல ச ய வ ணமபப த த ட த த ல (ப ர மட ) வ ட வட ஙக ப வட ர ன மட தட ந த ர வர மட னம ர ம2500 என க ற பப டட ள ளத. "எனப வ, ப ப ஆர வட ணக வ ட ப ற மட தட ந த ர வர மட னம ர ம3,000 எனவ ம ப ர மட வ ட வட ஙக நர ன மட தட ந த ர வர மட னம ர ம2,500 என க ற பப டப ட வத மககள ட ய க ழப த ணத ஏற ட த த வபதட ட ம ற யட ன வழ கட ட ல அல " என க ரட மம, நகரம மறற ம வ ணமபப த த ட ம ல பசண வக க ழ வ ன ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர த ர.பஜகட ப ச ங ட பயட பதர வ த தட ர. கடந த மட ர ச 1-ஆம த கத நகர நல வட ழ வ, வ ணமபப மறற ம உள ள ர ட ச அம ச சர தட ன ஒமட ர டன சந த பப க க ட ம நடத த ப ன ங க ல ப ப ஆர வ ணமபப த த ட ம ம ற கட ள ள ப வணட ய அ வச யத த றற எட த த ணரத தட க த ர ஜ ட ப த ர வ த தட ர. ம ல ம, மட ந ல ம தல வர ம தக ல ம க வட ன எங அ வர கள ம ஜ ல ந பத ங பக த ய ல 14.647 ஏககர ந லப ரபப ல ப ப ஆர வ ணமபப த த ட ம ம ற கட ள ள மட ற மத த ய அரச டம வ ண ட பகட ள வ ட த தட ர. கடந த ஏபரல 20-ஆம த கத மட ந ல ம தல வர மத த ய அம ச ச டம ப ப ஆர வ ணமபப க க ற த த அத கட ரபப ர வ கட தம அன பப ய ம ஆட ச க க ழ உற பப னர த ர.ஜ க ட ப ச ங ட பய இத வணர எவவ த பத ல ம க ட ககபப றவ லண. மத த ய அரச க ட ய வ ர வ ல ப ன ங க ல ப ப ஆர வ ணமபப த த ட த ணத ச யல ட த த வ ண ட ம என ச ள ணரத தட ர த ர.பஜகட ப. த ம ன ச ய ல ங ம ப த ச சந ணத பர மர ப ப ப பண க க ந த ஒத க க ட -வ பர ச ர யர ப ற, தட மட ன ச ய ப ங ப ட த ச சந த ய ன கம பம, வ தட னம பரட மர பப ச ச ய வதறக ந த ஒத கக ட வழஙகப ட தட க மட ந ல இரண ட ம த ண ம தல வர ம ப ற சட மன ற உற பப னர மட ன ப ரட ச ர யர ப.இரட மசட ம த ர வ த தட ர. "கம ப ரட மர பப மடட ம ன ற ப ட த ச சந த ய ன உ வக வளட கத த ல பசதமட ந த ள ள ம ச மறற ம நட ற க ல கள ம ச பர ங ப ற நகரட ணணமக கழக உதவ ய டன க ட ய வ ர வ ல ப த யதட கப ப ட ர த தப ட ம " என ப த ய வட க க ளர பத வ ம யம மறற ம ப ட த ச சந ணதகக வர க யள த த ப ரட ச ர யர பசயத யட ளர சந த பப ல இவ வட ற த ர வ த தட ர. அணணமய ல நகரட ணணமக கழக ஒத த ணழபப டன ப ட த ச சந த ய ன ச த தத த பரட மர ககவ ம ந ர ஓட த ணத ச ரட ககவ ம ப த ய க ழ ய மறற ம ப ட ற (grease trap) ப ட ர த தப ட ன. க த தக யட ளர மறற ம நகரட ணணமக கழகத த றக இந த ம ம ப ட ட த த ட ம ம ழ ணமப ப ற இரணட மட த கட அ வகட சம பதண வப ட க றத. கட இரணட ம த ண ம தலவர ச ய ல ங ம ப த ச சந த க க வர க பமற மக ணட ர. (ச ய ல ங வ ய ப ர மற ற ம வரத தக சங கத தல வர த ன ஹ க ச ய மற ற ம சம க ப த க பப மற ற ம ம ன ன ற ற கழகத தல வர த ர த ர ச ங கம ) வணரயணறகக ள இப ண ம ழ ணமப ப ற வணத உற த ப ட த த ப ணற பசண வ ம யம கண க ண கக ம என ம ல ம த ர வ த தட ர. உடன சட ய ப ங வ யட ட ர மறற ம வர த தக சஙகத தல வர தட ன பஹட க ச ய மறற ம சம க ட த க ப ப மறற ம ம ன ன றற கழகத தல வர த ர த ர ச ஙகம கலந த பகட ண னர. "மல ச ய பதர தல ஆண ய ஒத த ணழபப டன தட மட ன சட ய ப ங ப ட த ச சந த அர கட ணமய ல நடமட ட ம ப த ய வட க க ளர பத வ ம யம அம ககப டட, ஒவப வட ர ஞட ய றற கக ழம கட ண மண 8.00 ம தல 10.00 வணர ப ட த மககள பத வ ச ச யய அழ ககப ட க ன றனர " என த ர த ர ச ஙகம த ர வ த தட ர. வ க க ர பத வ ம யம AUGUST.indd 4 8/9/2017 6:49:15 PM

5 MfÞL 1-15, 2017 ஆயர ஈத த ம உணவகதத ல ம ம ப ட ட த த ட டம த த டஙகப ட ம - ரத ம ஆயர ஈத தட ம உ வக வளட கத த ல உஷ த தன ணம அத கர ப தட ல வர க யட ளர கள கக ச ச ரமமட க அம க றத. எனப வ, இந தப ப ரச சணனணயக கள ய ம ப ட ர டட அதன க ர ய ம ற ற யம கக த ட ம ட வதட க ப கக ட க ள பகட ர நட ட ள மன ற உற பப னர ரட ம கர ப ல த ர வ த தட ர. ப ன ங க வட ழ மககள மறற ம ச றற ப யண கள ட ய ப ரபலமட கத த கழ ம இந த உ வகம ட யட த ர ப ட ஙக ல அம ந த ள ளத. ப ன ங க மட நகர கழகம இந த உ வகத த ம ம பட த த ர ம147,000 ந த ஒத கக ட ச பசயத ள ளதட க த ர ரட ம கர ப ல க ற னட ர. இந த உ வக க ர 100 வர டம பழ ம யட னதட க இர ப ணத கட ம ட க றத. மழ ப யய ம ப வணளகள ல தணண ர கச ந த ஆயர ஈத த ம உணவக வள கத த ல ம ப ர த தப படவ ர க க ம ப த ய க ர ய க க ணப க க ற ர ப க க ட க ள க ர ந ட ள மன ற உற பப னர த ர ர ம கர ப ல. (உடன ம நகர கழக உற பப னர த ர மத கல ) உ வக உடப றத த ல ஈரமட க றத. ம ல ம இந த வளட கம உஷ த த ல ட த ககப டட ள ளத ல உடனட யட க ச ரணமபப ப ண பதட ஙகவ ர ப தட க பசயத யட ளர சந த பப ல த ர ரட ம த ர வ த தட ர. "இந த மற ச ச ரணமபப த த ட த த ல உ வகத த ல ஏற ட ம உஷ ந ல ப ப ட ம க கக ல எட த த க க ண ட ஆணட இற த ய ல இப ண ந ற வ பப ற ம " என ம ல ம த ர வ த தட ர. இந ந கழ வ ல மட நகர கழக உற பப னர த ர மத க ட மறற ம மட நகர கழக உர மம த ற அத கட ர கள கலந த பகட ண னர. இந த உ வக ம ம ப ட ட ப பண வர க ன ற ஆகஸட மட தம 23- ஆம த கத பதட ஙக ட சம பர மட தம ந ற வ பப ற ம என எத ர ப ட ர ப தட க அதன க த தக யட ளர அபத ல இரச க த ர வ த தட ர. இந த உ வக வளட கத த ல 10 பழ கட கள மறற ம 26 உ வகஙகள உள ளன. மட நகர கழகம மறற ம கட உர ம யட ளர கள ட ய ஒப ந தம ச யயப டட நட ன க மட தஙகள ம ற கட ள ளப ட ம இந த ம ம ப ட ட த த ட ம கட உர ம யட ளர கள ன வ யட ட ரம ட த க க த வண ம இரணட ப ர வ களட க இடம ப ற ம. ம ந ல அரச 2017-ஆம ஆண ட தங க ம ர த ட டத த றக ர ம 4,373,800 ஊக கத மத க ப ன ங க ம ந ல தங க ம ணவர த ட டத த ல ம ணவரகள க க மர க கப பணம எட த த வழங க ன ர ஆட ச க க ழ உற பப னர த ர.ஜ க ட ப ச ங ட பய ப ன ங க மட ந ல நம ப கணக க ட ண அரச கடந த 2010 ம தல 2017-ஆம ஆணட வணர தஙகத த ட ஙகள ச யல ட த த ர ம216 லடசம ந த ய தவ வழஙக ய ள ளத என க ரட மம, நகரம மறற ம வ ணமபப த த ட ம ல பசண வக க ழ வ ன ஆடச கக ழ உற பப னர மத பப றக ர ய பஜகட ப ச ங ட பயட த ர வ த தட ர. தஙகத த ட த த ன ம லம 1,783,242 ப ட த மககள நன ம ப றற ள ளனர என பத சட ச ச றந தத. ஆறறல, ப ட ற பப மறற ம ப வள ப ண யட ன ந ர வட கத ணத வழ நடத த ம மட ந ல அரச ஒவப வட ர ஆணட ம வரவ ச ச லவ த ட த த ல க ட தல வர மட னம ப றற மககள கக ப சம கநலத த ட ஙகள ம ற க ண ட வர க றத. ப ன ங க மட ந ல அரச வழஙக ம "தஙக மட வர த ட ஊக கத தட ணகணய வர க ன ற 7 ம தல 18 ஆகஸட மட தம வணர மட வர கள கக வழஙகப ட க றத. இந த மட வர தஙகத த ட த த ல ப ன ங க ல ய ல ம 43,738 மட வர கள கக ஊக கத தட ணக ப ற வர. இத த ட த த ல ஆணட 1 மறற ம 4 பய ல ம ஆரம பப ள ள மட வர கள கக ம பட வம 1 மறற ம பட வம 4 பய ல ம இட ந ல ப ள ள மட வர கள கக ம ர ம100 ஊகக வ பப த பதட ணகயட கப ப ற வர. "ப ன ங க மட ந ல அரச ன அட ப ண த த ட மட க தஙகத த ட ஙகள த கழ க றத " என மட வர தஙகத த ட ந த ய தவ வழஙக ம ந கழ வ ல கலந த பகட ண ட டத தட பகரட ம ட சட மன ற உற பப னர மட ன பஜகட ப க ற னட ர. இந ந கழ வ ல இரட மக ர ஷ ண ஆச ரமத த சட ர ந த 15 மட வர கள ம ப ன ங க இஸ ல ம ய ப ணகள ஆதர வறற இல 13 மட வர கள கக ந த ய தவ ப றற க கட ண னர. தமத சட மன ற பதட க த ய ன க ழ இடம ப ற ம இந த இர ஆதர வறற ப ள ள கள கட ப கத த றக ம பதட ர ந த உதவ ககரம ந டட வதட க பஜகட ப பதர வ த தட ர. இந த இரணட ப ள ள கள கட ப கத த றக 'தந த யட க' ச யல வ ர பப க ற ன என தமத வ ர ம பத த அகம மக ழ த ர வ த தட ர. AUGUST.indd 5 8/9/2017 6:49:16 PM

MfÞL 1-15, 2017 6 இரணட வத தவண க க ன ப ன ங க ம ந ல வ டணமபப க கணக ட ச வர க ன ற 10 மத டங க 13 ஆகஸட 2017 வர க ய ன ஸ ப ப பரங க ட ய ல நணடம பறவ ள ள ப ரச ச ரத த டன ஆட ச க க ழ உற பப னர த ர.ஜ க ட ப ச ங ட பய. ட ல ம சட டமன ற உற பப னர ந த ஜ இர யர உடல ப ற க ற ந த ச ற வன ந ர ல ச ன ற உதவ க கரம ந ட ட ன ர. மச பர ங ப ற நகர ணணமக கழகத த ன ஏற ப ட ட ல நணடம பற ற 'உடற பய ற ச ' ந கழ வ ல கலந த மக ணட ம ப த மக கள. ப ன ங க ம ந ல தங க ம ணவர த ட டத த ல ம ணவரகள க க மர க கப பணம எட த த வழங க ன ர சட டமன ற உற பப னர பவ ங ஒன வ ய ஆரக ட ப க கள கணக ட ச ஃப ப ரட மக ன வ ல ஸ வள கத த ல வர க ன ற ஆகஸட ம தம 23-ஆம த கத நணடம பற ம. (உடன ஆட ச க க ழ உற பப னர ட ன பல ) ப ன ங க ம நகர கழக ஏற ப ட ட ல மற ப பயன ட ச ய யக க ட ய ம ப ர ட கள க ண ட க வ ன ம ப ர ட கள தய ர க க ம ந கழ ச ச நணடம பற றத. AUGUST.indd 6 8/9/2017 6:49:17 PM

12 August 1 15, 2017 No Tel/ No Faks NAMA ADUN AIR PUTIH YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng limguaneng@penang.gov.my (T) 04-829 0614 PENAGA YB Mohd. Zain Ahmad PANTAI JEREJAK YB Haji Mohd. Rashid Hasnon rashid.hasnon@penang.gov.my (T) 04-646 4700 BERTAM YB Shariful Azhar Othman Nama ADUN PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy ramasamy@penang.gov.my (T) 04-383 9131 (F) 04-383 9131 PADANG KOTA YB Chow Kon Yeow chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my (T) 04-226 0218 (F) 04-226 0218 BATU MAUNG YB Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim abdmalik@penang.gov.my (T) 04-626 1968 (F) 04-626 5496 BAGAN JERMAL YB Lim Hock Seng limhockseng@penang.gov.my (T) 04-331 7175 (F) 04-331 7175 BATU LANCHANG YB Law Heng Kiang lawhengkiang@penang.gov.my (T) 04-282 6419 (F) 04-282 6419 SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my; pheeboonpoh@yahoo.com PADANG LALANG YB Chong Eng chong.eng@penang.gov.my DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO jagdeepsinghdeo@penang.gov.my SEBERANG JAYA YB Dr. Afif Bahardin (T) 04-262 0860 012-480 5495 (F) 04-261 8745 (T) 04-530 3028 (T) 04-390 5109 (T) 04-588 0818 (F) 04-588 0885 AIR ITAM YB Wong Hon Wai wonghonwai@penang.gov.my (T) 04-828 0926 (F) 04-828 0926 MACHANG BUBOK YB Lee Khai Loon kllee78@gmail.com TANJONG BUNGAH YB Teh Yee Cheu dappenang.cagw.teh@gmail.com (T) 04-530 8476 (T) 013-399 0519 (F) 04-551 1442 (T) 04-899 9581 JAWI YB Soon Lip Chee dunjawi@hotmail.com (T) 04-594 1163 (F) 04-594 3163 PENGKALAN KOTA YB Lau Keng Ee dappengkalankota@gmail.com (T) 04-250 1521 04-250 1522 (F) 04-250 1523 BAGAN DALAM YB Tanasekharan a/l Autheraphy atana@first.net.my (T) 04-323 5870 (F) 04-323 5870 KEBUN BUNGA YB Cheah Kah Peng kebunbunga24@gmail.com (T) 04-826 5451 (F) 04-826 5451 SUNGAI BAKAP YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee adunan.dunsgbakap@yahoo.com (T) 04-582 7549 (F) 04-582 8648 KOMTAR YB Teh Lai Heng komtarn28@gmail.com (T) 04-227 7068 (F) 04-227 7068 PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soon Hin clementyeoh@hotmail.com (T) 04-827 8868 PULAU TIKUS YB Yap Soo Huey yapsoohueydap@gmail.com (T) 04-226 5217 (F) 04-227 5217 PERMATANG PASIR YB Datuk Hj. Mohd. Salleh Man adunptgpasir@gmail.com (T) 04-398 4226 (F) 04-398 4226 BUKIT TENGAH YB Ong Chin Wen pkrbkttengah@gmail.com (T) 04-508 3977 (F) 04-508 3677 PENANTI YB Dr. Norlela Ariffin norlela.ariffin@gmail.com (T) 04-538 2871 (F) 04-538 4871 SUNGAI PINANG YB Lim Siew Khim dapsungaipinang@hotmail.com PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-351 5825 PENAGA Ramli Omar ramliomar53@gmail.com 012-487 3070 (T) 012-411 4690 (F) 04-575 8670 BERTAM Asrol Sani Abdul Razak asrolpkb@gmail.com 013-580 6981 (T) 04-398 3555 (F) 04-397 3555 PINANG TUNGGAL Muhasdey Muhamad muhasdey@gmail.com 019-437 2887 (T) 04-573 4630 (F) 04-573 4630 PERMATANG BERANGAN Fahmi Abu Bakar mudiram@gmail.com 013-488 1601 SUNGAI DUA YB Muhamad Yusoff Mohd. Noor (T) 04-575 7454 SUNGAI DUA Rosli Hassan rosli1971@yahoo.com 019-410 5990 TELOK AIR TAWAR YB Datuk Jahara Hamid jahara.hamid@gmail.com (T) 04-351 2873 (F) 04-351 4389 TELOK AIR TAWAR Mustafa Kamal Ahmad mustafakamalmkba@gmail.com 019-556 9552 SUNGAI ACHEH YB Datuk Mahmud Zakaria datomahmud@umpangroup.com.my (T) 04-593 3100 (F) 04-593 9529 SUNGAI ACHEH Mohd. Rizal Abd. Hamid rizalhamid.ppksa@gmail.com 012-424 3878 BAYAN LEPAS YB Nordin Ahmad Sedang dikemaskini BAYAN LEPAS Azrul Mahathir Aziz ambasegaria.aam@gmail.com 017-594 1976 (T) 04-866 4202 (F) 04-866 4202 PULAU BETONG Mohd Tuah Ismail mtuah17@gmail.com 019-570 9500 (T) 04-866 1760 (F) 04-866 1821 TELUK BAHANG Halil Sabri Hamid halilsabri.hsh@gmail.com 017-460 4849 PINANG TUNGGAL YB Datuk Haji Roslan Saidin PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Omar Abd. Hamid PULAU BETONG YB Muhamad Farid Saad TELUK BAHANG YB Shah Haedan Ayoob (T) 04-226 2464 (F) 04-227 2464 BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang lawchookiang@penang.gov.my BERAPIT YB Ong Kok Fooi ongkokfooi@penang.gov.my No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-282 6630 BATU UBAN YB Dr. T. Jayabalan drjayabalan@gmail.com (T) 04-656 2605 (F) 04-656 0699 SERI DELIMA YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji rsnrayer@gmail.com (T) 04-659 5611 (F) 04-659 6611 DAP PENANG HQ dappg@streamyx.com (T) 04-228 8482 (F) 04-228 8514 PKR PENANG HQ (T) 04-397 0115 Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam POLIS, AMBULANS, BOMBA 999 & PENYELAMAT DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 HOTLINE MBPP 04-263 7637 ANGKATAN PERTAHANAN AWAM 04-228 9012 BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 WCC (Women s Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-398 8340 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888 JPJ JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-656 4131 04-398 8809 04-226 5161 PENANG GLOBAL TOURISM (PGT) 04-263 1166 TOURISM MALAYSIA 04-261 0058 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN KANAK-KANAK CAP BEFRIENDERS PENANG PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-829 4046 04-829 9511 04-281 5161 04-281 1108 04-229 8555 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN/ PROGRAM PELAJAR EMAS : 012-465 0021 - Tina 011-12441069 - Hezreen : 04-829 0614 - Hong Kian Beng N24 Kebun : 012-493 3342 - Cheng Kok : 012-505 1334 - Farrah Erika Bunga Eong N25 Pulau Tikus : 017-956 3237 - Quah : 016-412 8588 - Zuhair N26 Padang Kota : 012-431 7015 - Johnny : 012-475 4326 - Mohd. Zamri Chee N27 Pengkalan : 012-401 1522 - Ch ng Chin : 012-480 5495 - Mr.Lee Kota Keat : 013-449 0366 - Yeap Choon N28 KOMTAR : 010-811 7300 - Razin Keong N29 Datok : 04-226 2464 - Kalvinder : 016-473 1963 - Gesan Keramat N30 Sungai : 04-282 6630 - Nayim : 04-390 5109 - Nor Hayati Pinang Mohd. Iskander N31 Batu : 04-282 6419 - Karuna : 010-406 2128 - Nurafiqah Lancang 013-595 6865 - Rosli N32 Seri Delima : 019-4474362 Mahen : 04-538 2871 - Tira 012-5242549 04-538 3871 James N13 Berapit : 016-401 3507 - Mr.Lim N33 Air Itam : 012-4730736 - Anne 017-446 1817 - Yeoh Ee Yee 016-4940705 - Janet N14 Machang : 012-474 0964 - Andrew Chin N34 Paya : 012-484 1963 - Toon Hoon Bubuk 012-473 0964 - Ikhwan Terubong Lee N15 Padang : 017-552 8928 - Chan 016-205 1185 - Frankie Kee Lalang 014-945 9786 - Lai N35 Batu Uban : 016-480 0232 - Jalal N16 Perai : 04-383 9131 - Sri Sangar 016-487 8602 - Khairul N17 Bukit : 013-518 8735 - Lim Tuan Chun 016-444 3550 - Sathya Tengah N36 Pantai : 04-646 4700 - Aliff / N18 Bukit Tambun: 016-404 9120 - G.Dumany Jerejak Shamsudin 017-378 4448 - Khor N37 Batu : 019-498 1096 - Amirulzaman N19 Jawi : 017-408 4784 - Abdul Halim Maung 016-428 6158 - Danny Ho 012-456 5018 - Mr. Khor N38 Bayan Lepas : 016-231 0806 - Yusof Ismail N20 Sungai : 019-552 8689 - Norjuliana N39 Pulau : 012-464 3004 - Aidi Akhbal Bakap 012-542 4454 - Hasbullah Betong N21 Sungai : 013-580 2547 - Mohd. Izzuan N40 Telok : 017-413 5695 - Johan Abu Acheh Bahang 017-569 6712 Bakar N1 Penaga N2 Bertam N3 Pinang Tunggal N4 Permatang Berangan N5 Sungai Dua N6 Telok Air Tawar N7 Sungai Puyu N8 Bagan Jermal N9 Bagan Dalam N10 Seberang Jaya N11 Permatang Pasir N12 Penanti : 012-445 1767 - Muazah : 012-466 9681 - Fatimah Bakar : 017-424 9371 - Tasrin Tugemin N22 Tanjong Bungah N23 Air Putih

13 August 1 15, 2017 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2017 Nama Telefon MPSP 04-549 7555 David Marshel a/l Pakianathan 019-412 3397 Heng Yeh Shiuan 016-261 2460 H ng Mooi Lye 012-425 2602 Kumar a/l Kanapathy 04-323 8757 016-407 6058 Mohamad Shaipol Ismail 019-414 6079 Satees A/l Muniandy Tan Chee Teong Tan Cheong Heng SENARAI PEGAWAI-PEGAWAI PEMBANTU KEWARGANEGARAAN PULAU PINANG Bil. Nama Timur Laut 2. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Nor Barat Daya Kuarters Kerajaan Negeri No.1, Jalan Relau, Balik Pulau. 016-482 3549 3. K. Krishnasamy Seberang Perai Utara Tingkat 1, Pejabat Daerah SPU, Bertam Kepala Batas. 012-488 1553 4. P. Rachenamorthy Seberang Perai Tengah Pejabat Bangunan MPSP, Jalan Betek, Bukit Mertajam 019-457 2271 5. A.Veerasamy Seberang Perai Selatan Tingkat Dua, Kompleks Pejabat-Pejabat Kerajaan SPS, 14200, Jawi. 04-390 6836 012-409 6836 Woo Sze Zeng (Joshua) 016-557 6672 Zulkifli Ibrahim 012-477 5588 Mohd Sharmizan Mohamad Nor 011-1110 6456 Zaini Awang 019-546 3115 Ong Jing Cheng 016-445 5709 012-758 3779 Anuar Yusoff 04-507 5390 016-4616 390 Dr Amar Pritpal Abdullah 04-582 2020 019-452 2020 Shuhada Abdul Rahim 010-380 7672 Dr. Seow Kweng Tian 04-593 5493 012-507 2229 Fadzil Hj Abdullah 017-343 4464 Dr. Tiun Ling Ta Wong Chee Keet Hamizah Abdul Manab 013-431 6161 04-505 7288 013-430 2096 012-451 1312 013-591 6344 04-650 5556 012-451 5938 Nota: Orang awam dipohon menghubungi Pegawai-Pegawai Pembantu Kewarganegaraan untuk menetapkan temujanji masing-masing. SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MBPP 2017 012-487 3101 Thomas Loh Wei Pheng Bilik Perkhidmatan Awam, Tingkat 3, KOMTAR. No. Telefon Chiam Heng Hak 016-438 4767 012-401 7718 Pejabat / Unit Kewarganegaraan 1. Nama Zulkiply Ishak Daerah Telefon Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang Jun - Okt. 2017 MBPP 04-259 2020 Ahmad Azrizal Tahir 012-498 4556 Ahmad Razaaim bin Azimi 012-572 4711 016-451 9225 Francis a/l Joseph 012-474 3321 Gan Ay Ling 012-401 2265 Goh Choon Keong 019-471 7931 Gooi Seong Kin 016-457 1271 Teoh Koon Gee 016-419 1938 Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012-428 2250 Joseph Ng Soon Siang 012-423 9143 Kala a/p Durai Raj 016-468 4247 Khoo Salma Nasution 017-456 6012 Kumaresan a/l Aramugam 014-945 9621 Lee Chun Kit 012-519 2152 Mhd. Nasir Yahya 012-402 6739 Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik 019-470 8811 Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 ; Fax : 04-261 5923 Email: buletinmutiara.bpkn@gmail.com Nur Zarina Zakaria 011-1578 5098 EDITORIAL Ong Ah Teong 012-410 6566 Saiful Azwan Abd Malik 016-463 2787 Shahrudin Mohamed Shariff 012-428 3160 Shung Yin Ni 012-413 9246 Syerleena Abdul Rashid 019-225 6502 Tan Chiew Choon 019-470 4499 Wong Yuee Harng 016-439 9121 15hb Jun - 15hb Oktober Pesta Durian Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau BULETIN MUTIARA Editor Victor Seow (English) G. Revatic (Tamil) Writer Chan Lilian, Danny Ooi, M. Tanushalini, S. Arulldas (English) Tam Poh Guek, Shum Jian Wei, Chris Koay, Tan Swee Peng (Chinese) J. Patmavathy(Tamil) Photographers : Law Suun Ting, Alissala Thian, Ahmad Adil Muhamad and Darwina Mohd. Daud Graphic Designers : Idzham Ahmad and Loo Mei Fern

14 August 1 15, 2017 GTF enthralls public for eighth straight year Sound machine called Chorus created by British Composer of the year, Ray Lee. THE George Town Festival (GTF), themed A Collision of ASEAN Favourites this year, opened with the Svara Asean which brought all voices of Southeast Asia together and showered the flavour of Asean music which put the crowd under their spell with somer mesmerising performances. The enthralling musical performance by the Penang Philharmonic Orchestra (PPO) and its Jazz Band at the Dewan Sri Pinang on July 28 transported the audiences into a musical realm. Svara Asean featured Madrigal Singers from the Philippines, mezzo-soprano Anchee of Thailand, Gus Teja from Indonesia as well as our very own local talents Adibah Noor and Sean Ghazi. GTF opened this year with Svara Asean as a tribute to the sounds of Southeast Asia. This show was a celebration of the artistic pride in the region, home of our traditions and cultures. Flute maestro Gus Teja kept the audience enchanted with his soulful flute rendition. The success of GTF relies upon the liberty given by the state government towards artistic expression. We believe that there is no other better way to express our oneness other than through arts, culture, heritage and music, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng while officiating the festival which will be celebrated until Sept 3. Penang Governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas and his consort Toh Puan Majimor Shariff graced the event which was also attended by Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon, exco for Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow and exco for Agriculture, Agro-based Industry, A woman of the Iban community demonstrating the traditional weaving technique as part of the heritage segment of the GTF. Rural Development and Health Dr. Afif Baharudin and Jack Snelling who s Arts, Health and Health Industries Minister of the state of South Australia. On a related matter, the Asean Design Forum on July 29 brought together Asia s leading luminaries in design - Eric Bunnag Booth, Rachaporn Choochuey, Kenneth Cobonpue, Priscilla Shunmugam and Sali Sasaki. The chief minister, who officiated the forum at the UAB Building, gave his assurance that promotion of arts and culture would be an ongoing affair despite its prohibitive expenses to be borne by the state government. Hopefully bringing about not only interest and attention Gus Teja enchanting the crowd with his soulful flute rendition. but also the flowering of culture, heritage that will result in some economic benefits that will encourage the public to support art and culture. So far only the state government is supporting the GTF. I can tell you it is a very expensive exercise but we still get our act together to do it, he said. Also present was state exco member for Youth & Sports, Women, Family and Community Development Chong Eng and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua.

August 1 15, 2017 15 Philippine envoy drawn to Penang by GTF Story by Victor Seow Pix by Shum Jian-Wei AMBASSADOR Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Philippines to Malaysia Charles C. Jose called on Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on July 28. It was Jose s first visit to Penang and he s here to render support to the Filipinos who are performing during the George Town Festival (GTF), which also started on July 28 and ends on Sept 3. Lim also heaped praises on Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte s measures in combating drugs, tactics that were described by the ambassador as being reflective of a strong leader. He s very gung ho. A lot of my Filipino friends are very supportive of him, Lim told Jose. The ambassador also thanked the Penang state government for all the cooperation given to the Embassy of the Philippines and in turn, Lim expressed his admiration for the professionally trained Filipino workforce especially those in the manufacturing and services sectors. Lim (right) and Jose exchanging gifts after their first meeting. It was Jose s first visit to Penang and the George Town Festival attracted him to do so. Princess Maha Chakri (second from left) and Chong Eng (eighth from left) joining staff of the Habitat at Penang Hill and other guests for a group photograph. Thai princess on third visit to Penang PRINCESS Maha Chakri Sirinhorn of Thailand and her entourage on July 24 visited Penang as part of their two-day trip to the state. This was her third trip to Penang following her earlier visits in 2015 and 2016. She was greeted by Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon and other VIP guests on arrival at the Penang International Airport. On the first day, the group was taken to the Tropical Spice Garden and later to Entopia by Penang Butterfly Farm. During the trip they were accompanied by exco for Youth and Sports, Women, Family and Community Development, Chong Eng. The following day, the entourage was taken to the Penang Digital Library and The Habitat at Penang Hill before taking their flight to Singapore. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his wife Betty Chew were at the Penang International Airport to bid farewell to the Thai royal and her entourage. At the airport, Lim briefed the princess on the many upcoming tourist spots in the state and hoped the princess will be making a return trip to Penang soon.

16 August 1 15, 2017 Envoy praises Penang administration THE High Commissioner of Singapore to Malaysia, Vanu Gopal Menon, paid a courtesy call to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on July 28. Vanu Gopal, said the state is doing well and he praised the chief minister for his excellent leadership. During the visit, Vanu Gopal also presented a souvenir to Lim. Earlier, on July 27, Lim welcomed a delegation from South Australia. Lim said it has been 44 years since the late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu signed a scroll in 1973 marking the beginnings of a Sister City relationship between the cities of George Town and Adelaide. We have both come a long way since then. Some of our recent achievements have included partnerships in many areas, Lim said Vanu Gopal (left) and Lim enjoying their friendly conversation. at a dinner function to welcome the South Australia delegation to Penang. In the arts, we have had collaborations between the Adelaide Festival Centre and the George Town Festival here in Penang with the theme Connecting the Light, he added. Lim further said this collaboration has included trade and investments, education and G-to-G collaboration. Also present at the event was Jack Snelling, Minister for Health, Health Industries and Arts for South Australia, Katelyn Hornby, representing Acting Australian High Commissioner Jane Duke and Honorary Consul for Australia in Penang, Datuk Dr Lim Huat Bee. Also joining them was Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon. Lim said the mutually beneficial partnerships through an open and competitive market is now under threat from rising protectionism and misguided populism. Today, the new norm is a global setting that is characterised by volatility and uncertainty that have negatively affected global security, economic partnerships and sustainable developments to list just a few challenges. With this as a backdrop, it is in small-scale delegation visits such as this that the true spirit of globalisation and openness endures, he added. Meanwhile at a courtesy meet up earlier, the Chief Minister briefed his guests on the many tourist spots and the impending projects in the state such as the biggest private medical facility of Island Hospital at Peel Avenue. He also suggested the South Australian Government to invest in medical tourism, heritage and the arts in Penang.

August 1 15, 2017 17 Time for exposure to Japanese tech Story by Victor Seow Pix by Alissala Thian VISITORS to Tech Dome can expect to gain exposure and, at the same time, to be intrigued once again by Japanese technology that would be showcased from Aug 26 until 28 from 10am to 6pm. Organised for the second year, the same event in 2016 attracted more than 6,000 visitors over two weekends. And what makes the Japanese Technology Weekend (JTW) more special this year is the added excitement to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Malaysia and Japan. Seven well-known Japanese companies, each of them a specialist in their respective fields covering robotics, sounds engineering, musical instruments and material technology, have come together to collaborate with Tech Dome Penang and the Japanese Consulate-General for Khong (fifth from right) with the representatives of the participating companies that are sure to wow the crowd during JTW with their exhibits. the JTW. They are Murata Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Renesas Semiconductor Malaysia together with Renesas Semiconductor Design (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Yamaha Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Sony EMCS Malaysia, TORAY Group Malaysia, Toyohashi University of Technology and Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. The Pink Hibiscus Club and the Japanese Consulate-General in Penang, furthermore, will be organising Japanese cultural activities and provide information related to Japan. Among the highlights of the exhibits over the JTW would be the popular Murata Cheerleading robots that are making their comeback and the Shake Wall by Sony where an exciting range of speakers will allow one to feel the power of sound in a party atmosphere. The reason we re doing this is to recognise the contributions of the Japanses companies and community to Penang and also to remember those who have worked and contributed to these companies, Tech Dome CEO Dr Khong Yoon Loong told the press on Aug 2.

18 August 1 15, 2017 Chow (left) sharing a pointer with Teh (second from left), Ang and Lim during a tour of the shoplots at Komtar. Shoplot owners urged to help rejuvenate Komtar Story by Danny Ooi THE plan to rejuvenate and inject life back into the former-bustling iconic retail centre at Komtar, has hit a snag. Komtar assemblymember Teh Lai Heng said the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) is facing obstacles to revamp or develop the space. The move to buy back the units from the owners was stopped as many owners disagreed with the prices offered by PDC which are based on the Valuation and Property Services Department, he said at a media conference in Komtar on Aug 1. Also present were chief executive officer of PDC Setia Urus Datuk Ang Choo Hong and PDC estate management division senior manager Lim Beng See. Meanwhile, Lim said they successfully bought back 63 units out of the 500 shoplot units in Komtar. However, they are isolated units, and not in a row or concentrated in one place. So it is difficult for us to do strategic planning and micro planning. There is also the problem of tracing the owners as some of the units changed hands many times and it becomes a problem to locate the existing tenants, she added. Local Government Committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow who was also present appealed to the owners to contact the PDC to assist rejuvenate Komtar. We need to get critical mass and sufficient units to work out some new concepts. ICT Mall is a fine example, where businessmen and young entrepreneurs can utilise the space to carry out businesses, Chow said.

Venture into science, technology, girls told Story by Tanushalini Moroter Pix by Shum Jian-Wei THE Penang Science Cluster, an initiative by the state government, organised This Girls Can STEM workshop at the Penang Science Cafe, Wisma Yeap Chor Ee on July 21. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who attended the workshop 19 August 1 15, 2017 encouraged girls to take up courses related to the fields of science and technology. Students from SMK Perma- Lim in a we-fie with Nadira and the students. tang Toh Labu and SMA AL Mashyor Perempuan took part growth, Lim said at the work- technology, he added. in the workshop. shop. Our special speaker Nadira The Penang state govern We do not have much natu- Mohd Yusoff, CEO of Girls ment gives emphasis to the ral resources, thus we are more intech Malaysia, would have development of science and dependent on human resources also met challenges which technology as it plays a pivotal especially those with expertise eventually brought her to where role in the state s economic in the fields of science and she is today, Lim said. Glo-walking for promotion of science We need more engineers in our country and I encourage girls to show interest in pure sciences such as chemistry and physics and also in the fields of electrical and electronics (E&E). A participant having her face painted for the event. Story by Victor Seow Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud THEIR faces literally glowed with excitement and anticipation and with their faces painted with luminous paint for the event, the same can be said as well in the practical sense. This was the scene which greeted Buletin Mutiara on July 22 at Youth Park when the participants clad in their striking orange T-shirts were seen everywhere. The event for the evening, GloWalk, was organised by Tech Dome Penang to raise funds and to engage the community so as to create better awareness and interest in the sciences. An array of activities were in store for the some 2,000 participants with the face painting session using glow ink starting at 6pm. This was followed by the Magic of Science Show and zumba for those who were keen to sweat it out. The programme reached its climax as the evening inched towards nightfall. As Youth Park began to be blanketed by darkness and the glow paint on the participants Excitement fills the air as everyone began walking to the Botanical Gardens. faces began to show its effects, all participants gathered at the Starting Point for their 5 km-walk to the nearby Botanical Gardens and back to Youth Park. State exco member for Youth & Sports and Women, Family & Community Development Chong Eng, who flagged off the walk at 8pm, was happy to note that the event combined a healthy lifestyle with the growing importance of the sciences for Penang s future direction. I find it a very good cause that Glo-Walk which is in support of Tech Dome encourages a healthy lifestyle and habit. Participants walk in support of Tech Dome and walking (as it becomes a habit) is good for Penangites, she told Buletin Mutiara. This is the second time we have organised the Glo-Walk. The first time was last year. Part of Tech Dome s objective is to engage the community. We want to bring ourselves to the community and make ourselves known so that we can achieve our mission of promoting science a little bit better, added Tech Dome Penang CEO Dr. Khong Yoon Loong. Also present were Tech Dome Business Advisory Council chairman Datuk Wong Siew Hai and Penang STEM adviser LH Ang.

20 August 1 15, 2017 View some art works and do charity too Story & Pix by Danny Ooi THE Art With A Heart charity exhibition is being held at Jenk Fine Art Gallery & Kesum Art Restaurant until Aug 31 from 11.30am to 6.30pm. Artists Datuk Rosli Jaafar and Shaparel Salleh will showcase 50 paintings and sketches of recent works in this 2017 Penang Festival Art Charity Exhibition. This event is also to mark the first anniversary of Jenk Fine Art Gallery and Kesum Art Restaurant. Fifty percent from sales proceeds of our art works will be donated to two charity organisations, Rosli said at a press conference on July 28 to launch the exhibition. Once again we have seen artists and art collectors joint efforts in supporting charity organisations who have passionately and tirelessly helped the less fortunate, he added. The two selected organisations are Sekolah Sinar Harapan in Bukit Mertajam and Penang Children Handicap Centre in Groove Road. Also present was Datuk Dr Mohd Razha Rashid, a representative from Sekolah Sinar Harapan. A self-thought artist, Rosli, a professional architect, is a graduate from Birmingham School of Architects, United Kingdom. His love for painting has grown ever since he took up a brush to paint (From left) Rosli and Shaparel showing the prints of some of the drawings at the exhibition as Razha looks on. landscapes of his surrounding kampongs during his primary school days. Since joining the Penang Artist Corner in 2013 and participating in its inaugural art exhibition together with nine other renowned local artists, I am determine to have my first solo in Penang with the theme Inspired by Penang, he said. His own accomplishments include his participation in the fund raising charity art exhibition organised by Chinese Brush Painting Art Society in May 2015. Meanwhile, Shaparel has been fond of art since young. He graduated in Fine Art from Universiti Sains Malaysia and has been actively producing notable artworks ever since. A true man of nature, Shaparel would spend many nights in the deep rainforest to rejuvenate and unwind while taking photo-shoots of incredible jungle scenes which he would transform into paintings. That brings alive the soul of the jungle right to the living room. That is how close I am attached and inspired by nature, he said. Shaparel has so far held four solo exhibitions in Penang and numerous local group shows. Sponsor of Penang International Green Carnival 2017.


22 August 1 15, 2017 Disiar oleh Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang