2017 Fall Conference 秋季大會 Table of Contents 目錄 2 Conference Program 大會議程 Greetings & Articles 祝賀與文章 4 Balraj Arunasalam, International President 世界總會長

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2017 Fall Conference 秋季大會 Table of Contents 目錄 2 Conference Program 大會議程 Greetings & Articles 祝賀與文章 4 Balraj Arunasalam, International President 世界總會長 5 Mike Storkey, Immediate Past International President 前任世界總會長 6 Pat Johnson, Past International President2010-2011 前世界總會長 2010-2011 7 Ligo Wang, Region 13 Advisor 第十三區區域顧問王育梅 8 Trini Ding, District Director 地區總會長丁海華 9 Simone Nash, Program Quality Director 總會課程品質執行長吳慧妮 10 Tension Wu, Club Growth Director 總會分會成長執行長吳天勝 11 Mike Yang, Chief Pathways Ambassador Pathways 推廣大使主席楊冀光 Workshops 教育訓練 16 English Keynote Speech Behind the Curtain: Crunch Time Ed Tate, CSP Coaching a Champion 成功幕後 : 冠軍培訓大揭秘 17 18 English Educational Training Get Yes! To Your Request! English Educational Training The Story Finder: How to Ed Tate, CSP Ed Tate, CSP Create New Stories in Minutes! 19 English Educational Training Beyond vision: The Unexpected Ingredient to the Awakened Champion in You! Anson Sat, ACS, ALB 20 English Educational Training CHAMPION Paul Sharpe, DTM 21 English Educational Training Hero s Journey Josh Myers, CC, ALB 22 English Educational Training Decoding Humorous Speech Teresa Chang, DTM Contests 23 國語教育訓練 目標 計畫與授權 -- 如何應用講會所學之領導技能實踐於真實工作環境之中 邱羽立, ACS, ALS 24 國語教育訓練 透過溝通談領導方瑞源, DTM 25 國語教育訓練 建立自我品牌王玉梅, ACB 26 國語教育訓練 活出自在人生林惠君, ACS, ALB 27 台語教育訓練 俗諺運用與韻律 -- 從冠軍講稿談起陳麗紅, ACB, ALB 28 日本語教育訓練 ワークショップタイトル : スピーチネタ選齊藤樹一郎 Kiichiro Saito, ACB びのコツ Contests 賽程 29 English Humorous Speech Run-Off Contest, Group A 幽默演講比賽準決賽 A 組 30 English Humorous Speech Run-Off Contest, Group B 幽默演講比賽準決賽 B 組 31 Mandarin Evaluation Contest 國語講評比賽 32 Taiwanese Evaluation Contest 台語講評比賽 33 English Evaluation Contest 英語講評比賽 34 Mandarin Humorous Speech Contest 國語幽默演講比賽 35 Taiwanese Humorous Speech Contest 台語幽默演講比賽 36 English Humorous Speech Contest Final 英語幽默演講比賽 Member s Corner 會員天地 37 2016-2017 Division/Area Director and Toastmaster of the 年度風雲人物 2016-2017 38 Year 2016-2017 Distinguished Divisions/Areas/Clubs 傑出分區 / 分部 / 分會 2016-2017 42 New DTMs 新傑出會員 48 2017 Fall Conference Committee 2017 秋季大會籌備委員會成員表 49 2017 PR Ambassadors 2017 公關大使 Fall Conference Sponsors 贊助單位 50 CP Yen Foundation 朝邦文教基金會 51 Total Lubricants Taiwan Ltd. 道達爾潤滑油 52 Elephant Advanced Toastmasters Club 大象進階雙語國際演講會 53 Joy Toastmasters Club 中油英語國際演講會 54 CPC Corporation 台灣中油 1



Greetings 祝賀 Balraj Arunasalam, DTM 2017-2018 世界總會長 International President Fellow Toastmasters in District 67, Welcome to your fall district conference. This is an exciting weekend where you can meet your fellow members, share experiences with your leaders and celebrate successes. It s also a great opportunity to renew friendships and make new friends across the district. This is also an ideal time to focus on learning from the educational sessions and the scintillating speech contests. Your leaders need your support and encouragement to ensure that your district has a successful year. Most importantly, be sure to share your experiences with members who could not attend. This may encourage them to go in the spring, when all future conferences will be held. As always, thank you for all you do. D67 的會員們 : 歡迎參加今年的秋季大會! 在這個令人興奮的週末來和會友們相聚, 分享你們的領導經驗並一同慶賀大會的成功, 這也是絕佳的機會重溫會員們的情誼, 並結交從全國各地來的新朋友! 這同時也是個超棒時機, 把焦點放在見習教育課程及精采可期的演講比賽! 領導者們需要你的支持鼓勵來協助 D67 再創佳績 最重要的是, 請把你的經驗分享給沒辦法來參加本次秋季大會的會員們, 這將鼓勵他們來參加以後每年僅一次在春季舉行的全國大會! 再次感謝大家的付出 4

Greetings Greetings 祝賀 Mike Storkey, DTM 2016-2017 世界總會長 International President Fellow Toastmasters in District 67, Welcome to your district conference: Aim High! Thrive and Shine! Over the weekend, enjoy the opportunity to hone your skills as a communicator and leader, and to extend your knowledge by networking with your fellow members from around the district. Friendships will be made and renewed as you celebrate each other s successes, find new ways to tackle common challenges, and hear speakers who will entertain and inspire you. Ensure you get full value from this opportunity by participating in the atmosphere of fun, excitement and stimulation the conference offers. Most importantly, when you return to your respective clubs, share your experiences with members who could not attend the conference. Remember, knowledge is only worth something when you share it with others. Please make a point of remembering the members who could not make it and make them feel part of the event. 致中華民國國際演講協會的會友們 : 歡迎各位來到秋季大會, 希望在本週末您能藉此良緣, 精進自身的溝通及領導能力, 並同各地的會友相互交流以增廣見聞 在此大會, 我們不僅可為新朋老友的成就彼此喝采 也可受到新的啟發以面對日常種種挑戰, 同時更可欣賞到許多高娛樂性且激勵人心的演講 另外也請盡情享受大會歡愉 振奮又刺激的每一刻, 如此才不至入寶山卻空手而回 不過更重要的, 就是回到您的分會後, 請記得向無法參加秋季大會的會友, 分享您的經驗, 讓他們也能身歷其境大會的感受 請別忘了, 唯有透過分享, 知識才得以具有價值 5

Greetings 祝賀 Pat Johnson, DTM 2010-2011 世界總會長 International President Greetings to all friends and members of District 67, I am honored and thrilled to send greetings to you on the occasion of your fall conference in Taiwan. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and chatting with your District Director while she was in Vancouver at our International Convention this past month of August. I know you have a dynamic year ahead as a district. It seems like such a short time ago I was part of your brilliant spring conference in Taichung where I witnessed your District s growth and excitement. It was an honor to meet and visit with so many of you at that time and now it is my distinct pleasure to send you best wishes for another very successful conference as well as an outstanding year ahead. My best wishes also to my long term friends and colleagues within your district whom I look forward to reconnecting with whenever and wherever our paths cross. This conference is a great personal opportunity to meet with new Toastmasters and share in their excitement for our program. It is an opportunity to renew connections with fellow members and discuss their progress and development within Toastmasters. There is much to celebrate. The conference also provides time to share fellowship, as well as to share in the celebration of your District s outstanding goals and achievements! I know that each one of you will leave with at least one treasured memory during this event. I appreciate that countless hours of thought and preparation have gone into this conference by many of your District leaders. As a result, you are in for a great learning experience. Enjoy it to the fullest. Although I am not there in person with you for this conference, I am there in spirit. I send my very best wishes to each of you, my dear friends and fellow Toastmasters in District 67! 6

Greetings 祝賀 Ligo Wang, DTM Region 13 Advisor 第 13 區區域顧問 Dear fellow Toastmasters members of Taiwan, In the eastern part of China, there is one kind of bamboo called Moso bamboo. The farmers plant the seeds of Moso bamboo everywhere and take good care of them. In four years, the bamboo only grew four centimeters, so people couldn t understand why the farmers are so stupid. From the fifth year, the Moso bamboo grew 30 centimeters EVERYDAY!!! In six weeks, the bamboo had grown to 15 meters. In six weeks, the areas planted with bamboo changed from a barren land into a sea of green bamboo. It looks like the crazy growth of the Moso bamboo happened within six weeks. And the truth is the Moso bamboo takes four years to develop its roots, growing deep into the earth for hundreds of meters. District 67 has a long history and many senior members, just like the Moso bamboo, let s grow together. Aim High! Thrive and Shine! Have fun and enjoy your Toastmasters Journey! 親愛的國際演講會台灣區會員 : 中國的東部, 有一種名為 " 孟宗竹 " 的竹子 竹農們在地面上到處播種孟宗竹的種子, 並且用心培育孟宗竹成長 在一開始的頭四年期間, 竹子只成長了 4 公分, 人們不懂為什麼竹農這麼傻, 要種植這種竹子 但從第五年起, 孟宗竹每天長高 30 公分 六個星期內, 竹子長大到 15 公尺 六個星期內, 種植竹子的竹林, 從一無所有變成一片綠色的竹海 這種景象就好像孟宗竹在 6 個星期內就瘋狂的長大 然而真相是 : 孟宗竹花了 4 年的時間在大地扎根生長數百米深 D67 國際演講會擁有悠久的歷史與眾多資深的會員, 正如同孟宗竹般, 讓我們一起 邁向巔峰, 活得精彩 開心地享受國際演講會的旅程吧! 7

Greetings 祝賀 Trini Ding 丁海華, DTM 2017-2018 District Director 總會長 Aim high! Thrive and Shine! It s the tagline that I like to share with members and leaders at District 67 this year. I ve seen so many shining examples over past years how members throve and shone by executing Aim high! They shaped and transformed themselves to an amazing extent. By aiming high we will not only realize our potentials, but also achieve our goals and reach for our dreams. Yet, without well-built skills and fostered personal growth, aiming high are simply words, and words mean nothing without actions! Regular meetings, trainings, workshops, contests, celebrations, etc., are programs designed to help us reach our goals and achieve our dreams. Still if you miss the biggest all-in-one education and training program, 2017 District 67 Fall Conference, you are only halfway there, and you lose the only opportunity of standing on the mountain top to enjoy the magnificently breath-taking and awe-inspiring view. District Fall Conferences will be history. why we booked the world class conference center, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation CCI; and we spared no efforts to make it the most exciting, most versatile, and most rewarding last fall event ever! Aim High! Learn from the top 8 That s notch trainers and speakers, enjoy the most exciting contests and the richest programs, and meet most VIPs from around the world! With enriched and enhanced skills and competences, let s thrive and shine together! 邁向顛峰活得精彩 邁向顛峰, 活得精彩! 是我今年和大家分享的標語 這些年我看到不少會員因設定高遠目標而得以脫胎換骨, 獲得傲人的成就 設定高遠目標不僅能發現自我潛力, 也是實現夢想的必要精神 但如果不增強自己的技能, 追求個人成長, 是難以圓夢的 演講會提供特別設計的例會, 訓練, 工作坊, 比賽及各項慶祝活動幫助我們達成目標, 實現夢想 不過假如你錯過這一次最具規模 集所有教育及訓練活動大成的 2017 年秋季大會, 就如同錯過置身巔峰眺望屏息美景的機會 秋季大會將成絕響, 所以我們這一次特別將大會辦在具世界水準的張榮發會議中心, 並且不遺餘力的打造一個豐富 多元 最超值 僅此一次的秋季大會 目標訂得高遠就要向一流專家學習 觀摩最精彩的比賽 置身節目最豐富的大會及會見來自世界各地的貴賓, 藉此打造無敵不克 無戰不勝的技巧及能力 讓我們大家一起發光發熱, 邁向顛峰!

Greetings 祝賀 Simone Nash 吳慧妮, DTM Program Quality Director 總會課程品質執行長 Dear fellow Toastmasters, To be the best, learn from the best. This is a quote from Darren LaCroix, 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking. There is no better place to achieve this than at the Toastmasters District Fall Conference on November 25-26, 2017! We couldn t ask for more with a superstar keynote speaker, Ed Tate and 12 educational training sessions, not to mention the Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests in four languages! Let s enjoy this last Fall Conference ever! Another major focus of District 67 is the new educational system from Toastmasters International. Pathways will be rolled out in District 67 in April 2018. This has been officially announced. Thanks to the tremendous dedication of Mike Yang, Pathways Chief Ambassador, our district is well on its way to getting ready for the rollout. We now have a complete team of Pathways Ambassadors and Pathways Guides to support the smooth transfer to Pathways at every club. Each club will have its own Pathways Guide to teach and support the use of Base Camp, the Internet-based system where you will access all of the materials in this new educational program. If you are working hard on achieving your DTM, don t worry! You still have two years from approximately June 2018 to complete your DTM under the current educational system. Also, clubs will be able to achieve DCP with a combination of new and old goals. Your Pathways Ambassadors and Guides will share all the latest information on Pathways with you! 親愛的會員們 : 想要成為最棒的, 就要向最棒的人學習, 這是 2001 世界演講冠軍達倫拉闊依的名句 今年 11 月 25-26 日舉 行的中華民國國際演講會的秋季大會就是一個最佳的學習場所, 有巨星級講者 Ed Tate 的專題演講和其他 12 場教育訓練, 更有四種語言的幽默演講比賽和講評比賽! 讓我們一起來享受這史上最後一場秋季大會吧! 國際演講會的新教育制度 Pathways 是另一重要焦點, 正式公佈的消息指出這新教育制度將於 2018 年四月在台灣推出, 感恩楊冀光前總會長擔任推廣大使團主席並不遺餘力的宣傳推廣, 台灣總會目前已萬事俱備等待正式推出, 推廣大使和指導員團隊們陣容堅強, 將強力支援各分會使新舊制度轉換順暢, 各分會將有自己的指導員來輔導協助會員們使用以網路為主的 Base Camp ( 意譯 : 學習資料庫 ), 會員們可以經由網路來存取這新教育制度的所有教育資料 如果你正努力達成 DTM, 別擔心, 你還有兩年的重疊期 ( 約自 2018 六月算起 ) 可以使用現有制度 並且, 成功分會計畫 (DCP) 也能新舊制度並行 推廣大使和指導員將陸續與您們分享教育制度 Pathways 的所有最新訊息 9

Greetings 祝賀 Tension Wu 吳天勝, DTM Club Growth Director 總會分會成長執行長 Fall conference is one of the best times to enjoy and learn from distinguished members around the country. Therefore, I would also like to share and exchange what I have learned and the benefits I have gained with you. The 3K Evaluation The 3K s stand for Kiss, Kick, and Kiss. It has been very helpful in changing the way I give feedback when I am conducting evaluations. I have changed from giving ego-feeding comments to respectful and constructive ones first. People like to be acknowledged first for their efforts and with a supportive atmosphere; they ll be more willing to accept your recommendations. This technique is useful for both the workplace and daily life because usually people tend to point out the problem right at the start, but Toastmasters trains us to be supportive and give useful and constructive recommendations. Some people are curious as to why I m a member of three different clubs: Bilingual, Young, and Advanced. I feel that the better way to invest myself is to remain positive and keep in a supportive and energetic environment. Different clubs will provide me with different opportunities to learn and ensure that I continue to charge forward and change the way I communicate with others. This is the last fall conference of Toastmasters, so I hope you will attend and learn from the different educational workshops and enjoy the excitement of the different contests. 全國秋季大會是一個全國會友學習 分享 切磋的一個最好時機, 因此, 我也拋磚引玉分享我的學習與收穫來交流 講評訓練 潛移默化對 [ 人 ] 以正面性 支持性態度建議, 讓對方認同並接受三明治講評 (Kiss,Kick,Kiss) 對我有很大助益是轉化我給人意見的態度, 由 [ 自我意見 ] 改為 [ 尊他建議 ], 以支持性 正面性的態度, 先找優點營造正面性 支持性的氛圍, 先肯定認同對方, 再提出改善建議最容易接受 此技巧應用在工作及生活助益更大, 因很多場合是先挑缺點直接給意見, 講評訓練我改變心態 觀念, 您懂他的心, 他更願接受甚至感謝 有些人好奇我同時是雙語 年輕漾 進階三個分會會員, 因我認為要持續在一個正能量並且充滿鼓勵的環境裡才能不斷精進並改變和別人的溝通模式, 更是把小錢從口袋存進腦袋的最佳投資自己方式 這是最後一個秋季大會, 希望大家踴躍參與各種成長自己的教育訓練和體驗演講比賽的啟發與幽默 10

Pathways Mike Yang 楊冀光, DTM Chief Pathways Ambassador Pathways 推廣大使主席 Are You Ready for Pathways? Pathways (formerly known as REP) was originated from Toastmasters Board of Directors five-year strategic plan in 2010 to modernize and revitalize current education system and materials by stressing the equal importance of communication and leadership learning! This brand new program from its concept, survey, development to various levels of pilot has been going on over 7 years! Starting from this year, Pathways has been rolled out in many regions of the world and it is scheduled to be rolled out in our District in April next year! Pathways is the biggest evolution in education system & materials in the history of Toastmasters International (TI) since its founding in 1924! It is highlighted by greater access to new educational materials and expanded tools and resources of learning through modern technologies, as well as a customized learning experience designed to help members meet personal and professional goals. Ever since I took the chair of a 19-member Pathways Ambassador Committee 4 years ago, our team has been closely monitored the process of Pathways development. We have learned that TI has been devoted so much to make Pathways the best world class education program! The plan for sending ambassadors to visit all our clubs by the end of this year was made to introduce & promote Pathways! I also worked with our PQD Simone Nash to recruit Pathways Guides and map out the training plan to prepare for its rollout! Yes, we are so excited to welcome this brand new challenge of Pathways learning! Dear fellow members, are you ready?! 準備好迎接 Pathways 了嗎? Pathways( 原為 REP) 起源自 2010 年國際演講會理事會的五年策略計畫, 以溝通與領導學習並重的方式, 將現有的教育體系與課程全面更新與現代化 這一嶄新的學習從構想 調查 發展到各階段的測試已歷經七年, 今年起已陸續在世界幾個區域推行, 預計即將於明年四月在我們台灣地區展開!Pathways 是國際演講會自 1924 年創立以來對訓練制度與教材上最大的變革, 其特點在於以現代的科技方便取得與學習最新的教材, 並能運用更廣泛的工具與資源以及打造針對會員個人與專業目標的客製化學習經驗 本人自擔任 Pathways 推廣大使主席四年多來, 帶領著共 19 人的大使團隊密切關注其發展的過程 ; 我們深知 TI 對 Pathways 的進行持著認真與求好的用心, 以打造出世界級一流的教育內容! 我們計劃在本年底前完成大使們對所有分會作 Pathways 介紹的訪問, 同時 PQD Simone Nash 與本人已規劃妥當未來 Pathways Guide( 指導 ) 的人選與工作計畫, 以作好 Pathways 推出前的相關訓練與準備! 大家都充滿了熱忱與信心迎接一個嶄新的學習與挑戰! 親愛的會員們, 你準備好了嗎?! 11

Pathways 10 Learning Paths in Pathways Pathways 的十個學習途徑 Dynamic Leadership 活力領導學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a strategic leader. The projects on this path focus on understanding leadership and communication styles, the effect of conflict on a group and the skills needed to defuse and direct conflict. These projects also emphasize the development of strategies to facilitate change in an organization or group, interpersonal communication and public speaking. This path culminates in a project focused on applying your leadership skills. *Not available in non-english printed materials. 幫助您培養成為講求策略之領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦深入了解領導與溝通風格 衝突對團體的影響, 以及化解和轉移衝突所需的技巧 這些單元同時強調在組織或團體中發展促進改變的策略 人際溝通與公開演講的重要 此途徑將於您在聚焦應用領導技巧的單元中圓滿達成 ( 未納入非英語系列紙本教材 ) Effective Coaching 高成效教練學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a positive communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on understanding and building consensus, contributing to the development of others by coaching and establishing strong public speaking skills. Each project emphasizes the importance of effective interpersonal communication. This path culminates in a High Performance Leadership project of your design. *Not available in printed materials. 幫助您培養成為正面思考之溝通者與領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦深入了解並建立共識 藉由指導來為他人成長做出貢獻, 以及在過程中精進公開演講技巧 每一個單元都著重有效人際溝通的重要 此途徑將在您所設計的 高成效領導 專案中圓滿達成 ( 未納入紙本教材 ) Innovative Planning 創新計畫學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a public speaker and leader. The projects on this path focus on developing a strong connection with audience members when you present, speech writing and speech delivery. The projects contribute to building an understanding of the steps to manage a project, as well as creating innovative solutions. This path culminates in a High Performance Leadership project of your design. *Not available in printed materials. 建議您採用的途徑是設計來幫助您培養成為公開演講者與領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦如何在您發表 撰寫演講與琢磨演講呈現方式時, 與觀眾建立強烈連結 各個單元都對您加強了解專案管理與制定創新解決方案等面向有所貢獻 此途徑將在您所設計的 高成效領導 專案中圓滿達成 ( 未納入紙本教材 ) 12

Pathways Leadership Development 培育領導力學習途徑 Help you build your skills as an effective communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on learning how to manage time, as well as how to develop and implement a plan. Public speaking and leading a team are emphasized in all projects. This path culminates in the planning and execution of an event that will allow you to apply everything you learned. 建議您採用的途徑是設計來幫助您培養成為高效能溝通者與領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦學習如何管理時間 制定並落實計畫 當中的所有單元都著重公開演講與團隊領導的要領 此途徑將在計畫與執行活動時圓滿達成, 並讓您有機會運用所學的一切 Motivational Strategies 激勵策略學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a powerful and effective communicator. The projects focus on learning strategies for building connections with the people around you, understanding motivation and successfully leading small groups to accomplish tasks. This path culminates in a comprehensive team-building project that brings all of your skills together including public speaking. *Not available in printed materials. 幫助您培養成為有力且有效溝通者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦在學習與身邊眾人建立關係 了解何謂激勵 並成功領導小規模團體來完成任務的策略 此途徑將在一項全面性的團隊建立專案中圓滿達成, 您將藉此展現所有已學技巧 包含公開演講技巧 ( 未納入紙本教材 ) Persuasive Influence 說服影響學習途徑 Help you build your skills as an innovative communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on how to negotiate a positive outcome together with building strong interpersonal communication and public speaking skills. Each project emphasizes developing leadership skills to use in complex situations, as well as creating innovative solutions to challenges. This path culminates in a High Performance Leadership project of your design. *Not available in printed materials. 幫助您培養成為創新溝通者與領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦如何在協調出正面結果的過程中, 同時建立扎實的人際溝通與公開演講技巧 每一個單元都著重發展用於複雜局面的領導技巧, 同時還要能制定創新解決方案來面對挑戰 此途徑將在您所設計的 高成效領導 專案中圓滿達成 ( 未納入紙本教材 ) 13

Pathways Presentation Mastery 精通演講學習途徑 Help you build your skills as an accomplished public speaker. The projects on this path focus on learning how an audience responds to you and improving your connection with audience members. The projects contribute to developing an understanding of effective public speaking technique, including speech writing and speech delivery. This path culminates in an extended speech that will allow you to apply what you learned. 幫助您培養成為成就非凡公開演講者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦學習觀眾如何回應您的演講內容, 並且改善您與觀眾間的連結 各個單元都對您加強了解有效公開演講技巧有所貢獻, 當中包括如何撰寫演講稿與精進演講呈現方式 此途徑將在一場歷時較長的演講中圓滿達成, 您將在演講過程應用您的所學 Strategic Relationships 策略關係學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a leader in communication. The projects on this path focus on understanding diversity, building personal and/or professional connections with a variety of people and developing a public relations strategy. Communicating well interpersonally and as a public speaker is emphasized in each project. The path culminates in a project to apply your skills as a leader in a volunteer organization. *Not available in non-english printed materials. 幫助您培養成為擅於溝通之領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦深入了解多元 如何與來自不同領域者建立個人及 / 或職場關係, 以及發展合適的公關策略 當中的每一個單元都強調彼此溝通無礙並以公開演講者身份溝通的重要 此途徑將將在您應用領導者技巧領導志工組織時圓滿達成 ( 未納入非英語系列紙本教材 ) Team Collaboration 團隊合作學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a collaborative leader. The projects on this path focus on active listening, motivating others and collaborating with a team. Each project contributes to building interpersonal communication and public speaking skills. This path culminates in a project focused on applying your leadership skills. *Not available in non-english printed materials. 幫助您培養成為講求合作之領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦如何積極聆聽 激勵他人及與團隊合作 每一個單元都對培養人際溝通與公開演講技巧有所貢獻 此途徑將於您在聚焦應用領導技巧的單元中圓滿達成 ( 未納入非英語系列紙本教材 ) 14

Pathways Visionary Communication 願景溝通學習途徑 Help you build your skills as a strategic communicator and leader. The projects on this path focus on developing your skills for sharing information with a group, planning communications and creating innovative solutions. Speech writing and speech delivery are emphasized in each project. This path culminates in the development and launch of a long-term personal or professional vision. *Not available in printed materials. 幫助您培養成為講求策略之溝通者與領導者所需的諸多技巧 此途徑的各個單元聚焦培養您與團體分享資訊 制定溝通計畫與創新解決方案的技巧 當中的每一個單元都著重撰寫演講與演講呈現方式的要領 此途徑將在您發展並實踐長期個人或職場願景時圓滿達成 ( 未納入紙本教材 ) 重疊期之 DCP 要求 15

Training 教育訓練 On Saturday, August 20, 2016, Darren Tay, won the 2016 Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking. Darren worked on his semi-finals speech for over 8 1 2 months. Time spent on his finals speech less than 48 hours. Discover the backstory and the behind-the-scenes crunch-time coaching that made Darren Tay the last one standing out of over 35,000 contestants! In this session, you'll find out how a World Champion Coach can: Accelerate your learning curve exponentially! Keep you confident and focused at Zero Hour! Reveal Principles, Philosophies, Processes, and People! Discover Ed Tate s 8-rules of coaching. See Darren s Semi-finals Speech. Evaluate Darren s Championship Speech. Compare the abandoned traditional speech preparation methods vs. the new methods created under pressure. Uncover an Ed Tate mistake that Darren was able to convert into a Championship! And much more in this interactive and fun program. 於 2016 年 8 月 20 日星期六,Darren Tay 贏得了 2016 年世界演講冠軍 Darren 花超過 8 個半月的時間準備準決 賽的演講, 準備總決賽的演講卻僅花不到 48 小時 讓 Darren Tay 從 35,000 名參賽者中脫穎而出的背後是有怎樣 的故事和幕後又有怎樣關鍵時刻的指導, 就等你來一探究竟! 在這場演講中, 您將學到世界冠軍的指導教練是如何 : 成倍加速您的學習曲線! 讓你保有自信和專注於關鍵時刻! 揭開原則 哲學 過程和人們! 探究 Ed Tate 的 8 大指導規則 觀看 Darren 準決賽的演講 評論 Darren 總決賽的演講 將傳統準備演講的方法與在壓力下產生的新方法做個比較 Ed Tate, CSP Behind the Curtain: Crunch Time Coaching a Champion 成功幕後 : 冠軍培訓大揭秘 Time: 11/25/2017, 13:30-14:20 (50 ) Venue: B1, Main Hall 揭露 Ed Tate 的過失, 一個 Darren 仍可以化為成功的過失! 更多內容都在這有互動性與趣味性的演講裡 16

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Ed Tate, CSP Get Yes! To Your Request! Time: 11/25/2017, 15:40-16:30 (50 ) Venue: 11F, Room 1101 Get Yes! To Your Request! Forty percent (40%) of people s time at work is engaged in persuading, convincing and influencing!* In a recent workplace study (What Do You Do at Work?) by Qualtrics, people are devoting twenty-four (24) minutes of every hour to moving people. People consider this aspect of their work critical to their professional success.* There are thousands of tactics that professionals use to influence us, the majority fall into six basic categories. By the end of this session, participants will: 1. Persuade people to get a Yes to their every request! 2. Immediately apply a 6-Step Influence Model. 3. Discover the benefits of using their influence first and their power last. 4. Increase their health, wealth and happiness by reducing the frustrations associated with influencing. 5. Add proven tips, tools and tactics to their influence toolkit. 6. Discover the six (6) most common mistakes when attempting to influence others. 7. Have lots of fun in this interactive program. * Daniel H. Pink, To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, Riverhead Books, 2012, p. 21. 17

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Ed Tate, CSP The Story Finder: How to Create New Stories in Minutes! Time: 11/26/2017, 12:30-13:30 (60 ) Venue: B1, Main Hall The Story Finder: How to Create New Stories in Minutes! 'You are either Remarkable or Invisible.' - Seth Godin, author of the book: Purple Cow Most presentations are invisible, boring and forgettable. They lack original material. If it's not the PowerPoint Parade (one forgettable slide after another), it's the Data Dump (one mind-numbing statistic after another). The only statistic people care about during this type of presentation is when it will end! In this session, you will: Discover how to be remarkable with your own content Hear and diagnose Ed's award winning remarkable stories Practice Ed's 4 Elements of Effective Story Telling Create new material immediately, using a proven story creation framework Always have new material no matter how often you present to the same audience Learn 15 different ways to creatively introduce your ideas Build confidence Have lots of fun in this interactive accelerated learning program Presentation Outcomes: 1. Create your own original stories and separate yourself from the crowd 2. Break your presentation routine 3. Connect immediately with any audience at any time 4. Reexam and re-energize your existing presentations 5. Close more business 6. Make your presentations remarkable and memorable 7. Uncover humor 8. Be the one that your prospects and clients look forward to seeing again and again! 18

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Anson Sat, ACS, ACB Beyond Vision: The Unexpected Ingredient to the Awakened Champion in You. Time: 11/25/2017, 14:50-15:30 (40 ) Venue: 11F, Room 1101 Beyond Vision: The Unexpected Ingredient to the Awakened Champion in You. Is "smart" still sexy? In his third and final installment of "The Awakened Champions" series, our workshop host, Anson Sat examines one of the most important ingredients to an abundant and successful life: a sense of humor. This interactive workshop will help you understand why this simple quality is critical to our personal and professional development. With our society becoming more and more inundated with information, mired with endless how-to s and step-by- step programs, Anson Sat aims to clear the air about what we can do to be more impactful by having a sense of humor and to make "joy" the new sexy. Anson Sat began his Toastmasters journey in 2010 with ALEMAX Toastmasters in Kaohsiung. He has been an integral part of D67 not only on the stage competing, but also as a trainer at clubs, officer training, and conferences. The year 2013 marked his breakout year winning the district prepared speech finals and representing D67 at the International Convention in Cincinnati, USA. This he is a club coach and D3 area director. This past August, he organized "The Night of Champions", the largest joint meeting featuring the most district champions and world champions in a single meeting. This "regular" meeting was featured in several Taiwanese media outlets. Originally from Edmonton, Canada, Anson moved to Kaohsiung in 2003 teaching English and is currently project manager for Masterpiece Coaching and SunReach. 19

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Paul Sharpe, DTM CHAMPION Time: 11/26/2017, 09:30-10:20 (50 ) Venue: 6F, Room 603 CHAMPION Do you want to be a CHAMPION speaker, a CHAMPION for your club, a CHAMPION in life? This workshop shows you how! What does it mean to be a CHAMPION and how can you leverage the DCP (Distinguished Champion Program) to make you a champion and to help your club become a champion club? This workshop shows you how! CHAMPIONS grow, CHAMPIONS serve, CHAMPIONS share - be a CHAMPION! Paul Sharpe is a teacher and a trainer in Taipei and he has one rule in life: Don t be BORING! For four years now he has had a love affair with Toastmasters, a place where he believes people grow, learn and love together. Paul currently coaches public speaking, leadership and corporate English classes. Wherever he finds himself he always tries to bring joy and happiness into every environment he works in. And he believes all people are masterpieces born to shine on the stage of life and his purpose in life is to help you shine baby shine! 20

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Josh Myers, ACB, ALB Hero s Journey Time: 11/26/2017, 10:30-11:30 (60 ) Venue: 6F, Room 603 Hero s Journey The 12 stages of the Hero s journey is the secret to how great books, plays and movies are created. For us Toastmasters this is a great structure for a speech, especially if you re speaking about a universal subject that the entire audience can relate to (essential for winning speeches). By learning how to use this storytelling approach, you will tap into a powerful, unconscious reservoir in your audience: the shared experience of overcoming life s hurdles, of striving to excel and triumph. When your stories touch this, your audience will not only hear your message, they will remember it! Josh majored in Method Acting and has a Master s in Education. With his strong background in Theater and his 8 years as a Toastmaster he has a unique perspective and insight into speech writing, storytelling and stagecraft. He is the founding member of Taichung Improv (an improvised comedy group) as well as Taichung Theater Collective that initiates and develops theater projects in Central Taiwan. He works as a teacher, trainer, coach, performer and facilitator with kids and adults. He was the D67 International Prepared Speech Champion in 2014 and represented Taiwan at the 2014 World Championships of Public Speaking semi-finals in KL, Malaysia. 21

Training 教育訓練 English Educational Training 英語教育訓練 Teresa Chang, DTM Decoding Humorous Speech Contests Time: 11/26/2017, 13:40-14:40 (60 ) Venue: B1, Main Hall Decoding Humorous Speech Contests Have you ever found it s difficult to be humorous, not to mention winning a humorous speech contest? What are the basic items needed for a good humorous speech? What are the humorous elements that make the audience burst into laughter? Teresa Chang is going to help you to learn how to be humorous, and how to win humorous speech contest. As the 2012 D67 English Humorous Speech champion, she will guide you step by step to appreciate and understand how the humorous speech contest champions made it, so you can make it too in the future. Come and find out from Teresa Chang s workshop. 2013 District 67 International Speech Champion From a timid person to a humorous and charismatic speaker; from a new member to a District Director, it took Teresa Chang 15 years in Toastmasters by being a member of multiple clubs of different languages at the same time. She has worked diligently to make herself a good speaker and a trainer to help fellow members improve their listening skills to understand difficult things by using systematic and clear explanation. She has also coached several speakers to win speech contests. There is no doubt that Teresa Chang is a good speaker/leader and a good speech coach. 22

Training 教育訓練 Mandarin Educational Training 國語教育訓 邱羽立, ACS, ALS 目標 計畫與授權 -- 如何應用講會所學之領導技能實踐於真實工作環境之中 時間 : 11/25/2017, 10:30-11:30 (60 ) 場地 : 6F, Room 603 目標 計畫與授權 -- 如何應用講會所學之領導技能實踐於真實工作環境之中 您是否發現?NOT WILLIAM S INFORMATION 現代社會紛紛擾擾, 人際間的溝通, 經常事倍功半, 彼此的相處充滿隔閡 甚至不時爆發關係衝突? 您是否發現? 資訊時代匆匆忙忙, 團隊間的領導, 經常事倍功半, 組織的運營充滿猜疑 甚至不時導致信心潰散? 有沒有可能, 我們的溝通可以更輕鬆 彼此的關係更和諧 夥伴的相處更美好? 有沒有可能, 我們的領導可以更輕鬆 團隊的關係更和諧 組織的運營更美好? 或許我們需要的, 只是一雙 新眼睛, 透過新眼睛, 我們能看清楚所處的系統 看清楚問題的本源, 然後順勢而為, 開創出嶄新人生! 歡迎您一起來, 用新眼睛創新人生, 讓溝通與領導, 事半功倍! 傳記 : 2017-2018 國際演講協會第 67 區行政長 ; 中華民國國際演講協會講師 2017 師大華語中文演講會指導員 2016 國際演講協會第 67 區 J1 區國語幽默演講比賽冠軍 2013 中華民國國際演講協會國語即席問答比賽冠軍 2012 中華民國國際演講協會國語講評比賽冠軍 2010 中華民國國際演講協會國語指定演講比賽冠軍 23

Training 教育訓練 Mandarin Educational Training 國語教育訓 方瑞源, DTM 透過溝通談領導 時間 : 11/25/2017, 16:50-17:40 (50 ) 場地 : 10F, Room 1001 透過溝通談領導 你的領導方式有效嗎? 為何付出心力卻未能達到應有的效果? 你會如何改善呢? 你是如何讓團隊運作的呢? 要如何讓你的影響力加分? 本工作坊你將會學到三件事 : 透過溝通, 得到對方的合作 如何展現最重要的核心價值 最有效的領導方式 傳記 : 2015 優質領導委員會主席 2014 世界總會長成就獎 Presidential Citation 2012 英語組即席演講冠軍 2000 中華民國演講會總會長, 成立 District 67 1985 開始參加演講會, 已參加 32 年 24

Training 教育訓練 Mandarin Educational Training 國語教育訓 王玉梅, ACB 建立自我品牌 時間 : 11/26/2017, 10:30-11:30 (60 ) 場地 : 6F, 602 會議室 建立自我品牌 一 引言二 品牌的價值三 你的品牌是什麼四 如何建立自我品牌五 回饋分享 傳記 : 東吳大學國際與兩岸學術交流事務處兩岸事務中心主任 2002 國語備稿演講冠軍 2004 台語即席問答冠軍 加入喜洋洋中文演講會 16 年, 也是昇華中文進階演講會會員, 曾為青企台語演講會會員 25

Training 教育訓練 Mandarin Educational Training 國語教育訓 林惠君, ACS, ALB 活出自在人生 時間 : 11/26/2017, 15:10-16:30 (80 ) 場地 : 10F, 1001 會議室 活出自在人生 時常無名狀的感到沮喪 找不到方向? 身為諮商師 創業者 企業經營顧問的老師, 在短短的三年內利用這個課程協助了 200 人找到了失落已久的快樂和生活的動力, 其實這些資源不假外求, 一切都在你的身上 給自己一個改變未來的機會! 讓自己, 活出自在人生! 傳記 : 太一顧問 ( 股 ) 有限公司總經理 / 資深講師 / 企業訓練師國際 NLP 專業執行師美國催眠協會 NGH 合格催眠治療師 / 認證催眠師訓練講師曾任中興中文國際演講會會長人和雙語國際演講會 / 台中進階英語會 2017 國語即席問答全國冠軍 2017 第六屆華夏風情冠中冠邀請賽指定演講比賽銀牌 2016 第五屆華夏風情冠中冠邀請賽第三名 / 最佳人氣獎 2016 台語幽默演講冠軍 台語即席問答演講冠軍 2015 國語指定演講冠軍 2013 國語幽默演講冠軍 26

Training 教育訓練 Taiwanese Educational Training 台語教育訓 陳麗紅, ACB, ALB 俗諺運用與韻律 -- 從冠軍講稿談起 時間 : 11/26/2017, 09:30-10:20 (50 ) 場地 : 6F, 602 會議室 俗諺運用與韻律 -- 從冠軍講稿談起 工作坊介紹 : 俗諺運用與語言韻律 -- 從冠軍講稿談起 會說話沒什麼了不起, 話說的漂亮可就不容易! 不知影台語有多美, 會講台語級數低, 事實上, 通俗的台語不但生動活潑, 而且充滿古人的生活智慧, 一旦深入堂奧, 就會深深著迷 台語的美, 從哪些地方可以看出? 水噹噹 水噴噴 水嚶嚶 心酸酸 爛糜糜 痛丟丟 這些聲韻美及形象美, 是不是既有韻致又能引發想像呢? 除優美的詞彙之外, 押韻 激骨仔話 ( 孽畜仔話 ) 四句聯 俗諺語 歌謠 謎猜 相褒歌 都有趣極了! 不必全盤了解, 只要略知一二, 都十分享受 說話或撰稿時, 能善加運用, 便可增加語言的美感, 展現多元的趣味 而其中語言的律動感也獨具一格 能有節奏性的 有規律性的 有協調性的鋪排美的台語, 讓同一元素連續 反覆 交替的出現, 做漸強 漸弱 漸大 漸小 高高低低等等不同的排列, 也就能透過層次變化形成獨有的韻律美感, 在聽覺上, 音節聲調的起伏跌宕, 語流的自然湧動, 都是台語美的極品! 想多了解運用之妙產生的效果嗎? 讓我們一起從冠軍講稿談起吧! 2016 國語即席演講亞軍, 國語幽默演講季軍, 台語幽默演講亞軍 2017 台語即席演講冠軍, 國語指定演講季軍, 台語指定演講季軍高雄台語演講會會長, 屏東好說中文演講會會長朗讀 演講專業指導老師專業講師 讀書會帶領人 27


Contests 比賽 Toastmasters International 2017 District 67 Fall Conference Humorous Speech Contest Group A Time: Room: Saturday, November 26, 2017 8F, Room 801 Contest Chair: Sherry Dong, Division A Director Chief Judge: Simone Nash, PQD Contest Toastmaster: Carey Li Timers: Jeri Liao, Hota Lin Ballot Counters: Carrie Lai, Lu Lu, Emily Chou Time 9:50 9:50 Program Contestant Briefing (Including drawing speaking order / microphone test / PPT, etc.) Location: 10F VIP Room Judge Briefing (to Judges / Timers / Ballot Counters ) Location: 8F VIP Room 10:15 Timer equipment test (at Timer seats) Timers 10:20 All contestants, judges and assistants ready and stand-by Person(s) in Charge Contest Toastmaster SAA (mic): John Ku SAA (PPT): Amy Wu Chief Judge All Judges Timers x 2 Ballot Counters x 3 10:25 Announcement: Contest begins in 5 min Show the speaking order on the screen 1st Contestant ready with ear-mic Contest Toastmaster SAA (PPT): Amy Wu SAA (mic): John Ku Contest Opening - 10:30 Announce contest rules briefly Contest Toastmaster Announce the speaking order Humorous speech time: 5-7 min ± 30 sec Order Contestant Aaron Lee Speech Title My Boy Times 10:35 Dora JJ Fang DNR April Chuang Be A Lady Nana Tsou Eric Ma Caroline Kiang Parenting Put It Down Matchmaker 11:22 Present contestant certificates of participation Contest Chair 11:26 Announcing the winner results & present certificates Contest Chair 11:30 Contest adjournment Contest Toastmaster Notes to the audience: No photo or video shooting during the contest. Video and photo taking are arranged by the Conference Committee. When contestants are speaking on stage, all mobile phones must be turned off. No talking, no walking. Entering or leaving the contest room is only allowed during the "one minute of silence". Please keep silent for one minute between each speech. After the last contestant, please keep silent until all ballots have been collected. For the sake of time control, during the awards presentation, audience members please do not stay on the stage for photo taking after presenting flowers. 29

Contests 比賽 Toastmasters International 2017 District 67 Fall Conference Humorous Speech Contest Group B Time: Room: Saturday, November 25, 2017 10F, Room 1001 Contest Chair: Mayumi I. Hu, Division G Director Chief Judge: Tension Wu, CGD Contest Toastmaster: Michael Palmer Timers: Derek Chen, Feber Wei-yi Chen Ballot Counters: Sally Huang, Jenny Lu, Sunny Taur Time 9:50 9:50 Program Contestant Briefing (Including drawing speaking order / microphone test / PPT, etc.) Location: 10F VIP Room Judge Briefing (to Judges / Timers / Ballot Counters ) Location: 8F VIP Room 10:15 Timer equipment test (at Timer seats) Timers 10:20 All contestants, judges and assistants ready and on stand-by Person(s) in Charge Contest Toastmaster SAA (mic): Kenneth Wu SAA (PPT): Han Tzeng Chief Judge All Judges Timers x 2 Ballot Counters x 3 10:25 Announcement: Contest begins in 5 min Show the speaking order on the screen 1st Contestant ready with ear-mic Contest Toastmaster SAA (PPT): Han Tzeng SAA (mic): Kenneth Wu Contest Opening - 10:30 Announce contest rules briefly Contest Toastmaster Announce the speaking order 10:35 Humorous speech time: 5-7 min ± 30 sec Order Contestant Jo Wu Richard Shen Douglass James Gilmartin Joyce Wang Nicole Yang Sam Hung Speech Title Michael and Chu Hong Miss Right Things Snap Back The Job That Changed My Life Lift Your Head Up! What's Your Name? 11:22 Present contestant certificates of participation Contest Chair 11:26 Announcing the winner results & present certificates Contest Chair 11:30 Contest adjournment Contest Toastmaster Notes to the audience: No photo or video shooting during the contest. Video and photo taking are arranged by the Conference Committee. When contestants are speaking on stage, all mobile phones must be turned off. No talking, no walking. Entering or leaving the contest room is only allowed during the "one minute of silence". Please keep silent for one minute between each speech. After the last contestant, please keep silent until all ballots have been collected. For the sake of time control, during the awards presentation, audience members please do not stay on the stage for photo taking after presenting flowers. 30

Contests 比賽 中華民國國際演講協會 2017 D67 秋季大會國語講評比賽 日期 : 11 月 25 日星期六 比賽主席 : 吳天勝, 分會成長執行長 場地 : 10 樓, 1001 會議室 裁判長 : 吳慧妮, 課程品質執行長 國語比賽主持人 : 林月珍 時間 11:50 11:50 活動 參賽者說明會 ( 含演講順序抽籤 麥克風測試 參賽順序投影片等 ) 地點 : 10 樓 VIP 室 向裁判 計時員 計票員說明工作內容地點 : 8 樓 VIP 室 國語比賽主持人事務長 ( 麥克風測試 ) 事務長 ( 投影機操作 ) 工作人員 裁判長所有裁判 計時員 計票員 12:15 三色板 / 計時器測試 ( 請在 1001 會議室計時員指定座位測試 ) 計時員 14:40 所有參賽者 裁判和工作人員各就各位 14:45 宣布 5 分鐘後比賽開始 投影機播放參賽順序 比賽主持人 事務長 14:50 比賽開始 - 宣布注意事項 宣布參賽順序 比賽主持人 14:53 示範演講 : 5-7 分鐘 ± 30 秒 ( 投影播放示範講者姓名 講題 ) 示範講者 15:01 參賽者由事務長帶至準備區 / 參賽者寫稿 : 5 分鐘 事務長 講評演講比賽時間 : 5-7 分鐘 ± 30 秒 15:09 順序 選手姓名 順序 選手姓名 王世豪 洪淑娟 王茗萱 洪昆山 陳玉珠 賀文新 15:33 頒發參賽證 比賽主席 15:37 宣布比賽結果及頒發獎狀 比賽主席 15:40 比賽結束 比賽主持人 觀眾請注意配合 : 比賽期間禁止錄影照相 大會有專聘錄影公司和攝影工作人員 參賽者演講中, 所有人請將手機關閉, 請勿交談 講電話 飲食 走動 進出比賽廳房僅限於 " 靜默一分鐘 " 內 每位參賽者演講結束時, 觀眾請保持靜默一分鐘 最後一位參賽者演講結束, 保持靜默直到所有裁判計分完畢 為讓大會流程順利, 頒獎時段, 歡迎獻花, 但請勿於舞台上停留拍照 31

Contests 比賽 中華民國國際演講協會 2017 D67 秋季大會台語講評比賽 日期 : 11 月 25 日星期六 比賽主席 : 吳天勝, 分會成長執行長 場地 : 10 樓, 1001 會議室 裁判長 : 吳慧妮, 課程品質執行長 台語比賽主持人 : 張月娥 時間 11:50 11:50 活動 參賽者說明會 ( 含演講順序抽籤 麥克風測試 參賽順序投影片等 ) 地點 : 10 樓 VIP 室 向裁判 計時員 計票員說明工作內容地點 : 8 樓 VIP 室 台語比賽主持人事務長 ( 麥克風測試 ) 事務長 ( 投影機操作 ) 工作人員 裁判長所有裁判 計時員 計票員 12:15 三色板 / 計時器測試 ( 請在 1001 會議室計時員指定座位測試 ) 計時員 15:40 所有參賽者 裁判和工作人員各就各位 15:45 宣布 5 分鐘後比賽開始 投影機播放參賽順序 比賽主持人 事務長 15:50 比賽開始 - 宣布注意事項 宣布參賽順序 比賽主持人 15:53 示範演講 : 5-7 分鐘 ± 30 秒 ( 投影播放示範講者姓名 講題 ) 示範講者 16:01 參賽者由事務長帶至準備區 / 參賽者寫稿 : 5 分鐘 事務長 講評演講比賽時間 : 2-3 分鐘 ± 30 秒 16:09 順序順序選手姓名 巫昕穎 陳文明 李海碩 林燕玲 張孝忠 劉祖菁 16:33 頒發參賽證 比賽主席 16:37 宣布比賽結果及頒發獎狀 比賽主席 16:40 比賽結束 比賽主持人 觀眾請注意配合 : 比賽期間禁止錄影照相 大會有專聘錄影公司和攝影工作人員 參賽者演講中, 所有人請將手機關閉, 請勿交談 講電話 飲食 走動 進出比賽廳房僅限於 " 靜默一分鐘 " 內 每位參賽者演講結束時, 觀眾請保持靜默一分鐘 最後一位參賽者演講結束, 保持靜默直到所有裁判計分完畢 為讓大會流程順利, 頒獎時段, 歡迎獻花, 但請勿於舞台上停留拍照 32

Contests 比賽 Contests 比賽 Time: Saturday, November 25, 2017 Contest Chair: Simone Nash, PQD Room: 11F, Room 1101 Chief Judge: Tension Wu, CGD Contest Toastmaster: Ivy Chao Timers: Iris Chou, Stephanie Lu Ballot Counters: Wen-li Lin, Ann Wu, Ching-Ting Tsai Time 11:50 11:50 12:15 Timer equipment test (at Timer seats) Timers 16:30 All contestants, judges and assistants ready and on stand-by 16:35 Toastmasters International 2017 District 67 Fall Conference Evaluation Contest Program Contestant Briefing (Including drawing speaking order / microphone test / PPT, etc.) Location: 10F VIP Room Judge Briefing (to Judges / Timers / Ballot Counters) Location: 8F VIP Room Person(s) in Charge Contest Toastmaster SAA (mic): Caroline Chia & Jack Shih SAA (PPT): Carey Li Chief Judge All Judges Timers x 2 Ballot Counters x 3 Contest Master SAA (PPT): Carey Li SAA (mic): Caroline Chia Contest Opening - 16:40 Announce contest rules briefly Contest Toastmaster Announce the speaking order 16:45 Test Speech: 5-7 min ± 30 sec Test Speaker 16:53 Contestant preparation / Test speaker interview Test Speaker 16:58 Announcement: Contest begins in 5 min Show the speaking order on the screen 1st contestant ready with ear-mic Evaluation speech time: 2-3 min ± 30 sec Order Contestant Order Contestant Lucas Lin Jason Ho Lynn Lin Debbie Wang Brent Stewart Douglass James Gilmartin 17:52 Present contestant certificates of participation Contest Chair 17:56 Announcing the winner results & present certificates Contest Chair 18:00 Contest adjournment Contest Toastmaster Joyce Wang Angelina Yeh Doris Kuo Sam Hung Eric Ma Peishan Chiang Notes to the audience: No photo or video shooting during the contest. Video and photo taking are arranged by the Conference Committee. When contestants are speaking on stage, all mobile phones must be turned off. No talking, no walking. Entering or leaving the contest room is only allowed during the "one minute of silence". Please keep silent for one minute between each speech. After the last contestant, please keep silent until all ballots have been collected. For the sake of time control, during the awards presentation, audience members please do not stay on the stage for photo taking after presenting flowers. 33

Contests 比賽 中華民國國際演講協會 2017 D67 秋季大會國語幽默演講比賽 Time: 11 月 26 日星期日 比賽主席 : 吳天勝, 分會成長執行長 Room: 10 樓, 1001 會議室 裁判長 : 吳慧妮, 課程品質執行長 國語比賽主持人 : 萬義明 時間 11:40 11:40 活動 參賽者說明會 ( 含演講順序抽籤 麥克風測試 參賽順序投影片等 ) 地點 : B1 練習室 向裁判 計時員 計票員說明工作內容地點 : 6 樓 602 會議室 國語比賽主持人事務長 ( 麥克風測試 ) 事務長 ( 投影機操作 ) 工作人員 裁判長所有裁判 計時員 計票員 12:15 三色板 / 計時器測試 ( 請在 1001 會議室計時員指定座位測試 ) 計時員 12:20 所有參賽者 裁判和工作人員各就各位 比賽主持人 12:25 宣布 5 分鐘後比賽開始 投影機播放參賽順序 第一位參賽者配戴好麥克風 示範講者 事務長 12:30 比賽開始 - 宣布注意事項 宣布參賽順序比賽主持人 12:33 幽默演講比賽時間 : 5-7 分鐘 ± 30 秒 順序 吳庭耀 巫昕穎 唐華瑄 張可芸 張志良 劉祖菁 選手姓名 題目 阿爸的愛 活著真好 我很奇怪嗎? 愛情萬歲 人生何處不學習 攪拌的咖啡人生 13:30 頒發參賽證 比賽主席 13:35 宣布比賽結果及頒發獎狀 比賽主席 13:40 比賽結束 比賽主持人 觀眾請注意配合 : 比賽期間禁止錄影照相 大會有專聘錄影公司和攝影工作人員 參賽者演講中, 所有人請將手機關閉, 請勿交談 講電話 飲食 走動 進出比賽廳房僅限於 " 靜默一分鐘 " 內 每位參賽者演講結束時, 觀眾請保持靜默一分鐘 最後一位參賽者演講結束, 保持靜默直到所有裁判計分完畢 為讓大會流程順利, 頒獎時段, 歡迎獻花, 但請勿於舞台上停留拍照 34

Contests 比賽 中華民國國際演講協會 2017 D67 秋季大會台語幽默演講比賽 Time: 11 月 26 日星期日 比賽主席 : 吳天勝, 分會成長執行長 Room: 10 樓, 1001 會議室 裁判長 : 吳慧妮, 課程品質執行長 國語比賽主持人 : 連雅婷 時間 11:40 11:40 活動 參賽者說明會 ( 含演講順序抽籤 麥克風測試 參賽順序投影片等 ) 地點 : B1 練習室 向裁判 計時員 計票員說明工作內容地點 : 6 樓 602 會議室 台語比賽主持人事務長 ( 麥克風測試 ) 事務長 ( 投影機操作 ) 工作人員 裁判長所有裁判 計時員 計票員 12:15 三色板 / 計時器測試 ( 請在 1001 會議室計時員指定座位測試 ) 計時員 13:30 所有參賽者 裁判和工作人員各就各位 比賽主持人 13:35 宣布 5 分鐘後比賽開始 投影機播放參賽順序 第一位參賽者配戴好麥克風 示範講者 事務長 13:40 比賽開始 - 宣布注意事項 宣布參賽順序比賽主持人 13:45 幽默演講比賽時間 : 5-7 分鐘 ± 30 秒 順序 宋銘賢 李海碩 林燕玲 凃淑貞 孫昕慧 魏瑞文 選手姓名 題目 賣厝的鹹酸甜 無關大小 五十歲以後的舞台 你講台語嘛 A 通 減肥个代誌 求神 14:40 頒發參賽證 比賽主席 14:45 宣布比賽結果及頒發獎狀 比賽主席 14:50 比賽結束 比賽主持人 觀眾請注意配合 : 比賽期間禁止錄影照相 大會有專聘錄影公司和攝影工作人員 參賽者演講中, 所有人請將手機關閉, 請勿交談 講電話 飲食 走動 進出比賽廳房僅限於 " 靜默一分鐘 " 內 每位參賽者演講結束時, 觀眾請保持靜默一分鐘 最後一位參賽者演講結束, 保持靜默直到所有裁判計分完畢 為讓大會流程順利, 頒獎時段, 歡迎獻花, 但請勿於舞台上停留拍照 35

Contests 比賽 Toastmasters International 2017 District 67 Fall Conference Humorous Speech Contest Final Time: Room: Sunday, November 26, 2017 B1 Main Hall Contest Chair: Tension Wu, CGD Chief Judge: Simone Nash, PQD Contest Toastmaster: Neal Stovicek Timers: Jill Wang, Grace Lai Ballot Counters: April Cheng, Ivy Liang, Sunny Chiu Time 11:40 11:40 Program Contestant Briefing (Including drawing speaking order / microphone test / PPT, etc.) Location: B1, Practice Room Judge Briefing (to Judges / Timers / Ballot Counters ) Location: 6F, Room 602 14:45 Timer equipment test (at Timer seats) Timers 15:00 All contestants, judges and assistants ready and on stand-by Person(s) in Charge Contest Toastmaster SAA (mic): Bonita Hsu SAA (PPT): Agatha Chang Chief Judge All Judges Timers x 2 Ballot Counters x 3 15:05 Announcement: Contest begins in 5 min Show the speaking order on the screen 1st Contestant ready with ear-mic Contest Toastmaster SAA (PPT): Agatha Chang SAA (mic): Bonita Hsu Contest Opening - 15:10 Announce contest rules briefly Contest Toastmaster Announce the speaking order Humorous speech time: 5-7 min ± 30 sec Order Contestant Speech Title 15:13 16:20 Present contestant certificates of participation Contest Chair 16:25 Announcing the winner results & present certificates Contest Chair 16:30 Contest adjournment Contest Toastmaster Notes to the audience: No photo or video shooting during the contest. Video and photo taking are arranged by the Conference Committee. When contestants are speaking on stage, all mobile phones must be turned off. No talking, no walking. Entering or leaving the contest room is only allowed during the "one minute of silence". Please keep silent for one minute between each speech. After the last contestant, please keep silent until all ballots have been collected. For the sake of time control, during the awards presentation, audience members please do not stay on the stage for photo taking after presenting flowers. 36

Member s Corner 會員天地 Division Director of the Year Area Director of the Year Toastmaster of the Year 恭喜當選的年度部總監 區總監 會員! Thank you to all past District Officer efforts and contribution!! 也感恩所有前任總會幹部們的付出與努力! 2016-2017 Division Director of the Year Division F 年度部總監 : F 部總監 2016-2017 Area Director of the Year Area C4 年度區總監 : C4 區總監 2016-2017 Toastmaster of the Year 年度會員 劉雨軒 Yu-xian Liu 陳凰櫻 Gloria Chen 林琍葳 Lydia Li Wei Lin 37

Member s Corner 會員天地 2016-2017 Division/Area/Club Performance Report 分部 / 分區 / 分會報告 Divisions 2 President Distinguished Divisions 6 Select Distinguished Divisions 2 Distinguished Division Areas 1 President Distinguished Areas 7 Select Distinguished Areas 23 Distinguished Areas Distinguished Divisions ( total 10 Divisions ) Division Director D Carol Lin, CC, CL G Ken Yung Ching Hsu, DTM B Diana Marion Watson, DTM E Andrew Chen, CC, ALB F Yu-Xian Liu, ACS, ALS H Peggy Chang, ACB, CL I Robert Macias, ACB, ALB L Samantha Tu, ACB, CL J Szu Wei Yang, CC, CL K Che-Wei Vincent Chang, CC, CL Distinguished Areas ( Total 31 Areas ) Area Director D2 Wendy Chen, CC, CL C4 Gloria Huang-Ying Chen, ACB, ALB D4 Pei L. Lin, ACS, CL E3 Erin Lee, ACB, CL F4 Li Wei Lin, CC, CL J1 Pei-Chen Chang, CC, ALB L3 Jimmy Tsai, CC, CL M2 Zhen-Rong Kuo A2 Alice Hsieh, ACB, ALB A4 Sherry Pei-Yi Dong, CC B1 Jason Ho, ACB, ALB B2 Chen Maiw Mann, DTM C2 Pamela Yang, ACS, CL C3 Hsiu Yu Yang, CC, CL D3 Debbie Wang, ACB D5 Jane Her, CC, CL E1 Hank Chang, ACB, CL E2 Frank Chen, ACB ALB F1 Anna Kung, CC, CL G2 Henry Chen, ACB, CL G3 Jade Lee, ACB G4 Mayumi I. Hu, ACS, ALB H1 Eric Hsu, CC H2 Michael J T Liang, ACS, CL I1 Tom Tung, ACB, CL I2 Sunny Lin, ACG, ALB J2 Fu-Li Li, CC, CL K1 Teresa Shuching Liang, ACB, CL K3 Yung-Hung Lo, CC, CL L2 Tina Chen, CL N1 Victoria Wayching Wang, ACS, ALS 38

Member s Corner 會員天地 2016-2017 Division/Area/Club Performance Report 分部 / 分區 / 分會報告 39

Select Distinguished Clubs ( Total 31 Clubs ) Area Club name A4 B2 C1 C2 C4 D2 D4 E1 E2 F1 F1 F4 F4 G3 H3 H4 I1 I3 J1 J1 J2 J2 J3 K1 K3 L2 L3 M2 M2 M2 N1 ALE ELITE Club Nantou Club Innovative Club China Club Hualien Toastmasters Club Kaohsiung Medical University Ovation Advanced Toastmasters Club Hsinchu Toastmasters Club Taoyuan Club Happiness Toastmasters Club Top Bilingual TC Harmony Bilingual Puli Bilingual Tien Mou Club ARRIS Toastmasters Club Leadership Village Toastmasters Changhua Club Fluency Club Hai-Lan-Lan Mandarin Club Happy Club Cheer Club Sounder Bilingual Toastmasters Club Taichung Central Japanese Club Tainan Toastmasters Club (TNTC) NCYU Toastmasters Club Medical Group Toastmasters Club Da-Ya T.C. Prestige Toastmasters Club Far Eastern Int'L Bank Young-Bankers Toastmasters Club CTBC Club Member s Corner 會員天地 2016-2017 Division/Area/Club Performance Report 分部 / 分區 / 分會報告 40

Member s Corner 會員天地 2016-2017 Division/Area/Club Performance Report 分部 / 分區 / 分會報告 41

Member s Corner 會員天地 Jorie Wu, DTM Savoring a Second DTM I earned my first DTM 9 years after I joined Toastmasters in 1999. I was under pressure to complete it before being inaugurated as District Governor in 2000. Since then, I have had no ambition to achieve another DTM so I was simply meandering, delivering different manuals randomly and taking mostly evaluation assignments only; I felt I had plateaued out without a goal. It was only when I learned about Pathways, I made a decision that I wanted to complete another DTM and reach some kind of closure with the old system. Finally, in July 2017, I accomplished my second DTM. Hence, the first DTM took 9 years and 18 years for the second DTM. It s not easier the second time around yet it is definitely worthy. In savoring my two DTMS, here are my reflections: 1. You must have a plan to complete your DTM, as without a plan, you ll just be meandering and procrastinating in your learning journey and possibly diminish the passion for Toastmasters. 2. For my first DTM, I chose advanced manuals that I felt more comfortable with or thought were easier to tackle, such as Speaking to Inform, Storytelling etc. For the second DTM, I expanded my learning edge and chose something that is really not in my nature, such as Humorously Speaking, The Professional Speaker, etc. It required longer preparation yet the learning and rewards were tremendously enjoyable. 3. As a more polished speaker, I know more about how to use creativity and facilitation in delivering training. As a seasoned DTM, I felt refreshed on the journey again. 4. The journey to DTM is a journey to reflect on your experience, beliefs and passion. My journey to DTM offered a systematic trajectory to reexamine my life and rejuvenate myself. Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. I invite you to keep moving forward on your journey to DTM, pace yourself and savor the taste of transformation! 42

Member s Corner 會員天地 Joyce Hu, DTM Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost. I joined Toastmasters in 2001 and finished what I started 16 years later. It s a journey of lost and found from Taiwan to Shanghai and then back to Taiwan. And my membership history in dormancy is longer than in good standing! I walked away three times and reinstated four times. Walking away is neither giving up nor showing weakness. Coming back to where I started is not the same as never leaving. Instead, the journey back always reveals something new. No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it s not the same river and he s not the same man. A woman stepped out and back in Toastmasters several times, from disappeared toastmaster to distinguished toastmaster. Technically speaking, she didn t walk away but came forward. With pressure and pleasure, I ve come a long way. An unfinished journey is like an unfulfilled dream that keeps me alive. Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends. My zigzag Toastmasters journey explains that I want to do what I want my own way. Thank you, Toastmasters. For a simple idea, put to work in so simple a manner, has grown into such an instrument of service for so many people to learn and grow together. One speech at a time, one assignment in a meeting, progress is tracked. Anything goes, everything counts. Even though we are of many different ages and have all kinds of interest, working together we bring out the best in each other. Share your story, and enjoy the journey. 一次會議一個演講, 一次開會一個角色, 凡走過必留痕跡, 進度與進步都有 跡可循 登頂並不是為了讓世界看到我, 而是讓我看到整個世界 43

Member s Corner 會員天地 Mark Ma, DTM To tell the truth, my DTM journey was not as smooth as you thought, but I strive By following two disciplines which are learning by doing and never give up! I have an extraordinary memory, let s see how I was inspired: Jo Wu persuaded me to join Arris club, which has become my strong support; otherwise, I d still just be a lab rat. Y.S.Liao said, You ve got potential to be a leader. King Lee and Larry Lee guided me through my HPL project. Tim Huang said I became shiny after I completed more speeches. Sterling Hsiao lets me witness the attitude of being an artist. Tim Cheng gave me the chance to be a vice Division director, and Sam Kang let me be a TM contest chair. Trini Ding asks me to group people to sing songs. JR Yang even invited me to be a Mandarin IE. Mike Yang even praised me, saying I am a national treasure! I still remember the lectures by those senior members! Do you have any jobs you can t do? I have heard it more than a thousand times! It may be the reason I keep moving on! But who can say he knows everything? See, how important it is to inspire people! Through sharing with each other, I know Rachael Yang likes Chinese opera, Bright Huang likes to play the ocarina, and we have even formed a band! Jany Chi gives me a chance to help the Innovative club with Kaku Kuo. Celia Du made my dream come true to host a singing program. Helen Lin and Karen Liu teach me Japanese, and Marion Batard teaches me French. Marian Hsiao and Edward Chen invited me to play the piano at the Formosa club s Christmas party. Caroline Kiang lets me take the role of guitar player on in D67 s Flash mob activity. Rebecca Chang kindly helped me to ask for help when my Mom was sick. The fighter is eager for a stage. Being a magician, a voluntary pianist, and an IC designer, I never thought I would devote myself to this big warm family to join most of the big events! Now you know how we interact with the members? I just want to let those persons who are still hesitating to join know that a Toastmasters club is really a place which is worthy to spend your time for your entire life! I just want to say, it gives me the chance to make my dream come true. We are not afraid of making mistakes, and that is why I have already completed 100 speeches so soon. I want to quote Sherry Li s sentence, why do we need to join a TM club? Give yourself an unforgettable memory! It is from the bottom of my heart without rhetorical devices. I owe this DTM credit to you all, my dear TM friends! 44

Member s Corner 會員天地 Debbie Tsai, DTM How Toastmasters helped me win The New York Times TV Commercial Audition Debbie Tsai Email platonic25@gmail.com Journey Highlight: KTC president 1999-2000, 2010-2011 Division D Governor 2009-2010 District PRO 2014-2015 I am proud to be a Toastmaster. I am even more proud to be a Distinguished Toastmaster. When I just joined Toastmasters, I didn t know how much I would grow. Toastmasters offers many ways for you to learn. My favorite and the one where I have grown the most is the speech contest. Toastmasters speech contests preaches resilience and determination. I love the movie, La Land, it also preaches resilience and determination. The movie, La Land, portrays two characters that are beaten down time and time again, but eventually revel in success because they never gave up. So much like contestants in Toastmasters contests. Being a contestant pushes you to take on challenges that you wouldn t have taken on by yourself. In year 2003, I broke through my barrier and made it to the District Humorous finals. The Humorous Speech Contest is the most fun for the spectator. In the contest, you meet other strong speakers, and learn from their styles. The District contest gives you that larger audience experience. It was because of the numerous contest training opportunities in Toastmasters that gave me the courage to enter the The New York Times TV commercial audition in Taiwan in 2005. I used what I d learned from Toastmasters humorous speech contests and the Humorously Speaking manual to Tell people that you are the best, and they will definitely hate you. Make them feel superior, and they ll appreciate you. I used self-deprecating humor to share my own experience to connect to the story theme of The New York Times, and I finally won the audition, but best of all, they even used my own story in their TV commercial. Speaking in Toastmasters provides challenges and plenty of opportunities to be proud of your accomplishments. The more you expand your skills and talents, the more confidence you have in yourself! Thanks to Toastmasters I ve tried new things I wouldn t have tried before. 45

Member s Corner 會員天地 Mark Blank, DTM You might be wondering, Why did you complete a second DTM? As Sir George Mallory responded when asked why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest: because it s there! Luckily, my DTM challenges were not as dangerous (even when it felt scary). We often progress towards a Toastmasters milestone simply because we ve reached one milestone and the next one is here waiting for us, calling for us, challenging us. This self-motivating Toastmasters system also drove me forward via the DCP, which pulls members together to meet goals. When my club needed an advanced award for the DCP, I completed speech manuals. As a result, I couldn t avoid advancement toward DTM, and even Triple Crown. My second DTM was easier than my first one because I had a head start. Firstly, I had already started a second CC manual with Chinese speeches. Secondly, when I started Toastmasters, I bought all the advanced manuals and did speeches from about twelve of them. So when I completed DTM-1, I was part way through other advanced manuals and on my way to DTM-2. Though this approach slowed progress to DTM-1, it created valuable learning experiences with relevant, meaningful and memorable speech guidance. I used the Humorously Speaking manual to prepare for contests, the Persuasive Speaking manual to motivate members, and so on. I had relevant training material to support my speech planning, and my speeches were well suited to the manual objectives. So, what s next? you might ask. Well, I ll complete a third CC manual while I eagerly wait for the Taiwan launch of the new Pathways program. Then, as soon as it s available in Taiwan, I ll start this new training and eventually earn a Pathways program DTM because it s there. 46

Member s Corner 會員天地 Caroline Kiang, DTM 第四個 DTM 回顧 Looking Back at The Fourth DTM 不放手直到夢想到手 Do not let go until the dream is realized. 國際演講會平均是 7-8 年拿到一個 DTM, 我卻在八年四個月, 拿到四個 DTM, 也許很多會員會想知道是怎麼辦到的? 就是努力, 努力再努力, 不放手, 直到夢想到手 我曾經為了 D67 全區的名譽在一個月內講完十獎, 幫當年 D67 拿到唯一的總會長傑出分區獎 -- 雖然我人已經出國, 為了總會的榮譽, 帶著打球受傷的腳裸, 持著拐杖, 看著汽車上的 GPS, 在美國各地去找沒看過的四個分會, 在這四個分會演講中, 我拿到三個最佳演說員獎章,( 有一個分會沒有投票 ) 我也是為了 D67 的成績, 在 2016 的圓山飯店春季大會中, 別人都入夢鄉, 早上五點我還沒上床, 在跟海外要來參加的貴賓們, 商量更好的接待方法 雖然辛苦, 可是苦得有價值, 不但在台灣, 也在亞洲各地交到了一堆熱血, 熱誠, 熱情的好朋友 世界演講會中唯一製作的快閃是在台灣 ( 台北火車站 ), 有 150,000 人看過, 這應該是全 D67 的驕 傲 https://youtu.be/yiv4hitr1em 如果尚未看過的歡迎觀賞 這篇的全文在傑出會員 DTM 的回顧內, 我們的教育副總會長說只能提供 400 字, 所以請大家到下 面網頁閱讀全文 謝謝一路上陪我, 伴我的會員, 好友及我的另一半 ( 花若盛開, 蝴蝶自來, 人 若精彩, 天自安排 ) 讓我們一起找到我們心中的夢想 47

2017 Fall Conference Committee 2017 秋季大會籌備委員會成員表 Conference Chair: Julia Chou Conference Co-Chairs: Sherry Dong, Mayumi Hu, Neal Stovicek Conference Mentors: Simone Nash, PQD; Trini Ding, DD Task Area Club Task Area Club Person-incharge Person-incharge 財務組 Treasurer J2 Cheer Paul Chiang 教育訓練組 Educational training A3 FJU Yujin Cheng 報到和註冊組 Check In & Registration 接待公關組 PR Ambassadors A1, A2, A3 Pega Pega, ASUS, Incredible ASUS David Liao, Shih-Chieh Yeh,Mandy Lee A1 FHK Chris Liu 英文幽默演講比賽 A 組 English Humorous Speech Contest Semi- Final A 英文幽默演講比賽 B 組 English Humorous Speech Contest Semi- Final B M3 E.Y.T. Carey Li M4 Trend Micro Michael Palmer 大會開幕組 Opening Ceremony A4 Neihu Sherry Dong 英文幽默演講比賽總 English Humorous Speech Contest Final M1 Taipei Metro Neal Stovicek 大會閉幕組 Closing Ceremony G4 Skal Mayumi Hu 英文講評比賽組 English Evaluation Contest M1 Taipei Metro Ivy Chao 採購組 Procurement G4 Skal Barbara Chen 英語賽程協調組 (English) Contest Coordination M3 E.Y.T. Jeff Chou 餐飲組 Meal G4 Skal Barbara Chen 英語賽事文件組 (English) Contest Docs M1 PAREXEL Tina Wang 布置宣傳組 Decoration Team G3 Sparkle Susan Chang 英語獎項組 (English) Certificate Preparation M3 E.Y.T. Carey Li 器材攝影組 Equipment & Video J4 青企 Michael Ginkgo Chen 陳敏楨 國台語賽程協調組 Contest Coordination J4 青企 Michael Ginkgo Chen 陳敏楨 媒體宣傳 Web Marketing E2 Linkou Kevin Lin 國台語賽事文件組 Contest Docs J2 Area Maggie Chien 簡夏蓉 編輯組 Handbook G4 Born to Shine Alex Shih 國台語獎項組 Certificate Preparation J4 青企 Wendy Lin 林宛瑩 交通, 住宿, 花組 Transportation, Accomodation, Flowers A4 Neihu Circle Hsiao 國台語教育訓練組 Mandarin and Taiwanese Educational training J1 喜洋洋 Martina Chang, Jason, Coco Lee 標語 / 口號 Logo/Slogan G3 Sparkle Susan Chang 國台語幽默演講比賽組 Mandarin and Taiwanese Humorous Speech Contest J2 聲動 Maggie Chien 簡夏蓉, Wendy Lin 林宛瑩 晚會節目組 Dinner Party G2 World Mosaic Jane Tseng 國台語講評比賽組 Mandarin and Taiwanese Evaluation Contest J4 青企 Maggie Chien 簡夏蓉, Wendy Lin 林宛瑩 網頁組 Website K3 Fullhouse Peyton Kim 日語賽程協調組 Contest Coordination J3 山川 Rock Chang 張慶賢 流程組 Program Control M1 Taipei Metro Ivy Chao 日語賽事文件組 Contest Docs J3 太平洋 Hank Zhang 張哲如 日語幽默比賽組 Japanese Humorous Speech Contest J3 太平洋王金爵 日語獎項組 Certificate Preparation J3 太平洋 Chenghsien Wen 溫政憲 日語講評比賽組 Japanese Evaluation Contest J3 日本支援團 Nori Kobori 小堀則之 日語教育訓練組 Japanese Educational training J3 太平洋 Shelly Lee 李宇寶 日語手冊組 Handbook J3 太平洋 Chenghsien Wen 溫政憲 48

2017 PR Ambassadors 2017 公關大使 Chris Liu Karen Yang Jack Shih Jammie Hsueh Emily Lu FHK TTU FHK FJU NTUB Sean Cheng Nancy Liao Kelly Chang Angel Tsai Lily Lin FHK TMU FHK TMU TTU Bethany Chen Margit Yeh Ivan Lee Helen Kao James Chen TMU FJU FHK FJU Formosa Gene Hsu Joy Lin Ary Lin Sarah Lu Joseph Chang FHK FHK FHK FJU FJU 49






D67 Fall Conference Taipei, Taiwan 2017 2017 年秋季大會在台北 55