的广场中建起九座综合建筑 第一座综合建筑由 Mecanoo 设计, 包括学校 体育馆 学前班游戏室 幼儿日托中心 社区中心, 以及 51 间公寓和 21 套独栋式住宅 这里的街道网络 广场 公共绿地以及社交场所令人愉快而倍感安全, 适宜的社会住宅楼更将丰富该地区的轮廓 开发商 Ymere 与学校董事

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荷兰, 奥斯多多功能学校 / Mecanoo 建筑师 :Mecanoo 地点 :Osdorp, The Netherlands 开发商 :Ymere Ontwikkeling, Amsterdam; Amsterdamse Stichting voor Katholiek Onderwijs (ASKO), Amsterdam 成本 : 15 000 000 项目年份 :2005 2011 摄影 :Courtesy of Mecanoo 大规模城市改造项目正在阿姆斯特丹周边社区 奥斯多的 Reimerswaalbuurt 如火如荼进行中 设计方案目标远大, 在 Architecten Cie 的监督下实施 将在宽阔的街道和不允许车辆通行

的广场中建起九座综合建筑 第一座综合建筑由 Mecanoo 设计, 包括学校 体育馆 学前班游戏室 幼儿日托中心 社区中心, 以及 51 间公寓和 21 套独栋式住宅 这里的街道网络 广场 公共绿地以及社交场所令人愉快而倍感安全, 适宜的社会住宅楼更将丰富该地区的轮廓 开发商 Ymere 与学校董事会 Makkink & Bey 设计工作室及艺术家 Elspeth Pikaar 通力合作, 最终建成了极为复杂的社会住宅和多功能教育综合楼 Mecanoo 的设计案例将会为其他八个综合住宅项目打下坚实的基础 社区和社会功能被安排在综合建筑的一楼 学校的入口 学前班游戏室 幼儿日托中心和公寓位于 Osdorper Ban, 极易到达 建筑物的北侧从六楼向下倾斜至三楼, 并在西北侧与将来兴建的综合建筑完美相连 综合建筑西北侧面向绿色的庭院开放, 这里是居民与学生共同拥有的空间 学校上方四层楼共有 51 间公寓, 其中 16 间特别为有轻度身体残疾的人士设计 综合建筑北侧最安静, 这里有 21 套独栋式住宅 从圣卢卡斯的主要 ( 玻璃 ) 入口处可清楚地看到建筑后方的大院子 还有一个入口位于庭院的抬高广场上, 可经由 Makkink & Bey 设计的令人称奇的围护结构进入 与众不同的立面是与艺术家 Elspeth Pikaar 合作实现的 她先请圣卢卡斯的学生们随意涂画一番, 然后把这些 大作 印到大玻璃板上 玻璃板呈带状围绕着建筑物, 并将这些图画带进学校的学期课程安排中 这些艺术品展示了学生与学校和社区的联系 学校的内部设计也一丝不苟, 充分考虑到儿童的喜好, 巧妙地运用鲜绿色贯穿于整个建筑及所有教室

原文 : Architects: <a href="http://www.mecanoo.nl/">mecanoo</a> Location: Osdorp, The Netherlands Developer: Ymere Ontwikkeling, Amsterdam; Amsterdamse Stichting voor Katholiek Onderwijs (ASKO), Amsterdam Cost: 15.000.000 Project year: 2005-2011 Photographs: Courtesy of Mecanoo

A large-scale urban renewal project is in progress in the Reimerswaalbuurt in Osdorp, a neighborhood situated at the periphery of Amsterdam. The ambitious plan was made under the supervision of the Architecten Cie. Nine building complexes will be realized with broad streets and auto-free squares. Mecanoo designed the first complex which includes a school, sports hall, pre-school playrooms, a children s day-care center, a community center, 51 apartments and 21 single family homes. The neighborhood will be enriched with good social housing situated in a network of pleasant and safe streets, squares and public green space with gathering places to socialize in. The result of the fruitful cooperation between the developer Ymere, the school board, design studio Makkink & Bey and artist Elspeth Pikaar is a richly detailed social housing and multi-functional education complex. Mecanoo s design example will set the stage for the other eight residential complexes. Community and social functions are located on the ground level of the complex. The entrances to the school, pre-school playrooms, children s day-care center and apartments are located at the highly accessible Osdorper Ban. The building slopes down from 6 levels to three on the north side and connects beautifully with the complex (to be built) on the northwest side. The northwest side of the complex opens up to the green courtyard, which is the domain of both residents and pupils of the school. Situated in the four levels above the school are 51 apartments, of which 16 are designated for people with mild physical handicaps. The quieter, north side of the complex houses 21 single family homes. The main (glass) entrance of St. Lukas offers a transparent view to a large courtyard in the back. A second entrance is located on the courtyard s raised square and is accessible via a whimsical design fence by Studio Makkink & Bey. An exceptional façade was created in cooperation with the artist, Elspeth Pikaar. She asked the pupils of St. Lukas to write texts and make drawings; these were then processed in large glass panels. The panels form a ribbon around the building and bring into picture the progression of study years at the school. The artwork shows the pupils sense of connection with their school and neighborhood. The interior of the school is meticulous in its child-friendly detailing, and a fresh colour green is deftly applied throughout the entire building and the classrooms.