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A dissertation for Master s degree Metro Indoor Coverage Systems Analysis And Design Author s Name: Sheng Hailiang speciality: Supervisor:Prof.Li Hui,



项目案例 Project artundweise, Newport

02 Project: artundweise, Newport 位于德国不莱梅市的 artundweise GmbH 公司 立足于客户需求 是一家市场领先的网站设计和应用 开发的网络公司 他们提供品牌策 划 媒体接口和电子商务等多元化 系统服务 拥有来自世界知名品牌 网络公司的50多个专业咨询顾问 平面设计师和网络程序开发员 全 面的专业技术 丰富的创意和公雄 厚的公司实力是artundweise取得 成功的保障 (www.artundweise. de) 这个项目上 办公室按照活力办公 人体工学进行了全新的布局和优 化 First class individual web design and application development aimed exactly on customers needs are offered by artundweise GmbH, a highly skilled web agency, located in Bremen, Germany. Providing a versatile system for brand marketing, newspaper portals and e-commerce artundweise is a leading web agency in the market. More than 50 professional consultants, graphic designers and web programmers work on well known brand websites. Their technical know-how, creativity and their ability to collaborate is vital for artundweise s success. (www.artundweise. de) In this project the new office was planned and equipped with ergonomic Vital-Office furniture.

Project: artundweise, Newport 03 artundweise needed to relocate in a more modern office building and Vital-Office GmbH was hired in advance to plan their new creative work environment. Rather than planning a standard open space office, Vital-Office analyzed fundamental ergonomic principles and their correlations to health, vitality and motivation. Thus leading to a holistic ergonomic concept which included architectural design and room partitioning, healthy light installation, sound absorbing acoustic panels and height adjustable desk with ecological and healthy tops out of bamboo hard wood. Artundweise 计划搬迁至一座现代办公楼内, 活力办公提前受邀提供一个创造性的现代办公环境解决方案 不同于常规的开放式办公室设计, 活力办公细化客户功能需求, 考量健康 活力和灵活机动等相互关系, 按照人体工程原则进行全方位环境布局 最终呈现出系统化的人体工程的办公理念, 它包含建筑设计 空间隔断 匀光灯效 降噪吸音板 可调节高度办公桌和生态健康竹木桌面

04 Project: artundweise, Newport 按照风水格局进行的空间的隔断和部门分布 开放式办公空间尤其重要的一个诉求在于设计必须满足工作组聚群的社会逻辑学需求 只有很好地协调好这一诉求, 一个公司才是一个灵活生气的有机体 相对于庞大的组织所带来的陌生感 由此产生的挫败感和社会孤独感, 一个最多 4 人的社交组群区域同样能够实现在一个开放式办公空间内 工作组群对隐私和私人空间防御性的首要需求, 按照丹尼尔 戈尔曼 ( 社交商 - 人际关系新论,2006 版 ) 的镜向效应理论, 极大地体现在活力办公产品中 这一效应获得了活力办公客户和先证人的广泛认可 Room partitioning and department locations are planned using Feng Shui. A special requirement in open space offices is to design work-group holons, which adapt to the sociological needs. Only through this a company will become a living organism. Instead of frustration and social loneliness in an anonymous mass, areas for social groups of max. 4 persons can be created also in an open space office. The primary needs of backing and privacy of the work holons, developed by Vital-Office, are taken care of through the mirror effect according to Daniel Goleman (Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships, 2006, Bantam Books). This effect is widely confirmed by Vital- Office customers and probands.

Project: artundweise, Newport 05 我们的周围环境直接影响着我们的工作效率 ( 罗曼 福斯曼 ) 竹材作为一种新型可持续性材料, 生态环保, 健康, 是一种可以媲美高档硬木的桌面材料 the quality of our surroundings has a direct influence on the quality of our work. (Norman Foster) For example through sustainable, ecological and healthy Bamboo hard wood desk tops.

06 Project: artundweise, Newport

Project: artundweise, Newport 07 可调节高度的坐立式办公桌不仅仅是一种新风尚, 更是促进沟通和协作的一个基本要素 Height adjustable stand-up desks are essential for enhanced communication and collaboration.

08 Project: artundweise, Newport 办公室照明对产能的影响被人们大大地低估了 研究表明, 过度视疲劳已经成为办公室人员最大压力之一 高达 80% 的人会抱怨不良照明所带来的各种负面效应 本项目原先的室内规划只有落地灯用于照明 设计师并未打算在热感混凝土天花板上添置照明 越来越多的项目经验告诉我们, 只有落地灯的办公室照明是永远不够的 考虑到节能, 办公室员工倾向于闲置时关灯, 因此而产生的光线不足会给整个办公人员效率带来负面影响, 并且眼睛适应办公室明暗区域光线的不断过渡会给人造成更大的压力 相反, 我们在德国威斯萨赫保时捷研发中心的项目表明, 充足的照明能带来意想不到的积极效果 合适而均匀分布的光线能带来如晴天般感觉的正能量, 进而刺激工程师及办公员工的积极产能和创造力 尽管成本有所增加,artundweise 毅然决定使用这种照明系统, 它产生 90% 平缓间接光线和节能 TRUE- LIGH 荧光 但是千万不要被表面现象蒙蔽 照明效果的不同往往不是一眼可见, 恰恰是反应在各个细节 TRUE- LIGHT 照明下的办公环境, 是非常接近夏日正午的白昼环境 这样不仅促进人的新陈代谢, 增强人的反应机制, 同时也有助于摆脱季节变幻对人造成的时令抑郁 模拟白昼光源结合高覆盖率的间接平滑光线放射带来一个减压的工作环境, 尤其是电脑屏幕众多的办公环境, 效果更显著 锦上添花的小贴士 : 吸音率高达 95% 的 3D 吸音灯膜匹配高效能的照明系统, 效果更佳 此项目照明由活力办公设计和布局,Manfred Ross 公司提供和安装 (www.ross-licht.de)

Project: artundweise, Newport 09 The influence of lightning in office rooms in relation to productivity is in a large extend underestimated. Studies confirm that overstrain of eyes are one of the most stresses of office workers. Up to 80% complain about the negative effects of bad lightning. In this project only floor lamps are planned to lighten the office space. No light installation on the thermo activated concrete ceiling was intended by the planning architects. Up-to-date experiences with other projects showed that lightning only with floor lights are definitely insufficient, because office workers are concerned about energy savings and tend to shut off most lights. This leads to dark areas, which negatively effect the performance of all office workers. Additionally more stress is produced due to ongoing eye s adaptation processes between light and dark areas. On the other side our experiences with another project for PORSCHE development center in Weisach showed very positive effects due to a compulsory lightning installation. The very light and consistent light causes a feeling like the active energy on a sunny day. Correspondingly likewise is the engineer s productivity and innovation capability. Despite of the higher costs artundweise decided to install such a lightning system, with 90% of indirect smooth light and energy saving TRUE- LIGHT fluorescent lamps. Don t make a mistake. The difference always is in details you don t see at first glance. With original TRUE-LIGHT an atmosphere is created, which is very similar to a summers s day at noontime. This activates people s metabolism and generates brilliant color and contrast qualities, while at the same time prevents from seasonal depressions. This artificial daylight combined with a high degree of indirect smooth light enables glare free stressless working, especially in combination with computer screens. Two at a stroke: Combined with the efficient lightning system are highly efficient 3d acoustic absorbers, which absorb sound by up to 95%. Planning and installation was done in coordination with Vital-Office by Manfred Ross. (www.ross-licht.de)

10 Project: artundweise, Newport Konferenzraum Conference room

Project: artundweise, Newport 11 问 : 贵司同事对新办公室设计理念的反应如何? 尊敬的乔丹先生, 我的印象是, 他们的反应非常非常好 这是一个良性循环的办公室 不仅仅是我们公司同事, 所有跟我们相关的人员 ( 包括办公楼业主 建筑公司 电话公司等等 ) 他们对这样的一个办公环境都很惊讶, 很受启发 办公室在整栋写字楼内显得非常独特和杰出 因此, 写字楼业主 (Grosse) 把我们的办公室作为他其他待租办公室的样板房 Gerlinde Jones, Artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-5chmidt-5tr. 8L, 28217 Bremen Question: How do the coworkers accept the new office concept? Dear Mr. Jordan, I have the impression, very very well. It is a well-being office. Not only the coworkers - all who have to do something with (land-lord, construction team, phone company, and much more) are emphasized, astonished and inspired. The whole office is exceptional and outrages between the other offices. It is therefore taken as reference by the land-lord (Grosse) for other lofts which are still open to rent. Best regards, Gerlinde Jones, artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-Schmidt-Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen

Projects: ALTATEC GmbH (Camlog), Wimsheim bei Stuttgart Andersson-Recycling, Hilden artundweise GmbH, www.artundweise.de Aspecta Lebensversicherungen, HDI-Gerling AG Baugemeinschaft Ettlingen e.g. BKK Demag AG Duisburg, München, uvm. BLSG Business Launch Support Grinninger, Ingolstadt bmp greengas GmbH, 80339 München Conciliat, Personalberatung, Stuttgart Decolight, Karlsbad Digel, Hell & Partner, Steuerberatung / Wirtschaftprüfung, Pforzheim Dipl. Psychologe Robert Betz, Autor + Cornelia Hempfling, München Dipl.-Ing. Barbara Jurk, Freie Innenarchitektin, Frankfurt + Mallorca Dreher Automation, Sulz DREHTAINER GmbH, Spezialcontainer für die Wehrtechnik, Valluhn MegaPark EBS Entsorgungsbetriebe Solingen Enayati GmbH & Co. KG Oberflächen- und Anlagentechnik, Birkenfeld Eurofoam, Wiesbaden Frank Türen AG, Buochs Georg Fischer AG, Mettmann H.C. Starck Konzern, Goslar, München H+W Mechatronik GmbH Sicherheitssysteme, Neu-Ulm Handtmann Unternehmensgruppe, Bieberach Heber Fördertechnik, Oberessendorf Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnovation, Schloss Hohenstein HPI Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH,Potsdam HQ GPO Global/Prime Office Centre Ville Montreal IOP Publishing, München Jens Bormann Recycling, Püttlingen joker-jeans, Bönnigheim Justiz- und Umweltministerium Brandenburg Kärcher cleaning equipment, Changshu Karcher Steuerberatung, Gaggenau Kreissparkasse Biberach Lehmann Engineering GmbH, Osthofen, www.lehmann-engineering.eu Link & Rotter Soz. Rechtsanwälte, Pforzheim LnB GmbH -Roland Liebscher-Bracht, Bad Homburg, www.liebscher-bracht.com Lohnsteuerhilfe Bayern e.v., München März Motoradhandel, Ettlingen MORAVAN Warenhandels GmbH, München Oficina de Representación en Espana de Raiffeisenbank Kleinwalsertal AG, Mallorca Ökoland GmbH Nord Vertriebsgesellschaft für ökologische Erzeugnisse, Wunstorf Optima packaging group, France Optima packaging group, Schwäbisch Hall Optima packaging group, Shanghai Pixelgenau GmbH, Frankfurt www.pixelgenau.com Pro-Activ Versicherungen pr-tronik elektronik handels gmbh Rechtsanwälte Scholz & Partner, Karlsruhe Rena Sondermaschinenbau, Furtwangen Rheinmetall AG Hannover Roland Berger Strategy Consultants service innovation group - London + Paris + Wien + Ettlingen SoftwareONE, München Steininger Straßenbauprodukte, Karlsbad Steuerberater Kallbach, Münster Steuerberatungssozietät Färber Kapp Schwab, Oftersheim Südw. Bauberufsgenossenschaft, Karlsruhe Taller connects, Waldbronn Thyssen Alpha, München Vector Informatik GmbH Stuttgart Vodaphone/Mannesmann VSPB Verband Schweizerischer Polizeibeamter Werner Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH & Co.KG, Schriesheim Zeisberg CNC-Systems, Hofheim Vital-Office GmbH Germany: Holzbachtal 204 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Germany Phone: +49 7248 935 6690 Fax: +49 7248 935 6697 E-Mail: info@vital-office.net China: 王磊 / Vincent Wang 上海市嘉定区马陆镇丰茂路 695 号 No.695 Fengmao Road, Malu Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 邮政编码 Post code: 201801 Phone: + 86 180 1866 3556 Fax: +86 21 6707 0889 E-Mail: wanglei@vital-office.net Please visit our internet pages for up-to-date addresses: 若想了解更多信息, 请访问公司网站 : http://www.vital-office.net