FOREWORD This is the third edition of Gerakan Speaks Up since its first publication in It is a collection of all press statements that the party

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CONTENTS Foreword 2-3 Race and Religion 4-13 Human Rights and Law Reform 14-22 Anti-Corruption 23-30 Good Governance 31-44 Education 45-49 Economics 50-53 Public Safety 54-60 Women and Children 61-65 New Politics 66-76 Constitutional Supremacy 77-84 前言 85-86 种族与宗教 87-96 人权与法律改革 97-103 反贪污 104-109 良好管治 110-119 教育 120-125 经济 126-128 公共安全 129-135 女性与孩童 136-139 新政治 140-149 宪法至上 150-157 1

FOREWORD This is the third edition of Gerakan Speaks Up since its first publication in 2014. It is a collection of all press statements that the party has issued in the past one year in response to various issues which were of public interest and concern. It is a testimony to Gerakan s political struggle to realize a fair and just Malaysian society which remains as our greatest wish for this nation and country. Our sense of mission and responsibility is reflected in our consistent and proactive engagement with current issues to provide acute and constructive views and suggestions. In these times of discord and confusion, Gerakan to continues play an important role as political advocate, broker, mediator, lobbyist, facilitator and enabler for the country and its people. Our commitment is unquestionable as public statements and responses are one of many ways we fulfil our political responsibility and also meeting the expectation of the people. We believe there is true value and necessity in our voices made publicly. It is in line with our self-compelled public accountability and subscription to the fundamental manifestation of representative democracy. In addition, we did not stop from just making public statements. We in Gerakan have always prided ourselves as a solution-based party and we have continued to live up to the tag by engaging in real actions to provide practical solutions. We even got ourselves actively involved in the course of seeking a breakthrough and amelioration. 2

Contrary to populist, manipulative and superficial means employed by opposition as political orientation, our mutually complementary way of approaching issues has proven its usefulness to bring much needed results and improvements. Gerakan will continue to speak up without fear or favour, this has become a proud tradition and virtue of the party. We hope more Malaysians would share our sense of right and wrong and be part of our cause to make Malaysia a better place for all. It is my hope that our words and actions can be strengthened and reverberated by show of public support and participation. I hope you could resonate with the sincerity, commitment and resourcefulness in the statements compiled and give you strength and inspiration to strive for our beloved country. Thank you. Sincerely, Liang Teck Meng Secretary-General Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia 3

RACE AND RELIGION As a party that advocates multiracialism and unity in diversity, Gerakan has always been at the forefront to speak up against extremism, racial and religious intolerance, while committed in promoting national unity. We continue to hold that Malaysians should treat our diversity as a strength and not weakness. We resolutely condemn inflammatory and offensive remarks or actions that undermine social unity and harmony. We continue to advocate national reconciliation and rehabilitation by urging all parties to reduce politicking and enable healthy progress of nation building. We envision eventual deracialisation in politics and the realization of a true Bangsa Malaysia. Support Bangsa Malaysia and 1Malaysia Advocate reconciliation over conflict by emphasizing moderation and inclusiveness Maintain that no one is pendatang in Malaysia Denounce all forms of politicking with racial and religious undertones Call for greater tolerance and respect over cultural, racial and religious distinctions in the society Promote a sense of proudness over our diversity as a part of our unique identity 4

Andy Yong: Is the Conference of Rulers consulted for Hudud? (08-10-2015, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Questions the constitutional aspect of Hadi s intention as to whether did he receive any green light from the Conference of Rulers (COR) to do the same or did Hadi even consult the COR? Article 38(4) clearly states that No law directly affecting the privileges, position, honours or dignities of the Rulers shall be passed without the consent of the COR. Gerakan criticizes BTN chief s pendatang justification Mah Siew Keong: Historical references should not be misused to create culture of social labelling (09-11-2015, Mah Siew Keong) Against government s longtime efforts to promote national unity. Historical references should not be abused or deliberately misinterpreted to create a culture of social labelling based on race and its origins. 5

Gerakan condemns BTN chief s pendatang remark Cheah Soon Hai: BTN must revamp the contents of its programme (12-11-2015, Cheah Soon Hai) BTN must revamp its programme contents to avoid confusing civil servants in training. Related authorities must conduct immediate investigation into the matter and appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against Raja Arif for his remark. Gerakan calls on AGC to explain no action against perpetrators of Taman Medan church protest Asharuddin: Failure to prosecute sends wrong message to public (3-12-2015, Asharuddin Ahmad) Expressed his disappointment over a decision by Attorney-General s Chambers (AGC) not to pursue further action against a group of protesters responsible for the Taman Medan church protest in April this year. Maintained that the AGC failed to protect and vindicate the right of the Community of Praise church. 6

Gerakan condemned racist receipt by restaurant Asharuddin: Racist practice must not be accepted as a norm in country (18-12-2015, Asharuddin Ahmad) The presence of racist restaurant warrants serious attention from all quarters and called for concerted effort to eliminate all forms of racism and discrimination. Gerakan calls on all parties to prevent further escalation in Kota Raya brawl Asharrudin: Exercise restraint and respect rule of law (21-12-2015, Asharuddin Ahmad) Maintained that recent incidents in Kota Raya should not be turned into a racial conflict and called on all parties to exercise restraint. Violent confrontation is not Malaysian culture and should not be encouraged by all means. 7

Gerakan concerns on growing racialization trend Cheah Soon Hai: The rule of law must prevail to arrest the worsening racial ties (23-12-2015, Cheah Soon Hai) Condemned the alleged perpetrators for taking matters into their own hands and urged police to take serious action in ensuring public order and safety. Maintained strongly that the rule of law must prevail Gerakan calls on Perlis state government to review decision on the removal of Tiangong praying board at PPR Seri Sena Asharuddin: Legitimate religious expression within the ambit of the law should be allowed (20-1-2016, Asharuddin Ahmad) Urged the Housing and Local Government Unit of Perlis to respect the right to worship by religious minorities and show more understanding. Believed there is no need for authorities to exert excessive control to the point of causing extra regulatory burden on the people. 8

Gerakan welcomes Sultan Nazrin s comments that religion is like time bomb if politicised Ng Chiang Chin: Religion must not be used as a political tool (26-1-2016, Ng Chiang Chin) Gerakan shares the perspective of Sultan Nazrin Shah and expressed concern that certain quarters have continued to exhibit signs of religious chauvinism that is undermining social unity and harmony. Hoped the royal message would be heeded by all quarters while also calling for conscious introspection and remedial changes. Gerakan welcomes Agong s speech warning against stoking racial tension Mah Siew Keong: Consensus building and selfrestraint amongst politicians needed to cease racial and religious intolerance (07-03-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Believes the call was timely and warranted National reconciliation and rehabilitation must be facilitated through consensus building and selfrestraint amongst politicians and society leaders 9

Gerakan welcomes government s decision to abolish lain-lain category in all official forms Asharuddin: Government should consider the complete removal of race column in future (19-04-2016, Asharuddin) Welcomed the government s decision to abolish the use of lain-lain to refer to Sarawak bumiputras in all official forms with immediate effect Reiterated the party s call for the complete removal of the race column from all official forms in future Gerakan disagrees with BTN chief s comment on racism today not as bad as the 70s and 80s Cheah Soon Hai: Threats from growing and everyday racism must be acknowledged and curtailed (21-04-2016, Cheah Soon Hai) Disagreed with BTN chief s comment that racism today is not as bad Believed that currently we are witnessing the open expressions of racism Must stop the worsening trend of racial polarisation and social division that was resultant from excessive politicking 10

Gerakan condemns DAP s inaction against Hew s alleged racist campaign speech Asharuddin: DAP s selective condemnation shows gross bias and a mockery to people s intelligence (11-05-2016, Asharuddin) Slammed DAP for selective condemnation against racism Suggested DAP to stop their political commercialisation but get real to answer public criticism and undergo self-reflection before criticizing others Gerakan Youth criticises Kafir Harbi label by Pahang Mufti Chai Ko Thing: Religious leaders should not be involved in politics or misuse religious authority for politicking (27-06-2016, Chai Ko Thing) Pahang s mufti decision to label DAP and all those who oppose Islam as Kafir Harbi was more political in nature and not religious. Proposed the police to invoke Section 505 of the Penal Code to investigate the matter. 11

Gerakan Wanita disagrees with MPKB summons over sexy posters in watch retailer Tan Lian Hoe: Multiracial and multi-religious culture of the country must be respected (27-07-2016, Tan Lian Hoe) Urged Kelantan state government to uphold moderation and accept our social plurality. Reiterated that we must preserve the secular character of the country, Gerakan Wanita is committed in defending women s rights and dignity. Urged the Kelantan state government to review related laws and uphold moderation in governance. Gerakan expresses regret over Tun M s use of derogatory word in public speech Kohilan: All communities deserve to be treated with dignity and respect (08-08-2016, Kohilan) Tun Dr. Mahathir who served as prime minister of the country for 22 years should have been more sensitive and discreet when choosing his words in addressing the public. It is important for Malaysians to adopt a culture of open-mindedness, tolerance and harmony. Called on the public to cease circulating the faulty video clip and promote racial and religious understanding. 12

Gerakan Wanita criticizes Muslim maid-only rule for Muslim employers Tan Lian Hoe: New ruling brings unnecessary regulatory burdens and social division (15-08-2016, Tan Lian Hoe) Questioned the purpose and necessity of the new rule as she opined that it was poorly justified, impractical and hugely uncalled for. Called on the Immigration Department to withdraw the controversial directive. Such a ruling will only further segregate the society. Gerakan concerns on radicalisation of youth and calls for more governmental action Asharuddin Ahmad: Addressing worrying tendency among youth is no less important than fighting against IS threat (10-08-2016, Asharuddin) Stressed that equal attention should be given to addressing the issue of homegrown or domestic extremism stemmed from socio-political conflicts, balkanism and parochialism. The concept of 1Malaysia that preaches moderation and inclusiveness should be advocated in education and awareness campaigns in universities. Government should act towards eliminating all reasons for any individual to fall to extremism and also called on Malaysians to work closely with authorities and subscribe to moderation. 13

HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW REFORM Gerakan upholds and defends Federal Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land and rule of law. We have been a seasoned campaigner for human rights and law reform in the country. Civil liberties and social justice remain our primary struggle to advocate improvements in the country s legal system. We have asserted the importance of separation of powers in the three branches of Legislative, Judiciary and Exercutive. We also consistently speak up without fear or favor on issues regarding administration of justice, government policies, and legislative matters including the enactment or amendment of controversial Bills. Apart from advocacy, we have engaged with authorities and relevant stakeholders to seek practical solutions to issues including greater support for SUHAKAM to advance human rights in Malaysia. Federal Constitution as the Supreme Law of Malaysia All laws that contravene the supremacy of the FC be void Advocate improvements and amendments in the country s legal system to improve the lives of all Malaysians Condemn abusive treatment of detainees and call for prison reform to defend basic human rights Support the Legal Profession Act (LRA) 1976 amendments for greater transparency in the Bar Council Call for the tabling and debate of the SUHAKAM Report in the Parliament Call for greater budget allocation for SUHAKAM in an attempt to strengthen our efforts in preserving human rights 14

Andy Yong: Judges are reminded to uphold their constitutional oath to defend the constitution and rule of law (12-10-2015, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Although majority of our judges are Muslims, they must uphold their constitutional oath to defend the Constitution and Rule of law. From day one Gerakan is not challenging Islam but to defend and uphold the supremacy of our Federal Constitution. Gerakan Youth appalled with Indira Gandhi s case Andy Yong: Relevant laws must be amended to prevent future recurrence (12-1-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Such decision has cause much misery and a dangerous precedent in the country. Instead of being lame ducks, the Parliament should play their role of being the grandest request of the nation on behalf the general public. 15

Gerakan condemns alleged abusive treatment against SOSMA detainees (19-1-2016, Cheah Soon Hai) Felt strongly that the authorities must make public explanation over the shocking disclosure and bring into justice those responsible for the cruelty acts that violate basic human rights. Called on the government to consider carry out prison reform to improve conditions inside prisons including the enhancement of human rights and better understanding of rights of inmates. Gerakan welcomes apex court s decision on interfaith custody case Baljit Singh: Do not abuse conversion to Islam to escape obligations (15-2-2016, Baljit Singh) Applauded the unusual but not unprecedented action by panel of judges to meet the two children before delivering a decision on the case. Said the children cannot be allowed to be victims in such irresponsible actions in marital disputes. 16

Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 needs to be amended (26-2-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) There is also no reference in Section 263 (2) that gives the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) the power to block access to an online news portal or website whilst investigation is being done. Gerakan urges Consultative Committee on Political Funding to speed up efforts on reform Lim Thuang Seng: Speed up works to meet public s expectation (10-03-2016, Lim Thuang Seng) Called on the government to speed up the political funding reform in the country through introduction of new laws. Gerakan has previously submitted a memorandum to the consultative committee on political funding in september 2015. 17

Let s the Court decide. Can the Bar challenge the AG? (16-03-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) The power of the Attorney General (AG) is conferred to him by Article 145 of the Federal Constitution AG s prosecutorial discretion has not been strictly challenged in our local courts, though on numerous occasions legal issues related to a person s constitutional rights were raised against AG s discretion but never with success However, Article 145 does not expressly state that the AG discretion is not subject to judicial scrutiny or review Gerakan welcomes progressive steps in political funding reform Lim Thuang Seng: Political funding reform essential in completing political transformation (17-03-2016, Lim Thuang Seng) Welcomes the preliminary findings of the National Consultative Committee on Political Funding (JKNMPP) that proposed a ban on all political donations from foreign parties and sources Gerakan memorandum dated September 2015 stressed the importance in preventing foreigner residing in Malaysia or currently in overseas from funding political parties 18

Gerakan questions Bar Council s move for judicial review against AG Kohilan: Bar Council must stay apolitical by engaging AGC for explanations (18-03-2016, Kohilan) Criticized Bar Council s move to seek judicial review of Attorney-General s (AG) recent decisions with regard to donation that was made to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Maintained that the Bar Council must not paddle with any political agenda Gerakan questions Bar Council s approved motion calling for AG s resignation Kohilan: Bar Council should not burn bridges, important to engage with AG (23-03-2016, Kohilan) Disappointed that members of the Malaysian Bar had voted through a motion calling on Tan Sri Mohd Apandi Ali to resign as Attorney-General (AG) at its annual general meeting. Asserted that the administration of justice in Malaysia relies on the good relationship between the Attorney General s Chambers and Bar Council, and by poisoning this relationship, the Bar Council has damaged the administration of justice. Not in best interest of the country s legal system and law fraternity to allow the infiltration of partisan politicking into Bar Council. 19

Gerakan maintains Suhakam s annual reports should be tabled and debated in Parliament Baljit Singh: Proper parliamentary platform must be accorded to Suhakam facilitating continued human rights improvement (21-04-2016, Baljit Singh) Believed the report should be tabled and debated in the Parliament for how Commission had discharged its statutory duties as well as protect and promote human rights in the past 12 months. Baljit called on the sitting MPs and government to show more human rights sensitivity and commitment by facilitating the tabling and debate of Suhakam s 2015 annual report in a special parliament session. Gerakan Youth lauds decision by Federal Court on interfaith custody fiasco Andy Yong: Civil and Syariah courts have their respective jurisdictions (29-04-2016, Andy Yong) Welcomed the decision by the Federal Court earlier today on instructing the inspector general of police to arrest Muslim convert, K Pathmanathan @ Mohd Ridhuan Abdullah over a longstanding interfaith custody case Said that such orders reaffirms that only civil courts have jurisdiction over custody cases in a civil marriage even if one party later converts to Islam. 20

Gerakan Youth supports Azalina s warning against foreign interference in domestic legal affairs Andy Yong: Government and Bar Council should hold dialogue on proposed amendments to LPA 1976 (20-07-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Echoed Azalina s statement that foreign parties should refrain from interfering in Malaysia s legal affairs as it is an intrusion of sovereignty and lack of respect towards Malaysia as a country. The government should reconsider the proposed amendments to LPA 1976, a serious dialogue session must take place between the Bar Council and the government or Azalina regarding the proposed amendments to LPA 1976 in order to clear the air. Supportive of the only amendment proposed in the Bill in relation to direct election of office bearers at the AGM of the Bar Council and at the State Bar. Dominic Lau: Police has overreacted in the high-profile arrest of rapper Namewee over his controversial MV (22-08-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Namewee is a public figure, it is believed that he would fully cooperate with the police if the police summons him for questioning. As such, the arrest was unnecessary. Stressed that he comments on issues based on facts. Previously, he had also slammed Namewee for uttering vulgar language in his MV. But this time, he just disagree with police s action of detaining Namewee. 21

Gerakan Youth proposes further law amendments to reflect separation of powers (26-08-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) It is also high time for the federal government to reconsider into other significant changes such as amendment to Article 121 (1) of the Federal Constitution. In addition to the amendment of the LRA, I think it is also necessary to amend Article 121(1A) as one may still argue that the supreme law takes precedent over the LRA. Gerakan welcomes government proposal to amend law solving religious conversion issues Mah Siew Keong: Law amendment will put an end to religious conversion controversies and ameliorate interfaith relations (28-08-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Welcomed the announcement by Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak revealing that the government will table a proposal to amend the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 in the next Parliament sitting in October. Most of the party s recommendations in a memorandum on religious conversion issues submitted earlier in January 2016 to the government have been agreed by PM Najib and will be incorporated in the proposal for law amendment. 22

ANTI-CORRUPTION Gerakan is a staunch advocator of integrity and transparency, we have been known for our clean record and a strong position against all forms of corruption and power abuse. The party always plays an active role in our anti-corruption campaign from time to time, we are the only credible party to run the campaign without public questioning. We constantly speak up against questionable incidents without fear or favour and demand investigation as well as action. We support greater empowerment and independence of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in its mission to eradicate corruption. Federal and state governments are constantly reminded of their responsibility to ensure good governance, accountability and most of all corruption-free. We have always been vocal to call for stringent laws to fight political and systemic corruption. It is utmost important to have public awareness and support in this fight against corruption. Speak on corruption allegations on Federal and State levels without fear or favour Advocate for greater transparency and better corruption curb over cost-cutting measures introduced in the civil service level Call for the removal of politicking from corruption cases and avoid trial by the media Call for greater empowerment and independence for MACC Maintain that corruption is corruption regardless of amounts involved Support the tabling of the Special Committee on Corruption s (JKMR) to the Parliament in regard to its recommendations on curbing corruption in the country 23

Gerakan echoes JKMR s call to realize recommendations on anti-corruption Cheah Soon Hai: It must not be treated as mere procedural exercise (8-12-2015, Cheah Soon Hai) Voiced his support to Special Committee on Corruption s (JKMR) call to realize its recommendations, especially law amendments on corruption to be tabled in Parliament as soon as possible. The tabling of JKMR Report with its latest 2014 edition must be given due attention and consideration as it reflects our commitment to fight against corruption and not merely a procedural exercise. Gerakan Wanita concerns on Malaysia s slide in Corruption Perception Index 2015 Tan Lian Hoe: Restore credibility to the institution and system to stem public disapproval and apathy (29-1-2016, Tan Lian Hoe) Malaysia s slide in the CPI 2015 spells the necessity to step up the country s efforts to root out corruption. Believed the country s slip in the CPI 2015 shows that anti-corruption efforts failed to evoke public resonance and rectification action must be taken to address the apathy. 24

Andy Yong: Curb corruption is better than cut allowance (10-03-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Though the recent cost-cutting measures for the civil service is commendable, what is more important or should be given priority is to curb corruption among the civil servants MACC should be given more independence, resources and manpower. Andy Yong: Should Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng be investigated? (22-03-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Public servants obtaining any valuable things from a person he knows and that the purchase sum given was known by him to be inadequate could be charged under Penal Code (Act 574) Section 165 25

Gerakan urged Lim Guan Eng to explain to the people his bunglow scandal Baljit Singh: corruption is corruption regardless of the amounts involved (22-03-2016, Baljit Singh) Urged Lim Guan Eng to explain to the people his bunglow scandal. A good deal is a good deal but no one should take advantage of his political position to get that deal. Corruption is corruption, be it RM1, RM1 million or RM1 billion Gerakan calls for independent evaluation of house value Mah Siew Keong: Let property evaluation takes place and cut out unnecessary politicking (22-03-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Needed real facts and fair accessment Urged to invite an independent property experts or valuers to do a profession evaluation on the actual market price of the bungalow 26

Gerakan urges DAP stop the blame game on LGE s bungalow scandal Baljit Singh: Be a gentleman and own up (30-03-2016, Baljit Singh) Does that suggest that DAP members to not being subjected to any investigation or else it will be seen as prosecution? Urged Chow to stop accusing BN for framing Lim Guan Eng simply because Chow has run out of excuses to defend his Lim. Lau Hoe Chai: Feng Shui not the main argument in Lim s bungalow scandal (30-03-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Slammed Teresa Kok to stop justifying Lim Guan Eng s alleged wrongdoing. Feng Shui was never the main argument of the issue, but rather it was why and how Lim managed to purchase the bungalow at unreasonably low prices, far below the current housing prices in Penang. Urged Lim to own up and take responsibility, allowing the authorities to start investigation immediately. 27

Gerakan s Baljit Singh opines Lim Guan Eng and Rahman Dahlan debate unnecessary Baljit Singh: Let the authorities handle this (08-04-2016, Baljit Singh) Felt that the debate between Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minsiter Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng on the sale of the Taman Manggis land is unnecessary as the case is under MACC and police investigation. Gerakan s Kohilan urges PKR assemblyman to clarify on alleged embezzlement Kohilan: Stop deafening silence but to face public questioning (11-04-2016, Kohilan) Urged Xavier Jayakumar to make public clarification on the allegation made against him as an assemblyman because the public especially his constituents have the right to know about what was happening with honesty and clarity. Urged Xavier Jayakumar and PKR state leadership to stop their deafening silence on the issue but to face public questioning on allegation of embezzlement by offering public clarification. 28

Dominic Lau: PKR s Rafizi should make immediate report to MACC (24-05-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Any evidence or information of the alleged corrupt practices should be reported to the MACC for further investigation and hold them responsible for their wrongdoings Called on MACC to take the initiative to start official investigation on allegations of graft in the Selangor state government as claimed by Rafizi and promptly seek his cooperation. Gerakan urges calm over Penang CM s arrest over corruption allegations Baljit: MACC fulfilling public expectation by taking necessary action after internal investigations (30-06-2016, Baljit Singh) The law must take its course and everyone who violates the law of the land must answer before a court of law. Believed procedural fairness protects the rights and interests of both Lim and Phang will be ensured to enhance public confidence in the process. Called on all parties to remain calm and reflection on the part of DAP. 29

Dominic Lau: DAP s action was obviously double standard by the party towards corruption cases (01-07-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Does that imply DAP leaders are above the law? Or whenever they are charged in court it must be political persecution against them, while BN leaders are charged in court because they deserve it? The people should consider whether or not they should continue supporting a political party with such a double standard. Gerakan Youth disagrees with Bar Council s statement saying LGE s leave premature Andy Yong Kim Seng: Lim s continuation as CM may enable him to influence state government in official papers and potential witnesses (13-07-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) The Malaysian Bar Council must be independent and impartial. It is utmost important for Bar Council to remain apolitical in order to affirm integrity and best serve its statutory duties and responsibilities as stated under the Legal Profession Act. Lim Guan Eng s continuation as CM may enable him to influence the state government in terms of official papers or potential witnesses, it will affect the integrity of the office of CM and Penang state government. 30

GOOD GOVERNANCE Gerakan has always been vocal in stressing the importance of good governance in public institutions. We believe that a good governance is requisite for a mature democracy and progressive society. The party continues to put strong emphasis on competency, professionalism and integrity in the public sector. We have been constantly speaking up against any instance of poor governance and ill-conceived policies at federal, state and local levels. We always hold that public interest and welfare must be prioritized in governmental decisionmaking and implementation. Populist, unjustified and counterproductive policies should be stopped by welcoming greater public scrutiny and internal monitoring. Condemn Selangor state government s selfishness in ignoring public protest by Selangorians in proposed highway projects Call for MHA to prioritize public interest over corporate profits in highway and toll regulations Condemn Penang state government dishonesty and ambiguity over the state public transportation mega project and its subsequent impact on the state s UNESCO status Welcome the government s timely clarification on the dress code policy Call for apolitical Bank Negara to preserve integrity and independence of the central bank Call for a delay in the raising of airport tax and PLUS highway toll hike 31

Gerakan Wanita welcomes no dress code policy for public at government offices Toh Bee Ling: Public service frontliners must demonstrate conformability and strict adherence to policy (05-11-2015, Toh Bee Ling) Lauded the clarification from government as a much needed response to end the dress code controversies. We must respect women s right to dress freely albeit conforming to public decency. Urged the government to issue a clear and unambiguous directive to all government offices, departments and agencies to prevent future recurrence. Selangor Gerakan: State government shows true colours David Ang Chin Tat: Unapproved highways, DEIG trick and water tariffs hike (12-11-2015, David Ang Chin Tat) Azmin Ali who has ran out of ideas has started to show his true colours, tricks as employed by the state government will not escape from public scrutiny. After its water restructuring announcement, followed by the acquisition of water concessionaires and now the announcement of hike in water tariffs. Urged Selangorians to see the true colours of the state government. 32

Gerakan calls for empathy and remedial plan on transportation fare hikes Dominic Lau: Government should consider options to mitigate the impacts on people (16-12-2015, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) It is ill-timed to raise airport tax now and agreeing to PLUS highway toll hike as the people are under tremendous financial pressure and complain following a series of public transportation fare hikes. The government should consider options such as deferment of increase in airport tax or to subsidise it for socio-economic reasons. Lim Guan Eng must come clean on Nasrudin Hassan defamation settlement (25-01-2016, Liang Teck Meng) These desperate approaches to Nasrudin Hassan and Lim Guan Eng s acceptance of a small RM10,000 cost award without any award for damages, runs counter to Lim Guan Eng s past track record of pursuing court cases towards its conclusion and his previous awards of hundreds of thousands of ringgit damages. As these allegations by Nasrudin Hassan are serious and will affect the future financial security of Penang and the well-being of the Penang rakyat, he urge Lim Guan Eng to come clean on his court settlement arrangement. 33

Ignoring voices of concern from anti-dash group Elizabeth Wong fails to follow up with public complaints (15-02-2016, David Ang Chin Tat) Pointed out that Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong continues to show her indifference despite facing numerous pleas for help from concerned local residents on DASH project. Andy Yong criticizes Liew Chin Tong s impractical idea on prefabricated construction method (17-02-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Rebutted Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong over an article published in Malaysiakini today commenting on Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin s remarks defending Deputy Prime Minister Dato Seri Zahid Hamidi s plan to bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers. Said Liew failed to take note of the realistic conditions on the ground but to offer lofty and smart ideas that may prove impractical. 34

Gerakan echoes call on a politics-free Bank Negara Mah Siew Keong: Institutional integrity and independence of Bank Negera must be preserved to ensure healthy discharge of duties (18-02-2016, Mah Siew Keong) He felt strongly that the institutional integrity and independence of central bank must be preserved to ensure healthy discharge of its institutional duties to promote monetary and financial stability of the country. He stressed that the supervisory, regulatory and intermediary roles of Bank Negara cannot be eroded with the breaching of partisan influence and interest into the central bank through new appointment. Elizabeth Wong challenged to disclose logging contracts Azmin s clear inconsistency before and after assuming MB (26-2-2016, David Ang Chin Tat) Urged the Selangor government to stop giving out excuses for their serious lack of transparency in contracts issuing to two logging companies. The state government should not run away from public questioning and must disclose all related details to adhere to its slogan of integrity and transparency governance. 35

Dominic Lau Hoe Chai: Orphanage and old people house to get government allocations and subsidies by applying to the JKM (01-03-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Urged all orphanage and old people house which had not registered to the Department of Social Welfare (JKM) to quickly do so in order to obtain government subsidies and allocation Gerakan would assist the Centre to speed up its application to the JKM Elizabeth Wong continues to shut door for Say No To Dash (SNTD) Azmin Ali urged to compel missing assemblywoman address public complaints (21-03-2016, David Ang Chin Tat) Slammed Selangor state government for keep ignoring Say No To Dash (SNTD) (Damansara-Shah Alam Elevated Expressway) s request by insisting to keep the controversial DASH project going. Selangor state government s people-view first pledge is not more than just a window dressing. 36

Azmin Ali and Elizabeth Wong s betrayal against people well-proven Selangor state government slammed for sacrificing forest reserves for highway project (23-03-2016, David Ang Chin Tat) Slammed the Selangor state government s continued ignorance of public views and deceiving the people. The Selangor government had promised to not build new highways in their election manifesto. Urged the Selangor state government to disclose any gains from the purported deals and disclose contents of the agreement. DAP Must Stop Attacking The Media And Respect The Investigators (29-03-2016, Liang Teck Meng) DAP fights for freedom of the press and freedom of expression when it is in their interests but when they are on the receiving end, they cry foul. DAP s double standard. Called on DAP to stop prejudicing investigations into the bungalow scandal by suggesting that the police is intimidating Miss Phang Li Koon simply by asking to interview her in relation to her hasty statutory declaration which some people have cast doubts on. 37

DASH project confirmed going, where are you Elizabeth Wong? Gerakan urged Wong to stop playing hide-and-seek behind press statement (30-03-2016, David Ang Chin Tat) Challenged the Selangor EXCO cum Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong who is also in charge of Selangor Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment to stand out and meet the Say No To Dash (SNTD) group and offer reasonable explanation, after DAP Sekinchanassemblyman Ng Suee Lin admitted yesterday that the DASH project has already started Against their initial election manifesto of not building any expressways with toll collection. One good SD deserves another (07-04-2016, Liang Teck Meng) Impressed with Phang Li Koon s willingness to affirm a Statutory Declaration (SD) in support of the Penang Chief Minister over his under-priced bungalow scandal Urged Datuk Tang Yong Chew, the majority owner of Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre Sdn Bhd (KLIDC) to come out with a SD of his own too 38

Gerakan welcomes the tabling of PAC report on 1MDB in Parliament Mah Siew Keong: Unanimous and bipartisan PAC Report offers no grounds for further disparaging politicking (07-04-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Hoped no parties or individual politicians will again make deliberate misinterpretation taking the reports out of context to serve one s own political interests Believed that it is equally important to pursue and take corrective actions against the weaknesses in governance and decision-making of 1MDB and prevent recurrence in future high-value state investment fund Selangor Gerakan Youth calls on MHA to assert authoritative role in safeguarding the interest of highway users Chai Ko Thing: Highway concessionaires must put public interest above corporate profit (19-04-2016, Chai Ko Thing) MHA has sent a wrong message to the public that they are submissive to the concessionaires Called on MHA to assert its authoritative role to safeguard the interest of highway users. 39

Gerakan slams DAP s Ramasamy hypocrisy Kohilan: DAP should quit Selangor state government for sharing same meeting table with PAS Exco (27-05-2016, Kohilan) It was DAP who worked with PAS and consented to PAS pursuit of Hudud. DAP still shared the same meeting table with PAS EXCO in Selangor State Government. Challenged 3 DAP Selangor EXCOs to quit Selangor State Government to show consistency in their position against Hudud. Gerakan Strongly Condemns The Attempts To Avoid Public Scrutiny And The Arrogant Attacks On Free Speech By The Penang State Government Over The Penang Tunnel Project (11-06-2016, Liang Teck Meng) Shocked that the Penang State Government has resorted with such disdain and actions in response to honest and valid questions asked by many quarters about its RM6.34 billion tunnel mega-project which involves public funds and state land assets. Encourage the Penang State govt to accept Gerakan s challenge of a televised public debate on this Penang Tunnel project to clear the air. 40

Gerakan veep urges Lim Guan Eng to go on leave as Penang CM Kohilan: Go on leave to preserve the integrity and stature of the office (30-06-2016, Kohilan) Urged Lim Guan Eng to go on leave as Penang Chief Minister until ongoing trials are completed. It is imperative for the state government to function without confusion and disruption and this is compromised by having a leader that is currently undergoing trial on charges of corruption. Apart from maintaining governance efficiency, it is also important for Lim to take voluntary leave as to preserve the integrity of the office of the Chief Minister of Penang. Gerakan condemns DAP s snap polls proposal as referendum on LGE s corruption charges Mah Siew Keong: Snap Polls an unnecessary distraction, Guan Eng should take leave and clear his name (12-07-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Questioned did DAP suggest that judicial proceedings on similar charges in future can be one circumvent and escape judgement by means a court of law by holding snap elections. The intention to use snap polls as a referendum on Lim s case was purely political and the Penang state government showed little concern on huge human and financial costs involved in holding snap polls. 41

Penang Gerakan maintains snap polls unnecessary Oh Tong Keong: Let the court proves Lim Guan Eng s innocence (12-07-2016, Oh Tong Keong) Expressed his support for Gerakan National President YB Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong who has voiced his disagreement with DAP s proposal to use snap polls as a referendum for the public to make a stand on corruption charges against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. The corruption charges against Lim were his personal legal issue, it should not be borne by all Penangnites. Stressed that Penang Gerakan is firmly against snap polls as it is not in the best interest of the state. Dominic Lau: LGE does not equal Penang, DAP s snap polls idea is wasting resources (12-07-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Slammed DAP for abusing elections to serve its own political agenda and not hesitate to use resources from both state and federal governments to gauge public support towards a single individual. The court will make a fair judgment and vindication if Lim Guan Eng is truly innocent. 42

Gerakan condemns DAP s snap elections proposal as unnecessary distraction to LGE s pending trial Mah Siew Keong: Penang Gerakan ready for snap elections (20-07-2016, Mah Siew Keong) Despite it is democratically legitimate for all states to call for their own state elections, DAP must not take public support for granted and treat elections as an opportunistic tool to subvert the legal process. This attempt is pure political opportunism. DAP is setting a dangerous precedent that the pending trial of a government leader can be neutralized or challenged through elections, it is not in the best interest of the country and the people. Mah Siew Keong: Calling off snap polls after the mess created does not make DAP a hero (01-08-2016, Mah Siew Keong) DAP should not have made the proposal in the first place as it was an act of political opportunism to seek political gains from outpouring public sentiment in Lim s pending corruption trial and dispute legal processes. Lim Guan Eng and DAP leaders who were responsible for bringing unnecessary confusion, anxiety and uncertainty to Penangnites and state administration deserve collective condemnation. Hoped Penangnites will not forget how DAP has taken their support for granted and brought unnecessary troubles all because selfish attempts to tighten grip on power. 43

Gerakan rebukes Penang state government s refutation against Penang Forum s letter to Unesco Dominic Lau Hoe Chai: Legitimate concern by Penang NGOs should be heeded by the state government (16-08-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Criticizes Lim s arrogant response on the incident by painting the Penang Forum in a bad light and selfvictimization. Lim Guan Eng as Penang Chief Minister should heed legitimate public concern and offer explanation Called on Penang state government to review PTMP and must work within the ambit or framework set by Unesco s Operational Guidelines of the World Heritage Convention. 44

EDUCATION Gerakan has been an active advocator for fair access to quality education. We will continue to support mother tongue education and defend vernacular school as an important asset to our country. We are always striving towards the recognition of Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as we believe that education should not be politicized or racialized. This is also consistent with our efforts in talent retention to create quality human resources for the country. We express concern over the impact of budget revision on bursary programs and scholarships and firmly believe that education should not become the sacrifices of economic turn time. Rather, education should always promote excellence of humanity and knowledge, which serves to unite the people by fostering educated civilization. Strive for the UEC recognition Call on all parties to depoliticize education Support socially inclusive education system where mother tongues are taught in all schools on equal footing Education should not be sacrificed despite economic down time Call for the internalizing of parental roles in Dual Language Programme (DLP) as a concrete model of local participation and capacity building in education Call on PTPTN to review decision on funding cuts for students 45

Lau Hoe Chai: MOE must consider recognizing UEC (30-10-2015, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Urged the Education Minister to look into the matter instead of blatantly rejecting it. Mahdzir should discuss the matter of recognizing UEC with experts and Dong Zong, and solve all technical difficulties in order for UEC to fulfill all the requirements of being recognized. Gerakan suggests thorough review on cause of medical dropout Lau Chin Hoon: Set up dropout transition program to support medical field (13-11-2015, Lau Chin Hoon) Called on the government to carry out a thorough review on the cause of medical dropout. Suggested that systemic and administrative flaws in learning institutions, medical schools and the overall standards of medical education in the country should be re-examined. 46

Gerakan welcomes effort to maintain universities fees Lau Chin Hoon: Autonomous universities must ensure affordable fees (07-12-2015, Lau Chin Hoon) Welcomed the government s announcement that there will be no hike in public universities fees. Gerakan hopes affordable higher education will continue to be provided to all Malaysians. Also called on the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) to review its decision in November 2014 to reduce the amount of funding for students in higher learning institutions for 5-15%. Gerakan Youth supports call for socially inclusive education system Andy Yong: Integrated trilingual teaching in primary schools enhances the building of Bangsa Malaysia (22-02-2016, Andy Yong Kim Seng) Supported the idea that gradually moving away from vernacular schools is the way forward to create a more integrated Malaysian society. Different cultures and mother tongues are common heritage that should be allowed to thrive and taught in all schools on equal footing. 47

Chong Sin Woon asked to explain over non-chinese literate Deputy Headmaster assigned to SMJK Yuk Choy (01-03-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Regretted the news that a non-chinese literate Indian Deputy Headmaster has been assigned to SMJK Yuk Choy in Ipoh. Pointed out that incidents where Chinese illiterate teachers allocated to SJKC or SMJK schools keep repeating, and this will cause the Chinese society to misunderstand Barisan Nasional and affect the eventual support rate. Find out the root cause to avoid the same thing from happening again. Dominic Lau: Granting of scholarships, bursaries and loans should not be affected by economic downturn (08-03-2016, Dominic Lau Hoe Chai) Urged the Public Service Department (JPA) to announce scholarships allocated for pre-university courses as soon as possible, so that students are able to better chart their future education plans and stop worrying about furthering their studies. Even if the government wishes to cancel bursary scholarships, it should not affect current batch of students, as their examinations started before the budget revision and it is unfair for them to be denied scholarships. 48

Gerakan proposes internalizing parental roles into DLP Lau Chin Hoon: Students choice and flexibility must be given due consideration (12-04-2016, Lau Chin Hoon) Welcomed the Education Ministry s initiative to implement the Dual Language Programme (DLP) as a concrete model of local participation and capacity building in education. Maintained that ample spaces and flexibility were required for fair and efficient implementation of the programme. 49

ECONOMICS Amid strong economic challenges and global uncertainties, Gerakan remains confident over the country s strong fundamentals. In fact, the government has shown high discipline and commitment towards the continued improvement of the country s fiscal status. We welcome extra vigilance in monetary policy and a prudent budget. In these trying times, Gerakan has been committed than ever in advocating fair, equitable and progressive economic policies with strong emphasis on fair distribution of the nation s wealth. We also support greater social safety net as part of the government s mitigating efforts to improve public welfare and standard of living. Gerakan continues to be a party that fights for the lower middle class with unconventional proposals and initiatives while remains supportive of government s ongoing efforts in this respect. Support an inclusive, balanced and people-oriented budget for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion Welcome government allocation of soft loans for Chinese SMEs Call for the authority to look into AG report and allocate funds according to more prudent spenders Welcome the implementation of minimum wages Support the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) challenge towards youth on 3D jobs 50